Một bơm cánh gạt thủy lực có lưu lượng thực là 20lít/phút, tạo áp suất 230 bar, tốc độ bơm là 1400 vòng/phút. Biết công suất đầu vào là 10kW và hiệu suất cơ là 88%.
a) Tính hiệu suất thể tích của bơm
b) Tính thể tích riêng của bơm (cm/vòng). Câu 3 (2,5đ): Thiết kế hệ thống truyền động khí nén để điều khiển 02 xylanh tác động đơn, sử dụng 02 van đảo chiều 3/2 tác động bằng nút nhấn, 02 van tiết lưu - một chiều. Trình bày nguyên lý làm việc của của hệ thống.


Answer 1


English please?


Explain in english?

Related Questions

Please help! Can give brainliest too.



[tex]v = \sqrt{2ax}[/tex]

Take the square of both sides:

[tex]v^2 = \left(\sqrt{2ax}\right)^2 = 2ax[/tex]

Divide both sides by 2a and you will get

[tex]x = \dfrac{v^2}{2a}[/tex]

Which of the following is not true about Triton, the large moon of Neptune? It is more reflective than Earth's Moon. It is larger than Earth's Moon. It is in a retrograde orbit. It has a thin atmosphere. It has nitrogen geysers.



Triton is the largest of Neptune's 13 moons. It is unusual because it is the only large moon in our solar system that orbits in the opposite direction of its planet's rotation―a retrograde orbit. ... Like our own moon, Triton is locked in synchronous rotation with Neptune―one side faces the planet at all times.

In the diagram, disk 1 has a moment of inertia of 3.4 kg · m2 and is rotating in the counterclockwise direction with an angular velocity of 6.1 rad/s about a frictionless rod passing through its center. A second disk rotating clockwise with an angular velocity of 9.3 rad/s falls from above onto disk 1. The two then rotate as one in the clockwise direction with an angular velocity of 1.8 rad/s. Determine the moment of inertia, in kg · m2, of disk 2.



I = 3.6 kg•m²


Conservation of angular momentum

Let's assume CW is the positive direction

3.4(-6.1) + I(9.3) = 3.4(1.8) + I(1.8)

I(9.3 - 1.8) = 3.4(1.8 + 6.1)

I(7.5) = 3.4(7.9)

I = 3.4(7.9)/(7.5) = 3.5813333333...

The moment of inertia of the second disk will be  [tex]I=3.58\ kg-m^2[/tex]

What is moment of inertia?

The moment of inertia is defined as the product of mass of section and the square of the distance between the reference axis and the centroid of the section.

here it is given that

MOI of disk one   [tex]I_1=3.4\ kg-m^2[/tex]

Angular velocity  [tex]w_1=6.1\ \frac{rad}{s}[/tex]

Angular velocity of disk two  [tex]w=1.8\ \frac{rad}{s}[/tex]

MOI of the disk two [tex]I=?[/tex]

The final angular velocity [tex]w_f= 1.8\ \frac{rad}{sec}[/tex]

Now from the conservation of the momentum the angular momentum before collision will be equal to the angular momentum after collision.


Now put the values in the formula

[tex](3.4\times 6.10)+(I_2\times 9.3)=(3.4+I_2)\times 1.8[/tex]

[tex]I_2=3.58\ kg-m^2[/tex]

Thus the moment of inertia of the second disk will be  [tex]I=3.58\ kg-m^2[/tex]

To know more about moment of inertia follow


Suppose a teenager on her bicycle. The rear wheel is spinning at an angular velocity of 281.133 rpm. She stops it in 3.686 s. How many revolution did it take to stop it?




The formula for angular velocity is

[tex]\omega=\frac{\theta}{t}[/tex] where omega is the angular velocity, theta is the change in the angular rotation, and t is the time in seconds. First and foremost, we have the angular rotation in minutes and the time in seconds, so that's a problem we have to amend. Let's change the angular rotation to rotations per second:


Now we're ready to set up the problem:

[tex]4.68555=\frac{\theta}{3.686}[/tex] and we multiply both sides by 3.686 to get the rotations per seconds:

θ = 17.27 rotations

How is the sun used to make food?



Plants use a process called photosynthesis to make food. During photosynthesis, plants trap light energy with their leaves. Plants use the energy of the sun to change water and carbon dioxide into a sugar called glucose. Glucose is used by plants for energy and to make other substances like cellulose and starch.

