Motivated by the desire to live an idyllic life, people who are part of ______ movements may retreat from the larger society and form their own communities with like-minded others.


Answer 1

The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although you forgot to attach the options for this question we can say the following.

Motivated by the desire to live an idyllic life, people who are part of utopian movements may retreat from the larger society and form their own communities with like-minded others.

In their utopic ideas, these people create "fantasy worlds" in which they live and practically retreat from the everyday world.

The goal of many utopian societies was to create self-sufficient communities where people could have similar goals and live out their ideal beliefs."

These utopian movements started in the 1800s, during the Second Great Awakening. Many people considered utopian societies as the possibility to have a perfect or ideal society in which people could prosper, live happily with no problems, and tolerating differences. People soon realized that these futuristic societies or perfect societies were out of reach and hard to accomplish.

Answer 2

Utopian movements represent the motivation and desire to live an idyllic life by forming their own communities with like-minded others.

The Utopian movement was seen during the 19th century where many individuals came together in order to make their different society, which has perfect qualities of a society. Society was purely based on the imagination and fantasies of people that are filled with prosperity and happiness.    

Therefore, the community was intended to collaborate with people having similar goals and ideal beliefs so that they could achieve their community which was self-sustaining.

Learn more about the Utopian movement here:

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Zimmerman argues that natural resources are functional discuss.​



Zimmermann rejected the assumption of fixity. Resources are not known, fixed things; they are what humans employ to service wants at a given time. To Zimmermann (1933, 3; 1951, 14), only human "appraisal" turns the "neutral stuff" of the earth into resources.[3] What are resources today may not be tomorrow, and vice versa. According to Zimmermann, "resources are not, they become."[4] "According to the definition of ew Zimmerman, the word ,"resource " does not refer to a thing but to a function which a thing may perform to an operation in which it may take part,namely,the function or operation of attaining a given end such a satisfying a want.



13. The relationship between society and medical profession termed as Social contract;
in this social contract,
A. Professional grants the society privileges high degree of self-regulation
B. The society agrees to use these privileges primarily for the benefits of others
C. The society grants professional self-regulation primarily for the benefits of others
D. Society has genuine desire to help those who are in need of their service
E. The professional must be able to trust the society possess a particular level knowledge


Answer: C. The society grants professional self-regulation primarily for the benefits of others


There is an social contract that dictates how the relationship between society and professionals in the medical profession should go. That is, the rules are unspoken but very evident to the eye.

Society for instance, grants medical professional quite a number of privileges such as the right to self-regulation of the medical industry, respect and status and all it asks is that these medical professionals be professional and caring to members of the society and heal them of their health problems.

How does allocative discrimination contribute to the gender wage gap?



Discrimination on allocation refers to the way that men and women are involved. Allotted to professions differently. The process through which valuable discrimination refers. Despite equal qualifications and other factors, women have lower wages than men.


The gender salary gap or gender pay gap is the average pay difference for working men and women. Women are considered less than men, generally speaking. The pay gap consists of two distinct numbers: non-adjusted vs adjusted pay gap. Lastly, differences in working hours, chosen occupations, education and work experience are typically taken into consideration. In the USA, for example, the average annual salary of un-adjusted females is 79% of the average male wage, compared to 95% for the adjusted average wage

The reasons are linked to legal, cultural factors and go beyond 'equal wages for equal work.'

A public policy problem occurs from the gender pay gap because it reduces the economic output, and because it means that women are more dependent, especially in old age, on welfare payments.

A)Employers depreciate women's occupations

B)Women earn less money for the same joB than men.

C)Women are placed in low pay jobs by recruitment and promotion processes.

D)Patterns of socialisation encourage women to select lower-paid employment.

Stephens, Atkins, and Kingston (2009) found that participants were able to tolerate more pain when they shouted their favorite swear words over and over than when they shouted neutral words. For this study, what is the independent variable



The number of swear words said


An independent variable is a variable that is used to observe the changes that occurs in the variable of concern, that is the dependent variable.

Here the independent variable for this study will be the number of favourite swear words shouted. While the dependent variable would be the level of tolerance of pain.

In clear terms, this study wants to find if the number of times the participants shouted their favourite swear word can make them bear more pain.

Examples of non civic issues



Non-civic issues are alcoholism or drug addiction, since its resolution, although it may be promoted by the government, implies a fundamental decision on the part of individuals in their private sphere.

Instead, civic issues may be, for example, infrastructure problems in a city, which require the sole will of the government for resolution.

