i have 30 coins. some of them are dimes, and some of them are quarters. in total, i have $4.05. how many of each coin do i have?


Answer 1

Answer: 23 dimes & 7 quarters

Step-by-step explanation:

Dimes = 10¢ = $0.10Quarters = 25¢ = $0.25Number of dimes = xNumber of quarters = y

You can create two equations:

[tex]\left \{ {{x + y = 30} \atop {0.10x + 0.25y =4.05}} \right.[/tex]

Rearrange x + y = 30:


Substitute it into the x-value of the other equation & solve:

[tex]0.10x + 0.25y =0.10x + 0.25(30-x)=4.05\\0.10x+7.5-0.25x=4.05\\0.10x-0.25x=4.05-7.5\\-0.15x=-3.45\\x=\frac{-3.45}{-0.15} =23[/tex]

With the x-value, substitute it back to the original equation to find y-value:


Therefore, there are 23 dimes & 7 quarters.

Answer 2

There are 23 dimes and 7 quarters.

Given that, the total number of coins=30.

How to convert dimes to dollars?

To convert dimes to dollars we need to multiply the number of dimes by 0.1.

Let the number of dimes be x, and then the number of quarters will be 30-x.

Now, x×0.1+(30-x)×0.25=4.05




Hence, there are 23 dimes and 7 quarters.

To learn more about equations visit:



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I will put brainlyness answer please help me I really need it ASAP


The origin is the point (0,0) where the x and y axis intersect. To get to the point (-1,1) start at the origin, move one unit to the left and one unit up. To get to the point (1,-1.5) start at the origin and move one unit right and down one and a half. To get to the point (2, 1/4) start at the origin and move 2 units right and up one fourth of the way to 1.

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first graph equation is (0,5)

second graph equation is(-6,0)

The Answer is (0,5)(-6,0)





Step-by-step explanation:

i = 13 because it does

Step by step in how to do this plz


Answer: a. 5^42 and b 9a^6

Step-by-step explanation:

a. (5^3+4)^6

(5^7)^6 = 5^42

The answer to a is 5^42 and the answer to b is 9a^6

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Step-by-step explanation:

ik this bec im in hs

Please put details! I need it! Please and thank you!




Step-by-step explanation:


B. To plot the three points well, you need to look at where the numbers are. Now, lets says its 1 -1 go to where it says -1 and find 1. For -1 1.25 go to the 1 and now split a line into 1/4 making it 1.25. Last but not least go to -2 and cut a line into 3/4.

Hope this helps<3.

Where do the slope and y-intercept show up in the tables and graphs?



Solution: The general form of the line on a graph is y = mx+c,

where y is the coordinate of the point along the y-axis,

x is the coordinate of the point along the x-axis,

m is the slope of the line or arc tan of the angle the line makes with the x-axis, and

c is the intercept the line makes on the y-axis.

Suppose we want a line having a slope of 45º with the x-axis and passes through point P (4,6), the equation of the line is

y = mx + c

6 = tan 45 * 4 + c, or

6 = 4 + c, or

c = 6–4 = 2.

Positive side of graph?

Please multiply 6c(4)




Step-by-step explanation:

6 * c * 4 = 6 * 4 * c = 24c

If my answer is incorrect, pls correct me!

If you like my answer and explanation, mark me as brainliest!

-Chetan K



Step-by-step explanation:

6c * 4 is 24c. You multiply normally and make it c :)

HURRY IM TIMED!! which inequality is represented by this graph?



x<6 this is the answer because the circle is hallow (not including) and going left (less than)



Step-by-step explanation:

Look at the way the blue arrow is pointing that means less than and the circle is open so it is not equal to the number 6.

Choose the equation that represents the graph.



y = 1x + 3

Step-by-step explanation:

the slope is 1 and the y intercept is 3

Find the area of the figure at the right in square feet. The figure can be separated into a rectangle and a trapezoid. Find the area of each. (image attached)



Shape 1: Trapezoid

A= h(a+b/2)


Shape 2: rectangle




Let me know if this helps!

