How many grams of CO2 are formed if 44.7 g C5H12 is mixed with 108 g O2?


Answer 1


here's the answer to your question

Related Questions

calculate pressure exerted by 1.255 mol of CI2 in a volume of 5.005 L at a temperature 273.5 k using ideal gas equation



The pressure is 5.62 atm.


An ideal gas is a theoretical gas that is considered to be composed of randomly moving point particles that do not interact with each other. Gases in general are ideal when they are at high temperatures and low pressures.

An ideal gas is characterized by three state variables: absolute pressure (P), volume (V), and absolute temperature (T). The relationship between them constitutes the ideal gas law, an equation that relates the three variables if the amount of substance, number of moles n, remains constant and where R is the molar constant of the gases:

P * V = n * R * T

In this case:

P= ?V= 5.005 Ln= 1.255 molR= 0.082 [tex]\frac{atm*L}{mol*K}[/tex]T= 273.5 K


P* 5.005 L= 1.255 mol* 0.082 [tex]\frac{atm*L}{mol*K}[/tex] *273.5 K


[tex]P=\frac{1.255 mol* 0.082 \frac{atm*L}{mol*K} *273.5 K}{5.005 L}[/tex]

P= 5.62 atm

The pressure is 5.62 atm.

A tank of oxygen with a pressure of 23 atm is moved from room temperature of 293K to a storage freezer at 239K. What is the final pressure?





Using the formula V1P1/T1 = V2P2/T2, from combined gas law. Volume is constant since we have not been given. Therefore the formula comes to be; P1/T1 = P2/T1

To get P2 = T2(P1/T1)

Where P2 is final pressure

P2 = 239K ( 23atm/293K)


The illustration on the left represents a mixture of I2 (purple) molecules and F2 (green) molecules. If these were to react to form IF3 molecules, what is the maximum number of IF3 molecules that could form? Hint: Atoms must be conserved in an ordinary chemical reaction.



Depends on the reacting molecules.


More molecules of IF3 are formed when more I2 (purple) molecules and F2 (green) molecules combine or react with each other. If one molecule of I2 (purple) react with three F2 (green) molecules then two molecules of  IF3 are formed. The equation for this reaction is given below:

I2 + 3F2 -----------> 2IF3. In this reaction, we can see that one molecule of I2 react with three molecules of F2 forming two molecules of IF3.

Write the balanced equation showing the decomposition of carbonic acid and sulfurous acid.



here's the answer to your question

Decomposition of Sulfurous Acid (H₂SO₃):

H₂SO₃ → H₂O + SO₂

In this reaction, sulfurous acid decomposes into water (H₂O) and sulfur dioxide (SO₂).

The decomposition of carbonic acid (H₂CO₃) and sulfurous acid (H₂SO₃) can be represented by the following balanced chemical equations:

Decomposition of Carbonic Acid (H₂CO₃):

H₂CO₃ → H₂O + CO₂

In this reaction, carbonic acid decomposes into water (H₂O) and carbon dioxide (CO₂).

Decomposition of Sulfurous Acid (H₂SO₃):

H₂SO₃ → H₂O + SO₂

In this reaction, sulfurous acid decomposes into water (H₂O) and sulfur dioxide (SO₂).

To know more about carbonic acid:


How many molecules (or formula units) are in 138.56 g C4H10 Express your answer using four significant figures.



dont buy cheap and off we went

How much BaSO4 can be formed from 196.0 g of H2SO4?



a) You can form 466 g of BaSO₄.


a) Mass of BaSO4

196 g H₂SO4 × 1 mol H₂SO4

98.08 g H₂SO4

1 mol BaSO 1 mol H₂SO4 X X

466 g BaSO4

233.39 g BaSO4

1 mol BaSO4

How Many KJ
are in 1500 cal. ​


Answer: [tex]6.276\ kJ[/tex]


It is known that 1 cal is equivalent to 4.184 J

1500 cal will be equivalent to [tex]1500\times 4.184=6276\ J[/tex]

Also, 1 kJ is equivalent to 1000 J

So, 6276 J is equal to [tex]6.276\ kJ[/tex]

how does lead resemble chromium?​


Lead resembles chromium as they both are what you call heavy metals this refers to any metallic chemical element that has a relatively high density examples of heavy metals will include lead,chromium

One and a half gallons of paint are used on refrigeration units which are then baked dry in a 275F oven for 2 hours. If the paint contains 5% solids and uses hexane as the solvent, what is the evaporation rate in pints per minute



Hence the evaporation rate in pints per minute is 0.001583.



