ملي ارشيف څه اهمیت او ارزښت لري؟


Answer 1


د هند حکومت ناڅرګنده ریکارډونه د هند ملي آرشیفونو کې ساتل شوي دي. دا ډیری د منتظمینو او څیړونکو لخوا کارول کیږي.

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I think a is correct...........

Find out which language is this सडक अवरुद्ध र नेपाल सरकार गठन हुनुपर्छ। ​



It is Nepali language


Explanation: from Nepal

hãy làm 1 đoạn văn nghị luận xã hội phân tích về văn bản khi con tu hú



Please do a piece of social commentary analyzing the text when you are a child

समास विग्रह करके समास का नाम लिखिए| 2] दिन-रात​





पारमाणबोधक विशषण ३ तलका शब्दहरू विशेषणको कुन प्रकारअन्तर्गत पर्दछन् ? छुट्टाछुट्टै तालिकामा लेख : मेरी, भोजपुरी, त्यो, केही, ज्यादै, करोड, को, कुनै, तेस्रो, घुमेका, प्राचीन, यी, आफ्नो, बनेपाली, मेरो, सुनेका तपाईंको, बहिनीकी, तीतो, पढ्ने, फुल्दो, मासिक, नवीन, जोसुकै, निकै, दश, सय, जुन, देखेकी गुणबोधक विशेषण परिमाणबोधक सङ्ख्याबोधक सार्वनामिक भेदक विशेषण विशेषण विशेषण विशेषण तलका वाम्यहरुबाट विशेष विपण​



ye kya h , O_o




Atomic Adjectives 3 What kind of adjectives do the following words belong to? Articles in separate table: Meri, Bhojpuri, That, Some, Very, Crore, Who, No, Third, Wandering, Ancient, These, Yours, Banepali, My, Heard Your, Sister, Bitter, Reading, Flower, Monthly, New, Any ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

What is the meaning of bsdk ?



Nutaq Board Software Development Kit 

I think

Are you living the life of your dreams? ...
What would you do if fear was not a factor and you could not fail?





I am not living the life of my dreams. But then again nobody's life is perfect you know. The grass is always greener. (That expression is saying that someone else will always have something better, so just try your best to appraicate what you have instead of making yourself sad by wishing on the things you don't have.)


If fear wasn't a factor and I could not fail I would go into the community and business of video game design a lot bolder and easier. It would be a much better adventure for me if everything I made got mountains of support, feedback, and criticism.

Thank you this was a good question. ΔΔΔ

What was the opening price of Dow Jones Industrial Average on May 22, 2017 in the format of XXXXX.XX?


This implies that the opening price was 21080.28. Explanation: The Dow Jones Industrial Average measures the stock performance of 30 large companies listed on stock exchanges in the United States. It is a stock price index.

For the sentence below, which answer would be the most vivid rewrite of the underlined phrase?

The seaplane, visible against the blue sky, circled twice before landing on the placid waters of Lake Union.
The luminescent, teal-green seaplane, a dragonfly against the pearl sky
The unimaginably small seaplane, barely visible against an amazing sky
The tiny seaplane, making its way across the vast miles of sky
The little seaplane, so small against the much bigger sky




The unimaginably small seaplane, barely visible against an amazing sky


प्रत्यय किसे कहते हैं? उदाहरण देकर समझाइए।​



प्रत्यय जड़ के प्रत्यय होते हैं और अक्सर किसी शब्द के अर्थ और कार्य को बदल देते हैं। सामान्य तौर पर, एक प्रत्यय एक प्रकार के शब्द को इंगित करता है, जैसे संज्ञा, विशेषण, आदि। उदाहरण प्रत्यय। शब्दावली उदाहरण सनसनी, आंदोलन, आलोचना, सफल, स्थापित, सिंक्रनाइज़, आदि।


Từ tinh thần phần đọc hiểu trên hãy viết đoạn văn diễn dịch bày tỏ suy nghĩ của em về tinh thần đoàn kết dân tộc




There is a proverb: "United is life, divided is death". The history of our nation has proven that to be an extremely correct truth. Solidarity has become a precious tradition of our nation from the past to the present. , bringing benefits for the development of the collective. Solidarity is a good tradition of our people, expressed through mutual assistance and assistance with specific actions, especially in times of trouble and difficulty. a unified block, closely linked together, inseparable, working together, supporting each other to solve the problem. That combination will create great strength to help us overcome all difficulties, physical and mental barriers, and bring good results to life. We must unite to protect the national peace and build the country more and more prosperous and happy.

please give me full answer​



i don't know what you have written??

how to write Prachi in Korean language​








Explanation: Cuz I'm a Korean

Explain the Achievements of the federal government in promoting tolerance across the UAE.


