The U.S. Congress enacts a new federal statute that sets different standards for the liability of businesses selling defective products. This statute applies


Answer 1

The new federal statute i.e. different standards should be set out and there should be the liability for selling the defective products that should be applied to all the states.

The following information should be considered:

The new federal statute should be enacted in which the different standards should be set out.In this, there is the liability for selling out the defective products and this should be applied to all states as everyone should be treated equally so all states should be considered.

Therefore we can conclude that The new federal statute i.e. different standards should be set out and there should be the liability for selling the defective products that should be applied to all the states.

Learn more about the statute here:

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how the business can use creative thinking to solve the problem​



Creative thinking helps you keep your business presence fresh. You'll be able to constantly reinvent your business in order to stay in your customers' awareness. ... Creativity improves your leadership skills. Being an effective leader means being creative in your approach and problem-solving.


On February 15, Symth Co. determines that it cannot collect $500 owed by its customer, A. Winds. Symth records the loss using the direct write-off method. This entry to record the write-off on February 15 would include a: (Check all that apply.) Multiple select question. credit to Accounts Receivable - A. Winds. credit to Bad Debts Expense. debit to Accounts Receivable - A. Winds. credit to Sales. debit to Bad Debts Expense. debit to Sales.



debit to Bad Debts Expense.

credit to Accounts Receivable - A. Winds.


The journal entry to record the write off is given below:

Bad debt expense Dr $500

    To Accounts Receivable - A. Winds $500

(being the written off is recorded)

Here the bad debt expense is debited as it increased the assets and credited the account receivable as it decreased the assets

Rivalry among competing sellers is generally more intense when Group of answer choices industry conditions tempt competitors to use price cuts or other competitive weapons to boost unit volume. barriers to entry are high and buyer switching costs are high. barriers to entry are moderately high and the pool of likely entry candidates is small. buyer demand is growing rapidly. the industry's driving forces are strong and rivals have strongly differentiated products.



industry conditions tempt competitors to use price cuts or other competitive weapons to boost unit volume.


Rivalry refers to the competitions that take place among firms in an industry with the aim of capturing greater market share

rivalry is influenced by :

1. barriers to entry :

If barriers to entry is high, there would be few firms competing for customers, so there would less intense rivalry

2. differentiation of goods in the industry :

If goods are differentiated, goods are unique from that of competitors. so there would be less need for intense rivalry

Why would foreign firms export a product at less than its cost of production—which presumably means making a loss? Many nations participate in poor planning and as a result produce a surplus of product which they sell at a loss. This may be part of a long-term strategy in which foreign firms would sell at below the cost of production in the short-term for a time, and when they have driven out the domestic U.S. competition, they would then raise prices. Many nations simply wish to keep their workers employed, no matter what the cost. Many nations simply produce and sell inferior goods at prices that reflect this fact.


The statement" The foreign firms sell at below the production cost and whenever it is driven out so it increases the prices" is correct.

In the case when the foreign firms export a product i.e. lower than the cost of production that means they make the losses is when:

There is a long-term strategy.It should be less than the cost of production in less period.The prices are increased at the time when the driven out the competition of the domestic united states.

In other cases, it does not make the losses only the above factors should be considered.

Therefore we can conclude that the statement "It is part of the long-term strategy where the foreign firm should sell less than the cost of production in the short period of time and whenever it has driven out the competition of the domestic united states so the prices should be increased" is correct.

Learn more about the cost of production here:

Thomas, the Department Head of the meat processing unit of a food manufacturing company, refuses to allow an OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) compliance inspector to carry out the inspection process. In this scenario, what action can the OSHA inspector take


The action that should be taken by the OSHA inspector is to generate the search warrant so that they could enter into a unit.

The inspection process is the process where the inspection could be done with regard to

Quality of products. Identify the defective products if any.Reveal any hazardous product if any.

