On April 30, Gomez Services had an Accounts Receivable balance of $24,600. During the month of May, total credits to Accounts Receivable were $59,200 from customer payments. The May 31 Accounts Receivable balance was $19,000. What was the amount of credit sales during May?


Answer 1

Answer: $53,600


Credit sales increase the balance on Accounts Receivables because they represent that people owe the business.

It is therefore included in the formula for calculating the ending balance of Accounts Receivables:

Ending accounts receivables = Beginning accounts receivable + Credit sales in May - Customer payments during May

19,000 = 24,600 + Credit Sales in May - 59,200

Credit Sales in May = 19,000 + 59,200 - 24,600

= $53,600

Related Questions

Carmel Corporation is considering the purchase of a machine costing $47,000 with a 7-year useful life and no salvage value. Carmel uses straight-line depreciation and assumes that the annual cash inflow from the machine will be received uniformly throughout each year. In calculating the accounting rate of return, what is Carmel's average investment





The average accounting rate of return is the rate of return on the investment in the project considering the average annual net income and the average amount of investment made in the project.

In other words, it is the average annual net income expressed as a percentage of the average investment as shown below

average accounting rate of return =average annual net income / average investment.  

average investment=(initial capital outlay+book value of the project at end of useful life)/2

initial capital outlay=$47,000

book value of the project at end of useful life=$0

average investment=($47,000+$0)/2

average investment=$23,500

Using the following accounts and an overhead rate of 70% of direct labor cost, determine the amount of applied overhead.

Work in Process Inventory
Beginning WIP 23,900
Direct Materials 71,700
Direct Labor ?
Applied Overhead ?
To Finished Goods
Ending WIP 39,190

Finished Goods Inventory
Beginning FG 5500
Ending FG



the applied overhead is $38,788.24


The computation of the amount of overhead applied is given below:

0.70 ÷ 1.70 × applied overhead + $23,900 + $71,700 = $39,190 + $150,610  

0.70 ÷ 1.70  × applied overhead = $94,200

applied overhead is

= $38,788.24

Hence, the applied overhead is $38,788.24

One reason IT is important is because video conferencing has become cheaper, quicker, more collaborative, and more efficient. Of what IT benefit is this an example






This is simply defined as information exchange or simply say the sharing of thoughts, messages, or information, by speech, signals, writing, or behavior etc.

Communication Technology

This is simply an act or form of communication that involves the use of technical equipment.

Input devices

This are used to enter information into a communication technology system; it includes the keyboard, microphone, a television camera etc.


This are used in getting information or messages out using communication systems devices such as TV, speakers, computer monitor, etc.


This are said to be data that has been sorted and arranged with a particular mindset.

In communication, due to the internet and mobile technologies, we can communicate with anyone in the world and form relationships with people who are some distance away, rather than being limited to people within our physical vicinity. This has some great benefits for both work and home life.

Consider a Cournot duopoly with the following inverse demand function: P = 96 - 2Q1 - 2Q2, where Q1 and Q2 are quantities produced by firms 1 and 2, respectively. The firms' marginal cost are identical and given by MCi(Qi) = 2Qi, where i is either firm 1 or firm 2. Based on this information firm 1 and 2's reaction functions are:_____.
a. MR1(Q1, Q2) = 100-2Q1-Q2 and MR2(Q1, Q2) 100-Q1-2Q2.
b. MR1(Q1, Q2) = 100-4Q1-2Q2 and MR2(Q1, Q2) = 100 - 2Q1 - 402.
c. MR1(Q1, Q2) = 100 - 2Q1 - 4Q2 and MR2(Q1, Q2) = 100 - 4Q1 - 2Q2.
d. MR1(Q1, Q2) = 24.5 - 0.5Q2 and MR2(Q1, Q2) = 24.5 - 0.5Q1.
Two identical firms compete as a Cournot duopoly. The demand they face is P = 90-Q. The cost function for each firm is C(Q_i) = 6Qi. Each firm earns equilibrium profits of:_____.


Answer: See explanation


The revenue - firm 1 will be:

= P x Q1

= 100Q1 - 2Q1² -2Q1Q2

Then, marginal revenue MR1 will be:

= dR1/dQ1

= 100 - 4Q1 -2Q2

Similarly, the revenue for firm 2 will be:

= P x Q2

= 100Q2 - 2Q2² -2Q1Q2

Then, MR2 will be:

= 100 - 4Q2 - 2Q1

Therefore, MR1(Q1, Q2) = 100-4Q1-2Q2 and MR2(Q1, Q2) = 100 - 2Q1 - 402.

