mistak in " the cake is smelling sweet"​


Answer 1


The sentence should be "The cake smells sweet." or "The cake is smelling sweet." The sentence is missing punctuation and capitalizing the beginning letter in the sentence. I would also prefer the first sentence as it has more consistency.

Answer 2
The cake smells sweet

Related Questions

somebody please help me!!!​



it is not clear the picture


Read the following paragraph and complete it with one suitable word.
Millions of teenagers enjoy (1)_______ video games. Some play them at home. Others play them in arcades. These games are good fun (2)_______ players must be careful. Teenagers should not spend much time on these games (3)_______ they can become tired, dizzy and even obese. If they use computer too much, they won’t have time for their families and friends. People who are addicted to computer games don’t like to join any clubs or plays any sports. They like (4)________ in front of the computer all the time. One doctor says, “ This is very bad for your people. They must take part in activities with others. All young people should play outdoors and develop their social skills. They should be with people of their own age. They should spend only a small part of their time playing video (5)__________ .They mustn’t forget to do other things too.



(1) playing

(2) but

(3) because

(4) staying / sitting

(5) games


(1) We need a verb here. What can teenagers do to video games? They can play them.

(2) The sentence shows a shift between games being fun to players needing to be careful. A transitional word like but fits perfectly here.

(3) We have a claim, followed by reasoning. The transition word because is best here.

(4) Honestly any verb would work here, staying or sitting is best in my opinion.

(5) This is a no brainer. The topic of the paragraph is video games.

Hope this helps!

Correct the two errors in these paragraph:
For years, Go was considered the last redoubt against the march of
computers. Machines might win at chess, draughts, Othello,
three-dimensional noughts and crosses, Monopoly, bridge and poker.
Go, though, is different.
The game, required intuition, strategising and character reading, along
with vast numbers of moves and permutations. According to legend,
it was invented by a Chinese emperor to teach his subjects balance
and patience: qualities unique to human intelligence.




For years, Go was considered the final resistance against the march of computers. Machines might win at chess, draughts, three-dimensional noughts and crosses, Monopoly, bridge and poker. Go, though, is different. The game required intuition, strategizing and character reading, along with vast numbers of moves and combinations. According to legend, it was invented by a Chinese emperor to teach his subjects balance and patience: qualities unique to human intelligence.

If you could go back to the beginning of this school year what would you have done differently? Having experienced what you have, and with the knowledge you have now what are your goals for when you return to school or move on to the next phase in your life? I would encourage you to include specific details and examples so that you can articulate deep and meaningful goals.

make sure to include theses types of sentences into your paragraph and label where they are used in the paragraph
A simple sentence
A compound sentence
A sentence with an introductory subordinate clause
A sentence with a secondary subordinate clause
A sentence with an embedded clause
A sentence with either an introductory participial or prepositional phrase
A sentence with a secondary participial phrase
A sentence with a colon
A sentence with a semicolon



(Simple Sentence) I would never travel back in time.  (Compound Sentence) I have this decision because I am more of a future person. (Introductory Subordinate Clause) By the time I would travel back in time, several mistakes would recall, which I have overcome already, the reason why I choose to move forward and onward and learn from my mistakes and grow. I cannot move forward and achieve my goals, (Secondary Subordinate Clause) if I am stuck with my past. If I, (Embedded clause) my present self, would hold on to the history of my life, there will be no tomorrow for me. (Introductory participial or prepositional phrase) Instead, I would have focused on my long-term goals of being self-sufficient and then progressing to the next stage of life, where I would learn more about my chosen career.

I wouldn't alter anything except perhaps my decision to return. Since I have nothing to regret from my past, (secondary participial phrase) therefore, I wouldn't alter a single event or person from my life. There are many things in my life that I should set a focus on (Colon): my studies, future career, passion, and more.  Moreover, I would modify how I respond to them. Not worrying about the minor stuff would be an important skill to acquire.(Semicolon) I am capable of coping with life; I have my own ways.

In life, you don't want to sweat the small stuff, but at the same time, high school (and life in general) is simply just a speck of your total existence. In our diurnal experiences, nothing should be taken for granted and we should not allow ourselves to be unhappy as a result. High school isn't always the end of the journey.


I believe that all needed punctuations and phrases are being added and identified in the paragraph. If you have any questions feel free to message me in the comment section so that I could give you further details on this assignment. I did not alter much on your takeaway because I find it very well written and answered.

