It is believed that many yogis meditate without food or water for weeks.
pls help me change active to passive∧∧


Answer 1


It is a belief that many yogis meditate without food or water for weeks.

Related Questions

“To Build a Fire” by Jack London story analysis


Answer: To Build a Fire" by Jack London is a 1908 story about a newcomer to the Yukon who travels through the extreme cold with his dog, despite warnings that it is too dangerous. The man falls through a thin patch of ice. Knowing that he'll freeze to death if he doesn't dry his feet, he tries to build a fire.


Help me please……………………


C, etymology.

A thesaurus usually does not contain all the words of the language. It provides several similar alternative words (synonyms), as well as contrasting words (antonyms).

You had a bad meal at a restaurant. Service was slow and the food was terrible.
You tried talking to a waiter, but they were unhelpful.
Write a letter to the manager of the hotel to complain and ask for compensation.
Write 100 words




Today I visited your restaurant and orderded the signature truffle pasta, wagyu beef steak, and a bottle of 23 year old wine along with your famous color changing ice cream. Since I spent over $300, I was expecting excellent service and a satisfied stomach. But the steak and pasta arrived extremely late and the food was already cold by then. The chees had already soldified and the steak was still a little cold in the inside. I called the waiter named Jean and he looked at me as if I was a dirty peice of gum on his shoe. I wanted him to send the food back to the chef and warm the food up again politly, but he would give me dirty looks and just walked away. I was appalled and disgusted. After 30 minutes later, I got another waiter to send the food back but after it was warmed up, it was even worse.  The pasta was overcooked and the sauce was way to salty. The beef had a stench as if it wasn't cleaned well in the beginning. I request that you fire Jean, the rude waiter. I also request you to return the money I paid.


A extremely dissapointed customer


My friend had concluded that if he took his language and culture out of his poetry, he stood a better chance of receiving a fellowship. He took out his native language, the poetic patois of our reality, the rich mixture of Spanish, English, pachuco and street talk which we know so well. In other words, he took the tortillas out of his poetry, which is to say he took the soul out of his poetry.

At a neighborhood fair in Texas, somewhere between the German Oom-pah Sausage Stand and the Mexican Gorditas booth, I overheard a young man say to his friend, “I wish I had a heritage. Sometimes I feel—so lonely for one.” And the tall American trees were dangling their thick branches right down over his head.

Which best states how the structures of both excerpts support ideas about cultural diversity?



A). Each incorporates non-English words.


The structure of a text plays a key role in conveying the meaning to the readers. In both the given excerpts, the 'usage of non-English vocabulary' shows the way in which the structure/formation backs the idea of cultural and ethnic diversity.

In the first excerpt from 'Take the Tortillas out of your poetry,' the words like 'patois' and 'pachuco' adds a native and ethnic touch that promotes the idea of acceptance and admiration towards cultural diversity. While in the second excerpt from 'Speaking Arabic,' the regional words like 'Oompah' and 'Gorditas' also back the idea of cultural manifoldness. Thus, option A is the correct answer.


The Answer is: Each relates an anecdote to appeal to the readers emotions.


I took the test.

p.s.- I hope this helps

1. Read the instructions about birthday party, then answer the following questions.
# Invite the relatives and friends,
# Decorate your house beautifully.
# Arrange a birthday party,
# Cut the cake in the middle of the guests with the birthday songs.
# Serve the delicious food and cake to the guests.


a. What is the main attraction of a birthday party?
b. Who cuts the cake?
c. How did you enjoy your last birthday party?​



a.home decor, birthday cake and yourself


c.happy, emotional, wonderful


Karishma is reading "The Tell-Tale Heart." She reads an excerpt, looks for clues, and makes a prediction about what happens next. Read the same excerpt and her prediction. His room was as black as pitch with the thick darkness, (for the shutters were close fastened, through fear of robbers,) and so I knew that he could not see the opening of the door, and I kept pushing it on steadily, steadily. Karishma predicted that the narrator would carry out the murder plot undetected. Next, read the subsequent excerpt that Karishma read. I had my head in, and was about to open the lantern, when my thumb slipped upon the tin fastening, and the old man sprang up in bed, crying out—"Who's there?" Which revision is most logical for Karishma to make to her prediction as she continues to read? The narrator would carry out the murder plot undetected. The narrator will be seen, but not heard as the murder is committed. The old man becomes aware of a frightening presence in the room. The old man prepares for his own murder.


