One of the electron transitions in a hydrogen atom produces infrared light with a wavelength of
8.231 x 10°m. What amount of energy causes this transition?


Answer 1

A transition occurs when an electron absorbs energy and moves from one energy level to another.

Let us recall the formula;

E = hc/λ

h= planks constant = 6.6 * 10^-34 Js

c = speed of light = 3 * 10^8 ms-1

λ = wavelength =

We can see from the question that the exponent in the value for the wavelength was not properly rendered hence we can not be able to substitute values and obtain a numerical answer for the energy of the infrared radiation.

However, if all the values are properly substituted, then the energy of the infrared radiation can conveniently be obtained.

Related Questions

Calculate the mass of sodium phosphate in aqueous solution to fully react with 37 g of chromium nitrate(III) an aqueous solution?(report answer in grams and only three Sigg figs do not put the unit)



41 g


The equation of the reaction is;


Number of moles of chromium nitrate = 37g/ 146.97 g/mol = 0.25 moles

1 mole of sodium phosphate reacts with 1 mole of chromium nitrate

x moles of sodium phosphate react as with 0.25 moles of chromium nitrate

x= 1 × 0.25/1

x= 0.25 moles

Mass of sodium phosphate = 0.25 moles × 163.94 g/mol

Mass of sodium phosphate = 41 g

Inter-molecular forces determine the _______________ properties while intra-molecular forces determine the ________ properties of compounds.






Intermolecular forces are the forces that hold the molecules of a substance together in a particular state of matter. They decide the physical properties of a substance.

The intra molecular forces are the bond forces that hold atoms together in molecules. The nature of this bonding determines the chemical properties of substances.

What enzyme below is an exoenzyme?
A. Casease
B. Citrase
C. Catalase
D. Oxidase


Casease! Good luck!

If a 0.320 mM solution of MnO41- has an absorbance of 0.480 at 525 nm in a 1.000 cm cell. What is the concentration of a MnO41- solution that has absorbance of 0.490 in the same cell at that wavelength?



Hence the concentration of a MnO41- solution that has absorbance of 0.490 in the same cell at that wavelength is 0.3266.


Now A = el, el=const


[tex]A2 / A1 = C2/ C1\\\\0.49/ 0.48 = C2 / 0.32\\\\C2 = 0.3266[/tex]

1. Most of the chemicals included in your General Chemistry Lab kit can be discarded down a drain. Describe a situation in which you would need to neutralize a chemical before discarding down a drain.


Answer: Chemicals like acids and bases are harmful and must be neutralized before draining.


A strong acid or strong base is required to be diluted or neutralized before it is discarded in the drain as if is discarded without diluting and neutralization it can spill and splash from sink or drain and can harm people in chemistry lab, moreover the fumes of the discarded chemical on spilling can cause respiratory tract burning and can even cause fire hazard so it must be converted into less harmful form and then must be drained.  

Use the Ka values for weak acids to identify the best components for preparing buffer solutions with the given pH values.

Name Formula Ka
Phosphoric acid H3PO4 7.5 x 10^-3
Acetic acid CH3COOH 1.8 x 10^-5
Formic acid HCOOH 1.8 x 10^-4

pH 1.9 =_________
pH 5.0 = ________
pH 3.9= ________



pH= 1.9 then [tex]H_{3} PO_{4}[/tex]

pH = 5.0 , [tex]CH_{3} COOH[/tex]

pH = 3.9 , HCOOH

As we know range left [tex]pH= pKa+/- 1[/tex]

Viết các đồng phân cấu tạo mạch hở của C4H6O2 cùng nhóm chức axit



+ axit


CH3-CH=CH-COOH (tính cả đồng phân hình học)


+ este

HCOOCH=CH-CH3 (tính cả đồng phân hình học)





A one electron species, X m, where m is the charge of the one electron species and X is the element symbol, loses its one electron from its ground state when it absorbs 3.49 x 10-17 J of energy. Using the prior information, the charge of the one electron species is:_____________

a. +8
b. +2
c. +3
d. +1
e. +4



Option C


From the question we are told that:

Difference in energy [tex]\delta E =3.49 * 10^{-17} J[/tex]

The Ground state Difference in energy at n=1

[tex]\delta E_g = 2.18 * 10^{-18} × Z^2[/tex]

Generally the equation for Difference in energy is mathematically given by

[tex]\delta E=\delta E_g[/tex]


[tex]3.49 * 10^{-17} = 2.18 * 10^{-18} * Z^2[/tex]




Charge on element Z Q_Z

[tex]Q_Z= Atomic\ no\. of\ element - No.\ of\ electrons\ of\ element[/tex]

[tex]Q_Z =4-1[/tex]


Option C

You should set out support, like a cork ring or clamp, before removing the glassware from a glassware kit to place the glassware in and to stop it from _________. Thoroughly check that the glasswar is________ and that it does not have any _______before using it.



(A) Slipping and breaking

(B) Clean and dry

(C) Cracks


This describes the process of unpacking a glassware for use.

You should set out support like a cork ring or clamp (these are simple machines that'll hold the glassware in place) before removing the glassware from a glassware kit; to place the glassware in and to stop it from slipping and breaking.

