Importance of skilled human resource ?


Answer 1


the importance of skilled human resource are:

.To make plans and policies for country.

.To utilize means and resources in a efficient way.

.To play a role in production of good and services

.To boost mobilization of human resources.

.To understand essence of suistainable development.

.To check the dependency of their country and promotes independence.

hope it help you.

Related Questions

Which of the following is an advantage to having the European Union remain a confederacy of states?
A. Passport-free travel between member states
B. A variety of currencies
C. The same laws in every country
D. A strong economy for all member states​



D. might be the answer maybe

name any twelve countries where is the nepalease go to work. mention why do they need to go there​


the country where is the Nepalese go to work are













Along with demand for low-skilled labor due to economic growth in the destination countries, Nepalis also seek work overseas as a result of poverty, unemployment, slow economic growth, and political instability at home.

How did Napoleon become the most powerful man in France?



In 1799, a young General from Corsica led a coup that would make him the most powerful man in France. The young man was Napoleon Bonaparte. His actions changed the course of history forever.

Scientists have long been interested in differences between dogs and wolves in their social behavior toward humans. Dogs and wolves share a common ancestor. In trying to understand the differences, a researcher analyzed data collected from 18 domesticated dogs and 10 wolves that had been raised by humans. Which data would be most useful to this study


The most useful data fo this study is differences in DNA sequences between the dogs and the wolves (C)

Options to this question are:

a. The pedigree for the dogs and the geographic location from which the wolves came.

b. Examination of DNA from the ancient ancestor of dogs and wolves.

c. Differences in DNA sequences between the dogs and the wolves.

DNA Sequence is the procedure for identifying the nucleotide sequence within a DNA molecule. In other word, it means identifying the order of "bases"  that make up the DNA molecule.

The differences in the DNA sequences between the dogs and the wolves are the result of genetic evolution, which creates variation as well as their behavior toward humans.

This variations in them also causes them to adapt seamlessly according to the environment.

Therefore, we conclude that the most useful data to this study is differences in DNA sequences between the dogs and the wolves.

Learn more about DNA Sequence here

Sociologist Max Weber pointed out that the followers of John Calvin emphasized a disciplined work ethic, this-worldly concerns, and a rational orientation to life. Collectively, this point of view has been referred to as Group of answer choices capitalism. the Protestant ethic. the sacred. the profane.


Answer: the Protestant ethic


In "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism," Weber (1864-1920) studies the religious ideas of the Protestant ethic as a contributing factor to the emergence of the capitalistic spirit.

Particularly one branch of Protestantism, Calvinism, is presented by the sociologist as holding beliefs, such as predestination and the idea that economical gain is a sign of God's favor, that contradicted the traditional economic system, and paved the way for the emergence of modern capitalism, in which profit is considered as an end in itself, and pursuing profit is seen as a virtuous activity.

Biotic resources are..........................................

. Derived from living things

Derived from non-living things

Made by human beings

None of The above​



Derived from living things


Biotic resources are resources or substances which are derived from the biosphere like living things and from forest and the materials derived from them.

Since, these all are living things hence, biotic resources are derived from Living things.

Biotic resources are derived form living things.

If there’s not enough water in the place, just move people out”. Is it a good idea? Explain your answer?​



“If you don't get enough water, hard stools and constipation could be common side effects, along with abdominal pain and cramps.” Dull skin. Dehydration shows up on your face in the form of dry, ashy skin that seems less radiant, plump and elastic. Fatigue.


Name any four religion followed in Nepal?​



Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Bon


Religions practiced in Nepal are: Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Jainism, Sikhism, Bon, ancestor worship and animism. The majority of Nepalis are either Hindus or Buddhists and these two religions have co-existed in harmony through centuries. Buddha is widely worshipped by both Buddhists and Hindus of Nepal.

Looking at Diana's photos on a social networking site, Simon assumes that she is an extravert. When they meet for the first time, Simon elicits a talkative and energetic response from an otherwise quiet and dull Diana. This scenario most likely exemplifies ________.



This scenario most likely exemplifies expectancy confirmation.


The expectation confirmation model conceives satisfaction as the result of a contrast or comparison between the reality perceived by the individual and some type of comparison standard (expectations, norms based on experience, etc.). The propositions of the model are satisfaction is related to the degree and direction of the discrepancy between expectations and performance. Producing what has been called confirmation of expectations when the performance is initially expected, negative disconfirmation, when the performance is lower than expected, then dissatisfaction appears.

