Một doanh nghiệp trong thị trường cạnh tranh hoàn hảo có hàm tổng chi phí TC=100q2+50q+9. Giá và sản lượng đóng cửa của doanh nghiệp này là


Answer 1
I do not speak this language, could you translate it to English

Related Questions

An ice cream truck started the day with 454545 ice cream sandwiches. During a stop at a busy park they sold sss ice cream sandwiches. After the stop, the truck had 212121 ice cream sandwiches remaining.
Write an equation to describe this situation.
How many ice cream sandwiches did the truck sell at the park?



45- s= 21

s= 45- 21


so the answer is 24

help, please!
find x


This shape consists of two primary special triangles, 30-60-90 and 45-45-90.

the side with the 60° will be half of the hypotenuse because 30° is across from it.

the side with the 30° will be 5.5√3 because 60° is across from it, and any sides that has 60° across from it is associated with a √3.

x is 5.5√6 because any sides that is "below" the 45° angles are associated with a √2 times the side that's above the 45°

Julie wanted to find out the approximate percentage of non-traditional female college students at public universities. She decided to randomly select 25 females from each university in her state and collect and analyze the data.

Select the statement that is TRUE.

The 25 females that Julie interviews are the sample, and the females that Julie does not interview are the population.

The 25 females that Julie interviews are the sample, and all female college students at state universities are the population.

All female college students at state universities are the sample, and the 25 females that Julie interviews are the population.

The female college students at state universities are the sample, and the female college students at all universities in the United States are the population.


To solve this question, we need to understand sample and population concepts.

From this, the answer is:

The 25 females that Julie interviews are the sample, and all female college students at state universities are the population.


I want to estimate the proportion of New York state residents who are Buffalo Bills fans. So i ask, lets say, 1000 randomly selected New York state residents whether they are Buffalo Bills fans, and expand this to the entire population of New York State residents, which is the population of the study.

The sample will be: 1000 randomly selected New York state residents

The population will be: All New York state residents

In this question:

Sample: 25 females from each university in her state.

Population: All female college students in her student.

Thus, the correct statement is:

The 25 females that Julie interviews are the sample, and all female college students at state universities are the population.

For a similar example, you can check https://brainly.com/question/24331410

Martha, Lee, Nancy, Paul, and Armando have all been invited to a dinner party. They arrive randomly, and each person arrives at a different time.

a. In how many ways can they arrive?

b. In how many ways can Martha arrive first and Armando last?

c. Find the probability that Martha will arrive first and Armando last.

Show your work



a) 120

b) 6

c) 1/20

Step-by-step explanation:

a) 5! = 120

b) (5 - 2)! = 6

c) 6/120 = 1/20

find the range of values of a for which 11- 2a>1 is ____




Step-by-step explanation:





The values of y when x2 - 3 y2 = 1 are not only found among its terms, but the numbers x and y are.
74 pages·4 MB

A radio telescope has a parabolic surface, as shown below. A parabola opening up with vertex at the origin is graphed on the coordinate plane. The height of the parabola from top to bottom is 9 meters and its width from left to right is 12 meters. If the telescope is 9 m deep and 12 m wide, how far is the focus from the vertex?


The telescope shape and the characteristic equations of the telescope parameters are the same as parabolic equations

The distance between the focus and the vertex, of the parabola is 3.375 meters

The process for obtain the above values is as follows:

The known parameters of the parabola are;

The location of the vertex of the parabola= The origin = (0, 0)

The height of the parabola = 9 meters

The width of the parabola = 12 meters

The unknown parameter;

The distance between the focus and the vertex


Finding the coordinate of the focus from the general equations of the the parameters of a parabola

The equation of the parabola in standard form is y = a·(x - h)² + k

From which we have;

(x - h)² = 4·p·(y - k)

The coordinates of the focus, f = (h, k + p)


(h, k) = The coordinates of the vertex of the parabola = (0, 0)

a = 1/(4·p)

