In Canada, the mortality rate is 7.4. In a population of 10,000, how many deaths would there be per year? OA. 74 O B. 7.4 O C. 74 OD. 740 Reset Next​


Answer 1


  A.  74


The given mortality rate is understood to be deaths per thousand per year. So, among 10 thousand people, one might expect 10×7.4 = 74 deaths per year.

Related Questions

How do the inland areas of the Willapa Hills differ from the coastal areas?
The inland areas are heavily forested.
The inland areas receive very little rain.
The inland areas contain open plains.
The inland areas have large wetland habitats.



The inland areas are very forested

Answer: A, the inland areas are heavily forested

Hope this helps

explain factors that account
for contemporary and
historical trends in
population growth and


In the past century, the world has recorded a rapid increase and decrease in population in different geographical areas. This has been influenced by different factors such as urbanization and family planning.

Urbanization creates better employment opportunities and wages. It also provides better social amenities such as schools and hospitals. These encourage people to move from rural areas to urban areas in search of a better living. The migration results in a decrease of population is the rural areas and a rapid increase in population in the urban cities.

Increased access to contraceptives has enabled women to limit family sizes. Women are able to plan for the number of children they intend to have. This has generally decreased the population growth in developed regions.

Give one example of how the T (technology) variable could potentially increase the total impact of the United States, and one example of how it could potentially decrease the U.S. impact.



Technology can pollute and same time limit the quantity and quality of pollutants.


The impact of technology or T variable is that includes pollution, heat and noise all which can be controlled and caused by the production and sue of technology. The waste manufacturing is responsible for computer and electronics. In same cases the technology can decrease the emission and can reduce the environmental impacts.

Research into geologic history depends on geological observations (like rock samples where we can measure physical or chemical properties). If you were a geological researcher trying to study the oldest crust on earth, where would you expect to find rock samples to support your work






A geological researcher trying to study the oldest crust on earth would find the rock samples to support your work on the ocean floor because it has the lowest elevation. Thus, option B is correct.

What is geological?

Geology can be defined as the process of studying the earth on the basis of rocks and stones. Geology has basically termed the study of the earth. they check about the erosion, composition, and minerals. the person who studies Geology is called a geologist.

If a  geological researcher wants to study and find something about the rocks then he needs to get a sample of the rock and to get that this person needs to get it from the surface of the ocean as it might have gotten deposited on that surface and would have settled by that time. Therefore, option B is the correct option.

Learn more about geology, here:


The question is incomplete, the options given are:

On the ocean floor because that is where new crust forms.

On the ocean floor because it has the lowest elevation.

On a continental plate because continents are not easily subducted.

On a continental plate because they have the steepest slopes.

We discussed that achondrites, stony-iron, and iron meteorites could all come from the same body. Give a possible scenario for what these meteorites have gone through over the past 4 billion years or so that explains this?




help me please pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee





a) i) solute ii) solvent

b) i) insoluble ii) filter

c) residue



a)A substance that dissolves in a liquid is called a solute, while the liquid component is called solvent.

b)An insoluble solid does not dissolve in a solution and can be easily separated from the mixture using a filter, an object that separates components based on their size.

c)Once a mixture is filtered, the component that remains in the filter is called the residue.

Hope this helps.

hello bro are you freefire player than give me 2000diamin


This site is for learning purposes only, not here to ask for gaming diamonds

are you okay



A cube has a volume of 64 cubic inches what's the length of one side of the cube


Volume=64in^3Let side be a

[tex]\boxed{\sf Volume=a^3}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto a^3=64[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto a=\sqrt[3]{64}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto a=4[/tex]

what is social harmony​



Social harmony is the living together of people of a particular social group with love, care, respect and brotherhood, regardless of their religion, region, caste, gender, colour etc.

How does the formation of sea ice impact the density of the surrounding seawater?
A. The formation of sea ice removes freshwater, leaving dissolved solids behind and increasing the density of seawater.
B. The formation of sea ice removes freshwater, leaving dissolved solids behind and decreasing the density of seawater.
C. The formation of sea ice removes freshwater and dissolved solids from seawater, leading to a decrease in density.
D. The formation of sea ice removes freshwater and dissolved solids from seawater, leading to an increase in density








¿Qué pasaría si los fenómenos naturales, como las lluvias, por ejemplo, se intensificaran o, por el contrario, dejaran de producirse?


