how many models does the following set have? 5,5,5,7,8,12,12,12,150,150,150


Answer 1
Answer:  3 modes

The three modes are 5, 12, and 150 since they occur the most times and they tie one another in being the most frequent (each occurring 3 times).

Only the 7 and 8 occur once each, and aren't modes. Everything else is a mode. It's possible to have more than one mode and often we represent this as a set. So we'd say the mode is {5, 12, 150} where the order doesn't matter.

Related Questions


What is 5 added to 3 4?
6. 12​




Step-by-step explanation:


SAT scores are normally distributed with a mean of 1,500 and a standard deviation of 300. An administrator at a college is interested in estimating the average SAT score of first-year students. If the administrator would like to limit the margin of error of the 88% confidence interval to 15 points, how many students should the administrator sample? Make sure to give a whole number answer.



The administrator should sample 968 students.

Step-by-step explanation:

We have to find our [tex]\alpha[/tex] level, that is the subtraction of 1 by the confidence interval divided by 2. So:

[tex]\alpha = \frac{1 - 0.88}{2} = 0.06[/tex]

Now, we have to find z in the Z-table as such z has a p-value of [tex]1 - \alpha[/tex].

That is z with a p-value of [tex]1 - 0.06 = 0.94[/tex], so Z = 1.555.

Now, find the margin of error M as such

[tex]M = z\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]

In which [tex]\sigma[/tex] is the standard deviation of the population and n is the size of the sample.

Standard deviation of 300.

This means that [tex]n = 300[/tex]

If the administrator would like to limit the margin of error of the 88% confidence interval to 15 points, how many students should the administrator sample?

This is n for which M = 15. So

[tex]M = z\frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]

[tex]15 = 1.555\frac{300}{\sqrt{n}}[/tex]

[tex]15\sqrt{n} = 300*1.555[/tex]

Dividing both sides by 15

[tex]\sqrt{n} = 20*1.555[/tex]

[tex](\sqrt{n})^2 = (20*1.555)^2[/tex]

[tex]n = 967.2[/tex]

Rounding up:

The administrator should sample 968 students.

(07.03. 07.04 MC)
Part A: The area of a square is (4x2 + 20x + 25) square units. Determine the length of each side of the square by factoring the area expression completely. Show
your work (5 points)
Part B: The area of a rectangle is (4x2 - 9y2) square units. Determine the dimensions of the rectangle by factoring the area expression completely. Show your work
(5 points)



A) 4x^2+20x+25=(2x)^2+2*(2x)*5+5^2=(2x+5)^2

Area=(side)^2, side=sqrt(area)=sqrt((2x+5)^2)=2x+5

B) 4x^2-9y^2=(2x-3y)(2x+3y), these are the dimensions of the rectangle

A) The length of each side of the square is (2x + 5).

B) The dimensions of the rectangle are (2x - 3y) and (2x + 3y).

Used the concept of a quadratic equation that states,

An algebraic equation with the second degree of the variable is called a Quadratic equation.

Given that,

Part A: The area of a square is [tex](4x^2 + 20x + 25)[/tex] square units.

Part B: The area of a rectangle is [tex](4x^2 - 9y^2)[/tex] square units.

A) Now the length of each side of the square is calculated by factoring the area expression completely,

[tex](4x^2 + 20x + 25)[/tex]

[tex]4x^2 + (10 + 10)x + 25[/tex]

[tex]4x^2 + 10x + 10x + 25[/tex]

[tex]2x (x + 5) + 5(2x + 5)[/tex]

[tex](2x + 5) (2x+5)[/tex]

Hence the length of each side of the square is (2x + 5).

B) the dimensions of the rectangle are calculated by factoring the area expression completely,

[tex](4x^2 - 9y^2)[/tex]

[tex](2x)^2 - (3y)^2[/tex]

[tex](2x - 3y) (2x + 3y)[/tex]

Therefore, the dimensions of the rectangle are (2x - 3y) and (2x + 3y).

To learn more about the rectangle visit:


Factor 64a^3 -8b^3 Explain all steps.