Option B is the correct answer.

P = 90 - Q

Q = Q1 + Q2

The revenue for firm 1 (R1) will be:

= PQ1

= 90Q1 - Q1² - Q2Q1

The marginal revenue MR1 will be:

= 90 - 2Q1 - Q2

The marginal cost MC is:

= dC/dQ

= 6

Since profit is maximized when MR = MC, this will be:

90 - 2Q1 - Q2 = 6

- 2Q1 - Q2 = 6 - 90

- 2Q1 - Q2 = - 84

2Q1 + Q2 = 84

3Q = 84

Q1 = Q2 = 28


P = 90-Q.

P = 90 - (Q1 + Q2)

P = 90 - (28 + 28)

P = 90 - 56

P = 34

Then, the equilibrium profit will be:

= Total revenue - Total cost

= (34 × 28) - (6 × 28)

= 952 - 168

= 784

To balance the trade-off between speed and distance in ADSL, most ADSL service providers have chosen a T1 level of ADSL, and offer it under the trademarked name of _________ ADSL


Incomplete question. The missing option read;

a. CA*net 3


c. G.Lite

d. OE



c. G.Lite


Remember, the term ADSL stands for, Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL), a telco-enabled service for digital communication.

Indeed, because of the shortcomings of a normal ADSL connection, ADSL service providers often chose to use G.Lite since it does not require a voice-data splitter to split the voice and data signals coming from a communication line, by so doing they are able to balance the trade-off between speed and distance in ADSL.

A company uses the weighted average method for inventory costing. During a period, Department B finished and transferred 62,000 units to Department C. Also in Department B during the period, 16,000 units were started but brought only to a stage of being 60% completed. The number of equivalent units produced by Department B during the period was:_____.a. 60,000 units.
b. 55,000 units.
c. 62,500 units.
d. 67,500 units.
e. 47,500 units.



Total Equivalent units of production= 71,600 units


The weighted average method blends the costs and units of the previous period with the costs and units of the current period.

Units completed in the period + Equivalent units in ending inventory WIP (units*%completion) = Equivalent units of production

Equivalent units of production:

Units completed in the period= 62,000

Equivalent units in ending inventory WIP= (16,000*0.6)= 9,600

Total Equivalent units of production= 71,600 units

Suppose a stock had an initial price of $56 per share, paid a dividend of $1.60 per share during the year, and had an ending share price of $66. Compute the percentage total return. (Do not round intermediate calculations and enter your answer as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.)


Answer: 20.71%


The percentage total return will be calculated as follows:

= (Ending price + Dividend - Initial price) / Initial price

= ($66 + $1.60 - $56) / $56

= $11.60 / $56

= 0.2071

= 20.71%

Therefore, the percentage total return is 20.71%

Power Drive Corporation designs and produces a line of golf equipment and golf apparel. Power Drive has 100,000 shares of common stock outstanding as of the beginning of 2018. Power Drive has the following transactions affecting stockholders' equity in 2018.

March 1 Issues 50,000 additional shares of $1 par value common stock for $47 per share.
May 10 Purchases 4,500 shares of treasury stock for $50 per share. June 1 Declares a cash dividend of $1.25 per share to all stockholders of record on June 15. (Hint: Dividends are not paid on treasury stock.)
July 1 Pays the cash dividend declared on June 1.
October 21 Resells 2,250 shares of treasury stock purchased on May 10 for $55 per share.

Record each of these transactions



See the journal entries below.


Each of these transactions can be recorded in the journal as follows:

Date      Particulars                                         Debit ($)              Credit ($)  

Mar 1     Cash (50,000 * $47)                        2,350,000

             Common stock                                                                 50,000

             Additional Paid-in Capital                                           2,300,000

             (To record Issue of 50,000 additional shares for $47 per share.)  