Since the department head of food manufacturing company refuses to allow an OSHA for carrying out an inspection process so for this:

The search warrant should be produced so that they could be able to enter into the unit and check whether everything is fine or not. If anything is not fine so the proper penalty should be charged for the same.

Therefore we can conclude that The action that should be taken by the OSHA inspector is to generate the search warrant so that they could enter into a unit.

Learn more about the OSHA here:

Alain is a sales representative for an established awnings manufacturer. Business is good, but he is concerned that the company has spent little on new product development and has not created a new product in over five years. Without new products, Alain can market his current products only to his current customers or Multiple Choice diversify. intensify his prototyping. expand his early adopter market segment. market the same products to similar customers.



market the same products to similar customers


In simple words, the only choice that Alain have in the given case is to market the same product to similar customers. Diversifying and prototyping are beyond control of a salesman like Alain. Also, if there is no new product in the market there will be no chance that one can target a new market segment. Thus, we can conclude that the correct option is last statement.

An employee properly sued her employer for wrongful discharge in federal court. During discovery, the employee served the employer with a discovery request for information regarding all employment termination over the previous 15 years, regardless of the position. The employer objected, and the employee filed a motion to compel the requested discovery. The court denied the motion to compel, and the employee wants to file an immediate appeal to review this decision. Does the employee have a right to an immediate appeal



No, because the trial court's order is an "interlocutory order" that can be reviewed prior to final judgment only if the trial court certifies it for immediate appeal and the appellate court, in its discretion, agrees to hear the appeal


Interlocutory orders

This is simply known as an order or judgment usually made in a case before  the said  parties claim or defense and every issue in the case has been reviewed or settled and they are not appealable. it is a form of rulings that trial judges do make in the course of pretrial proceedings and trials that were not entirely settled/resolve in the case. Therefore, they are not final. In this scenario above, interlocutory orders are usually not immediately reviewable on appeal until a final order is made such as meeting one of the exceptions permitting an appeal as of right (i.e., orders granting injunctions; orders appointing a receiver etc). This Appeals also may grant the review of an interlocutory order, but it is discretionary, and may be available only when the trial judge signs that the interlocutory order and the court of appeals then agrees to allow the appeal.

4. Write 5 examples for each of small, medium and large occupation categories. ​help please


Small and mid-size enterprises are businesses that maintain revenues, assets or a number of employees below a certain threshold. Each country has its own definition of what constitutes a small and medium-sized enterprise Certain size criteria must be met and occasionally the industry in which the company operates in is taken into account as well.

Name the institutions which provide technical education in nepal and describe any one of them​



The institutions which provide technical education in Nepal are:-

i)Tribhuwan University (TU)

ii) Mahendra Sanskrit University (MSU) iii) Lumbini Bauddha University (LBU) iv)Kathmandu University (KU)

v)Purbanchal University (PurU)

vi) Pokhara University (PokhU).

How is net profit determined ?



Net profit: Calculate the net profit (aka net income) by subtracting total expenses from total revenue to see exactly how much a company profits (a new profit) or loses (a net loss). A company's net income over time is a great indicator of how well or poorly its management team runs the company.


hope it is helpful for you

have nice day

How do I view my work schedule Six Flags?



you should have an username and password and just log in with six flag . try going to


I hope that help you

Product differentiation by incumbents act as an entry barrier because a. incumbents will take legal action if new entrants do not differentiate their products. b. it helps a firm to derive greater economies of scale. c. new entrants cannot differentiate their products. d. new entrants will have to spend heavily to overcome existing customer loyalties.



d. new entrants will have to spend heavily to overcome existing customer loyalties.


When the product is different and can be recognized by an incumbent so the same should be acted as the entry barrier as the new entrants should spend more amount so that they would able to overcome the loyalties of the customer that are pre-existed in the market

So according to the given situation, the option d is correct

And, the remaining of the options should be incorrect

Product differentiation by incumbents act as an entry barrier because new entrants will have to spend heavily to overcome existing customer loyalties. Hence option D is correct.