[tex]8(2a- b)(4a^2+ 2ab+ b^2)[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

factor out the 8

then you have the sum/difference of cubes..

look that up SOAP: same opposite, always a plus

[tex]64a^3 -8b^3\\8(8a^3 -b^3)[/tex]

[tex]8(2a- b)(4a^2+ 2ab+ b^2)[/tex]

Write the ratio as a fraction in simplest form, with whole numbers in the numerator and denominator. 2.1yd : 1.4yd


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

Multiplying numerator and denominator by 10 will convert the ratio to a ratio of whole numbers. Then dividing by the common factor of 7 will reduce it to simplest form.

  [tex]\dfrac{2.1\text{ yd}}{1.4\text{ yd}}=\dfrac{2.1\times10}{1.4\times10}=\dfrac{21}{14}=\dfrac{3\times7}{2\times7}=\boxed{\dfrac{3}{2}}[/tex]


Solve the equation for y. Identify the slope and y-intercept then graph the equation.



Please Include a picture of the graph and show your work if you can


Hey there! I'm happy to help!

Here is our equation.


Let's add 3x to both sides.


Divide both sides by 2.


Here is slope intercept form.


So, we can just find those two things in the equation, and here are our answers.


The graph is down below. If our y-intercept is 5, then one of our points is (0,5). You can then plug a random x-value into the formula to find another point and then draw the line going through the two points.


Have a wonderful day and keep on learning! :D

I need help ASAP please




6 (-2,0)

7 (-5,6)

8 (5,3)

9 No, ab=8 CD=6

Step-by-step explanation:

50T Q12 A man wants to buy bags of gravel to cover his driveway. He decides to work out the area of his driveway. 1 bag of gravel covers 14m2 3m Sketch of driveway Not to scale 3m 8m 6m What is the area of his driveway? How many bags of gravel must he buy?​



hi amki nai patajjdkfkejd

Find the first five terms of the sequence..



The Next fiver tems are - 2, -2,-8,-12,-16

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

a1 = 2

an = -an-1 -4

Let n =2

a2 = -a1 -4 = -2-4 = -6

Let n=3

a3 = -a2 -4 = - (-6) -4 = +6 -4 = 2

Let n = 4

a4 = -a3 -4 = -2 -4 = -6

Let n=5

a5 = -a4 -4 = -(-6) -4 = +6-4 = 2

identify the roots of the equation and the multiplicities of the roots 8(x - 2)³ = 0​



The root of the equation is 2 with multiplicity 3

Step-by-step explanation:



The root of the equation is 2 with multiplicity 3

which of these figures has rotational symmetry


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:

The parallelogram has rotational symmetry of degree 2. It looks the same after rotation by 180°.


Additional comment

When a figure only looks like itself after a full rotation of 360°, it is said to have rotational symmetry of degree 1. All of the figures here will return to their original appearance after one 360° rotation. So, we assume the intent of the question is to identify figures with a rotational symmetry of degree greater than 1.

Which equation can be used to find the length of Line segment A C?



I don't see the problem.

Step-by-step explanation:

Assume that the matrices below are partitioned conformably for block multiplication. Compute the product.

[I 0] [W X]
[K I] [Y Z]


Multiplying block matrices works just like multiplication between regular matrices, provided that component matrices have the right sizes.

[tex]\begin{bmatrix}\mathbf I&\mathbf 0\\\mathbf K&\mathbf I\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}\mathbf W&\mathbf X\\\mathbf Y&\mathbf Z\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}\mathbf{IW}+\mathbf{0Y}&\mathbf{IX}+\mathbf{0Z}\\\mathbf{KW}+\mathbf{IY}&\mathbf{KX}+\mathbf{IZ}\end{bmatrix}[/tex]

[tex]\begin{bmatrix}\mathbf I&\mathbf 0\\\mathbf K&\mathbf I\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}\mathbf W&\mathbf X\\\mathbf Y&\mathbf Z\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}\mathbf W+\mathbf 0&\mathbf X+\mathbf 0\\\mathbf{KW}+\mathbf Y&\mathbf{KX}+\mathbf Z\end{bmatrix}[/tex]

