Is caste system is changing in nepal? mention the factors behind it.​


Answer 1


the goverment of nepal legally abolished the caste-System and criminalized any caste-based discrimination,including"untouchability"(the ostracism of a specific caste)-in 1963

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english? i don’t speak that lingo

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I think this is an actually personal question, one that's asking YOU about yourself and how YOU are. Think deep and read the question over, write points for each question then combine it into your answer as a whole.


I feel like this is the teacher asking this question..but you could say Somethings that I have learned about myself is__ ..that's all I can really tell you

Jeremy conducted research on depression among teenagers. For the purpose of his research, he described depression using specific behaviors, such as how often a participant experiences a panic attack, a headache, and excessive hunger. The number of tim repeated by a participant constituted the measure of depression for that participant. In this scenario, Jeremy defined depression using a(n):________ a) theory. b) theoretical definition. c) hypothesis. d) operational definition.



In this scenario, Jeremy defined depression using a:

d) operational definition.


Operational definition is simply the way a researcher decides to define and measure something. In this case, Jeremy has a certain definition of depression that includes specific behaviors: panic attacks, hunger, and headaches. By measuring those behaviors, he determines whether participants are depressed or not. Another researcher could have a different operational definition for depression and measure, instead, how often in the past 6 months the participants have displayed anger or shown low energy levels, for example.

As a child diagnosed with Tourette's syndrome, Asperger's syndrome, and obsessive compulsive disorder, Jaylen Arnold has experienced bullying.
When he was 8 he decided to take a stand.



A boy of 8 started a campaign against bullying.

It takes perseverance to build a great campaign.

“Bullying No Way!” is the slogan of a boy’s campaign.

A boy’s campaign has gained an audience in many countries


what was the main reason why immigrants came to America?​


Answer: For a better life

Explanation: the country that lived before was not good so they left


The Most Common Reasons Why People Immigrate to US.

Better opportunities to find work.Better living conditions.To be with their American spouses/families.To escape their troubled country.To get the best education.


plz mera answer ko brainliest kar do..

Name the vegetation found in different regions in Nepal​



The vegetation types range from sub-tropical forests at the lower altitudes to temperate grasslands intermixed with oak and coniferous forests on the Khaptad Plateau. Common species are chir pine, spruce, fir, maple, birch, alder, rhododendron and bamboo.

The vegetation types range from sub-tropical forests at the lower altitudes to temperate grasslands intermixed with oak and coniferous forests on the Khaptad Plateau. Common species are chir pine, spruce, fir, maple, birch, alder, rhododendron and bamboo.

1. Swadeshi Andollan. short note​



Swadeshi movement was part of the Indian independence movement.


The Swadeshi movement was part of the Indian independence movement that is responsible for the creation and development of Indian nationalism. Swadeshi movement was started after the Partition of Bengal from Town Hall Calcutta on 7 August 1905. The main purpose of this movement to restrict foreign goods by relying on domestic production of that product. Swadeshi was a idea of Mahatma Gandhi, who described it as the soul of swaraj means self-rule in which we can't depend on other person.

The leader of a political party in the legislative branch jas the power to




The legislative branch is made up of the House and Senate, known collectively as the Congress. Among other powers, the legislative branch makes all laws, declares war, regulates interstate and foreign commerce and controls taxing and spending policies.

Ronald Reagan speaking at a podium under a sign that reads leadership.
Suppose this photo were used by a political campaign to promote the person shown as a candidate for office.
What does the photograph suggest about the candidate as a marketing tool for the campaign? Check all that apply.
The choice of colors show he is patriotic.
He is well informed and ready to present.
He comes from an educated background.
He is well dressed in presentable, formal attire.
He has a message to convey



The answer is "3rd and 4th choice".


When this photo had to be used in a political campaign, these would be the features that would be most obvious to people. As he stands in front of the term "leadership," we could deduce that he is patriotic, he wants to be in charge of the nation he adores. Due to various his suit, we can also see that he is well-dressed. Given the microphone in her hand, we might infer she has some sort of message to deliver.


The choice of colors show he is patriotic.

He is well dressed in presentable, formal attire.

He has a message to convey


The first transition of power between political parties took place following the presidential election of 1800. This transition of power was between what two political parties?
a professional interest group.
a single interest group.
an ideological interest group.
a labor interest group.



In addition to ending the political intrigue surrounding the election, Jefferson's inauguration and the Democratic-Republican takeover of Congress set an important precedent. It marked the first peaceful transfer of power between political parties in American history.

Answer: C)


37 Make an attractive poster to raise awareness against social problem. ​



1) stop sexual harassment

2) say no to dowry

3) education the women

4)domestic abuse is not acceptable

4)forget dept, save life

5) say no to corruption

6)stop girls trafficking

7)say no to drugs

8) people are greater by heart not by caste

note : hope it is helpful

Five terminologies in tennis game ?