1.5 gallons of paint are used.

It has 5% solid, so total 95% of 1.5 gallon can evaporate(only the solvent part will evaporate).

95% of 1.5 gallon=(95/100)*1.5 = 1.425 gallons.

1gallon = 8 pints.

So 1.425 gallons=8*1.425 pints

=11.4 pints.

Evaporation requires 2 hours. That is 3600*2 seconds = 7200 seconds.

So evaporation rate= 11.4 pints/7200 seconds.

=0.001583 pints per second

Which statement best summarizes the second law of thermodynamics?
A. The total disorder of a system and it’s surroundings tend to increase
B. Energy cannot be created or destroyed
C. Energy is lost when it changes form
D. A system and it’s surroundings tend toward a state of increased order





A p e x

Classify each of the reactions listed below as a single-displacement, double-displacement, synthesis,
decomposition, oxidation reduction or combustion reaction.
Reaction Type
: 2Na + Cl2 → 2NaCl
: C2H4 + 3O2 → 2CO2 + 2H2O
: 2Ag2O-> 4Ag + O2
: BaCl2 + Na2SO4->BaSO4 +2NaCl
: 2AI + Fe2O3-> 2Fe + Al2O3


1. Synthesis
2. Combustion
3. Decomposition
4. Double Replacement
5. Single replacement

Write the cell notation for an electrochemical cell consisting of an anode where Mn (s) is oxidized to Mn2 (aq) and a cathode where Co2 (aq) is reduced to Co (s) . Assume all aqueous solutions have a concentration of 1 mol/L.





In writing the cell notation for an electrochemical cell, the anode is written on the left hand side while the cathode is written on the right hand side. The two half cells are separated by two thick lines which represents the salt bridge.

For the cell discussed in the question; the Mn(s)/Mn^2+(aq) is the anode while the Co^2+(aq)/Co(s) half cell is the cathode.

Hence I can write; Mn(s)/Mn^2+(aq)//Co^2+(aq)/Co(s)

Why does increasing the temperature of two reactants in solution make a
reaction proceed more quickly?


The two molecules will only react if they have enough energy. By heating the mixture, you are raising the energy levels of the molecules involved in the reaction. Increasing temperature also means the molecules are moving around faster and will therefore "bump" into each other more often.


-The particles of the two reactants will gain kinetic energy and collide with one another more frequently and forcefully, which makes the reaction take place more quickly

10g of a non-volatile and non-dissociating solute is dissolved in 200g of benzene.
The resulting solution boils At temperature of 81.20oC. Find the molar mass of solute.
Given that the BP of pure benzene is 80.10oC and Its elevation boiling point constant = 2.53 oC/m.


Answer: The molar mass of solute is 115 g/mol.


Elevation in the boiling point is defined as the difference between the boiling point of the solution and the boiling point of the pure solvent.

The expression for the calculation of elevation in boiling point is:

[tex]\text{Boiling point of solution}-\text{boiling point of pure solvent}=i\times K_b\times m[/tex]


[tex]\text{Boiling point of solution}-\text{Boiling point of pure solvent}=i\times K_f\times \frac{m_{solute}\times 1000}{M_{solute}\times w_{solvent}\text{(in g)}}[/tex] ......(1)


Boiling point of pure solvent (benzene) = [tex]80.10^oC[/tex]

Boiling point of solution = [tex]81.20^oC[/tex]

i = Vant Hoff factor = 1 (for non-electrolytes)

[tex]K_b[/tex] = Boiling point elevation constant = [tex]2.53^oC/m[/tex]

[tex]m_{solute}[/tex] = Given mass of solute = 10 g

[tex]M_{solute}[/tex] = Molar mass of solute = ? g/mol

[tex]w_{solvent}[/tex] = Mass of solvent = 200 g

Putting values in equation 1, we get:

[tex]81.20-80.10=1\times 2.53\times \frac{10\times 1000}{M_{solute}\times 200}\\\\M_{solute}=\frac{1\times 2.53\times 10\times 1000}{1.1\times 200}\\\\M_{solute}=115g/mol[/tex]

Hence, the molar mass of solute is 115 g/mol.

