môt lâm trường lập kế hoạch trồng 1 số ha rừng, theo đó mỗi tuần lâm trường phải trồng 15ha. Trên thực tế nhờ cải tiến kĩ tuật, lâm trường đã trồng được 20ha mỗi tuần. Do đó, lâm trường khong những đã hoàn thành kế hoạch trước thời hạn 1 tuần mà còn trồng thêm được 5ha rừng. Hỏi theo kế hoạch, lâm trường phải trồng bao nhiêu ha rừng?


Answer 1

Step-by-step explanation:

mình nghĩ là như vầy. Chúc bạn học tôt :))))

Related Questions

Find the value of x for which l||m



30 =x

Step-by-step explanation:

The angles are correcting angle and corresponding angles are equal when the lines are parallel

55 = x+25

Subtract 25 from each side

55-25 = x+25

30 =x


x = 30

Step-by-step explanation:

The 55 degree angle is congruent with the angle of x

55* = m∠x

Step 1. Take the equation of x (x + 25*) and line it up with 55

(x + 25) = 55

Step 2. Solve by subtracting both sides by 25

x = 30

The quantity of milk consumed in five households in a week is 10L.12.13 L. 11 L and
14 L Find the mean weekly consumption of milk by these bouseholds. Also find the number
of households whose consumption is more than the mean weekly consumption​




Step-by-step explanation:

Add 10l to 12l to13l to11l to 14l=60l the divide 60l by the number of houses which will be 12 and there is your correct answer

find the angle measures given the figure is a rhombus.​


[tex] \large \tt{{❃ \: S \: O \: L \: U \: T \: I \: O \: N : }}[/tex]

A rhombus is a parallelogram in which all sides are equal i.e AB = BC = CD = CA

Let ∠ A be x. In the ∆ ABC , AB = AC which means they are isosceles triangle and we know the opposite angles of isosceles triangle are equal i.e ∠ A = ∠ C = x.

The sum of angles of a triangle is always 180°. Now , Find out the value of x :

[tex] \large{ \tt{❁ \:x + x + 98 = 180 \degree \: [ Sum\: of \: angle \: of \: a \: triangle ]}}[/tex]

[tex] \large{ \tt{⟶2x + 98 \degree= 180 \degree}}[/tex]

[tex] \large{ \tt{⟶ \: 2x = 180 \degree - 98 \degree}}[/tex]

[tex] \large{ \tt{⟶ \: 2x = 82 \degree}}[/tex]

[tex] \large{ \tt{ ⟶x = \frac{82 \degree}{2} }}[/tex]

[tex] \large{ \tt{⟶ \: x = 41 \degree}}[/tex]

The value of x is 41°. Now , Find the measure of ∠ 1 :

[tex] \large{ \tt{ ↔\angle \: 1 = x \degree = \boxed{41 \degree}}}[/tex] [ Being alternate angles ]

Hence , Our final answer is 41° .

- Alternate angles are the non-adjacent interiors pair of angles lying to the opposite side of a transversal when it intersects two straight line segments. Alternate angles form ' Z ' shape.

Hope I helped! Let me know if you have any questions regarding my answer. :)

3(-4x - 3) + 50 - 5= 0







x= -36/-12

x = 3 Answer...

hope it helps



Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]3(-4x - 3) + 50 - 5= 0[/tex]

⇒ Subtract 50- 5 from both sides:-



⇒ Divide both sides by 3:-



⇒ Add 3 to both sides:-



⇒ Divide both sides by -4:-




Problem 1 Find the mBC.



m BC = 100

Step-by-step explanation:

Since the angle is at the center, the arc has the same measurement as the angle

m BC = 100

Which is true about the solution to the system of inequalities shown?

y > 3x + 1

y < 3x – 3


they don't share any points

that's one thing, but I don't know what your options are of course.

see screenshot for illustration of the inequalities

How would I do this??


Part 1

[tex]\left(\frac{g}{h}\right)(x) = \frac{g(x)}{h(x)}\\\\\left(\frac{g}{h}\right)(x) = \frac{3x-5}{-2x^2+7}\\\\\left(\frac{g}{h}\right)(3) = \frac{3(3)-5}{-2(3)^2+7}\\\\\left(\frac{g}{h}\right)(3) = \frac{4}{-11}\\\\\left(\frac{g}{h}\right)(3) = -\frac{4}{11}\\\\[/tex]

Answer:  -4/11


Part 2

Set the denominator function equal to zero and solve for x to find which values to kick out of the domain.

[tex]h(x) = 0\\\\-2x^2+7 = 0\\\\7 = 2x^2\\\\2x^2 = 7\\\\x^2 = 7/2\\\\x^2 = 3.5\\\\x = \sqrt{3.5} \ \text{ or } x = -\sqrt{3.5}\\\\[/tex]

This shows that if x is equal to either of those values, then the denominator h(x) will be zero. These are the values to kick out of the domain to prevent a division by zero error. Any other value of x is valid in the domain.

