hey guys pls me urgently need the answer

say the correct answer​


Answer 1


Step-by-step explanation:

um im not sure which one u need help wit so here are both

1: they are not congruent, congruent triangles are triangles that have the same sides, angles, everything.

2: because they both have the line AE, they both have a right angle, and they both have a side of 7 which means angle ABE and angle ACE are equal, they are congruent from the AAS rule.

Related Questions

If 35 men can reap a field in 8 days; in how many days can 20 men reap the same field?​



87.5 days

Step-by-step explanation:


that answer*20=87.5

What does the A stand for in the star problem solving process






The answer is D. Act.

STAR stands for Situation, Task, Action, Result.



Step-by-step explanation:

A stands for act. Act on your plan and work the problem out.

10x + 8 = 3(x – 2)
10x + 8 = 3x




Step-by-step explanation:


10x + 8 = 3(x – 2)

10x + 8 = 3x - 6

10x - 3x = -8 -6

7x = -14

x = -14/7

x = -2


10x + 8 = 3x

10x - 3x = -8

7x = - 8

x = -8/7

Mary has 2 1/5 hours before she needs to meet her friend. She needs to take care of 7 chores before then. How much time can she allocate to each chore?


around 19 minutes ^^

(18.85 minutes)

Mary can allocate to each chore around 18.85 minutes.

What is the unitary method?

The unitary method is a method for solving a problem by the first value of a single unit and then finding the value by multiplying the single value.

It is given that Mary has 2 1/5 hours before she needs to meet her friend. She needs to take care of 7 chores before then.

Hence, we get

2 and 1/5 hours = 132 minutes (120 + 12)

thus, Mary will have 132/7 = 18.85714285714286 minutes for each chore.

Or around 18.85 minutes for each chore

Therefore, she can allocate to each chore around 18.85 minutes.

Learn more about the unitary method;



: Is the relation a function? If so, is it one-to-one or not one-to-one?



Linear Function

Step-by-step explanation:

Ok, so this is a function. This is because none of the X's repeat with a different Y. "Every Input has EXACTLY one Output"

BUT: I don't know what a One-to-one is. I would guess it means linear, which means it's a straight line on a graph. If that's the case, then it would be infact a Linear Function.


Step-by-step explanation:

honestly, it's most likely a function. I know it's a function, but I don't understand what not one-to-one means, so, I guess it's just a function and nothing else?

How many months would it take the bamboo plant shown in the graph to be 66 inches tall



Step-by-step explanation:

help algebra 2 please


Step-by-step explanation:

your answer is 1 option

thanks for extraaaaaa points

It’s option 1 since you divide the result of both f(x) and g(x)

Need help with this




Step-by-step explanation:

Find the equation of the straight line passing through the point (3,5) which is perpendicular to the line y=3x+2



the desired equation is y = (-1/3)x + 6

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the given line be A:  y=3x+2

The slope of line A is m = 3.

The slope of any line B which is perpendicular to line A is the negative reciprocal of the slope of A:  m = -(1/3).

The particular perpendicular line that passes through (3, 5) is then

5 = (-1/3)(3) + b, which simplifies to 5 = -1 + b, or b = 6.

Thus, the desired equation is y = (-1/3)x + 6

Plz solve. I will give brainliest



x = 9x ∈ all real numbers

Step-by-step explanation:


  [tex]\sqrt{x}-3=0\\\\\sqrt{x}=3\qquad\text{add 3 to both sides}\\\\\boxed{x=9}\qquad\text{square both sides}[/tex]



The expression ...


is defined for all values of x. The expression makes sense for all real numbers.


Additional comment

The expression in the second question makes sense for all numbers, real or complex. The value of |x| is never negative, so the value under the radical is always positive.

