Look back at the paragraph in your lesson about hereditary hemochromatosis. Using a medical dictionary (such as the one linked below), translate it into ordinary English, making sure to get rid of all jargon. Remember to rewrite the paragraph rather than simply swapping out words, as demonstrated in the lesson.

Hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) is an inherited disorder of iron metabolism, with an estimated prevalence of 0.25-0.50% among Caucasians. An epidemiologic study is currently underway to determine the prevalence, as well as the genetic and environmental determinants, of iron overload related to hereditary hemochromatosis in a multiethnic population . . . Early initiation of therapeutic phlebotomy before organ damage occurs may restore a normal life expectancy and improve symptoms.


Answer 1

The term "paraphrase" is used when we rewrite a text, modifying the words, but keeping the meaning of the original text.

Based on this, we can conclude that you should:

Paraphrase the paragraph presented in the question above.Keep the meaning of the paragraph.Remove all jagons, which are specific terms used only by members of a profession.

Based on this, you can paraphrase the paragraph presented in the question above, as follows:

"Hereditary hemochromatosis is the term used to name a genetic disease that passes from generation to generation and is related to iron transformations within the human body. This disease is more common in white individuals, where it shows a prevalence of approximately 0.25-0.50%. Scientists have already started several studies and researches to understand and control the causes and distribution of this disease, as well as understand all the elements that can stimulate it. However, it is already known that early blood collection can indicate abnormal levels of iron in the body and allow the patient to start treatment early, before damage to the organs occurs, improving the symptoms of the disease and increasing the life expectancy of this patient."

You can find more information about paraphrasing at the link below:


Related Questions

Which word best completes the sentence in a way that presents Gabriella's experience positively?

"It's time to get up," Mother _______softly into Gabriella's ear.



"it's time to get up ", mother whispered softly into Gabriella 's ear.


Its whispered


Took the K12 unit test

account question
started business with cash rs 2,00,000



Cash account Dr(debit)

To capital account

What are advantages and disadvantages of gender equality ?


The advantage is women are paid equally to men

What stanza pattern is used in Sir Gawian and the Green Knihgt



Bob and Wheel


the stanza form is a Bob and Wheel method, short followed by long.

13. Which statement best explains the purpose of a thesis statement?
1) A thesis statement should outline the sources you are using in your research report and tell how you plan to use them.
2) A thesis statement discusses the steps you used to create your research question and to research and write your report.
3) A thesis statement any problems you had while working on your research
report and how you addressed them.
4) A thesis statement should answer your research question and state the claim the research report will try to prove.



I believe the answer is 4).

Please mark brainliest.  Hope this helped.


4, I took the exam


hello question above



she couldn't speak English and she didn't know how to read

For her challenges it’s in the first paragraph.
-she couldn’t speak English when she Came to the us
- she was too shy to make friends or talk to people
-she would never talk in class because she was afraid of being made fun of
-her mind was in a fixed state
-she avoided challenges and gave up early

Can you guys what is this about



Communication between nature and humans


Basically Frost wrote about how nature can often help heal the negative emotions that humans can have, which is why in the last two lines he says "and saved some part of a day I rued."

my house... while i was away



are you missing your house

which answer option most likely describes an essay written to persuade
a.An essay explaining how to protect a computer from viruses
b.An essay sharing a humorous experience at the zoo
c.An essay discussing reasons why students should not be required to take exams
d.An essay giving facts about nutrition



D An essay giving facts about nutrition maybe the correct answer

The answer is C. Persuasive means to try and get someone to agree to what your point is. An essay on why students shouldn’t have to take exams is an opinion and your trying to get peers to agree with your opinion
Answer: C

How would you describe Walden Pond?


It is deep, pure, sometimes blue and sometimes green, not very abundant in fish besides pickerel, has an irregular shore, and is inhabited peacefully by ducks and geese and frogs and other wildlife, like White Pond, a nearby pond it resembles.

