Help me pls pls help me


Answer 1


F. 1/2

Step-by-step explanation:

If the ratio of team assistants to players are 1/6 and there are 36 players that means that there are 6 team assistants. If we do the ratio of coaches to assistant that would be 3/6 or F. 1/2

Related Questions

Three tennis balls that fit in cylindrical tennis ball cane. If each ball is 14 inches in diameter, what is the volume of air left between the balls and the cane​



Diameter of the tennis ball = 14 inches.

Three tennis balls are fit in a cylindrical tennis ball cane.

To find:

The volume of air left between the balls and the cane​.


Diameter of the tennis ball = 14 inches.

Radius of the tennis ball = 7 inches

Radius of tennis ball is equal to radius of cane. So,

Radius of the cane = 7 inches

Height of cane is:

[tex]3\times 14=42[/tex] inches

Volume of a ball is:

[tex]V_1=\dfrac{4}{3}\pi r^3[/tex]

Where, r is the radius of the ball.

So, the volume of 3 ball is:

[tex]V_2=3\times V_1[/tex]

[tex]V_2=3\times \dfrac{4}{3}\times \dfrac{22}{7}\times (7)^3[/tex]


Volume of the cane is:

[tex]V_3=\pi r^2h[/tex]

Where, r is the radius of the cane and h is the height of the cane.

[tex]V_3=\dfrac{22}{7}\times (7)^2\times 42[/tex]


Now, the volume of air left between the balls and the cane​ is:




Therefore, the volume of air left between the balls and the cane​ is 2156 cubic inches.

Mark dropped an object from a bridge 400 feet above ground level


i think the question is incomplete.Then what happened???? And what to find???

What is tan^-1(0.52)?
O A. 58.70
O B. 31.3
O C. 7210
OD. 27.50




Step-by-step explanation:

tan^-1(0.52) = 27.4744316° = 27.50

What conclusion can be derived by comparing the central tendencies of the two data sets?
A: (7, 6, 3, 1, 6, 2, 4, 6, 3, 5;
B: {2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 8, 7, 6}


A is the correct answer because u should know

I need help with this one, its too hard for me



<C + <D = < DEK

<D = 40

Step-by-step explanation:

The exterior angle is equal to the sum of the opposite interior angles

<C + <D = < DEK

60 + <D = 100

<D = 100 -60

<D = 40


[tex]m\angle C+m\angle D=m\angle DEK[/tex]

[tex]60+m\angle D=100[/tex]

[tex]m\angle D=100-60[/tex]

[tex]m\angle D=40[/tex]


Hope it helps...

how many units is 12x+16



I think the answer is 1/2

Step-by-step explanation:





What is the midline equation of the function h(x) = -4 sin (x- pi/4)



[tex]y = \boxed0[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

we are given a sin function

[tex] \displaystyle h(x) = - 4 \sin(x -\pi /4) [/tex]

we want to figure out the midline of the function graphically The midline of a sinusoidal function is the horizontal line that passes exactly in the midline of its extreme value however since we a function recall that,

[tex] \displaystyle f(x) = a \sin(bx -c) + d[/tex]

where the midline is

[tex]y = d[/tex]

to figure out the midline rewrite the function

[tex] \displaystyle h(x) = - 4 \sin(x -\pi /4) + 0[/tex]

therefore the midline is

[tex]y = \boxed0[/tex]

a recipe for a cake calls for 5 1/10 cups of sugar Anjali accidentally puts in 5 3/4 cups how much extra did she put




Step-by-step explanation:

I think not 100% on this but not so sure-

Subtract 5 1/10 from 5 3/4

5 3/4 - 5 1/10

• Subtract the whole numbers (5 and 5)

5 - 5 = 0

• LCM of the denominators (4 and 10)

= 13/20

She put an extra 13/20

Ming drew the model to represent the equation 24+12=_x(8+4). What is the missing value in Ming's equation 3 4 12 24



3 is the missing value

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]24 + 12 = \_ * (8 + 4)[/tex]


Complete the blank

The model is not given; but the question can still be solved.