4 2/3 + 6 1/5
1 13 /15

10 13/15

13 5/10




4+6+ (10/15+3/15):10 13/15

1. Since his last vet appointment, a cat lost
2 ounces.
Explain the meaning of zero in this situation


Answer: -2

Step-by-step explanation: I think I’m not sure

Which number is a rational number? OA √15 OB. 2.6457513110... O c. 17.156 OD. 3√85​



"O c. 17.156"

Step-by-step explanation:

    A is not a rational number because it cannot be written as a fraction [with two integers] or an integer (the square root of 15 is equal too 3.87298334...)

   B is not a rational number because it also goes on forever, just like A.

    C is a rational number because it does not go on forever.

    D is like A and B, it goes on forever.

Have a nice day!

    I hope this is what you are looking for, but if not - comment! I will edit and update my answer accordingly. (ノ^∇^)

- Heather

A seed company planted a floral mosaic of a national flag. The perimeter of flag is 2,340 ft determine the flag’s width and length if the length is 270ft greater than the width.



Width: 450 feet

Length: 720 feet

Step-by-step explanation:

So we start with the equation to find the perimeter -

2l + 2w = p

l = length

w = width

p = perimeter

We insert the 2,340 ft as the perimeter -

2l + 2w = 2,340 ft

Now we find another equation for the "length is 270 ft greater than width" -

l = 270 ft + w

Using substitution, we substitute the y in the first equation with 270 ft + w -

2 (270 ft + w) + 2w = 2,340 ft

540 ft + 2w + 2w = 2,340 ft

540 ft + 4w = 2,340 ft

4w = 2,340 ft - 540 ft

4w = 1,800 ft

w = 1,800 ft / 4

w = 450 ft

Now to find the width we substitute the w with 450 ft -

l = 270 ft + w

l = 270 ft + 450 ft

l = 720 ft

Check -

2 * 720 ft + 2 * 450 ft = 2,340 ft

1,440 ft + 900 ft = 2,340 ft

2,340 ft = 2,340 ft  (Correct)

A 8th grade student has 5 years
to save up enough money to
pay for her 4 years of college.
She is estimating each year will
cost $7,500. If she has $5,000
to start a savings account, then
based on the table, what is her
minimum monthly deposit
needed to reach her goal?
Initial Balance
Monthly Deposit
Account Value in
Five Years




Step-by-step explanation:

If college costs $7,500 per year, and she's going to go for 4 years, then she needs to save 4 x $7,500  = $30,000 total.  From the table, she would need to deposit $400 per month in order to have $31,667 in time for college.

Answer: $200

Step-by-step explanation:

Because in the table the minimum number is in the month when she save $200.

Initial balance is $5000

Account in value in five years is $18,737

Given that line a is parallel to line b, find the values of x and y in the diagram.


Step-by-step explanation:

first add them all to gether then divide them by a - b and your answer would be -78 x 4y

evaluate 150-(2+x)^3 when x=2


Hey there!

[tex]\large\boxed{\mathsf{150 - (2 + x)^3}}[/tex]

[tex]\large\boxed{\mathsf{= 150 - (2 + \bold{2})^3}}[/tex]

[tex]\large\boxed{\mathsf{= 150 - \bf 4^3}}[/tex]

[tex]\large\boxed{\mathsf{= 150 - \bf 4 \times 4 \times 4}}[/tex]

[tex]\large\boxed{\mathsf{= 150 - \bf 16 \times 4 }}[/tex]

[tex]\large\boxed{\mathsf{= 150 - \bf 64}}[/tex]

[tex]\large\boxed{\mathsf{= \bf 86 }}[/tex]

[tex]\huge\boxed{\text{Therefore, your answer is: \boxed{\mathsf{86}}}}\huge\checkmark[/tex]

[tex]\huge\text{Good luck on your assignment \& enjoy your day!}[/tex]

~[tex]\large\boxed{\heartsuit \ \frak{Amphitrite1040:)} \ \heartsuit }[/tex]

Which of these expressions equal -8? Check all that apply. 16 x -1/2, -16/3 x 1/2, -1.25 x 6.4, -18 x 1/2, -2x-4, -32 (1/4), 12 x -1/3, -32/1/4), -1.75 x 4.6​



16×-1/2, -1.25×6.4

Step-by-step explanation:





this is my LITTLE sisters homework help me



17+ 65=82

PLZZZZZZZ Brainliest


17 + 65 = 82

Step-by-step explanation:

17 + 65 = 82

mr. Lee’s plant is 5 1/2 inches tall it is 1 7/10 inches taller than Sally’s plant how tall is Sally’s plant



4 4/5.

