Hispanics patterned their civil rights movement after which of the following groups?


Answer 1


African American groups.


This is history, so really there is no answer. I think you could said the African American groups were an inspiration to the Hispanics. Happens all the time in history: one group learns off another.

Related Questions

During the initial post-WWII period, in what ways were the "Asian Tigers" similar?


started selling cheap exports

rapod industrialization

educated populace

high savings rates


is the film 13 still relevant today



yes it is man I watched it today


please follow

Mark me brainliest

Why is the Harlem renaissance so important to black political culture



It celebrated African American culture and heritage. It produced art, literature, and music that are still enjoyed today. Key figures in the movement inspired younger generations of African Americans. It caused the Great Migration of African Americans to the North.


All of these are significant factors but the choice that most describes the significance of the Harlem Renaissance is the first choice: it celebrated African American culture and heritage.

Hope this helps!

ayuda gente nesecito 5 ideas sacadas de este video
el video se llama ( ¿que es budismo? )



1- El budismo no se centra en la reverenciarlo o devoción de ningún dios, sino en el desarrollo espiritual de cada individuo.

2- El budismo es basicamente una religión pero también representa una filosofía.

3- Ha sido desarrollado a partir de las enseñanzas del Buda Siddharta Gautama, quien vivio en el noreste de la India en el siglo V A.C.

4-un mensaje principal del budismo es Mejor que mil palabras vacías, una palabra que teaiga paz.

5-En el marco religioso Indio en donde se desarrolla el budismo, este despertar implica un estado de tranquilidad mental.

What was one result of the migration from farms to cities during the late 19th century and early 20th century?



The rise of reform movements aimed at improving urban life.


One result of the migration from farms to cities during the late 19th century and early 20th century is that the rise of reform movements aimed at improving urban life .

help me please! with this​



America goods were supplied to noribeligerent countries witholvelut fu  USiSnoUu ne rrD


How do interest groups & political parties shape American politics?


They both try to influence the outcomes of elections, legislations, and the government in hopes to get what they want that would benefit them.

Government penting unces the economy by:
A decling on the prices for goods available to consumers
OB determining which government programs get the most funding
intencing the brands of products the country is allowed to
setting the salaries for employees in all private industries

Please hurry I am on a test


Complete Question:

Government spending influences the economy by:

Group of answer choices.

A. influencing the brands of products the country is allowed to produce.

B. deciding on the prices for goods available to consumers.

C. setting the salaries for employees in all private industries.

D. determining which government programs get the most funding​


D. determining which government programs get the most funding​


Government spending (expenditures) can be defined as money spent by the government (federal, state and local) for the purchase of goods and provision of services such as security, healthcare, electricity, water, education, transportation, agriculture, etc.

Basically, government spending (expenditures) is financed through two (2) main sources and these include;

I. Taxation.

II. Borrowing.

Generally, government spending (expenditures) influences the economy by determining which government programs such as healthcare, education, road construction, social welfare, etc., would get the most funding​.

In Economics, fiscal policy can be defined as the use of government spending (expenditures) and revenues (taxation) to influence macroeconomic conditions such as Aggregate Demand (AD), inflation, and employment within a country. Fiscal policy is in relation to the Keynesian macroeconomic theory by John Maynard Keynes.

A fiscal policy affects combined demand through changes in government policies, spending and taxation which eventually impacts employment and standard of living plus consumer spending and investment.

___played a dominant role in helping school-aged children assimilate.



When immigration increased in the 19th century, education was used to help assimilate those immigrants deemed to be not 'American' enough. This mindset was largely due to nativist ideals that only white Christians are true Americans

2. What specific rights are protected in the Magna Carta?



The answer is below


There are various rights protected in Magna Carter 1215. Some of which include the following:

1. Free citizens are protected from excessive taxes unless a common counsel agrees

2. All free men have the right to justice and a fair trial with a jury

3. The Monarch has no absolute power.

4. Nobody is above the law, and everybody is equal before the law.

5. All free citizens can own and inherit property

6. Widows who own property may decide not to remarry

7. The right of the church to be free from governmental interference

Before the 1800s, the sizes of cities were limited by:

A. The distances people could walk on foot.

B. Death rates.

C. Population controls.

D. The difficulty of getting fresh water.



Before 1800, the sizes of cities were limited by the areas that people could move on their foot. However, after the 1800's, cities began to grow so quickly in the United States. There were several reasons for this, one such as migration. As soon as the crowd extended the areas of the cities began to expand.

How was the word McCarthyism formed and what did it mean?



The word McCarthyism was formed because of the controversial practises of former US Senator John McCarthy where he made some unconfirmed allegations.

The word McCarthyism means to make an accusation of disloyalty against someone without proof or based on flimsy evidence.

Can u actually get canceled for something that u did at the age of 13 or



yes sometimes u cab get canceled

why did u delete my answer bestie.

Pls help

How did Madison propose to improve the economy in the United States?