The correct answer is C. The old man becomes aware of a frightening presence in the room.


Making predictions about a text involves analyzing the details provided and with these trying to guess the next action or event in a story. Moreover, predictions should be adjusted according to new details. In this context, Karishma will need to include the new information "the old man sprang up in bed, crying out—"Who's there?" in her prediction. Therefore the best new prediction is "The old man becomes aware of a frightening presence in the room" because the noise makes the old man react and realize there is a strange presence in the room.




2022 edg

PLZ HELP ITS TIMED A group member suggests a bake sale to raise money for a club. Which of the following builds off of this idea?
A. We could also sell cartons of milk with the baked goods to raise profits.
B. My brother did a bake sale for his club and raised three hundred dollars in a week.
C. Bake sales don't work; we should do a car wash instead.
D. I like the idea of a bake sale.





I think because that way we can raise more money and if bake sales doesn't work milk selling would at least solve the problem

Complete the list of principal parts for the following verb.
Past: ate
Past Participle: (have)



present: eat

past : ate

past participle : have eaten



Present: eat

Past: ate

Past Participle: (have) eaten


Which sentence is correct?
A. Ming and Tia practice shooting hoops every day.
B. Ming and Tia practices shooting hoops every day.
C. Ming and Tia shooting hoops every day.
D. Ming and Tia shoots hoops every day.


Answer: Ming and Tia practice shooting hoops every day .

A. Ming and Tia practice shooting hoops every day.

Complete the table to explain how Shakespeare uses different aspects of the setting to develop the themes in the Romeo
and Juliet.

Aspect of Setting

Verona, Italy, in the Middle Ages, during the time of a
feud between powerful families

the balcony and the orchard


How It Develop the Themes



Verona, Italy, in the Middle Ages, during the time of a feud between powerful families.

Answer: Social class is very important at this time. In this place, there are two ruling families in conflict with one another. This conflict creates tension and drives the actions of the characters. In this way, the setting reinforces the theme that social ties can get in the way of love.


the balcony and the orchard

Answer: Because Juliet is on the balcony and Romeo is in the garden, they are clearly separated from one another. Juliet is higher on stage, which represents her elevated social status. This also shows the divisions and strife that can interfere with love.



Answer: The darkness of night shows how Romeo and Juliet have to do things in secret. It also represents the darkness of a time of such division.


Copied from correct answer given after you submit assignment.


Verona, Italy, in the Middle Ages, during the time of a feud between powerful families - Social class is very important at this time. In this place, there are two ruling families in conflict with one another. This conflict creates tension and drives the actions of the characters. In this way, the setting reinforces the theme that social ties can get in the way of love.

the balcony and the orchard - Because Juliet is on the balcony and Romeo is in the garden, they are clearly separated from one another. Juliet is higher on stage, which represents her elevated social status. This also shows the divisions and strife that can interfere with love.

nighttime - The darkness of night shows how Romeo and Juliet have to do things in secret. It also represents the darkness of a time of such division.


This is the answer edmentum gives.

Why is this statement considered a theme and not a plot summary.
people can be cruel when they are confused or hurt



This statement can be considered the theme and not ta plot summary because It relates to universal idea about life.


We also know that the theme is the general issue that deals with a story (love, trust, jealousy). It is generally a phrase that synthesizes or encompasses the entire text, a very brief exposition of the central idea of ​​the writing around which the meaning of the text is organized and which gives universal meaning to the specific data or events presented by the text. Instead the plot is the sequence of events in the order in which they appear in the story.

Traffic jams- people late for work and consequently they feel stressed Select one: O a causes O b. cause O c. make d. makes​



o causes i think in my opinion

Tâm lí con người theo quan niệm khoa học là gì



Theo quan điểm duy vật tầm thường của các nhà khoa học, và tâm lý học theo trường phái này lại định nghĩa rằng: Tâm lý con người, hay tâm hồn con người được cấu thành từ vật chất, một thực thể hiện hữu, và do một vật chất cụ thể tạo ra

Read the following group discussion about utopias (perfect societies) and dystopias (hellish societies).