We have:

[tex]24 + 12 = \_ * (8 + 4)[/tex]

Add 8 to 4

[tex]24 + 12 = \_ * 12[/tex]

Add 24 to 12

[tex]36= \_ * 12[/tex]

Divide both sides by 12

[tex]3= \_[/tex]

Rewrite as:

[tex]\_ = 3[/tex]

Hence, the blank will be completed with 3



Step-by-step explanation:

edg 2021

what is x: |3x-1| = 4


Step-by-step explanation:

here's the answer to your question

The correct answer is X= -1




4 weeks per level

Step-by-step explanation:

notice the pint (1,4)

the next is (2, 8)

meaning that in 4 weeks she completes 1 level and in 8 weeks she completes 2 levels.

Jasmine wants to use her savings of $1,128 to buy video games and movies. The total price of the movies she bought was $72. The video games cost $43 each. Choose the inequality that would be used to solve for the maximum number of video games Jasmine can buy with her savings. A 43 + 72x ≤ 1,128 B43 + 72x ≥ 1,128 C43x + 72 ≥ 1,128 D 43x + 72 ≤ 1,128




Step-by-Step Explanation:

You can mark out B and C because the amount of money they spend has to be less or equal to the amount of money they have.

A is wrong because we already know the total price for the movies. We know the price of the games are $43 each. X is the amount of game she can afford to get.

So in conclusion, D is the correct answer.

Evan tosses a ball from the roof of a building. The path of the ball can be modelled
by the following equations where h represents the height of the ball in meters and
t represents the time in seconds. Each equation below represents the EXACT same
path. Using the information you can obtain from these equations, answer the
following questions.
nu = -4(t + 1)(t-5)
h2 = -4/t - 2)2 + 36
hz = -4t? + 16 + 20
Draw a detailed SKETCH representing the path of the ball. Be sure to include titles
for your axes, appropriate scales, and critical points such as initial value, vertex and
roots of the parabola.



Please find attached sketch of the path of the ball, having plot area and plot points, created with MS Excel

Step-by-step explanation:


The equation representing the path of the ball obtained from a similar question posted online are;

h₁ = -4·(t + 1)·(t - 5), h₂ = -4·(t - 2)² + 36, h₃ = -4··t² + 16·t + 20

The above equations represent the same path

The equation, h₁ = -4·(t + 1)·(t - 5), gives the roots of the height function, h(t), used in determining the height of the ball after time t

At (t + 1) = 0 (t = -1) or at (t - 5) = 0 (t = 5), the ball is at ground level

The ball reaches the ground, is at ground level at t = 1, and at t = 5 seconds after being tossed, where h(t) = 0

The equation of the path of the ball in vertex form, y = a·(x - 2)² + k, is h₂ = -4·(t - 2)² + 36, where, by comparison, we have;

The vertex of the ball = The maximum height reached by the ball  = (h, k) = (2, 36)

The coefficient of the quadratic term, t², is negative, therefore, the shape of the parabola is upside down, ∩, shape

The sketch of the path of the ball created with MS Excel, used in plotting the vertex, the initial value and the root points of the parabola, through which the ball passes and joining of the points with a 'smooth' curve is attached

Sophia has 3 forths
of a turkey sub sandwich. She cut the sandwich into 2 equal portions to share with her friend. How much of the sandwich will each girl get?



Each girl will get 3/8 of a sub

Step-by-step explanation:

3/4 ÷ 2

Copy dot flip

3/4 * 1/2


Each girl will get 3/8 of a sub

Choose ALL of the ordered pairs that are solutions to the equation.
5y = 2x - 7
a) (6, 0)
b) ( 7, 21)
c) (8, 18)
d) ( -3, 4)


b) ( 7, 21)

Step-by-step explanation:





None of them

Step-by-step explanation:

a: 5*0=2*6-7 False

b: 5*21=2*7-7 False

c: 5*18=2*8-7 False

d: 5*4=2*-3-7 False

E(5,3) and F (2,-1) are two vertices of a square EFGH and H is in the x-axis .Find the coordinates of H and G. Please need answer quick with accurate explanation.​



coordinates of H = (1, 0)

Coordinates of G = ( - 3.6, -2) or (5.6, -2)

Step-by-step explanation:

E(5,3) and F (2,-1) are two vertices of a square EFGH and H is in the x-axis.

Let the coordinates of H is (x, 0) and G is (a, b).