Hope this helps

6. Read the text from a character in the Princess Bride by William Goldman.
As a child, I had simply no interest in books. I hated reading, I was very bad at it, and besides, how could you take the time to read when there were games that shrieked for playing Basketball,
baseball, marbles - I could never get enough. I wasn't even good at them, but give me a football and an empty playground and I could Invent last-second triumphs that would bring tears to your
What happened was just this: I got hooked on the story. For the first time in my life, I became actively interested in a book. Me the sports fanatic, me the game freak, me the only 10-year-old in
Illinois with a hate on for the alphabet wanted to know what happened next.
Which of the following statements is false about this character?
A He is a flat character with only one mission.
B. He is a dynamic character and has experienced change.
C. He is the narrator and a major character.
D. He is a round character with many personality traits.






Sounds like the answer is C

"Anger kick a rock and bring wounds on their toes" explanation​




we have the school keeper open the class
We have



so what we do


what is question

Make acrostics with- mother​



Mark acrostics with- mother.


M- marvelous

O- overflowing love

T- touching

H- heart of

E- everyone she

R- reaches


Hope it helps!


[tex]Park \: Sun-min[/tex]

Which sentence is written correctly?
Karina, the new student body president, was previously the class treasurer.
Karina the new student body president, was previously the class treasurer.
Karina, the new student body president was previously the class treasurer.
Karina the new student body president was previously the class treasurer.


The first one. Karina, the new student body president, was previously the class treasurer.
The first stence is written correctly. Hope this helps! You got this!

1. Complete the sentences with too / enough / not ... enough.
Example: We didn’t have enough money to go to the opera. It was too expensive.(expensive)
1. It was too cold to visit the caves. It was ____________________________ (warm).
2. We had enough time to visit the castle, but it was __________________________ (crowded).
3. Six people wanted to go to the museum. Luckily, Carla’s car was _________________ (big).
4. I wanted to go to the opera, but I didn’t have ________________________ (money).
5. The reef is not safe for the children. It’s ___________________________ (dangerous)



1. not warm enough

2. too crowded

3. bid enough

4. enough money

5. too dangerous


the above answers fill in the sentences correctly.

Sentences with too / enough / not ... enough:

⇒It was too cold to visit the caves. It was not warm enough.

⇒We had enough time to visit the castle, but it was too crowded.

⇒Six people wanted to go to the museum. Luckily, Carla’s car was bid enough.

⇒I wanted to go to the opera, but I didn’t have enough money.

⇒The reef is not safe for the children. It’s too dangerous.

What are Sentences?

We can infer from sentences that they are the greatest independent grammatical unit. Capital letters are used to start sentences, and a period, question mark, or exclamation point is used to conclude them.

Latin for "to feel" is the root of the word "sentence." Sentential is the word's adjective form.

According to classical definitions, a sentence is any word or collection of words that fully communicates a concept and has both a subject and a verb.

What are Museum?

A museum is a permanent, nonprofit organization that collects, preserves, conducts research, and communicates artifacts for the benefit of all members of society and the advancement of civilization.

For the goals of education, research, and entertainment, museums display the material and immaterial heritage of humans and their surroundings.

To learn more about Museum here



If I had known you needed the book, I'd have brought it with me.
In the above sentence, “if” is
O a coordinating conjunction
O a preposition
O a subordinator
O an adjective
o none of these



it's a coordinating conjunction

Match each type of context clue with the correct sentence. The unknown word is underlined.

Drag each tile to the correct box.

definition clue
example clue
synonym clue
antonym clue
Constellations, including Aquarius and Orion,
are easiest to view on a clear, cloudless night.
As Zander walked through the forest, there
was a sense of foreboding, unease, and worry.
While Audrey had a grievance with her boss,
she also had praise and appreciation.
A bibliography is a list of texts referred to by
an author.



Constellations, including Aquarius and Orion,

are easiest to view on a clear, cloudless night.

arrowBoth (example clue)

As Zander walked through the forest, there

was a sense of foreboding, unease, and worry.(synoym clue)


While Audrey had a grievance with her boss,

she also had praise and appreciation.(antonym clue)


A bibliography is a list of texts referred to by

an author. (definition clue)

Which real words do these nonsense words remind you of? brillig_____ Slithy_____ Mimsy_______ Frumious________







Which of the following sentences contains the best example of figurative language?

I'm sure that I failed that horrible exam.

His brown hair blew wildly around in the wind.

Her lips were as red as roses in the spring.

