If a consumer is always indifferent between an additional one grapefruit or an additional two oranges, then when oranges are on the horizontal axis the indifference curves: Group of answer choices will be straight lines with a slope of 1/2. will be straight lines with a slope of -1. will be right angles whose corners occur on a ray from the origin with a slope of 2. none of these options is correct. will be straight lines with a slope of -1/2.


Answer 1

Answer: will be straight lines with a slope of -1/2.


An indifference curve simply means the combination of two goods that can give a consumer equal satisfaction, and this makes the consumer indifferent.

It should be noted that along the curve, the consumer will have an equal preference which is for the combinations of the goods that are shown.

If a consumer is always indifferent between an additional one grapefruit or an additional two oranges, then when oranges are on the horizontal axis, then the indifference curves will be straight lines with a slope of -1/2. Here, the fact that the slope is negative

is due to the fact that the curve is downward sloping.

Related Questions

While it is generally accepted that intellectual property rights provide a method for increasing the rate of return for inventors, some economists believe there are a number of reasons to doubt whether patents provide:


Answer: a. sufficient incentives for innovation, as well as completely appropriate incentives for innovation


Some economists do not believe that providing intellectual property rights are enough to inspire or compensate for innovation and believe that even more rights should be given to inventors.

They also do not believe that patents are completely appropriate because they tend to expire eventually.

A major disadvantage of the payback period method is that it:_____.
a. Is useless as a risk indicator.
b. Ignores cash flows beyond the payback period.
c. Does not directly account for the time value of money.
d. All of the answers above are correct.
e. Only answers b and c are correct.





Does not directly account for the time value of money.

A 10-year loan in the amount of $100,000 is to be repaid in equal monthly payments. The interest rate is 12 percent, compounded monthly. What is the amount of principal paid in the loan payment for month 3



The amount of principal paid in the loan payment for month 3 is:

= $443.45.


a) Data and Calculations:

Loan amount = $100,000

Interest rate per annum = 12%

Period of loan = 10 years or 120 months

Repayment of loan principal and interest = equal monthly payments.

3rd Month Payment:

Total payment = $1,434.71          

Interest                $991.26

Principal =           $443.45

Schedule of Payment for the first 3 months:

Period      PV                         PMT            Interest              FV

1            $100,000.00      $1,434.71       $1,000.00       $99,565.29

2            $99,565.29      $1,434.71         $995.65        $99,126.23

3             $99,126.23      $1,434.71          $991.26       $98,682.79

Pharsalus Inc. just paid a dividend (i.e., D0) of $ 3.32 per share. This dividend is expected to grow at a rate of 8.0 percent per year forever. The appropriate discount rate for Pharsalus's stock is 9.6 percent. What is the price of the stock





according to the constant dividend growth model

price = d1 / (r - g)

d1 = next dividend to be paid

r = cost of equity

g = growth rate

(3.32 x 1.08) / (0.096 - 0.08) = 224.10

The organization charged with protecting investors and the public by requiring full disclosure f financial information by companies offering securities to the public is the:_______
a. Auditing Standards Board.
b. Financial Accounting Standards Board.
c. Government Accounting Standards Boards.
d. Securities and Exchange Commission.



The organization charged with protecting investors and the public by requiring full disclosure f financial information by companies offering securities to the public is the:_______

d. Securities and Exchange Commission.


The SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) is an organization that has continued to discharge three main responsibilities with regards to the securities market.  It has protected investors' investments in the capital market, maintained fair, orderly, and efficient capital markets, and facilitated capital formation.  It regulates investments and the exchange of securities.  It restores confidence in the capital market. It also provides transparency into the financial workings of U.S. companies.

Show the change in the market for gasoline that is consistent with the following statement:

"When a war breaks out in the Middle East, the price of gasoline rises, and the price of a used Cadillac falls." (Hint: Assume that used Cadillacs are gas guzzlers that are undesirable to own if gasoline becomes more expensive.)



Supply reduces and supply curve shifts left. Price increases


The Middle East supplies a significant amount of the world's oil which means that conflict there could disrupt the movement of oil in the world.

In this scenario there is a conflict. This conflict would cause the supply of oil to reduce which means that the Supply curve will be forced to shift left to show that it has dropped.

