How are members of the English House of Lords selected and how is that different than members of the United States Senate.


Answer 1


The people in the House of Lords are called Peers and are given the title Lord or Baroness, depending on if they're a boy or a girl. Representatives are elected to serve for two years, while senators are elected for six years. ... Voting happens at the same time so there's a whole new House of Commons after each election.

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Which statement is true of universities in the late Middle Ages?
O A. Lecturers taught only from the Bible.
O B. Lecturers taught both men and women.
O C. Lecturers taught based on faith and reason.
O D. Lecturers taught Islamic and Jewish law.



D. Lecture thought Islamic and Jewish law.

Describe two reform movements that helped to define the Progressive Era.



hope this helps if not srry

Prohibition(18th amendment )and women’s suffrage (19th amendment)are two of the majuro reform movements during the progressive era

Japan's nickname comes from a mispronunciation of China's term for what?
A. Land of Four Quarters
B. Land of Many Hills
C. Land of the Sun's Origin
D. Land of Divine Winds


I think is: C. Land of the Sun's Origin

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she will have a hard time focusing, because if her workspace is always messy that will grab her attention constantly.

I hope this helps

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Digambaras and Svetambaras are two sects of Jainism. The main difference between Digambaras and Svetambaras was that the followers of Digambaras did not wear any clothes and followed the original teaching of Mahavira. But the followers of Svetambaras wore white clothes and did not believe in hard penance.

President Johnson uses the Gulf of Tonkin (or USS Maddox) incident to push through Congress a resolution to give him:



Ability to take all necessary measures to stop any and all armed attacks against the United States and to prevent any further aggression swiftly


pretty sure the answer explains it, but basically Vietnam allegedly attacked two US Naval invaders which led to Congress passing that resolution and then caused the American involvement in the Vietnam war (if you need any more elaboration let me know, I hope this helps)

According to the population pyramid, in 2000 China had about 120 million people in which age-group?

A. 45-49
B. 35-39
C. 30-34
D. 5-9


C is the answer for that


C. 30-34


if you add up how many people (both women and male), which would be a little over 60 million each, it'll end up being the 120 million the question is asking for.

there for the answer is C. 30-34

What is the main difference between federal and confederal systems of government?

A) In a federal system there is no centralized authority, while in a confederal system power is
the states.

B) Ina federal system there is no centralized authority, while in a confederal system local offic
centralized authority.

C) in a federal system there is centralized authority, while in a confederal system power is dis

D) In a federal system power is distributed equally, while in a confederal system the states hav
central government.



C. In a federal system there is centralized authority, while in a confederal system power is distributed equally among the states.


Government can be defined as a body of leadership and procedures for enforcing rules and regulations in a society.

Basically, there are two (2) main forms of systems of government and these include;

I. Federal system of government: it's a system of government in which both the central and state governments work hand in hand, as well as influencing each other. Also, the central government has the highest authority and power.

II. Confederal system of government: it's a system of government in which the state government independent of a central government. Thus, the state government performs its duties independently.

Hence, the main difference between federal and confederal systems of government is that in a federal system there is centralized authority, while in a confederal system power is distributed equally among the states.

During the initial post-WWII period, in what ways were the "Asian Tigers" similar?


started selling cheap exports

rapod industrialization

educated populace

high savings rates


Why is the Harlem renaissance so important to black political culture



It celebrated African American culture and heritage. It produced art, literature, and music that are still enjoyed today. Key figures in the movement inspired younger generations of African Americans. It caused the Great Migration of African Americans to the North.


All of these are significant factors but the choice that most describes the significance of the Harlem Renaissance is the first choice: it celebrated African American culture and heritage.

Hope this helps!

help me please! with this​



America goods were supplied to noribeligerent countries witholvelut fu  USiSnoUu ne rrD


Who's H.H. Holmes?

Was he a serial killer?




Herman Webster Mudgett, better known as Dr. Henry Howard Holmes or H. H. Holmes, was an American serial killer active from December 1891 to November 1894


H.H. Holmes was an American serial killer who confessed to 27 murders (although some of his alleged victims were still alive) He received the death sentence on the charge of first degree murder in 1896.

What common belief united the southern planter elite and poor, landless farmers in the region during the antebellum era?


