If a bank benefits when a foreign currency declines in value, then the bank must be in a __________ position. The term below that correctly fills in the blank in the preceding sentence is: Group of answer choices


Answer 1
Short position (I think you were supposed to add answers)

Related Questions

At a price of $2,000 per unit, the demand for Rancho 60 mountain bikes from Peyton Bike's Inc. is 300 units, which is the number of bikes the company manufactures every year. This is Peyton Bike's maximum output. If the marketing managers at Peyton Bike's Inc. decide to sell each bike at a price lower than $2,000 per unit, _____.


The statement "bikes shortage should be developed" is correct.

The following information should be considered:

In the case when the firm wants to sell the product at a lower price so there should be a product shortage.The demand and supply should not achieve at equilibrium.There is no inelastic demand that should be developed.The no of bikes generated should not be increased.

Therefore we can conclude that The statement "bikes shortage should be developed" is correct.

Learn more about the product shortage here: brainly.com/question/12596577

In measuring GDP as the sum of all incomes earned in production, we should include: purchases of used goods. purchases of used goods. American purchases of foreign output. American purchases of foreign output. wages and salaries. wages and salaries.



wages and salaries.


GDP is an acronym for Gross Domestic Products (GDP) and it can be defined as a measure of the total market value of all finished goods and services made within a country during a specific period.

Simply stated, Gross Domestic Products (GDP) is a measure of the production levels of any nation.

Basically, the four (4) major expenditure categories of GDP are;

I. Consumption (C).

II. Investment (I).

III. Government purchases (G).

IV. Net exports (N).

Additionally, it is a measure of the total income of all individuals in an economy and the total expenses incurred on the economy's output of goods and services in a particular country.

In measuring GDP as the sum of all incomes earned in production, we should include wages and salaries of the people working in a particular country.

Toby operates a small deli downtown. The deli industry is monopolistically competitive. Toby, along with every other deli in town, is producing the quantity that minimizes average total cost. Assuming the delis are maximizing profits, the: Group of answer choices delis' prices equal their average total costs. number of delis will eventually increase. number of delis will eventually decrease. delis have excess capacity.



number of delis will eventually increase.


A monopolistic competition is when there are many firms selling differentiated products in an industry. A monopolistic competition has characteristics of both a monopoly and a perfect competition. the demand curve is downward sloping. it sets the price for its goods and services.

An example of monopolistic competition are restaurants  

When firms are earning positive economic profit, in the long run, firms enter into the industry. This drives economic profit to zero

If firms are earning negative economic profit, in the long run, firms leave the industry.  This drives economic profit to zero

in the long run, only normal profit is earned

The deli industry in the town is still earning economic profit because it is producing the quantity that minimizes average total cost. Therefore, in the long run, more firms would enter in the industry.

Anna wants to take seven days off from her job as an accountant to observe a religious holy week. Her employer is reluctant to allow the leave, because they are already short staffed for that week. He employer has over 15 employees, and is not a religious organization. Must they grant her request for leave


Answer: They must grant the leave only if it amounts to a reasonable accommodation


Based on the information given in the question, they must grant the leave only if it amounts to a reasonable accommodation.

A reasonable accommodation refers to an adjustment that is made in a system in order to accommodate the system for an individual due to the fact that there is a proven need. Such accommodations can be mental, physical, religious, academic or emotionally related.

uppose the government wants to limit imports of a certain good. Is it preferable to use an import quota or a​ tariff? Why? A. A tariff is preferable because the producer surplus gain is larger than with a quota.​ Therefore, the tariff creates a smaller deadweight​ loss, which is preferable from​ society's standpoint. B. Quotas and tariffs are equivalent in their ability to limit imports and therefore are equally preferable. They cause the same changes in consumer and producer surplus and thus the same deadweight loss. C. A quota is preferable because it​ doesn't require imposing a tax on the good to limit imports. Consumers can still benefit from a lower price while domestic producers benefit from increased sales. D. Although consumer and producer surplus changes are the same under quotas and​ tariffs, tariffs are preferable because the government can redistribute the tariff revenue to offset most of the deadweight loss.