ý nghĩa phồn thực ở Việt Nam? Ví dụ cụ thể và đánh giá của bản thân.




thank you

much better in

Assume that the top executives of the major airlines meet and agree to reduce the number of flights as a means of reducing the supply of available seats, thereby allowing them to charge higher fares for those seats. What type of regulatory problem does this example most clearly represent?



Seat fares decreasing


hope it helps

write any 4 difference between savagery and barbarani stage of society ​



sevegery is violence while barnarani is to be cruel and violent and not having any education respect for art

Who extends credit to the government?
Is credit good for the economy?
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the central bank.
it is important, i wouldn’t necessarily say good.
central banks, retail banks

where is Allahabad in map​



Uttar Pradesh


Allahabad is in the northern state of Uttar Pradesh, which is ruled by the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). The state government has said the decision was taken to restore the city's ancient identity as a major Hindu pilgrimage centre.

A warrior is visiting town when a storekeeper insults his honor, which means that the warrior must challenge the man to a duel. He walks up to the storekeeper and draws his blade. Suddenly, the storekeeper cringes in fear and then transforms into a giant rat-like creature that tries to escape through a window. The warrior is disgusted by the wretched monster and attacks.

How does the protagonist solve the conflict?



The warrior resolved the conflict by going ahead to attack and possibly kill the giant rat because he has to defend his honor.

Warriors have a strong sense of honor and when that honor is insulted, they tend to do everything within their power to retain that honor, even at risk of death, so because the storekeeper that insulted him turned into a giant rat shouldn't stop him from getting his honor back.

How did the citizens United decision impact the American political system?



January 21, 2020 will mark a decade since the Supreme Court’s ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, a controversial decision that reversed century-old campaign finance restrictions and enabled corporations and other outside groups to spend unlimited funds on elections.

While wealthy donors, corporations, and special interest groups have long had an outsized influence in elections, that sway has dramatically expanded since the Citizens United decision, with negative repercussions for American democracy and the fight against political corruption.

Federal election commission that held the corporations could be banned from making engine electioneering communications.

The greatest importance of standing committees is that they ______. a. permit the leadership to control the legislative process b. control the influence of lobbyists on the legislative process c. are so powerful because they scrutinize, hold hearings on, amend, and often kill legislation d. give the president more power in the legislative process than he would have otherwise



c. are so powerful because they scrutinize, hold hearings on, amend, and often kill legislation


Standing committees are permanent legislative committees set up in different points in time by the Senate and the House of Representative.

They are usually the first to consider, evaluate, modify, or reject legislation related to the issues that the standing committee focuses on. For example, the standing committee of the House of Representatives evaluates legislation related to national security affairs and terrorism threats.

Standing committees are very powerful, and often legislation either comes out of them, or is rejected in the committees before being voted on the Senate and House of Representatives floors.

The Correct answer is "are so powerful because they scrutinize, hold hearings on, amend, and often kill legislation."

Which of the following is NOT a
power given to the federal
A.Establishing local governments
B.Funding public schools
C.Collecting taxes
D.Creating currency



B.Funding public schools


The funding of public schools in the US is mostly carried out by state and local governments, and the funding mainly comes from property taxes. The federal government does provide some funding to public schools, but it is a very small percentage of the total funding, around 8%.

Why is international trade important for most countries?
A. It makes countries more independent and less reliant on foreign countries.
B. It prevents countries from having a trade deficit that harms their economies.
C. It gives countries access to essential goods they cannot produce themselves.
D. It encourages countries to produce a wider variety of products for their citizens.


International trade is a vital process for countries as it gives access to essential goods they cannot produce themselves.

It contributes to the newer innovation and competition around the world. It helps countries to build natural resources and contribute to the economy.

What are Natural Resources?

" Natural Resources are drawn from nature and is used with very little modifications. It has a significant role in industrial, scientific and aesthetic use."

What is an Economy?

" An Economy is a specific place where there is a production, distribution, process of trading and consumption that takes place. It helps managing the scarce resources within a society and maintaining sustainability."

To learn more about Trade here


who is the first president of Nepal?​



Ram Baran Yadav


The first president of Nepal was Ram Baran Yadav. The current president is Bidhya Devi Bhandari, who was first elected in October 2015.


The first president of Nepal was Ram Baran Yadav

When one considers the majority of the scientific data that are available, what can be said about sexual orientation


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can comment on the following.

