In localities where community consent is the norm, Question 1 options: community consent to participate in the research study is sufficient and no informed consent from an individual participant is required. federal regulations preclude the conduct of PHS-funded research a family member's consent for another individual may be sufficient, as long as community consent is given it may be appropriate to obtain community consent in advance of obtaining informed consent from the individuals.


Answer 1

In localities where community consent is the norm: D. it may be appropriate to obtain community consent in advance of obtaining informed consent from the individuals.

Consent is simply an act that involves requesting for the permission to do something from someone or an agreement given by someone for something to happen.

On a related note, community consent requires seeking for permission from a group of people as a constituted authority representing the people, to either do something within the community or getting an approval from the community for something such as an event to take place.

Hence, in any locality where community consent is the norm, it may be appropriate to obtain community consent from the constituted authority within a community in advance of obtaining informed consent from the individuals.

In conclusion, in addition to obtaining community consent, it is also very important to obtain informed consent from the individuals living within a particular community where you intend doing something.

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Related Questions

Functions of save our soul (sos) ?


the functions of sos help people in their need.2.To save the life of people.

What do is mean by environment friendly behaviour?​



Whatever actions you make doesn't affect others or the organisms around you, it doesn't affect in a negative manner to your surroundings


Definition of environmental issues



These are harmful effects of earth and it's natural systems due to the action of humans.

I hope this helps

Anjali wanted to eat chick pea (Kontaikkatalai). She requested her mother to cook the same on next day. At night her mother took a cup of chick pea and put them in a container having some water and the kept the container covered overnight. Next day it was observed that the chick pea got swollen and were ready to be cooked. What is this phenomenon due to which chick pea got swollen is known as




It sounds like osmosis. Osmosis is the process where water goes from a diluted state through a porous wall where it meets a liquid of a much thicker state. The object is to try and dilute the thicker liquid.

Chick peas (as an irrelevant note) are wonderful members of the legume family. Every vegetarian will tell you stories about having a Big Mac attack after being a Veggie for about 6 months. Chick peas are the only answer. Have them once in a while and you will never get another big mac attack.

the Nepalese society is called the multilingual society



+91 9084477269 me on what.sapp


because of the number of languages that are spoken here. Altogether, including the national language. Nepal has 50 different ethnic groups and most of them have their own indigenous language like Gurung and etc.


how does unity and cooperation have to develop society​


If we are all working together and agreeing on things, we could get more done in a faster amount of time. So unity and cooperation would help us to become a stronger society.

Interpreta o argumenta sobre la siguiente frase; "no puede existir una buena sociedad, sino existe una buena educación" coloca varios ejemplos


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que no se anexan opciones o incisos para responder, podemos comentar lo siguiente.

Estos son mis argumenta sobre la frase "No puede existir una buena sociedad, sino existe una buena educación."

Primero que nada, es una frase totalmente apegada a la realidad. La educación es la base por la cual un miembro de la sociedad tienen acceso a la formación desde los niveles primarios hasta los niveles de educación superior, y es su camino hacia el éxito profesional, pero también para convertirse en un hombre o mujer conscientes de su papel dentro de la sociedad.

Un claro ejemplo lo tenemos en los niveles de educación de los países desarrollados. Si revisamos los casos de países del primero mundo como Suiza, Dinamarca, Noruega, o Suecia, nos damos cuenta de que la mayoría de sus ciudadanos ha cursado niveles escolares universitarios, e incluso hablan más de dos idiomas, Ellos son gente muy preparada en lo profesional y en lo cultural.

Otro ejemplo lo tenemos en el sentido opuesto. Los países subdesarrollados. Estos países no logran el crecimiento económico deseado, y si revisamos su nivel de acceso a educación, notamos que está muy rezagado. Muchos de estos países no llegan a cubrir la educación básica para sus ciudadanos, o no es de la calidad como para competir a nivel internacional.

Al no tener una buena educación, surgen muchos problemas como la corrupción, la pobreza, la irresponsabilidad y hasta el crimen.

De ahí que, sí es cierto. No puede existir una buena sociedad, sino existe una buena educación.

what do you mean by human resources ? Differentiate between short term manpower and long term manpower.



The persons or group of people with ability and competence is a significant resource is known as human resource.


Manpower planning for the short term:

It is about combining existing personnel with their present jobs in an efficient manner.

Long-term planning of manpower:

Management has enough time to make needed modifications through essential measures in the context of long-term planning.

What impact will your goals have on your schedule?
They will guide decisions about how you plan to use your time.
They will limit your available time.
They will determine what activities are available to you.
They will determine the courses you must take in high school.