Here is the answers have fun

The figure shows a parallogram inside a rectangle outline: What is the area of a parallogram? (1/25) (11/25) (3/25) (4/25)



Step-by-step explanation: just had this question

(3/25) is the answer

If f(x) = -3x - 2
find f(-2) + 9



f(-2) + 9 is 19

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]f(x) = - 3x - 2[/tex]

when x is -9:

[tex]f( - 2) = - 3( - 2) - 2 \\ f( - 2) = 10[/tex]

sum up with 9, f(-2)+9:

[tex]f( - 2) + 9 = 10 + 9 \\ = 19[/tex]

It shluld be 19 i think

Are the ratios 5:4 and 8:2 equivalent? yes or no




Step-by-step explanation:

no its no


I believe no

Step-by-step explanation:

I believe it is no but I could be wrong...if I am wrong I am very sorry and hope you can forgive me

I know how to find the distance of two coordinates but not three could someone help me on this??


Find distance between R and S and then between S and T and add them together

12 units

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1. Find the distance between R(-1, 4) and S(5, 4)

Answer: 6

Reason: from -1 to 5, it’s 6 units.

Step 2. Find the distance between S(5, 4) and T(5, -2)

Answer: 6

Reason: from -2 to 4, it’s 6 units

Step 3. Add the distance between R to S and S to T.

Answer: 12 units

Reason: R to S = 6 units. S to T = 6 units.

6 + 6 = 12 units

Make a list of three rates that describe things that you do. For example, you could describe how many classes you attend in a day. For each example, explain why it is a rate.​


I tried to make this as vague as possible since this is a question about your personal life.

1. sleep to hours in a day, 8:24

2. cans of soda to bottles of water, 1:2

3. meals to snacks, 3:2

Extra points for this question if you just use me for the points I will red flag you with no regrets/ Please help me.



Step-by-step explanation:

The answer is the 2nd one

Gina wants to solve the following proportion.

a / 5/8 = 3/5 / 2/3

A. explain how to solve the problem.

B. solve the proportion. show your work.


Step-by-step explanation:

please don't understand the question. will be happy if you take a shot of it.


a/5/8 = 3/5 / 2/3

We can take the reciprocal of the denominator, since the denominator itself is a fraction

The above equation can be rephrased as,
(a) / (5/8) = (3/5) / (2/3)

Taking reciprocal

8a / 5 = 3*3 / 5*2

8a / 5 = 9 / 5*2

a = 9 * 5 / 5*2*8

5’s get canceled, 2 and 8 gets multiplied in the denominator.

We will then be left with,

a = 9 / 16

I have also verified it and got the right answer.

HELP PLEASE! Write an equation with variables on both sides that has a single solution "-1." Explain how to find that solution



The solution to the equation 2x + 3 = x + 2, where x = -1, is found by isolating the variable "x" and simplifying the equation step by step

Let's create an equation with variables on both sides that has a single solution of "-1."

Let's call the variable "x."

An equation that meets these criteria is:

2x + 3 = x + 2.

We want to isolate the variable "x" on one side of the equation to find the solution.

Start by simplifying both sides of the equation.

On the left side, we have; 2x + 3;

And, on the right side, we have x + 2.

Now solve the equation as;

2x + 3 = x + 2

Subtract x on both sides;

2x - x + 3 = 2

x + 3 = 2

Subtract 3 on both sides;

x = 2 - 3

x = - 1

So, the solution to the equation 2x + 3 = x + 2, where x = -1, is found by isolating the variable "x" and simplifying the equation step by step.

To learn more about the equation visit:



If f(x) = 3x+1, then f(a+h) - f(a) =
1. 03 h
2. h
3. 3 h + 2


Ok I’m really sorry but I’m not sure if your options are right or my answer is…
But I tried my best ! Hope you understand !!
hey bestieeee the answer is 03 h

A parking lot is 4/5 full. There are currently 80 cars in the parking lot. How many cars need to leave the parking lot to make the lot 1/5 full?