5. How many grams of tin metal can be produced from smelting (heating) of a 4.5 kilograms of tin (IV) oxide? (Note: Elemental tin and oxygen gas are the only products of this reaction).



About 3500 grams of tin.


We want to determine amount of tin metal (in grams) that can be produced from smelting 4.5 kilograms of tin(IV) oxide.

First, write the chemical compound. Since our cation is tin(IV), it forms a 3+ charge. Oxygen has a 2- charge, so we will have two oxygen atoms. Hence, tin(IV) oxide is given by SnO₂.

By smelting it, we acquire elemental tin and oxygen gas. Hence:

[tex]\text{SnO$_2$}\rightarrow \text{Sn} + \text{O$_2$}[/tex]

(Note: oxygen is a diatomic element.)

The equation is balanced as well.

To convert from SnO₂ to only Sn, we can first convert from grams of SnO₂ to moles, use mole ratios to convert to moles of Sn, and then from there convert to grams.

Since Sn has a molar mass of 118.71 g/mol and oxygen has a molar mass of 15.999 g/mol, the molar mass of SnO₂ is:

[tex](118.71)+2(15.999) = 150.708\text{ g/mol}[/tex]

Therefore, given 4.5 kilograms of SnO₂, we can first convert this into grams using 1000 g / kg and then using the ratio:

[tex]\displaystyle \frac{1\text{ mol SnO$_2$}}{150.708\text{ g SnO$_2$}}[/tex]

We can convert this into moles.

Next, from the chemical equation, we can see that one mole of SnO₂ produces exactly one mole of Sn (and also one mole of O₂). So, our mole ratio is:

[tex]\displaystyle \frac{1\text{ mol Sn}}{1\text{ mol SnO$_2$}}[/tex]

With SnO₂ in the denominator to simplify units.

Finally, we can convert from moles Sn to grams Sn using its molar mass:

[tex]\displaystyle \frac{118.71\text{ g Sn}}{1\text{ mol Sn}}[/tex]

With the initial value and above ratios, we acquire:

[tex]\displaystyle 4.5\text{ kg SnO$_2$}\cdot \frac{1000 \text{ g SnO$_2$}}{1\text{ kg SnO$_2$}}\cdot \displaystyle \frac{1\text{ mol SnO$_2$}}{150.708\text{ g SnO$_2$}}\cdot \displaystyle \frac{1\text{ mol Sn}}{1 \text{ mol SnO$_2$}} \cdot\displaystyle \frac{118.71\text{ g Sn}}{1\text{ mol Sn}}[/tex]

Cancel like units:

[tex]=\displaystyle 4.5\cdot \frac{1000}{1}\cdot \displaystyle \frac{1}{150.708}\cdot \displaystyle \frac{1}{1} \cdot\displaystyle \frac{118.71\text{ g Sn}}{1}[/tex]

Multiply. Hence:

[tex]\displaystyle = 3544.5696...\text{ g Sn}[/tex]

Since we should have two significant figures:

[tex]=3500 \text{ g Sn}[/tex]

So, about 3500 grams of tin is produced from smelting 4.5 kg of tin(IV) oxide.




start w/ tin (IV) oxide n elemental tin and oxygen gas are the only products of this reaction

SnO2 -> Sn + O2

Sn molecular wt: 119

O2 molecular wt: 32

SnO2 molecular wt:  119+32 = 151

so Sn / SnO2 wt ratio = 119 / 151

4.5 kilograms of tin (IV) oxide will produce:

= 4.5 * 119 / 151

= 3.546 kg

or 3546 grams of tin metal

no need to involve moles ;)

define surface are tension of liquid


The hydrological cycle refers to the circulation of water within the earth's hydrosphere in different from I. e. the liquid, solid and the gaseous forms.

Which of the following are combustion reactions?

NaNO3 (aq) arrow Na+(aq) + NO3-(aq)

C2H6 (g) + O2 (g) arrow CO2 (g) + H2O (l)

Mg(s) + HCl (aq) arrow H2 (g) + MgCl2 (aq)

HCl (aq) + NaOH (aq) arrow HOH (l) + NaCl (s)



C₂H₆(g) + O₂(g) ⇒ CO₂(g) + H₂O(l)


Which of the following are combustion reactions?