Although consumer and producer surplus changes are the same under quotas and​ tariffs, tariffs are preferable because the government can redistribute the tariff revenue to offset most of the deadweight loss.


Give examples if operational conflicts that could occur in a cross- cultural context because of different attitudes towards:1) time, 2) individualism. Give a country or region that would be different from the US for each of the two variables. (2.5 points).





The role of culture in influencing international business management practices and approaches is an undisputed fact [1, 2]. Studies have shown repeatedly that national cultural systems as well as individual cultures greatly affect the corporate cultural system [3, 4] in many ways. For example, national culture influences managerial decision-making, leadership styles, and human resource management practices [5, 6]. Similarly, national cultures affect managerial functions such as communication, motivation, organizational design, people’s expectations of work design, and reward systems [7]. Moreover, organizational polices (e.g., human resource polices) are influenced by various national institutions such as labor laws, educational and vocational training practices, and industrial standards and regulations [8]. In essence, culture organizes values into mental programs and the behavior of people within organizations is an enactment of such programs [9]. Organizations can be the same in such objective dimensions as physical plant, layout, or product, yet very different in the meanings, which the surrounding human cultures read into them [10]. Not only technologies and markets shape organizational culture, but by the cultural preferences of leaders and employees, national culture has a strong impact on people’s interpretations, understandings, and assessment of those with whom they work. Cultural values are important for interpersonal trust, teamwork, and the role of women in the workplace, among other issues [11, 12].

Match each concept in Column A with an example in Column B. Column A Column B a. Substitute goods 1. Price and quantity along the supply curve b. A nonprice determinant of demand 2. Tea and coffee c. A nonprice determinant of supply 3. A change in technology d. Mark-up pricing 4. Hunger e. Positive relationship 5. Shoes and shoelaces f. Negative relationship 6. Consumer income g. Inadequacy 7. Price and quantity along the demand curve 24 h. Complementary goods 8. Setting price equal to cost plus 20 percent



a. Substitute goods - Tea and coffee

b. A nonprice determinant of demand - Consumer income

C. A nonprice determinant of supply -  A change in technology

D. Mark-up pricing - Setting price equal to cost plus 20 percent

E. Positive relationship -  Price and quantity along the supply curve

F. Negative relationship -  Price and quantity along the demand curve

G. Inadequacy - Hunger

H Complementary goods - Shoes and shoelaces


Substitute goods are goods that can be used in place of another good.

if the price of a good increases, the demand for the substitute increases and if the price of the good reduces, the demand for the substitute increases.

Complementary goods are goods that are consumed together

The demand curve is a curve that shows the relationship between price and quantity demanded. The demand curve is negatively sloped because the higher the price, the lower the quantity demanded. This is in line with the law of demand.

Only a change in the price of a good leads to a movement along the demand curve of that good. Also, only a change in the price of the good would lead to an increase or decrease in the quantity demanded of that good.

Other factors other than the change in the price of the good would lead to a shift of the demand curve. Some of those factors include :

1. a change in consumers' expectation

2. a change in the taste of consumers

3. a change in income

There is a positive relationship between price and the quantity supplied. This accounts for why the supply curve is positively sloped.

A change in price of a good leads to a movement along the supply curve and not a shift of the supply curve.

Other factors other than a change in the price of the good would lead to a shift of the supply curve. Such factors include :  

1. A change in the price of input  

2. A change in the number of suppliers  

3. Government regulations  

4. Technological changes

General Staff immediately come together and begin developing strategies. General Staff Chiefs are: Evaluating staffing and supervisory needs in the Incident Command Post. Identifying resource shortfalls. Updating planning documents. What NIMS Management Characteristics are you supporting


Select all that apply.

Common Terminology

Management by Objectives

Incident Action Planning

Manageable Span of Control

Unified Command



Management by Objectives

Incident Action Planning

Manageable Span of Control


Considering the information given in the question, the NIMS Management Characteristics I am supporting are:

1. Management by Objectives

This is because, by Management by Objectives, the General Staff are making strategies according to the previous objectives.

