If you and a friend are standing side-by-side watching a soccer game, would you both view the motion from the same reference frame?

a. Yes, we would both view the motion from the same reference point because both of us are at rest in Earth’s frame of reference.
b. Yes, we would both view the motion from the same reference point because both of us are observing the motion from two points on the same straight line.
c. No, we would both view the motion from different reference points because motion is viewed from two different points; the reference frames are similar but not the same.
d. No, we would both view the motion from different reference points because response times may be different; so, the motion observed by both of us would be different.


Answer 1


the correct is C


The concept of a frame of reference is of crucial importance in physics, because it is the system from which measurements are made. Therefore, the relationships between the different reference frames must be clear so that the measurements made can be compared correctly.

In this case, the first observed sees the movement of the ball, suppose it moves a distance r, the second observed is next to me, separated by a distance x, therefore a frame of reference located in the movement of the ball. ball r '.

Consequently, the measurement carried out is related by

             r = r’ + x

where the bold letters indicate wind blowers.

With these explanations we review the different answers, the correct one is C

Related Questions

The period of a pendulum is the time it takes the pendulum to swing back and forth once. If the only dimensional quantities that the period depends on are the acceleration of gravity, g, and the length of the pendulum, l, what combination of g and l must the period be proportional to



Let T is the period of a pendulum. The SI unit of time is seconds (s).

It depends on the acceleration of gravity, g, and the length of the pendulum, l.

The SI unit of acceleration of gravity, g and the length of the pendulum, l are m/s² and m respectively.

If we divide m and m/s², we left with s². If the square root of s² is taken, we get s only i.e. the SI unit of period of a pendulum.


[tex]T\propto \sqrt{\dfrac{l}{g}}[/tex]

Hence, this is the required solution.

If the electron has half the speed needed to reach the negative plate, it will turn around and go towards the positive plate. What will its speed be, in meters per second, when it reaches the positive plate in this case



 v = -v₀ / 2


For this exercise let's use kinematics relations.

Let's use the initial conditions to find the acceleration of the electron

            v² = v₀² - 2a y

when the initial velocity is vo it reaches just the negative plate so v = 0

           a = v₀² / 2y

now they tell us that the initial velocity is half

          v’² = v₀’² - 2 a y’

          v₀ ’= v₀ / 2

at the point where turn v = 0              

          0 = v₀² /4  - 2 a y '

          v₀² /4 = 2 (v₀² / 2y)  y’

          y = 4 y'

          y ’= y / 4

We can see that when the velocity is half, advance only ¼ of the distance between the plates, now let's calculate the velocity if it leaves this position with zero velocity.

         v² = v₀² -2a y’

         v² = 0 - 2 (v₀² / 2y) y / 4

         v² = -v₀² / 4

         v = -v₀ / 2

We can see that as the system has no friction, the arrival speed is the same as the exit speed, but with the opposite direction.

Two cars are facing each other. Car A is at rest while car B is moving toward car A with a constant velocity of 20 m/s. When car B is 100 from car A, car A begins to accelerate toward car B with a constant acceleration of 5 m/s/s. Let right be positive.
1) How much time elapses before the two cars meet? 2) How far does car A travel before the two cars meet? 3) What is the velocity of car B when the two cars meet?
4) What is the velocity of car A when the two cars meet?



Let's define t = 0s (the initial time) as the moment when Car A starts moving.

Let's find the movement equations of each car.


We know that Car A accelerations with a constant acceleration of 5m/s^2

Then the acceleration equation is:

[tex]A_a(t) = 5m/s^2[/tex]

To get the velocity, we integrate over time:

[tex]V_a(t) = (5m/s^2)*t + V_0[/tex]

Where V₀ is the initial velocity of Car A, we know that it starts at rest, so V₀ = 0m/s, the velocity equation is then:

[tex]V_a(t) = (5m/s^2)*t[/tex]

To get the position equation we integrate again over time:

[tex]P_a(t) = 0.5*(5m/s^2)*t^2 + P_0[/tex]

Where P₀ is the initial position of the Car A, we can define P₀ = 0m, then the position equation is:

[tex]P_a(t) = 0.5*(5m/s^2)*t^2[/tex]

Now let's find the equations for car B.