NaNO₃(aq) ⇒ Na⁺(aq) + NO₃⁻(aq)

NO. This is a dissociation reaction.

C₂H₆(g) + O₂(g) ⇒ CO₂(g) + H₂O(l)

YES. This is a combustion reaction because a compound reacts with oxygen to form carbon dioxide and water.

Mg(s) + HCl (aq) ⇒ H₂(g) + MgCl₂(aq)

NO. This is a single displacement reaction.

HCl(aq) + NaOH (aq) ⇒ HOH(l) + NaCl(s)

NO. This is a neutralization reaction.

balance the following reaction using LCM method by showing each steps Pb (N3)2 + Cr(MnO4)2  Cr2O3 + MnO2 + Pb3O4+ NO​


here's the answer to your question

Choose all the answers that apply. Silicon (Si) has 14 protons and an atomic mass of 28. Silicon has _____. three electron shells 14 electrons 14 neutrons two electron shells 28 electrons



three electron shells

14 electrons

14 neutrons


Silicon has three electron shells arranged as follows; 2, 8, 4. This corresponds to the fact that silicon is a member of group 14 of the periodic table.

Note that, the number of protons in an atom is the same as the number of electrons in the neutral atom. Since Silicon has 14 protons, it also has 14 electrons likewise.

The mass number of silicon is 28 but number of neutrons= mass number - number of protons. Since mass number = 28, then there are 14 neutrons in silicon.

1. Which of the following are covalent compounds?
Select all that apply:
Potassium Chloride: K CI
Octadecanol: C18H380
Dimethyl Sulfoxide: CHOS
Lithium Bromide: LiBr



Octadecanol: C18H380

Dimethyl sulfoxide: CHOS


Covalent compounds are formed between non-metallic elements

If the temperature of a volume of dieal gas ncreases for 100 to 200, what happens to the average kinetic energy of the molecules?



It increases but less than double


As the temperature of a gas increase, the average kinetic energy of the gas increases. The kinetic energy of a gas is the thermal energy that the gas contains.

We know, the kinetic energy of an ideal gas is given by :

[tex]$V_{avg} = \sqrt{\frac{8R}{\pi M}}$[/tex]

where, R = gas constant

            T = absolute temperature

            M = molecular mass of the gas

From the above law, we get

[tex]$V_{avg} \propto \sqrt{T}$[/tex]

Thus, if we increase the temperature then the average kinetic energy of the ideal gas increases.

In the context, if the temperature of the ideal gas increases from 100°C to 200°C, then

[tex]$\frac{(V_{avg)_2}}{(V_{avg)_1}} =\sqrt{\frac{T_2}{T_1}}$[/tex]

[tex]$\frac{(V_{avg)_2}}{(V_{avg)_1}} =\sqrt{\frac{473.15}{373.15}}$[/tex]

[tex]$\frac{(V_{avg)_2}}{(V_{avg)_1}} =\sqrt{1.26}$[/tex]

[tex]$\frac{(V_{avg)_2}}{(V_{avg)_1}} =1.12$[/tex]

[tex]$(V_{avg})_2 = 1.12\ (V_{avg})_1$[/tex]

Therefore, [tex]$(V_{avg})_2 > (V_{avg})_1$[/tex]

Thus the average kinetic energy of the molecule increases but it increases 1.12 times which is less than the double.

Thus, the answer is " It increases but less that double".

please help!

What is the definition of thermal chemistry?

a.The study of change that involves warm objects

b.The study of change that involves heat

c.The study of change that involves cool objects

d.The study of change that involves temperature


D. That is the correct answer

Where is CO2 concentration greatest in the body?



I believe it might be blood exiting the lungs, not positive though.


i think it is blood exiting the lungs

For a particular catalyzed reaction, the change in enthalpy is 26kJmole and the activation energy is 67kJmole. Which can be the change in enthalpy and the activation energy for the uncatalyzed reaction





A catalyst lowers the activation energy between reactants and products. Once this energy barrier is lowered, reactants are converted into products faster.