Select all correct answers.

by rechartering the Bank of the United States

by decreasing taxes on imported goods

by imposing protective tariffs

by raising interest rates



By decreasing taxes on imported goods

James Madison proposed to improve the economy in the United States by rechartering the Bank of the United States and by imposing protective tariffs.

James Madison, the fourth president of the United States, supported the rechartering of the Bank of the United States as a measure to stabilize and improve the nation's economy. The bank served as a central repository for federal funds and facilitated economic transactions, promoting a stable financial system.

Additionally, Madison advocated for the imposition of protective tariffs. Protective tariffs were designed to increase the prices of imported goods, making domestically produced goods more competitive and encouraging American manufacturing and industries. This protectionist policy aimed to boost domestic production, create jobs, and promote economic growth within the United States.

To know more about James Madison, click here.



the main message of the cartoon?

A. the two sides are engaged a friendly duel

B. muslim rebels have invaded the soviet union

C. muslim rebels are resisting the invading soviet forces

D. the two sides are involved in a border dispute



D because.... Maybe the lines represents the borders


D. las dos partes están involucradas en una disputa fronteriza

What aspect of Chinese history has been a long standing feature?

a. wealth

b. emigration

c. industrialization

d. infrequent Anglo-Chinese wars​


C I believe is correct

The aspect of Chinese history has been a long standing feature is industrialization.

What is Industrialisation?

Industrialisation serves as the period of social and economic change which brought transformation to a human group .

As far as 14th century, Industrialisation as been part of the Chinese culture which has brought them development in transportation, and farming.

Learn more about Industrialisation at;


Which of the following was NOT a belief of the Eastern Orthodox Church following the Great Schism in 1054?
A. The belief that purgatory is a place to which people go in order to be purified and punished for their deeds on Earth.
B. The belief that all people, including Mary are born with original sin.
C. The belief that the Pope was an archbishop like any other, without any pecial authority to command the whole church.
D. The belief that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father alone.


I think the answer should d

Hi ❤️ pls help asap pls





to produce food for the country

how do you calibrate a thermometer?



Putting it in water


Put the thermometer stem or probe into the ice water. Make sure the sensing area is under water. Wait 30 seconds or until the reading stays steady. Adjust the thermometer so it reads 32˚F (0˚C).

The dual alliance was signed between which two countries



Austro-German Alliance, also called Dual Alliance, (1879) pact between Austria-Hungary and the German Empire in which the two powers promised each other support in case of attack by Russia, and neutrality in case of aggression by any other power.


The dual alliance was signed by German Empire and Austria-Hungary

Which were the first two political parties in the United States?
A. The Federalists and the Republicans
B. The Republicans and the Whigs
C. The Federalists and the Anti-Federalists
D. The Federalists and the Whigs



C. The Federalists and the Anti-Federalists.


A political party can be defined as an organized group of individuals (people) who presumably share common political aims, goals, vision, ideas, and strategies on how a country should be governed.

Additionally, a political party refers to an organization that is capable of raising an unlimited amount of money from corporations, unions, associations, businesses, and individuals in order to spend these sums of money to overtly work for its preferred candidate (flag-bearer) or against a candidate belonging to an opposition party. Thus, it ​is an organization of people sharing similar political ideologies and provides a platform for a chosen candidate to run as its sole representative in an election category.

In the United States of America, the first two political parties were the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists party.

The Federalists party refers to a group of people who were keenly interested in the ratification of the federal constitution of the United States of America in 1787. They unanimously believed and agreed that the Articles of Confederation wasn't adequate or sufficient enough to enhance good governance and serve the needs of the United States of America and as such required a new government having greater powers at the national level.

On the other hand, the Anti-Federalists party strongly believed that there was a need to have a state government with power and a legal document that protect the rights of the American citizens.


C. The Federalists and the Anti-Federalists

Which enlightenment idea is reflected in the declaration of independence?
A: the kings refusal to answer colonist protest was a violation of the social contract
B: appointing royal representatives in the colonies violated popular sovereignty
c: forcing people to serve as soilders in the colonies violated their natural rights
D: an unelected monarch was above the rule of law



b. appointing royal representatives in the colonies violated popular soverieghty.

it could also be D but that depends on which empire you're focusing on


what are some factors that can cause the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per person to change?


Answer:an increase or decrease in imports and/ exports, and more foreign investment in domestic products.


Who's H.H. Holmes?

Was he a serial killer?




Herman Webster Mudgett, better known as Dr. Henry Howard Holmes or H. H. Holmes, was an American serial killer active from December 1891 to November 1894


H.H. Holmes was an American serial killer who confessed to 27 murders (although some of his alleged victims were still alive) He received the death sentence on the charge of first degree murder in 1896.

What was one of the most severe environmental crises in North America in the 20th century that impacted the Great Plains?​


The dust bowl was the most severe environmental crisis in North America

What common belief united the southern planter elite and poor, landless farmers in the region during the antebellum era?


