Read the Senario:

National news outlets, on television and the Internet, begin reporting about a dangerous chemical found in one company’s popular children’s modeling clay. People begin sharing the reports, boycotting the company, and conducting research on the chemical. Now there is a major movement to convince government officials to ban the ingredient, and parents are teaming up to file a lawsuit against the company.

What is the media’s role in this story?
A: Gatekeeper
B: Agenda Setter
C: Entertainer
D: Watchdog


Answer 1
I honestly think it’s B
(Sorry if this is incorrect)
Answer 2


watch dog


this is because the media found out about the dangerous chemical and reported about it on their media handles

Related Questions

Select the sentences that use the hyphens correctly. (Select all that apply.)

John read a very long narrative.
My brother in-law is a lawyer.
Thirty-three students went to the tournament.
Mary is an ex-teacher from Lincoln High.
He that believes in the Son has ever-lasting life.
Tom liked to read about pre-Christian times.



Mary is an ex teacher from lincoln high


This is your answer hope its help

The harness-room at the end of the stables was broken open; the bits, the nose-rings, the dog-chains, the cruel knives with which Mr. Jones had been used to castrate the pigs and lambs, were all flung down the well. The reins, the halters, the blinkers, the degrading nosebags, were thrown on to the rubbish fire which was burning in the yard. So were the whips. All the animals covered with joy when they saw the whips going up in flames. –Animal Farm, George Orwell What are the purposes of the imagery in this passage



B) to emphasize the cruelty of humans

C) to create a sense of liberation

D) to underline the reasons for rebellion

E) to visualize the victory of the animals


Imagery is an individual's use of words to create a vivid mental picture for the audience or the reader.

The purposes of the imagery in this passage are to:

• emphasize the cruelty of humans.

• to create a sense of liberation.

• to underline the reasons for rebellion.

• to visualize the victory of the animals.

The imagery used far a vivid description of the things that happened in the Animal Farm.

Answer: B, C, D, E (all except A)


The harness-room at the end of the stables was broken open; the bits, the nose-rings, the dog-chains, the cruel knives with which Mr. Jones had been used to castrate the pigs and lambs, were all flung down the well. The reins, the halters, the blinkers, the degrading nosebags, were thrown on to the rubbish fire which was burning in the yard. So were the whips. All the animals capered with joy when they saw the whips going up in flames.

–Animal Farm,

George Orwell

What are the purposes of the imagery in this passage? Check all that apply.

to convey a sense of order

to emphasize the cruelty of humans

to create a sense of liberation

to underline the reasons for rebellion

to visualize the victory of the animals

Which of the following is an accumulation connective?

A. Hence
B. Furthermore
C. Likewise
D. Ultimately


I think is B...I'm not sure

The use of terms like 'furthermore' is done as the use of an accumulation connective. Hence, option B holds true.

What is the significance of an accumulation connective?

The use of a words or terms in order to emphasize or add details of the topic already mentioned in a passage is known as the use of an accumulation connective. It adds more details of the same topic of the passage, usually in the last sentence of the passage.

When additional information about the topic is to be further added to the passage, the word 'furthermore' is used. Thus, the word 'furthermore' is also an example of an accumulative connective.

Hence, option B holds true regarding the significance of an accumulation connective.

Learn more about an accumulation connective here:



1. List the stages of the writing process as discussed in this study unit. 2. During the first stage of the writing process, you must define your _______, _______, and _______. 3. Name and briefly describe five pre-writing activities that can help you decide what to write about.



Topic, focus and working thesis.


During the first stage of the writing process, you must define your topic on which you write, focus of your writing and developing a working thesis. The first step of the writing process is our planning stage where we plan what to write and how it should be done. Listing, clustering, freewriting, looping, and asking the questions are the five pre-writing activities that can help you to decide what to write about.

After rereading the fragment with the comma splice, review the choices on the right and check the three correct ways to fix the comma splice.


The correct ways to fix the comma splice are:

We look at political documents, records, and historical agreements; they offer hints about life in the past;We look at political documents, records, and historical agreements because they offer hints about life in the past;We look at political documents, records, and historical agreements. They offer hints about life in the past.

What is a Comma Splice?

This refers to the improper use of commas in a sentence to join two independent clauses.

Hence, we can see that from the complete question, there is the use of comma splices that changed the sentence and can be corrected by using the right punctuations at the right moments.

