Help would be appreciated :)


Answer 1


energy use to keep cows and the other animals alive. and also manure management.

Related Questions


Which are examples of climate’s impact on the natural character of a location?


A. a year-long drought

B. solar radiation

C. the amount of total precipitation

D. accrued snowfalls in mountainous areas


Solar radiation is an example of climate’s impact on the natural character of a location. Thus option B is correct.

What is climate change ?

A long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns either by natural like changes in solar cycle or artificial level leads to climate change.

Artificial or man-made cause refers to burning fossil fuels which generates greenhouse gas and it act as a blanket covered over  the Earth by raising temperatures.

The two major greenhouse gases cause climate change includes carbon dioxide and methane.

These  gases comes from  gasoline use during car driving or coal for heating.

Deforestation also responsible for the release carbon dioxide where as Landfills for garbage are act as a  source of methane emissions.

Energy, transport, buildings, agriculture, industry and land are also the causative agents of climate change.

Thus option B is correct.

Learn more about climate , here:


Floodplains are hazardous areas and should be avoided when considering where to put farmlands. b. Early civilizations of Egypt, India, and China were established in river valleys and on floodplains. c. Use of the waters of major rivers, like the Colorado River, has not affected their size or discharge. d. If a dam is constructed properly, it will not change the ecosystem of the area it's in.


Sbj ia ia i haiqv iqgB. Iab

Địa điểm A có góc nhập xạ lúc 12giờ vào ngày 22/6 là 58°28'. Hãy xác định vĩ độ địa lý của A.​


80% is the sender jdusbeje

Name 3 Disadvantages of diversifying the local economy and revaaluate the role of the private sector.


The answer to the given question is explained as follows:

It discusses the disadvantages of a local economy whose diversity plays a vital role in private sector.

Local economy is diversified by shifting it from single income source to various income sources.

The disadvantages include,  

bad investment vehicles

Reduces quality

Market risks

Learn more at

Of the choices below, select the one that accurately pairs the feature with the type of plate boundary at which it occurs. a. Accretionary prisms occur at divergent boundaries. b. Black smokers occur at consuming boundaries. c. Median valleys occur at transform boundaries. d. Trenches occur at subduction zones.



d. Trenches occur at subduction zones.


A landform refers to a geomorphic or natural feature of the Earth's surface, which typically makes its terrain. Some examples of landforms on planet earth are mountain, plains, volcanoes, valley, hills and plateau.

Basically, the tectonic plates such as the oceanic and continental lithosphere interact in three (3) ways and these are; divergent, transform and convergent boundaries.

A convergent plate boundary can be defined as a boundary where two (2) plates move towards each other, usually, resulting in subduction or collision.

Simply stated, a subduction zone is an area where subduction occur.

Hence, it is a zone which represents the collision between the two (2) tectonic plates of planet Earth. Subduction zone occurs in countries such as Japan, Canada, Indonesia, Russia, Alaska, and around the Pacific Ocean.

Generally, subduction zones are responsible for high intensity earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis around the world.

As a result of subduction which causes a plate to be forced underneath the mantle, deep ocean trenches are formed such as the Mariana trench.

Which five cities are south of 30 N & west of 15 E?

Pleaseeeeeeee hwlpppp



First, find the lines 30 N and 15 E.

After finding those two lines, try and see what is the overlapping area.

In this case, it's the lower left corner. We see that the 5 cities are: Lima, Santiago, Dakar, Rio De Janeiro, and Mexico City.

Let me know if this helps!

This point is  Libya, so the cities could be in South America for example

So we have

Mexico City



Buenos Aires


Hope that helps

What type of galaxy is described as having an elongated center and spiraling arms?
Barred spiral



barred spiral


The galaxy which is described as having an elongated center and spiraling arms is a Barred spiral. Thus the correct answer is A.

What is Galaxy?

A galaxy is a large collection of planets, celestial bodies, gas, and particles. Gravity keeps a galaxy together. A big black hole also resides in the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way.

A spiral galaxy termed a barred spiral universe has a star-focused central bar structure. In almost two-thirds of spiral galaxies, streaks are present.

Stars no more revolve in circular orbits when a large barrel arises instead, the bar has bent the stars' orbits, which is causing them to move into more circular orbits that pass close to the center of the galaxy.

Therefore, option A Barred Spiral is the appropriate answer.

Learn more about Galaxy, here:


Which statement about water use is INCORRECT?
A. The United Nations estimates that 2.8 billion people lack sufficient access to clean water.
B. As the population increases, water scarcity and sanitation issues will also increase.
C. Because of their unsustainable practices, per capita water use in developing countries is far greater than in developed nations.
D. In some areas of the world, there is enough water, but people do not have enough money to purchase or dig wells to access it.
E. Middle Eastern nations are among the most water-stressed countries in the world.


