how was the second continental congress divided on the subject of a nails l national government


Answer 1


The Second Continental Congress was divided by differing beliefs on where the central strength of the government should lie. Some members believed that the national government should be the focus of governmental power, while others were of the opinion that the national government should be less involved and allow state and local governments to have the most power.


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Which type of map would best show where iron ore is located in a region
A resource map
A political map
A thematic map
A choropleth map


The answer is A - resource map


A resource map shows where certain natural resources are found.

78. Which war was not fought by the United States in the 1900's *
O World War II
O World War I
O French and Indian War
O Korean War



The French and Indian War was certainly not fought in the 1900s.

French and Indian War is the  war was not fought by the United States in the 1900's. Hence, option C is correct.

What is the French and Indian War?

To retain ownership of their territory and the future of their culture, the American Indians fought. The Upper Ohio River Valley was claimed by France. They desired to rule the region and engage in trade with the American Indians. The Upper Ohio River Valley was also under British control.

Students will be able to name and describe in detail the five main causes of the French and Indian War, which included competing claims made by Great Britain and France for land and waterways, the beaver trade, religious disagreements, and control of the Grand Banks.

Beginning in 1754 and coming to a conclusion in 1763 with the Treaty of Paris. Great Britain gained a lot of territory in North America after the war, but disagreements about its future frontier strategy.

Thus, option C is correct.

For more information about French and Indian War, click here:


Who Signed the English Bill of Rights



James Madison

Happy learning!



william III .and Marry II signed the english bill of rights

How might the events described here relate to your findings in Doc B?

(I need this done before 11:59 :)


what are the events?

The term Reconstruction refers to _____________.
Group of answer choices

the process of punishing the South after the war.

rebuilding the homes and businesses in the South after the Civil War.

the period when the U.S. began to free the slaves after the Civil War.

the process of bringing the South back into the Union and dealing with the legal status of African Americans after the civil war.



the period when the U.S began to free the slaves after the civil war

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the Macedonian conquest of Greece followed the weakening of Greek defenses during the Peloponnesian Wars. Alexander the Great adopted Greek culture and spread Hellenistic influences throughout his vast empire. Explanation:

During the revival of trade, where did most trade take place?



Venice, Italy


im pretty sure

Who is the riches person in the world


is the richest person in the world :Bernard Arnault

What Greek word does it come from and what does it mean


Answer: The majority of Modern Greek's vocabulary comes from Ancient Greek, which is an Indo-European language, but it also includes a number of borrowings from the languages of the peoples who lived in Greece before the arrival of the Proto-Greeks.

Agree or Disagree and Realizations

1. Africans are violent people?
2. Africans are uneducated?
3. Africans are easily deceived?
4. Africans do not have a rich culture?
5. Africans do not adapt to changes?





because they don't rely on their knowledge

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By making new laws that made it difficult for African-Americans to vote that made it difficult for African-Americans to vote, and the rise of the Ku Klux Klan, and putting taxes when an African-American wanted to vote

What was the religious order that St. Catherine of Siena Found?



The Dominican order.



the Dominican order

Catherine became a tertiary (member of a monastic third order who takes simple vows and may remain outside a convent or monastery) of the Dominican order (1363), joining the Sisters of Penitence of St. Dominic in Siena. She rapidly gained a wide reputation for her holiness and her severe asceticism.


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wei , shu and wu


Item 4
What advantage did the Spanish have during their siege of St. Simons Island?

They had more food supplies than the British.

They had the advantage of familiar territory.

They had strongly fortified their defenses.

They had more soldiers than the British.



B. They had strongly fortified their defenses.


The highest concentration of Jewish people is in the city of ______



Jerusalem, love :)


Answer:  the New York metropolitan area

Explanation:New York, Boston and Miami are the three most Jewish cities per capita in the country

Which type of colony was governed directly by the British king and Parliament?
royal colony
charter colony
proprietary colony


Answer:royal colony



royal colony


Provincial colonies, also known as royal colonies, were under the direct control of the King, who usually appointed a royal governor. These colonies included New Hampshire, New York, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and eventually Massachusetts.

what is the date when Brainley was accessed??​


Answer: September 2009

As of November 2020, Brainly reported having 350 million monthly users, making it the world's most popular education app.

pls help i will mark you the brainlest
Economist Adam Smith was an Enlightenment thinker who wrote numerous books. In his writings, he described how market systems work and his belief in laissez-faire economics. His ideas influenced how people view the government in terms of the economy. Which statement accurately describes the role the government should have according to Smith? Question 6 options: the government should control all aspects of business operations the government should provide strict economic regulations on businesses the government should allow business to operate freely the government should raise taxes on the wealthy business owners



Voltaire established himself as one of the leading writers of the Enlightenment. His famed works include the tragic play Zaïre, the historical study The Age of Louis XIV and the satirical novella Candide.


Mabey that helps I don't know anyway have a nice day :D

Hey its been a while but your still here...

Its best never to forget the things that make you happy

life has its ups and downs


Mhm I know that thank you


thx rlly neeeded this


What were a few of the major hurdles that America had to overcome?​



The Great Depression, the stock market crash of October 1929.


If you need more just ask in the comments.

The Great Depression and The Civil War

why were republicans against the 26th amendment??? help please!!!