Ad Court

Double Fault


Deuce Court

Drop Shot

Xuất khẩu tư bản, liên hệ với Việt Nam hiện nay


can you ask in english please?

You are a new teacher in rural area. You don’t know the local language and society. You communicate using English, while only few people in the community can speak English. How do you solve the problem of the relationship between the language and the society you live in?



i would help them to learn english or i will speak like them

Which statement is TRUE? For nearly all disorders, rational-emotive behavior therapy is superior to cognitive therapy. For nearly all disorders, cognitive therapy is superior to rational-emotive behavior therapy. For some disorders, cognitive therapy is superior to rational-emotive behavior therapy. For some disorders, rational-emotive behavior therapy is superior to cognitive therap



C). For some disorders, cognitive therapy is superior to rational emotive behavior therapy.


The third statement asserts a true claim as it correctly states that the cognitive therapy plays a far ahead role in dealing with certain disorders than rational-emotive therapy. In the treatment of disorders like depression, phobia associated disorders, anxiety, etc., CBT(cognitive behavioral therapy) plays a vital role by assisting the patients in finding out the thoughts or emotions that will take them to a better situation. CBT focuses on present patterns of thinking and looking for the modifications in those thoughts that will help them overcome the disorder while Rational-emotive theory lays more emphasis on finding the logical cause of the problem that may further depress the person in such disorders. Thus, option C is the correct answer.

A graduate student is using a statistical software package to identify the relationships among many personality traits and to isolate the basic dimensions. She is performing _________ analysis.



Factor analysis


The student is performing Factor analysis. Factor analysis can be defined as a method of decreasing a large number of variables to small number of factors. This statistical technique can give descriptions of variability among the observed and the unobserved variables. In simple terms, Factor analysis helps in the simplification of data by decreasing the variables in regression.

How did the Olmec civilization's use of slash-and-burn agriculture affect the
A. It drained nutrients from the soil.
B. It helped forests grow quickly.
C. It flattened out steep hills and mountains.
D. It redirected rivers toward farmland.



A. It drained nutrients from the soil


The Olmec civilization are one of the oldest known Mesoamerican civilization as they dwelled in the tropical lowlands in modern day Veracruz of Mexico.

They used the slash and burn method of agriculture which had an adverse effect on the soil as it robbed it of nutrients, which in time made the land less fertile.

Therefore, the Olmec civilization's use of slash-and-burn agriculture affected the

environment because it drained nutrients from the soil

Two musicians are discussing whether rap counts as music. In order to come to a conclusion, they decide to ask, "What is music?"

In order to continue their philosophical inquiry, what should their next step be?

They should find as many positions on the question as possible.

They should look for arguments against rap as music.

They should evaluate arguments from famous rappers.

They should make an argument that rap is music and provide justification.



They should make an argument that rap is music and provide justification


Two musicians are discussing whether rap counts as music. In order to come to a conclusion, they decide to ask, "What is music?"

In order to continue their philosophical inquiry, their next step should be to make an argument that rap is music and provide justification.

This is because, a philosophical question does not have a yes or no, or right it wrong, rather it is meant to be debated to arrive at a conclusion.

Answer: The answer is that they should find as many positions to the question as possible because this is the philosophical approach to Inquiry.

Explanation: The answer is that they should find as many positions to the question as possible because this is the philosophical approach to Inquiry.

What Supreme Court case eliminated the spending caps on: Overall Campaign Spending, Candidate Personal Spending, and Independet Expenditures?

a) FEC v. Davis

b) Citizens United v. FEC

c) Buckely v. Valeo

d) Wisconsin Right to Life v. FEC



c) Buckley v. Valeo (1976)

ze short answer. Write a brief paragraph on Newness of Our Society'. (Compare the types of building, life style, belief, attitudes, education, etc​


The Newness of our society depicts what a modern society looks like.

A modern society is an industrialized society that has moved away from agriculture and one whereby the people are living in current times.

A modern society is characterized with advancement in technology. In such society, technology plays a vital role in organizations as individuals play lesser roles.

There is urbanization in a modern society as people move away from villages and there are new building that are built and there's pressure on the resources in cities.

With regards to communication, modern sources of communication are used like email, mobile phone etc. Women are also highly educated as they okay a bigger role in the society.

In modern society, education is key to national development as education is believed to be important and people go to universities to have various degrees such as Masters degree, PhD etc.

Read related question on:

Andrew Jackson was elected the 7th president, serving from 1829-1837. He was elected as a "common man" has directly appealed to the mass population. When he left the presidency in 1837, he left which of the following political parties vigorous and well-organized?



C. Democratic


Andrew Jackson, who was elected the 7th president, served from 1829-1837.

He was a popular candidate during the elections as he directly appealed to the masses and was a democrat.

When he left the presidency in 1837, he left the democratic political parties vigorous and well-organised.

A customer is in the process of developing an independent government estimate for a requirement that is commercially available. Chose the category below that they will most likely use while developing the estimate a. Travel b. Labor hours c. Cost per hour d. Catalog price


Answer: catalog price.