Fenómenos naturales es a veces una tragedia, pero a veces para ayudar a nuestro planeta. Lluvia, nieve y granizo se encuentran entre algunos de ellos. Los tres fenómenos producen agua y puede ser grave, pero por eso siempre debemos ser prudentes. El calentamiento global está aumentando y está consumiendo el hábito natural de la Antártida. Esto también provoca poner en peligro a la criatura.

¡Espero haberte ayudado!

Si la lluvia se intensifica puede tener efectos positivos como el riego de zonas de cultivo, y efectos negativos como las crecientes de los ríos que desencadenan desastres naturales. También su ausencia puede causar efectos negativos como escasez de agua.

Fenómeno natural es un concepto que se refiere a distintas manifestaciones de la naturaleza que se caracterizan por no ser provocadas por acción humana tales como:

HuracánLluviaRadiación Solar.Formación de montañas.Erupción de un volcán.El viento.Los truenos.Sismos y terremotos.

Los fenómenos naturales pueden tener efectos negativos, positivos y neutros sobre las comunidades humanas. Por lo anterior, si las lluvias se intensifican podrían causar efectos positivos como riego de zonas de cultivo. No obstante, también puede tener efectos negativos como crecientes de ríos que desencadenen desastres naturales.

Por otra parte, la ausencia de lluvia puede causar efectos negativos dado que limitaría el acceso al recurso del agua, lo que podría afectar la vida vegetal y animal.

Learn more in:

Regional Geography lays emphasis on the distinctiveness of a particular place an the characteristics or activities that make up the that location. With specific examples from Ghana and knowledge acquired im the regional Geography of Ghana course so far, discuss the above sentence



Place has a prime importance in distribution of economic activates.


Regional geography is a part of geography that studies various regions and studies the specific unique characters of the place. It is related to the topography and economy of the place. A place such as Ghana is located on the African western coast. Located in the gulf of guinea this country lies near the equator and thus has a warm climate. Due to its location, the prime meridian passes through the country. Ghana is rich in natural resources and has a mixed economy with rapid population growth. Petroleum accounts for a large share of exports.

đặc điểm sông ngòi lục địa Phi


The map shows the locations of 13 major river basins in Africa: the Senegal, Volta, Niger, Lake Chad, Nile, Lake Turkana, Juba Shibeli, Ogooue, Congo, Zambezi, Okavango, Limpopo and Orange river basins. This spectacular Southern African waterfall, considered to be among the greatest in the world, is located along the Zambezi River and straddles the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. The awe-inspiring nature of the waterfall is in part due to its enormous width—more than 5,500 feet (1,700 meters). The waters plunge as far as some 355 feet (108 meters) down and drop not into an open basin but into a dramatic-looking chasm. Victoria Falls is known for its veil of mist visible from miles away; the name given to the falls by an indigenous group is Mosi-oa-Tunya (“The Smoke That Thunders”). Victoria Falls and the adjoining areas were collectively designated a World Heritage site in 1989.

Thanks , Please mark me brainliest


reasons why doctors are more important than farmers​



Doctors and farmers are equal in importance. Without food, you will undoubtedly die, yet you may be able to live a healthy life without ever visiting a doctor. In any case, a diet rich in nutritious veggies is beneficial.

whats is the advantages of sedimentary rocks



They are important for: Earth history. Sedimentary rocks contain features that allow us to interpret ancient depositional environments, including the evolution of organisms and the environments they lived in, how climate has changed throughout Earth history, where and when faults were active, etc. Economic resources..

Geomagnetic reversals __________. Group of answer choices Provide strong evidence for sea floor spreading Reveal that polar wandering may have occurred. Were discovered by the Deep Sea Drilling Project Confirmed the existence of subduction zones Cause the movement of plates



The answer is "Provide strong evidence for seafloor spreading".


The magnetic changes from east to west and vice versa are geomagnetic. geomagnetic reversals. And they can provide significant evidence of the expansion of sea bed in the rocks formed along the middle sea ridges by documenting the geomagnetic pattern of echo.