May 10   Treasury stock (4,500 * $50)           225,000

              Cash                                                                               225,000

              (To record Purchase of 4,500 shares of treasury stock)              

Jun 1      Dividend (w.1)                                     181,875

              Dividend payable                                                           181,875

              (Record dividend declared.)                                                          

Jul 1       Dividend payable                                181,875

              Cash                                                                                181,875

              (Record dividend paid.)                                                                  

Oct 21    Cash (2,250 * $55)                             123,750

              Treasury stock (2,250 * $50)                                         112,500

              Additional Paid-in Capital                                                11,250

              (To record resale of shares of treasury stock.)                          


w.1. Dividend = Dividend per share * (Shares of common stock outstanding as of the beginning of 2018 + Additional shares issued on March 1 -  Shares of treasury stock purchased on May 10) = $1.25 * (100,000 + 50,000 - 4,500) = $181,875

Along any downward sloping straight-line demand curve: Group of answer choices both the price elasticity and slope are constant. both the price elasticity and slope vary. the price elasticity varies, but the slope is constant. the slope varies, but the price elasticity is constant.



the price elasticity varies, but the slope is constant


The demand curve is a curve that shows the relationship between price and quantity demanded. The demand curve is negatively sloped because the higher the price, the lower the quantity demanded. This is in line with the law of demand.

According to the law of demand, the higher the price, the lower the quantity demanded and the lower the price, the higher the quantity demanded.

At the midpoint of the demand curve, demand is usually unit elastic. Above the midpoint of the demand curve, demand is elastic and blow the midpoint, demand is inelastic

Price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of quantity demanded to changes in price of the good.

Price elasticity of demand = percentage change in quantity demanded / percentage change in price  

Price elasticity of demand = midpoint change in quantity demanded / midpoint change in price  

If the absolute value of price elasticity is greater than one, it means demand is elastic. Elastic demand means that quantity demanded is sensitive to price changes.  

Demand is inelastic if a small change in price has little or no effect on quantity demanded. The absolute value of elasticity would be less than one

Demand is unit elastic if a small change in price has an equal and proportionate effect on quantity demanded.  

Infinitely elastic demand is perfectly elastic demand. Demand falls to zero when price increases  

Perfectly inelastic demand is demand where there is no change in the quantity demanded regardless of changes in price.

As a general rule, C corporations must use the cash method of accounting. However, under several exceptions to this rule (e.g., average annual gross receipts of $26,000,000 or less for the most recent 3-year period), a C corporation can use the accrual method.

a. True
b. False


The answer is true, a C Corp. can use the accrual method

Consider the following information: Total current assets $78,632 Deferred income taxes $3,210 Inventories $9,823 Prepaid expenses $1,050 Other assets $3,890 Total current liabilities $32,043 What is the quick ratio? 2.15 2.45 2.32 2.24





Beta Company reported the following operating data for its baking division for the year: Sales $560,000 Contribution margin 308,000 Direct fixed costs 47,000 Average operating assets 230,000 How much is controllable margin for the year


Answer: $261000


Based on the information given in the question, the controllable margin for the year will be calculated thus:

Contribution margin = $308000

Less: Direct fixed cost = $47000

Controllable margin = $261000

Therefore, the controllable margin is $261000.

Ames Trading Co. has the following products in its ending inventory.Product Quantity Cost per Unit Market per UnitMountain bikes 11 $600 $550Skateboards 13 $350 $425Gliders 26 $800 $700Compute lower of cost or market for inventory applied separately to each product.



Mountain Bikes

Market value is $550 and cost is $600.

Lower is market.

Inventory value is therefore:

= Quantity * Market

= 11 * 550

= $6,050


Market value is $425 and cost is $350.

Cost is lower.

Inventory value is:

= 13 * 350 cost

= $4,550


Market value is $700 and cost is $800.

Inventory value is:

= 26 * 700 market value

= $18,200

what is Overconfident in econimics?



< Bestiary of Behavioral Economics. Overconfidence is a common tendency to overestimate one's ability to predict and control future outcomes. It is recognized in psychology as well as economics and has been blamed for countless counterintuitive economic outcomes.

The price elasticity of demand for a popular sporting event is 1.5. If the price of a ticket to this event increases by 10%, the quantity of tickets demanded will decrease by


Answer: Quantity demanded will decrease by 15%


The price elasticity of demand shows how much the quantity demanded of a good or service will change in response to a change in the price of the good.

Price elasticity of demand = Percentage change in quantity / Percentage change in price

1.5 = % change in quantity demanded / 10%

% change in quantity demanded = 1.5 * 10%

% change in quantity demanded = 15%

Quantity demanded will decrease by 15%

In the Hausser Food Products case, which type of organizational structure might have prevented the Florida sales team from withholding information from other sales teams?


Answer: Functional structure.


In the Hausser Food Products case, the type of organizational structure that might have prevented the Florida sales team from withholding information from other sales teams is the Functional structure.

