What is the meaning of freedom ? ( in big terms, very descriptive)


Answer 1


Freedom is the quality or state of being free . Such as : being able to have rights for using water , being able to participate in different programs, being able to fulfill the needs etc. Freedom is the most necessity that a human being needs and deserves.

Answer 2
Freedom, to me is not getting help down by something, having the ability to do whatever you want, whenever and wherever. No matter what you do, you will not be criticised, marked down or scrutinised. For example, Singapore, here we have the freedom of speech, meaning we have the rights/ the ability to voice out our thoughts freely without having to worry about getting shot down (not literally) or getting cancelled.

Related Questions

Help please
Witch of the following is an unethical in persuasive speaking?
A: telling the truth even if it hinders your argument.
B: persuading someone for your one benefit.
C: starting your own personal opinion.
D: accurately siting your sources.
E: seeking to influence others life’s in a worthwhile way.





The option which is unethical in persuasive speaking is persuading someone for your one benefit. Thus, option B is correct.

What is persuasive speaking?

A persuasive speech is one that is written to persuade someone to believe or do something. Persuasive speeches are used in a number of professional settings, including debates, sales pitches, presentations, and judicial processes.

Persuasive speech is used to convince an audience of a particular point of view. We often believe that we have a beneficial impact on others, but this is not always the case. Persuasive speaking abilities assist us in being more compelling and making a genuine effect when we talk.

Persuasion is immoral if the listener is unable to say no, leave the setting, or avoid additional persuasive messages. The immoral choice in persuasive speaking is convincing someone for your own profit. Hence, option B is correct.

Learn more about the persuasive speaking here:



fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs given in the brackets ................. 1. one of the boys _________ (be) a good student 2. The policemen _______(has) solved the case​



1. being 2. had its correct answer

why was the author on papuan island in the story of in the jaws of the aligator



He belonged to the native village.


Because he worked for the author when called.

Hiii mate

. The Alligator is resting when the three averages are twisted together progressing in a narrow range. The more disant the averages become the sooner the price move will happen.

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If it helps you mark me as a brainleast

the dog went with them
pls rearrange the jumbled sentences ​



the dog went with them


there is no difference because the question is correct

why did the narroter ignore the booking of dogs​



The narrator ignored the barking dogs because he was too busy in reading a book.


He did not want to disturb himself. The narrator thought that it must be the routine affair of street dogs barking at a hapless pig near the street.

using ‘such…that’ or ‘so…that’
He bought many cars.He didn’t know where to park all of them.



He bought such a lot of cars that he didn't know where to park all of them.

He has so many cars that he didn't know where to park all of them


What detail in the excerpt supports the idea that Elizabeth is also biased against Darcy?

“My faults, according to this calculation, are heavy indeed”
“These bitter accusations might have been suppressed”
“Had not your pride been hurt by my honest confession”
“I thank you for explaining it so fully”








On Plato. I got it RIGHT! A+

Read the following passage:
Jake is a running back for our school football team. Jake played a fantastic football game on Saturday, Jake had 195 rushing
yards and Jake scored 3 touchdowns.
Which option uses referents to make it most coherent?
Jake is a running back for our school football team. He played a fantastic game on Saturday. He had 195 rushing yards
and Jake scored 3 touchdowns.
Jake is a running back for our school football team. He played a fantastic game on Saturday. He had 195 rushing yards
and scored 3 touchdowns.
Jake is a running back for our school football team. Jake played a fantastic game on Saturday, Jake had 195 rushing
yards and Jake scored 3 touchdowns.
He is a running back for our school football team. He played a fantastic football game on Saturday. He had 195 rushing
yards and scored 3 touchdowns.



Jake is the man of the match

Why did Travis’s father beat Travis


Please answer fast



What do you mean?!


Story of the dog and 2 crow



Once a dog found a piece of bone. He was eating it sitting under a tree. There sat a crow on the tree. It wished to take away the bone for itself. The crow was very cunning. It flew away. After some time it returned there with another crow. Both the crows went to the dog. One of them with the beak pulled the dog by his tail. The dog felt disturbed and annoyed. Again the crow bit the dog in his tail. The dog got very angry. He dropped the piece of bone on the ground and then looked back to see what the matter was. In the meantime the second crow picked up the bone and flew away with it. The dog ran after the crows but in vain. He was very sad.


Hope this helps! Thanks.