The most reasonable answer is the first option.

Our country is rich in water resources but it still lags behind in development. In your view, what are the reasons behind this? Mention them.​




the reasons behind this are :

1. lack of skilled man power

2. lack of capital

2. lack of modern technology

4. corruption

5. lack of education

state any two elements of socialization.



Any two elements of socialization are:-



Hope it is helpful.


Communications, Courtesy and Values.

How did early civilizations in the Americas differ from those in the Eastern Hemisphere?



they develop slower due to the fact that civilizations in the Americas were farther spread apart than civilizations in the eastern hemisphere.

I hope this helps.

What is the reason for being the whole world like a house?​


I'm sorry could you try explaining that a little more clearly?

Mila was refused a job, in spite of the fact that she had all the required qualifications. The reason for this rejection was that she reacted negatively to an illicit comment made by her interviewer on her dressing. Based on the given information, it would be most accurate to say that Mila is a victim of:


Sexual harassment, or negative pressure.

report on "road construction and its impact to public health in Nepal, Pokhara(please include the following areas : introduction ,objectives of the study , methodologies, findings, conclusions and recommendations )​


Report on "road construction and its impact to public health in Nepal.''

Introduction: Roads are very important for the transportation of goods as well as for the movement of people. Road construction requires huge amount of capital which can only afford by the government. The health of people is also related to the road construction.

Objectives: The main objective of the study is to find out the impact of road construction on public health of the people of Nepal.

Methodologies: For finding the impact, we have two situations i.e. no road and have roads.

Findings: By collecting data we find out that roads has a great impact on the health of people because the patients can reach on time and quickly and his or her life can safe.

Conclusions: The conclusion is that roads are very important and has a direct impact on the health of people.

Recommendations: We have to construct roads which provides benefits in the form of fast transportation.

A professional painter and his apprentice, in business as a partnership, were hired to paint a store. Midway through the job they ran out of paint, so the painter lent his truck to the apprentice to pick up more. On his way to pick up the paint, the apprentice stopped at a post office along the way to mail a personal letter. On pulling out of the post office parking lot, he negligently ran into a parked car, causing extensive damage.
If the car owner brings a negligence action against the painter, will she prevail?
A. No, because the apprentice is an independent contractor.
B. No, because a bailor is not vicariously liable for the torts of his bailee.
C. Yes, because the apprentice's stop at the post office was not a frolic.
D. Yes, because the apprentice was using the painter's truck.



I think the answer is A.


The blame should be placed on the person driving the truck, not the one who owns the truck. Use the process of elimination and you can cross off D. It's not C either because that's simply unreasonable. Not B because no one said anything about bails. It has to be A. Furthermore, it mentioned, "in business as a partnership."

what is meant by national project​



National Projects means any of the projects funded by NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization) set forth in Exhibit A


i hope it'll help you


Answer: The projects which will enhance the common identity of people along with their quality of life in terms of social, economical, cultural & environmental aspects & are completed within a particular interval of time in particular places can be referred as national pride projects.

what major features are found in the blue ridge mountain?



These four I guess. I hope it help you!:)

1. Cahas Knob Overlook. At more than 3,500 feet in elevation, the Cahas Mountain is one of the most iconic peaks within Virginia’s Blue Ridge Mountains.

2. Mill Mountain Overlook. Also located in Virginia is the Mill Mountain Overlook. ...

3. Pine Tree Overlook. Located at milepost 95.2 on the parkway, this scenic overlook is named after the famed pine tree that sits along the mountainside.

4. Linn Cove Viaduct. The Linn Cove Viaduct, an award-winning complex concrete bridge, was designed by architects to preserve the integrity of the land.

why is economics the queen of social science



Economics is a social science because it deals with one aspect of human behavior, viz., how men deal with problems of scarcity. Samuelson says that Economics is “the queen of the social sciences”.


because it is used scientific method to build theories that can help explain the behaviour of individual group and organisations.

who is the president of india ?



Ram Nath Kovind



Ramnath Kovind


Ramnath Kovind is the current President of India.

What's the difference between racial segregation and economic segregation?



racial segregation is people being separated by their race

the meaning of segregation is the action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or things or being set apart.

economic segregation is separation of people in different economic classes

hope this helps❤

Hegefeg d so shehey eye eye he was s shady wjdkelf f she st d

How did the perception of the institution of slavery change in the American colonies?

Group of answer choices

Throughout history people were often enslaved due to their faith, while in the colonies slaves could be freed if they converted to Christianity.

Throughout history slaves remained in bondage for life, while in the colonies slaves had many opportunities to improve their status in society.