A new crust is developing from the magma explosion into the seafloor in the ocean along the mid-oceanic ridges along the mid-ocean ridges. When the magma cools, the minerals of ferromagnetism found in the magma will align as per the magnetosphere of this time.

In the event of geomagnetical revolutions, newly formed minerals will be reverse-aligned to early elements, thus registering the lithosphere on both sides of the mid-oceanic ridge. Lithosphere, one could argue, is a continual move away from oceanic crusts midway through.

Choose the correct explanation why the following statement makes sense (or is clearly true) or does not make sense (or is clearly false):
Gravitational waves are best observed with the Hubble Space Telescope.
Choose the correct explanation why the following statement makes sense (or is clearly true) or does not make sense (or is clearly false):
Gravitational waves are best observed with the Hubble Space Telescope.
a. This statement does not make sense. We do not have technologies for direct observations of gravitational waves.
b. This statement is clearly true. The HST firstly observed the gravitational waves from the merge of two black holes in 2015.
c. This statement does make sense. As a space telescope, the HST can be used as an interferometer with a very long base and can detect tiny distortions of space.
d. This statement is clearly false. The HST observes visible and infrared light, not gravitational waves.


Answer: This statement is clearly false. The HST observes visible and infrared light, not gravitational waves.


Gravitational waves refers to ripples in spacetime. The statement that gravitational waves are best observed with the Hubble Space Telescope is false.

This is because the Hubble Space Telescope is used in observing visible and infrared light, not gravitational waves. The telescope has helped scientists to understand how the planets are formed.

Which of the following is true about water availability?

a. Agriculture uses 40% of freshwater, industry uses 57% and households use 3%.
b. Agriculture uses 70% of freshwater, industry uses 19% and households use 11%.
c. Agriculture uses 75% of freshwater, industry uses 17% and households use 8%.
d. Agriculture uses 52% of freshwater, industry uses 27% and households use 21%.



The answer D

Out of the total water resources available, the agricultural sector uses 52%; whereas the rest of the water is used by industries and households.

What are water resources?

The natural resources that provide water for consumption and other uses, are known as the water resources. For example, lakes, rivers, ponds, glaciers are some water resources.

Only 3% of the total water resources are fresh and suitable for human consumption. More than half of the total freshwater is used for agricultural activities, and about a quarter each by the industries and the households.

Hence, option D holds true of the consumption of the available water resources.

Learn more about water resources here:


The portion of a geologic material whose pore spaces are completely filled with groundwater is referred to as __________. Group of answer choices the phreatic zone the capillary fringe The aquiclude The vadose zone



The phreatic zone


The phreatic zone is the zone is the part of an aquifer that is present below the water table, where all pores and cracks are saturated with water. The above layer of the water table is the vadose zone. The size, color, and depth of phreatic zone may change with changes of season as well as wet and dry periods. It is also called zone of saturation due to complete filling of pores.

Which of the following are typical weather patterns in North Carolina? Check all that apply

year-round precipitation in the form of rain
large amounts of winter precipitation in the form of snow
mild temperatures throughout the winter months
warm temperatures in the summer and fall
extremely dry, hot summers



year-round precipitation in the form of rain


the average annual precipitation is 45" (1143mm) in North Carolina and occurs throughout the year.

10. Countries lacking natural resources, human resources, and capital resources would likely ____.

A)participate in a large number of international trading networks

B) develop a variety of commercial Industries

C) be poor and underdeveloped

D)rely on geothermal power



c- be poor and underdeveloped


They don't have enough resources to make good money.

What is criptogramy?



Cryptography is a method of protecting information and communications through the use of codes, so that only those for whom the information is intended can read and process it.


Which of the following does NOT negatively affect groundwater? Development has caused rainwater to drain into sewers instead of into aquifers. Runoff from household and agricultural chemicals filters into groundwater. Increased water consumption by humans depletes aquifers. Humans are utilizing groundwater to generate electricity.



Humans using water to generate electricity does not negatively affect groundwater.