Can you define why nepal is known as peace country..​



yes ,I can define nepal is known as peace country because nepal ranked the 2nd position on peaceful country among south Asian country.nepal never take part in any conflict and war of any country.

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Change the following sentences into active voice. Social media tears down communication and distance barriers.



Communication and distance barriers has been teared down by social media

Social media tears down communication and distance barriers.

The funniest thing my mother does is?​


we collectively call mads mikkelsen peepaw

According to "The Immigrant Contribution," how is the immigration a "gesture of faith in social mobility"?



Explanation:  Immigrants believe that moving to the United States offers them a chance to improve their social and economic status.

Plzzz answer the question​
i will be marking as brainlylist


Can’t see the picture, please take a clear shot

3 ways by which harmful substances could contaminate food



Three ways by which harmful substances could contaminate food are physical contamination, chemical contamination and biological contamination.

Here is your answer!

Have a good day!!!

What is the mistake in this sentence? "Learning to fly a plane and swimming were two skills Lucy really wanted to learn."


Answer and Explanation:

There is the same error repeated in two places in this sentence. This is because the sentence needs conjunctions before the verb "to fly" and before the word "lucy". Conjunctions are words that allow connections between the clauses of a sentence, allowing them to be read with fluidity and cohesion. Without these conjunctions, sentences are incorrect and incoherent.

The sentence written with the conjunctions correctly would be:

"Learning how to fly a plane and swimming were two skills that Lucy really wanted to learn."

You decide to take up a sport to spend your free time to stay healthy . Which sport would you choose : football ; swimming ; badminton ?



I would go for swimming cause it's good for health and it's fun too

Write a paragraph using the topic "the best experience in my life."​



When I was a child, every summer my parents would take us on a short vacation to visit our grandma, but this time it was something different. It was nine summers ago when I was about 9 or 10, my parents told me some exciting news about going on a special fun road trip the following Friday. Surely, my two little sisters and I were very excited because we were not just going on any ordinary road trip but on a special one.I wanted to know why it was a special trip, so I asked them, and they told me to remain patient until we arrived at our destination and see. For the next couple of days, the curiosity built inside me; I could hardly wait.

Friday finally came; it was a hot sunny day and was time for us to leave to go on this “special trip” that my parents told us about. We started to pack all of our necessary things into the van and was ready for this road trip.

[tex] what\:is\: meaning\:of\: diminished\:?[/tex]​



made smaller or less. is the meaning

I hope this will help you

reread paragraph 14 of The moral logic of survivor guilt. What inference can you make about how Captain Prior felt about keeping in touch with Makeyk´s mother? Support your inference using details from the text



Where is the paragraph

what is code made up of?
A. letters that spell out different words
B. Hand out motions that convey signals
C. Longer words to be confused to others
D. Signals or Symbols that communicate something



in pretty sure it's D

usually codes and symbols

Read each the sentence carefully. If a comma is needed, rewrite (type) the sentence and add
the comma in the correct spot. If the sentence is correct, write correct.

Before leaving class the student checked his bag for books.



Before leaving class, the student checked his bag for books.


Who is Ganesh Man Singh?​


Ganesh Man Singh was the leader of the democratic movement of 1990 in Nepal. He is revered as the Father of Democracy and the Iron-man of Nepali politics. He joined Praja Parishad to protest against the autocratic rule of the Ranas.


Ganeshman Singh is a political leader of Nepal and also known as Ironman of Nepal.

Complete with correct pronoun.
Peter and I are brothers. ..........share the same bedroom together.



There are no pronouns to go off of but I am assuming the answer is "We."


We is a pronoun.

We share the same bedroom together.

Which of the following sentences uses the active voice? Select one: a. Rows of lettuce wilted in the heat of a late August day. b. The drooping wheat was revived by a long, soaking rain. c. Plump and juicy, the tomatoes were harvested at the peak of flavor. d. The corn crop is expected to turn a profit this year.



d. The corn crop is expected to turn a profit this year.


Active voice is the use of verb in which the subject performs the action and takes a direct object.

Therefore, from the given answer choices, the choice that uses active voice is option D.

This is because, the subject "the corn crop" performs the action and takes the direct object "profit"

Based on the structure of the passage, which event most directly caused city authorities to try to outlaw plays?



its D


just took the quiz

Read the passage and then answer the question:
The Old Kingdom of Egypt was the time when the pyramids
were built. The Middle Kingdom that followed was a time
of prosperity. The New Kingdom after that was a time of
great pharaohs and expansion.
Which term best describes the structure of the passage?
A. Objective
B. Contextual
C. Cause and effect
D. Chronological


This seems to be written as contextual, but all still in order. Therefore, I believe the answer would be B - contextual :) If not it must be D, hopefully someone else can give more clarity!!