The functional structure refers to the structure whereby employees in an organization are grouped based on their specialized skills, knowledge or roles that they perform.

In this type of structure, there are different departments such as the sales department, finance department, customers services department etc. The specialized unit typically report to higher management as it's hierarchical.

The current account balance equals​ _______. A. net exports plus net foreign investment in the United States B. exports minus imports plus net interest and net transfers C. the capital and financial account balance minus the official settlements account balance D. net exports plus the official settlements balance





the current account of a country measures the value of the trade balance, transfers and the net income

the component of the current account includes

trade balance - it measures the value of the  import and export of goods and services of a country.

net income - measures the value of the income received by a country's residents less the income paid to foreigners

transfers - it includes income sent home by a country's citizens working outside the country

Current account = net export + net income + net transfers

Margas Framing's cost formula for its supplies cost is $2,240 per month plus $6 per frame. For the month of May, the company planned for activity of 808 frames, but the actual level of activity was 810 frames. The actual supplies cost for the month was $7,090. The supplies cost in the flexible budget for May would be closest to:_____.a. $7,106.
b. $7,088.
c. $7,100.
d. $7,090.


Answer: c. $7,100


Supplies cost according to the flexible budget is to be calculated based on the actual level of activity.

The cost is:

= Fixed cost + (Variable cost * actual level of activity)

= 2,240 + (6 * 810)

= 2,240 + 4,860

= $7,100

The Paw Patrol Smartphone lets kids learn about colors, numbers, and music. It has four Paw Patrol characters for the game plus numbers and colors. Before developing the Smartphone, Paw Patrol researched the market to see if this Smartphone would face stiff competition. Which step of segmenting the market does this example represent



Profiling and analysing segments


Segmentation is the division of people into certain groups based on shared characteristics.

For example, In demographic segmentation, people are placed into groups based on age, gender, ethnicity and other demographic factors

Stages of segmenting a market

Selecting a product category to study - the product whose market would be segmented is chosen Choosing a basis for segmentation Selecting segmentation descriptors Profiling and analyzing segments

The two-country, multi-product model differs from the two-country, two-product model in that, in the former:__________
A) the relative wage ratio will determine the pattern of trade ( which good is exported by which country).
B) which country will export which product is determined entirely by labor productivity data.
C) full specialization is likely to hold in equilibrium.
D) none of the goods are potentially nontraded.
E) domestic relative prices are not relevant.


Answer: The relative wage ratio will determine the pattern of trade ( which good is exported by which country


A two-country, two-product world, explains two countries that trade with each other such that one has a comparative advantage over the other in the production of a good while the other country has a comparative advantage in the production of the other product.

The two-country, multi-product model differs from the two-country, two-product model in that, in the former the relative wage ratio will determine the pattern of trade ( which good is exported by which country).

Therefore, the correct option is A.

g A foreign factory has offered to supply with ready-made baskets for a price of $12 per basket. Assume that fixed costs are unavoidable, but that could use the vacated production facilities to earn an additional $8500 of profit per month. If Fruit Basket Company decides to outsource, monthly operating income will increase by ________.



The answer is "$5500".


Analysis Differential:  

                                             Make                            Buy

Cost of variable                        [tex]800\times 7 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ = 5600[/tex]  

Fixed- cost                             [tex]16000\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 16000[/tex]

Purchasing cost                                                    [tex]800\times 12\ = 9600[/tex]

Cost of opportunity            [tex]\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 9500[/tex]  

Total relevant cost                    [tex]31100 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 25600[/tex]

Increasing operating income [tex]= 31100-25600 = 5500[/tex]

Suppose that the airline industry is in long-run equilibrium when the price of gasoline increases, raising the cost of operating airplanes. In the long run, the number of airlines in business should:________a. remain constant with lower profits.b. increase.c. decrease.d. remain constant with constant profits.


Answer: c. decrease.


If the cost of operating airplanes increases on account of gasoline prices rising, it means that running an airline service would be more expensive.

In the long-run, there is zero economic profit as companies keep entering and exiting the market. If costs increase as they have done here, there will be an economic loss. Several firms will therefore exit in order to avoid these costs which would lead to the number of airlines decreasing.

When they decrease, prices will then go up till the economic profit is zero once more.

