Think about the obstacles people overcome to attain a dream or a goal and why dreams are so valuable to many people.

Write an essay explaining why dreams and goals are valuable.

Be sure to—

clearly state your thesis
organize and develop your ideas effectively
choose your words carefully
edit your writing for grammar, mechanics, and spelling


Answer 1



When pursuing your life goals, certain external obstacles may exist that prevent a person from attaining their dreams. These obstacles may include not having sufficient resources, dealing with a family crisis or struggling with an illness. However, there are times when it is people, themselves, who are limitations to their own success. Sometimes pursuing a dream requires a person to move out of their own way.

You may be that person who has dreams but have become your own hindrance. While you may have dibbled and dabbled in your pursuits, you have never really “gone all out.” You have thought of great ideas only to later push them under the rug. You may need to ask yourself: What’s really hold holding me back?

The following are four major obstacles, or should I say, self-imposed obstacles, that hinders a person’s pursuit of their dreams. Identifying these obstacles will allow you to take the necessary steps to overcome them

Related Questions

Select the correct answer.
What is George Washington's main argument regarding the future of the United States?
O A.
The United States should form alliances with powerful nations.
O B.
The United States should isolate itself from all foreign nations.
© C.
The United States should lead in foreign diplomacy and peacekeeping.
• D.
The United States should remain as politically neutral as possible.
O E.
The United States should align its interests with those of Europe.


Answer: D. The United States should isolate itself from all foreign nations.


According to the passage the neon lights are for? Please find me answer


Answer: The answer is "designed to attract customers"


since it is visually pleasing to look at neon lights, the lights are telling the customers to take a look inside and shop around.

what can be inferred about the cyclopes



They are gigantic and only have one eye.

They aren’t friendly

Read the poem and answer the question. [1]I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; [5]Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way, They stretched in never-ending line [10]Along the margin of a bay: Ten thousand saw I at a glance, Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. The waves beside them danced; but they Out-did the sparkling waves in glee: [15]A poet could not but be gay, In such a jocund company: I gazed—and gazed—but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought: For oft, when on my couch I lie [20]In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils. Line 19 signals a tone shift from joyful to _______________________. concerned curious reflective suspicious



Line 19 signals a tone shift from joyful to reflective.


"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" is a poem by English Romantic poet William Wordsworth (1770-1850). In the poem, he narrates the joys of coming across a beautiful field of daffodils while wandering in nature.

Line 19 signals a tone shift. Up until then, the poem was focused on describing the feeling of joy the author had while watching the daffodils. But then, from line 19 forward, he takes on a more reflective mood. Now, he focuses on the fact that, whenever he is alone, just thinking about life, the memory of that day will come to his mind, and he will feel all that joy again.

Answer: reflective.

Explanation: the person above me is correct and i got it right on the test.

Both Ganga and Prabha worked over time. identify simple , compund or complex.






Which best describes the diction in "Ain't I a Woman?"
o formal and detached
O formal and scholarly
informal and relatable
O informal and light-hearted



Ain't I a woman describes informal and relatable

Informal and relatable, best describes the diction in "Ain't I a Woman?". Thus, option (c) is correct.

What is the theme of "Ain't I a Woman"?

In English literature, "Ain't I a Woman" was well-known. Sojourner Truth wrote the song "Ain't I a Woman". On June 21st, 1851, it appeared in print. Women's suffrage and abolition are the focus of "Ain't I a Woman" (the musical). Speaking at the Women's Convention in Akron, Ohio, in 1851, was fighter for women's rights and former slave Sojourner Truth.

It is clear from "Ain't I a Woman?" that the author wishes to call into question the feminist movement's exclusion of black women. This is done in an approachable manner that makes it simpler for the public to relate to the information offered.

As a result, the significance of the describes the diction in "Ain't I a Woman?" are the aforementioned. Therefore, option (c) is correct.

Learn more about on "Ain't I a Woman?", here:



Which field of study prefers the Harvard referencing style?


Harvard is a style of referencing, primarily used by university students, to cite information sources. Two types of citations are included: In-text citations are used when directly quoting or paraphrasing a source.

Guided Practice

Type your answer and then click or tap Done.

Decide where a semicolon is needed in the following sentence.

Seven test pilots were chosen for the first Mercury program the group consisted of Air Force officers.

Type the word that goes before the semicolon, the semicolon, and the word that goes after the semicolon.


Answer: Program; the


What is likely to happen to the interest of a credit card with an introductory APR?

There is a slight interest decrease after the first year.
There is a significant interest increase after the first year.
The interest will be revised after the first year, based on the economy.
The interest will be revised after the first year, based on the borrower's repayment history.



Once an introductory APR for purchases ends, the portion of your balance that comes from new purchases will be assigned a new APR and start to accrue interest at that rate. The specific rate you'll be charged will depend on your creditworthiness, and will be assigned when you're approved for your card.

The thing that will likely to happen to the interest of a credit card with an introductory APR is D. The interest will be revised after the first year, based on the borrower's repayment history.

What is an interest?

An interest simply means the amount that's gained when money is kept in a bank for a period.

In this case, the thing that will likely to happen to the interest of a credit card with an introductory APR is that the interest will be revised after the first year, based on the borrower's repayment history.

Learn more about interest on:



Is the following quotation set up properly? Why or why not?