From the question, we have the following two points on the parabola,

given that the parabola is 12 meters wide at 9 meters above the origin and

it is symmetric about the y-axis;

Points on the parabola = (9, 6), and (9, -6)

Plugging in the values of the vertex, (h, k) and the two known points, in the equation, y = a·(x - h)² + k, we get;

6 = a·(9 - 0)² + 0 = 81·a

a = 6/81 = 2/27

p = 1/(4·a)

∴ p = 1/(4 × 2/27) = 27/8

The coordinate of the focus, f =  (h, k + p)

∴ f = (0, 0 + 27/8) = (0, 27/8)

The coordinate of the focus f = (0, 27/8)

Given the vertex and the focus of the parabola have the same x-values of 0, we have;

The distance between the focus and the vertex, d = the difference in their y-values;

d = 27/8 - 0 = 27/8 = 3.375

The distance between the focus and the vertex, d = 3.375 meters

Learn more about parabola here;





#6 is D

#7 is A

Step-by-step explanation:



Distribute the -1/3

-1/3 times 6x is -2x

-1/3 times 15 is -5





COmbine like terms


Divide both sides by -17


Pls halppppppppppppppp


Addition expression: -6 + 14 = 8

-6 because it’s below street level.


-6 + 14


Step-by-step explanation:

Given: Hank is -6 below feet. He rises +14 feet above level.

-6 + 14 = 8

Addition expression: -6 + 14

Sum: 8

Hope this helped.

the product of two rational number is _______ number
give answers this question​



rational number

Step-by-step explanation:

multiplying two rationals is the same as

multiplying two such fractions, which will

result in another fraction of this same form

since integers are closed under

multiplication. Thus, multiplying two rational numbers produces another rational number.

"The product of two rational number is rational" So, multiplying two rationals is the same as multiplying two such fractions, which will result in another fraction of this same form since integers are closed under multiplication.Sep 5, 2020

The dotplot below displays the difference in scores for 18 games between a high school soccer team and its opponent.

A dotplot titled difference in Score. A number line going from negative 2 to 4 is labeled Team score minus opponent score. Negative 2, 1; negative 1, 2; 0, 2; 1, 3; 2, 6; 3, 3; 4, 1.

Which of the following is the best explanation for the dots at –1?

In one game, the team beat the opponent by 1 goal.
In two games, the team beat the opponent by 1 goal.
In one game, the team lost to the opponent by 1 goal.
In two games, the team lost to the opponent by 1 goal.


Answer: Choice D

In two games, the team lost to the opponent by 1 goal.



Negative scores indicate the team lost, and the absolute value of those values represent how much of a loss.

So a difference of -1 means the team lost by 1 point.

We have 2 dots over this value, so there are 2 occasions where the team lost  to the opponent by 1 goal.

An example would be that say the team scored 3 goals and the opponent scored 4 goals. So we have a differential of 3-4 = -1. The order is important because we would not say 4-3 = 1.



Step-by-step explanation:

took the test

Can someone help me please need the answer ASAP


Answer:  445.5 (choice C)

Work Shown:

[tex]S_n = \frac{n}{2}(a_1+a_n)\\\\S_{11} = \frac{11}{2}(8+73)\\\\S_{11} = 5.5(81)\\\\S_{11} = 445.5\\\\[/tex]

Adding the first 11 terms of this arithmetic sequence yields the sum 445.5

Express each logarithm in terms of ln 3 and ln 5.
ln 81 / 125


I’ll recommend b or c so choose answer c

The solution is 4ln3 - 3ln5, which is correct option(C).

What are the properties of logarithms?

There are four basic properties of logarithms:

logₐ(xy) = logₐx + logₐy.

logₐ(x/y) = logₐx - logₐy.

logₐ(xⁿ) = n logₐx.

logₐx = logₓa / logₓb.

What are Arithmetic operations?

Arithmetic operations can also be specified by the subtract, divide, and multiply built-in functions.

The operator that perform arithmatic operation are called arithmatic operators .