Product differentiation by incumbents can act as an entry barrier for new competitors because established firms have already built brand loyalty and customer relationships. This makes it difficult for new entrants to attract customers away from the existing offerings.

To overcome this barrier, new entrants would need to invest significantly in marketing, advertising, and promotion to differentiate their products and create their own customer base. This can require substantial financial resources and marketing efforts to establish brand recognition and gain customer trust and loyalty.

Learn more about product differentiation here:


wifty’s Shop can make 1000 units of a necessary component with the following costs: Direct Materials $28000 Direct Labor 6000 Variable Overhead 3000 Fixed Overhead ? The company can purchase the 1000 units externally for $43000. The unavoidable fixed costs are $2000 if the units are purchased externally. An analysis shows that at this external price, the company is indifferent between making or buying the part. What are the fixed overhead costs of making the component?





Cost of buying = Direct Material + Direct labor + Variable overhead + Avoidable fixed costs

$43,000 = $28,000 + $6,000 + $3,000 + Avoidable fixed costs

$43,000 = $37,000 + Avoidable fixed costs

Avoidable fixed costs = $43,000 - $37,000

Avoidable fixed costs = $6,000

Fixed overhead costs of making = Avoidable fixed costs + Unavoidable fixed costs

Fixed overhead costs of making = $6,000 - $2,000

Fixed overhead costs of making = $4,000

So therefore, the fixed overhead costs of making the component is $4,000.

Three key takeaways from the history of credit in america


The Diners Club Card in 1950 was the first credit card. The Franklin National Bank situated in Long Island, New York, issued the first bank credit card in 1951.

The profitability of credit cards did not last long before others saw it and by 1953, and 60 credit card programs were in the United States.It recorded the ability to pay back debts and proved responsible for their repayment.

Following are the key purchases from American credit history:

Credit history is a record of your debt repayment abilities and of your responsibility for repaying it.Includes the number and types of credit accounts you have credited, the duration of your account's opening, the amount owing, the quantity of available credit, whether you pay bills on time, and the number of recent credit requests.You will earn rewards for strong credit history, like cheaper rates on mortgage loans and automotive insurance.

Learn more:


I hope this image will help you

essica is a one-third owner in Bikes-R-Us, an S corporation that experienced a $45,000 loss this year (year 1). If her stock basis is $10,000 at the beginning of the year, how much of this loss clears the hurdle for deductibility (assume the at-risk limitation equals the tax-basis limitation)





Calculation to determine how much of this loss clears the hurdle for deductibility

Amount allocated = ($45,000 x 1/3)

Amount allocated=$15,000 of loss

Since the amount Allocated is loss of $15,000 and her STOCK BASIS is the amount of $10,000 at the beginning of the year which means that she is allowed to Deduct only the amount of $10,000 of the allocation which represent the amount of her STOCK BASIS.

Therefore how much of this loss clears the hurdle for deductibility will be $10,000

The manager of a clothing store in the mall has hired five new employees for the summer. All of them have just graduated from high school and will only work the three summer months before leaving for college. After the initial week of training, the manager continues to scrutinize and direct them in every detail of their job. Each time they make a mistake they are reprimanded, told their pay may be docked, and reminded that there are always other people who will gladly take their place. This manager is using the approach to management known as:



Theory X


It is correct to say that this manager is using the management approach known as theory X, which is a philosophy that says employees work only for the benefits they receive, and that they avoid job responsibilities, so management must be inflexible and follow the hierarchy of functions, with the manager being responsible for a high degree of supervision of the work and the responsibility of the employee for any error.

Theory X may not be ideal for the current administration, where the focus of organizations are people and the formation of a culture focused on innovation and collaboration.