VICTOR: If you all read Sanchez's article, you know that she argues that Aldous Huxley's Brave New World is a utopian novel, not a dystopian novel. It's a negative society for the main character only because he's a weirdo, an outsider. Everybody else is happy.
RIKU: Yeah, but keep in mind how Sanchez defines a utopia. Her idea of a perfect society is one where everybody is ranked by ability and there isn't any conflict - not even disagreements. EDGAR: What's your point?
RIKU: My point is that Sanchez's idea of a perfect society is all about rules and order. I know that my idea of a utopia is totally different from that, and it's probably different from a lot of other people's, including Huxley's.
MARIA: In that case, what are some other examples of utopias? Ones that aren't orderly like the society in Brave New World?
Edgar: Why don't we each find a different example of a utopian society in literature and see how they're different?
VICTOR: O.K., I pick Thomas More's Utopia. I haven't read it yet so we'll see what he thinks.

Which student is MOST clearly evaluating an author's point of view?



I think RIKU is sure


Norma gives her elderly mother a ride to the grocery store once a week when she does her own grocery shopping. On a form at work, she lists this as a community service and hides the fact that it's her own mother she's helping because she knows her boss values volunteerism and actively encourages all employees to contribute to the community. When her boss praises her for her commitment to community service, Norma feels pleased and optimistic that she will soon get a raise. According to virtue-based ethics, why is Norma's action unethical?
a. She is acting out of a sense of compassion and goodwill.
b. She is prioritizing monetary gain over honesty.
c. Lying is always wrong.
d. She is not cultivating any virtues by helping her mother.



b. She is prioritizing monetary gain over honesty.

According to virtue-based ethics, Norma's action unethical because: b. She is prioritizing monetary gain over honesty.

Virtue-based ethics require that the morality of an action is prioritized over the action itself.

In Norma's case above, we see that while she is actually doing something good, the spirit behind it is founded on dishonesty.

She values the compensation she will receive despite the fact that it was based on falsehood. Virtue ethics prohibits this.

Learn more about virtue ethics here:

Is it extremely slowly or extremely slow?

I know this is důmb but I don't want to get this wrong.

Sentence: The door opened extremely slow/slowly.

Or does it not work?​



slowly because it's an adverb

Summarize - His white T-shirt was splattered with blood. I just stood there, trembling
with sudden cold. I thought he might be dead; surely nobody could be
beaten like that and live. (p.32)
Write 3 sentences that summarize the events connected to this passage.

Pls help The book is THE OUTSIDERS


The Outsiders is about two clashing groups of teenagers, the Greasers and the Socs. A proud member of the Greaser group, protagonist Ponyboy faces lessons of loss, pride, and sacrifice through various conflicts in the novel. The novel is especially focused on class and opportunity differences.

Hope this helps!

Johnny was beaten by a group of Socs. He was beaten so severely that the Greasers all thought he was dead due to the damage done to his body.

You are going to write a short story. Use a story from your own life or a story in the news. Plan the story using the five-part structure.
1. Where did it happen?
2. What was the weather like? Who was there? What were they doing?
3. What went wrong?
4. What surprising event happened? Who was there? What were they doing?
5. Did the story have a happy or sad ending?




here did it happen?

2. What was the weather like? Who was there? What were they doing?

3. What went wrong?

4. What surprising event happened? Who was there? What were they doing?

5. Did the story have a happy or sad ending?

the company has run up huge……




The answer is salaries i took the test

Which is the appropriate order for a body paragraph?

A. transition, evidence, topic sentence, concluding sentence
B. evidence, topic sentence, transition, concluding sentence
C. topic sentence, transition, thesis statement, evidence
D. transition, topic sentence, evidence, concluding sentence





Transition from paragraph before to your new paragraph

Introduce what you are going to talk about in the paragraph (establish a point)

Give evidence to support your point

Conclude your paragraph

Answer: it is D. transition, topic sentence, evidence, concluding sentence


what can the reader use to best interpret the theme of a story ? “the yellow wallpaper”
A) The time period in which the story was written
B) The chronological order of events that happen in the story
C) The personal opinion of the author that creates a sense of bias
D) The details from the story that suggest a universal truth



i think the answer a is the best one.


In two sentences, summarize the benefits derived from the
mining industry
In one sentence, summarize the negative effect of mining
on the environment.
In three sentences, summarize how the mining industry
can be made more beneficial to the local community and
the nation


1. Mine exploration, construction, operation, and maintenance may result in land-use change, and may have associated negative impacts on environments, including deforestation, erosion, contamination and alteration of soil profiles, contamination of local streams and wetlands, and an increase in noise level, dust and ...