Read more about comma splices here:



Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of verbs given in brackets. (2) Example: Today ....0..... his 50th birthday. Answer (0): was But he ....1....(have) become a pauper. He .....2.....(be) alone reflecting over his good old days. It was 9 pm. The bell .....3.....(ring). “Who .....4.....(can) be at such a time to visit a poor man?” thought Aggarwal​



1) has

2) was

3) rang

4) could

Hope that helps

Choose the underlined part that needs correction in the following ques . 20. Water from power stations may cause water in rivers and lakes hotter . A from B. stations C. cause D. rivers 21. Researchers haven't found out what has led in the pollution of the river A found B. what C. in pollution 22. At first had difficulty to understand my friends from English - speaking countries A. first B. had to understand D. from


The underlined parts that need correction are the following:

20. C. cause

21. C. in

22. C. to understand

20. The verb "cause" does not match the rest of the sentence - we cannot "cause something hotter". We can, however, "make something hotter," which would be the correct verb to use.21. The preposition "in" does not go with the verb "to lead", used in the sentence in the present perfect tense. The best preposition to be placed there is "to".22. After the phrase "have difficulty", the next verb should be used with -ing. In the sentence, the verb "to understand" is incorrect.

In conclusion. Each sentence has a different kind of error. The correct forms for each sentence are:

20. Water from power stations may make water in rivers and lakes hotter.

21. Researchers haven't found out what has led to the pollution of the river.

22. At first [I] had difficulty understanding my friends from English-speaking countries.

Learn more about prepositions here:


Which statement accurately describes the errors contained in this MLA citation?

There are punctuation errors.
There are capitalization errors.
The date accessed has been omitted.
The medium type has been omitted.



The date accessed has been omitted.


Answer: The date accessed has been omitted.

As the school prefect, write a letter to the newly appointed headmaster congratulating and stating at least 3 urgent needs of the school​



See explanation


Universal Model School,

90 Aba Owerri Road,


July 13, 2021.

The Headmaster,

Universal Model School,




It is with great joy that I write this letter of congratulations to you. We are happy to receive you in our school. We have heard of your wonderful record in your former school.

In this school, we have several challenges. Firstly, the restrooms for students are not in order. Most of us have to use the surrounding bushes as our convenience. This problem requires urgent attention.

Secondly, many students have become lazy towards their studies thereby leading to a drop in the standard of the school. This has caused the school to loose its reputation among schools in Aba.

Lastly, this school has an urgent need of a means of transportation for students coming from a distance. We have many students coming from very far regions of the city and they need a school bus to bring them to the school and take them home everyday.

We trust your capacity to fix these challenges as soon as possible.

Yours Faithfully,

Jude Njoku

School Prefect

she said,"would you like me to help you (indirect speech)​





She asked if you would like her to help you.

Read the passage. In Federal Drug Administration clinical trials, people who added a particular drug to diet and exercise were able to lose weight, as well as lower their blood pressure. This drug was evaluated in two clinical studies involving overweight adults with high blood pressure. The results of the trials showed that 48 percent of people taking this drug lost some of their body weight. The other group in this trial consisted of people who were not taking this medicine, and only 23 percent of them lost some weight. What is the claim


The question is incomplete and the full version can be found online.  

Answer: This drug helps people lose more weight than diet and exercise alone.


The clinical trials involving overweight adults with high blood pressure that were already dieting and exercising showed that those taking the drug under evaluation were more likely to lose weight than those who were not taking the drug. This means that the drug helps people lose more weight than if they were only dieting and exercising.

The claim is not that exercise and diet are more effective to lose weight than the drug, nor that all overweight adults have high blood pressure, and it´s never implied that this drug won’t help people lower their blood pressure if they already exercise.

Given the clinical trials, the claim is that Adding the stated drug to diet can help people lose weight and lower their blood pressure.

A claim is a statement of fact that is backed by evidence. Given the evidence from this trial, we can see that the highest percentage of people who lost weight (48%) used the drug in question.

Therefore, we can form the claim that adding the stated drug to our diet can help us to reduce our weight and lower our blood pressure.