                                             Thank you


Plants use a process called photosynthesis to make food. During photosynthesis, plants trap light energy with their leaves. Plants use the energy of the sun to change water and carbon dioxide into a sugar called glucose.

Describe how you could whether sound travels best through wood, plastic, or metal.





sound can travel best in materials with higher elastic properties like metal than it can through other solids like plastic or rubber which have lower elastic properties

I hope this helps

How much energy is stored in a spring that is compressed 0.650m if the spring constant is 725N/m?





hope it is helpful

please mark it as brainliest


approximate 153.1J


W= 1/2k(x^2) = 1/2x725x(0.650)^2 = 153.15625 (J)

You have a 1 W light bulb in your lab. It puts out light of only 1 frequency. The wavelength of this light is 500nm. you set up a detector with a surface area of 1 square centimeter facing the light source at a distance of 100m.

a. Find the number of photons hitting the detector every second.
b. What is the maximum E field of the E M wave hitting the detector?
c. What is the maximum value of the B field of this E M wave?
d. How far away would you have to place the detector to only receive 1 photon per second from the light bulb?



a)   # _photon = 2.5 10¹⁸ photons / s,   b) E = 10⁻² N / C,  c)     B = 3 10⁻¹¹ T

d)  r=  2 10⁹ m


a) Let's solve this exercise in part, let's start by finding the energy of each photon using the Planck relation

          E₀ = h f

          c = λ f

          E₀ = h c /λ

          E₀ = 6.63 10⁻³³⁴   3 10⁸/500 10⁻⁹

          E₀ = 3.978 10⁻⁻¹⁹ J

Let's use a direct ratio rule to find the number of photons

         #_foton = E / Eo

         #_fototn = 1 / 3.978 10⁻¹⁹

         # _photon = 2.5 10¹⁸ photons / s

b) The intensity received by the detector is related to the electric field

          I = E²

Let's look for the intensity that the detector receives, suppose that the emission is shapeless throughout the space

          I = P / A

          P = I A

Let's use index 1 for the point on the bulb and index 2 for the point on the detector.

The area of ​​a sphere is

          A = 4π r²

         P = I₁ A₁ = I₂ A₂

         I₁ r₁² = I₂ r₂²

         I₂ = I₁  r₁²/r₂²

         I₂ = I₁    1 / 100²

         I₂ = I₁ 10⁻⁴

we must know the intensity at the output of the bulb suppose that I₁ = 1 J

          I₂ = 10⁻⁴ J

let's look for the electric field

         E =√I

         E = √10⁻⁴

         E = 10⁻² N / C

c) for the calculation of the magnetic field we use that the field is in phase

               E / B = c

               B = E / c

               B = 10⁻² / 3 10⁸

               B = 3 10⁻¹¹ T

d) Let's use a direct proportions rule if we fear 2.5 10¹⁸ photons in an area  A = 4π R² where R = 100 m how many photons are there in the area of ​​the detector r = 1 cm,   A’= 10⁻⁴ m²

             #_photons = 2.5 10¹⁸ A_detector / A_sphere

             #_photons = 2.5 1018 10-4 / 4π 10⁴

             #_photons = 2 10⁹ photons in the detector area

for the number of photons to decrease to 1, the radius of the sphere must be 2 10⁹ m

A 55kg bungee jumper has fallen far enough that her bungee cord is beginning to stretch and resist her downward motion . Find the ( magnitude and direction ) exerted on her by the bungee cord at an instant when her downward acceleration has a magnitude of 7.1m/s2​



148.5 N


Given that,

The mass of a bungee jumper, m = 55 kg

The downward acceleration, a = 7.1 m/s²

We need to find the net force acting on the jumper. As it is moving in downward direction, net force is :

T = m(g-a)

Put all the values,

T = 55(9.8 - 7.1)

= 148.5 N

So, the force exerted on the bungee cord is 148.5  N.


The downward force is 148.5 N.


mass, m = 55 kg

downwards acceleration, a = 7.1 m/s^2

Let the force is F.

