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i will give brainliest


Answer 1
My friend will be working a engineer.My mother will be looking more prettier.My father will be working as senior.My sister will be singing.My brother will be studying .I shall be learning coding.

Related Questions

27. He had spent .............. time writing an essay about his childhood.
A. a large number of
B. a great deal of
C. a few
D. few
28. Peter has spent ........... time and money on stamp collecting.
A. a few of
B. many of
C. a great deal of
D. many
30.How............ furniture do you think there is?
A. many
B. much
C. few
D. a large number of D. a lot of


B C B hope this helps

speech on substance abuse​


Substance abuse is an unhealthy pattern of alcohol or drug use that usually leads to frequent, serious problems.

for searching the Internet and other reference sources

Drug abuse







Read more: http://www.humanillnesses.com/Behavioral-Health-Sel-Vi/Substance-Abuse.html#ixzz734bzrGJS

How is Brian's indifference toward his moms related to "The Secret"





Which point of view reports the thoughts and actions of one character at a time and uses the pronouns “he,” “she,” and “they”?

third-person omniscient
third-person limited



Third-person Omniscient


The answer would be third-person omniscient because a third person point of view uses words such as he, she, they, it, etc. It is not third person limited because third person limited only gives the point of view of one character in third person.

Where art thou, Muse, that thou forget'st so long To speak of that which gives thee all thy might? Spend'st thou thy fury on some worthless song, Darkening thy power to lend base subjects light? Return, forgetful Muse, and straight redeem In gentle numbers time so idly spent; Sing to the ear that doth thy lays esteem And gives thy pen both skill and argument. Rise, resty Muse, my love's sweet face survey, If Time have any wrinkle graven there; If any, be a satire to decay, And make Time's spoils despised every where. Give my love fame faster than Time wastes life; So thou prevent'st his scythe and crooked knife. What is the rhyme scheme of the second quatrain? abab abcb cdcd efef



d ,cdcd


"Cdcd"  is the rhyme scheme of the second quatrain. Thus, option (c) is correct.

What is rhyme scheme?

The term "rhyme scheme" was the part of the rhymes. Rhyme scheme are the end of the poem lines. It was the last letter in the rhyme scheme are the letter of the correspondences. There are simply the lines of labeled using capital letters. There are "ABAB" and "AABB" was indicate the lines rhyme.

"Cdcd"  is the rhyme scheme of the second quatrain. There are different categories of rhyme schemes are alternating rhyme, enclosed rhyme, coupled rhyme, monorhyme, triplet rhyme, ballade, and others. There are rhyme schemes are CDC, BCB, ABA, EE, and DED.

As a result, the significance rhyme scheme are the aforementioned. Therefore, option (c) is correct.

Learn more about on rhyme scheme, here:



Circle the verbs in these sentences:
1. The car stopped in front of the house.
2. We went to the movies on Friday after school.
3. Our teacher gave us a funny book to read.
4. The girls walked in front of the boys.
5. The wind blew our hats off of our heads.



1 stopped

2 went

3 gave

4 walked

5 blew

S a capacity plate indicate



Could you please provide more contect so I can reply?

Dr. Reynolds' priority in his life is:
becoming famous.
marrying Susanne.
becoming a professor of religion.
None of the choices are correct.



becoming famous.


In Tony Hillerman’s novel, Chester Reynolds has a doctorate in anthropology; his primary academic field is archaeology. As a specialist in ancient Native American culture, he is dedicated to promoting the importance of Folsom, a culture that he believes originated much earlier than other scholars have yet determined and then maintained a continuous presence in the US Southwest.