Learn more about claim here:


- Books play a very important part in your life. - It's true that every family has books. - We can see books every where. - We can learn many things from books. - Books help us in self-education and deciding problems in life. - Today, there are a lot of public libraries in our country and all people have the right to use them. - Each year hundreds of new books for children appear in Viet Nam. - The books are very interesting and children like reading them very much.







jsjddkkdndjd djddjdjjdkdd djdjdkd didbjddi

Question 5 of 10
Read this sentence:
Cruel words are weapons.
Which kind of figurative language is used here?
A. Metaphor
B. Diction
C. Personification
D. Simile


I’m not sure how to help you with you on that one but let me ask my friends
Metaphor because they aren’t actually literally weapons
Hope this helps!^^

what does this quote mean and who said it no linkss plss from Catcher in the Rye
"What'd you do? Give her the time?"

plss no links



check online but its a rhetorical question and it interviews person and intimidates


Select the adverb clause to complete the sentence.
_____ Fatima will take her dog for a walk.
A. In a few hours,
B. Always responsible and reliable,
C. Despite the bad weather,
D. Before the sun sets,



D. Before the sun sets, Fatima will take her dog for a walk.

I hope this is correct, pls give brainliest :)




This is because the words there describe adverb.

Which is the best summary of the beginning of “The Beginnings of the Maasai”?



The daughter of the Maasai introduces herself and the Maasai, and explains their important relationships with their cattle and the sky god Enkai. As a result of a volcanic eruption, Enkai and the cattle were thrown into the sky...

What tragic element is shown in the dialogue between Romeo and Balthasar?



B. A missunderstanding


reply to these questions
1. would you rather to come visit on s Saturday or Sunday
Saturday, because....
2. is now a good time to move house?
no, because.....
3. have you any idea how i can get my sister to help tidy our room?
have you tried.....?​



1. would you rather come to visit on a Saturday or Sunday?

- Saturday, because I need to go to my grandma's house on Sunday.

2. Is now a good time to move houses?

- No, because we don't have enough money to move yet.

3. Have you any idea how I can get my sister to help tidy our room?

- Have you tried asking her about it?

“My Mary’s asleep by the murmuring stream.” This line of poetry contains which literary device?


This question is missing the answer choices. I looked it up online, but was unable to find the complete question. I will provide an answer that is most likely a helpful one, taking the question into consideration.


This line of poetry contains personification.


The line of poetry we are analyzing here belongs to "Afton Water" by Scottish poet Robert Burns (1759-1796). The poem describes the River Afton in Ayshire.

Personification is a literary device in which human qualities or behaviors are attributed to objects. In the line from the poem, Burns mentions the "murmuring stream". However, streams and rivers cannot murmur. That is an ability only human beings possess. That means the author is using personification, probably with the intention of describing the sound of the river in a more elegant, lyrical manner.


Which question would most likely indicate that a passage has a problem-and-solution text structure?

How are the elements different from each other?
What details are used to describe the topic?
Do the steps described need to be completed in a particular sequence?
What have people done to try to resolve the issue?


D, it shows at one point there was a problem

Which is the main idea in the sentence?

The Nobel Prize is awarded annually to people who have made the greatest impact through their inventions or solutions in order to help mankind.

A. annual award
B. impacting mankind
C. solving a problem
D. Nobel Prize



D. Nobel Prize


The whole sentence is centered around the Nobel Prize. You could even shorten the sentence to: "The Nobel Prize is awarded annually."

Nobel prize

Because the sentence is pretty much explaining to who the Nobel prize is usually given

Which is the significance of the two men’s names who create the slips for the lottery?The lottery leaders take turns with the box in a similar way to seasons turning.The lottery box is dug out of a grave at the beginning of each summer.The lottery kicks off the joy of summer, but the losers end up feeling sad.The lottery happens every summer, and the winner of the lottery dies.



The significance of the two men's names who create the slips for the lottery is:

D. The lottery happens every summer, and the winner of the lottery dies.


The question refers to the short story "The Lottery". Its author was Shirley Jackson (1926-1965), famous for her horror and mystery stories. "The Lottery" was published in 1948 and was quite scandalous at the time.

In the story, a small rural village carries out a lottery every single year. However, instead of being given a prize, the winner of the lottery is stoned to death by the other villagers.

Jackson does not reveal that fact right away, but she does gives readers a few hints. One of those hints is found in the names of the two men who create the slips for the lottery: Mr. Summers and Mrs. Graves. Their names indicate that the lottery takes place every summer and that someone is killed because of it. With that in mind, we can choose letter D.

