Mention the reasons for abandoning the classical Arabic by Arab youth.


Answer 1



One reason that Arab youth are abandoning classical Arabic is due to the changing times. English keeps infiltrating more and more societies as the world language so Arabic youth tend to use it more when texting each other or using social media because it means that they can be understood by more people than just people who can speak Arabic.

Schooling system

A significant number of schools, even in Arab countries, offer their classes in foreign languages such as English and French. This has led to Arab youth learning more of those languages and less of classical Arabic which they can only pick up from family or interactions outside school.

The need to get Jobs

With the world increasingly moving towards convergence as a global village, most jobs require that prospective staff be able to speak a foreign language such as English that would enable them communicate with foreigners.

As a result, Arab youth find themselves communicating in English more in order to qualify for jobs.

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I need help ASAP!!
Describe The Second Civil War in one sentence!



War between South and North to settle an issue of slavery.


Hope that helps.

In Katz v. United States, the Supreme Court ruled on whether police could tap
a public phone without a warrant. Identify one way in which the case is legally


Answer: D. It established the idea of a reasonable expectation of privacy.


In Katz v. United States, the FBI had arrested Charles Katz who was into illegal sports betting after listening in on his conversation in a phone booth without a search warrant. They listened to his conversation from outside the phone booth because they did not want to break the Fourth Amendment which demanded that they use a warrant.

The lower courts supported the FBI until the case reached the Supreme Court which stated that the FBI was in breach of the Fourth Amendment because of the idea of a reasonable expectation of privacy which meant that even if a person was in the public domain, there were things that they wanted to keep private and the Fourth Amendment protected this.

what did the kellogg briand pact and the league of nations lack?



lack of influence on foreign policy


sorry if this isnt too helpful

As a practical matter, the Kellogg–Briand Pact did not live up to its primary aims, but has arguably had some success. It did not end war or stop the rise of militarism, and was unable to keep the international peace in succeeding years.

Help Asap please!

Discussion Post:

Give some thought to the changes that the Spanish brought to California and their legacy/heritage to the state. Think about about the effect the Spanish had on Modern California.



The modern state of California was considered part of the Spanish empire for nearly 300 years. The Spanish colonial period had a profound effect on the cultural, religious, and economic development of the state.the US state of California has a long history of Spanish colonial rule that has greatly impacted the state's development to the present dayThe impact of colonial Spain can be seen everywhere in modern-day California. Perhaps most obviously, many of the Spanish pueblos still exist as California's major cities, such as Los Angeles and San Francisco. And up until recently, these cities were often ruled according to strict racial hierarchies, as they were in the Spanish area, with citizens of European descent controlling the cities and people of Native and Mexican descent largely shut out from power.

Which laws were passed by states to limit what slaves could do?



Black codes were restrictive laws designed to limit the freedom of African Americans and ensure their availability as a cheap labor force after slavery was abolished during the Civil War.

Which of the following is not a potential problem of using more nuclear energy



A. The cost of nuclear fuel is very low


hope this helps

Help y’all this don’t make sense ??!!!



Railroad cars.


Have a great summer.

First guy is indeed right!

The bicycle rider followed a straight path along a road. Based on the information in the diagram,
which of these occurred between the two times given?



a. decrease in speed.


According to the given diagram, there is a decrease occur in the speed of the bicycle because the initial speed of bicycle is 4 m/s whereas in the end, they have the speed of 3 m/s. So the speed decreases from 4 m/s to 3 m/s, the bicycle takes more time to reach its destination. There is also acceleration produced due to change in their speed but the acceleration is negative due to lowering of speed.

A friend of yours have an interview with an economics consulting firm and has been asked to discuss a microeconomics topic. Which of the following topics would you recommend that your friend discuss?


Microeconomics is the study of the individual units that make up the economy, such as households and businesses. The baseball card industry is a specific industry, so this is microeconomics. The other three topics involve broader workings of the economy, and are macroeconomics

what was the legacy of the Haymarket riot among employers?​



The Haymarket riots legacy is the establishment of International Workers Day on May 1st.



How was impact of beliefs and idea a issue of the past

How does it still affect people in the present




They influence the basics of life. ... Belief systems influence how we live our lives, treat others, and should only influence human kind positively. Buddhism influences people in many ways. In the religion of Buddhism there is no god so there are no rules from god that they follow.

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
If the president vetoes a bill, the bill (does not become a law, becomes a law) . If a president does not take action on the bill for 10 days, the bill. (does not become a law, becomes a law) . This is known as a (veto override, pocket veto) .



1) If the president vetoes a bill (does not become a law)

2) If a president does not take action on the bill for 10 days, the bill.(does not become a law)

This is known as a Pocket Veto


1. If the president vetoes a bill, the Congress shall reconsider it (together with the president's objections), and if both houses of the Congress vote to pass the law again by a two-thirds majority, then the bill becomes law, notwithstanding the president's veto.