Rainwater, which is mostly fresh, drains into sewers most of the time of course. They are abundant in many towns, cities, etc. As a result, rainwater is not utilized enough, as it goes to waste when blending in with dirty sewer water. This leads to rainwater not draining into aquifers, And with the worlds population increased rapidly by the minute, consumption increases, leading to the water contained within aquifers to decrease in amount. Runoff from things such as pesticides and fertilizers is also a major issue that harms groundwater. As rain approaches, these chemicals can seep through dirt and soil, eventually going as far as to reach the groundwater underneath the surface, contaminating it. And humans utilizing water to generate electricity is more of a benefit to the environment. It is another effective way to get power, and is an alternative to fossil fuels. And using groundwater as a power source does not really affect the groundwater itself, so this is why the last option is correct.

how will HIV & AIDS impact negatively to humans and the economy​



HIV/AIDS affects economic growth by reducing the availability of human capital. Without proper prevention, nutrition, health care and medicine that is available in developing countries, large numbers of people are falling victim to AIDS.

Environmental science is the study of:
environment science is the study of?


Environmental science is the study of interactions among the physical, chemical and biological components of the environment


environment science is an interdisciplinary academic field that draws on ecology, geology, meteorology, biology, chemistry, engineering, and physics to study environmental problems and human impacts on the environment.

give me brainliest please :)

The particular name of an igneous rocks consisting of minerals is best determined using the chart in the lab book and noting:____.
(a) the presence of quartz and one other mineral.
(b) the presence of vesicles (gas pockets) in proportion with the presence of the mineral quartz.
(c) the relative color (light, intermediate, or dark) and the relative size of the minerals (phaneritic/aphanitic).
(d) whether the minerals present are metallic or non-metallic and then determining the streak on each mineral present.



C, the relative color


Color indicates the composition of a rock or mineral.  A felsic composition is indicated by light colors such as white or pink.  Intermediate rocks or minerals have a medium color such as gray or an equal part of dark and light colored minerals . Mafic or ultramafic rocks or minerals are dark colored such as black or brown however they might also contain light colored minerals within them.  


C, the relative color


Color indicates the composition of a rock or mineral.  A felsic composition is indicated by light colors such as white or pink.  Intermediate rocks or minerals have a medium color such as gray or an equal part of dark and light colored minerals . Mafic or ultramafic rocks or minerals are dark colored such as black or brown however they might also contain light colored minerals within them.  

Kojo moves from his home in Africa to work in London, England. Which of the
following best describes Kojo?

A. Tourist
B. Dissident
C. Transient
D. Immigrant



Kojo is an immigrant because he left his home and moves to another country.

write a note on alternative energy resourse



Alternative Energy refers to energy sources other than fossil fuels. This includes all renewable sources and nuclear. Nuclear is not classified as a renewable energy source. A renewable energy source is produced from sources that do not deplete or can be replenished within a human’s lifetime. Nuclear is produced from mined elements like uranium and thorium which cannot be replenished.

I Hope this will help you if not then Sorry, have a great day :)

Việt Nam có những tiềm năng gì về tài nguyên du lịch cho phát triển du lịch quốc gia (national tourism)trong điều kiện hiện nay (2021)?



ok brothersaya pon taktau

Imagine that you are standing on a beach but cannot swim. Your friend encourages you to walk into the surf zone created by incoming deep water waves that a wavelength of 30 meters. Would it be safe to walk out to where the waves are breaking?




The water depth in the surf zone is between 5 to 10 meters deep and with a wavelength of 30 meters, the speed of the wave is considerably fast such that control for safety may be difficult

Also the speed of the wave is directly related to the depth of the water which means that where the wave described above is fast as well as the rip current, also the water depth is expected to be considerable for a non swimmer

It is best to seek for sign post regarding safe areas and do not go into the water where there are no lifeguards or marked safe zones.