1. Half the world's rain forests have already been ___________.
a. endangered b. eroded c. found d. destroyed
2. Try to eliminate fatty foods from your diet.
a. limit b. get rid of c. move d. add
3. Acid rain has caused severe _______ on the hillside.
a. erosion b. pollution c. destruction d. floods
4. This channel allows rainwater to run off.
a. keep inside b. move around c. flow into d. flow out of
5. A large hydroelectric __________was built on the River Danube.
a. power b. dam c. bank d. wall
6. Water can be held on the land by vegetation.
a. plants and trees b. grown trees c. the growth of plantsd. plants used as food
7. _________air makes people unpleasant to breathe.
a. Pollute b. Pollution.
c. Polluted d. Polluting



1. Destroyed

2. Get rid of

3. floods

4. Flow out of

5. dam

6. Plants and trees

7. Polluted

Just a young gun with a quick fuse
I was uptight, wanna let loose
I was dreaming of bigger things and
Wanna leave my own life behind
Not a "Yes sir", not a follower
Fit the box, fit the mold
Have a seat in the foyer, take a number
I was lightning before the thunder
Thunder, thunder
Thunder, thun-, thunder
Thun-thun-thunder, thunder
Thunder, thunder, thun-, thunder
Thun-thun-thunder, thunder
Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning and the thunder
Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning and the thunder
Thunder, thunder
Kids were laughing in my classes
While I was scheming for the masses
Who do you think you are?
Dreaming 'bout being a big star
You say you're basic, you say you're easy
You're always riding in the backseat
Now I'm smiling from the stage while
You were clapping in the nosebleeds
Thunder, thunder, thun-
Thunder, thun-thun-thunder
Thunder, thunder
Thunder, thun-, thunder
Thun-thun-thunder, thunder
Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning and the thunder
Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning and the thunder
Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning and the thunder
Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning and the thunder, thunder
Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning and the thunder, thunder
Thunder, feel the thunder
Lightning and the thunder, thunder
Thunder, feel the thunder (feel the)
Lightning and the thunder, thunder



awwww. beautiful . poem

The author mentions the fire train to



the last option make better sense

The author mentions the fire train to encourage the rebuilding of the tunnel to better deal with emergencies. Thus option (D) is correct.

Who is an author?

An author is one who is the source of some form of intellectual or creative work; especially, one who composes a book, article, poem, play, or other literary work intended for publication.

Usually a distinction is made between an author and others (such as a compiler, an editor, or a translator) who assemble, organize, or manipulate literary materials.

Sometimes, however, the title of author is given to one who compiles material (as for publication) in such a way that the finished compilation can be regarded as a relatively original work.

The author mentions the fire train to encourage the rebuilding of the tunnel to better deal with emergencies. Therefore, option (D) is correct.

Learn more about an author here:



Find and correct the mistake
1. The children did their homework when their father came back from the office. 2. He played the guitar when someone opened the window and threw out a bucket of water. ​



1. The children were doing their homework when their father came back from the office.

2. He was playing the guitar when someone opened the window and threw out a bucket of water.

Which of the following is NOT a good tip for creative writing?
A. Create a plan for your writing.
B. Make sure your vocabulary is appropriate for your audience.
C. Make sure your plot is well structured.
D. Use clichés and predictable expressions.





Clichés are phrases/opinions that are overused, meaning that it is very common. In creative writing, you need your OWN original thoughts, not common thoughts. Predictable expressions are believed as unoriginal, so you might want to avoid it.

Option D Use cliches and predictable expressions is NOT a good tip for creative writing.

What is creative writing?

Creative writing exists as a format of writing where creativity stands at the forefront of its meaning through using imagination, creativity, and creation to suggest a story via strong written visuals with an inspirational impact, like in poem writing, short story writing, and novel writing, and more.

Creative writing exists as any writing that goes outside the bounds of normal specialist, journalistic, academic, or technical conditions of literature, typically determined by an emphasis on narrative craft, character development, and the usage of literary tropes or with different conventions of poetry and poetics.

A cliche exists as an element of an artistic work, speaking, or idea that has become overused to the point of losing its authentic meaning or consequence, even to the point of being trite or irritating, especially when at some earlier time it was deemed significant or novel.

The intention of predictability exists for an individual for whom it is easy to anticipate actions or something comfortable to foresee or anticipate what it will do.

Option D Use cliches and predictable expressions is NOT a good tip for creative writing.

To learn more about creative writing refer to:



Turn these sentences into passive :They have to repair the engine of the car.



the engine of the car have to be repaired by them

Read the message from your cousin, Benny.

I failed my Mathematics again! My parents scolded me. My sister said I'm lazy. I really hate Mathematics. I'm very depressed. What should I do?

in about 80 words, write a message to Benny giving some advice.​



i mean you could take a walk go swimming think postive or you could get a pet or something that could make you feel happy and like not alone.


What does gratiano say when he saw shylock sharpening his knife?



what? you are aksing book question

How many times have I told you ... football in the street?


I think it's not to play, I could be wrong

Which situation from “Initiation” is an example of internal conflict?

Millicent struggles with her motivation for joining the sorority.
Millicent struggles with her tasks during her sorority initiation week.
Millicent struggles with the big sister the sorority assigns her.
Millicent struggles with peer pressure from the sorority..