2. Mined materials are needed to construct roads and hospitals, to build automobiles and houses, to make computers and satellites, to generate electricity, and to provide the many other goods and services that consumers enjoy. In addition, mining is economically important to producing regions and countries.

3. In addition, mining is economically important to producing regions and countries. It provides employment, dividends, and taxes that pay for hospitals, schools, and public facilities. The mining industry produces a trained workforce and small businesses that can service communities and may initiate related businesses.As a developed society we are fortunate to enjoy the many benefits that lignite, uranium and industrial minerals help provide. These benefits include low-cost, reliable electricity and the materials necessary to build our homes, schools, hospitals, roads, highways, bridges and airports.

Read the excerpt from the story Hummingbird and Heron:

Many years ago, when the world was so young that the sun was still new in the sky, there lived two friends. Heron was large and slow, with a long, gangly neck and big, floppy wings. Hummingbird was tiny and swift, with wings that moved so quickly that they buzzed and a slender beak as sleek as a needle.

Heron and Hummingbird both loved to eat fish from the river. Every morning, Heron would fish to her heart's content, eating until her stomach was so round and heavy that she had to waddle back to shore. Every afternoon, Hummingbird would fish and feast until he was so heavy that his tiny, buzzing wings could no longer keep him in the air. Heron and Hummingbird thought they were the luckiest birds in the world.

One afternoon, Hummingbird did not catch as many fish as usual. He fished and he fished, but his line came up empty more times than it ever had before. He flew to Heron's house.

"Heron! Heron!" he called. "Why have you eaten all the fish?"

Heron bustled to her door, angry and surprised at her friend's accusation.

"Me? Eat all the fish?" she squawked. "I barely caught anything this morning! My poor stomach has been growling all day."

How does the narrator's point of view influence the description of events?
The narrator's point of view allows the reader to know exactly what Heron is thinking when he doesn't catch any fish.
The narrator's point of view allows the reader to know that both Heron and Hummingbird are satisfied after eating many fish.
The narrator's point of view allows the reader to know that Hummingbird has had a growling stomach all day.
The narrator's point of view allows the reader to see Hummingbird as reasonable because he doesn't accuse Heron of eating all the fish.


Answer: I think the answer is most likely the second one

The narrator's point of view allows the reader to know that both Heron and Hummingbird are satisfied after eating many fish.



The narrator's point of view allows the reader to know that both Heron and Hummingbird are satisfied after eating many fish.


Select the correct answer from the drop-down menu. Find the correct phrase to give this sentence a parallel structure.

Paul doesn't like to shovel snow, to mow the lawn, or ( to rake , raking , rake , raked ) leaves.

A. to rake
B. raking
C. rake
D. raked


Hi! I think the answer is to rake leaves or option C. I think this because to rake doesn’t make much sense in this sense, option B. to raking leaves doesn’t make much sense either, and option D. makes it in the past tense. I hope this helped, Goodluck :)




Hơ many year your in Word?


which language is this i can't understand

state any two problems that ambiguous sentences can create in communication​



"Ambiguity refers to a form of meaning in which a word, statement, or resolution is not specifically defined, allowing for several interpretations." When you realise that there are several solutions to an issue but aren't certain which one to choose, you're dealing with ambiguous circumstances.

As a result, ambiguity might obstruct concept clarity, which is a key communication fundamental. Ambiguity can have a detrimental impact on the response or reaction to a message that has been delivered and received.

Explain the goal and purpose of an advertising company.



The goal is to get money


The purpose of it is to catch the peoples attention. For Example if I said you can get this toy for this amount but then I said you can get this toy and has weapons. But in reality the toy that has accessories cost more than the toy without the accessories.

They want to get as much money from a company like Pepsi and to make an ad for Cable to let people know they are still relevant or doing something different even though lots of people know what pepsi is if they stop their relevancy would go down and they would stop making as much money.

Basic explanation- To advertise.

Mr.mahat is _______ S.P. (a, an,the)​




it is a special case


please mark me as brainliest


Mr Mahat is the s.p..................................