Other Questions
Jebali Company reports gross income of $340,000 and other property-related expenses of $229,000 and uses a depletion rate of 14%. Calculate Jebali's depletion allowance for the current year. $fill in the blank 1 Find the distance between the pair of points(0,0)(6,8) Help please!??!!?!? from the21. Space-produced photographs showed that air pollutionindustrial Belts in the middle latitudes.A. is being exportedB. exportedC. has been exportedD. will exportHelp me :((( The tables show how the dollar to euro conversion rate changed during one day.Khalil changed $500 into euros ().How many more euros did Khalil receive if he changed his money at the highest rate compared to the lowest rate? Assume that transportation costs are especially high for Widgets in the two-country, two-product Ricardian model, and Country A enjoys a comparative advantage in Widgets, then A) country B must also enjoy a comparative advantage in Widgets. B) country B may end up exporting Widgets. C) country A may switch to having a comparative advantage in the other good. D) country A will still export Widgets. E) trade may be impossible between the two countries. PLZ HELP ME I NEED TO GET THIS RIGHT 20 POINTS1.) the table shows the weight in kilograms of 10 players on a college basketball team.Weight (kg)[54, 52, 65, 63, 62, 60, 58, 53, 51, 50]Which statement is NOT true about this data?A.) the median is one of the values listed in the tableB.) the mode of the data is 60C.) the mean is less than the medianD.) the data set had no matter2.) This table shows the amount of money in dollars that a group of seventh grade students spend on food each day.Carol=2Anna=3Sophie=11Tom=3Jackie=1Which measure of central tendency is most affected by the amount of money that Sophie spends?A.) the median onlyB.) the mean onlyC.) the mode onlyD.) the mean and the median3.) This table shows the results of a survey that asked a group of people what time of day their favorite tv show aired.5:00=36:00=57:00=108:00=219:00=2510:00=1511:00=12What time corresponds to the mode of this set of data?A.) 8:00 pmB.) 9:00 pmC.) 10:00 pmD.) 11:00 pm Open the sash half way up, take the beaker containing the dry ice / water out of the hood, and slowly move it from right in front of the hood all the way down to the floor. At what point do the fumes stop getting sucked up by the fume hood? A block of amber is placed in water and a laser beam travels from the water through the amber. The angle of incidence is 35 degrees while the angle of refraction is 24 degrees. What is the index of refraction of amber?(index of refraction of water is 1.33) What are the x-intercepts for the function (x) = -x(x 4)? A 0 B -1, 4 C 4 D 0, 4What are the solutions to the quadratic equation 4x2 x 3 = 0? Bit op-amp c Vsat = 12V, R1=R2=R3=R4=R, dng sng in p Vi(t) c cho nh hnh 2.16b a. Tnh V0 theo Vi, li p AVb. V li dng sng in p V0(t) khi Vm= 38 V c. V li dng sng in p V0(t) khi Vm = 5V Rearrange the Jumbled sentences:The Dog Went With Them.pls rearrange the jumbled sentences for this question guys.HELP MEPLS A 10-ft ladder, whose base is sitting on level ground, is leaning at an angle against a vertical wall when its base starts to slide away from the vertical wall. When the base of the ladder is 6 ft away from the bottom of the vertical wall, the base is sliding away at a rate of 4 ft/sec. At what rate is the vertical distance from the top of the ladder to the ground changing at this moment? Which of the following graphs represents a one-to-one function? On a coordinate plane, a function has two curves connected to a straight line. The first curve has a maximum of (negative 6, 4) and a minimum of (negative 4.5, negative 1). The second curve has a maximum of (negative 3.5, 2) and a minimum of (negative 2.5, 0.5). The straight line has a positive slope and starts at (negative 2, 1) and goes through (1, 2). On a coordinate plane, a circle intersects the x=axis at (negative 2, 0) and (2, 0) and intercepts the y-axis at (0, 4) and (0, negative 4). On a coordinate plane, a v-shaped graph is facing up. The vertex is at (0,0) and the function goes through (negative 4, 4) and (4, 4). A coordinate plane has 7 points. The points are (negative 4, 1), (negative 3, 4), (negative 1, 3), (1, negative 3), (3, negative 4), (4, negative 2), (5, 3). Mark this and return Value of [(3/2)^(-2)] is* I need help asap!!!!Please explain the answer A new employee, John Chapman, earns $10 per hour and gets time-and-a-half over 40 hours per week. His first week he worked 45 hours. Deductions from his check were $30 for OASDI, $7 for Medicare, $ 61 for federal income tax withholding, and $15 for a United Way contribution. What was his gross pay for the period 385 x 42.13 x 0.079 is (consider significant figures): Which of the following rational functions is graphed below?oA. F(x) = 1/2xB. AX) = 1/x-2C. F(x) = 1/x+2 Find the center and radius of the circle and sketch its graphX^2+y^2=9