2. If Congress adjourns before the 10 days and the President has not signed the bill then it does not become law ("Pocket Veto.") ...

If the veto of the bill is overridden in both chambers then it becomes law.


The Vietnam War was in some ways quite similar to the Korean War except for the outcome. Describe what the outcome of the Vietnam War was and how the country fared after the conflict ended.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

The outcome of the Vietnam War unfolded after the leaked documents called the "Pentagon Papers" and the Watergate Scandal that made United States President Richard Nixon be impeached by Congress. That is when the US federal government decided to withdraw teh US troops from South Vietnam.

The country fared the government with doubt and resentment after mass media had reported the issue of the Pentagon Papers, Watergate Scandal,  how the government had lied about the conflict, the public sense that the Vietnam War was not a war to be fought by America, and the indignation for the many young Americans' deaths during the war.

What is one potential benefit of establishing trade barriers?



Trade barriers protect domestic industry and jobs. Workers in export industries benefit from trade. Moreover, all workers are consumers and benefit from the expanded market choices and lower prices that trade brings.

Trade barriers can limit their ability to export products, leading to loss of revenue and decreased profit. On a larger scale, trade barriers affect economic growth. For example, in developing countries which are unable to export goods because of high tariffs, trade barriers can limit their ability to prosper and expand their operations.

The Declaration of Independence appropriates some of the tenets or ideas derived from the Age of Reason or Revolutionary period. Which tenet or idea does the underlined or highlighted part derive from (or allude to)


The correct answer to this one question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to attach the tenets or idea does the underlined or highlighted idea to choose from. Without that information, we do not know what the options are.

However, trying to help you, we can comment on general terms.

Indeed, the Declaration of Independence appropriates some of the tenets or ideas derived from the Age of Reason.

We are referring to the relevant concepts such as liberty, freedom, and rights are included in the declaration such as the right to own property and have a happy life.

The founding fathers received the influence of great philosopher of the Enlightenment such as Voltaire, Baron de Montesquieu, Jean-Jaques Rosseau, John Locke, and Thomas Hobbes

The Declaration of Independence was promulgated on July 4, 1776. THe drafters of the Declaration were Thomas Jefferson, Robert Livingstone, Roger Sherman, Benjamin Franklin, and John Adams.

What was an activity of the national war larbor board


Its main activity was to prevent labor disputes during the cause of the war and also ensure that higher wage settlements did not result in inflation.

How did the police respond to protestors at the Democratic National Convention in 1968?​


Answer I b
hope u get it right I’m new at this

In 100 to 150 words, explain the political changes from Map 1 to Map 2.


There’s no maps? I don’t see any :0

Please The causes of the rise of the Renaissance?​



Historians have identified several causes for the emergence of the Renaissance following the Middle Ages, such as: increased interaction between different cultures, the rediscovery of ancient Greek and Roman texts, the emergence of humanism, different artistic and technological innovations, and the impacts of conflict


Rise of Intellectuals: ...
Reintroduction of Classical Works. ...
The discovery of the Printing Press: ...
Patronage of Rulers, Popes and Nobles: ...
The Crusades: ...
Trade and Prosperity: ...
New Wealth and the Black Death. ...
Peace and War.

These are the reasons

Which situation was more likely to occur during French colonial rule in
Indochina than before the French arrived?
A. A Cambodian nationalist group attempts to overthrow the
OB. A Laotian farmer is required to sell his crops locally rather than
exporting them
C. A Vietnamese political leader successfully bans the use and sale
of opium
D. A Vietnamese student is prevented from learning to read and write
in French

Answer: A





In Indochina Cambodian nationalist group attempted to overthrow the

the government before the French arrived.  

China was ruling Indochina regions before France occupied and started establishing its monopoly in these regions that are Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos.

The French colonialism gave the Indochina society many social benefits in terms of education, western weapons, products, and transportation system. French colonialism also started their catholic religion in those states to promote their culture.

Learn more about French colonial rule here:

What can you infer about Percy Jackson based on this scene in the classroom. Use details from the story to support your answer.


Huh um a picture will help

The goal of Mao Zedong's Great Leap Forward was to:
A.)collectivize farmland ownership.
B.)encourage China's export of consumer goods.
C.(privatize businesses.
D.)create greater cooperation with the West.


B. Should be ur answer budddyyy

Can someone give me some examples of landforms?? Pls


Hills, mountains, plateaus,canyons and valleys


mountains, plateaus, canyons, and valleys.

Explique qual foi a posição da Igreja Católica diante das inovações e descobertas científicas do Renascimento.





Why are Jesus Paul and Augustine considered to be the three most important figures in Christianity?

What is original sin and why does it lead to the need to expect a savior!



Jesus, Paul, and Augustine helped bring the Good News, and build the basis of Christianity.

Original sin refers to the sin committed by the first man and woman in the book of Genesis.

This sin destroyed the relationship of God and man and would be only repaired if a savior comes to save or redeem the sins of mankind.