Cómo se clasifica la comunicación



La comunicación puede ser interna o externa en función de para quién está diseñada y/o a quién va destinada. La comunicación interna está dirigida al público interno de la propia empresa, y la comunicación externa al público externo de la empresa.

Comunicación vertical, aquella que se produce en el seno de las organizaciones e instituciones en las que las relaciones entre sus miembros tienen carácter jerarquizado. Podemos distinguir dos tipos de comunicación vertical: la comunicación descendente y las ascendente.

Comunicación descendente: Parte del nivel jerárquico superior hacia los niveles inferiores de la organización. Normalmente el mensaje está referido a información relativa al funcionamiento de la organización. En este nivel debemos obviar las actitudes autoritarias y despóticas.

Comunicación ascendente: El emisor pertenece a un nivel jerárquico inferior al receptor. Es importante que el proceso comunicativo sea fluido, relajado. Permite de este modo mantener un contacto directo con el personal, conocer sus dudas, quejas y sugerencias. Los obstáculos con los que nos podremos encontrar están relacionados con la ausencia de interés respecto a la información, anales cortados o de difícil acceso, actitud inapropiada del receptor...

La comunicación horizontal es aquella que tiene lugar cuando el emisor y el receptor se hayan en el mismo o similar nivel de jerarquía. Esto permite que la comunicación sea ágil y fluida.

En cuanto al medio  empleado, podemos distinguir diversos tipos de comunicación:

-Oral: El medio de transmisión es la voz, a través de un código de signos, formalmente estructurado. Puede ser de dos tipos, individual o colectiva.

-Escrita: El medio de transmisión es la escritura.

    - Individual: Cartas, notas personales.

    - Colectiva: Circulares, boletines,  prospectos.

-Visuales: El medio de transmisión es la imagen (dibujos, gráficos, diapositivas...).

-Audiovisuales: El medio de transmisión es la combinación de la imagen y la voz (cine, TV, vídeos, diapositivas comentadas...).

Toda comunicación para ser eficaz debe cumplir los siguientes requisitos:



-Objetividad y veracidad




-Oportunidad (1)

Explanatio ;

What system did the Olmecs develop to help them plant crops at the best time?
OA) writing
B) religion
C) counting
D) solar calendar





it helped show the position of the sun and when to plant crops

what were the persain's rule



The Persian Empire is the name given to a series of dynasties centered in modern-day Iran that spanned several centuries—from the sixth century B.C. to the twentieth century A.D. The first Persian Empire, founded by Cyrus the Great around 550 B.C., became one of the largest empires in history, stretching from Europe's

Your little sister, who is 14 years old, has been extremely emotional lately. She's moody and generally unhappy. From your developmental psychology class, you know that as she develops into late adolescence, her emotional states will __________.


most likely mature or liven up
They will get worse.

How many castes, language and religion are there in neplai according to last census of 2011 AD.​



125 castes and 123 languages

An elderly man who has always had a difficult temperament lives in a different state from either his daughter or son. He has a room in the home of a middle-age couple, who attend to his needs. His daughter checks in regularly by telephone and thinks well of the couple. After the elderly man's death, the daughter discovers that the couple has systematically taken all of the man's money. This is a case of ________.



- Violation of personal rights


As per the details provided, the given situation would exemplify a 'breach of personal rights.' It would be considered 'Larceny' meaning 'unlawful taking of the personal property as an attempt to deprive the legal owner of it permanently,' Says the FBI. Therefore, the couple can be charged under the violation of the man's individual/personal rights as they took his money without even asking for his consent. Such a crime has a punishment of imprisonment of the guilty for five years along with the fine depending on the amount or amount of property is taken over and how.

explain briefly about florence nightingale​



Florence Nightingale, OM (12 May 1820 – 13 August 1910), was an English nurse. She helped create the modern techniques of nursing. She became a leader of the team of nurses who helped wounded soldiers during the Crimean War. ... Nightingale was a prodigious and versatile writer, and lived to be 90 years old.

Florence Nightingale, was an English social reformer, statistician and the founder of modern nursing. Nightingale came to prominence while serving as a manager and trainer of nurses during the Crimean War, in which she organised care for wounded soldiers at Constantinople.

True or False: This funding structure incentivizes schools to seek out and serve lower-performing students. True False





hope this helps you out

What is the best way to solve conflict​





Calming down, realizing what it is about, talking

How far is your home from the federal capital ?(Measure the distance using measurement scale and write it is kilometres)​





Federal Capital is the capital city of a country, which is also a political entity, and also works as the seat of the federal government.

