In another experiment, the leu gene was found to be located 5 minutes from the pro gene. In which location(s) in the gene map could the leu gene be located? (Note that the distances depicted between the genes on the map are not to scale.)


Answer 1

Answer: Hello your question has some missing data attached below is the missing data


positions : A and E


Given that the leu gene was found 5 minutes from pro⁺ gene hence it can be located either after the bio⁺ gene or  before met⁺ genes

hence the locations in the gene map = A and E

attached below is the transfer of genes

Related Questions

Bleach For me!!!!!!!!!​



answer: c


A hemoglobin molecule is made up of four

polypeptide chains, two alpha chains of 141

amino acid residues each and two beta

chains of 146 amino acid residues each . In the complete molecule, four subunits are closely joined, as in a three-dimensional jigsaw puzzle, to form a tetramer.

it also have a structure called quaternary structure, in which two or more polypeptide chains folded in to tertiary structure become associated in the final structure of the protein.

hope this will help !


Option C


4 subunits (2 alpha and 2 beta)

Which type of energy refers to the sum of potential and kinetic energies in the particles of a substance?

A. motion
B. stored
C. internal
D. heat





Mechanical energy of a moving object the sum of its kinetic and potential energy

Please answer the following Anthropology questions fully, thoroughly, and in depth.

Part i. What adaptations are associated with an insectivory diet? Give an example of a primate that has this diet.

Part ii. What adaptations are associated with a gummivory diet? Give an example of a primate that has this diet.

Part iii. What adaptations are associated with a frugivory diet? Give an example of a primate that has this diet.

Part iv. What adaptations are associated with a folivory diet? Give an example of a primate that has this diet.

Part v. What adaptations are associated with vertical clinging and leaping? Give an example of a primate that practices this form of locomotion.


The examples that you need are 1-Gummivory: marmoset, tamarins; 2-Frugivores: spider monkey, ray-bellied night monkey (owl monkey); 3-Folivory: howler monkey, leaf monkey, colobine; and 4-Vertical clinging and leaping: lemurs and tarsiers

A gummivore is an animal (in this case, a primate) with a feeding strategy that depends on the sap or gum from trees. It is a type of diet that consists primarily of exudates. Some adaptations observed in these species include: 1-specialized anterior teeth in order to stab bark; 2-well-developed claws for clinging to trees

Frugivores primates have a feeding strategy mainly based on raw fruits. Some adaptations observed in these species include 1-low rounded molar cusps and 2-broad incisors.

Folivore primates (also called leaf-eating monkeys) have a feeding strategy mainly based on leaves. Some adaptations observed in these species include 1-narrow incisors, 2-broad molars (high shearing crests), 3-thin enamel molars.

Vertical clinging and leaping is an arboreal locomotor pattern practiced by lemurs and tarsiers. These animals push off from one vertical support with their hindlimbs to land on another vertical support. Some adaptations observed in these species include 1-hips, knees, feet, arms, and tails that facilitate climbing and leaping, 2-large hip extensor muscles and 3-specialized minor muscles.

Learn more about these issues here:

One Reason Why The Temperature needs To Be Kept Constant



the latent heat as the heat supplied to increase the temperature of the substance is used up to transform the state of matter of the substance


It is due to the latent heat as the heat supplied to increase the temperature of the substance is used up to transform the state of matter of the substance hence the temperature stays constant. Hence the temperature remains constant as all the heat is used up and no external heat is released or absorbed

provide the labels of the angiosperm flower shown below ​









8.ovule with enbryo sac

the citric acid cycle role is​



The citric acid cycle is the final common oxidative pathway for carbohydrates, fats and amino acids. It is the most important metabolic pathway for the energy supply to the body.

Describe the parts of the building blocks of lipid



Glycerol and fatty acids are the basic building blocks of fats (lipids). Fats are the product of the esterification of the trivalent alcohol glycerol with fatty acids of different lengths (between 12 and 20 carbon atoms). Two important representatives of the lipids are triglyceride (90% of fats) and cholesterol.

Which of the following is an example of an enzymatic cycle?





The process of catabolism degrades the bacterial and fungal enzymes into simple inorganic molecules.

A substance, without being a reactant, which speeds up a chemical process is referred to as a catalyst. Enzymes are known as catalysts for biological reactions in living organisms. Although ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecules behave as enzymes, they are usual proteins. Enzymes.

Enzymes carry out the essential role of reducing the activated energy of a reaction — that is, the amount of energy needed to start the process. Enzymes work by attaching and retaining reactant molecules so that the chemical bonding and bonding activities are carried out more easily.