According to the newton's second law

m g - F = m a

F = m (g - a)

F = 55 (9.8 - 7.1)

F = 148.5 N

A mysterious constant force of 10 N acts horizontally on everything. The direction of the force is found to be always pointed toward a wall in a big hall. Find the potential energy of a particle due to this force when it is at a distance x from the wall, assuming the potential energy at the wall to be zero.



it will be 10x


workdone(potential energy before it hits the wall)= horizontal force × distance

=10× x = 10x joules

A mysterious constant force of 10 N acts horizontally on everything. The direction of the force is found to be always pointed toward a wall in a big hall.The potential energy of a particle due to this force is  10x.

What is force?

A force is an effect that can alter an object's motion according to physics. An object with mass can change its velocity, or accelerate, as a result of a force. An obvious way to describe force is as a push or a pull. A force is a vector quantity since it has both magnitude and direction.

Given in the question a mysterious constant force of 10 N acts horizontally on everything. The direction of the force is found to be always pointed toward a wall in a big hall the potential energy,

Work done (potential energy before it hits the wall)

= horizontal force × distance

=10× x = 10x joules

The potential energy of a particle due to this force is  10x.

To learn more about force refer to the link:



Observe: Air pressure is equal to the weight of a column of air on a particular location. Air pressure is measured in hectopascals (hPa). Note how the air pressure changes as you move Station B towards the center of the high-pressure system.

a. What do you notice?
b. Why do you think this is called a high-pressure system?



A. When moving towards a high pressure center the pressure values ​​increase in the equipment

B. This area is called high prison since the weight of the atmosphere on top is maximum


A) A high atmospheric pressure system is an area where the pressure is increasing the maximum value is close to 107 Kpa, the other side as low pressure can have small values ​​85.5 kPa.

When moving towards a high pressure center the pressure values ​​increase in the equipment

B) This area is called high prison since the weight of the atmosphere on top is maximum

in general they are areas of good weather

What is the energy of a photon with a frequency of 3.6 × 1015 Hz? Planck’s constant is 6.63 × 10–34 J•s.

1.8 × 10–49 J
2.4 × 10–19 J
1.8 × 10–18 J
2.4 × 10–18 J


Frequency =v=3.6×10^15Hz

We know

[tex]\boxed{\sf E=hv}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto E=6.63\times 10^{-34}J\times 3.6\times 10^{15}s^{-1}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto E=23.86\times 10^{-19}J[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto E=2.38\times 10^{-18}J[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto E=2.4\times 10^{-18}J[/tex]




Our system is a block attached to a horizontal spring on a frictionless table. The spring has a spring constant of 4.0 N/m and a rest length of 1.0 m, and the block has a mass of 0.25 kg.

Compute the PE when the spring is compressed by 0.50 m.



E - 1/2 K x^2      potential energy of compressed spring

E = 1/2 * 4 N / m * (.5 m)^2 = 2 * .5^2 N-m = .5 N-m

How can I solve this?

I managed to find Part A, but I got stuck trying to find Part B and C



Parte B : 31.18º , Parte C: 31.17º


Parte B: The angle between the glass and the water before it enters the water is going to be equal to the value of the angle when it enters the glass , 27.13º.

Using the formula n1 senθ1 = n2 senθ2 , where n1=1.51 , θ1=27.13º, n2=1.33 , it gives us θ2=31.18º.

Parte C: n1= 1 , θ1=43.5º, n2=1.33

Using the same formula : n1 senθ1 = n2 senθ2 , it gives us θ2= 31.17º.

Why do you think scientists needed to invent a temperature scale, instead of deciding if things were hot or cold?


For the same reason that we need units of length, instead of just "long" or "short". And units of distance instead of "near" and "far". And units of time instead of "early" and "late" or "old" and "new". And units of weight instead of "light" and "heavy". And units of sound-pressure instead of "loud" and "soft".

"Hot" and "cold" mean different things to different people, and may even mean different things to the same person at different times.

A person who grew up in Panama, and comes to visit Chicago in July, says it's cold.

A person who lives in Chicago, and goes to visit Jamaica in January, says it's hot.

A professional chef, following a recipe, can't just cook the steak until it's "hot inside". He needs a number, so he can cook it the same every time.

