
Answer 1


Option- A


The sum of proton and neutron

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Answer 2
the answer is letter A

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views on how law the citizens and community can protect victims of human rights violation​



On the support of victims of human rights violation, the law should clearly state and express the repercussions of violating human rights. ... The community can mobilize and make aware the people of their rights and also allow any victim of human rights violations to face the law and seek justice.


A conscientious resident must take care of things happening around him, and endearingly be against any unofficial and unsocial activity. The individual turns to be a signatory to any negligence in court so that the victim gets the right judgment, and the incompetence of these things are considerably needed, as because it is not recognized when and at which moment unusual turn to be a sufferer or victim.

HELP ME QUICK ill give u brainiest


The second option and the last option

DIY 10. Who discovered the sea roote to Central America in 1492A.D A) Edmund B) Vascoda Gama C) Magiltan C) Eramus​


B) VAscoda Gama


Follow me and make me brilliant


Vasco DA ga ma discover Ed

A man and a woman planned to rob a liquor store. The man entered the store while the woman stayed in the car to act as a lookout and getaway driver. As a police officer walked by the store, the woman turned on the car lights, which was the signal she had arranged to warn the man in the store if anyone was coming. Seeing the signal, the man ran out the door right into the police officer. Realizing that an armed robbery was in progress, the police officer shot and killed the man, after appropriate warnings. Should the woman be found guilty of felony murder of the man


Answer: No, because the killing by the policeman was justifiable


The woman has no part that much to play in the murder of the man, because asides the man being shut outside there was a probability he would have equally be shut inside too if met by the police officer there, the killing by the police officer was justifiable as the man was caught in the act and could possibly have shut the police officer too.

Exercise a. Answer the following questions: How did society originate? b. How was the life of our early ancestors? Why is society needed? Write your opinion. d. What are the reasons for the development of most of the old human civilizations on the banks of rivers? e. What benefits do we get from the society? C. Community Work has your society succeeded to fulfill human needs? Do an inquiry ve the facts in your society and write it, ar​




the society originated in the subjugation of the weaker by the stronger. ... Thus through physical coercion or compulsion men were brought together and made to live in society. The Patriarchal and Matriarchal theories make society the expansion of family system.

b)Many years ago, early humans lived in the jungle and were afraid of bigger and stronger animals. They did not know how to build houses. So, they spent their time on the trees or hid themselves behind the bushes. But all this could not help them to save themselves from wild animals and harsh climatic conditions.


Safety. Nearly all residents list safety as the most essential feature of a good community. ...

Economic Health. ...

Education/Enrichment. ...

Natural Environment. ...

Image/Reputation. ...

Overall Appearance. ...

Sense of Community. ...

Health and Wellness Opportunities.


Civilizations developed around rivers because their waters provided places to hunt and fish. Also, as the rivers flooded, the lands around them became fertile. This allowed them to support farming.


Benefits may include financial security and/or assistance for education, unemployment, birth of a baby, sickness and medical expenses, retirement and funerals. Often benefit societies provide a social or educational framework for members and their families to support each other and contribute to the wider community.

A landowner embarked on an expedition into a remote jungle, leaving no means to communicate with him. Because property values suddenly began plummeting in the landowner's neighborhood, his son believed that it was imperative to sell his father's property before it became worthless. Having no way to speak to his father ahead of time, the son prepared a deed conveying the property to a buyer, but left the line for the buyer's name blank. He then signed his father's name on it as the grantor, and handed the deed to the buyer. The deed, however, did not include any language regarding the amount the father was to receive in exchange for the property. The buyer believed that the son was the owner of the property. When the father returned, he was happy that the property had been sold.

If the buyer changed his mind and now wishes to have the conveyance set aside, which of the following would be his best argument?
A. The deed was not valid because the rapidly declining property values amounted to extreme duress.
B. The deed was not valid because the buyer was not identified in the writing.
C. The deed was not valid because the consideration for the deed was not contained in the writing.
D. The deed was not valid because the son signed it.



janak was too scared to utter a word 'remove too'

The deed was not valid because the son signed it is this would be his best argument. Hence, option D is correct.

What is deed?

Deed is the kind of agreement between the two parties, deed is the contract of the land, building or plot, in which one person sell the land and other party is the one who is buying the land.

Deed is the necessary document signed by the both the party before taking the as it is the written ownership of the land.

Thus, option D is correct.