The length of side EF is

[tex]EF = \sqrt{(5 -2)^2 + (3 +1)^2} = 5[/tex]


[tex]EH = \sqrt{(5 -x)^2 + (3 -0)^2} = 5\\\\(5 -x)^2+ 9 = 25\\\\5 - x = 4\\\\x = 1[/tex]


[tex]GH = \sqrt{(a -x)^2+ b^2} = 5\\\\(a -1)^2+ b^2 = 25\\\\a^2 + b^2 + 1 - 2 a = 25\\\\a^2 + b^2 - 2a = 24 .... (1)[/tex]


[tex]FG = \sqrt{(a -2)^2+ (b +1)^2} = 5\\\\(a -2)^2+ (b+1)^2 = 25\\\\a^2 + b^2 + 2b - 2 a = 20\\ ..... (2)[/tex]

Solving (1) and (2)

b = - 2 ,

[tex]a = \frac{2 \pm\sqrt{4 + 80}}{2}\\\\a = \frac{2 \pm 9.2}{2}\\\\a = - 3.6, 5.6[/tex]

Find the distance between (-5,5) and (2,-2)



The distance is 7[tex]\sqrt{2}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\huge\textsf{Hey there!}[/tex]

[tex]\large\textsf{The formula for \underline{distance between} is: }\mathsf{\sqrt{(x_2-x_1)^2 + (y_2 - y_1)^2}}[/tex]

[tex]\large\textsf{Whereas }\mathsf{x_2}\large\textsf{ is }\mathsf{2}\large\textsf{ and }\mathsf{x_1}\large\textsf{ is }\mathsf{ -5}\\\\\large\textsf{And also }\mathsf{y_2}\large\textsf{ is }\mathsf{ -2}\large\textsf{ and }\mathsf{ y_1}\large\textsf{ is }\mathsf{5}[/tex]

[tex]\mathsf{\sqrt{(2 - -5)^2+ (-2 + 5)^2}}\\\mathsf{2 - -5}\\\mathsf{= 2 + 5}\\\mathsf{= \bf 7}\\\\\mathsf{-2 + 5}\\\mathsf{= \bf -7}\\\\\mathsf{= \sqrt{(7)^2+ (-7)^2}}\\\\\mathsf{7^2}\\\mathsf{= 7\times7}\\\mathsf{= \bf 49}\\\\\mathsf{(-7)^2}\\\mathsf{= -7\times-7}\\\mathsf{= \bf 49}\\\\\mathsf{= \sqrt{49 +49}}\\\\\mathsf{49+49}\\\mathsf{=\bf 98}[/tex]

[tex]\mathsf{= \sqrt{98}}\\\mathsf{= 7\sqrt{2}}[/tex]

[tex]\boxed{\boxed{\large\textsf{Answer: }\mathsf{\bf 7\sqrt{2}}}}\huge\checkmark[/tex]

[tex]\large\textsf{Good luck on your assignment and enjoy your day!}[/tex]


Brainly to whomever solves these proportion questions! I will give brainly to whomever has the most detailed answer, but I WILL report unrelated and unhelpful questions ( the more reports you get, the quicker you get kicked of brainly - SO DON'T TRY ME)



a.) terry didn't line up the triangle correctly. 4/y = 20/18

b.) (20+16)/18

Step-by-step explanation:

for part a, you have to make sure the angles line up correctly (the angle with one tick mark lining up with the angle with one tick mark, the angle with two tick marks lining up with the angle with two tick marks, etc.)

for part b.) you just put the proportional lengths of the bigger triangle in for the lengths of the smaller triangle.

Pls help me this is my homework



34 match sticks (C)

please mark me as brainliest and pls someone answer my question also


Step-by-step explanation:

for first question your pattern is 3x+4 then 3(10)+4=34.. I mean your answer is part c

in second picture if your mean is 7 question, the answer is part 1. w=p/2_125 can not be the answer.

if your mean is 8 question, it's answer is point S. because x=5 &y=-25 then 5-(-25)=+30 it means point S.

but if your mean is the 6 question,it's answer is part means 3e+5c+2(1)

Please help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST


Answer: Jackie Robinson was an African American baseball player. He had accomplished-

He was well known for-

The rest is up to you :)

Im not very familiar on the story bc im in mid school but you can fill in the blanks i hope this helps you man :)

Step-by-step explanation:

Which represents the inverse of the function f(x) = 4x?
h(x) = X + 4
h(x) = x -4
h(x) = 3/4 x
h(x) = 1/4 x


Step-by-step explanation:

h(x) = 1/4 x

tha is the answer

Which function of x has the least value for they intercept?