Answer: [tex]x = \sqrt{3.5} \text{ and } x = -\sqrt{3.5}\\\\[/tex]

Use the box plots comparing the number of males and number of females attending the latest superhero movie each day for a month to answer the questions.

Two box plots shown. The top one is labeled Males. Minimum at 0, Q1 at 3, median at 10, Q3 at 15, maximum at 35. The bottom box plot is labeled Females. Minimum at 0, Q1 at 2, median at 6, Q3 at 9, maximum at 14, and a point at 31.

Part A: Estimate the IQR for the males' data. (2 points)

Part B: Estimate the difference between the median values of each data set. (2 points)

Part C: Describe the distribution of the data and if the mean or median would be a better measure of center for each. (4 points)

Part D: Provide a possible reason for the outlier in the data set. (2 points)


(a) The IQR for the males' data is 12, because Q3 is at 15 and Q1 is at 3.

(b) The difference between the median values of each data set is 4 because 10-6 = 4

(c) For the males' data, the median would be a better measure of center, since the data is skewed right. For the females' data, the mean would be a better measure of center, because the data is pretty balanced (except for the outlier).

(d) Maybe a superhero movie had their opening night one day of this month, which would explain the outlier.

First, find the length of each edge of the cube.
Then, find the volume.


the length of each edge of the cube would be 6cm, and to find the volume you would do 6x6x6 which is 326 cm cubed

since in a cube length, width and height are equal,

h = 6

w = 6

l = 6

and volume is 6³ = 216cm³

hope it helps :)

A square has an area of 49 cm squared what is the length of each side




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]s = {a}^{2} \: thus \: a = \sqrt{s } = \sqrt{49} = 7[/tex]

The length of the of each side of square is 7

find cosØ if sinØ=-12/13 and tanØ>0.

A) -5/12
B) -5/13
C) 12/5
D) -13/12




Step-by-step explanation:

sin theta = opp / hyp

sin theta = -12 /13

we can find the adj side by using the pythagorean theorem

adj^2 + opp ^2 = hyp^2

adj^2 +(-12)^2 = 13^2

adj^2 +144 =169

adj^2 = 169-144

adj^2 = 25

Taking the square root of each side

adj = ±5

We know that it has to be negative since it is in the third quad

adj = -5

cos theta = adj / hyp

cos theta = -5/13


B) -5/13

Step-by-step explanation:

i hope it will help

plzz mark as brainliest if you want

what is the sum of the square root of 63 and 144,divided by 5​



Step-by-step explanation:

(√63 + 144)/5 = (3√7 + 144)/5 = 0.6√7 + 28.8

the answer is 3.98745078664 or ≈4

Calculate the mean of the following list of numbers: 10, 12, 7, 9, 9, 11, 15, 9


Sun the numbers and divide by the number of numbers.

What is the range of the function?



all real numbers greater than or equal to 11

2.1: Solve the one step equation

9. 70 = -5x
10. x4 = 36
11. 7x = -54



-14, 9 and - 54/7

Step-by-step explanation:

70=-5x, x=-144x=36, x=97x=-54, x=-54/7

Can someone help me I don't understand




Step-by-step explanation:

sin 31° = 41/x

x = 41/sin 31°

x = 79.605

I think the answer is 79.605

On a piece of paper graph
f(x) = {-1 if -1 <= x < 0}
{ -2 if 0 <= x < 0}
{ -3 if 1 <= x < 2


In this question, a piece-wise function is asked to be graphed.

Piece-wise function:

A piece-wise function is a function that has different definitions, depending on the input.

In this question, the function has three different definitions:

For x between -1(inclusive) and 0, y takes a constant value of -1.

For x between 0(inclusive) and 1, y takes a constant value of -2.

For x between 1(inclusive) and 2, y takes a constant value of -3.


At the inclusive points, the interval is circled, and thus, the graphic is given at the end of this answer.

For another example of the graphic of a piece-wise function, you can check https://brainly.com/question/16855064


Step-by-step explanation:

1. (1, 3); (2, 3)

2. (0, 0) (1, 0)

3. (-1, 1) (0,0)

A grocer purchased 200 eggs at rs.9each. 20 of them were broken and he/she sold the rest at rs.9.50 each.Find his /her profit or loss percent.​




Step-by-step explanation:

Hope this helped you

If this helped you, plz mark me as brainiliest

Sorry for bad handwriting.

Thank you

Please help me ill give brainliest!!​




Step-by-step explanation:

To know the answer to this question you need to know the formulas to find the volume of the cylinder and the rectangular prism. The volume of a cylinder is pi*r^2*h while the volume of the rectangular prism is l*w*h. The cylinder is 1808.64 cubic in while the rectangular prism is 1936 cubic. Together, they are 3744.64 cubic in.


cylinder= A=πr²h






total area=452.16+2299


Step-by-step explanation:

In right triangle ABC, if AC = 5/13 and AB = 1, what is the length of BC?