[tex]\begin{bmatrix}\mathbf I&\mathbf 0\\\mathbf K&\mathbf I\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}\mathbf W&\mathbf X\\\mathbf Y&\mathbf Z\end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix}\mathbf W&\mathbf X\\\mathbf{KW}+\mathbf Y&\mathbf{KX}+\mathbf Z\end{bmatrix}[/tex]

(I assume I is the identity matrix and 0 is the zero matrix.)

what is the least common multiple between 25 and 8




Step-by-step explanation:

Break down 25 = 5*5

Break down 8 = 2*2*2

They have no common factors

The least common multiple is

5*5*2*2*2 = 25*8 = 200



Step-by-step explanation:

list the factors of 25: 5,5

factors of 8:2,2,2,

find the missing length indicated​


I think x is 144 by using tan theta=p/b


[tex] {a}^{2} + {b}^{2} = {c}^{2} [/tex]

Use The (Pythagorean Theorem) to find the length of any side of a right triangle. Form it like its shown in picture above. Follow the instructions that also shown in the picture above.

Question with last attempt is displayed for your review only
Amanda rented a bike from Ted's Bikes.
It costs $9 for the helmet plus $5.25 per hour.
If Amanda paid about $43.13, how many hours did she rent the bike?

Let h = the number of hours she rented the bike. Write the equation you would use to solve this problem.



[tex]43.13 = 5.25h + 9[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Let's solve this by making an equation.

$9 for the helmet, and $5.25 per hour.

h will stand for hours, C will stand for Amanda's cost.

[tex]C = 5.25h + 9[/tex]

Now, substitute in what we learned from the problem.

[tex]43.13 = 5.25h + 9[/tex]

This is an equation you can use to solve for the hours.

Karissa purchased a set of LED lights online that normally sells for $72.00 but was marked down to $48.96. What is the discount rate Karissa received? (2 points)


47 % because it didn’t go down as much as the other ones would be

Help please ….. help



Step-by-step explanation:

a) categorical

b) add all of the numbers and divide by how many numbers there were.

c) outliers means any that were far away from the rest of the data

d) not entirely, you can make an estimate based on it, but nat an exact answer.

in how many ways 6 gentleman and 4 ladies can be choosen out of 10 gentleman and 8 ladies? ​



5880 ways

Step-by-step explanation:

For selections like this, we solve using the combination theory. Recall that

nCr = n!/(n-r)!r!

Hence given to find the number of ways 6 gentleman and 4 ladies can be choosen out of 10 gentleman and 8 ladies,

= 10C6 * 8C4

= 10!/(10-6)!6! * 8!/(8-6)!6!

= 10 * 9 * 8 * 7 * 6!/4 *3 *2 * 6! * 8 * 7 * 6!/2 * 6!

= 210 * 28

= 5880 ways

The arrangement can be done in 5880 ways

A binomial probability experiment is conducted with the given parameters. Compute the probability of x successes in the n independent trials of the experiment.
n=12​, p=0.35​, x=2



0.1088 or 10.88%

Step-by-step explanation:

q = 1 - 0.35 = 0.65

P(X=2) = 12C2 × (0.35)² × (0.65)¹

= 0.1088

Shaun is planting trees along his driveway, and he has 66 redwoods and 66 pine trees to plant in one row. What is the probability that he randomly plants the trees so that all 66 redwoods are next to each other and all 66 pine trees are next to each other



0.0022 = 0.22% probability that he randomly plants the trees so that all 6 redwoods are next to each other and all 6 pine trees are next to each other.

Step-by-step explanation:

The trees are arranged, so the arrangements formula is used to solve this question. Also, a probability is the number of desired outcomes divided by the number of total outcomes.

Arrangements formula:

The number of possible arrangements of n elements is given by:

[tex]A_n = n![/tex]

Desired outcomes:

Two cases:

6 redwoods(6! ways) then the 6 pine trees(6! ways)

6 pine trees(6! ways) then the 6 redwoods(6! ways)


[tex]D = 2*6!*6![/tex]

Total outcomes:

12 trees, so:

[tex]D = 12![/tex]

What is the probability that he randomly plants the trees so that all 6 redwoods are next to each other and all 6 pine trees are next to each other?

