Help me please …………………….


Answer 1


noun - face

verb - draw

adverb - easily

adjective - happy


noun: person, place, thing, or animal

verb: an action

adverb: describes/modifies/ adds on to a verb

adjective: describes/modifies/ adds on to a noun

Related Questions

Can someone help me with these?


Answer: d,j,c

I have no explanation

15. A
16. J
17. D
I hope this helps :)

Help me!!
Write a summary about this essay.
"Children appear to enjoy playing video games, and while there are undoubted benefits, various negative effects stem from this too. Let us consider the main issues, and then outline possible remedies. Perhaps the major physical problem is the sedentary lifestyle which these games encourage, meaning that youngsters may incline to obesity or inadequate development. Added to this is the strain on eyesight resulting from excessive use of screens and consoles, meaning that children may suffer symptoms of poor vision. There are also concerns about impairment of reflexes due to the repetitive nature of the hand muscles when playing these games, and about the poor diet of convenience food which often accompanies this lifestyle. The most alarming psychological impact of such activities is possibly the risk of addiction, meaning that children become obsessed with the games and are unable to socialise with family or peers. This undermines their interpersonal skills and makes them underperform both academically and socially.
Turning to possible solutions, perhaps the immediate step would be to promote a more active lifestyle through exercise regimes or sports programmes which would help to detoxify the lifestyles of children affected. This could be done through sponsorship of sports, or participation in competitive events such as races or matches, hopefully ameliorating the physical effects of excessive games use. Potential remedies for the danger of mental addiction may be, firstly, an initiative to raise awareness of the risks of the situation, for example through health warnings on games packaging or through high-profile spokespersons spreading such a message. For example, if sports champions or figureheads speak out about these dangers, the message may well get through to children.
To sum up, the risks posed by excessive gaming are connected to an unhealthy lifestyle and the possibility of dependency on the activity. Possible answers might involve stronger education about the dangers and the health benefits of more active pursuits."


A SUMMARY simply means a short account of an event which concentrates mainly on the key points of events.

The passage above mainly highlights the effects and remedies of indulging in video playing games ;

• The effects of video gaming are classed broadly into two: The PHYSICAL such as obesity , vision and reflex impairment. And the PSYCHOLOGICAL aspect which is addiction.

• The physical effects could be curtailed by indulging in regular exercise regimes and proper risk awareness would help curtail mental addiction.

The summary of the passage above is presented in the two bulleted points with the effects in one and the remedy in the second.

Learn more:

Your principal retired from service and your school is organizing a send-off party,as the senior prefect of the school write a farewell speech you will deliver on the day




The Chairman, The Principal that is going on retirement, The Vice Principals, The HODs, The Teaching and Non Teaching Staff, The Parents and My Fellow Colleague.

It is a great opportunity for me Dada Moyinoluwa the senior prefect of iju Senior Grammar School to address you on this important occasion of our beloved principal and mother in person of Mrs Adegboye on her retirement.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with only one step, the journey of 35 years in service has come to an end today, Not all that you started together are retiring today, some might have fallen, some may be in the hospital, Some may be dead but we thank God over your life and that of your family. We cannot but mention your achievement we may not know what you have done in where you are coming from but the ones we have seen here we can't but mention them e.g The solar system, The standing fan with battery, the principal cup and other competitions this school has went for and the amazing prizes the students have won for the school, it was during your regime that all this prizes were won. Bravo to you ma.

As a mother you have decided to Greet us as 'Good morning my little angel' As a principal you are leading us to the right path, teaching us the right way, and bringing us up in a Godly way you always share the word of God with us, instruct us, a principal like you is hard to find because you are treating us as if you are the one who gave birth to us I say again Bravo to you ma because you are a wonderful and nice mother.

You have served the government for 35 years now it is time for the government to serve you, I pray that government will serve you more than 35 years in Jesus name and as you are collecting your pension from the government you wont spend it on sickness in Jesus name. You shall not retire to the hands of sickness and death in Jesus name, you shall enjoy your retirement and eat the fruit of your labour in Jesus name. Amen.

On behalf of my colleagues I wish you a happy retirement.

Moyinoluwa Dada

What is meaning of critical ​


expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgements.

Hope it helped :)


expressing adverse or disapproving comments or judgments.