The answer is 3x^2-6x+13

art I) 69% 2
Amelia is 1.5 m tall. She is standing in front of a tree. Her friend places a
mirror on the ground and moves it until Amelia can see the top of the tree.
The mirror is 4 m from Amelia and 12 m from the tree. How tall is the tree?



Step-by-step explanation:

this is a question about two similar triangles  , one is from  Amelia , the other is the tree.

1.5/4 = x/12

solve for x

4.5 = x

the tree is 4.5 meters tall

Find f(-2) for f(x) = 3 *2^x




Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) = 3 *2^x

Let x= -2

f(-2) = 3 *2^(-2)

     = 3 * 1/2^2

    = 3 /4


It is 3/4

Step-by-step explanation:




Yes Ella has enough to make 30 mince pies

Step-by-step explanation:

to make 36 mince pies you will need

400g of butter

500g of flour

300g of sugar

500g of mince meat

2 eggs

Ella has 1000g of butter

1000g of flour

500g of sugar

600g of meat

6 eggs

these ingredients are more than enough because


1000g-500g=500g flour

500g-300g=200g sugar

600g-500g=100g mince meat

6-1= 5 eggs

if she were to follow the 36 pie recipe, which is two times the 18 pie recipe

but like  I don't know, because it says a recipe for 18 mince pies, but in the box it says 12

Rationalise the denominator of
2√3 + 3√2/4√3 +√2



[tex]\frac{9+ 5\sqrt{6} }{23}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

2√3 + 3√2 *   4√3 -√2

4√3 +√2          4√3 -√2

multiply by conjugate

2√3 + 3√2 *   4√3 -√2      =       18 +10√6   = 9 +5√6  

4√3 +√2          4√3 -√2                   46                   23


Step-by-step explanation:

To rationalize the denominator, multiply the numerator and denominator by the conjugate of the denominator.

Conjugate of 4√3 + √2 is 4√3 - √2

(2√3 +3 √2)(4√3 - √2) = (2√3 * 4√3) - (2√3*√2) + (3√2*4√3) -(3√2*√2) {Use FOIL method}

= 8*3 - 2*√6+12√6 -3*2

= 24 -2√6 +12√6 - 6

= 24 - 6 + (-2+12)√6)

= 18 + 10√6

[tex]\frac{2\sqrt{3}+3\sqrt{2} }{(4\sqrt{3}+\sqrt{2} }\\\\=\frac{(2\sqrt{3}+3\sqrt{2})(4\sqrt{3}-\sqrt{2}) }{(4\sqrt{3}+\sqrt{2} )(4\sqrt{3}-\sqrt{2} )}\\\\=\frac{18+10\sqrt{6} }{(4\sqrt{3})^{2}-(\sqrt{2})^{2} }\\\\=\frac{18+10\sqrt{6} }{48-2}\\\\=\frac{18+10\sqrt{6} }{46}\\\\\\=\frac{2(9+5\sqrt{6} )}{46}\\\\=\frac{9+5\sqrt{6} }{23}[/tex]

help help help pls pls



abcd is a quadrilateral so ,

a is ( 0,-5 )

b is ( 2,-5 )

c is ( 1,-7 )

and d is ( 0,-7 )




36 units squared

Step-by-step explanation:

10 times 10 - 4 times 4  = 100-16 = 84, take the square root of 84 = 9.12 which rounds to 9, now that we found the height, we use the area of a triangle formula, A=bh/2, so the base is 8 times height 9 = 72 divided by 2 = 36

Round 832.078107648 to the nearest whole number



8.32*10^2 or


Step-by-step explanation:

Solve the system of equations.
6x – Зу = 3
-2x + y = 14
1.What number would you multiply the second equation
by in order to eliminate the x-terms when adding to the
first equation?
2.What number would you multiply the first equation by in
order to eliminate the y-terms when adding to the
second equation?



1. Multiply by 3

2. Multiply by 1/3

Step-by-step explanation:

6x - 3y = 3

-2x + y = -14

1. In order to eliminate the x-terms, they would both have to equal the same number with opposite signs (positive and negative). Since we are only touching the second equation, how can we get from 2 to 6? We can multiply 2 by 3 to get to 6 (negative 6 in the end.) This would result as follows:

6x - 3y = 3

-6x + 3y = 42

2. In order to eliminate the y-terns through multiplying with the first equation, we have to figure out how to make 3y into 1y. We can do this by adding its reciprocal, 1/3. 1/3 × 3 = 1. This would result as follows:

2x - y = 1

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