Frank decides that a social media campaign is the best way for him to attract new business to Slice of Life Pizza. After Frank identifies his strategies and goals, the next step in the campaign is


Answer: identify your target audience


Since Frank has identified his strategies and goals, then the next step in the campaign will be to identify the target audience.

The target audience refers to the consumers that are likely to attract new business to Slice of Life Pizza. This is vital for Frank to be able to reach out to more customers and make profit.

The ABC Corporation makes collections on sales according to the following schedule: 45% in month of sale 50% in month following sale 5% in second month following sale The following sales have been budgeted: Sales April $ 160,000 May $ 180,000 June $ 170,000 Budgeted cash collections in June would be:


Answer: $170500


Based on the information given in the question, the budgeted cash collections in June would be calculated thus:

= (45% × $160000) + (50% × $180000) + (5% × $170000)

= $72000 + $90000 + $8500

= $170500

Therefore, the budgeted cash collections in June would be $170500

Your income is $10,000 over the cutoff for the next lowest tax bracket. Your average tax rate is 10%. Your marginal tax rate is 25%. You contribute $3,000 to a traditional IRA and your contribution is fully deductible, should you decide to go that way. You decide, in fact, to make this a traditional IRA. How much did your contribution actually cost you, in after-tax dollars



"$2,250" is the appropriate answer.


Given values are:

Before tax cost,

= $3000

Marginal tax rate,

= 25%


= 0.25

The after tax cost of contribution will be:

= [tex]Before \ tax \ cost\times (1-Marginal \ tax \ rate)[/tex]

By putting the values, we get

= [tex]3000(1-25 \ percent)[/tex]

= [tex]3000(1-0.25)[/tex]

= [tex]3000\times 0.75[/tex]

= [tex]2250[/tex] ($)

Phillips Corporation's fiscal year ends on November 30. The following accounts are found in its job order cost accounting system for the first month of the new fiscal year.

Other data:

1. On December 1, two jobs were in process: Job No. 154 and Job No. 155. These jobs had combined direct materials costs of $9,950 and direct labor costs of $15,200. Overhead was applied at a rate that was 75% of direct labor cost.
2. During December, Job Nos. 156, 157, and 158 were started. On December 31, Job No. 158 was unfinished. This job had charges for direct materials $4,400 and direct labor $5,200, plus manufacturing overhead. All jobs, except for Job No. 158, were completed in December.
3. On December 1, Job No. 153 was in the finished goods warehouse. It had a total cost of $5,500. On December 31, Job No. 157 was the only job finished that was not sold. It had a cost of $4,300.
4. Manufacturing overhead was $1,145 underapplied in December.

List the letters (a) through (m) and indicate the amount pertaining to each letter. Raw Materials Inventory Dec. 1 Beginning balance

a. Dec. 31 Requisitions 18,950 31 Purchases 18,025 Dec. 31 Ending balance 8,125 Work in Process Inventory Dec. 1 Beginning balance (Entry field with correct answer)
b. Dec. 31 Jobs completed (Entry field with incorrect answer) (f) 31 Direct materials (Entry field with correct answer)
c. 31 Direct labor 9,100 31 Overhead (Entry field with correct answer)
d. Dec. 31 Ending balance (Entry field with correct answer)
e. Finished Goods Inventory Dec. 1 Beginning balance (Entry field with correct answer)
f. Dec. 31 Cost of goods sold (Entry field with incorrect answer) (i) 31 Completed jobs (Entry field with incorrect answer)
g. Dec. 31 Ending balance (Entry field with correct answer)
h. Factory Labor Dec. 31 Factory wages 12,225 Dec. 31 Wages assigned (Entry field with correct answer)
i. Manufacturing Overhead Dec. 31 Indirect materials 3,300 Dec. 31 Overhead applied (Entry field with correct answer)
j. 31 Indirect labor (Entry field with correct answer)
k. 31 Other overhead 1,545



Phillips Corporation

a = 9,050 beginning balance Raw Materials

b = 36,660 beginning balance WIP

c = 15,650 direct materials

d = 6,825 Overhead applied

e = 13,500 Ending balance WIP

f = 5,500 beginning balance Finished Goods

g = 54,625 Completed jobs

h = 4,300 ending balance Finished Goods

i = 9,100 wages assigned

j = d

k = 3,125 indirect labor

l = 1,145 Underapplied overhead

m = 55,825 cost of goods sold


a) Data and Analysis:

1. Jobs in process:

Job No. 154 and Job No. 155

Combined direct materials costs    $9,950

Combined direct labor costs            15,200

Overhead applied (75%)                    11,400

Total work in process, beginning $36,550

2. Jobs started in December:

             Job Nos. 156,           157, and       158

Direct materials                                     $4,400

Direct labor                                             5,200

Overhead applied (75%)                        3,900

Total work in process                        $13,500

Beginning work in process = $36,550

Ending work in process = $13,500

Beginning Finished Goods Inventory: Job 153 $5,500

Ending Finished Goods Inventory: Job 157 $4,300

Raw Materials Inventory

Dec. 1 Beginning balance  9,050 (a)  

Dec. 31 Requisitions                      18,950

Dec. 31 Purchases           18,025

Dec. 31 Ending balance                  8,125

Total                                27,075  27,075

a = $9,050 (27,075 - $18,025)

Work in Process Inventory

Dec. 1 Beginning balance $36,550  b.

Dec. 31 Jobs completed               54,625 (g)

Dec. 31 Direct materials     15,650  c.

Dec. 31 Direct labor              9,100

Dec. 31 Overhead                6,825  d.

Dec. 31 Ending balance                13,500 e.

Finished Goods Inventory

Dec. 1 Beginning balance        5,500 f

Dec. 31 Cost of goods sold            55,825 (m)

Dec. 31 Completed jobs    54,625 g.

g. Dec. 31 Ending balance                  4,300 h

Factory Labor

Dec. 31 Factory wages         12,225

Dec. 31 Wages assigned                    9,100

Dec. 31 Overhead                               3,125

Manufacturing Overhead

Dec. 31 Indirect materials 3,300

Dec. 31 Overhead applied                 6,825  d.

Dec. 31 Indirect labor        3,125  k.

Dec. 31 Other overhead   1,545

Dec. 31 Underapplied overhead        1,145

People often become entrepreneurs because they want to be their own boss and be in control of most or all of the major decisions related to their business. How might this relate to potential financial success



The proper explanation about the possible potential success depending on the state of mind of every entrepreneur is below.


First of all, most of the entrepreneurs tend to have the attitude of wanting to reach their goals no matter what, they are of strong emotional intelligence due to the fact that decide to be brave enough to follow their dreams and have the courage of risking their savings in order to gain success so therefore that they try to control everything in the meaning of expenses as well as try to learn what they need with the purpose of obtaning more benefits and loses in their work and business. So that is why that with their state of mind their might reach better results financially because their are all the time looking for constant improvement.

Find the lump sum deposited today that will yield the same total amount as this yearly payment (made at the end of each year for 20 years at the given interest rate, compounded annually).





Missing word "$9500 at 4%"

Present Value of the amount to be deposited P = ?

Annual Year end payment A = $9,500

Rate of interest r = 4% compounded annually

Period of payment n = 20 years

P = A * [1- (1/(1+r)^n)] / r

P = $9500 * [1 - (1/(1+0.04)^20)] / 0.04

P = $9500 * [1-(1/(1.04)^20)] / 0.04

P = $9500 * [1 - (1/2.191123143)] / 0.04

P = $9500 [1 - 0.45638695] / 0.04

P = $9500 * 0.5436131 / 0.04

P = $9500 * 13.590326

P = $129,108.1003

P = $129,108.10

So, the lump sum deposited today is $129,108.10.

Company X has a P/E ratio of 10 and a stock price of $50 per share. Calculate earnings per share of the company.A) $5 per share.B) $ per share.C) $0. per share.D) $6 per share.



A) $5 per share


Calculation to determine the earnings per share of the company.

Using this formula

EPS=Stock price/P/E ratio

Let plug in the formula

EPS = 50/10

EPS= $5 per share

Therefore the earnings per share of the company will be $5 per share

Tuscany Company estimated the following costs at the beginning of a particular year: Overhead $5,340,000 Direct labor cost $890,000 Tuscany uses normal costing and applies overhead on the basis of direct labor cost. (Direct labor cost equals total direct labor hours worked multiplied by the wage rate.) The direct labor cost was $50,000 for the month of January. Determine the overhead applied for the month of January.


Answer: $300,000


As overhead is applied on the basis of direct labor cost, the overhead rate for the period is:

= Overhead / Direct labor cost * 100%

= 5,340,000 / 890,000 * 100%

= 600%

If direct labor cost is $50,000 then overhead applied will be:

= Direct labor cost * Overhead rate

= 50,000 * 600%

= $300,000

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