2. Incident Action Planning

This is because, by Incident Action Planning, the General Staff are revising planning documents that will comprise staffing and resource necessities.

3. Manageable Span of Control

This is because, by Manageable Span of Control, General staff chiefs are assessing staffing requirements in the Incident Command Post. This is to make sure each supervisor only has personnel that can be managed.

Fear of heights is known as ​





Acrophobia sometimes develops in response to a traumatic experience involving heights, such as: falling from a high place. watching someone else fall from a high place. having a panic attack or other negative experience while in a high place.

Rivalry among competing sellers is generally more intense when Group of answer choices industry conditions tempt competitors to use price cuts or other competitive weapons to boost unit volume. barriers to entry are high and buyer switching costs are high. barriers to entry are moderately high and the pool of likely entry candidates is small. buyer demand is growing rapidly. the industry's driving forces are strong and rivals have strongly differentiated products.



industry conditions tempt competitors to use price cuts or other competitive weapons to boost unit volume.


Rivalry refers to the competitions that take place among firms in an industry with the aim of capturing greater market share

rivalry is influenced by :

1. barriers to entry :

If barriers to entry is high, there would be few firms competing for customers, so there would less intense rivalry

2. differentiation of goods in the industry :

If goods are differentiated, goods are unique from that of competitors. so there would be less need for intense rivalry

Thomas, the Department Head of the meat processing unit of a food manufacturing company, refuses to allow an OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) compliance inspector to carry out the inspection process. In this scenario, what action can the OSHA inspector take


The action that should be taken by the OSHA inspector is to generate the search warrant so that they could enter into a unit.

The inspection process is the process where the inspection could be done with regard to

Quality of products. Identify the defective products if any.Reveal any hazardous product if any.

Since the department head of food manufacturing company refuses to allow an OSHA for carrying out an inspection process so for this:

The search warrant should be produced so that they could be able to enter into the unit and check whether everything is fine or not. If anything is not fine so the proper penalty should be charged for the same.

Therefore we can conclude that The action that should be taken by the OSHA inspector is to generate the search warrant so that they could enter into a unit.

Learn more about the OSHA here: brainly.com/question/20475809

4. Write 5 examples for each of small, medium and large occupation categories. ​help please


Small and mid-size enterprises are businesses that maintain revenues, assets or a number of employees below a certain threshold. Each country has its own definition of what constitutes a small and medium-sized enterprise Certain size criteria must be met and occasionally the industry in which the company operates in is taken into account as well.

How do I view my work schedule Six Flags?



you should have an username and password and just log in with six flag . try going to https://six.flag.team


I hope that help you

Three key takeaways from the history of credit in america


The Diners Club Card in 1950 was the first credit card. The Franklin National Bank situated in Long Island, New York, issued the first bank credit card in 1951.

The profitability of credit cards did not last long before others saw it and by 1953, and 60 credit card programs were in the United States.It recorded the ability to pay back debts and proved responsible for their repayment.

Following are the key purchases from American credit history:

Credit history is a record of your debt repayment abilities and of your responsibility for repaying it.Includes the number and types of credit accounts you have credited, the duration of your account's opening, the amount owing, the quantity of available credit, whether you pay bills on time, and the number of recent credit requests.You will earn rewards for strong credit history, like cheaper rates on mortgage loans and automotive insurance.

Learn more:



I hope this image will help you

essica is a one-third owner in Bikes-R-Us, an S corporation that experienced a $45,000 loss this year (year 1). If her stock basis is $10,000 at the beginning of the year, how much of this loss clears the hurdle for deductibility (assume the at-risk limitation equals the tax-basis limitation)





Calculation to determine how much of this loss clears the hurdle for deductibility

Amount allocated = ($45,000 x 1/3)

Amount allocated=$15,000 of loss

Since the amount Allocated is loss of $15,000 and her STOCK BASIS is the amount of $10,000 at the beginning of the year which means that she is allowed to Deduct only the amount of $10,000 of the allocation which represent the amount of her STOCK BASIS.