None of the sentences use figurative language.



C. Her lips were as red as roses in the spring.

Explanation: Figurative language is phrasing that goes beyond the literal meaning of words to get a message or point across. Clearly, her lips were not red roses, but the author uses figurative language to bring an image into the mind of the reader. Hope this helps!

You must answer this question.
You received an email from your friend, Dominic, who recently moved to your
Hi there,
It was nice meeting you today. I just realised that there is no newspaper delivery
service to the neighbourhood. Where do you get it from? My dad still insists on
reading printed newspapers. Does your dad read the news online? How do I
convinced my dad to read the news online?
Now write an email to your friend in about 80 words.


Answer:Hello Dominic, I enjoyed meeting you as well. We signed up to receive the local news paper at the library in town. My dad likes to read a hard copy as well! I keep telling him to read it online but he never gives in. You could explain to him that he would revive the newspaper on time everyday, and that it won’t get wet in the rain like a normal paper would. I hope I could help!


Rewrite each of the following sentences on your own paper, changing all passive voice verbs to active verbs.

1. The coconut cream pie was gobbled down by the starving Scouts.

2. The little village was drenched by a blinding downpour.

3. The budget was slashed by the angry city council.

4. The football goal posts were toppled by the swarming fans.

5. The pale rose petals were caressed by silver moonbeams.

6. A stern warning to striking workers was issued by the governor.

7. The field was pranced upon by the playful ponies.

8. The air was filled by the steady beat of drums.

9. Through the fog and mist a beacon of assurance was sent out by the old lighthouse.

10. Stories of hardship and suffering were told by old Mrs. Hawkins.



First let's look at the difference between active and passive voice:

"Active voice means that a sentence has a subject that acts upon its verb. Passive voice means that a subject is a recipient of a verb's action."

1) The coconut cream pie was gobbled down by the starving Scouts.

What's the subject? The coconut cream pie. What is it doing? Nothing. Its the scouts that are preforming the verb of the sentence. In order to find active voice, we must make that Scouts the subject of the sentence.

The starving scouts gobbled down the coconut cream pie.

2)The little village was drenched by a blinding downpour.

Let's try a different approach. What is the verb? Drenched. Now what is doing the drenching? The down pour. Whatever noun is preforming the verb will be the subject of an active voice sentence. So . . .

A blinding downpour drenched the little village.

In short, in active voice, the main subject must be doing the main verb


I'm not going to give an explanation for all of these, but I encourage you to try some of these yourself using the methods introduced above i.e find the main verb and from there find what is doing the verb, or find the main subject and create the sentence around it so it's doing the action.

3) The angry city council slashed the budget.

4) The swarming fans toppled the football goal posts.

5) The silver moonbeams caressed the pale rose petals

6) The governor issued a stern warning to striking workers

(Note: Here, striking is not the verb of the sentence but an adjective to describe workers. Could also be a gerund, I'm not sure. Either way, it's not the main verb.)

7) The playful ponies pranced upon the field.

8) The stead beat of drums filled the air.

9) Through the fog and mist, the old light house sent a beacon of assurance.

(Note: Through the fog and mist is a prepositional phrase and could be put at the end of the sentence or the beginning)

10) Mrs. Hawkins told stories of hardship and suffering.

(Note: suffering is part of the preposition and thus is not the main verb)

15. How can these two sentences be combined into one compound sentence?

The dog wanted to jump into the water. The owner wouldn't allow it.
Although the dog wanted to jump into the water, the owner wouldn't allow it.
As the dog wanted to jump into the water, the owner wouldn't allow it.
The dog wanted to jump into the water, but the owner wouldn't allow it
The owner wouldn't allow it: The dog wanted to jump into the water.



Although the dog wanted to jump into the water, the owner wouldn't allow it.


This is the best answer choice because it has the same tense all throughout the sentance. It uses "past tense" in both parts of the compound.


1. Swell

A. pulse
B. exterminate
C. know
D. exceed
E. enlarge

2. Name

A. announce
B. number
C. stretch
D. curiosity
E. attach



as we all know synonyms are words that are similar in meaning or you can see same in meaning.

so therefore the synonyms for swell is enlarge.

what is called education​


Education is the process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, morals, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include teaching, training, storytelling, discussion and directed research. ... The methodology of teaching is called pedagogy.