Inclined to criticize severely and unfavorably His critical temperament cost him several friends.Consisting of or involving criticism critical writings.Relating to the judgment of critics The play was a critical success.

hope it helped

Milestones are usually what?
O adjustments
O intermediate goals
O career goals
O financial goals



intermediate goals


a milestone is something that is accomplished or needs to be accomplished




What was a goal of the League of Women Vote



The league states that it has over 500,000 members and supporters. The League of Women Voter's primary purpose is to encourage voting by registering voters, providing voter information, and advocating for voting rights.


the leagueof a woman voters began as a mighty political experiment aimed to help newly enfranchised woman exercise their responsibilities as a voter

6. Write the missing adjectives. (1) Good younger (71) The boy is than him​



The boy is younger than him


tha boy younger than him

Which of the following passages best supports O'Brien's message that blame
and guilt were universal in Vietnam?
A. In Vietnam, too, we had ways of making the dead seem not quite
so dead. Shaking hands, that was one way. By slighting death, by
acting, we pretended it was not the terrible thing it was.
B. "I felt sort of guilty almost, like if I'd kept my mouth shut none of it
would've ever happened. Like it was my fault."
Norman Bowker looked out across the wet field.
"Nobody's fault," he said. "Everybody's."
C. There were twenty-seven bodies altogether, and parts of several
others. The dead were everywhere. Some lay in piles. Some lay
D. There were Christians among us, like Kiowa, who believed in the
New Testament stories of life after death. Other stories were
passed down like legends from old-timer to newcomer.



Sorry to say but we need the passage for it so that we can answer your question


What is an advantage of using destructive reasoning ?


It's a quick way to draw conclusion without taking a lot to elaborate

Write an essay on war and peace in about 150 words.​



According to Wikipedia "War is an intense armed conflict between states, governments, societies, or paramilitary groups such as mercenaries, insurgents, and militias. It is generally characterized by extreme violence, aggression, destruction, and mortality, using regular or irregular military forces. "

Peace is "... a concept of societal friendship and harmony in the absence of hostility and violence. In a social sense, peace is commonly used to mean a lack of conflict and freedom from fear of violence between individuals or groups."

In conclusion War and peace are opposites of each other and barely ever go well together in most cases.There are wars for peaces in many aspects and peace for war in others.For example a war to free women and children while making gender something that doesn’t mater, peace treaties and peace contracts to restrain any sort of war or disturbances in a certain place or country at any point.


Try docs tools word count for the word count and grammarly for plagiarism

A.) Antonym
B.) Characteristic
C.) Type
D.) Synonym​



A. Antonym


It can't be synonym because it would be correct but in this case it's Antonym because..peace does not mean war..its the opposite which is what an antonym is.

suggest and motivate at least four ways by which these farming methods could be made humane​


Availability of raw materials for farmers

provision of fund raise for farmers to promote their business

Educating farmers on modern tools that help in development of agriculture

Mario and Judith is studying for a upcoming science exam



i'm not sure what the question is. If it is to correct the grammar given, then it would be Mario and Judith are studying for an upcoming science exam.

The Problem Solving Plan is a method to
A. show all your work in math.
B. give an example of a real-life problem.
C. make solving a word problem easier.
D. check to see if your answer is reasonable.





i think it's to make solving a word problem easier.

I hope this helps and sorry if it's wrong

I felt approaching footsteps. stretched out my hand as
supposed to my mother. Someone took it, and I was
caught up and held close in the arms of her who had come
to reveal all things to me, and, more than all things else, to
love me.
Helen Keller, The Story of My Life
Which word from the passage provides a clue a to the type of narration being
A. mother
B. me
C. someone
D. love





It is first person and me is when you tell something from your point of view.

Hope it helps c:

D. Love is the answer. love is always the answer.

What is one possible theme of the poem by william shakerspeare sonnet 73


I believe that this sonnet is centralized on the process of aging… so i think the best possible theme is ‘Age’


Loved ones should spend as much time together as possible because life fades away quickly.