Therefore how much of this loss clears the hurdle for deductibility will be $10,000

True or false: Regulations prohibit insider trading. It is illegal for anyone to transact in securities to profit from inside information, that is, private information held by officers, directors, or major stockholders that has not yet been divulged to the public. True false question. True False



the answer for this would be true

Lori purchased a home for $250,000 with an additional $5,000 in related purchase costs and then added a garage at a cost of $25,000. She sold the home 10 years later for $575,000 and paid $35,000 in selling costs. She will pay capital gains tax on how much? $10,000 $260,000 $575,000 Zero


Answer: $10,000


If you purchase a house and pass the ownership test of having lived in the house for at least 2 years in the past 5, you can exclude $250,000 from the capital gains as a single person.

Lori passes the ownership test and so can claim the tax exclusion.

Capital gain:

= Cash received - Purchase costs

= (575,000 - 35,000) - (250,000 + 5,000 + 25,000)

= $260,000

After claiming exclusion of $250,000

= 260,000 - 250,000

= $10,000

Pat is insured with a life insurance policy and Karen is his primary beneficiary. They are both involved in an automobile accident where Pat dies instantly and Karen dies 5 days later. Which policy provision will protect the rights of the contingent beneficiary to receive the policy benefits


Answer: Common disaster clause


Based in the information given in the question, the policy provision that will protect the rights of the contingent beneficiary to receive the policy benefits is the common disaster clause.

According to the common disaster clause, the primary beneficiary must survive the insured usually by a period of 30-90 days and if this doesn't happen, the benefit will be paid automatically to the secondary beneficiary.

The common disaster clause simply explains that even though there's an accident which leads to the death of the insured and the beneficiary, it'll be possible to determine that it was the beneficiary whom died last and the benefit will be given to the person accordingly.

Darren runs a barbershop with fixed costs equal to $40 per day and a total output of 10 haircuts per day. What is his weekly total fixed cost if he is open 6 days per week





Darren runs Barber shop

His fixed costs daily is $40

The toal output per day is 10 haircuts

He is open 6 days in the week

Therefore weekly total fixed costs can be calculated as follows

= 40×6

= 240

Hence the weekly fixed cost is $240

Which sentence describes a cooperative organization?

Cohen and his friends work in a cooperative organization.
They own and control the functions of the organization.
Their sole motive is to gain profit.
They can trade their stocks in the financial market.


The statement "They own and control the functions of the organization" best describes a cooperative organization.

A cooperative is when two or more people come together to form an organization or form a business that is democratically run and managed by them alone. This means that it is a united effort by the individuals involved to run a business.

Cooperatives may vary according to the needs and wants of the individuals. But at the same time, the rules and other policies can also be changed to suit the need of the members.Cooperatives represent a much better form of unity and accomplishments, especially for lesser known individuals or less powerful members of the society.Such individuals may be farmers, workers, individual producers, etc. who would unitedly work to accomplish common goals and beliefs.Thus, the correct answer is the second option.

A cooperative organization, in short, can be best stated as the unified union or gathering of various individuals with different expertise or dreams with the aim to achieve success. They share the responsibilities among themselves and also control the functions of the organizations equally.

Learn more about cooperative work here:


'Cooperative Organization' is characterized as the 'organization that is either partially or wholly owned and regulated by its employees, customers, or tenants.'

The sentence that appropriately describes such an organization would be:

B). They own and control the functions of the organization.

In a cooperative organization,

The people willingly come forward to accomplish their common needs including various economic, communal, and cultural needs. To serve these purposes, these people collectively own an enterprise/company whose goods and services are used by them only. Each member carries equal power and rights in such an organization Agriculture, utilities, Insurance, Healthcare, etc. are some of the illustrations of such organizations.

Learn more about 'Cooperative organization' here:


If you borrow $421 for 9 years at an interest rate of 4%, how much interest will you pay?