[tex]p = \frac{D}{T} = \frac{2*6!*6!}{12!} = 0.0022[/tex]

0.0022 = 0.22% probability that he randomly plants the trees so that all 6 redwoods are next to each other and all 6 pine trees are next to each other.

A student majoring in accounting is trying to decide on the number of firms to which he should apply. Given his work experience and grades, he can expect to receive a job offer from 70% of the firms to which he applies. The student decides to apply to only four firms.
(a) What is the probability that he receives no job offer?
(b) How many job offers he expects to get?
(c) What is the probability that more than half of the firms he applied do not make him any offer?
(d) What assumptions do you need to make to find the probabilities? To increase the chance of securing more job offers, the student decides to apply to as many companies as possible, he sent out 60 applications to all different accounting firms.
(e) What is the probability of him securing more than 3 offers?



a) 0.0081 = 0.81% probability that he receives no job offer

b) He expects to get 2.8 job offers.

c) 0.0837 = 8.37% probability that more than half of the firms he applied do not make him any offer.

d) Each job must be independent of other jobs. Additionaly, if [tex]np \geq 10[/tex] and [tex]n(1-p) \geq 10[/tex], the normal approximation to the binomial distribution can be used.

e) 0.2401 = 24.01% probability of him securing more than 3 offers.

Step-by-step explanation:

For each application, there are only two possible outcomes. Either he gets an offer, or he does not. The probability of getting an offer for a job is independent of any other job, which means that the binomial probability distribution is used to solve this question.

Binomial probability distribution

The binomial probability is the probability of exactly x successes on n repeated trials, and X can only have two outcomes.

[tex]P(X = x) = C_{n,x}.p^{x}.(1-p)^{n-x}[/tex]

In which [tex]C_{n,x}[/tex] is the number of different combinations of x objects from a set of n elements, given by the following formula.

[tex]C_{n,x} = \frac{n!}{x!(n-x)!}[/tex]

And p is the probability of X happening.

He can expect to receive a job offer from 70% of the firms to which he applies.

This means that [tex]p = 0.7[/tex]

The student decides to apply to only four firms.

This means that [tex]n = 4[/tex]

(a) What is the probability that he receives no job offer?

This is [tex]P(X = 0)[/tex]. So

[tex]P(X = x) = C_{n,x}.p^{x}.(1-p)^{n-x}[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 0) = C_{4,0}.(0.7)^{0}.(0.3)^{4} = 0.0081[/tex]

0.0081 = 0.81% probability that he receives no job offer.

(b) How many job offers he expects to get?

The expected value of the binomial distribution is:

[tex]E(X) = np[/tex]

In this question:

[tex]E(X) = 4(0.7) = 2.8[/tex]

He expects to get 2.8 job offers.

(c) What is the probability that more than half of the firms he applied do not make him any offer?

Less than 2 offers, which is:

[tex]P(X < 2) = P(X = 0) + P(X = 1)[/tex]


[tex]P(X = x) = C_{n,x}.p^{x}.(1-p)^{n-x}[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 0) = C_{4,0}.(0.7)^{0}.(0.3)^{4} = 0.0081[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 1) = C_{4,1}.(0.7)^{1}.(0.3)^{3} = 0.0756[/tex]


[tex]P(X < 2) = P(X = 0) + P(X = 1) = 0.0081 + 0.0756 = 0.0837[/tex]

0.0837 = 8.37% probability that more than half of the firms he applied do not make him any offer.

(d) What assumptions do you need to make to find the probabilities? To increase the chance of securing more job offers, the student decides to apply to as many companies as possible, he sent out 60 applications to all different accounting firms.

Each job must be independent of other jobs. Additionaly, if [tex]np \geq 10[/tex] and [tex]n(1-p) \geq 10[/tex], the normal approximation to the binomial distribution can be used.

(e) What is the probability of him securing more than 3 offers?