This new supply curve will then intercept with the demand curve at a higher equilibrium price thereby leading to a price increase.

g Todd Foley is applying for a $210,000 mortgage. He can select either a $1,470 monthly payment with no points or a $1,323 payment with 4 points. How many months will it take Todd to cover the cost of the discount points if he takes the lower monthly payment



57 months


Calculation to determine How many months will it take Todd to cover the cost of the discount points if he takes the lower monthly


Number of months to cover cost=(.04 x $210,000)/($1470-$1323)

Number of months to cover cost = $8400/147

Number of months to cover cost =57 months

Therefore the number of many months it will take Todd to cover the cost of the discount points if he takes the lower monthly

payments is 57 months

Phelps, Inc. had assets of $87,938, liabilities of $19,174, and 13,190 shares of outstanding common stock at December 31, 2017. Net income for 2017 was $9,761. The company had assets of $103,319, liabilities of $23,003, 11,527 shares of outstanding common stock, and its stock was trading at a price of $10 per share at December 31, 2018. Net income for 2018 was $10,719. Required: Calculate EPS for 2018. Calculate ROE for 2018. Calculate the Price/Earnings Ratio for 2018.



Phelps, Inc.

EPS for 2018                                 $0.93

ROE for 2018                                 13.3%

Price/Earnings Ratio for 2018       10.75


a) Data and Calculations:

                             December 31, 2017     December 31, 2018

Assets                             $87,938                      $103,319

Liabilities                            19,174                         23,003

Equity                             $68,764                       $80,316

Outstanding common

 stock                                13,190                         11,527

Stock price per share                                            $10

Net income                      $9,761                       $10,719

EPS for 2018                                                       $0.93 ($10,719/11,527)

ROE for 2018                                                      13.3% ($10,719/$80,316*100)

Price/Earnings Ratio for 2018                            10.75 ($10/$0.93)

EPS (Earnings Per Share) = Net income/Number of outstanding shares

ROE (Return on Equity) = Net income/Equity * 100

Price/Earnings Ratio = Stock price/EPS

The percent by which a product's unit selling price exceeds its total unit variable cost is the: Multiple choice question. fixed cost per unit. contribution margin ratio. contribution margin per unit. margin of safety.



contribution margin ratio.


A product can be defined as any physical object or material that typically satisfy and meets the demands, needs or wants of customers. Some examples of a product are mobile phones, television, microphone, microwave oven, bread, pencil, freezer, beverages, soft drinks, motorcycles, microwave oven, computer, radio, etc.

Contribution margin can be defined as the subtraction of variable cost from the sales price.

Simply stated, contribution margin is sales revenue of a product less variable costs and expense.

Mathematically, it given by the formula;

[tex] Contribution \; margin = Sales \; price - Variable \; cost [/tex]

Variable cost refers to cost which are the same per unit of production but vary directly with level of output.

Hence, the contribution margin ratio percent by which a product's unit selling price exceeds (is greater than) its total unit variable cost.

Siam Traders had Net Income for 2020 of $9,500,000. The firm invested $1,000,000 in manufacturing equipment during 2019 but made no additional capital investments in 2020. The equipment is being depreciated over five years using straight-line depreciation, starting in 2019. Assuming no other adjustments to cash flow than those mentioned here, create a statement of cash flows for 2020 with amounts in thousands.

What is the Net Cash Flow in 2020?



Cash flows from operating activities:

Net income                                                             $9,500,000


Depreciation Expense [$1,000,000/5 years]       $200,000

Net cash flows from Operating activities                                      $9,700

Cash flows from investing activities                                              $0

Cash flows from investing activities                                              $0        

Net cash flow                                                                                    $9,700

Suppose a company is considering the following 5 independent projects:







initial Investment












What projects, if any, should be selected if the capital budget is $500?​



A & C


NPV, The Net Present Value of an investment is used in finance to calculate the profitability of a projected investment.

Since the capital budgeted for any investment is $500 ; hence the total initial investment the company can make should not exceed $500 ;

The company will be looking indulge in the most profitable investment, this we can judge Yung the NPV of each investment :

Therefore, the total NPV on investment A and Investment C is the highest while maintaining the $500 capital budget value.