1) to deepen the values of tolerance and co-existence among cultures by teaching the youth the values of tolerance
2) to solidify the UAE as the global capital for tolerance through a series of initiatives, projects and dialogues between various cultures and civilisations
3 implement multiple cultural programmes and make contributions to build tolerant communities
4) focus on legislative and policy-oriented objectives that contribute to mandating cultural and religious tolerance via dialogue
5) promote tolerance through targeted media initiatives and projects.

Select the word that doesn't belong:
a. El vestido
b. El collar
C. El anillo
d. La pulsera
(Please help)


El vestido

The rest are pieces of jewelry and el vestido is clothing.

Lazeez daal summary in hindi in 70 to 100 words!​






What five words have similarities? Dirt paperclip keyboard pole vault night stand cubicle novel stapler monitor



cubical, keyboard monitor,paperclip, and stapler


all these items can be found in an office :) hope this helped!

प्रश्न १: नीचे दिए गए गद्यांश पर आधारित प्रश्नों के सही विकल्प छाँटिए:- (5) “भारत संसार के प्राचीनतम देशों में से एक है। भारत की भूमि में समन्वय की विशिष्ट भावना समाई हुई है। यही कारण है कि आर्य, द्रविड, शक, कुषाण आदि अनेकानेक सभ्यताएँ और संस्कृतियाँ यहाँ की धरती में घुल-मिल गई हैं। इसी कारण भारत के लिए, "अनेकता में एकता “ जैसे विशेषणों का प्रयोग होता है। इन्हीं तमाम संस्कृतियों के मिले-जुले प्रभाव और ज्ञान की अपार संपदा के कारण भारत को विश्व-गुरुकी पदवी प्राप्त हुई है। यह भारत देश ही है जिसने विश्व को शून्य जैसे आविष्कार से परिचित कराया, जिस कारण आज विज्ञान उन ऊँचाइयों तक पहुँच सका, जिससे आज मनुष्य चांद पर कदम रखने योग्य हो पाया है। यह भारत ही है जिसने विश्व को वेद और उपनिषद जैसा ज्ञान दिया, जिसमें मन के भीतर हुए गूढ़ ज्ञान और दर्शन के अमूल्य ज्ञान का भंडार निहित है। हमारे लिए यह अत्यंत गर्व की बात है कि हमने उस धरती पर जन्म लिया ,जो भगवान राम और कृष्ण की बाल लीलाओं की साक्षी रही है। जिसने अर्जुन का पराक्रम देखा है, हनुमान की भक्ति देखी है, बुद्ध का वैराग्य देखा है, विवेकानंद का तेज देखा है और स्वामी दयानंद का अद्भुत ज्ञान देखा है। इस भारत भूमि की महत्ता स्वर्ग से भी अधिक है। जिस धरती पर भगवान विष्णु ने दस रूपों में अवतार लिया उसी धरती पर जन्म लेने वाले हम भारतवासी सचमुच बहुत भाग्यशाली हैं।” निम्नलिखित प्रश्नो के उत्तरों में से सही विकल्प का चयन कीजिए:- 1: "भारत की भूमि में समन्वय की विशिष्ट भावना समाई हुई है”, का आशय है : - (1) I) कई तरह की मिट्टी का होना ii) मिली - जुली संस्कृति का होना iii) पाश्चात्य सभ्यता से प्रेरित होना iv) समुद्र से घिरे होना 2: भारत को विश्व गुरू की पदवी प्राप्त हुई है - (1) I) प्राचीनतम देश होने के कारण II) अनेकता में एकता के कारण III) ज्ञान, अपार संपदा के कारण Iv) उपरोक्त सभी 3: मनुष्य को चाँद पर कदम रखने योग्य बनाने में भारत का क्या योगदान है ? (1) I) अंतरिक्ष यान की खोज II) ग्रहों की खोज III) 'शून्य की खोज Iv) चंद्रमा की खोज 4: मन के भीतर छिपे गूढ़ ज्ञान और दर्शन के अमूल्य ज्ञान का भंडार निहित है:- (1) I) प्रयोगशालाओं में II) 'वेदों और उपनिषदों में III) उपन्यासों और कहानियों में Iv) मन की कल्पनाओं में 5: 'वैराग्य'शब्द का पर्यायवाची है :- (1) I) राग II) विरक्ति III) विराट Iv) वैर​