We know that Car B does not accelerate, then it has a constant velocity given by:

[tex]V_b(t) =20m/s[/tex]

To get the position equation, we can integrate:

[tex]P_b(t) = (20m/s)*t + P_0[/tex]

This time P₀ is the initial position of Car B, we know that it starts 100m ahead from car A, then P₀ = 100m, the position equation is:

[tex]P_b(t) = (20m/s)*t + 100m[/tex]

Now we can answer this:

1) The two cars will meet when their position equations are equal, so we must have:

[tex]P_a(t) = P_b(t)[/tex]

We can solve this for t.

[tex]0.5*(5m/s^2)*t^2 = (20m/s)*t + 100m\\(2.5 m/s^2)*t^2 - (20m/s)*t - 100m = 0[/tex]

This is a quadratic equation, the solutions are given by the Bhaskara's formula:

[tex]t = \frac{-(-20m/s) \pm \sqrt{(-20m/s)^2 - 4*(2.5m/s^2)*(-100m)} }{2*2.5m/s^2} = \frac{20m/s \pm 37.42 m/s}{5m/s^2}[/tex]

We only care for the positive solution, which is:

[tex]t = \frac{20m/s + 37.42 m/s}{5m/s^2} = 11.48 s[/tex]

Car A reaches Car B after 11.48 seconds.

2) How far does car A travel before the two cars meet?

Here we only need to evaluate the position equation for Car A in t = 11.48s:

[tex]P_a(11.48s) = 0.5*(5m/s^2)*(11.48s)^2 = 329.48 m[/tex]

3) What is the velocity of car B when the two cars meet?

Car B is not accelerating, so its velocity does not change, then the velocity of Car B when the two cars meet is 20m/s

4)  What is the velocity of car A when the two cars meet?

Here we need to evaluate the velocity equation for Car A at t = 11.48s

[tex]V_a(t) = (5m/s^2)*11.48s = 57.4 m/s[/tex]

Define measurements.​



act or process of measuring



the comparison of an unknown quantity with a known quantity.

It takes the elevator in a skyscraper 4.0 s to reach its cruising speed of 10 m/s. A 60 kg passenger gets aboard on the ground floor.
1. What is the passenger's apparent weight before the elevator starts moving?
2. What is the passenger's apparent weight whilethe elevator is speeding up?
3. What is the passenger's apparent weight afterthe elevator reaches its cruising speed?



1. 588 N

2. 738 N

3. 588 N


time, t = 4 s

initial velocity, u = 0

final velocity, v = 10 m/s

mass, m= 60 kg


Weight of passenger before starts

W =m g = 60 x 9.8 = 588 N


When the elevator is speeding up

v = u + a t

10 = 0 + a x 4

a = 2.5 m/s2

Now the weight is

W' = m (a + g) = 60 (9.8 + 2.5) = 738 N


When he reaches the cruising speed, the weight is

W = 588 N


Block A slides into block B along a frictionless surface. They are moving in the direction from left o the right.

Block A= 3kg

Block B= 4kg

Block A velocity before collision =30m/s.

Block B velocity before collision = 15 m/s

The velocity of block B after the collision is 20m/s.

a.) What is the velocity of block A after collision?

b.) Is the collision elastic? Show work to explain answer why or why not.