In the turmoil surrounding the unpopular Vietnam War, lowering the national voting age became a controversial topic. Responding to arguments that those old enough to be drafted for military service, should be able to exercise the right to vote, Congress lowered the voting age as part of the Voting Rights Act of 1970

pls mark me as brainliest

What is the difference of plain village farmers and cardinals mounds


Answer: The "Mound Builder" cultures span the period of roughly 3500 BCE (the construction of Watson Brake) to the 16th century CE, including the Archaic period, Woodland period (Calusa culture, Adena and Hopewell cultures), and Mississippian period. Geographically, the cultures were present in the region of the Great Lakes, the Ohio River Valley, and the Mississippi River valley and its tributary waters. The Cahokia Mounds State Historic Site is the site of a pre-Columbian Native American city (which existed c. 1050–1350 CE) directly across the Mississippi River from modern St. Louis, Missouri. This historic park lies in south-western Illinois between East St. Louis and Collinsville.


7. What two areas did the Spanish survivors go to for protection?



The two main areas of Spanish settlement after 1550 were Mexico and Peru pls mark me branilest

Why were southerners successful in using literacy tests to keep African Americans from voting



They didn't teach them how to read



Directions: In Roman numerals write, answer the following:
1. The year 1996:
2. 250 plus 31-
3. 497 minus 312-
4. The year 1776:
5. The year 2006:









National or State Government? Read each scenario. That power could belong to the state or national government, but why does the national government need it? Explain below [80 POINTS FOR GOOD ANSWERS]
[Please don't answer with short answers or I don't know]


Based on the given facts, the National governments needs those powers because:

Taxation would allow it to raise funds to defend the nation. Controlling the military would prevent interstate conflict. Being able to enforce laws allows for effective governance. Being the sole diplomatic body allows it to negotiate on behalf of all Americans. Having a single currency makes trade easier.A national court system allows for federal law to be enforced. Being able to make laws ensures that several important laws applies to all Americans and that a state cannot mistreat its people.


The funds the national government gets here allows it to fund the armed forces which protect the nation.


Having one military in the hands of the national government ensures that states will not go to war with each other as they have no means to.

Enforce laws

The national government has the power to enforce laws such that governing Americans is effective and efficient.


Having the national government as the sole body responsible for negotiating with other nations and organizations ensures that all Americans benefit from such negotiations.


A single currency controlled by the national government makes it easier for Americans to trade across states.

Court System

A national court system allows for the enforcement of Constitutional principles and federal law.

Make laws

The national government being able to make laws ensures that all Americans are granted certain rights that will not be taken away by the states.

In conclusion, it is necessary that the national government has certain powers .

Find out more on national government powers at

What is the relationship between science and the law? How does this relationship work?




Law plays an essential part in regulation of science and technology and concerning of ethical consequences of scientific research along with modern technology.This field of law,science and technology attempt to systematically the diverse way in which law interacts with science and technology.


I hope it wil help you.Thanks for question.

Why does Mary Wollstonecraft believe that men have better tempers than women



. Wollstonecraft explains that “Women are told from their infancy, and taught by the example of their mothers, that a little knowledge of human weakness, justly termed cunning, softness of temper, OUTWARD obedience, and a scrupulous attention to a puerile kind of propriety, will obtain for them the protection of man; and should they be beautiful, every thing else is needless, for at least twenty years of their lives” (84). This statement points to the process of socialization that teaches girls to cultivate an identity of calculating childishness and fragility. What are the effects of molding girls in this way when it comes to marriage and motherhood (67, 95, 100, 119); obedience (84, 91, 93); false refinement and appearances (87, 89, 91, 93, 99, 107); and physical delicacy (95, 99, 105). You may choose to focus on one of these topics in a comprehensive manner, or seek to analyze passages from a number of these topics.

Throughout chapter 2 Wollstonecraft argues that education has stunted women’s intellectual, emotional, and spiritual growth (see pages 84, 88, and 89). She also highlights that the best education (for men and women) is “such an exercise of the understanding as is best calculated to strengthen the body and form the heart” (86)

Why does the federal government have a minimal role in education? What is its role? What are
some of the challenges with the current structure of government for education?



Speculation abounds on new priorities and the fate of current programs and policies in the U.S. Department of Education under the direction of Betsy DeVos, Donald Trump’s nominee for education secretary. One thing is certain, there will be changes in the offing under the new administration, which is as averse to government regulation as it is inclined toward free market forces, which, in education, includes for-profit charter schools and vouchers.

Noting that much of what has been written on education policy involves where the federal government should stay out of education governance, the Brookings Institution sought to initiate a public conversation on what the federal government can and should do. The result is Memos to the President on the Future of Education Policy, a series of 12 articles written by education leaders and policymakers with diverse perspectives that are intended to make “an affirmative case for an important but limited federal role” in education policy.

The preface to the series, A principled federal role in PreK-12 education, explores the history and evolution of federal policy around public education in the period soon after the Revolutionary War. The authors begin in 1791 with ratification of the Tenth Amendment, which gave states jurisdiction over all powers not reserved for the federal government in the U.S. Constitution, including education, and continues to current programs aimed at providing equal access to quality education for all students regardless of race, income, gender, ethnicity, language, and immigration status.

Rewrite The Declaration of Independence in your own words: When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them
with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel
them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these
ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely
to effect their safety and happiness.


The question above is intended to assess your ability to paraphrase the Declaration of Independence. In that case, I can't answer this question for you, but I'll show you how to answer it.

A paraphrase occurs when a text is rewritten, using different words, but keeping the meaning of the original text.

Based on this, to rewrite the Declaration of Independence, you must:

Read the Declaration of Independence and understand the meaning and message of the text.Rewrite this text using different words.You can use synonyms, which are words with different spellings and the same meaning.The important thing is that you keep the meaning of the text, keeping the most important points in it.

The use of synonyms is very important as it will facilitate your writing process.

More information:

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