These were owners of large plantations and slaves during the
antebellum period. They were usually the leaders of the

Question 1 Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)
(06.03 LC)
The U.S. government helps protect the economy and competition
O by promoting a command economy
O by establishing laws and regulations
O by letting the economy regulate itself
O by providing goods and services


The US government helps protect the economy and competition by providing goods and services to help the growth of nation as well as the growth of the nation


B. by establishing laws and regulations

hope this helps you

have a nice day:)

Trade in the Vedic Age occurred through

the bartering of goods for each other
the exchange of coins for goods
the use of written contracts as promises of payment
the exchange of land and animals for money



the bartering of goods for each other


The answer is (A) The bartering of goods for each other.

Explanation: Why? The truth is I did this quiz for FLVS and got it right. But the answer is quite simple. This helped get the Vedic Age get through life.

Which factor played the most important role in the rise of totalitarianism in
Italy during the 20th century?
O A. The rapid growth of Jewish populations in Italian cities
B. The damage World War I had done to Italy's economy
C. The declining popularity of nationalism and militarism in Italy
O D. The replacement of the Italian monarchy with elected leadership



B. The damage World War I had done to Italy's economy


Totalitarianism can be defined as a form of centralized government that has an absolute control over the state. Thus, totalitarianism completely prohibits individual freedom, opposing ideologies, principles, political parties, and requires the people to be subservient to the state.

Simply stated, totalitarianism is an autocratic or dictatorial form of government.

An authoritarian government is also known as dictatorship and it can be defined as a type of government in which an individual who is a sole administrator is responsible for controlling, managing and directing the affairs of the particular country.

The world War I (WWI) was a period of battle between various countries from 1914 to 1918. It started formally on the 28th of July, 1914 and ended on the 11th of November, 1918.

In April 1915, Italy officially joined the World War I (WWI) and it was estimated that six hundred thousand (600,000) Italians died by the end of the war while several assets (properties) were completely destroyed.

Hence, the damage caused by World War I (WWI) to Italy's economy played the most important role in the rise of totalitarianism in Italy during the 20th century.

Benito Mussolini who was born on the 29th of July, 1883 in Varnano dei Costa, in Romagna became a fascist leader of Italy by gaining power through turmoil.




Is the United States a civilization?



A civilization is dependent on its interactions with other countries. The United States is not independent of its trade partners, allies and its interactions and communications, social issues, environmental issues and politically.

United States does not exist as a civilization. The 21st century all countries are interconnected.

A rapidly expanding percentage of urban residents live in:

high-rise buildings


single-family homes

public housing





List two important groups currently living in New Mexico. Then, briefly evaluate each group
to identify one way that the a group reflects a historical New Mexican influence.
I need the answer of the question without date or percentage thank you guys so much


Native Americans - The Navajo Nation and Apache.

The Navajo Nation - Indian tribe, the Navajo Nation consists of more than 298,000 members, about 106,800 of whom live in New Mexico. The reservation includes approximately 27,000 square miles. Its boundaries extend from northwestern New Mexico into northeastern Arizona and southeastern Utah, a combined area larger than many U.S. states.


According to scientists who study different cultures, the first Navajo lived in western Canada some one thousand years ago. They belonged to an American Indian group called the Athapaskans and they called themselves "Dine" or "The People".


The Apache - Historically, the Apache homelands have consisted of high mountains, sheltered and watered valleys, deep canyons, deserts, and the southern Great Plains, including areas in what is now Eastern Arizona, Northern Mexico (Sonora and Chihuahua) and New Mexico, West Texas, and Southern Colorado. These areas are collectively known as Apacheria.

The Apache tribes fought the invading Spanish and Mexican peoples for centuries. The first Apache raids on Sonora appear to have taken place during the late 17th century. In 19th-century confrontations during the American-Indian wars, the U.S. Army found the Apache to be fierce warriors and skillful strategists.

- Wikipedia

Reword paragraphs to avoid plagiarism.

According to the excerpt, in what ways did water help England’s industrial boom?


The water helped the England’s industrial boom by supplying power through hydro-electricity and act as means of transportation to transport goods and people.

What is the England’s industrial boom?