What is the purpose of a conclusion?
O A. To predict how something will turn out
B. To make an educated guess about a particular question
C. To collect or analyze the experimental data
D. To explain why the data support or reject the hypothesis


I think it is to D. to explain

Who are agree on xenotransplantation



The people who agree on xenotransplantation are those who have severe problems such as heart problems and failure of the kidneys. Xenotransplantation, while it is still being experimented with, is a possibly life-saving option for people with these illnesses. Another reason why people agree on Xenotransplantation is that because it could potentially supply us individuals with an unlimited indefinite quantity of things such as cells, tissues, and organs for humans.

What test is used to ensure that the results you expect are the same as the results you are observing?

A. Epistatic test

B. Chi-squared test

C. Observational confirmation test

D. Punnett square test

Reset Selection



b. Chi Squared


The chi squared test is best to find signifigance between differences in observed and expected values.

As water is cooled from 4° C to 0° C, its density
A. stays the same
B. decreases and increases
C. increases
D. decreases



I believe that it increases (becoming more dense)


Well 0°C is freezing point so I think that in that state it will become a solid from a liquid and freeze into ice.

It increases because when you cool water, it’s particles become so close that it’s volume decreases and density increases

Ammonia produced in the intestines from the breakdown of proteins by bacterial enzymes is the primary source of plasma ammonia
Select one:






The most basic organization level of life is a ____________. A. membrane B. tissue C. cell D. organ


[tex]Hello[/tex] [tex]There![/tex]

The answer is...

C. Cell.

Hopefully, this helps you!!


which enzyme breaks down lipids? which enzyme breaks down fats? which enzyme breaks down proteins?​



lipase enzymes, lipase, proteolytic enzymes


for lipids and fat is same enzyme that is lipase enzyme. protease enzyme is for proteins.

DNA is a nucleic acid involved in heredity, or the passing down of genetic traits from one generation to the next. DNA consists of four different types of nucleotide monomers.Which part of the nucleotides' structure is responsible for the incredible variation that exists amongst all types of organisms


Nitrogenous base DNA consists of four unique nucleotides that each contain one unique nitrogenous base—adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), or guanine (G).

The specific arrangement of these four bases within the DNA of each organism gives that organism its unique traits; here are the arrangements:

-Adenine is paired with Thymine (think of A for apple and T for tree)

-Cytosine is paired with Guanine (think of C for car and G for garage)

search "DNA base pairs" and go to images for better understanding

The part of the nucleotides' structure is responsible for the incredible variation that exists among all types of organisms are Nitrogenous base DNA consists of four unique nucleotides that each contain one unique nitrogenous base—adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), or guanine (G).

Who is responsible for passing down of genetic traits from one generation to the next?

DNA is a nucleic acid involved in heredity, or the passing down of genetic traits from one generation to the next. DNA consists of four different types of nucleotide monomers.

The specific arrangement of these four bases within the DNA of each organism gives that organism its unique traits and here are the arrangements are mentioned below:

Adenine is paired with Thymine (think of A for apple and T for tree)Cytosine is paired with Guanine (think of C for car and G for garage)

Therefore, The part of the nucleotides' structure is responsible for the incredible variation that exists among all types of organisms are Nitrogenous base DNA consists of four unique nucleotides that each contain one unique nitrogenous base—adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), or guanine (G).

Learn more about nucleotides on:


g In order to stimulate the renin-angtiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS), _______________ cells in the kidney detect _______________blood pressure which causes ________________ to be released from the juxtaglomerular cells.



Macula densa cells, lower and renin.


Macula densa cells in the kidney detect lowers blood pressure which causes renin to be released from the juxtaglomerular cells which is  an enzyme. The arterial cells observe the drop in blood pressure, and the decrease in Na concentration is transfer to them by the macula densa cells. The juxtaglomerular cells then release an enzyme called renin. Renin converts angiotensinogen which is a peptide, or amino acid derivative into angiotensin-1.

hey ,What is biological community answer it .Good night​



Community, also called biological community, in biology, an interacting group of various species in a common location. For example, a forest of trees and undergrowth plants, inhabited by animals and rooted in soil containing bacteria and fungi, constitutes a biological community.


hope this helps you pls mark as brainliest


It's a group of various species in a common place.

For example: a forest of trees and undergrowth plants,  lived in by animals and rooted in soil including bacteria and fungi, would make a biological community.

I hope this Helped!