According to the answer above, I believe this option would make the most sense. I could be wrong though, so here are the other options:

1. A dying person is associated with the elements of nature and the hope that they will be loved.

2. The power of love can cause even the old and dying to become young and vital again.

3. Loved ones should spend as much time together as possible because life fades away quickly.

4. Aging is compared to autumn, the sunset, and a dying fire.

However, I also believe that it couldn’t be 1 or 4 because those aren’t themes, and instead they’re like quick little summaries. So it has to be either 2 or 3, and like I said, I’m leaning more towards 3 :)

A P E X. L E A R N I N G

Could you please help with a Thesis?? Thesis statement for the Impact of WWII on American Literature​


Thesis: American Literature has been impacted by many things. But nonetheless, WWII had one of the biggest impacts.

Then start writing why it left an impact-this part isn’t your thesis. Then, you’re gonna write your body paragraphs. At the end, when writing your conclusion, restate your thesis that I wrote up at the top.

p.s if you don’t know how to write your thesis, try using words about the topic instead of reasons-since you’ll use the reasons in your body paragraphs. So instead of having your thesis be “American literature was impacted by WWII because….” Write something like I did at the top-hope that made sense haha.

What tone is Wordsworth using with the word in bold? (5 points)

They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;



I think the answer is joy

Answer: The answer is indeed C) Joy

Explanation: Make sure to thank bribri405 for answering first future brainlies! (Answered on 5/2/2022)

Change the following sentence into passive voice.
The platform allows users to post on walls, update their status, upload photos & videos, and comment on these posts.​



Users on the platform are allowed to post on walls, update their status, upload photos & videos, and comment on these posts.​


List three main rhetorical devices used in persuasive essays



Ethos, pathos and logos.

Aristotle spoke largely that rhetorical devices can be sorted into three forms. These are ethos, pathos and logos. Commonly these are known as the 3 pillars of persuasion or persuasive appeals. Often skilled persuaders will utilise all three forms in their speeches or writing.


ethos, pathos, logos


It means one's character, logic, and emotion.

3. Work in pairs. Look at these activities. Tell your partner which activities you often do. Why do you them?
cycle through the countryside
do crosswords
go far a long walk
work long hours
read a book
play computer games
run marathons
watch TV



The answers to this question may vary since it is a personal question. Below, you'll find an example:

I do crosswords almost every day. I think it helps keep my brain sharp.

I like to go for a long walk at least once a week. I enjoy exercising, and it is a nice break from staying indoors for so many hours every day.

I also enjoy reading books and playing computer games. I think those are activities that combine fun with knowledge.


When writing an answer to this question, you can choose an activity you do and think of how you feel while doing it. That will give you the explanation you need as to why you do it. For instance, instead of saying that you cook just because you like it, you can say that you enjoy the way people react when they eat your food.

change to active voice.
students witnessed a dramatic increase in the last decade ​



In the last decade dramatic increase was witnessed by the students

Write a P.I.E. Paragraph


Since This is For Ela, PIE stands for Persuade, Inform, and Entertain. Persuade is to get the reader to do something, like help try to stop global warming. Inform, is to tell people of what's happening, like penguins don't fly. Entertain, is to help people with their boredom, like fairytales.

what is the brai inside your braib inside hellokitys bum crack



18,098 square noodles



hellokitys+crack=square noodles

hope this helped :))

Which one word can you use to replace “liable to be called upon to account for his own actions


Accountable..One meaning is for one to meet an obligation or suffer the consequences for failing to do so. Hope this helps!:)

if what happen dose not make us richer, we must welcom it if it ....



if what happen dose not make us richer, we must welcom it if it makes us wiser.

The US Constitution establishes six-year term of members of the seMate in order to :



to allow senators to focus on long-term national issues.


To guarantee senators' independence from short-term political pressures, the framers designed a six-year Senate term, three times as long as that of popularly elected members of the House of Representatives. James Madison reasoned that longer terms would provide better stability.

Can you answer the attached question?


• hen
• horn
• hole
• tool
• love
• lee
• lose
• lion
• lost
• lion
• hen
• tool
• nose
• shirt

Looking at your present knowledge and evidence and trying to make assumptions based on them is an example of what type of language? A. Hypothetical B. Exploratory Speculative D. Blooking


Answer: B. Speculative


It is speculative because it’s looking at a possible perspective, if not that it’s hypothetical. If it’s for summer school just take the quiz twice

3. What career/job would you like to have given an opportunity?



Game design since I have always liked coding and creating games

Other Questions
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