Operators which let do basic mathematical calculation

+ Addition operation : Adds values on either side of the operator.

For example 4 + 2 = 6

- Subtraction operation : Subtracts right hand operand from left hand operand.

for example 4 -2 = 2

* Multiplication operation : Multiplies values on either side of the operator

For example 4*2 = 8

/ Division operation : Divides left hand operand by right hand operand

For example 4/2 = 2

According to the problem, we will use some of the basic logarithmic properties,

Given expression,

⇒ ln81/125

⇒ ln81 - ln125   [used property : logₐ(x/y) = logₐx - logₐy]

⇒ ln3⁴ - ln5³    [ 81 =3⁴ and 125 = 5³ ]

⇒ 4ln3 - 3ln5   [used property : logₐ(xⁿ) = nlogₐx]

Hence, the solution is 4ln3 - 3ln5

Learn more logarithmic properties here:



(5.5 X10^6 + 6.3 X10^6)2




= (5.5+6.3)×10⁶×2

= 11.8×10⁶×2

= 23,600,000

What is the solution to 4x + 2 = 6(-2x - 5) ?
O 16
O -16
Please need help on this


x= -2








The amount of money that must be invested is $252.

Step-by-step explanation:

Present value formula:

The present value formula is given by:

[tex]P = \frac{F}{(1+r)^n}[/tex]

In which:

P is the present value.

F is the future value.

r is the interest rate.

n is the number of periods.


This means that [tex]r = 0.09[/tex]


Obtain 1000 means that [tex]F = 1000[/tex]

Compounded quarterly in 4 years, so 4*4 = 16 periods and [tex]n = 16[/tex].

Amount of money that must be invested:

[tex]P = \frac{F}{(1+r)^n}[/tex]

[tex]P = \frac{1000}{(1+0.09)^{16}}[/tex]

[tex]P = 252[/tex]

The amount of money that must be invested is $252.

Which function below has the following domain and range?
Domain: { – 7, - 5, 2, 6, 7}
Range: {0, 1, 8)
o {(1, – 5), (8, 7), (0, 6), (1, – 7), (0, 2)}
o {(-7,0), ( – 5,1), (2, 8), (6,5), (7, 7)}
o {(-7,7), (0,8)}
o {(2,0), ( – 5, 1), (7,8), (6,0), ( – 7, 1)}


The function that has the given domain and range is: D. {(2,0), ( – 5, 1), (7,8), (6,0), ( – 7, 1)}.

How to Determine the Domain and Range of a Function?

A function is a relation that consists of a domain (a set of x-values) and a corresponding range (set of y-values).

Thus, each ordered pair in a function is expressed (x, y), where all values of x make up the domain, while tehri corresponding y-values make up the range of the function.

Thus, for a function given as,  {(2,0), ( – 5, 1), (7,8), (6,0), ( – 7, 1)}:

The set of x-values is, -7, -5, 2, 6, and 7. Therefore, the domain is:  { – 7, - 5, 2, 6, 7}.

The set of y-values is: 0, 1, and 8. Therefore, the range is:  {0, 1, 8).

Thus, the function that has the given domain and range is: D. {(2,0), ( – 5, 1), (7,8), (6,0), ( – 7, 1)}.

Learn more about domain and range of a function on:



Answer: (2,0), ( – 5, 1), (7,8), (6,0), ( – 7, 1)

Step-by-step explanation: TCB

Scientists have increased their ability to make observations beyond their own senses through the invention of specialized equipment such as Xray telescopes.

Which best explains how such technology has affected society?

Technology has replaced humans' need for independent observation and thought.
Technology has replaced humans' need for independent observation and thought.

Technology has replaced the need for the experimentation in the scientific process.
Technology has replaced the need for the experimentation in the scientific process.

Human knowledge of the universe is limited by ineffective technology.
Human knowledge of the universe is limited by ineffective technology.

Human knowledge of the universe beyond Earth has increased.