Organisrns that transfer diseases to hurnans are
O hosts
O pathogens
O parasites
O vectors


Parasites is correct

You are studying an enzyme that is inactivated by phosphorylation and create a mutant in which the threonine that is normally phosphorylated is replaced with glutamate. Predict the impact of this change on the activity of this enzyme. Group of answer choices



always active  


Phosphorylation is a posttranslational modification that consists of the addition of phosphate groups to specific amino acids on the protein. Phosphorylation acts as a molecular switch for proteins that are phosphorylated (i.e., in some situations phosphorylation acts to activate protein function, whereas in other situations phosphorylation can inactivate protein function). Phosphorylation modifies the three-dimensional structure of the protein, thereby affecting, for example, the accessibility of the active site of a phosphorylated enzyme to its substrate. Phosphorylation can occur only at the side chains of three amino acids: Serine, Threonine and Tyrosine. In this case, the enzyme is inactivated by phosphorylation on the Threonine residue, so it is expected that the mutant enzyme cannot be phosphorylated, remaining in an active state.

What about the structure of DNA allows it to copy itself?
A. It is held together mostly by hydrogen bonds, which are easy to open for replication
B. It has enzymes built into the helix that make a copy when needed.
C. It is double stranded, so each side serves as a template for a new strand.
D. DNA is not copied, it is only passed down through each generation.



C. It is double stranded, so each side serves as a template for a new strand


The structure of DNA is double stranded, so each side serves as a template for a new strand. The correct option is C.

What is DNA replication?

Replication is the procedure by which the DNA of the genetic code is copied in cells.

Before dividing, a cell must duplicate (or replicate) its a whole genome so that each eventually results daughter cell has its own entire genome.

The DNA replicates itself multiple times during the process of replication. It is a biological polymerization that goes through the steps of commencement, elongation, and termination.

The reaction is catalyzed by enzymes. The main enzyme in the process of replication is DNA Polymerase.

DNA replication occurs in eukaryotic cells' interphase nuclei. At the S-stage (synthesizing) of the cell cycle, DNA replication occurs prior to mitosis.

Thus, the correct option is C.

For more details regarding DNA replication, visit:


Reactive hyperemia is an example of .......... control of local blood flow .
and is a ........ response

A) Myogenic-Short term
B) Chemical-Long term
C) Neural-Short term
D) Metabolic-Short term



metabolic short term


Reactive hyperemia is the blood flow response to blood flow Occlusion whereas active active is a blood flow response to increase tissue metabolic activity

Describe the disadvantages of an open circulatory system relative to a closed circulatory system.



The disadvantage of a closed circulatory system is that with the blood always contained in vessels, it's under higher pressure. This means it can flow faster, which is necessary for supporting the metabolic rate of more complex animals such as vertebrates. Open circulatory systems are low-pressure systems that cannot meet the needs of a fast metabolism.

5. Imagine that you encounter two color morphs of S. marcescens in natural environment. If you do not have any prior knowledge on the prodigiosin synthesis pathway of these Serratia species, will you consider the red and white Serratia colonies as one species or two species? Do you think we should designate species based on morphological traits or genetic differentiation? Without limiting to the S. marcescens experiment, provide evidence and example to support your claim.



According to the given question that without prior knowledge on the prodigiosin synthesis pathway of these Serratia species, and we experience two different color morphs of the species. So, there is given or known preliminary morphological basis we will consider them different two different colonies. These can be identify only after genetically identify or study.

The morphological characterstics of the organism and the genetic identification both are equally important. So Giving any one more importance over other is not logical.

Morphologically we can differentiate the color of the colonies of mutants. The mutant serratia sp. are  known for eficient biosynthesis of prodigiosin, Thus on the basis of color characteristics of their colonies when grown on peptone glycerol medium we can identify.

how much water was retained by soil C​



we dont know sorry but i dont know

what challenges do scientists face when classifying a new fossil?



You have to clean the fossils and figure out how old they are and what kind of fossils they are.



They are often broken and not complete


Due to aging they are often broken and not complete which could make it difficult if you do not have the entire thing.   It's also difficult because there are slight differences between organisms.

3. When recording medication administered to a client on the medical administration record, always add
next to each medication you deliver.
A. the client's weight
B. the client's initials
C. your initials
D. the client's resting heart rate



option B



your initials

are the ones that should be in the MAR. since your the one who gave the medication.

silicon and _______ stay in the the outer cells pls tell me fast​



It could be halogens for example things like fluorine

What happened to the California Condors?
A. They went extinct in 2002 due to destruction of their habitat.
B. There were only 149 left in the 1980's but even with a captive breeding
program they went extinct in 2010.
C. They went extinct in the 1700's but remains from a well preserved skeleton
contained enough to DNA to begin cloning them.
D. In 1985 there were only 9 left, but a captive breeding program has increased
their number to 300.





California Condors have been in decline about as long as European Settlements began to spread across North America. These birds have been on the U.S endangered species list since 1967 and were near extinction when their captive-breeding program began. California Condors also mature and reproduce slowly.

what is haemopoiesis??​


Haemopoiesis is from greek meaning “ to make. new blood” •


It refers to the formation of blood cellular. components.

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