They (know) the result in a couple of day( future indefinite form)​


Upon putting the verb in bracket into future indefinite tense. The given sentence “They (know) the result in a couple of days” will be written in the following way:

They will get to know the result in a couple of days.

Which of the following is the correct way to punctuate this statement?
A. There are three keys to winning: practice, practice, and practice.
B. There are three keys to winning. Practice; practice; and practice.
C. There are three keys to winning: practice; practice; and practice.
D. There are three keys to winning. Practice, practice, and practice.


I pretty sure it’s A! Hope this helps.

There are three keys to winning: practice, practice, and practice is the correct way to punctuate this statement. Thus, the option (a) is correct.

What is punctuate?

The term punctuate refers to the create the systematic sentence formation. Without punctuation no sentence are formed. The punctuation are adjust the sentences. The may information and details are in one sentence with the help of punctuation. The punctuation are many types such as commas, semicolon, full stop and question mark etc.

The sentence was highlighted the number refers to three. The sentence was used in commas and colon also full stop to end the sentence. The sentence was started in there are three keys to wining used as colon and practice to used in commas and at the end used in full stop. The perfect punctuate used in sentence first.

Therefore, option (a) is correct.

Learn more about on punctuate, here:


Other Questions
Cheyenne's bi-weekly gross pay is $529.81. She sees that $18.54 was deducted for Medicare tax. What percent of Cheyenne's gross pay has been withheld for Medicare tax? Round to the nearest tenth. (2 points)0.35%2.2%3.5% Rule for subtracting Integers: Keep, Change, Opposite.Show the changes for subtracting integers:1. 3 - 72. -4 -23. -4 - (-6)4. x - 3x5. 3 - 4x6. -3 - (-2x) Guyss help me plss :) God will bless youVegetarianism has become the most popular diet among the young generations facing the new millennium. This discipline eliminates the intake of meat and in some cases also the consumption of dairy products and eggs. Are there enough reasons to make you change your eating habits? My purpose is to prove that vegetarianism is the diet that offers more benefits to our health, spirit, and society.Nowadays, health is the number one individual and governmental concern. Health is a fragile factor and its behavior relies mostly on the nutritional quality of the food we ingest. A balanced non-vegetarian diet allows the consumption of all four main food groups including meat and other animal by-products that are important protein and fat sources. Most of us consume more proteins and fats than we need. An excess of proteins can cause kidney failure and/or osteoporosis, and a high-fat diet can eventually lead to heart disease, cancer, obesity, and diabetes. On the other hand, vegetarians get protein from grains, beans, vegetables, and low-fat food. This is how they reduce the risk of most diseases caused by fats. It is a myth to believe that vegetarians don't get enough proteins or that their diet is not balanced because they don't eat meat. The key isvariety and accurate combinations of energy and protein sources. If I were asked to describe a vegetarian, I would immediately mention they are very disciplined people. It has been proven that there exists a remarkable correlation between the people who succeed and people who follow a disciplined lifestyle. People who are faithful to the disciplines they have acquired show integrity, a remarkable behavior and they are usually in a good mood. Vegetarians, always concerned about quality and discipline, develop a greater social responsibility that motivates them to improve their environment.Moreover, environmental issues have been capturing public attention because of their relevancy and increasing deterioration of our quality of life. If you are concerned about the environment, consider that massive meat production can have a negative impact on tropical rain forests, soil stability, and air and water quality. Large extensions of forests have been cut and changed into grasslands that provide cattle with food. To conserve grasslands, fertilizers and other chemical substances are used; consequently, soil and water resources are polluted. Even though there are methods that avoid this kind of deterioration, producers prefer to ignore them so they can keep satisfying the increasing meat demand without affecting their production rates.Vegetarians' life spans are increased and through this discipline they learn to live quality life in all the possible aspects. Besides, their beliefs are congruent with their lifestyle and they take responsibility and action for problems within their own bodies and in their surroundings. Take a look at yourself. Is your health at risk? Have you been able to reach your goals? Are you a factor of change and improvement within your society? You must at least try becoming a vegetarian now that you know it is a tempting challenge and an exciting experiment that has advantages and no risks. Do it for your body, for your lifestyle, or for your environment, but do it. Stop letting others have all the credit, the fun, and the quality.1. What is the writer's purpose in writing the text above? 