In The Odyssey, Homer frequently reflects on the "rosy fingers of dawn" to create a visual image of the day cycle


depends on ur level of school, as a freshman itd be wrong bc they might need the page or paragraph

importance of drinking water in human life? ​



importance of drinking water in life are:

1.It helps to maintain the body balance of body fluids

2.it helps in maintenance of body temperature

3.It hels in transportation of nutrients



Answer:to cause harm and destruction to others


speech on life in the city is more dangerous than that of the village.speech for the motion.





life in the city is more dangerous because we living with more people,when doneone have virus is spread very easy because people living in the city.village life is not dangerous because there are fresh are because neighbours are far with others

Which kind of detail belongs in the middle of a story?

describing the main character
introducing the setting
resolving the conflict
building the conflict



the truly answer most be building the conflict



Select the correct text in the passage.
Which part of the sentence needs to be revised to eliminate wordiness and redundancy?
First and foremost, take time to plan your essay to create a stress-free environment when it's time to create your draft.


take time to plan my essay to create a stress free environment


first and foremost



Help me please guyyyyy​


1. Was showed
2. Was held
3. Are getting prepared/ were preparing
4. Are typed/ were getting typed
5. is printing
6. Were put

1. Anuj said, “I will leave for Delhi tomorrow.”
2. My uncle said to me, “I am tired now.”
3. I said, “I am waiting for my sister to arrive.”
4. The teacher said to us, “you are very naughty.”
5. Veena said to her mother, “I have finished my homework.”
6. Mr. Ravi said to his neighbor, “My house is being built.”
7. Mrs. Gupta said to the doctor, “My baby was crying all night.”
8. Chitra said, “I will go to the shop today.”
9. The old man said to me, “I have been trying to cross the road, but have not been
able to do so.”
10. Poonam said, “I do not know how to make tea.”


1. Anuj said he would leave for Delhi the next day.
2. My uncle said to me he was tired then.
3. I said I was waiting for my sister to arrive.
4. The teacher said to us we were very naughty.
5. Veena said to her mother she had finished her homework.
6. Mr. Ravi said to his neighbor his house was being built.
7. Mrs. Gupta said to the doctor her baby had been crying all night.
8. Chitra said she would go to the shop that day.
9. The old man said to me he had been trying to cross the road, but had not been
able to do so.
10. Poonam said he did not know how to make tea.

Swami went to school feeling that he was the worst perjurer on earth . Describe swami's feelings at this point. Why did he feel like the worst perjurer?



Swami felt very bad as his conscience disturbed him greatly.


A perjurer is someone who tells les even though he claims to be saying the truth, especially in court.

Swami felt bad. His conscience disturbed him because he had lied and exaggerated the reaction of his teacher, Samuel, to his father, to avoid going to school.

Swami thought that by painting his teacher as a violent man who beats up students who come late to class, his father would allow him to stay back at home and not go to school.

His father surprised him however by writing a long letter complaining to the headmaster against Swami's teacher Samuel.

Swami was saddled with the responsibility of delivering the letter to his headmaster and felt very bad doing so.

During His journey, Odysseus encountered:
A. The Prometheus chained to a rock
B. Atlas holding up the sky
C. Fenris the wolf
D. None of the choices ares correct


The answer would be D
D.non of the choices are correct

1. Which two Earth layers are separated by the Moho
A) rigid mantle and plastic mantle
B) outer core and stiffer mantle
C) stiffer mantle and asthenosphere
D) crust and rigid mantle


The Moho boundary separates the earths crust and rigid mantle

Identify the type of verb used in the following sentence.
We see with our eyes.





There work of seeing see is answer

The type of verb used in the sentence, We see with our eyes. The word "see" in the phrase "We see with our eyes" is an intransitive verb.

An intransitive verb is one that passes on its meaning without the utilization of a coordinate object. The word "see" within the expression "We see with our eyes" can be utilized without an object to portray what is being seen. The prepositional expression "with our eyes" infers the verb's object.

Hence, Although intransitive verbs can be employed in many different contexts, they are most frequently used to express acts without a direct object. like how see is used in the sentence We see with our eyes.

Learn more about intransitive verb, here:



Write an objective summary of the "Setting."

Step One: Name It



Type of Text:

Step Two: Verb It

What is the author doing in the text? Are they explaining something, describing showing, proving, convincing

Step Three: The main idea/theme

What is the most important piece of information the author is trying to get across?

What is the message of the text?

Step Four- Supporting Details

Quote at least 3-5 supporting details that prove the main idea/theme that you found to be the main idea/theme of the text.



Thanks so much for your help


it helped me a lot

Draw a comic strip on the life of Albert Einstein on the basis of reading the lesson "A Truly Beautiful mind".​



I dont no answer from you I will say this answer soon

Explain how the voice of the passage affects the characterization of the narrator and the other characters.







Write the moral of the story. einstine and driver


Moral: Quick thinging and good presence of mind can get you out of difficult circumstances.

What should I wrote in __?


hmm... i dont understand that what should i wrote um.. of course sir i will some for you right now the flight attendant i guess i dont understand

Answer: I'm not sure

1. sir

2. please

3. sugar? (maybe)

4. milk? ( maybe)

5. bring

6. thank


They imagined a place of calm and beauty.

Action Verb:



Action verb is: imagined

Imagine is a verb...plus it's the only verb in the whole entire sentence

Question 9 of 20
Which sentence uses correct capitalization?
A. Of the director's latest movie, Rite of Spring, one critic said, "wait
to rent it."
B. Of the director's latest movie, Rite of Spring, one critic said, "Wait
to rent it."
O c. Of the Director's latest movie, Rite of Spring, one critic said, "Wait
to rent it."
D. Of the director's latest movie, Rite Of Spring, one critic said, "Wait
to rent it."?


Explanation: director doesnt need a capital letter and the word "of" doesn't need one as well so that makes B the correct answer

i need this answered please helppp



I'm pretty confident that the answer is A.


I also believe that the answer is A

Who tries to break up the fight between the Montague and Capulet servants in Romeo and Juliet?

A. Escalus
B. Lord Capulet
C. Benvolio
D. Tybalt



the answer is C benvolio

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