Block A velocity is 23.33 m/s and the collission is not elastic.


a) m1v1 + m2v2 = m1v1' + m2v2'

Plug in givens


solve for v1'= 23.33m/s

b) Find the initial and final kinetic energy of Block B

Ki= 1/2(4)(15)^2 + 1/2(3)(30)^2 = 1800 J

Kf= 1/2(4)(20)^2 + 1/2(3)*(23.33)^2= 1616.433J

Since Ki does not equal Kf the collision is not elastic

~~~~~NEED HELP ASAP~~~~~
A point on a rotating wheel (thin loop) having a constant angular velocityy of 300 rev/min, the wheel has a radius of 1.5m and a mass of 30kg. (I = mr^2)

a.) Determine the linear regression

b.) At this given angular velocity, what is the rotational kinetic energy?



Centripetal Acceleration 18.75 m/s^2, Rotational Kinetic Energy 843.75 J


a Linear acceleration (we cant find tangential acceleration with the givens so we will find centripetal)

a= ω^2*r

ω= 300rev/min

convert into rev/s

300/60= 5rev/s

a= 18.75m/s^2

b) use Krot= 1/2 Iω^2

plug in gives

1/2(30*2.25)(25)= 843.75 J

a. Give an example of the conversion of light energy to electrical energy.

b. Give an example of chemical energy converting to heat energy.

c. Give an example of mechanical energy converting to heat energy.



a) photovoltaic cell is a semiconductor device and it converts light energy to electrical energy

b) burning of coal converts chemical energy to heat energy

c) rubbing of both hands against each other converts mechanical to heat energy


a. solar cells


c.rubbing ours palms

The pressure exerted at the bottom of a column of liquid is 30 kPa. The height of the
column is 3,875 m. What type of liquid is used?



For example, the pressure acting on a dam at the bottom of a reservoir is ... pressure = height of column × density of the liquid × gravitational field ... The density of water is 1,000 kg/m 3.

A uniform ladder of length 24 m and weight w is supported by horizontal floor at A and by a vertical wall at B. It makes an angle 45 degree with the horizontal. The coefficient of friction between ground and ladder is 1/2 and coefficient of friction between ladder and wall is 1/3. If a man whose weight is one-half than the ladder, ascends the ladder, how much length x of the ladder he shall climb before the ladder slips



I could not find the answer or do it myself if I did find it I would defenetly share

The current in a conductor is 2.5A .explain the meaning of this statement



In 1 second the amount of charge flowing through the conductor is 2.5 Q.


a concrete has a height of 5m and has unit area 3m² supports a mass of 30000kg.
Determine the stress, strain and change in height ​



stress = 98000 N/m^2

strain = 3.92 x 10^-6

change in height = 0.0196 mm


Height, h = 5 m

Area, A = 3 m²

mass, m = 30000 kg

Stress is defined as the force per  unit area.

[tex]stress = \frac{mg}{A}\\\\stress = \frac{30000\times 9.8}{3}\\\\stress = 98000 N/m^2[/tex]

Young's modulus of concrete is Y = 2.5 x 10^10 N/m^2

Young's modulus is defined as the ratio of stress to the strain.

[tex]Y = \frac{stress}{strain}\\\\2.5\times 10^{10}= \frac{98000}{strain}\\\\strain = 3.92\times 10^{-6}[/tex]

let the change in height is h'.

Strain is defined as the ratio of change in height to the original height.

[tex]3.92\times 10^{-6} = \frac{h'}{5}\\\\h' = 1.96\times 10^{-5}m = 0.0196 mm[/tex]

how did kepler discoveries contribute to astronomy



They established the laws of planetary motion. They explained how the Sun rises and sets. They made astronomy accessible to people who spoke Italian.


lamp in a child's Halloween costume flashes based on an RC discharge of a capacitor through its resistance. The effective duration of the flash is 0.360 s, during which it produces an average 0.690 W from an average 3.00 V. (a) What energy does it dissipate