Step-by-step explanation:

A is rather a strange choice. The tools are used as extensions of our  senses. That's all that technology has done. We still need to observe things for ourselves if we are to learn. I actually really do not know what this statement means. My answer reflects what I think is true. Our need to observe and think is not hindered.

B is never going to be true. We still have to test things out, even with the best tools that we have.

C: The exact opposite is true. Our knowledge of the universe has expanded beyond our belief with the better tools of technology that we have.

D: This is the opposite of C and is the answer.

(SAT PREP) Find the value of x in each of the following excersises



The answer is 155.

Step-by-step explanation:

We can find the remaining parts of the triangle angles.

a man spends RS 608 a month. If he earns Rs 640, what percentage of his invome does he save??.

Please explanation​




Step-by-step explanation:


Earns= Rs 640

spends= Rs 608

saves= (Rs 640 - Rs 608)

=Rs 32

therefore, 32/640x100

answer = 5%

Answer From Gauth Math



Step-by-step explanation:




1 poir
Question 1. Jessica has $1,625.00 to purchase a five-year Certificate of
Deposit (CD). In the chart, there are CD rates frombankrate.com. What
would the account ending balance be at Synchrony Bank if it is
compounded quarterly? *
Use the Compound Interest Formula to calculate the ending balance. A = P(1 + 5)nt
Synchrony Bank
all synchrony


9514 1404 393



Step-by-step explanation:


  $1625 is invested at an annual rate of 1.95% compounded quarterly for 5 years


  the ending balance


The compound interest formula applies.

  FV = P(1 +r/n)^(nt) . . . Principal P at rate r for t years, compounded n per year

  FV = $1625(1 +0.0195/4)^(4·5) = $1625(1.004875^20) ≈ $1790.99

The account ending balance would be $1790.99.

John is tall Paul is taller but Ken is the tallest. Who is the shortest?Who is the tallest?​



Shortest is john

Tallest is ken

Step-by-step explanation:

You have to look at the last few words (er, est).

Ex: 3. strong 2. stronger 1. strongest

Hope this helps <3

Need thanks? Comment /hearthelp

what Is the si unit of temperature​



the Si unit of temprature in Kelvin (K)

Step-by-step explanation:


The answer is Kelvin (k).

Step-by-step explanation:

The kelvin (K) is defined by taking the fixed numerical value of the Boltzmann constant k to be [tex]1.380649*10^{-23}[/tex] when expressed in the unit of joule per kelvin. The temperature 0 K is commonly referred to as "absolute zero." On the widely used Celsius temperature scale, water freezes at 0 °C and boils at about 100 °C. One Celsius degree is an interval of 1 K, and zero degrees Celsius is 273.15 K. An interval of one Celsius degree corresponds to an interval of 1.8 Fahrenheit degrees on the Fahrenheit temperature scale.

The kelvin is also the fundamental unit of the Kelvin scale, an absolute temperature scale named for the British physicist William Thomson (known as Lord Kelvin). An absolute temperature scale has as its zero point absolute zero (−273.15° on the Celsius temperature scale and −459.67° on the Fahrenheit temperature scale), the theoretical temperature at which the molecules of a substance have the lowest energy; hence, all values on such a scale are nonnegative.  

Simplify the F = ABC + A’B + ABC


Well, from what I can tell, we just have to combine like terms, meaning that all of the terms that have the same variables can be combined:

F = (ABC + ABC) + A'B

F = 2ABC + A'B

If that's not what you meant, or if you have questions, feel free to let me know! :)

Find the difference between the result of one sixth of product of 10 and 3 multiplied by 4 and 30
Pleas helppppp ;_-((((((



10 or -10,

Read the explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

Rewrite this problem as a numerical expression. As per the wording of this problem, there can be two expressions derived.