Throughout history the color of a slave’s skin was often insignificant, while in the colonies race determined slavery.

Throughout history slaves were forbidden to marry a member of the owner’s family, while in the colonies slaves often married white Europeans.



Throughout history the color of a slave’s skin was often insignificant, while in the colonies race determined slavery.


It is the last quarter of the championship game. Your best athlete is knocked down, and you think she may have hit her head. She continues playing, but you notice that she is not acting right. You call a time-out to talk to her. She says she is fine, and wants to keep playing. What should happen next?


Answer: happened to me when I played football I would honestly keep playing but if its another player call the coach over with the trainer to see if their actually okay.  

why is education considered as foundation of any profession ? please give me answer ​



Foundational studies promote analysis of the intent, meaning, and effects of educational institutions, including schools. ... Finally, they encourage students to develop their own value positions regarding education on the basis of critical study and their own reflections.

Hope you got your answer❤️

All of the following are characteristic of the thought processes of middle childhood, according to Piaget, EXCEPT: a. the ability to mentally retrace steps when problem solving. b. the ability to manipulate abstract ideas and symbols. c. the understanding that transformations in appearance do not change the basic properties of number, mass, and volume. d. thinking that includes consideration of alternatives.



b. the ability to manipulate abstract ideas and symbols.


Jean Piaget was a famous psychologist from Switzerland. Piaget holds a place of great importance on children's education. He is well known for his study on child development all over the world.

Jean Piaget developed the cognitive developmental theory where he states that every child moves through 4 different stages of their mental development.

According to him, a child has the ability to mentally retrace the steps when a problem is solved. Their cognitive understanding includes the consideration of the alternatives while growing and learning things.

Therefore, the correct option is (b).

describe the relationship between society and human being​



The individual lives and acts within society but society is nothing, in spite of the combination of individuals for cooperative effort. On the other hand, society exists to serve individuals—not the other way around. Human life and society almost go together.


The central thesis of the passage is that class-size reductions:
A.can improve academic achievement under some conditions but may not be the most effective way to do so.
B.improve academic achievement when teachers use techniques well suited to small classes.
C.improve academic achievement only in the early elementary grades.
D.are less efficient than other means of improving academic achievement.



A). can improve academic achievement under some conditions but may not be the most effective way to do so.


As per the given passage, the key proposition or the viewpoint that the author conveys is that 'Class-size reduction would help enhance the academic performance under certain circumstances yet it is not the most fruitful way of promoting academic achievement.' The author puts forward his stand over the reduction in sizes of the class that it will promote the effective interaction among the teacher and students that would eventually lead to enhance learning of the students. However, he offers the other side of the issue that it is not the most helpful way for enhancing academic achievements that establishes his credibility. Hence, option A is the correct answer.

How does the development of trade depend on agriculture and industry? Clarify with example.​



The relationship between agriculture,industryand trade is perplexing. Most of the raw materials are needed for industries areproduced from agriculture sectors. Likewise,many goods that we export to foreign countries are produced from agriculturalproducts. The country earns foreign currencies from these exports


Hope it's Helpful

Mark me as Brainliest plz!!


What are eight types of energy?​



light energy,

heat energy,

mechanical energy,

gravitational energy,

electrical energy,

sound energy,

chemical energy,

nuclear or atomic energy

Light energy, heat energy ,mechanical energy ,gravitational energy electrical energy sound energy chemical energy nuclear or atomic energy

A man was negligently driving down the road, not paying attention to where he was going. Because of this, he hit and seriously injured a pedestrian who was lawfully crossing the street. The accident was witnessed by the pedestrian's friend who was standing on the sidewalk. As a result of seeing the pedestrian injured, her friend suffered extreme emotional distress that physically affected her nervous system. The friend brings suit against the driver for negligent infliction of emotional distress in a jurisdiction that has adopted the majority approach in bystander cases. Will the friend prevail




Explanation:Because of the driver,she gained emotional distress which affected her nervous system,so therefore,the friend has the legal right to suit the driver

Yes, Because of the driver, she gained emotional distress which affected her nervous system, therefore, the friend has the legal right to sue the driver.

What are the most important traffic rules?

The maximum important rule of thumb for using is to keep away from accidents or accidents to different avenue users. you could try this with the aid of waiting for other drivers' movements, leaving a safety net, and using within the law.

What are traffic rules?

The Most Important Traffic Rules to Follow:

Don't Drink and Drive.You always have a valid Car Insurance Policy.Wear your seat belt while you are driving.Using a Mobile Phone while Riding.Speed.Skip the Red Light.

Learn more about Traffic Rules here:


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