Catalog price refers to the amount a consumer can pay for a product whereby other costs such taxes, shipping costs, handling costs etc which are involved in the delivery of the goods to the buyer aren't added. It is the price that is included in a price list, or catalog which the manufacturer or the vendor regularly maintains.

In a situation whereby the customer is in the process of developing an independent government estimate for a requirement that is commercially available, then the catalog price will be used in such case.

. What were the goals of Gorbachev’s policies of Perestroika and Glasnost?




was a political movement for reformation within the Communist Party of the Soviet Union during the 1980s widely associated with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and his glasnost (meaning "openness") policy reform. The literal meaning of perestroika is "reconstruction", referring to the restructuring of the Soviet political and economic system, in an attempt to end the Brezhnev Stagnation.

Perestroika allowed more independent actions from various ministries and introduced many market-like reforms. The alleged goal of perestroika, however, was not to end the command economy but rather to make socialism work more efficiently to better meet the needs of Soviet citizens by adopting elements of liberal economics.[2] The process of implementing perestroika created shortages, political, social, and economic tensions within the Soviet Union and is often blamed for the political ascent of nationalism and nationalist political parties in the constituent republics. Perestroika and its associated structural ailments have been cited as major catalysts leading to the dissolution of the Soviet Union.[3]

Gorbachev first used the term in a speech during his visit to the City of Togliatti in 1986. Perestroika lasted from 1985 until 1991, and is sometimes argued to be a significant cause of the collapse of the Eastern Bloc and the dissolution of the Soviet Union. This marked the end of the Cold War.[4]

Which statement about Kantian deontology is true?

It is a relativist theory because it first takes the individual’s happiness into account.

It is an objectivist theory because ethics is independent of circumstances and must be the same for everyone.

It is an objectivist theory because it is based on the utility principle, which applies to all people at all times.

It is a relativist theory because universal truths are relative to the individual or society.


Answer: B


It is an objectivist theory because ethics is independent of circumstances and must be the same for everyone.

The true statement about Kantian deontology is that it is an objectivist theory because ethics is independent of circumstances and must be the same for everyone. Thus option (b) is correct.

What is deontology?

Deontology is an ethical theory that says actions are good or bad according to a clear set of rules. The deontological ethics t emphasis on the relationship between duty and the morality of human actions.  

In deontological ethics, the actions should be morally correct rather than the outcome. With outcome the means should be morally correct. In the utilitarian ethics, the outcome or the result is important and the outcome justify the means or ways to achieve it.

So in the Kantian deontology is that it is an objectivist theory which states ethics is independent of circumstances and must be the same for everyone. Therefore option (b) is correct.

Learn more about deontology here:


why is school regarded as secondary means of socialization​



Secondary socialization refers to the social learning that children undergo when they enter other social institutions, like school.


Primary socialization occurs when a child learns the attitudes, values, and actions appropriate to individuals as members of a particular culture. Secondary socialization refers to the process of learning what is the appropriate behavior as a member of a smaller group within the larger society.


because school is theplace where we learn everything, school leads to sucess, noone can stole the education that we have read in our school, school teaches us everything like education as well as respecting others and loving juniors

When __________ sets in, it is possible to respond to stress as you would to an allergen. stress sensitization the fight/flight reaction the General Adaptation Syndrome eustress



Stress sensitization


Substances which are capable of inciting reaction, that is the response of the immune system when fed with a foreign or substances which the body isn't used to. This means that the body responds to an unwanted or strange substance which he doesn't want, that is an allergic reaction. This can be related to how an individual especially a child which has been exposed to series of childhood adversity, that is a difficult or unpleasant situation or condition over the cause ofnhis/her life will react to stress (that is the immune system treats stress like a foreign exposure) which the body doesn't yield to.

Phân tích đặc điểm bảng cân đối kế toán của NHTM



more enchantment table language people


more enchantment table language

What is the final impression?



Final imprssion have the exact details of the tooth structures and their surrounding tissues. They are used to make caste and dies with the precise details of the tooth structures and their surrounding tissues.

Which statement best describes both the positive and negative effects lobbyists have on the democratic process? ​


The correct answer is B. Lobbyists give small groups a voice in U.S. politics but may influence lawmakers to support policies that do not benefit the public in general.


A lobbyists are people who act to influence the public administration seeking to influence their specific interests. This has had a positive effect on different groups in society (Afro, Latino, Asian, feminist, indigenous, among others) to influence government decisions at all levels (executive, judicial and legislative) allowing a more democratic government. However, it has also brought negative effects since each of the groups has different interests that do not respond to the interests of society in general. According to the above, the correct answer is B.

Treason is a federal crime that can _____.

only be committed by a foreign citizen

be committed in a time of peace or a time of war

only be committed during wartime

only be committed by citizens living in the United States


Only by a foreign citizen
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