Investment : ___ NPV

$100 - - - - - - - - > $20

$400 - - - - - - - - > 40

$500 - - - - - - - - > $60

The difference between the amount received from issuing a note payable and the amount repaid at maturity is referred to as:


Answer: interest


Notes payable occurs when a promissory note is issued to the bearer by the firm. Notes payable can either be short term which is within a year or long term which is more than a year.

The difference between the amount received from issuing a note payable and the amount repaid at maturity is known as the interest.

Jobs in an organization are:_______
a) same as organizational positions.
b) interdependent.
c) same as work.
d) independent.





i think it should interdependent got no reasons but i think thats it.

Allison bought a bond when it was issued by ABC Corporation 20 years ago. The bond, which has a $1,000 face value and a coupon rate equal to 10 percent, matures in eight years. Interest is paid every six months; the next interest payment is scheduled for six months from today. If the yield on similar risk investments is 8 percent, what should be the current market value (price) of the bond



Current market value (price) of the bond = $ 1,081.11


The current market value (price) of the bond can be calculated using the following excel function:

Current market value (price) of the bond = PV(rate, NPER, -PMT, -FV) ........... (1)


rate = Semiannual yield on similar risk investments = yield on similar risk investments / 2 = 8% / 2 = 4%

NPER = Number of period = Year to maturity * Number of semiannuals in a year = 8 * 2 = 16

PMT = Payment = (FV * Coupon rate) / Number of semiannuals in a year = ($1,000 * 10%) / 2 = $50 = 50

FV = Face value = $1,000 = 1000

Substituting all the relevant value into equation (1), we have:

Current market value (price) of the bond = PV(4%, 10, -50, -1000)

Inputing =PV(4%, 10, -50, -1000) in any cell in excel sheet (Note: as done in the attached excel file), we have:

Current market value (price) of the bond = $ 1,081.11

A tyre manufacturer wants to set a minimum mileage guarantee on its new MX100 tyre. Tests reveal the mean mileage is 47,900 with a standard deviation of 2,050 miles and the distribution is a normal distribution. The manufacturer wants to set the minimum guaranteed mileage so that no more than 4% of the tyres will have to be replaced. What minimum guaranteed mileage should the manufacturer announce





Calculation to determine the minimum guaranteed mileage should the manufacturer announce

Sinces no more than 4% of the tires will have to be replaced First step will be to determine the InvNorm(.96) using normal distribution table


InvNorm(.96) = 1.75

Now let determine the minimum guaranteed mileage

Let x represent the Minimum guaranteed mileage



x = 51,487.5

Therefore the minimum guaranteed mileage that the manufacturer should announce is 51,487

Between 1995 and 1997, American Airlines competed in the Dallas/Ft WorthAirport against several other low-cost carriers. In response to these low-cost carriers, American Airlines reduced its price and increased service on selectedroutes. As a result, one of the low-cost carriers stopped service, which led Ameri-can Airlines to increase its price. Why do you think a lawsuit was filed againstAmerican Airlines? Why do you think American Airlines prevailed at trial?



1. Why do you think a lawsuit was filed against American Airlines?

Because they engaged in predatory practices.

The United States is a free market economy that encourages competitive behavior which is why there are certain practices that are not tolerated such as predatory practices.

Predatory practices occur when a company reduces its cost to a price below that of its competitors till they are forced out of business because their costs would be larger than the revenue they make from the reduced prices. The former company would then increase its cost after the competitors are gone. This is usually done by large companies that can afford to take losses.

American Airlines did this and was the reason they were sued.

2. Why do you think American Airlines prevailed at trial?

Difficulty in proving marginal cost.

Generally, it is difficult to prove the marginal costs incurred by airline companies so American Airlines argued that their marginal costs had reduced when there were more competitors but increased when the other competitors left and that this was why they had to reduce prices when the competitors were there and increase when they were not.

How does the design demonstrate the ability to analyze, research, and explore a variety of information sources to adequately address how the target market might interpret a designmessage



Design should be analyzed, explored and researched carefully so that it adequately targets the audience.


A design has the ability o inclines people's decisions and allows for interpretation. The design is can be used to tell whether the product is going to stay in the market and helps in the identification of the target audience.  The market can interpret the message in design in various ways such as by positive and negative. Thus design should be made keeping in mind the ethics and characteristics of the object. Design should match the traits of people.