The statement that is not true about water use is that the amount of water used in developing countries is higher than the one in developed nations (option B)

Water use is a term to refer to the use that is given to this natural resource in human societies. In recent years this has been an important subject of study because it is a non-renewable resource, alternatives are being sought to promote its reuse, limit its waste and protect the sources in which it is produced.

Recent studies affirm that an inhabitant of a developed country consumes about 300 liters per day, while a person from a developing or underdeveloped country consumes about 25 liters per day. This means people in underdeveloped countries consumes less water.

Moreover, this is related to lack of access in remote areas, less waste and less manufacturing.

Learn more in:

A student observes that an organism is green a valid conclusion that can be drawn from this observation is that



A valid conclusion that can be drawn from this observation is that. the organism cannot be single celled. 


hope this helped

I'd really appreciate a brainleast

4 ..not enough information is given to determine whether the organism is a plant or an animal

Ndica dos sinónimos de cada palabra que está a continuación: MENOSCABAR-TERGIVERSAR- REITERAR- CHARLAR - ALIÑADO *



Kindly, could you just right it in clear English way to be answer!?


please help mee i will mark you brainliest​



(a)saudi arabia relies on desalination

(b)am not so sure but I think the UK

I hope this helps

Which topographical region is known for dry climates, and cold night and warm days?
A . Coastal
B . Both Coastal and Mountains
C . Dry Aird
D . Mountains


I thinks it’s A

Hope this helps

The coastal region is known for dry climates, cold nights and warm days. Thus, option 'A' (Coastal) is the correct option.

What is coastal climate?

The Coastal Plain has a pleasant climate with warm summers and cool, rarely freezing winters. Seasonal high precipitation, especially around the coast. Although highs in the mid-90s are not uncommon during the dog days of summer, the average yearly high temperature is roughly 77 degrees.

Although the Coastal Plain regularly receives below-freezing temperatures, year-round averages are in the 50s. Coastal regions are already under pressure from human activity, pollution, invasive species, and storms. Climate change threatens these places. Sea level rise may erode, inundate, and destroy coastal habitats and wetlands.

Oceans that are warmer and more acidic are likely to disturb marine and coastal ecosystems. The Coast Ranges' climate is characterized by moderate, rainy winters in the north and cold, dry summers.

Therefore, option 'A' (Coastal) is the correct option.

Learn more about coastal climate, here:


What city is located 1 N, 10 E



Equatorial Guinea


aka the Equator!

Which of the following is the correct definition of renewable?

A. Something that cannot be reproduced.
B. Fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas.
C. Something located along a river or water source.
D. Something that can be re-grown or reproduced.


The correct definition of renewable is: Something that can be re-grown or reproduced. Renewable resources or energy sources are those that are replenished naturally or can be restored in a relatively short amount of time. Option D is the correct answer.

Renewable refers to resources or energy sources that are naturally replenished or can be regenerated over a relatively short period of time. These resources have the ability to be used repeatedly without being depleted.

Examples of renewable resources include solar energy, wind power, hydropower, biomass, and geothermal energy.

They can be harnessed or utilized without causing permanent damage to the environment and can be replenished through natural processes. Therefore, Option D is the correct answer.

For such more question on renewable:


informe que propone recomendaciones para seguir construyéndonos como país, revisado y editado​ m3 ayudan porfavor


Factors that contribute to nation building are good governance, a united and inclusive society and a flourishing business community.

Great nations with great and working economies we not built in a day, but took a number of concerted efforts over time between the government and its citizen to bring such nations into limelight and a beacon for others to follow. Recommendations for building up a great nation is centred on three factors viz:

1. Good governance

2. United and inclusive society

3. Cooperative business community.

These factors listed above are crucial because it produces a society that is united, can fend for itself and harmonized in tackling challenges that cuts across all sectors such as socioeconomic development, inequality etc...

With a prospering business community, especially in instances where small and medium scale businesses are allowed to flourish and develop to their full potentials, it is seen that the income inequality is quickly bridged, thus raising the standard of living of such countries and helping to eradicate poverty. This also boosts local manufacturing and subsequently international trade with other nations thus forming meaningful ties and allies.

A government vested on good and quality educational system not only creates a sense of belonging and national unity through school curriculum, but also to develop creative and progressive minds that get to form the very fabric of the nations' financial institutes, research institutes, civil workers, engineers, future teachers, businessmen and women etc.