I will assume it as simple interest as nothing is mentioned

SI = (P × R × T)/100

SI = (421×4×9)/100

SI = 15156/100

SI = 151.56

You will pay $151.56

Answered by Gauthmath must click thanks and mark brainliest

Masterson Company's budgeted production calls for 71,000 units in April and 67,000 units in May of a key raw material that costs $1.85 per unit. Each month's ending raw materials inventory should equal 20% of the following month's budgeted materials. The April 1 inventory for this material is 14,200 units. What is the budgeted materials purchases for April



70,200 units


Calculation to determine the budgeted materials purchases for April

Using this formula

Budgeted material needed for april=April budgeted production calls +

+ (Ending inventory*Ending inventory percentage)- Beginning inventory

Let plug in the formula

Budgeted material needed for april= 71,000 + (67,000*20%) -14,200

Budgeted material needed for april= 71,000 + 13,400-14,200

Budgeted material needed for april= 70,200 units

Therefore the budgeted materials purchases for April is 70,200 units

A property owner owned a tract of land that he leased to a baker for 27 years. The baker built a large bakery on the property. The baker then sold the bakery building to a buyer, assigning the lease with the property owner's approval. The buyer has failed to make a rent payment for several months and has also failed to build the cafe that the baker had agreed to build in the original lease. Who can the landlord of the property hold liable


Answer: The Baker


Payment is a form of contract and until payment has been done with papers signed it is not yet an agreement or a contract. The baker is still liable for anything that has to do with the land, the buyer has not paid any money and is not responsible. The landlord would hold the baker accountable, while the baker has to keep in touch with the buyer to know his interest in the property but till then, the baker is to be held accountable.

President Hoover's approach to the Great Depression was to a leave the economy alone to work itself out of trouble. b nationalize major industries. c encourage the states to stimulate spending. d work for the breakup of business monopolies. e offer federal assistance to businesses and banks but not individuals.



e. offer federal assistance to businesses and banks but not individuals.


Herbert Clark Hoover was democratically elected as the 31st President of the United States of America and he served from the 4th of March, 1929 to the 4th, March, 1933.

The Great Depression was a period of severe economic meltdown or downturn (crisis) of the industrialized world and it started from the United States of America, typically lasting for about ten years (1929-139).

Basically, the Great Depression started in America on the 4th of September, 1929 as a result of a major fall in the prices of stocks and consequently, leading to a stock market crash on the 29th of October, 1929.

Hence, the negative effects of the Great Depression includes a decline in investments, tax revenues, market price, personal income level, consumer spending, profits and a general rise in unemployment rate.

As a result of the aforementioned negative effects, struggling businesses had to lay off workers in order to try to remain open during the Great Depression.

However, President Hoover's approach to the Great Depression was to offer federal assistance to businesses and banks but not individuals.

A sales associate listed a condo for $205,000. A sales associate from a competing office called the listing associate to inform him of a verbal offer of $190,000 on the property. The listing associate did not present the verbal offer. Which statement applies to this situation


The statement that applied to the given situation is "Listing associate that needs to present the verbal offer to the seller and act as the individual seller or transaction agent" is considered.

The information related to the transaction agent should be as follows:

The purchasers & sellers should be assisted in the real estate transactions having no financial interest.It is treated as a neutral third party but at the same time, it is bounded as per the law and the ethical principles.

The other statements should not be relevant.

So, here we can conclude that a listing associate that needs to present the verbal offer to the seller and act as the individual seller or transaction agent" is considered.

Learn more about the property here: brainly.com/question/19338928

A good manager: A. gives advice freely and frequently. B. is more result-oriented than relationship-oriented. C. has a judger mind-set and low self-awareness. D. schedules time for listening to employees each day. E. believes that listening too much is a sign of indecisiveness.





If you're asking a good manager that keeps the busniess running the answer is B because he would get the best money results.

If you mean the best manager because CO-workers like him the answer is A, but I don't think that's what you're asking so the answer is most likely B.





An analyst has decided to identify value stocks for investment by screening for companies with high book-to-market ratios and high dividend yields. A potential drawback of using these screens to find value stocks is that the firms selected may: be those that have significantly underperformed the market. be concentrated in specific industries. have unsustainable dividend payments.


Answer: be concentrated in specific industries.


Companies that exhibit characteristics such as a high book-to-market ratio and high dividend yield are usually found in specific industries like the financial services sector.