A technician in a Chemistry lab may have two solutions, and he's supposed to pour half of the cooler one into the warmer one. One of them is 25°C and the other one is 22°C. He's got a problem. He can't tell the difference. He never learned temperature scales. All he knows is "hot" and "cold", and they both feel luke-warm to him. He doesn't even have a way to measure them, because temperature scales were never invented. He's stumped. And while he's standing there scratching his head, both solutions drift to the same temperature, and the lab goes up in flames. The technician is so petrified, he becomes overwhelmed with shame and regret, and makes himself sick and feverish. His forehead feels hot but nobody can measure his temperature, so nobody knows how sick he is.

All because Franz Fahrenheit and Sven Celsius had planned to invent measurable scales in their lab, but decided to go fishing that day.

A magnifying glass produces a maximum angular magnification of 5.4 when used by a young person with a near point of 20 cm. What is the maximum angular magnification obtained by an older person with a near point of 65 cm


67 points to the 55th power add it then you get exactly 1500

If the mass of an object is 15 kg and the velocity is -4 m/s, what is the momentum?


momentum p= m x v = 15 x -4 = -60 N.s

Which of the following would change mass as it accelerated? a bullet being shot out of a gun a roller skater pushing off a jet plane taking off a bowling ball slowing down




A bullet being shot out of a gun tends to leave tiny amounts of the bullet behind due to friction between the bullet and the gun barrel.

A roller skater pushing requires the conversion of food chemical energy to muscle contraction energy. This conversion increases the body temperature and sweat is excreted to counteract the heat increase. The evaporation of the sweat causes a slight decrease in body mass.

A jet plane taking off consumes some of the fuel carried onboard to provide thrust. The products of combustion become part of the exhaust stream leaving the airplane rearward providing forward thrust.

The area around a charged object that can exert a force on other charged objects is an electric ___


Answer is:

Electric field.

A transparent. dielectric coating is applied to glass (εr = 4.μr=1, σ= 0) to eliminate the reflection of red light (wavelength in air of 750 nm).

a. What is the required dielectric constant and minimum thickness of the coating?
b. If violet light (wavelength in air of 420 nm) is shone onto this glass coating (6-0). what percentage of the incident power will be reflected?



a) Dielectric constant ( λ ) = 750 * 10^-9 m

   minimum thickness of coating ( d )  = 187.5 nm

b) 3.6%


Given data:

wavelength of red light in air = 750 nm

εr = 4

μr = 1,  σ = 0

a) Determine the required dielectric constant and min thickness of coating used

Refractive index of coating ( n ) = √εr * μr =  √4*1 = 2

the refractive index of glass( ng)  = 1.5 which is < 2

λ = 750 * 10^-9 m

Dielectric constant ( λ ) = 750 * 10^-9 m

To determine the minimum thickness we will apply the formula below

d = m λ/2n ;  where  m = 1

∴ d = 750 nm / 2 ( 2 )

      = 187.5 nm

minimum thickness of coating ( d )  = 187.5 nm

b) Determine the percentage of the incident power that will be reflected

R = [ ( n-1 / n + 1 ) - ( n - ng / ng + n ) ]^2

   = [ ( 2 - 1 / 2 + 1 ) - ( 2 - 1.5 / 1.5 + 2 ) ]^2

   = 0.03628 =  3.6%

Flag question
Consider the pressure and force acting on the
dam retaining a reservoir of water. Suppose the
dam is 500-m wide
and the water is 80.0-m
deep at the dam, as illustrated below. What is
the average pressure on the dam due to the



P = density (p) * g * h

P = 1000  kg/m^3 * 9.8 m/s^2 * 40 m = 392,000 N/m^2

since kg m / s^2 = Newtons

The average pressure is 1/2 (pressure at 0m +  pressure 80 m) for liquid of uniform density

Clear umbra can be obtained by .................................

what is the word come to this blank?​


Clear umbra can be obtained when the electric torch is kept at a considerable distance from the ball . So the light source should be kept far from the object to obtain a clear and sharp umbra.

A car whose tire have radii 50cm travels at 20km/h. What is the angular velocity of the tires?



Convert to m/s

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto v=20\times 5/18=5.5m/s[/tex]

We know

[tex]\boxed{\sf \omega=\dfrac{rv}{|r|^2}}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \omega=\dfrac{0.5(5.5)}{|0.5|^2}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \omega=\dfrac{2.75}{0.25}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \omega=11rad/s[/tex]

During normal beating, the heart creates a maximum 4.10-mV potential across 0.350 m of a person's chest, creating a 1.00-Hz electromagnetic wave. (a) What is the maximum electric field strength created? V/m (b) What is the corresponding maximum magnetic field strength in the electromagnetic wave? T (c) What is the wavelength of the electromagnetic wave?