When one considers the majority of the scientific data that are available, what can be said about sexual orientation is that this concept of sexual orientation is something with which people are born, and it is not acquired with the pass of time.

After many studies from different perspectives, researchers have concluded that regarding sexual orientation, people are born with their sexual preferences that are developed and confirmed during their youth and adulthood.

Unfortunately, society has many derogatory labels that are used to discriminate and many times insult people that have a different sexual orientation than heterosexuals. Although the American Psychology Association (APA) considers homosexuality as a normal trait of sexuality in humans, people insist on ridicule gay and lesbian people and this affects the morale of these people.  

In Jungian psychology, religious fanatics swept up in a strongly felt cause are frequently _______ types.



introverted intuition


jungian therapists are the ones that don't say anything throughout the whole session. they let the person keep talking

Write a paragraph (about 5 sentences) describing how being a global citizen in the world of advanced technology can be beneficial to your success in meeting your persona, academic, and professional goals.






Which sentence option correctly uses a semicolon




the second one

semi colon is like a comma for a big things like sentences

Honoring all families early education assessment


Answer:it’s b



The vice president of the United States is, according to the U.S. Constitution, the president of the U.S. Senate; however, according to the rules of the U.S. Senate he has little authority over that body. The real head of the U.S. Senate is the Senate Majority Leader. Who is the President of the Texas Senate and the real leader of the Texas Senate?



Lieutenant Governor of Texas

President of Texas


Lieutenant Governor of Texas is the President of the Texas Senate.

And the real leader of the Texas Senate is the President of Texas

what do you mean by the term Dasa​



Is a Sanskrit word found in ancient Indian text such as the RIGVEDA and ARTHASASTRA. It usually means "enemy" or " servant " but dasa or das also means "servant of God", " devotee", "votary" or "one who has surrendered to God".

[tex]{{hope it helps}}}[/tex]

the four advantage of animal and Agriculture insurance​



1. it protects against production-related risks.

2. stability in income.

3. minimal debts.

4. provides awareness.

When we attempt to make sense of messages to determine if the proof supports the overall claim, probability, and credibility of sources, we are engaged in _______.
A. testing for fallacies
B. deductive reasoning
C. critical thinking
D. inductive reasoning



C. critical thinking


Intelligence can be defined as a measure of the ability of an individual to think, learn, proffer solutions to day-to-day life problems and effectively make informed decisions.

Raymond Cattell was a psychologist who in 1963 the theory of intelligence. In his work he stated that, intelligence (intellectual abilities) can be divided into two (2) categories and these includes;

I. Fluid intelligence: it simply involves possessing the ability to think and reason in an abstract manner while solving problems. Thus, it is not dependent on formal education, learning or experience.

II. Crystallized intelligence: it involves possessing the ability to think and reason using one's experience or knowledge derived through formal education and learning.

Critical thinking can be define as an attempt by a person to make sense of messages in order to determine if a proof supports the overall claim, probability, and credibility of information sources.

Basically, when an individual critically analyzes and measure the authenticity and credibility of an information source, proof and probability of an issue occurring, he or she is engaging in critical thinking.

Hi what animals are scientists trying to bring back that are extinct?


The passenger pigeon and the heath hen


Woolly mammot News. Quagga.Elephant bird. Banjo (Chinese river dolphin) ...Glyptodont. ...Pyrenean ibex. ...Dodo. ...Tasmanian tiger.

hope it helps.stay safe healthy and happy....

Help me please!!

- What's the difference between the ideologies of individualism and solidarity?



It is I the Explanation Wizard To come for your help


As you know if you know Individualism is the moral stance, political philosophy, ideology and social outlook that emphasizes the moral worth of the individual. And the concept of it all is the principle or habit of or belief in independent thought or action. the pursuit of individual rather than common or collective interests; egoism. individual character; individuality. an individual peculiarity. Just so you understand the answer to that is pretty much wide open. Use the info I gave you and it should be clear


The Cambridge Dictionary (references below) defines solidarity as “agreement between and support for the members of a group, especially a political group” and individualism as “the idea that freedom of thought and action for each person is the most important quality of a society, rather than shared effort and responsibility.”

The contrast between solidarity and individualism plays out in many public policy areas.



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To tell if your diamond is real, place the stone in front of your mouth and, like a mirror, fog it up with your breath. If the stone stays fogged for a few seconds, then it's probably a fake. A real diamond won't fog up easily since the condensation doesn't stick to the surface.

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