Using this method would therefore lead to investments in specific industries which is riskier because the industrial risk component increases in that if the industry is adversely affected, the investors would suffer from going in on investments concentrated in one or a couple of related industries.

Karen has been asked to head a team at work that is charged with finding new ways to develop products for their marketing group. She has asked her team members to begin exploring approaches that have worked in the past and to identify approaches that have not worked before. Karen wants her team members to start the process of Group of answer choices



C. adopting a questioning attitude.


Since in the question it is mentioned that they have to develop the products for the marketing group so for this they started to exploring the approaches that worked on the past and identified those approaches that does not worked before so here she wants that the process should be begins by adopting the questioning attitude that means they are capable to identify the errors facing in a activities they perfomed

Therefore the option c is correct

Organization costs must be expensed as incurred. b. A copyright should be considered an intangible with an indefinite life. c. The registration of a trademark or trade name lasts for 20 years and is nonrenewable. d. A patent should be amortized over the shorter of the inventor's life or its economic life.



c. a patent should be amortized over the shorter of the inventor's life or its economic life


Which of the following statements concerning intangibles is true?

a. a copyright should be considered an intangible with an indefinite life

b. organization costs must be expensed as incurred

c. a patent should be amortized over the shorter of the inventor's life or its economic life

d. the registration of a trademark or tradename lasts for 20 years and is non-renewable

Patents are a right granted to an inventor to exclusively sell a product for a specific period of time usually for 20 years. During this period, others are prevented from making, using, or selling the invention. A patent should be amortized over the shorter of the inventor's life or its economic life.

Types of patents include:

1. utility patents

2. design patents

3. plant patent

Copyright gives the inventor of a product and anyone they give the permission to the right to reproduce the product. Copyrights have limited lives

What is the basis of the law of demand?
Group of answer choices

Self-interested behavior

Marginal utility

Utility curves

Market timing


market timing


because that way u wont miss customers

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find the x- and y-intercept of the graph of -9x+7y=27 . State tour based as a whole number of as a improper fraction in simplest form A tank contains 150 liters of fluid in which 20 grams of salt is dissolved. Brine containing 1 gram of salt per liter is then pumped into the tank at a rate of 5 L/min; the well-mixed solution is pumped out at the same rate. Find the number A(t) of grams of salt in the tank at time t. sketch the graph of y=x(x-6)^ plz help me ans fast for 10 pts Because she slept through her alarm and did not have enough time to get ready, Paula looked a little ____ when she got to school. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz WHAT ARE THE NEW LINKEDIN LIMITS? TWO TEST23. Evaluate 4b2 for b= -1/2 Suppose y varies inversely with x, and y = 32 when x = 4. What is the value of y when x = 8?a. 1/8b. 64c. 16d. 8NO LINKS OR ANSWERING QUESTIONS YOU DON'T KNOW!!! If the U.S. economy is producing at a level that is substantially less than potential GDP and the government's budget deficits are increasing aggregate demand, then ____________________________ is not much of a danger. The biological classification of organisms is called taxonomy. Based on your own investigation, discuss the importance of taxonomy in biological research. I just need the numbers anyone help ? three problems to develop the school Evaluate: 2-4 . =100 . -8 . -16 D. 1 16 A firm is making an economic loss of $100,000. This means that: multiple choice 1 the firm should immediately exit the industry. the firm's revenues are less than its opportunity costs. the firm is not making an accounting profit. the firm could increase economic profit if its resources were used in a different way. If a firm is making an economic profit of zero: multiple choice 2 it will have unhappy stockholders. it is not making an accounting profit. the firm should change to a different line of business. it cannot make a higher economic profit by changing how it is using its resources. Geometry, please answer question ASAP We have two fractions, 3/4 and 7/6 , and we want to rewrite them so that they have a common denominator (and whole number numerators). What numbers could we use for the denominator? I...the film was gripping, Harry slept from beginning to end Which organelle is responsible for transporting lipids in the cell?A. nucleus B. rough ER C. golgi apparatus D. mitochondrion Snapping fingers or flashing lights to get the attention of a deaf person would be similar to what in hearing cultureO grandly bowingO politely waitingO rudely interruptingO suddenly sneezing