However, the enthalpy change of a reaction is constant both in the catalysed and uncatalysed reaction.

The activation energy of the uncatalysed reaction must be higher than the activation energy of the catalysed reaction. Hence the answer above.

How to balance this equation KClO4 → KCl + ?O2(g) and what type of reaction occurs?



here is the answer to your question

A process will definitely be spontaneous if: Select the correct answer below: the entropy of the system increases in the process the entropy of the system decreases in the process the entropy of the universe increases in the process the entropy of the universe decreases in the process



the entropy of the universe increases


The second law of thermodynamics can be stated in terms of entropy, in this statement of the law; ''a spontaneous process increases the entropy of the universe''.

Given that; ∆Suniverse = ∆Ssystem + ∆Ssurroundings, the definition of a spontaneous process is one in which ∆Suniverse >0.

Hence, a process is spontaneous when the entropy of the universe increases.

K always has the same value
at a given temperature
regardless of the amounts of
reactants or products that
are present initially.
Select one:



hope it will help you

7. There are 7. 0 ml of 0.175 M H2C2O4 , 1 ml of water , 4 ml of 3.5M KMnO4 what is the molar concentration ofH2C2O4 ?
8. Using the data from question 7 what is the molar concentration of KMnO4 ?
10. From question number 7, what effect increasing the volume of water has on the reaction rate?



7. 0.1021 M

8. 1.167 M

10. Increase in volume of water would lower the rate of reaction


7. What is the molar concentration of H₂C₂O₄ ?

Since we have 7.0 ml of 0.175 M H₂C₂O₄, the number of moles of H₂C₂O₄ present n = molarity of H₂C₂O₄ × volume of H₂C₂O₄ = 0.175 mol/L × 7.0 ml = 0.175 mol/L × 7 × 10⁻³ L = 1.225 × 10⁻³ mol.

Also, the total volume present V = volume of H2C2O4 + volume of water + volume of KMnO4 = 7.0 ml + 1 ml + 4 ml = 12 ml = 12 × 10⁻³ L

So, the molar concentration of H₂C₂O₄, M = number of moles of H₂C₂O₄/volume = n/V

= 1.225 × 10⁻³ mol/12 × 10⁻³ L

= 0.1021 mol/L

= 0.1021 M

8. Using the data from question 7 what is the molar concentration of KMnO₄ ?

Since we have 4.0 ml of 3.5 M KMnO₄, the number of moles of KMnO4 present n' = molarity of KMnO₄ × volume of KMnO₄ = 3.5 mol/L × 4.0 ml = 3.5 mol/L × 4 × 10⁻³ L = 14 × 10⁻³ mol.

Also, the total volume present V = volume of KMnO₄ + volume of water + volume of KMnO₄ = 7.0 ml + 1 ml + 4 ml = 12 ml = 12 × 10⁻³ L

So, the molar concentration of KMnO₄, M' = number of moles of KMnO₄/volume = n'/V

= 14 × 10⁻³ mol/12 × 10⁻³ L

= 1.167 mol/L

= 1.167 M

10. From question number 7, what effect increasing the volume of water has on the reaction rate?

Increase in volume of water would lower the rate of reaction because, the particles of both substances would have to travel farther distances to collide with each other, since there are less particles present in the solution and thus, the concentration of the particles would decrease thereby decreasing the rate of reaction.

Write the equation for the reaction described: The organic material 9,10-anthracenedione, C14H8O2, is oxidized, reacting with oxygen, forming carbon dioxide and water.



[tex]C_{14}H_8O_2+15O_2\rightarrow 14CO_2+4H_2O[/tex]


Hello there!

In this case, according to the given description, it turns out possible for us to set up the required chemical reaction as follows:

[tex]C_{14}H_8O_2+O_2\rightarrow CO_2+H_2O[/tex]

However, it turns out mandatory to balance it according to the law of conservation of mass, which states that the atoms must the same on the reactants side as on the products side; thus, we proceed as follows:

[tex]C_{14}H_8O_2+15O_2\rightarrow 14CO_2+4H_2O[/tex]

In order to have 14 C atoms, 8 H atoms and 32 O atoms on both sides of the chemical equation.


What is the electron domain geometry around N in N2CL4



trigonal bipyramidal.

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