Between 4 and n, since n is 4, 4 offers, so:

[tex]P(X = x) = C_{n,x}.p^{x}.(1-p)^{n-x}[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 4) = C_{4,4}.(0.7)^{4}.(0.3)^{0} = 0.2401[/tex]

0.2401 = 24.01% probability of him securing more than 3 offers.

Find the length of the missing side



Step-by-step explanation:


Side AB= x

Hypotenuse =CB= y

Side AB = 9[tex]\sqrt{2}[/tex]

Hypotenuse CB = 36

Enter a formula in cell B10 to return the value of 35000 if the net profit after tax cell B9 is greater than or equal to 470000 or 100 if it is not



I hope it help and I guess it is correct

what percent of 70 is 35




Step-by-step explanation:

35 is halve of 70 therefore it is 50%

hope it helps u...........

An expression is shown below:

6x2y − 3xy − 24xy2 + 12y2

Part A: Rewrite the expression by factoring out the greatest common factor. (4 points)

Part B: Factor the entire expression completely. Show the steps of your work. (6 points)



The given expression is:


To find:

Part A: The expression by factoring out the greatest common factor.

Part B: Factor the entire expression completely.


Part A:

We have,


Taking out the highest common factor 3y, we get


Therefore, the required expression is [tex]3y(2x^2-x-8xy+4y)[/tex].

Part B:

From part A, we have,


By grouping method, we get



Therefore, the required factored form of the given expression is [tex]3y(x-4y)(2x-1)[/tex].

Select the statement that best justifies the conclusion based on the given information.

If a(b + c) = d, then ab + ac = d.





Step-by-step explanation:

a(b + c)=ab + ac

it's distributive one

Charity is planting trees along her driveway, and she has 6 pine trees and 6 willows to plant in one row. What is the probability that she randomly plants the trees so that all 6 pine trees are next to each other and all 6 willows are next to each other



0.0022 = 0.22% probability that she randomly plants the trees so that all 6 pine trees are next to each other and all 6 willows are next to each other.

Step-by-step explanation:

A probability is the number of desired outcomes divided by the number of total outcomes.

In this question, the elements are arranged, so we have to use the arrangements formula.

Arrangements formula:

The number of possible arrangements of n elements is:

[tex]A_{n} = n![/tex]

Desired outcomes:

Pine trees(6!) then the willows(6!) or

Willows(6!) then the pine trees(6!). So

[tex]D = 2*6!*6! = 1036800 [/tex]

Total outcomes:

12 trees, so:

[tex]T = 12! = 479001600 [/tex]

What is the probability that she randomly plants the trees so that all 6 pine trees are next to each other and all 6 willows are next to each other?

[tex]p = \frac{D}{T} = \frac{1036800 }{479001600 } = 0.0022[/tex]

0.0022 = 0.22% probability that she randomly plants the trees so that all 6 pine trees are next to each other and all 6 willows are next to each other.

A flower bed is in the shape of a triangle with one side twice the length of the shortest side and a third side is 22 more than the length of the shortest side. Find the dimensions if the perimeter is 182 feet.


Answer:40, 80 and 62

Step-by-step explanation:

182-22= 160

160/4 = 40 so,

Shortest side is 40

Longest is 80

Third side is 62

Air-USA has a policy of booking as many as 22 people on an airplane that can only seat 20 people. (Past studies have revealed that only 82% of the booked passengers actually show up for the flight.) a) Find the probability that if Air-USA books 22 people, not enough seats will be available. Round your answer to 4 decimal places. P ( X > 20 )



The answer is "0.07404893".

Step-by-step explanation:

Applying the binomial distribution:

[tex]n = 22\\\\p= 82\%=0.82\\\\q = 1-0.82 = 0.18\\\\[/tex]

Calculating the probability for not enough seats:

[tex]=P(X>20)\\\\= P(21) + P(22)\\\\[/tex]

[tex]= \binom{22}{21} (0.82)^{21}(0.18)^1+ \binom{22}{22} (0.82)^{22}(0.18)[/tex]

[tex]=0 .06134598+ 0.01270295\\\\=0.07404893[/tex]

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