For more details about Deed, click here:


Ahanu, an American Indian, feels harassed by tourists who visit his village. He does not like when the tourists barge into his hogan without permission to photograph his family. When tourists attempt to talk to him, he pretends to not know or speak in English. He is planning to lead an organized protest to stop the harassment of locals by tourists. In this scenario, Ahanu's attitude toward the tourists visiting his village exemplifies _____.





Retreatism is defined as a way by which one escapes societal demands by rejecting culturally accepted goals and the means of achieving them.

For example in a society if being religious is the goal and going to church is the means, an individual can reject both and create a new goal of getting rich by going to school.

In the given scenario it is generally accepted that tourists come into the community, take photographs, and interact with the locals.

However Ahanu rejects this norms by feeling harassed by tourists who visit his village, and is planning to lead an organized protest to stop the harassment of locals by tourists.

This is an example of retreatism.

A landowner owned a large tract of land in an area zoned for medium residential use. Permitted uses in this zone are single-family dwellings, condominium and townhouse developments, and moderate density apartment complexes. The landowner subdivided her land into 10 lots and conveyed each lot by a deed restricting the land to single-family use. All deeds were duly recorded and all lots were developed as single-family homes.

The owner of lot 1 died and his property passed by will to his niece. Some time later, the owner of lot 3 sold his property to a buyer by a deed that did not contain the covenant limiting use to single-family dwellings. The buyer subsequently sold lot 3 to her friend, and did not include the covenant in the deed. Both deeds were duly recorded. A storm destroyed the friend's home, and in its place he began to build a three-unit townhouse.

May the niece sue to enforce the covenant against the friend to prevent him from building the townhouse on lot 3?
A. No, because there is no privity with the friend.
B. No, because the zoning laws have not been violated.
C. No, because there was no restriction in the friend's deed.
D. Yes, because the friend's townhouse would alter the landowner's common scheme.




Explanation: Online School

The name concrete operations describes how children
(A) handle materials to solve problems.
(B) use what they have experienced to solve problems.
(C) reason abstractly to solve problems.
(D) develop hypotheses.



use what they have experienced to solved problems .

Eliana is at a party and begins to feel uncomfortable that she is not safe there. Several of the guys have been trying to get her to go upstairs with them alone, and keep offering her more drinks. As she discerns that her safety is at risk in this situation, her heart rate increases, she finds she cannot concentrate on conversations, and she simply leaves as quickly as she possibly can. Eliana was experiencing _______________.



I'm not 100% sure but I think it is Arrhythmia


Improper beating of the heart, whether irregular, too fast, or too slow.

Cardiac arrhythmia occurs when electrical impulses in the heart don't work properly.

hope that helped a little:)

mention any four characteristic of present society​



Likeness of members in a social group is the primary basis of their mutuality. May be in the beginning assumed or real common lineage, tribal affinity, family benefit or the compactness due to a common to time inculcated between and among the members in the group the feeling of likeness. Likeness means mutuality, and that means Society.

The Reciprocal Awareness:

Likeness is generative of reciprocity. Once some are aware of the mutual likeness, they, certainly differentiate against those who are not like them. The problem of likes and dislikes was concomitant to the social growth. Consciousness of this kind, alone could make sense of likeness. All social action is based on reciprocal response. This alone, makes possible, the we-feeling.


Sense of likeness in not always sufficient. It alone is not adequate for social organisation. This does not exclude diversity or variation. The social structure of humanity is based on the family which rests upon the biological differences between the sexes, viz, men and women. The economic structure of society is based upon division of labour in which the professions and economic activities of people are different or dissimilar. The culture of society prospers with the differences in thoughts ideals, viewpoints, etc. No two individuals are alike in their nature.

They differ from each other in respect of their interests, capacities, abilities and tendencies etc. These differences do not imply mutual conflict; instead; by it the organisation of society is further strengthened. A 100 per cent organised society is not possible.


Cooperation is also another essential element to constitute society. Without cooperation, no society can exist. If the members of the society do not work together for the common purposes, they cannot lead a happy and comfortable life. Cooperation avoids mutual destructiveness and results in economy. In the words of P. Gisbert, “Cooperation is the most elementary process of social life without which society is impossible.”

For want of cooperation, the entire fabric of society may collapse. It is the very basis of social life. C.H. Cooley has rightly remarked, “Cooperation-arises when men realise that they have common interests. So great is the realisation of the necessity of cooperation on the part of every society, Kropotkin says, it is difficult to survive without it.

"Development activities help to improve the status of technology" justify​



it's like a nice meme

Importance of skilled human resource ?



the importance of skilled human resource are:

.To make plans and policies for country.