भारत की भूमि में समन्वय की विशिष्ट भावना समाई हुई है। यही कारण है कि आर्य, द्रविड, शक, कुषाण आदि अनेकानेक सभ्यताएँ और संस्कृतियाँ यहाँ की धरती में घुल-मिल गई हैं।

1: "भारत की भूमि में समन्वय की विशिष्ट भावना समाई हुई है”, का आशय है : - मिली - जुली संस्कृति का होना।

यही कारण है कि आर्य, द्रविड, शक, कुषाण आदि अनेकानेक सभ्यताएँ और संस्कृतियाँ यहाँ की धरती में घुल-मिल गई हैं। इसी कारण भारत के लिए, "अनेकता में एकता “ जैसे विशेषणों का प्रयोग होता है। इन्हीं तमाम संस्कृतियों के मिले-जुले प्रभाव और ज्ञान की अपार संपदा के कारण भारत को विश्व-गुरुकी पदवी प्राप्त हुई है।

2: भारत को विश्व गुरू की पदवी प्राप्त हुई है : - उपरोक्त सभी

यह भारत देश ही है जिसने विश्व को शून्य जैसे आविष्कार से परिचित कराया, जिस कारण आज विज्ञान उन ऊँचाइयों तक पहुँच सका, जिससे आज मनुष्य चांद पर कदम रखने योग्य हो पाया है

3: मनुष्य को चाँद पर कदम रखने योग्य बनाने में भारत का क्या योगदान है ? : - ‘शून्य की खोज’

यह भारत ही है जिसने विश्व को वेद और उपनिषद जैसा ज्ञान दिया, जिसमें मन के भीतर हुए गूढ़ ज्ञान और दर्शन के अमूल्य ज्ञान का भंडार निहित है।

4: मन के भीतर छिपे गूढ़ ज्ञान और दर्शन के अमूल्य ज्ञान का भंडार निहित है: - वेदों और उपनिषदों में

5: वैराग्य शब्द का पर्यायवाची है: - विरक्ति

[tex]\sf \small \pink{Thanks }\: \green{for} \: \blue{joining} \: \orange{brainly } \: \red{community}![/tex]

Las hijas de Verónica ________ ya. No las veo aquí. (salir)





[16/7 9:35 p. m.] .ɄƐŒwinnyel: Casi no hablamos mucho

[16/7 9:35 p. m.] .ɄƐŒwinnyel:

चीटियों से हमें कौन-सी प्रेरणा मिलती है?​


एक छोटा सा प्राणी होकर इतनी बड़ी सीख । चींटी सिखाती है मिलकर काम करना बहुत बार देखा , है जब एक चींटी कुछ उठाने में असमर्थ होती है तो उसकी मदद के लिए और चींटियां भी आ जाती हैं , और चारों तरफ से उस वस्तु को घेरकर घसीटते हुए ले जातीं हैं । चींटी सिखाती है कुछ भविष्य के लिए भी संजोकर रखना चाहिए ।


अपने आनेवाले कल को सुरक्षित रखना कोई इन चीटियों से सीख सकता है। चींटी का एक दुसरे के साथ परस्पर सहयोग होता हैं, आज अगर किसी को भोजन नहीं मिला तो, आपस में भोजन बाँट लेती हैं।

कथयनययक की रूलच लकन लकन कययों मेंथी ?



But what was the greed of Kathyanayak?


List any 10 kpop songs name...
No jpt message!!!!​


[tex] \huge \fbox \colorbox{lavender}{Answer}[/tex]

List any 10 kpop songs name...