True or false: Regulations prohibit insider trading. It is illegal for anyone to transact in securities to profit from inside information, that is, private information held by officers, directors, or major stockholders that has not yet been divulged to the public. True false question. True False



the answer for this would be true

Medical science is an important sector all over the globe ​



Medical scientists also conduct research to find treatments to un-treatable conditions. Medical science matters because it is the foundation of a strong healthcare system. When medical science is well resourced, patients conditions are diagnosed quickly and correctly, leading to correct and efficient treatment.


medical science is an important sector all over the globe . It is related to human life .it has various field with many profession ranging from basic level to a higher level various work like preparing and dispensing drugs taking of diagnosing and treating peoples body elements suggesting for preventive measures are related to taking care of human life . India for medical science and various professional professionals related to it are important for human life

Lori purchased a home for $250,000 with an additional $5,000 in related purchase costs and then added a garage at a cost of $25,000. She sold the home 10 years later for $575,000 and paid $35,000 in selling costs. She will pay capital gains tax on how much? $10,000 $260,000 $575,000 Zero


Answer: $10,000


If you purchase a house and pass the ownership test of having lived in the house for at least 2 years in the past 5, you can exclude $250,000 from the capital gains as a single person.

Lori passes the ownership test and so can claim the tax exclusion.

Capital gain:

= Cash received - Purchase costs

= (575,000 - 35,000) - (250,000 + 5,000 + 25,000)

= $260,000

After claiming exclusion of $250,000

= 260,000 - 250,000

= $10,000

Pat is insured with a life insurance policy and Karen is his primary beneficiary. They are both involved in an automobile accident where Pat dies instantly and Karen dies 5 days later. Which policy provision will protect the rights of the contingent beneficiary to receive the policy benefits


Answer: Common disaster clause


Based in the information given in the question, the policy provision that will protect the rights of the contingent beneficiary to receive the policy benefits is the common disaster clause.

According to the common disaster clause, the primary beneficiary must survive the insured usually by a period of 30-90 days and if this doesn't happen, the benefit will be paid automatically to the secondary beneficiary.

The common disaster clause simply explains that even though there's an accident which leads to the death of the insured and the beneficiary, it'll be possible to determine that it was the beneficiary whom died last and the benefit will be given to the person accordingly.

I am planning to go to universal studios Florida with my friends we are a 15-16 year age group, is their any way we can go inside without supervision?


yes i believe so try it out

If a bank benefits when a foreign currency declines in value, then the bank must be in a __________ position. The term below that correctly fills in the blank in the preceding sentence is: Group of answer choices


Short position (I think you were supposed to add answers)

Darren runs a barbershop with fixed costs equal to $40 per day and a total output of 10 haircuts per day. What is his weekly total fixed cost if he is open 6 days per week





Darren runs Barber shop

His fixed costs daily is $40

The toal output per day is 10 haircuts

He is open 6 days in the week

Therefore weekly total fixed costs can be calculated as follows

= 40×6

= 240

Hence the weekly fixed cost is $240

Samantha is a single mother raising two young children. In 2015, she was let go from her assembly line job at the car plant where she had worked for 15 years. She has a 15 hr a week job which pays $12,000.00 a year. She qualifies for and receives the earned income tax credit. What will happen to her earned income credit if Samantha gets in increase in her pay and earns $17,350 now



Her EITC will not be decreased.

what are some ways the government can internalize air pollution from the consumption of cars besides tax?​


- restrict access to certain areas like city centers for pollutant cars

- stop the manufacturing of cars using fossil fuel completely (the EU plans that for 2035)

- make public transportation cheaper or even free (Luxembourg did this)

- advocate the health benefits of not using a car for short trips via campaigns in differentmedia. it's cheaper and healthier to walk or ride a bike etc. whenever possible.