Given that,

Maximum potential, V = 4. mV

Distance, d = 0.350 m

Frequency of the wave, f = 100 Hz

(a) The maximum electric field strength created is given by:

[tex]E=\dfrac{V}{d}\\\\E=\dfrac{4.1\times 10^{-3}}{0.350 }\\\\E=0.0117\ V/m[/tex]

(b) The corresponding maximum magnetic field strength in the electromagnetic wave is given by :

[tex]B=\dfrac{E}{c}\\\\B=\dfrac{0.0117}{3\times 10^8}\\\\B=3.9\times 10^{-11}\ T[/tex]

(c) The wavelength of the electromagnetic wave can be calculated as :

[tex]\lambda=\dfrac{c}{f}\\\\\lambda=\dfrac{3\times 10^8}{100}\\\\=3\times 10^6\ m[/tex]

So, the wavelength of the electromagnetic wave is [tex]3\times 10^6\ m[/tex].

A 2.0 kg puck is at rest on a level table. It is pushed straight north with a constant force of 5N for 1.50 s and then let go. How far does the puck move from rest in 2.25 s?



d = 6.32 m


Given that,

The mass of a puck, m = 2 kg

It is pushed straight north with a constant force of 5N for 1.50 s and then let go.

We need to find the distance covered by the puck when move from rest in 2.25 s.

We know that,

F = ma

[tex]a=\dfrac{F}{m}\\\\a=\dfrac{5}{2}\\\\a=2.5\ m/s^2[/tex]

Let d is the distance moved in 2.25 s. Using second equation of motion,

[tex]d=ut+\dfrac{1}{2}at^2\\\\d=0+\dfrac{1}{2}\times 2.5\times (2.25)^2\\\\d=6.32\ m[/tex]

So, it will move 6.32 m from rest in 2.25 seconds.

1 of 3 : please help got an extra day for a test and i don’t get this (must show work) points and brainliest!



y = 1/2at^2

we could also write it as-

y = (at^2)/2

2y = at^2

2y/a = t^2

√2y/a = t

hope it helps

Two loudspeakers emit sound waves along the x-axis. The sound has maximum intensity when the speakers are 21 cm apart. The sound intensity decreases as the distance between the speakers is increased, reaching zero at a separation of 61 cm. a. What is the wavelength of the sound



The answer is "80 cm".


The distance of 21 cm between the speaker's effect of high strength but a spacing of 61 cm corresponds to a zero to zero intensity, that also is, the waves are all in phase with others [tex]\Delta \ x_1 = 21 \ cm[/tex] this is out of phase [tex]\Delta\ x_2 = 61\ cm[/tex]

[tex]\therefore\\\\\Delta\ x_2 -\Delta\ x_1 = \frac{\lambda}{2}\\\\\lambda= 2( \Delta\ x_2 -\Delta\ x_1)[/tex]

   [tex]= 2 ( 61\ cm - 21\ cm)\\\\ = 2(40\ cm)\\\\= 80\ cm[/tex]



When a cloud of gas and dust in space was disturbed, maybe by the explosion of a nearby star.This explosion made waves in space which squeezed the cloud of gas & dust.

A linear accelerator can be used to accelerate which of the following?
Question 3 options:

protons and electrons

protons and neutrons

protons only

protons, electrons, and neutrons


Answer: protons and electrons

a student standing between two walls shouts once.he hears the first echo after 3 seconds and the next after 5 seconds. calculate the distance between the walls.​



It took [tex]t_1 =1.5\:\text{s}[/tex] for the sound to reach the 1st wall and at the same time time, the same sound took [tex]t_2 = 2.5\:\text{s}[/tex] to reach the 2nd wall. Assuming that the sound travels at 343 m/s, then let [tex]x_1[/tex] be the distance of the person to the 1st wall and [tex]x_2[/tex] be the distance to the 2nd wall. So the distance between the walls X is

[tex]X = x_1 + x_2 = v_st_1 + v_st_2 = v_s(t_1 + t_2)[/tex]

[tex]\:\:\:\:\:= (343\:\text{m/s})(4.0\:\text{s}) = 1372\:\text{m}[/tex]

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