Each unit requires 0.75 hours of direct labor at a cost of $6.50 per hour. What is the cost of direct labor for May?



Direct labor cost = (units produced for May) x 0.75 x $6.50


Direct labor cost = units produced x direct labor hours x cost per unit

since units produced aren't given

Let units produced = 10,000 for May

Direct labor cost = 10,000 x 0.75 x $6.50 = $48,750

A computer microphone company finished its competitive advantages exercise and needed a way to gauge its position in the market with its competitors. Which tool would be the best way for the company to display its position


Answer: Perceptual map


Perceptual map ref to the diagrammatic technique that is used in visually displaying the perceptions of the customers.

The perceptual map is also referred to as the visual representation with regards to the customers perception about the attributes of a company and its brand.

The perceptual map can be used by the microphone company.

1. All of the following are considered phases of the management process except _____. planning directing controlling executing b 2. The process by which managers run day-to-day operations is called _____. planning directing controlling executing 3. _____ is the philosophy of continually improving employees, business processes, and products. Improvement process Continuous process improvement Quality process None of these choices are correct.



1. Executing

2. Directing

3. Continuous process improvement


According to Managerial Accounting Concepts and Principles

1. All of the following are considered phases of the management process except EXECUTING

2. The process by which managers run day-to-day operations is called DIRECTING

3. CONTINUOUS PROCESS IMPROVEMENT is the philosophy of continually improving employees, business processes, and products.

Suppose that the firm pays its workers $46 per day. Each unit of output sells for $12. How many workers should the firm hire


Solution :

A firm hires labor till a point where the cost of hiring is equal to the value of the additional revenue it produces.

We know ,

the wage rate = cos of hiring an additional worker

the value of the additional revenue that the firm produces = price x (MPI) marginal product of the labor.

Therefore, the firm will hire when :

Wage = value of the additional revenue it generates

Thus, wage = price  x (MPI) marginal product of the labor ...........(i)

Therefore, given :

wage of a worker = $ 45

Price = $ 12

So, 45 = 12 x MPI

MPI = 3.8

So the marginal product of employing three days of labor = 25-18/4-3 = 7

Marginal product of employing four days of labor = 30-25/4-3 = 5

So the 4th day produces less revenue than the cost that it generates.

So, the firm should hire 3 workers.

Cost of debt with fees. Kenny Enterprises will issue a bond with a par value of ​$1,000, a maturity of twenty​ years, and a coupon rate of 7.5 ​% with semiannual​ payments, and will use an investment bank that charges ​$25 per bond for its services. What is the cost of debt for Kenny Enterprises at the following market​ prices?
a. ​$982.48
b. ​$1,004.93
c. ​$1,068.15
d. ​$1,171.91



Kenny Enterprises

Cost of Debt with fees:

Market Prices                    $982.48     $1,004.93     $1,068.15       $1,171.91

Cost of debt   (b- a)             $48.59          $26.14        ($37.08)     ($140.84)

Cost of debt in percentage  4.86%           2.61%           -3.71%        -14.08%


a) Data and Calculations:

Market Prices                    $982.48     $1,004.93     $1,068.15      $1,171.91

Investment bank charges    25.00            25.00          25.00          25.00

a) Net bonds proceeds    $957.48        $979.93    $1,043.15      $1,146.91

b) Repayments:

PV of interest payments   $770.66      $770.66       $770.66     $770.66

PV of principal ($1,000)       235.41         235.41          235.41        235.41

Total repayments           $1,006.07   $1,006.07     $1,006.07  $1,006.07

Cost of debt   (b- a)            $48.59        $26.14        ($37.08)     ($140.84)

Cost of debt in percentage  4.86%       2.61%           -3.71%        -14.08%

Present values of interest payments:

N (# of periods)  40

I/Y (Interest per year)  7.5

PMT (Periodic Payment)  37.5

FV (Future Value)  0


PV = $770.66

Sum of all periodic payments $1,500.00

Total Interest $729.34

Present value of principal repayment:

N (# of periods)  20

I/Y (Interest per year)  7.5

PMT (Periodic Payment)  0

FV (Future Value)  1000



PV = $235.41

Total Interest $764.5

At the end of August, Darling Company had completed Jobs 40 and 42. Job 40 is for 1,000 units, and Job 42 is for 200 units. The following data relate to these two jobs: On August 4, raw materials were requisitioned for production as follows: 700 units for Job 40 at $18 per unit and 1,200 units for Job 42 at $16 per unit. During August, Darling Company accumulated 500 hours of direct labor costs on Job 40 and 600 hours on Job 42. The total direct labor was incurred at a rate of $14 per direct labor hour for Job 40 and $10 per direct labor hour for Job 42. The predetermined factory overhead rate is $10.00 per direct labor hour. a. Determine the balance on the job cost sheets for Jobs 40 and 42 at the end of August. Job 40 $fill in the blank 1 Job 42 $fill in the blank 2 b. Determine the cost per unit for Jobs 40 and 42 at the end of August. If required, round your answers to the nearest cent.



Darling Company

                                                          Job 40        Job 42

a. Balance on the job cost sheets $24,600     $31,200

b. Cost per unit                                $24.60     $156.00


a) Data and Calculations:

                                              Job 40        Job 42

Units completed                     1,000            200

Raw materials requisitioned    700          1,200

Cost of raw materials per unit $18             $16

Direct labor hours used          500            600

Direct labor rates                     $14              $10

Predetermined overhead rate = $10 per direct labor hour

Cost of production:

Direct materials                $12,600     $19,200

Direct labor                          7,000         6,000

Overhead                            5,000         6,000

Total production costs   $24,600     $31,200

Units completed                  1,000           200

Cost per unit                    $24.60     $156.00

MC Qu. 78 A firm expects to sell... A firm expects to sell 25,400 units of its product at $11.40 per unit and to incur variable costs per unit of $6.40. Total fixed costs are $74,000. The total contribution margin is:__________





Calculation to determine what The total contribution margin is

Using this formula

Total CM = Sales - VC

Let plug in the formula

Total CM=(25,400* 11.40) - (25,400 *6.40)

Total CM=$289,560-$162,560

Total CM= $127000

Therefore The total contribution margin is $127,000

The Bradley Corporation produces a product with the following costs as of July 1, 20X1: Material $4 per unit Labor 4 per unit Overhead 2 per unit Beginning inventory at these costs on July 1 was 3,500 units. From July 1 to December 1, 20X1, Bradley Corporation produced 13,000 units. These units had a material cost of $4, labor of $6, and overhead of $4 per unit. Bradley uses LIFO inventory accounting. a. Assuming that Bradley Corporation sold 15,000 units during the last six months of the year at $19 each, what is its gross profit


Answer: $83000


The gross profit will be:

Sales = 15000 × $19 = $285000

Less Cost of goods sold from new inventory = 13000 × $14 = $182000

Less Cost of goods sold from old inventory = 2000 × $10 = $20000

Total cost of goods sold = $182000 + $20000 = $202000

Gross profit = $285000 - $202000

Gross profit = $83000

If your short-term interest rate (the rate on your current debt) is 12.1%, then your bond rate (the rate on your long-term debt) is:


Answer: 13.5% (14% higher than the current debt rate)


Since the short-term interest rate (the rate on your current debt) is 12.1%, then it should be noted that the rate on the long term debt will be higher than the rate on the short term debt.

The long term debt have a higher duration and therefore have a higher rate when compared to the short term debt. Therefore, the correct option will be 13.5% (14% higher than the current debt rate) since it's higher than the 12.1% given as the short term rate.

Cyberdyne Systems and Virtucon are competitors focusing on the latest technologies. Selected financial data is provided below. (Round your answers to 1 decimal place. Enter your answers in millions (i.e., $10,100,000 should be entered as 10.1).) ($ in millions)CyberdyneVirtucon Net sales$39,905 $5,684 Net income 10,375 1,194 Operating cash flows 14,865 1,334 Total assets, beginning 58,905 15,184 Total assets, ending 60,905 14,884 Required: 1. Calculate the return on assets for both companies.



Return on assets for Cyberdyne Systems and Virtucon are 0.2 and 0.1 respectively.