Unfortunately, he is so obsessed with proving this idea that he completely loses his perspective. Reynolds will stop at nothing to gain recognition for his expertise in this area. Among his transgressions are placing artifacts obtained elsewhere in the sites that his people are digging—a practice called “seeding”—so that the archaeologists who find them will believe his theory. Even worse, he kills people who stand in his way.

what are the themes of the story the white knight?​



The theme of the story "The White Knight"

The story teaches and makes us ponder on ‘self awareness’, whether actions are more important than appearance. The white knight by appearance that represent champion of virtue, honour, and justice by the society and himself go in search of black knight to slay it since that is what the white knight is expected to do. However, in the process, the white knight without realizing commits the deeds of black knight turning himself into black knight.

The story teaches us that appearance does not matter. It is self-awareness and good actions that makes one a true White Knight. One doesn't have to travel and be in high post to do good deeds, good actions start when we understand and change oneself and start making small positive differences in our own small ways.

The main idea of the story is not really about the knight doing harm to the forest and turning himself into being evil. The story aims to impart wisdom or self-discovery of who the White Knight really is.

While Lancelot was the White Knight, white knight has been used to name anyone who comes to the defense or rescue of someone since the early 1600s. It can also mean a “champion” more generally.

What’s are the main events that happen in monster by Walter dean Myers?



Major events in the novel Monster are Steve's decision to write his trial into a screenplay, the proving of his innocence, and the reaction of his father and lawyer to his not-guilty verdict.


Our school is over at 2:00pm. transitive or intransitive​





Transitive verbs, used with a direct objects, cast action to an object and may also have an indirect object, which indicates to or for whom the action is done. On the other hand, an intransitive verb will never takes an object.

The answer is transitive.

I hope this helps out! (brainliest would be appreciated)

[6] a) I haven't readied your book yet. (Into Affirmative)
b) He'd rather find him noisy and restless. (Add question tag)
c) People believe that the life in the city is easy and comfortable. (Change into passive voice)
d) The teacher asked me whether I had completed the assignment the day before. (Change into direct speech)​



a) I have read your book yet

b) Had he rather find him noisy and restless?

c) The people of the city believed that the life in city is easy and comfortable

d) The teacher asked me if I had completed the assignment yesterday

And for your knowledge it is read no readied also in second and third form of verb


If you like my answer than please mark me brainliest thanks

Choose A, B, C or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others. 1. A. Solar​B. Perform​C. Enormous​D. Boring 2. A. Reversed​B. Walked​C. Stopped​D. Obeyed





thus this is the answer

Is this a simile or metaphor?

“Then I knew without being told,as if it were knowledge that I drank in with the water,that college were not for Indians.”





A simile is a phrase like " Angry as a bear " or " fast as a fox ", whereas a metaphor is something we know we can't actually do, like " drink knowledge ".

Read the message from your little brother, Leon. Hi, I'll be sitting for a big examination this year so it is very important for me to prepare earlier. Do you have any tips on how to study smart? Appreciate if you could help me with this one. Thank you! Leon In about 80 words, write a message to Leon giving tips and suggestions on how to study smart. ​


Hi Leon!

Studying smart is really simple thing to do. It helps boost your confidence, competence, and self-esteem, as well as reduce your anxiety about tests and deadlines. Such tactics you could use is studying in short chunks. This will allow you your brain process information much better, than obtaining lots of information in long sessions. Another method could be writing flash cards. This will help Your brain store the information better since you have written it down. You could also set study goals by tick them off once you complete them, or test yourself to see where you are at and what you might need to focus on. Lastly, active recall. This is known to be one of the best methods, by reading your flash cards and summaries out loud. This will help you retain the information in your long term memory. Ergo, by developing these effective study skills, it will give you the opportunity to cut down on the numbers of hours you spend while studying, which will leave you with more free time.



these tips will help you get the most out of your study time

ensure you’ve consumed nutritious foods to get your brain powered upCreate the ideal study space, and gather all the books and items you will needStudy in short chunks and make a study scheduleSleep well and exerciseWrite flash cards . Your brain stores information better when you’ve written something down after you're read or heard it. Make a list of study goals





select b number ok okokokokkkokok

rhetoric jesus christ man

3. She practises ________ by writing an email every day. A. Write b. To write c. Wrote d. Writing



D. writing


She practices Writing by writing an email every day.