It is the process of learning or gaining knowledge.

What linking verb best fit in the blank


1. is
2. gets
3. Will, be
4. will, have
5. seem, to

I should probably ask a question on this site, so here's an easy one for yall.

Why do so many people believe that "the book is always better than the movie"?

A) Books usually include details films leave out.
B) Books usually provide less background information.
C) Books usually include a lot of dialogue.
D) Books usually provide more visual appeal.



A) Books usually include details films leave out.


A: Books usually include details movies leave out


I took the test

1. Much of our knowledge of dinosaurs comes from
excavated bones, which, in ------- other clues such as
fossilized tracks and eggs, help us to ------- the
evolution of these creatures.
(A) convergence with .. supplant
(B) divergence from .. decode
(C) dependence on .. belie
(D) opposition to .. amplify
(E) conjunction with .. trace


d! i got this right hope you do

I need help please ASAP



What's on the screen?


The camera is too far away from the screen.

Which one of the four is the answer. Thank you



I think a ryhme

mostly because of the rhyming at the end of each sentence

Other Questions
Quelle jour de la semain etes vous ne(e)s The growth and prosperity of British colonies in North America during the 17th-century triggered new measures of Imperial Control. In a thoughtful and thorough essay, examine the enforcement of Imperial colonial policies following the Restoration of Charles II in 1660. Additionally, discuss the reaction of American colonists to those policies. Finally, discuss how the Glorious Revolution altered Imperial colonial policy moving into the 18th-century. Lainey is looking for a new apartment and her realtor keeps calling her with new listings. The calls only take a few minutes, but a few minutes here and there are really starting to add up. She's having trouble concentrating on her work. What should Lainey do? a) Tell her realtor she can only receive text messages O b) Limit the time spent on each call O c) Turn off her phone until she is on a break O di Call her realtor back when customers won't see her on the phone Yooooo HELPPPwith this question plz Find the measure of side C and round to the nearest whole number. Pls help ASAP 10 points please help im confusedWhat is the volume of the prism?103.8 cubic inches114.9 cubic inches140.6 cubic inches110.5 cubic inches A physical pendulum in the form of a planar object moves in simple harmonic motion with a frequency of 0.680 Hz. The pendulum has a mass of 2.00 kg, and the pivot is located 0.340 m from the center of mass. Determine the moment of inertia of the pendulum about the pivot point. Carmen MartinezWhat is the slope of the line that passes through the point 4,4 and 10,7 write your answer in simplest form What is the meaning of freedom ? ( in big terms, very descriptive) Lusine saw birds and mice eating seeds on the ground. She calculated 12 heads and 39 legs in total. How many birds and mice are on the ground? The negative effect humans have on the stability of the environment is mostly directly linked to an increase in one similarity between physics and chemistry is... slove the equation for y and x The freezing point of oxygen is 218.790C and hydrogen is 252.80C. A lab is lowering the temperature inside a fridge. Which freezes first? How much colder does it have to be for both to freeze? PLS HELP ME ON THIS QUESTION I WILL MARK YOU AS BRAINLIEST IF YOU KNOW THE ANSWER!! Can A KIND SOUL HELP ME OUT??? ALL THE ANSWERS I SEE ARE WRONG FOR THIS PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!:(((Find the measures of angles x, y and z in the figure.please show how you got it so I can see if the answer makes sense!!!! which statement accuretly contrasts the effects of judahism and christianity? who is the first president of usa someone answer fast with a model: Kevin spends $11.25 on lunch every week during the school year.If there are 35.5 weeks during the school year how much dies Kevin spend on lunch over the entire school year? Remember to round to the nearest penny Hydrogen chloride decomposes to form hydrogen and chlorine, like this: 2HCl(g) + H2(g) Cl2(g) Also, a chemist finds that at a certain temperature the equilibrium mixture of hydrogen chloride, hydrogen, and chlorine has the following composition: compound pressure at equilibrium HCl 84.4 atmH2 77.9 atmCl2 54.4Required:Calculate the value of the equilibrium constant for this reaction. Round your answer to significant digits.