Read these sentences.
There is no such thing as global warming. Even if there was, think of the animals at the equator that like warmer weather. What would happen to
them if there was global cooling?
Which logical fallacy is used here?
a. ad hominem
Ob.non sequitur
c. bandwagon appeal
d. red herring



Red Herring


The writer distracts from global warming by discussing another topic on animal well being. Distracts from argument at hand.

Which of the following statements are you most likely to hear during a well-conducted peer review?
A I’m sorry, I didn’t get a chance to read June’s essay—what is it about?
B If you added more details, your essay would be more convincing.
C Roberto never knows how to end his essays, as this essay shows.
D Let me tell you about the essay I wrote—it’s about football too!



The answer is:


Option D sounds like the answer for your question since saying abt the essay you wrote definitely proves that it is a well conducted peer review

Hope this helps....

Have a nice day!!!!

Let me tell you about the essay I wrote—it’s about football too! is statements are you most likely to hear during a well-conducted peer review. Hence, option D is correct.

What is peer review?

Peer review is the process used to assess a paper's quality before to publication. Independent experts in the area evaluate submitted manuscripts for originality, validity, and significance to help editors decide whether to publish them in their journal.

"I know I can count on you to finish things up fast." "Your communication skills are excellent, and I appreciate how clearly you always express your ideas." "You are always ready to listen if someone has a question or needs help.

Through the peer review process, the reviewees' coworkers give their opinions on the performance, skills, and attitude of the reviewees. The particular actions can change.

Thus, option D is correct.

For more information about peer review, click here



QUESTION 1 (Faulty parallelism)    1.1  Correct the series in the following sentences. 1.1.1     In the grand scheme of things, everyone’s emotions get in the way of objective to think, testing and judging. 1.1.2     Nezi had to iron, do washing, and shopping before her parents arrived. 1.1.3     Driving a car requires coordination, patience, and to have good eyesight. 1.1.4     Ziyanda prefers jeans to wearing a suit. 1.1.5     The committee needs to decide whether the company should reduce its workforce, cut its benefits or lowering worker’s wages. ​



1.In the grand scheme of things, everyone's emotions get in the way of the objective to think, test and judge.

2. Nezi had to iron,wash and shop before her parents arrived.

3.Driving a car requires coordination, patience and good eyesight.

4.Ziyanda prefers jeans to a suit.

5. The committee needs to decide whether the company should reduce its workforce, cut benefits or lower worker’s wages.


sounds right this way

The man is labeled a looter because of...

A his physical appearance.
his clever break-in.
his clothing
his past crimes.


The man is labeled a looter because of...


Dhis past crimes.

because of his physical apperarance

hey someone help me please​



howling winds, swirling snow


upload a little clear picture of text

Which evidence most strongly supports the theme that one should be open to new culture experience?


The author dwells upon the details of jasmins former life in the United States rather than on her new life in Italy

Evidence most strongly supports the theme that one should be open to new culture experience the author dwells upon the details of Jasmin's former life in the United States rather than on her new life in Italy. Therefore, option (b) is correct.

What is culture?

A society's complete way of life, including its language, religion, customs, and fashion sense, is referred to as its “culture.” Many geographic factors affect the culture. Communication includes the culture.

The author captures Jasmin's joy at discovering the unique customs and ways of living in her new home. In the market, Jasmin's cultural perspective shifts.

Jasmin's newfound contentment with the way of life in Aviano demonstrates the importance of being receptive to other cultural experiences.

Therefore, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about on culture, here:



Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Question 1: Thomas bought that pen at a low _______ at a local shop yesterday.
A. fee B. salary C. fare D. price


The most appropriate word to complete this sentence is price

The words fee, salary, fare, and price are related to money. However, all of these have slightly different meanings and are used in different contexts.

In the case of the word price, this refers to the money someone pays for a product. This makes this word appropriate to complete the sentence "Thomas bought that pen at a low..." because this is related to buying a product.

On the other hand, the word fee is usually used to refer to the money paid for services, the word fare is used in transportation contexts and salary is used to refer to the money someone receives for their work.

Learn more in: https://brainly.com/question/18520997

What are the four questions that are answered by an adjective?



Adjectives answer the following questions: What kind?, How many?, or Which ones

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