Jesus Christ is the most important person in Christianity. He is the reason for the whole religion and how one can get salvation only through him.

Apostle Paul was the sinner turned believer who helped spread the Good News to all parts of the world. He also embodied the perfect example of a believer. His life example is one that Christians all over the world still look up to.

St. Augustine of Hippo was also one important figure in the history of Christianity. His ideas and teachings helped shape Christianity and his books/ works become the basis of most theological as well as literary studies.

Original Sin is the Biblical first sin of mankind that Adam and Eve committed in the Garden of Eden. This is found in the book of Genesis which resulted in the expulsion of the first man and woman from the security of the Garden. The original sin also resulted in the ability to know good and evil after they ate the forbidden fruit.

This act of committing sin means humankind is doomed to suffer and be destroyed, even after death. This means that man is not capable of rebuilding the 'broken' relationship of God and man. The only way to be at peace with God and be saved from eternal da mn ation is if a savior who is willing to suffer on behalf of all mankind comes and sacrifices/volunteers to redeem everyone.

But the blood of Christ, the hanging of Jesus on the cross was the "ransom" for humankind's sins. And by believing in this sacrifice on our behalf, we can be assured of salvation from hell.

How might the assassination of Lincoln impact the US?


Abraham Lincoln's assassination dramatically changed the Reconstruction era. ... Booth may have decided to act on his hatred after Lincoln endorsed giving the right to vote to African-American men who had served in the Union Army.

The period from 1820 to 1860 was marked by a growing sense​



Two Great changes of the Era 1820-1860 which revolted to

1.) Industrial Revolution-(The growth of mechanization of industry)

2.) Market Revolution-(Market Revolution had a dramatic increase between 1820 and 1850 because of the exchange of goods and services in market transactions. Making it result in the combine impact of the increased output of farms and factories, the entrepreneurial activities of traders and merchants, and the development of a transportation network of roads, canals, and railroads)

- Not all Americans shared in the new prosperity.

- Created a class divided society (labor class and upper class).

- Challenged the founder's vision of an agriculture republic with few distinctions of wealth (Thomas Jefferson).


Though both World War I and World War II are considered to be "total wars", explain the similarities and differences in
terms of:
• military technology
• the use of mass media and propaganda
•civilian involvement and impact on civilians


Mark Brainliest please


Military technics

World war 1 :Military technology of the time included important innovations in machine guns, grenades, and artillery, along with essentially new weapons such as submarines, poison gas, warplanes and tanks.


Radar technology played a significant part in World War II and was of such importance that some historians have claimed that radar helped the Allies win the war more than any other piece of technology, including the atomic bomb.

Aircraft carriers became the most important ships in the navy. They were able to launch air attacks from anywhere in the ocean. Bombs - World War II saw the invention of many new types of bombs. The Germans invented the long range flying bomb called the V-1 as well as a rocket bomb called the V-2.

Of the enduring legacies from a war that changed all aspects of life—from economics, to justice, to the nature of warfare itself—the scientific and technological legacies of World War II had a profound and permanent effect on life after 1945. Technologies developed during World War II for the purpose of winning the war found new uses as commercial products became mainstays of the American home in the decades that followed the war’s end. Wartime medical advances also became available to the civilian population, leading to a healthier and longer-lived society. Added to this, advances in the technology of warfare fed into the development of increasingly powerful weapons that perpetuated tensions between global powers, changing the way people lived in fundamental ways. The scientific and technological legacies of World War II became a double-edged sword that helped usher in a modern way of living for postwar Americans, while also launching the conflicts of the Cold War.

When looking at wartime technology that gained commercial value after World War II, it is impossible to ignore the small, palm-sized device known as a cavity magnetron.

Mass media & propaganda

WW1: The First World War came at a time when a variety of interacting political, social, commercial, military and technological factors had produced a very wide range of media through which propaganda could be disseminated, including both official and unofficial channels, newspapers, speeches, films, photographs, posters.

Propaganda as a weapon? Influencing international opinion. From the beginning of World War One, both sides of the conflict used propaganda to shape international opinion. Curator Ian Cooke considers the newspapers, books and cartoons produced in an attempt to influence both neutral and enemy countries.


During World War II German propaganda emphasized the prowess of the German army and contrasted it with the British and Allied armies who were depicted as cowards and butchers, or brave but misguided. Russian troops were presented as dehumanized beasts and killers who attacked without fear of death. After the Nazi loss at Stalingrad in February 1943, Goebbels admitted recent losses and argued for total war in his famous Sportpalast speech. While the new strategy

por que jesus compara el reino de los cielos con un granito de mostasa ´¨{que se entienda}



I don't understand ur language sorry

How was Prohibition similar and/or different than other changes occurring in the US in the 1920’s?





Prohibition was a nationwide ban on the sale and import of alcoholic beverages that lasted from 1920 to 1933. Protestants, Progressives, and women all spearheaded the drive to institute Prohibition. Prohibition led directly to the rise of organized crime.

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