Energy = (power) x (time)

Energy = (0.69 W) x (0.36 sec)

Energy = 0.25 Joule

water contracts on freezing is it incorrect or conrrect



hope it helps

much as you can

Suppose the pucks start spinning after the collision, whereas they were not before. Will this affect your momentum conservation results



No, it will not affect the results.


For elastic collisions in an isolated system, when a collision occurs, it means that the systems objects total momentum will be conserved under the condition that there will be no net external forces that act upon the objects.

What that means is that if the pucks start spinning after the collision, we are not told that there was any net external force acting on the puck and thus momentum will be conserved because momentum before collision will be equal to the momentum after the collision.

1.Lõi thép máy biến áp được ghép từcác lá thép là để:

(a) Giảm tổn hao công suất do dòng điện xoáy

(b) Giảm tổn hao công suất do từ trễ

(c) Giảm tổn hao công suất do dòng điện chạy qua dây quấn

(d) Giảm tất cảcác loại tổn hao công suất.



Option (c)


1.The transformer core is assembled from steel sheets to:

(a) Reduced power loss due to eddy current

(b) Reduced power loss due to hysteresis

(c) Reduced power loss due to current flowing through the winding

(d) Reduce all types of power loss.

A transformer is a device which converts the low voltage into high and vice  versa.

There are two types of a transformer.

Step up: It is used to convert low voltage into high.

Step down It is used to convert high voltage into high.

It depends on the number of turns in primary and the secondary coil.

The core of the transformer is laminated and it is in the form of sheets.

By using such type of core, the power loss due to the windings is reduced.

option (c) .

Which level of government relies the most on income tax?



Its the Federal government

Federal government tax

Drawing a shows a displacement vector (450.0 m along the y axis). In this x, y coordinate system the scalar components are Ax 0 m and Ay 450.0 m. Suppose that the coordinate system is rotated counterclockwise by 35.0, but the magnitude (450.0 m) and direction of vector remain unchanged, as in drawing b. What are the scalar components, Ax and Ay, of the vector in the rotated x, y coordinate system



x ’= 368.61 m,  y ’= 258.11 m


To solve this problem we must find the projections of the point on the new vectors of the rotated system  θ = 35º

            x’= R cos 35

            y’= R sin 35


The modulus vector can be found using the Pythagorean theorem

            R² = x² + y²

            R = 450 m

we calculate

            x ’= 450 cos 35

            x ’= 368.61 m

            y ’= 450 sin 35

            y ’= 258.11 m

Mary and her younger brother Alex decide to ride the carousel at the State Fair. Mary sits on one of the horses in the outer section at a distance of 2.0 m from the center. Alex decides to play it safe and chooses to sit in the inner section at a distance of 1.1 m from the center. The carousel takes 5.8 s to make each complete revolution.

a. What is Mary's angular speed %u03C9M and tangential speed vM?
b. What is Alex's angular speed %u03C9A and tangential speed vA?



you can measure by scale beacause we dont no sorry i cant help u but u can ask me some other Q