These were owners of large plantations and slaves during the
antebellum period. They were usually the leaders of the

What is 3/16 of 200 written as a percentage? 



200 of 3/16 = 37.5

percentage of 200 = 37.5/200

18.75% ans

The equation 3/16 of 200 is written as a 18.75%.

What is the percentage?

To determine the quantity or percentage of something in units of 100, the percentage formula is utilized. Per cent simply means one in a hundred.

To calculate the percent of the given equation 3/16 of 200


=37.5 will be part of the 200



Therefore, 18. 75 % will be written as an answer.

Learn more about percentages, here:



Why have some people protested the practices of global economic organizations?



Most practices by large companies are not ethical.


People protest such things due to their horrible treatment of workers, damage to the environment, or the stealing of other resources; especially when it's a overexploited/ underdeveloped country. Hope this helps, sorry if I did not understand the question.

2. How is a person socialized? Write.​



A person is socialized when he or she has connections with many people and share in social activities with people he or she may know or not.

People are socialized in many ways. This process begins almost with birth as parents and other family members are a powerful source of socialization. As a child grows older, it is socialized by schools, by friends, and by the media in addition to the family. The first source of socialization is the family.

Question 1 Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)
(06.03 LC)
The U.S. government helps protect the economy and competition
O by promoting a command economy
O by establishing laws and regulations
O by letting the economy regulate itself
O by providing goods and services


The US government helps protect the economy and competition by providing goods and services to help the growth of nation as well as the growth of the nation


B. by establishing laws and regulations

hope this helps you

have a nice day:)

Other Questions
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The narrator feels embarrassed being in a cooking class with his mother.D. The narrator is annoyed that his mother makes him go to her class before driving him to practice. The narrator tolerates his mother's quirkiness and need to always be taking classes.Answer: C is the correct answer. "The narrator is annoyed that his mother makes him go to her class before driving him to practice"I was doing the test, and there was 6 questions, and only one was on Brainly. So I asked this question, and answered it myself. I will be doing the other questions as well :) Sandhill Diesel owns the Fredonia Barber Shop. He employs 7 barbers and pays each a base rate of $1,650 per month. One of the barbers serves as the manager and receives an extra $500 per month. In addition to the base rate, each barber also receives a commission of $5.50 per haircut. Other costs are as follows. Advertising $260 per month Rent $800 per month Barber supplies $0.30 per haircut Utilities $185 per month plus $0.20 per haircut Magazines $20 per monthDetermine the variable costs per haircut and the total monthly fixed costs. (Round variable costs to 2 decimal places, e.g. 2.25.) Total variable cost per haircut $ Total fixed $ Need help ASAP!!!Please explain how to solve the problem In taxonomy, the kingdom that has the simplest life forms is (A) Animalia,(B) Fungi. (C) Protista. (D) Plantae. (E) Monera, Which of the following is a step in the creation of an Operational Definition? Select all of the following that are considered essential nutrients.O waterO vitaminsO mineralsO proteinsO calorieso carbohydratesO fats (b) Work out the probability Jennifer hits the Bullseye at least once.Can someone work this out for me ? Large projects that have long time horizons and a very high complexity can be referred to as Multiple Choice white elephants. mega projects or white elephants. None of these alternatives is correct. mega projects. high risk. help a girl out bc im strugglinggg also, these are two different questions, you can answer both or one of them thank you so much in advance Your instructor will assign you a client profile that may contain: a special diet, specific preferences/recipes to follow and/or specific religious requirements. Follow this profile when completing your assignment. 1. Planning Phase (20 marks) a. With your group, plan and prepare a nutritious, balanced, flavourful, and appealing meal, based upon your assigned client profile. b. Be sure to keep records/notes of work done in the planning stage, these must be submitted to your instructor when you have completed the assignment. c. Use a variety of sources such as cookbooks, recipes, pamphlets, etc., and be sure to list them on your assignment. Include a copy of the recipe you have chosen and be prepared to submit an alternate recipe that could be used to replace one of the dishes you have selected. Be sure your recipes are clear and legible, follow a logical sequence, and are complete. 2. Presentation Phase (20 marks) In a class presentation, you will be asked to: a. Present your meal, keeping in mind the following criteria: i. Attractiveness (including table setting) ii. Adhering to client's wishes contained in the client profile b. Describe the process involved in preparation including: i. Techniques ii. Special handling iii. Timing c. Briefly present your alternate recipe in discussion form: it is not necessary to actually prepare this dish. A copy of this recipe should be included in the material you will submit to your instructor. d. Allow time for questions from your audience. NACC 2017 V.4 Section IV. Module 6. Household Management Consider the line y = 4x + 9. If a second line is perpendicular to this one, what is its slope? a woman has two boards one is two times as long as the other together the two boards equal 9 ft what is the length of the shortest board Which statement is true for all democracies?A)They all have rulers who inherit power.B)The leader holds all political power.C)The people elect the leaders.D) They are all ruled by a dictator.