Read the following paragraph:
"Brownies made from a mix are vastly underrated and can be baked to suit any taste. As with those made from scratch, the texture of brownies
from a box is dependent on the amount of eggs added to the batter. A single egg produces a denser brownie than one made with two eggs. Brownie
texture can also be varied through the choice of pan because glass heats more slowly than metal."
Which sentence uses subjective language??
Brownie texture can also be varied through the choice of pan because glass heats more slowly than metal.
As with those made from scratch, the texture of brownies from a box is dependent on the amount of eggs added to the batter.
Brownies made from a mix are vastly underrated and can be baked to suit any taste.
A single egg produces a denser brownie than two eggs.



Brownies made from a mix are vastly underrated and can be baked to suit any taste.


This sentence is implying how the writter thinks and feels about brownies from a mix while the other sentences all gave factual informaction that could likely be proved by scientific testing. That said, subjective language focuses on the writer or author’s beliefs and thoughts; objective language on the other hand provides facts and leaves out any bit of personal opinion.

Select ALL the correct answers.
Which two words define the term “proceedings” as it is used in the fifth paragraph of the passage?



Events and Actions are the correct answers


events and actions are correct


What can the reader infer about the importance the discovery of the shipwrecks has to archaeologists



The discovery of the shipwrecks represents the only evidence of Spain's several attempts to establish a. permanent residence in Florida.


This is the answer hope this helps. Enjoy your day!

account question
started business with cash rs 2,00,000



Cash account Dr(debit)

To capital account

What are advantages and disadvantages of gender equality ?


The advantage is women are paid equally to men

13. Which statement best explains the purpose of a thesis statement?
1) A thesis statement should outline the sources you are using in your research report and tell how you plan to use them.
2) A thesis statement discusses the steps you used to create your research question and to research and write your report.
3) A thesis statement any problems you had while working on your research
report and how you addressed them.
4) A thesis statement should answer your research question and state the claim the research report will try to prove.



I believe the answer is 4).

Please mark brainliest.  Hope this helped.


4, I took the exam


hello question above



she couldn't speak English and she didn't know how to read

For her challenges it’s in the first paragraph.
-she couldn’t speak English when she Came to the us
- she was too shy to make friends or talk to people
-she would never talk in class because she was afraid of being made fun of
-her mind was in a fixed state
-she avoided challenges and gave up early

my house... while i was away



are you missing your house

How would you describe Walden Pond?


It is deep, pure, sometimes blue and sometimes green, not very abundant in fish besides pickerel, has an irregular shore, and is inhabited peacefully by ducks and geese and frogs and other wildlife, like White Pond, a nearby pond it resembles.

Hope this helps

6. Read the text from a character in the Princess Bride by William Goldman.
As a child, I had simply no interest in books. I hated reading, I was very bad at it, and besides, how could you take the time to read when there were games that shrieked for playing Basketball,
baseball, marbles - I could never get enough. I wasn't even good at them, but give me a football and an empty playground and I could Invent last-second triumphs that would bring tears to your
What happened was just this: I got hooked on the story. For the first time in my life, I became actively interested in a book. Me the sports fanatic, me the game freak, me the only 10-year-old in
Illinois with a hate on for the alphabet wanted to know what happened next.
Which of the following statements is false about this character?
A He is a flat character with only one mission.
B. He is a dynamic character and has experienced change.
C. He is the narrator and a major character.
D. He is a round character with many personality traits.






Sounds like the answer is C

"Anger kick a rock and bring wounds on their toes" explanation​




we have the school keeper open the class
We have



so what we do


what is question

Make acrostics with- mother​



Mark acrostics with- mother.


M- marvelous

O- overflowing love

T- touching

H- heart of

E- everyone she

R- reaches


Hope it helps!


[tex]Park \: Sun-min[/tex]

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