1.     [tex]((\frac{1}{6}(10*3)*4)-30[/tex]

2.     [tex]30-((\frac{1}{6}(10*3)*4)[/tex]

Simplify, remember the order of operations. The order of operations is the sequence by which one is supposed to perform operations in a numerical expression. This order is the following:

1. Parenthesis

2. Exponents

3. Multiplication or division

4. Addition or Subtraction

Use this sequence when simplifying and solving the expression:

Expression 1

[tex]((\frac{1}{6}(10*3)*4)-30\\\\=((\frac{1}{6}(30)*4)-30\\\\=(5*4)-30\\\\=20 - 30\\\\= -10[/tex]

Expression 2

[tex]30-((\frac{1}{6}(10*3)*4)\\\\=30-((\frac{1}{6}(30)*4)\\\\=30-(5*4)\\\\= 30-20\\\\= 10[/tex]

need help asap pls! :)




Step-by-step explanation:

We want to find the ratio of squares to shapes

So simply count the squares

There are 6 squares

And then find the total number of shapes

There are a total of 21 shapes

So for every 6 squares there are 21 total shapes

In other words the ratio of squares to shapes is 6:21



Step-by-step explanation:


Number of squares = 6

Total no. of shapes = 21


Unsimplified ratio of squares to total shapes

= 6:21 (Ans)

Select the correct expressions and value.
Identify the expressions and the value that are equivalent to 6 times 5 squared.
5x 6²
6 x 5
6 x 5 x 5
6 + 5 x 5



✔️6 × 5²

✔️6 × 5 × 5


Step-by-step explanation:

6 times 5 squared is written as 6 × 5²


6 × 25 = 150

Evaluate each of the expressions given to determine whether they are equivalent to 150 or not

✔️5 × 6² = 5 × 36 = 180 (NOT EQUIVALENT)

✔️6 × 5² = 6 × 25 = 150 (EQUIVALENT)

✔️192 ≠ 150 (NOT EQUIVALENT)

✔️6 × 5 × 5 = 6 × 25 = 150 (EQUIVALENT)

✔️6 × 5 × 2 = 6 × 10 = 60 (NOT EQUIVALENT)

✔️150 = 150 (EQUIVALENT)

✔️6 + 5 × 5 = 6 + 25 = 31 (NOT EQUIVALENT)

Angles CED and CBD subtend the same arc. Determine the measure of ∠CED.

Question options:












Step-by-step explanation:

Inscribed angles that form the same arc have the same angle measure, no matter where they lie on the circle. Since the measure of angle CBD forms the same arc as angle CED, the measure of angle CBD must be equal to the measure of angle CED, hence [tex]m\angle CED=\boxed{50^{\circ}}[/tex]


the answer is 4)50°

Step-by-step explanation:

because it is same

If side A is 10 inches long, and side B is 24 inches, find the length of the unknown side.


Step-by-step explanation:

Right Triangles and the Pythagorean Theorem. The Pythagorean Theorem, a2+b2=c2, a 2 + b 2 = c 2 , can be used to find the length of any side of a right triangle.

14. In a garden 746496 apple trees are arranged in such a way that, there are as inany rows as there are in a row. How many rows are there in the garden ​




Step-by-step explanation:

do the square root of the total number

Classify the following data. Indicate whether the data is qualitative or quantitative, indicate whether the data is discrete, continuous, or neither, and indicate the level of measurement for the data.
A supervisor must give a summary evaluation rating from among the choices given below:
1) Poor   
2) Fair   
3) Good   
4) Very good   
5) Excellent
a. Are these data qualitative or quantitative?
b. Are these data discrete or continuous?
c. What is the highest level of measurement the data possesses?



Qualitative data

Neither discrete or continous


Step-by-step explanation:

Qualitative data simply refers to Non-numeric measure, they make use of data labels which are expressed in words rather than figures or numbers.

For a data to be either discrete or continous, then it has to be numeric, since the data is qualitative and non- numeric, then it is neither continous or discrete.

This is an ordinal scale representation of data as data are ordered or ranked in terms of performance, however, there is no measure of difference between each rank or order. The highest level of performance in the scale is Excellent.

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