The excerpts of the industrial boom is from the History of Cotton Manufacture in Great Britain which explains the origin of the nation industrial success.

In conclusion, the water helped the England’s industrial boom by supplying power through hydro-electricity and act as means of transportation to transport goods and people.

Read more about industrial boom



What brought $4 billion a year to impovi ished Native American communities?
O Mega lottery winnings
O reperations by the federal government
O casinos
O a donation by Bill Gates


A donation by bill gates correct me if I’m wrong

Write a sentence of each type about the maps shown









statement is word voice out with to have a meaningful said

1. A consumer must decide between purchasing a new television or a new computer.

What limited resource is responsible for this trade-off decision?

A. The consumer has a different benefit from each possible product.

B. The consumer has a limited amount of money available for purchases.

2. What resources do consumers typically have in limited supply that forces them to make trade-off decisions in consumption?

A. natural resources, land, and labor

B. time, attention, and capital

C. time, money, and attention

D. money, labor, and capital



the consumer has a different benefit from each possible product

then number 2 must be A

A consumer must decide between purchasing a new television or a new computer, because they have a limited amount of money available for purchases; and consumers typically have a limited supply of natural resources, land, and labor that forces them to make trade-off decisions in consumption. Therefore, the options 1-B and 2-A hold true.

What is the significance of a consumer?

A person, or an individual, who purchases anything with the aim of consuming it for his or her own benefits, is known as a consumer. In a perfectly competitive market, a consumer is always assumed to have a rational mind.

Using this rational mind, the consumers make purchases with the limited amount of resources that they have, thereby ensuring that they get maximum utility upon consumption of their purchases.

Therefore, the options 1-B and 2-A hold true regarding the significance of a consumer.

Learn more about a consumer here:


Why are primary sources important when studying historical events



because it trusted info in detail

This statement is a lie: "I claimed Canada for France."
Rewrite the statement to say something that is true.


yeah i just told her i i just

Which three factors were part of European imperialism



The three main factors that were part of the European Imperialism are as followed:

Economic - The exploitation of foreign countries for natural resources.Political - The promotion of the idea of white superiority or supremacy. Social - The wide spread of the English language across regions such as South Asia.

The European imperialists pushed into regions such as South Asia anmd Africa solely motivated by three main factors which were economic, political, and social.

How many stars are found in the background of the state seal? What do they represent? (Site 1)



Answer : In the background of the seal, surrounding the main star, are forty-five smaller stars, representing the forty-five states in the Union when Oklahoma became the forty-sixth state.

Which of the following is an editing technique?
A. Graphic relations
B. Rhythmic relations
C. Spatial relations
D. All of the above



D. All of the above


Graphic relations, rhythmic relations, spatial relations are all editing techniques.

D. All of the above

Which was not a reason the colonist wanted to declare independence



any answer choices btw i need a picture


One might be that they had a fear that they would lose the protection of their mother country and get attacked due to a weak military.


There are many reasons why the British colonists didn't want to declare independence. One might be that they had a fear that they would lose the protection of their mother country and get attacked.

Question 3 of 10
What helped President Johnson get civil rights legislation passed?
O A. He said Americans had talked enough about equality and needed
to act.
B. He said it would honor President Kennedy's memory.
C. He was from the South.
D. All of the above





After JFK's assassination, LBJ was pushed to pass the civil rights act to honor JFK. He is from Texas, so that could help him gain some support from southerners. He stated, "We have talked long enough in this country about equal rights. We have talked for one hundred years or more. It is time now to write the next chapter, and to write it in the books of law.” during his session with Congress.

The Johnson from the south to get the help to pass civil rights legislation, and said that Americans had spoke about equality and act it honors Kennedy's memory.

What is civil rights legislation?

Discrimination on the basis of race, religion, color, gender, or national origin is prohibited under the Civil Rights Act or legislation of 1964.

Discrimination on the basis of gender, as well as race, was prohibited in hiring, promoting, and dismissing under the provisions of this civil rights act.

The president Johnson from the south to get the help to pass civil rights legislation, by said that the Americans had talked enough about equality and needed to act.

He also said that it would honor President Kennedy's memory that belongs from the south.

Therefore, option d is correct.

To learn more about the legislation, refer to:

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