Step-by-step explanation:

You subtract 5 1/2-7/10 to get 4 8/10! Simplify that and you get 4 4/5.


Find the range of the data set




Step-by-step explanation:




Step-by-step explanation:

range=highest value -lowest value

Therefore, 54-29=24

Find the value of X.




Step-by-step explanation:





Henry is building an in-ground pool at his house. He is doing most of the work for himself to save money. He rents a small backhoe for 95.50$ a day. If his total bill comes to 286.50$, for how many days does he rent the backhoe?


Correct he rented the backhoe for 3 days! $286.50 divided by $95.50 = 3

Write the equation of the line that has slope 1/2 and passes through (6,-2)




Step-by-step explanation:




[tex]y=\frac{1}{2} x-5.[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

1) the form of the required line in slope-interception form is:

y=s*x+i, where s [slope] and i [intercept] are numbers;

2) according to the condition s=1/2, it means the required equation can be written as:


3) in order to calculate the value of 'i', it is needed to substitute (6;-2) into the written required equation:

-2=1/2 *6+i; ⇒ i=-5;

4) finally, if s=1/2 and i=-5, then the required equation is:

y=1/2 *x-5.

P.S. the suggested way is not the shortest one.

Compare the properties of each exponential function over the interval (0,5)

Function A.
Jasmine received a job offer with a starting salary of $32,000 and a 1.5% increase every year

Function B
A second job offer for jasmine can be described by the function F(x) =30,000(1+0.02)^x



erhujdrjdrj 3x24678q2578=1/235236125

Step-by-step explanation:

drjdfjdfj because 0,5 = 320000 x 1.5% = 17000 a year = 3000 (1=0.02)^x

Eli takes his 17 apples home, and he bakes as many apple pies as he can. He uses 7 apples in each pie. How many apple pies does Eli bake? how many pies are left? PLEASE HELP


So Eli made 2 apple pies , and theres a remainder of 3 apples , because 17÷7=2 so 7x2=14 + the remainder of 3 - 14+3=17.

find the value for x in the triangle!


Hi how u doin ?

[tex]4x + 8 = 60[/tex]

Subtract both sides 8

[tex]4x + 8 - 8 = 60 - 8[/tex]

[tex]4x = 52[/tex]

Divide both sides by 4

[tex] \frac{4x}{4} = \frac{52}{4} \\ [/tex]

[tex]x = 13[/tex]

There u go ...

Don't have a good day , Have a great day ♡

pls help me!!!!
will give brainliest



B. Is the answer of your question

Find the probability that the sum of two randomly chosen numbers from the set {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} is no greater than 10.


Using it's concept, it is found that there is a 0.64 = 64% probability that the sum of two randomly chosen numbers from the set {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} is no greater than 10.

A probability is the number of desired outcomes divided by the number of total outcomes.

In this problem:

Two numbers that can be repeated chosen from a set of 10 numbers, thus, in total, there are [tex]10^2 = 100[/tex] outcomes.

For a sum no greater than 10, we have that:

0 can be added with all the 10 numbers, as can 1.2 can be added with 9 of them, bar 9.3 can be added with 8 of them.4 can be added with 7 of them.5 can be added with 6 of them.6 can be added with 5 numbers, 7 with 4, 8 with 3, and 9 with 2.

Hence, the number of desired outcomes is:

[tex]D = 10(2) + 9 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 = 64[/tex]

The probability is:

[tex]p = \frac{D}{T} = \frac{64}{100} = 0.64[/tex]

0.64 = 64% probability that the sum of two randomly chosen numbers from the set {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9} is no greater than 10.