Return on asset is a measure of the ratio of the net income to the total average assets of an entity or organization. It givens and insight into the company's ability to generate profits from the use of its assets.

For Cyberdyne Systems, given that Net income $10,375 and the assets at the beginning and end of the period are $58,905 and $60,905

Total average assets = ($58,905 + $60,905)/2

= $59,905

Return on assets = $10,375/$59,905

= 0.17319088

To one decimal place = 0.2

For Virtucon, given that Net income $1,194 and the assets at the beginning and end of the period are 15,184 and 14,884

Total average assets = ($15,184 + $14,884)/2

= $15,034

Return on assets = $1,194/$15,034

= 0.079419981

To one decimal place = 0.1

Company xyz made the following transactions 6 marks
 Borrowed loan of ksh 50000 to start a business
 Obtained Ksh 150,000 in cash from proceeds of sales
 Paid out ksh 240000 in form of salaries
 Purchased Ksh 600000 worth of machinery in cash
 Purchased a track valued at Ksh 1, 500 000 by paying Ksh 300000 in cash and getting a
loan for the reminder
 Paid rent of rent of Ksh 80000 and advertising of ksh 50,000 in cash each
Determine the value of the company’s assets, liability and equity​



Company XYZ

Total assets     ksh 1,030,000

Total liabilities ksh 1,250,000

Total equity      ksh (220,000)


a) Data and Analysis:

Cash ksh 50,000 Loan payable ksh 50,000

Cash ksh 150,000 Sales revenue ksh 150,000

Salaries expense ksh 240,000 Cash ksh 240,000

Equipment ksh 600,000 Cash ksh 600,000

Track ksh 1,500,000 Cash ksh 300,000 Loan payable ksh 1,200,000

Rent Expense ksh 80,000 Advertising Expense ksh 50,000 Cash ksh 130,000


Cash                    ksh 50,000

Cash                  ksh 150,000

Cash                ksh (240,000)

Equipment        ksh 600,000

Cash                ksh (600,000)

Track              ksh 1,500,000

Cash               ksh (300,000)

Cash                ksh (130,000)

Total assets  ksh 1,030,000


Loan payable       ksh 50,000

Loan payable  ksh 1,200,000

Total liabilities ksh 1,250,000


Sales revenue                ksh 150,000

Salaries expense         ksh (240,000)

Rent Expense                ksh (80,000)

Advertising Expense    ksh (50,000)

Total equity                ksh (220,000)

Coronado Company received proceeds of $209000 on 10-year, 5% bonds issued on January 1, 2016. The bonds had a face value of $220000, pay interest annually on January 1, and have a call price of 102. Coronado uses the straight-line method of amortization. Coronado Company decided to redeem the bonds on January 1, 2018. What amount of gain or loss would Coronado report on its 2018 income statement



Coronado Company

The amount of gain or loss that Coronado would report on its 2018 income statement is:

= $13,200.


a) Data and Calculations:

Bonds proceeds = $209,000

Bonds face value =  220,000

Bonds Discounts = $11,000

Period of bonds = 10 years

Straight-line amortization = $1,100 annually

Interest payment = annually

Coupon rate rate = 5%

Fair value on January 1, 2017 = $210,100 ($209,000 + $1,100)

Fair value on January 1, 2018 = $211,200 ($210,100 + $1,100)

Call price = 102

Total call value (cash payment) = $224,400 ($220,000 * 102/100)

Loss to report on its 2018 income statement = $13,200 ($224,400 - $209,000 - $2,200)

2. Through stores that employ a team-based management approach and that offer an appealing shopping environment / experience, Whole Foods can charge higher prices because they offer the highest quality natural and organic foods available with customer service superior to their competitors. This explanation is best described as Whole Foods' ______.



differentiation strategy


Based on the information above, it is possible to affirm that Whole Foods is a company that uses a strategy of differentiation in its products and services, as its management approach is based on a team that offers an attractive shopping environment / experience, in addition to charging higher prices for offering high quality natural and organic foods, as well as superior customer service than its competitors.

The differentiation strategy consists of actions used by companies to make their products and services attractive to their potential audience, offering added benefits and advantages that the consumer can perceive and value, making the company more competitive and well positioned in relation to its competitors .

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