Mic dropIdolAfter SchoolRollin'Ddu ddu DduPretty SavageLovesick GirlsLove ShotI'm not CoolDessertBoy with luvMirohBack DoorGod's menu Kick BackWannabeIn the morningSoloGoneOn the GroundNext levelWeekendReady to loveMake itFirstWhy notilla illaCelebrity

There are so many Songs But I tell you only few songs!


Mic drop


After School


Ddu ddu Ddu

Pretty Savage

Lovesick Girls

Love Shot

I'm not Cool


Boy with luv


Back Door

God's menu

Kick Back


In the morning



On the Ground

Next level


Ready to love

Make it


Why not

illa illa


so many you cannot count it

/ Define length. Also write the table showing the relation of 'with its submultiples and multiples


The length determines the distance between two points, or in other words, it is the amount of space between two points. For example, the distance between my house and school, or the distance from one end of the table to the other.

The principal unit for measuring length is the meter.

Multiples are the units of measurements which are bigger than the meter. They are the decameter, hectometer, and the kilometer. There are more, but right now we are only going to look at these.

Submultiples are the units of measurement which are smaller than the meter. They are the decimeter, the centimeter, and the millimeter.

A class took a survey to decide where to go on a class trip, and they want to make a chart to see how popular each choice was. Will the need to make any changes to the data before creating the chart





in order they can get a correct survey and so that there won't be any mistakes that may acquire

1:안녕하세요 여러분 어떻게 지내세요.​



write a hindi poem on independence day (self conposed)(dont copy even a line)​



हम बच्चे हँसते गाते हैं|हम आगे बढ़ते जाते हैं|

पथ पर बिखरे कंकड़ काँटे,हम चुन चुन दूर हटाते हैं|

आयें कितनी भी बाधाएँ,हम कभी नही घबराते हैं|

धन दोलत से ऊपर उठ कर,सपनों के महल बनाते हैं|

हम ख़ुशी बाँटते दुनिया को,हम हँसते और हँसाते हैं|

सारे जग में सबसे अच्छे,हम भारतीय कहलाते हैं|

Mark me as brainliest^_^

Which step usually comes first in writing?
O A. Publication
B. First draft
C. Revision
D. Bainstorm

The answer is D


D is the answer but you put it

You are not able to go to the cinema with your friend because you are sick. Write approximately 100 ja* in Korean



당신은 아프기 때문에 친구와 함께 영화관에 갈 수 없습니 다.


dangsin-eun apeugi ttaemun-e chinguwa hamkke yeonghwagwan-e gal su eobs-seubnida.

hope it helps please correct me if Iam wrong ◉‿◉

యోగ్యులైన పిల్లల వల్ల తలిదండ్రులు
కలిగే ప్రయోజనాలు ఏవి?​



What are the benefits to parents of decent children?

Can someone answer these questions, you don't have to do all of them!
1.What do you think about mindfulness and meditation?
2.What is one aspect of communication that you believe you have a strength in, and how has it helped you in life, family, and work?
3.How has self-awareness benefited your life, and what can you teach me about it?



1 both really help the both and the brain to work perfectly fine and some say that meditating can boost ur brains thinking.

2.to be able to talk with someone with both eyes staring at each other .this has helped way more countless times bcoz now i am able to witness if that person might be interested in our conversation or what.NB (eye contact)

3.self awareness has benefited my life in way that I have to always tell my self that "I'm enough and I have confidence in my self" regardless of what people may say its just me,myself,and I.