- make public transportation, e.g. trains, better and more time efficient (China invested a great deal of money into its train system)

- and possibly more I can't think of at the moment

What return do you expect earn if you buy the 3 years ,10% coupon bond today and sell it in exactly 1 year( if current price is 1051.45 rupees)





Since corporate bonds pay coupons semiannually, it would be important to first all determine the semiannual yield to maturity of this bond using a financial calculator as shown below:

We need to set the calculator to its end mode before making the following inputs:

N=6(number of semiannual coupons in 3 years=3*2=6)

PMT=50(semiannual coupon=face value*coupon rate/2=1000*10%/2=50)

PV=-1051.45 (current price)

FV=1000(bond's face value)



After one year, there would 4 semiannual coupons left, we can compute the bond price as shown thus:



I/Y=4.02(without % sign)




The expected rate of return over one year is computed thus:

N=2(number of semiannual coupons in 1 year holding period)

PMT=50(the amount of each semiannual coupon)

PV= -1051.45

FV=1,035.56(selling price after one year)

CPT=4.01%(on a semiannual basis)

annual rate of return=4.01%*2=8.02%

Plastbolt, a company that manufactures and supplies plastic bottles, wants to acquire a smaller company. It plans to invest in two smaller plastic manufacturing companies and buy the one that it finds yields better returns. In this scenario, Plastbolt is most likely using



options-based planning


Options-based planning is defined as one that focuses on what could go wrong in a given business venture. Resources are now used to mitigate the projected issues that can arise.

In the give scenario Plastbolt is trying to invest in two smaller plastic manufacturing companies and buy the one that it finds yields better returns.

So they have an option of going ahead with the venture that has better returns.

For years, the world used a small nation in Central America as a place to assemble goods and benefit from inexpensive labor. The nation decided to shift its base from simple assembly to a full-fledged manufacture of components and finished goods. It introduced a policy that stated 65 percent of the value of a product must be produced locally. This is an example of a(n)


Answer: Local Content Requirement


Local Content Requirements are the rules whereby a company must get a particular amount of the final value of a good from the domestic firms by buying from the local companies or sometimes through the manufacturing of the good locally.

The local content requirements is used by the government in order to protect and develop the domestic industries and ensure economic growth.

Which sentence describes a cooperative organization?

Cohen and his friends work in a cooperative organization.
They own and control the functions of the organization.
Their sole motive is to gain profit.
They can trade their stocks in the financial market.


The statement "They own and control the functions of the organization" best describes a cooperative organization.

A cooperative is when two or more people come together to form an organization or form a business that is democratically run and managed by them alone. This means that it is a united effort by the individuals involved to run a business.

Cooperatives may vary according to the needs and wants of the individuals. But at the same time, the rules and other policies can also be changed to suit the need of the members.Cooperatives represent a much better form of unity and accomplishments, especially for lesser known individuals or less powerful members of the society.Such individuals may be farmers, workers, individual producers, etc. who would unitedly work to accomplish common goals and beliefs.Thus, the correct answer is the second option.

A cooperative organization, in short, can be best stated as the unified union or gathering of various individuals with different expertise or dreams with the aim to achieve success. They share the responsibilities among themselves and also control the functions of the organizations equally.

Learn more about cooperative work here:

'Cooperative Organization' is characterized as the 'organization that is either partially or wholly owned and regulated by its employees, customers, or tenants.'

The sentence that appropriately describes such an organization would be:

B). They own and control the functions of the organization.

In a cooperative organization,

The people willingly come forward to accomplish their common needs including various economic, communal, and cultural needs. To serve these purposes, these people collectively own an enterprise/company whose goods and services are used by them only. Each member carries equal power and rights in such an organization Agriculture, utilities, Insurance, Healthcare, etc. are some of the illustrations of such organizations.

Learn more about 'Cooperative organization' here:

The materials price variance is the difference between the actual price of materials ______. Multiple choice question. and the standard price for materials with the difference multiplied by the standard quantity of material allowed and the standard price for materials with the difference multiplied by the actual quantity of materials times the actual quantity of materials and the standard price of materials times the standard quantity allowed for production



and the standard price paid for direct materials multiplied by the actual quantity of direct materials purchased


The formula to calculate the material price variance is

Material price variance is

= (Standard price - actual price) × actual quantity

Based on the above formula, the above statement represent the formula of the material price variance

Hence, the same is to be considered

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