Infrared radiation from young stars can pass through the heavy dust clouds surrounding them, allowing astronomers here on Earth to study the earliest stages of star formation, before a star begins to emit visible light. Suppose an infrared telescope is tuned to detect infrared radiation with a frequency of 4.39 THz. Calculate the wavelength of the infrared radiation.



[tex]\lambda=6.83\times 10^{-5}\ m[/tex]


Given that,

An infrared telescope is tuned to detect infrared radiation with a frequency of 4.39 THz.

We know that,

1 THz = 10¹² Hz


f = 4.39 × 10¹² Hz

We need to find the wavelength of the infrared radiation.

We know that,

[tex]\lambda=\dfrac{c}{f}\\\\\lambda=\dfrac{3\times 10^8}{4.39\times 10^{12}}\\\\=6.83\times 10^{-5}\ m[/tex]

So, the wavelength of the infrared radiation is [tex]6.83\times 10^{-5}\ m[/tex].

Astronauts in space move a toolbox from its initial position ????????→=<15,14,−8>m to its final position ????????→=<17,14,−1>m. The two astronauts each push on the box with a constant force. Astronaut 1 exerts a force ????1→=<18,7,−12>???? and astronaut 2 exerts a force ????2→=<16,−10,16>????.

What is the total work performed on the toolbox?


If both forces are measured in Newtons, then the net force is

F = (18, 7, -12) N + (16, -10, 16) N = (34, -3, 4) N

The toolbox undergoes a displacement (i.e. change in position) in the direction of the vector

d = (17, 14, -1) m - (15, 14, -8) m = (2, 0, -9) m

The total work done by the astronauts on the toolbox is then

F • d = (34, -3, 4) N • (2, 0, -9) m = (68 + 0 - 36) N•m = 32 J

The work done by the two astronauts is equal to 96 J.

What is work done?

work done?Work done is defined as the product of force applied and the distance moved by the force.

Work done = Force × Distance

The forces applied = 18+16 N, 7+ -10 N, and -12 + 16N

Forces = 34 N, -3 N, and 4N

Distances = (17 - 15, 14 - 14, -1 - - 8) m

Distances = 2, 0, 7

Work done = 34 × 2 + -3 × 0 + 4 × 7

Work done = 96 J

Therefore, the work done by the two astronauts is equal to 96 J.

Learn more about work done at: https://brainly.com/question/25573309


why do you like the full moon ?



The Moon brings perspective. Observing the Moon, and I mean really looking – sitting comfortably, or lying down on a patch of grass and letting her light fill your eyes, it's easy to be reminded of how ancient and everlasting the celestial bodies are. When I do this, it always puts my life into perspective.


because it look more impressive than empty dark sky .

The mass per unit length of the rope is 0.0500 kg/m. Find the tension. Express your answer in newtons.


Complete question:

A transverse wave on a rope is given by [tex]y \ (x, \ t) = (0.75 \ cm) \ cos \ \pi[(0.400 \ cm^{-1}) x + (250 \ s^{-1})t][/tex]. The mass per unit length of the rope is 0.0500 kg/m. Find the tension. Express your answer in newtons.


The tension on the rope is 1.95 N


The general equation of a progressive wave is given as;

[tex]y \ (x,t) = A \ cos(kx \ + \omega t)[/tex]

Compare the given equation with the general equation of wave, the following parameters will be deduced.

A = 0.75 cm

k = 0.400π cm⁻¹

ω = 250π s⁻¹

The frequency of the wave is calculated as;

ω = 2πf

2πf = 250π

2f = 250

f = 250/2

f = 125 Hz

The wavelength of the wave is calculated as;

[tex]\lambda = \frac{2\pi}{k} \\\\\lambda = \frac{2\pi }{0.4 \pi} = 5 \ cm = 0.05 \ m[/tex]

The velocity of the wave is calculated as;

v = fλ

v = 125 x 0.05

v = 6.25 m/s

The tension on the rope is calculated as;

[tex]v = \sqrt{\frac{T}{\mu}} \\\\where;\\\\T \ is \ the \ tension \ of \ the \ rope\\\\\mu \ is \ the \ mass \ per \ unit \ length = 0.05 \ kg/m\\\\v^2 = \frac{T}{\mu} \\\\T = v^2 \mu\\\\T = (6.25)^2\times (0.05)\\\\T = 1.95 \ N[/tex]