.To utilize means and resources in a efficient way.

.To play a role in production of good and services

.To boost mobilization of human resources.

.To understand essence of suistainable development.

.To check the dependency of their country and promotes independence.

hope it help you.

Maria had to take an aptitude test before starting graduate school. In this scenario, the criterion variable will be Maria's score on the aptitude test. appearance and personality. expected ability to get along with her fellow students. expected performance as a student in graduate school.



expected performance as a student in graduate school


We can refer to the criterion variable as the predicted variable. This variable as we know it can also be called the dependent variable. We use this in non experimental research situations to make predictions like in multiple regression analysis.

In this question the criterion variable here is her expected performance as a student and graduate School.

opinion about the
help provided for children of
Nepal by plan Nepal.


Plan International has been working in Nepal since 1978 helping marginalised children, their families and communities to access their rights to survival, protection and participation. At present, they run programmes in 8 districts and work through partners in 42 districts across the country.

Which best describes the connection between Iran and Nicaragua during the mid-1980s?

- US hostages taken by Nicaragua were set free after Iran funded their release.

- The US government sent money to both countries to support radical regimes.

- Profits from arms sold to Iran were used to fund the Contras in Nicaragua.

- Iran and Nicaragua fought against the USSR with weapons supplied by the US government.


Answer:Which best describes the connection between Iran and Nicaragua during the mid-1980s? - US hostages taken by Nicaragua were set free after Iran funded their release. - The US government sent money to both countries to support radical regimes. - Profits from arms sold to Iran were used to fund the Contras in Nicaragua


The connection between Iran and Nicaragua during the mid-1980s was that the profits from arms sold to Iran were used to fund the Contras in Nicaragua.

What were the Contras?

The Contras were a collection of right-wing rebel groups supported and sponsored by the United States that operated in Nicaragua from 1979 to 1990.

This was done in opposition to the Marxist Sandinista Junta of National Reconstruction Government, which took power in 1979 following the Nicaraguan Revolution.

Between the years 1981 and 1986, key government officials were accused of selling armaments to the Iranian government. The proceeds from the sale of these weapons were utilized to help fund the Contras.

Therefore, option C is correct.

Learn more about Contras, refer to:

This table shows the monthly average temperatures in North Carolina.

What is the temperature range in the winter?

highs in the 60s and 70s, lows in the 40s and 50s
highs in the 50s and 60s, lows in the 30s and 40s
highs in the 40s and 50s, lows in the 20s and 30s
highs in the 30s and 40s, lows in the 10s and 20s


highs in the 50s and 60s, lows in the 30s and 40s

Hope this helps


highs in the 50s and 60s, lows in the 30s and 40s


Prepare a model of an article to be published in a national daily about any heritage site of Nepal included in the World Heritage Sites list of the UNESCO.​



ideas , customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society


manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.

Not enough insurance can cost more than your monthly payments if you are in an accident. In most cases, you should purchase coverage _________ the minimum amounts.
a) That meets
b) Below
c) Above
d) None of the above
In Georgia, the minimum amount for bodily injury insurance is $50,000 for two people in a motor vehicle accident.
a) True
b) False
Anti-theft devices will raise your insurance premiums.
a) True
b) False
Coverage amounts for bodily injury and personal property liability are usually noted in a series of ____ numbers.
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5


Anti theft device raise your insurance premiums True

1. Insurance helps to compensate loss against perils that are unforeseen or unexpected.

A motor insurance vehicle provides covers ranging from Third party, Third party, Fire & Theft and Comprehensive Covers and their coverage are different.

Typically, premium paid are usually lower than sum paid out by the insurance company when an accident happens.

So, In most cases, you should purchase coverage that meets the minimum amounts. Therefore, A is the answer

2. The answer is true.

In the state of Georgia, the Insurance Act states that the minimum limits of liability insurance for Bodily Injury Liability is $25,000 per person.

Therefore, $50,000 will be for two people affected in a motor accident.

3. The answer is false.

While underwriting a motor insurance, any device such as alarm sounds gives the motor-insured a privilege of some discount on the premium playable, although this varies from company to others.

Therefore, the Anti-theft devices will lower the insurance premium.

Learn more about Motor Insurance here

Behavior increases because something pleasant is added as a consequence of the behavior: The teacher praises students for answering questions in class; because this increases their confidence, these students continue to answer questions even when they are not completely sure if they are right. This is an example of:



Positive reinforcement


In order to get a desirable behaviour, a stimulus is added to the behaviour and there making it more likely the behaviour to happen. The teacher encourages to students to ask questions in the class. It is a part of operant conditioning.