Read the excerpt from "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God."

Is it not a reasonable thing to fright a person out of a house on fire?

What is the purpose of this sentence in Edwards's sermon?
It explains why hell is such a dangerous and scary place.
It justifies Edwards's strategy of scaring people into accepting God.
It asks the reader to explain what to do when confronted with danger.
It suggests that people should save their neighbors if their houses catch on fire.



B)  It justifies Edwards's strategy of scaring people into accepting God.


"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God."

Edwards strategy is to scare people into choosing God as their savior and therefore entering paradise. He is frightening the congregation because he feels that God might send any of them to hell for what they have done and that giving him a little respect via religion is the least they could do for him.

Learn more about Edwards sermon and the Great Awakening at:


The purpose of the sentence in Edwards's sermon is to justify his strategy of scaring people into accepting God. (option B)

Edwards's sermon

Jonathan Edwards's famous sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" was meant to scare people into living a purer, more devoted life. It was the author's purpose to paint such a picture of hell that people would have no choice by to live a saint-like life.

That is the purpose of the sentence "Is it not a reasonable thing to fright a person out of a house on fire?" Edwards is justifying his rhetoric by explaining that he is helping people by scaring them into accepting God.

With the information above in mind, we can choose option B as the correct answer.

Learn more about Jonathan Edwards here:


Where is the hero who will destroy that heart of evil? I believe it must be each of us. Indeed, when I give thanks this Thursday and I cook my native food, I will be thinking of this hidden heart and how my ancestors survived the evil it caused.

Which type of argument does Keeler use in this passage from "Thanksgiving: A Native American View" ?

This is an emotional argument, because she wants readers to be angry at the Pilgrims for mistreating the American Indians.
This is an emotional appeal that tries to persuade people to be heroes who overcome evil.
This is a logical appeal that tries to explain why people should be heroes.
This is a logical appeal that shows how American Indians survived the evil they experienced.





This is an emotional appeal that tries to persuade people to be heroes who overcome evil.


Its B        Just took the quiz and got 100


What are the advantages and disadvantages of the summer school program?


This link has some answers you can look at, hope this helps… https://www.ucumberlands.edu/blog/summer-school

The government should create more job opportunities for women in rural areas.
A. Women in rural areas should create more jobs for the government.
B. More job opportunities should be created for the government by the women in rural areas.
C. More job opportunities should be created for women in rural areas by the government.
D. Rural areas should be created more job opportunities by women in the government.


More job opportunities should be created for women in rural areas by the government

I. . Write the correct forms of the words on brackets to complete the sentences.
1. The Japanese eat ____ , so they live for a long time .( HEALTH )
2. I think staying at home all day is __________ because I don't know what to do. ( BORE )
3 . Many people do volunteer work because it can make a _________ in their community. ( DIFFER )
4. . The people in the country are _________________ than the people in the city. ( FRIEND )
5.. The water puppetry is performed ____________ in a pool. ( beauty)
6. “Earth Song” is one of his most ____________ songs. (success)
7. It is a pleasure to watch a _________________ performance. ( music)
8.Who is your favourite _____? (sing)
9. It is a good idea to help ________ people in the Philippines. (home)
.10. My aunt lives in one of the most ______________ parts in Paris.(FASHION)



1. Healthy

2. Boring

3. Difference

4. Friendly

5. Beautifully

6. Successful

7. Musical

8. Singer

9. Homeless

10. Fashionable

Hope it helps ;-)

please answer this question​





The correct answer is C. Off

What theme is highlighting in this excerpt from “The Most Dangerous Game “ by Richard Connell?


perseverance. The excerpt tells of Rainsford's courageous act of braving the sea to go to the direction of the shots despite of the harsh conditions at the sea

argument essay
Finalize and submit your five-paragraph essay. Your must contain a minimum of two information sources obtained through research and one interview.
Acknowledge your information sources with correctly formatted in-text citations, and include a correctly formatted works cited page.
Make sure you have included

A strong introduction with a thesis and a hook.

Reasons that support your argument.

Credible evidence to support both your argument and counterclaims.

A conclusion that restates your claim and position and may include a call to action.

In-text citations

A works cited page.


A strong introduction with a thesis and hook
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