Therefore, the tension on the rope is 1.95 N

why is unit of power is called derived unit?​


Distance travelled by a body in unit time is called speed. it is a scalar quantity because it can be specified only by magnitude.

A small plane tows a glider at constant speed and altitude. If the plane does 2.00 * 105 J of work to tow the glider 145 m and the tension in the tow rope is 2560 N, what is the angle between the tow rope and the horizontal



θ = 57.4°


The complete formula to find out the work done by the plane is as follows:

[tex]W = FdCos\theta[/tex]


W = Work = 200000 J

F = Force = Tension = 2560 N

d = distance = 145 m

θ = angle between rope and horizontal = ?


[tex]200000\ J = (2560\ N)(145\ m)Cos\theta\\\\Cos\theta = \frac{200000\ J}{371200\ J}\\\\\theta = Cos^{-1}(0.539)[/tex]

θ = 57.4°

Which indicates the first law of thermodynamics ​





because dU = Q -W so ,that the option d(D) is correct

Paauto A: Isulat sa papel ang alpabetong Ingles at bilang I hanggang 10 sa istilong
Roman ng pagleletra.​




English alphabets numbered fro 1 to 26

and the numbers 1 to10 so they are written in roman numbers as

1 - I

2 - II

3 - III

4 - IV

5 -V

6 - VI

7 -VII

8 - VIII

9 - IX

10 -X

11 - XI

12 - XII

13 - XIII

14 - XIV

15 - XV

16 - XVI

17 - XVII

18 - XVIII

19 - XIX

20- XX

21 - XXI

22 - XXII

23 - XXIII

24 - XXIV

25 - XXV

26 - XXVI  

Which phase of matter makes up stars?
O liquid
O gas
O plasma



The answer to this question is plasma




What would the radius (in mm) of the Earth have to be in order for the escape speed of the Earth to equal (1/21) times the speed of light (300000000 m/s)? You may ignore all other gravitational interactions for the rocket and assume that the Earth-rocket system is isolated. Hint: the mass of the Earth is 5.94 x 1024kg and G=6.67×10−11Jmkg2G=6.67\times10^{-11}\frac{Jm}{kg^2}G=6.67×10−11kg2Jm​



The expected radius of the Earth is 3.883 meters.


The formula for the escape speed is derived from Principle of Energy Conservation and knowing that rocket is initially at rest on the surface of the Earth and final energy is entirely translational kinetic, that is:

[tex]U = K[/tex] (1)


[tex]U[/tex] - Gravitational potential energy, in joules.

[tex]K[/tex] - Translational kinetic energy, in joules.

Then, we expand the formula by definitions of potential and kinetic energy:

[tex]\frac{G\cdot M\cdot m}{r} = \frac{1}{2}\cdot m \cdot v^{2}[/tex] (2)


[tex]G[/tex] - Gravitational constant, in cubic meters per kilogram-square second.

[tex]M[/tex] - Mass of the Earth. in kilograms.

[tex]m[/tex] - Mass of the rocket, in kilograms.

[tex]r[/tex] - Radius of the Earth, in meters.

[tex]v[/tex] - Escape velocity, in meters per second.

Then, we derive an expression for the escape velocity by clearing it within (2):

[tex]\frac{GM}{r} = \frac{1}{2}\cdot v^{2}[/tex]

[tex]v = \sqrt{\frac{2\cdot G \cdot M}{r} }[/tex] (3)

If we know that [tex]v = \frac{1}{21}\cdot c[/tex], [tex]c = 3\times 10^{8}\,\frac{m}{s}[/tex], [tex]M = 5.94\times 10^{24}\,kg[/tex], [tex]G = 6.67\times 10^{-11}\,\frac{m^{3}}{kg\cdot s^{2}}[/tex] and [tex]M = 5.94\times 10^{24}\,kg[/tex], then the expected radius of the Earth is:

[tex]\frac{GM}{r} = \frac{1}{2}\cdot v^{2}[/tex]

[tex]r = \frac{2\cdot G \cdot M}{v^{2}}[/tex]

[tex]r = \frac{2\cdot \left(6.67\times 10^{-11}\,\frac{m^{3}}{kg\cdot s^{2}} \right)\cdot (5.94\times 10^{24}\,kg)}{\left[\frac{1}{21}\cdot \left(3\times 10^{8}\,\frac{m}{s} \right) \right]^{2}}[/tex]

[tex]r = 3.883\,m[/tex]

The expected radius of the Earth is 3.883 meters.

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