A. 100
B. 60
C. 40
D. 20
E. 10




Step-by-step explanation:


I'm confused on how to do this someone please help me


4,6 would be the correct answer

(A) (4, 6)

Step-by-step explanation:

Since the 2nd stage light is above P, then its x-coordinate is also the same as that of P, which is 4. We know that there are 2 units per grid and since the 2nd stage is 8 units above P, the conversion to the number of grids is

[tex]8\:\text{units}×\dfrac{1\:\text{grid}}{2\:\text{units}} = 4\:\text{grids}[/tex]

So count 4 grids above the location of P, which is (4, -2) and you will get the coordinate (4, 6).

Choose a number line to model the following situation:

The temperature outside rose 15° and then dropped 15°. (4 points)

A vertical number line is shown with labels at 0 and 15. A red arrow (labeled dropped 15 degrees) begins at 15 and ends at 0. A purple arrow (labeled rose 15 degrees) begins at 0 and ends at 15.

A vertical number line is shown with labels at negative 15, 0, and 15. A red arrow (labeled dropped 15 degrees) begins at 0 and ends at negative 15. A purple arrow (labeled rose 15 degrees) begins at 0 and ends at 15.

A vertical number line is shown with labels at negative 15, 0, and 15. A red arrow (labeled dropped 15 degrees) begins at 15 and ends at 0. A purple arrow (labeled rose 15 degrees) begins at negative 15 and ends at 0.

A vertical number line is shown with labels at 0, negative 15, and negative 30. A red arrow (labeled dropped 15 degrees) begins at 0 and ends at negative 15. A purple arrow (labeled rose 15 degrees) begins at negative 15 and ends at negative 30.


Answer: A

Step-by-step explanation: It is showing that the temp Atari is raising by 15 ( +15) then dropping by 15 (-15)

Hope this Helps :))

Hxjs sis siss is ais sis sis sisw is

Find the surface area of the square pyramid shown below.


Answer: Area = 160 unit^2


Area of square:

8 x 8 = 64

Area of the 4 triangle:

4(8 x 6/2) = 96

Area of pyramid:

96 + 64 = 160


179.38 sq.units

Step-by-step explanation:

answer is in the pic

On the grid, draw a rotation of triangle ABC, a translation of triangle ABC, and a reflection of triangle ABC. Describe clearly how each was done.



Step-by-step explanation:

If g(x) = 1 - ¾ x
find: g(0)


[tex] \sf \: g(x) = 1 - \frac{3}{4} x \\ \sf \:g(0) = \: ? \\ \\ \sf \: Substitute\: the \: value \: of \: x \: as \: 0 \\ \\ \sf \:1 - \frac{3}{4} (0) \\ \sf \: = 1 - \frac{3}{4} \times 0 \\ \sf \: = 1 - 0 \\ \sf \: = \underline{\bf \: 1}[/tex]

Hope it helps.


I honestly don’t know

Absolute Value – how far or the
[ Select ] Answer | Counter | Number | or distance
a number is from zero.



The last answer or Distance a number is from zero

Step-by-step explanation:

It's this answer because absolute value is just how far a number is from zero for example | -1 | is equal to 1 because -1 is 1 away from zero. Hope this helps :)


The last answer or Distance a number is from zero i think i dont know

Step-by-step explanation:

This shape is made of four congruent kites meeting at a point. Calculate the size of Angle K.



k = 115°

Step-by-step explanation:

Hope it helped.

• • •

90 + 2k + 40 = 360

2k = 360-130

2k = 230

k = 115

Angle K = 115

Answered by gauthmath pls make brainliest and comment thanks

Please help me with this :) (extra points)


Step-by-step explanation:

the total distance traveled would be 15

Please answer all these questions right I can’t do them ‍♀️
I will mark you as brainliest if you do!


Step-by-step explanation:

first take out graph paper then line it

sorry i don't have graph copy right now hope it work

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