The federal capital of India is New Delhi, so the distance from Kolkata to New Delhi is 1541. 5 km.

What is Federal Capital?

Federal Capital remains the capital city of a country, where all the major operations regarding the government take place, and this particular city tends to conduct all the meetings regarding constitution and law accordingly.

What is Federal Government?

Federal government of a country works on the process where all the decisions regarding the constitution or law are taken in the federal capital of the country, by the people present in the government board.

To learn more about Federal Capital here:


0.1v²=0.3-0.125 please explain step By step​



[tex]v=\sqrt{1.75} ,-\sqrt{1.75}[/tex]


In general, coping with stress includes __________. A. negative coping strategies B. positive coping skills C. positive attitudes D. all of the above Please select the best answer from the choices provided. A B C D





positive coping skills are the best way of dealing with stress and many other things

hope this helps ❤


D: all of the above



Brendon believes that he is worthless and that he will never have satisfying relationships. Brendon’s therapist questions these beliefs by saying, "I appreciate you and enjoy our interactions. What do you think of that?" After these conversations, Brendon starts to recognize his maladaptive thinking patterns. The therapist is using ________ to help Brendon.




Brendon believes that he is worthless and that he will never have satisfying relationships. Brendon’s therapist questions these beliefs by saying, "I appreciate you and enjoy our interactions. What do you think of that?" After these conversations, Brendon starts to recognize his maladaptive thinking patterns. The therapist is using cognitive retructuring to help Brendon.

What do you mean by Belief?

An concept that we regard to be true is referred to as a belief. Whether there is evidence or proof, it is an acknowledgment that something is real or true.

The method of cognitive restructuring has been effective in assisting people in altering their thinking patterns. The purpose of using this technique to manage stress is to swap out cognitive distortions—thoughts that cause tension—for more rational, stress-free ones.

A crucial component of cognitive behavioral therapy is cognitive reorganization (CBT). For common issues like depression, anxiety disorders, and binge eating, CBT is among the most successful psychological therapies. You can use some of these CBT procedures at home to lessen issues with your mood, anxiety, and stress.

Therefore, The therapist is using cognitive retructuring to help Brendon.

Learn more about Belief, here;


4 ways to improve human development​



equity, efficiency, participation and sustainability.




4 ways to improve human development​ are :

i)  Health sector should be developed to prepare healthy manpower.

ii)  Education should be provided to people to make them able to utilize available resources.

iii)  Proper utilization of available means and resources should be done.

iv)  Reducing corruption from all the sector.

one is the product of mainly socialization.justify this statement with example



Going over and meeting new people or spending time with friends may also be considered socialisation. The term "socialisation" can refer to "the process of becoming social." Social interaction of a dog or cat with people and other dogs or cats can help pets develop beneficial habits. It's also not a terrible concept for folks.

Communicating with family and friends, getting reminded to follow norms, being rewarded for performing tasks, and being taught manners in society are all instances of socialisation that allow a person to operate in his or her community.

"Human wants are greater than the resources that are available to satisfy them." This implies the need for
es )
working harder.
asking for less.
leaving decisions to fate.
making choices to allocate resources.



making choices to allocate resources.

in what ways can the government combat child abuse.​



by taking away hard beating like beating with cane and belt to avoid injuries on the body,this will take away child abuse.


show the constitution development in nepal in a timeline​



In modern political science, a constitution lies at the heart of a nation, giving it energy, opportunity and most importantly, life. Nepal has come a long way from an era of absolute monarchy to a Federal Democratic Republic nation. Our seven constitutions teach us important lessons and as we move towards a new system, these can act as our guiding force.


I hope it helped u

stay safe stay happy

How does a folk song represent the place and contemporary society?



l totally agree that folk music reflects culture and tradition of a certain place or country in a bigger perspective. Folk music reflects culture and tradition by: presenting messages that talks about the life of the past which are forgotten or on the verge of disappearing.

why is the demand of drinking water increasing in Nepal?​



The demand for drinking water is growing with population growth and urbanization. It is the prime duty of the government to make the proper supply of drinking water to its citizens while it is consumer's duty to cooperate with the distribution system and help make proper utilization.

Show a difference between managed and unmanaged development,?​



managed is an environment where you have automatic memory management garbage collection, type safety,...

unmanaged is everything else. so, for example. NET is a managed environment and C/C++ is unmanaged .

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