2. What is the most popular diet among the young people these days? 3. What is the main reason for being a vegetarian? 4. What are the consequences of consuming more proteins and fats than one needs? 5. How does the writer falsify the myth saying vegetarians don't get enough proteins or that their diet is not balanced because they don't eat meat?6. Where do vegetarians get proteins from?7. How does the writer prove his claim that vegetarians are very disciplined people?8. How can massive meat production have a tropical rain forests, soil stability, air and water quality? negative impact on9. How do vegetarians learn to live a quality life in all the possible aspects?10. What is the function of rhetorical questions in the last paragraph? Solve for the value of x The definition of parallel lines requires the undefined terms line and plane, while the definition of perpendicular lines requires the undefined terms of line and point. 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In the email, you should:- Thank you friend for the stay- Describe the briefcase- Ask him/her to return it to you by post KEY FINDER Never Be Lost Again!The average amount of time that an American spends looking for misplaced things over the course of a lifetime is one year.Electronics Today New KEY FINDER by SmartThink is the latest in convenience technology. With our key locator product, you will never lose your keys again! Plus, each unit includes a handy, super-bright LED flashlight, and more than one remote key finder can be purchased and used with the unit. It is easy to operate, effective, and, best of all, it finds your lost keys every time! Our custom-designed SmartThink adapter, charger, and rechargeable batteries are also included. To use: Simply extend the built-in antenna and press the finder button, and the extra-loud beeper on the remote key finder will sound for one full minute, making locating keys quick and easy. The powerful 100-foot extended operating range lets KEY FINDER operate through nearly all household and office walls, doors, furniture, and clothing.Features: Its effective . . . saves time and frustration . . . at the touch of a button Its compact . . . fits in any pocket Its convenient . . . there when you need it Its versatile . . . hands-free, super-bright LED flashlight included Its expandable . . . can handle more than one remote key finder Its economical . . . can be recharged hundreds of times Its trouble free . . . easy to operate Join millions of users who say that their KEY FINDER is the best purchase they have ever made. Dont be left out; purchase one today!Select all the correct answers.Which details are emphasized in both the text and the image?The Key Finder is cheaper than similar products.The Key Finder has a compact design.The Key Finder comes with rechargeable batteries.The Key Finder is easy to operate.The Key Finder has an operating range of 100 feet. what is the role of police in protecting human right Determine, to one decimal place, the length, width & height of the rectangular prism that would have the greatest volume, with a surface area of 200 cm^2. a speech on holidays ?? lol anyone? the weather calls for icy roads to the city scatter salt in the road. explain how this may affect plants that are next to the road? N is one of the numbers below. N is such that when multiplied by 0.75 gives 1. Which number is equal toN?A) 1 1/2B 1 1/3C) 5/3D) 3/2 Q: Which of the following BEST describes Reconstruction? Select one: O a. It was a short period of time when African Americans enjoyed new rights. These rights were quickly taken away. O b. Reconstruction was the time period leading up to the Civil Wa O c. It was a period of cooperation between Republicans and Democrats. O d. It was a period of cooperation between the Northern and Southern states. 10) Juan is writing a report on Italian food. He finds a book titled "Foods of the World." He opens toChapter 2 on page 12 and reads the word "Spain" in large letters. Further down on the page, he reads theword "Northern Spain" in smaller letters. Page 12 of Juan's bookOA) Has no text features.OB) Has a diagram but no other text features.OC) Has the table of contents only.OD) Has a heading and a subheading.Save Easy as PieHow does the first-person narration affect the reader's understanding of the main character?A. It gives the reader an opportunity to understand the narrators relationship with his mother.B. It allows the reader to see the reason for his attitude at the start and how his attitude changes.C. It provides insight into why baseball is so important to him.D. It offers his perspective on his previous experiences of his mom's cooking.Answer: B is the correct answer. "It allows the reader to see the reason for his attitude at the start and how his attitude changes."I was doing the test, and there was 6 questions, and only one was on Brainly. So I asked this question, and answered it myself. I will be doing the other questions as well :) The function f(x) = x2 + 18x 72 models the daily profit, in dollars, a gym makes for selling memberships, where x is the number of memberships sold, and f(x) is the amount of profit.Part A: Determine the vertex. What does this calculation mean in the context of the problem? (5 points)Part B: Determine the x-intercepts. What do these values mean in the context of the problem? (5 points)(10 points)