Positive reinforcement


A reinforcer is any consequence that causes the preceding behavior to increase. The increase may be in intensity, frequency, magnitude or some other quality.

1. Describe the powers of the executive branch of the federal government.



The head of the executive branch is the president of the United States, whose powers include being able to veto, or reject, a proposal for a law; appoint federal posts, such as members of government agencies; negotiate foreign treaties with other countries; appoint federal judges; and grant pardons, or forgiveness

Which of the following correctly describes the actions taken in the process represented by section K and L?



K and L


Answer:  i think it is BBB.


elaborate religious tolerance in a paragraph.​pleasee



In religious tolerance people work together by respecting each other's religion. It is matter of fact that each religion has its own importance. ... If we want to rule over other religions, we will only insult God because God says, “All religions are originated from me and end on me.”


Hope it help you friend

Which of the following represents a foreign policy constitutional power of Congress?

a) The Senate confirms ambassadors.

b) The Congress does not have any foreign powers in the Constitution.

c) The Congress negotiates treaties.

d) Congress has the constitutional authority of command over all U.S. armed forces.



Both the president and Congress have some exclusive foreign policy powers, while others are shared or not explicitly assigned by the Constitution.

These two branches of government often clash over foreign policy–making, particularly when it comes to military operations, foreign aid, and immigration.

The judicial branch is limited in how much it can arbitrate constitutional disputes over foreign policy, and it is often reluctant to.

How we-feeling contributes to good society​



Society is based on we-feeling which refers to the feeling of belonging together. Human beings generally did not go around hurting others not so much because of rational thought but because we have that 'fellow-feeling' toward each other. People show eagerness in one another's happiness and sorrows.

what is losar discribe



Losar (Tibetan:, Wylie: lo-gsar; "new year") is a Buddhist celebration celebrated in Tibet. It is also known as Tibetan New Year. The holiday marks the start of the Tibetan lunisolar calendar, which corresponds to February or March in the Gregorian calendar.


How did Sir Isaac Newton advance the field of physics?

A. He invented the microscope to aid research.
B. He developed several laws relating to motion.
C. He proved that Earth moves around the sun.
D. He discovered that moons orbit Jupiter.



How did Sir Isaac Newton advance the field of physics?

B. He developed several laws relating to motion.

B this is what we call Newton’s laws

Kristi works in a day-care center. She notices that Pablo, a 4-year-old boy, often indulges in private speech when doing any activity on his own. She has heard him talking to himself when solving puzzles. Kristi believes in Piaget's theory of cognitive development in children. After seeing Pablo's behavior, Kristi is likely to assume that Pablo's usage of private speech is


Answer: A sign of cognitive immaturity


Cognitive immaturity would be defined as a display of an intelligent act by someone done in an inappropriate manner. This could be seen as when someone is working out on a brain tasking idea but does it far from the normal or known pattern. Pablo speaking to himself while solving puzzle is a sign of cognitive immaturity, the intention for the activity is good but the act by which is done is not matured.

The correct statement for this question is sign of cognitive immaturity

The  cognitive immaturity characteristic that is usually found  among children and  youth can be regarded  as adaptive in as well as  of itself.

The adaptive nature of cognitive immaturity can be found  in developmental research especially in  areas such  as egocentricity, language acquisition and metacognition.

Cognitive immaturity can be regarded as inappropriate manner of displaying of intelligent act that is being carried out by someone.Instance of this is when Pablo was speaking directly to himself at the same time he was solving the puzzle, here we can see that his intention as regards the activity is alright but the act is not appropriate.

Therefore, the correct answer here is that Pablo is exhibiting a  sign of cognitive immaturity

Learn more at;

Rick has been distressed over a long period of time, he has had problems coping with life and relating to people. In addition, he avoids meeting people as he thinks his breathing can be dangerous for others. He also believes that washing his face seven times an hour would keep him healthy. Rick meets all the criteria for abnormality which include _____.





hsjsjbx xv bxhjxjdjdodkdnndjdnndjdindbxbbxjxjdudbjdjdudndbdjhdhdud hi dhdhdjdudbdjhdididbbdj d jdjjdndkdjd


'Radio is the most important means of communication' justify the statement ​


Answer: give me brainliest pls


They enable constant communication among officers and their troops; it can be the tipping point between success and failure. Radio can mitigate loss of life, facilitating immediate requests of medical response, alerting soldiers to danger, and implementing rescue operations.

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