A society that is more equal than it was yesterday, is always one step ahead towards the goal of nation building. This is true in all aspects; a nation has to be inclusive, accommodating, diverse,...with a government with a good developmental and sustainable plan to steer the nation forward in future times to come.

Here is a link to learn more about some factors that contribute to nation building:

How many points appear in this figure?


Answer:8 points

Explanation:and bc i did it


8 i don't know


how did scientist find out the different layers of the interior of the earth

(btw sorry I could not find science subject)​


By studying seismic waves

How do source of water gets polluted???


pouring chemicals and waste into the water is a good example of water pollution


The main point source of pollution to water is from sewage and waste water treatment, while for diffuse pollution, main sources are from farming and fossil fuel power plants (via the air).

what are tectonic plates​



Tectonic plates are pieces of land that connect together on the Earth's outer shell. You can think of them like a giant round puzzle that cover Earth underneath the ground. These pieces bump together and move, even though it is only a couple of centimeters a year.

Tectonic plates is a thing where the one tectonic plate is away from another tectonic plate

How many millibars of atmospheric pressure do we measure in a low pressure zones and a high-pressure zone



Isobars on Weather Maps

Isobars on Weather Maps Points above the 1000 mb isobar have a lower pressure and points below that isobar have a higher pressure.

describe the extraction and processing of Gold in the republic of South Africa​




Today, South Africa produces only 4.2% of the world's gold. In South Africa, mining for gold typically involves methods like panning, sluicing, dredging, hard rock mining and by-product mining.

Which of the following is not a place where hydrogen can be found on Earth?
A. Natural gas well
B. Water
C. Mine
D. Atmosphere



D. Atmosphere


D. Atmosphere


Hydrogen is found in great quantities on Earth combined with other elements, such as in water and hydrocarbons, but it is barely present in Earths atmosphere, which contains just 0.00005%.

(Q020) Diamonds a. are brought from the mantle to the surface in magma that hardens into kimberlite. b. are found in carrot-shaped structures called pegmatites. c. of industrial quality (non-gem quality) have no use and are usually discarded. d. are exceedingly rare, which is why their price is so high.



A. are brought from the mantle to the surface in magma that hardens into kimberlite


Diamonds are brought to the surface from the mantle in a magma that is known as the kimberlite. This kimberlites is rich in gases and it is an igneous rock that has the following minerals,olivine, phlogophite, serpentine etc.

The origination of diamonds in the mantle happens as carbon transformation occurs due to heat and pressure occurs. The kimberlite pipes and what brings the diamonds to the surface

1. Using your external protractor, what is the difference in longitude between Wake Island
and Ke Lae, HI? What is the time difference?



1,746 miles distance and 5 hours max


Wake island is an atoll island and is located in the western pacific ocean. It is northeast of Micronesia. Has an area of about 2.857 miles.

Identify the true statement. a. Climate does not affect the types of landforms created in a region. b. Water, ice, and/or air are agents of erosion. c. Strong rocks, counterintuitively, tend to slide and produce gentle slopes. d. If the rate of uplift exceeds the rate of erosion, the land surface subsides.


i think the correct answer would be b


Identify the true statement.


b. Water, ice, and/or air are agents of erosion.

What are the solutions to overcome problems caused by fold mountains?​



They form when two plates with landmasses on them move towards each other.

The plates push layers of accumulated sediment in the sea into folds between them.

This becomes a fold mountain range.

Most fold mountains continue to grow as the plates constantly move.

Examples: the Himalayas (Asia), Rockies (USA), Andes (South America), Alps (Europe)

What is the last country to introduce television?



I think it might've been Bhutan

Kiribati is the last country to have TV.

Hope this helps :)

Why do humans often act in ways that disturb the natural services of the environment?



Humans impact the physical environment in many ways: overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Changes like these have triggered climate change, soil erosion, poor air quality, and undrinkable water.

Write your question here (Keep it simple and clear to get the best answer)WHAT IS THE MEANING OF CLOUD SEEDING


Cloud seeding is a weather modification technique that improves a cloud's ability to produce rain or snow by artificially adding condensation nuclei to the atmosphere, providing a base for for snowflakes or raindrops to form.

If it’s 12:00 PM at the GMT what time is it in Los Angeles, If Los Angeles is 7 hours ahead



hey, the answer to this question is, 7:00pm


the way of working this out is easier than u may think, first you have to add 7 and 12 and then, boom an answer.

hope it helps<3




If Los Angeles is 7 hours ahead, then 12:00+7:00 is 7:00 pm. I hope this helps!

Brainliest is very much appreciated.

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