The correct answer is:

A) Millicent struggles with her motivation for joining the sorority. This sentence is the only one that really shows an internal debate or conflict on what to do.


hope this helps you pls mark as brainliest

pls !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



1) get over


3)found out


5)go round


7)melting pot

8)set up

9)keep up with

10)round about

I think this is the answer

Please help me from 1 to 24



























how do you know that "the path to paper son" and "Louie share kim, paper son" are informtional texs? Give there examples.



The texts use a descriptive language.

Both texts make extensive use of adjectives

Both texts explain an event related to illegal immigration.


Which sentence uses a comma correctly to set up coordinating adjectives?


for me its number 1 ❤️

Write at least five statements from the reading. including quotes with page numbers, that contain the evidence that Carr is using to make his argument.



1 . The Net’s interactivity gives us powerful new tools for finding information, expressing ourselves, and conversing with others. It also turns us into lab rats constantly pressing levers to get tiny pellets of social or intellectual nourishment.

2.What the Net seems to be doing is chipping away my capacity for concentration and contemplation. Whether I’m online or not, my mind now expects to take in information the way the Net distributes it: in a swiftly moving stream of particles. Once I was a scuba diver in the sea of words. Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet Ski.

3.We become, neurologically, what we think."(33)

4.In the quiet spaces opened up by the prolonged, undistracted reading of a book, people made their own associations, drew their own inferences and analogies, fostered their own ideas. They thought deeply as they read deeply.

5.Culture is sustained in our synapses...It's more than what can be reduced to binary code and uploaded onto the Net. To remain vital, culture must be renewed in the minds of the members of every generation. Outsource memory, and culture withers.

Answer these questions correctly

5) There ____ to be ____ reasons for changing our plans.

(a) appear; fewer

(b) appears; no

(c) appears; a few

(d) appear; several

6) The chart shows ____ of people who visited the gallery ____ day.

(a) a number; every

(b) number; each

(c) the number; each

(d) numbers; every
7) The number of passengers carried each year ____ gradually.

(a) have risen

(b) has raised

(c) have grown

(d) has risen

8) The car ____ stolen while ____ in an isolated place.

(a) is; being parked

(b) was; parking

(c) has been; parked

(d) was; parked

9) I ____ until the game began.

(a) needn’t wait

(b) shouldn’t wait

(c) oughtn’t to wait

(d) needn’t have waited

10) Everyone likes it here ____ used to it.

(a) when he gets

(b) when she gets

(c) once you get

(d) once they get​


5. (d)

6. (c)

7. (a)

8. (d)

9. probably (b)

10. (d)

Write a couple sentences about how you got your drivers license and how it felt for your autobiography essay. (About 5 sentences will do)


The Steps to Obtain Your Driver’s License Getting a driver’s license is one of the biggest things in a young adult’s time as a teenager. Some young adults can wait until they are eighteen years of age to get it, but it is possible to get at the age of sixteen. Not only do more responsibilities come along, but a teenager is also acting like a more mature adult. It is a great achievement, but to get your driver’s license, you have to go through a big process. To get your driver’s license at age sixteen, it takes a lot of work, time and effort. Before you get close to even getting your driver’s license, you got to take it from step one and go through the process called driver’s education.

What type of conflict does this passage reveal?

character vs. character
character vs. nature
character vs. self
character vs. society



character vs. nature


In the article “why do we hate?” Jim mohr explains that we can change our patterns of hate. “There must be hope, “he says. Do you believe there is hope for the capulets and montagues? In four to six sentences, explain your answer using examples from the play. Use proper spelling and grammar.



Yes,there is hope for the capulets and montagues.

There is hope for family reunification because death connects others. In the play "Romeo and Juliet," they fall in love like crazy, but their families hate each other.  They love so much that Juliet pretends to die so that he can escape with Romeo.  However, Romeo is unaware that she is killing herself by pretending to be with her in her afterlife.

Thus,yes there is hope.

Learn more :


write about a time when you or someone you know was lost. short paragraph ​


Answer: I am going to talk about an incident that happened to me, which I never forget. It happened in 2015. During summer vacations my uncle planned a trip for children because we got bored at home so we decided to go to Jaipur.  All of us were thrilled and excited. We packed the things we needed such as food and water . We started our journey the very next day early in the morning since where we had to go was far away, so if we began in the morning, then we reached in the evening.  While we stopped near a jungle, and there was no shop available. My cousin and I were told to find someone in the jungle who can help us. When we entered the jungle, we had lost our path and after walking for a while. By this point my cousin and I had gotten really scared since we were lost in the middle of nowhere and didn't know how to get back to our car. We tried the phone, but unfortunately, the network was not available.  We also heard weird noises in the jungle, and got even more frightened than before. After a while of searching our way back my cousin and I saw two people walking toward us. We asked if they could help us back. They agreed to help us, and we soon reached back to our car. So that was the time when I lost in a place.

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