BC = [tex]\frac{12}{13}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Using Pythagoras' identity in the right triangle

BC² + AC² = AB²

BC² + ([tex]\frac{5}{13}[/tex] )² = 1²

BC² + [tex]\frac{25}{169}[/tex] = 1 ( subtract [tex]\frac{25}{169}[/tex] from both sides )

BC² = [tex]\frac{169}{169}[/tex] - [tex]\frac{25}{169}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{144}{169}[/tex] ( take square root of both sides )

BC = [tex]\sqrt{\frac{144}{169} }[/tex] = [tex]\frac{12}{13}[/tex]

The circumference of a circle is 14 meters. Which of the following represents the area of the circle



A = 49/pi

Step-by-step explanation:

C = 2 * pi *r

14 = 2 * pi *r

Divide each side by 2 pi

14/2pi = r

7/pi = r

The area is given by

A = pi r^2

A = pi ( 7/ pi)^2

A  = pi * 49 / pi^2

A = 49/pi


[tex]area = {15.61m}^{2} [/tex]

explanation is attached to the picture

Hope this helps you

What is the percent change from 75 to 14?



the change is -81.33% (the 3 is repeating)

Rút gọn bthuc
7x(4y-x) + 4y(y-7x) - (4y^2 -7x)



Step-by-step explanation:




please HELP ME!!! (16 POINTS) due today :)))



Step-by-step explanation:

I'm not sure what the question is asking, but if you mean the angles in the blue lines

First one, we know that the full length is 90, and it has gacen us 80, so the angle would be 10

Second one, we see that the angle is still 90, and since the given degree is 30, the unkown angle would be 60

Third one, the given angle is 75 so 90-75=15.

The answers would be 10, 60, and 15.


4. 170*

5. 330*

6. 285*

Step-by-step explanation:

4. Explanation: 90* is added by the other angle in the right + 80* for the same angle

90* + 80* = 170*

5. Explanation: we are trying to find out the total among every angle measure except for 30.

Total angle measure = 360*

360 - 30 = 330*

6. Explanation: 360 - 75 = 285*

Maya just bought a refrigerator for $642. She paid $160.40 in a down payment and will pay the rest in 4 equal installments. How much does she need to pay for each installment?



120.40 per payment

Step-by-step explanation:

Subtract the down payment

642 - 160.40


Divide this by 4

481.60 / 4


how many line of symmetry is this figure​



There are sixteen lines.

8. The value of [3 - 4 * (3 - 4) ^ 4] ^ 3 is
a) 1
b) -1
d) 7
help me please ​




Step-by-step explanation:





Answer From Gauth Math



Step-by-step explanation:


[tex](3-4)^4= 1\\Therefore, [3-4*1]^3= -1^3\\So, -1^3= -1\\\\[/tex]

Cube of any negative integer will be negative, or, a negative integer raised to any odd number will be negative. Likewise, a negative integer raised to an even number will be positive.

A circle is represented by the equation below:

(x − 9)2 + (y + 8)2 = 16

Which statement is true?

a) The circle is centered at (−9, 8) and has a radius of 8.
b) The circle is centered at (9, −8) and has a diameter of 8.
c) The circle is centered at (9, −8) and has a radius of 8.
d) The circle is centered at (−9, 8) and has a diameter of 8.



The center is (9,-8) and the diameter is 8

Step-by-step explanation:

(x − 9)^2 + (y + 8)^2 = 16

A circle is in the form

(x − h)^2 + (y -k)^2 = r^2  where (h,k) is the center and r is the radius

(x − 9)^2 + (y -  -8)^2 = 4^2  

The center is (9,-8) and the radius is 4

The diameter is 2 times the radius so the diameter is 8

The center is (9,-8) and the diameter is 8

help find the height




Step-by-step explanation:

Heron's formula finds the area of any triangle.

Area = sqrt(s*(s - a)*(s-b)*(s-c) )

s = (a + b + c)/2

a = 8

b = 16

c = 12

s = 36/2 = 18

s-a = 18 - 8 = 10

s-b = 18 - 16 = 2

s-c = 18 - 12 = 6

Area = sqrt(18*10*2*6) = sqrt(2160)

Area = 12*sqrt(15)

Area = 46.4758

Now x is easily found. It is the altitude to 16

Area = 1/2 16 * h

46.4758 * 2 / 16 = h

h = 3*sqrt(15)/2

h= 5.81

Is the quotient of a rational number and
an irrational number always irrational?



Is the quotient of a rational number and an irrational number always irrational?

Answer = No,It can be either rational or irrational.


Prroof —

4 ÷ √8 = √2 { Which is an irrational number }


Now, Here comes a twist,

We know that — 0 is a rational number.

And, 0 ÷ √56666 = 0 ________________________________


But, √56666 ÷ 0 = Error ( Lol )


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