Other Questions
I NEED HELP ASAP!!! i dont understand Why do you think African American culture is often categorized as "Non-Western Culture"? 3. Calculate the wavelength of wave that has a frequency of 4.75 x 1012Hz.a. 1.43 x 1021 mb. 6.31 x 105 m1.58 x 104 md. 6.31 x 105 m please helpC. 2067 Supp Q.No. 2a Find the sum of all the natural numbers between 1 and 100 which are divisible by 5. Ans: 1050 Some American politicians always live in the self touted image of the so-called "beacon of democracy", obsessed with interfering in the internal affairs of other countries under the guise of democracy and trying their best to infiltrate ideology abroad. What the United States should do is to pay more attention to the thoughts and thoughts of its people, reflect on itself, face up to and solve its own democratic problems. Simplify expression 1 1/2 Which of the following is true about water availability? a. Agriculture uses 40% of freshwater, industry uses 57% and households use 3%. b. Agriculture uses 70% of freshwater, industry uses 19% and households use 11%. c. Agriculture uses 75% of freshwater, industry uses 17% and households use 8%. d. Agriculture uses 52% of freshwater, industry uses 27% and households use 21%. 1. I ________ yoga. Is it interesting?A. never have done B. ve never done C. ve done never2. Have you ever ridden an elephant? _______A. Yes, I have. B. Yes, I did. C. Yes, I ride.3. ________ to a music festival?A. Have you ever been B. Have you ever gone C. Have you ever seen4. I ________ dinner for more than ten people.A. cook B. have cooked C. cooked5. Peter ________ on holiday three times this year.A. was B. have been C. has been6. I ________the report yet.A. hasnt completed B. have not completed C. completed7. Mary ________ a foreign language.A. has never learnt B. hasnt never learnt C. has learnt never8.We ________ Japanese food yet. Is it good?A. tried B. havent tried C. have tried What unit is used to measure the period of a wave?A. SecondsB. MetersC. HertzD. Meters/second Suppose that Fizzo and Pop Hop are the only two firms that sell orange soda. The following payoff matrix shows the profit (in millions of dollars) each company will earn depending on whether or not it advertises: Pop Hop AdvertiseDoesn't Advertise FizzoAdvertise10, 1018, 2 Doesn't Advertise2, 1811, 11 For example, the upper right cell shows that if Fizzo advertises and Pop Hop doesn't advertise, Fizzo will make a profit of $18 million, and Pop Hop will make a profit of $2 million. Assume this is a simultaneous game and that Fizzo and Pop Hop are both profit-maximizing firms. If Fizzo decides to advertise, it will earn a profit of $ million if Pop Hop advertises and a profit of $ million if Pop Hop does not advertise. If Fizzo decides not to advertise, it will earn a profit of $ million if Pop Hop advertises and a profit of $ million if Pop Hop does not advertise. If Pop Hop advertises, Fizzo makes a higher profit if it chooses . If Pop Hop doesn't advertise, Fizzo makes a higher profit if it chooses . Suppose that both firms start off not advertising. If the firms act independently, what strategies will they end up choosing Help pls will give brainliest Categorise the materials of the following productes into 'can be recycled' and 'Cannot be recycled: Telephone instrumentes, plastic toys Cooker handles, carry bages, ball point penos, plastic bowles plastic covering on electrical wired plastic chairs, electrical switches.Plz give me soon answer plzzz HURRY I NEED TO KNOW.... what term can you add to 5/6)x -4 to make it equivalent to 1/2x-4? MC Qu. 120 Levelor Company's flexible budget shows... Levelor Company's flexible budget shows $10,640 of overhead at 75% of capacity, which was the operating level achieved during May. However, the company applied overhead to production during May at a rate of $2.20 per direct labor hour based on a budgeted operating level of 6,050 direct labor hours (90% of capacity). If overhead actually incurred was $11,106 during May, the controllable variance for the month was: A California distributor of sporting equipment expects to sell 10,000 cases of tennis balls during the coming year at a steady rate. Yearly carrying costs (to be computed on the average number of cases in stock during the year) are $10 per case, and the cost of placing an order with the manufacturer is $45. Determine the economic order quantity, that is, the order quantity that minimizes the inventory cost. Help me please.. What is 73+73+73+73+73+73+73+73+73+73+73+73+73+73+73+73+73+73+73+73+73= Read the excerpt from "The Adventure of the Mysterious Picture."The expression was that of agonythe agony of intense bodily pain; but a menace scowled upon the brow, and a few sprinklings of blood added to its ghastliness. Yet it was not all these characteristicsit was some horror of the mind, some inscrutable antipathy awakened by this picture, which harrowed up my feelings.What technique does Irving use to build suspense in the excerpt?The pace of the story quickens.The word choice darkens the tone.Odd characters are introduced.The setting details are intentionally omitted. what could be done to help or reduce sleeping disorder Not sure how to do this! Im supposed to find the area of each shape, but the slits in the shapes are confusing me and Im not too sure how to do these problems!