A similar problem is given at https://brainly.com/question/25401798

5. Find the point P along the directed line segment from X(-3, 3) to Y(6,-3) that divides
the segment in a 2:1 ratio.


Consider point P(x,y) such that P, X and Y are collinear,

As vectors

XP = XO + OZ where O(0,0)
XP = OZ - OX
XP= (x,y) - (-3,3)
XP = (x+3, y-3)


PY = (6-x, -3-y)

But XP= 2^PY

[x+3, y-3] = [2(6-x), 2(-3-y)]

Given both vectors are equal, as they go in the same direction, Solve for x and y accordingly:

x+3 = 12 - 2x

x = 3

y-3 = -6-2y

y = -1

Therefore, P(3,-1)

The point P along the directed line segment from X(-3, 3) to Y(6,-3) that divides the segment in a 2:1 ratio is  (3, -1).

What is section formula?

In coordinate geometry, Section formula is used to find the ratio in which a line segment is divided by a point internally or externally. It is used to find out the centroid, incenter and ex centers of a triangle


[tex](x_{1} ,y_{1})[/tex] = X(-3, 3)

[tex](x_{2},y_{2} )[/tex] = Y(6,-3)

m: n = 2:1

Section formula = [tex](\frac{mx_{2}+nx_{1} }{m+n},\frac{my_{2}+ny_{1} }{m+n} )[/tex]

P(a, b) = [tex](\frac{2(6)+1(-3)}{2+1} ,\frac{2(-3)+1(3)}{2+1} )[/tex]

P(a, b) = [tex](\frac{12-3}{3},\frac{-6+3}{3} )[/tex]

P(a, b) = [tex](\frac{9}{3} ,\frac{-3}{3} )[/tex]

P(a, b) = (3, -1)

The point P along the directed line segment from X(-3, 3) to Y(6,-3) that divides the segment in a 2:1 ratio is  (3, -1).

Find out more information about section formula here



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yo who know this i need help Steve's mom gave him $20.00 on Monday morning to use on lunches. At his school, the school lunch costs $1.75, which he bought Monday through Thursday. On Friday, he decided to buy 3 slices of pizza instead of buying the school lunch. If the pizza costs $1.80 per slice, then how much of the money is left at the end of the school week? A. $9.40 B. $14.70 C. $9.35 D. $7.60 Im not sure about this problem could anybody help me ? PROBLEM : 3andb = 7: (ab)3 Need help with sisters 4th grade writing, can anyone check this for spelling?Its a compare and contrast between giant pandas and red pandas.You don't need too, but you can if you want.Without a doubt, Red Pandas and Giant Pandas have a lot to learn about. I will show you the differences and similarities between the red panda and giant panda. The giant panda and red panda are very interesting subjects. Do you think they are?These two animals are very similar. For example, they are both herbivores. Herbivores eat plants, berries, and more. They also both have false thumbs. The false thumb helps them climb, which they are both very well at. In addition, they are good swimmers, but they don't swim very often. They usually spend most of their time eating. You would likely find them eating at high altitude. More specifically in Asias temperate forests The last similarity is their food chain. They both have similar food chains. They really like aroor bamboo, and it is said to be their favorite type of bamboo.The red panda isnt fully similar to the giant panda though. They have some differences. Namely their color. The giant panda is black and white. While the red panda is red, hence the name. Another dissimilarity is that the red panda is closer related to the racoon. The giant panda, on the other hand, is closer related to bears.The other difference in these two animals is when and where they were found. Believe it or not, the Red Panda was found earlier than the Giant Panda. The Red Panda was found by Frederic Cuvier. While the Giant Panda was categorized by Ruth Harkness. It was 1869 when the giant panda was found. When they found the red panda it was 1825, in North America. The giant pandas were found in China. The last difference is that the giant panda weighs around 200 pounds. While the red panda only weighs about 15 pounds As you can see, red pandas and giant pandas were very interesting to learn about. These are some of the many similarities and differences between giant pandas and red pandas. 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