Thoroughly check that the glassware is clean and dry and that it does not have any cracks, before using it.

A system receives 425 J of heat from and delivers 425 J of work to its surroundings. What is the change in internal energy of the system (in J)?



0 J



ΔE = q+w................ Equation 1

Where ΔE = change in internal energy of the system, q = Heat of the system, w = work of the system.

Note: q is positive, while w is negative

From the question,

Given: q = 425 J, w = -425 J

Substitute these values into equation 1

ΔE = 425-425

ΔE = 0 J

Hence the change in internal energy of the system is 0 J

Sometimes in lab we collect the gas formed by a chemical reaction over water . This makes it easy to isolate and measure the amount of gas produced.
Suppose the CO, gas evolved by a certain chemical reaction taking place at 50.0°C is collected over water, using an apparatus something like that in the sketch, and the final volume of gas in the collection tube is measured to be 132. mL. Calculate the mass of CO, that is in the collection tube. Round your answer to 2 significant digits.



0.17 g


Since the volume of gas collected is 132 mL, we need to find the number of moles of gas present in 132 mL.

So, number of moles, n = volume of gas, v/molar volume, V

n = v/V where v = 132 mL = 0.132 L and V = 22.4 L

So, substituting the values of the variables into the equation, we have

n = v/V

n = 0.132 L/22.4 L

n = 0.005893 mol

We then need to calculate the molar mass of CO, M = atomic mass of carbon + atomic mass of oxygen = 12 g/mol + 16 g/mol = 28 g/mol

Also, number of moles of gas, n = m/M where m = mass of CO and M = molar mass of CO

m = nM

m = 0.005893 mol × 28 g/mol

m = 0.165004 g

m ≅ 0.17 g to 2 significant digits

differences between expansion of solid and liquid​


Yep yep looks about right

The compound IF5 contains Question 16 options: polar covalent bonds with partial negative charges on the F atoms. ionic bonds. polar covalent bonds with partial negative charges on the I atoms. nonpolar covalent bonds.



See explanation


The molecule IF5 possesses five I-F polar bonds. However, the presence of polar bonds does not automatically imply that the molecule will be polar.

The geometry of the molecule is very important in determining the polarity of a compound. Since IF5 has a lone pair of electrons, the molecule is bent and as such there is a permanent dipole moment created in the molecule thereby making IF5 polar in nature.

10. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2: M = 34 g mol-1) is a powerful oxidising agent that is used in concentrated solution in rocket fuel systems and in dilute solution as in hair bleach. An aqueous solution of H2O2 is 30 % by mass and has a density of 1.11 g cm-3. Express the concentration of the solution in terms of: (i) Molality​



The molality of solution=12.605 m


We are given that

Molar mass of Hydrogen peroxide, M=34 g/mol

Density of solution, [tex]\rho=1.11gcm^{-3}[/tex]

30% Means mass of solute (Hydrogen peroxide)=30 g

Mass of solvent =100-30=70 g

Total mass of solution, m=100 g

Number of moles of solute=[tex]\frac{given\;mass}{molar\;mass}[/tex]

Using the formula

Number of moles of hydrogen peroxide=[tex]\frac{30}{34}[/tex]

Now, molality of solution

[tex]m=\frac{number\;of\;moles\;of\;solute}{mass\;of\;solvent}\times 1000[/tex]

[tex]m=\frac{30}{70\times 34}\times 1000[/tex]

[tex]m=12.605 m[/tex]

Hence, the molality of solution=12.605 m

Classify the processes as endothermic or exothermic.

a. Ice melting
b. Water condensing on surface
c. Baking a cake
d. The chemical reaction inside an instant cold pack.
e. A car using gasoline


endothermic absorbs heat

exothermic gives heat

a. endothermic

b. exothermic

c. endothermic

d. exothermic

a. Ice melting - endothermic

b. Water condensing on the surface - exothermic

c. Baking a cake - endothermic

d. The chemical reaction inside an instant cold pack - endothermic

e. A car using gasoline - exothermic

What is an exothermic and endothermic reaction?

An exothermic reaction can be described as a thermodynamic chemical reaction that emits energy from the system to its surroundings usually in the form of light, heat, or sound.

While an endothermic reaction can be described as an opposite of an exothermic reaction where the energy gains in the form of heat. In exothermic chemical reactions, the bond energy is transformed into thermal energy.

In exothermic reactions, the reaction happens the form of the kinetic energy of molecules when the energy is released. The release of energy is due to the electronic transition of electrons from one energy level to another.

The burning of gasoline, and water condensation is also an exothermic reaction in which energy is released while ice melting and baking cake is an endothermic reaction.

Learn more about the exothermic process, here:


any two functions of crystals



1. Participating in calcium homeostatis storage of calcium.

2. High capacity calcium (Ca) regulation and protection against herbivory

[tex]\large \boxed{\sf 2 \: functions \: of \: crystals \: are :- } [/tex]


[tex] \sf \: \underline{ Calcium \: oxalate \: (CaOx) \: crystals} \: are \: distributed \: \\\sf among \: all \: taxonomic \: levels \\ \sf\: of \: photosynthetic \: organisms \: from \\ \sf \: small \: algae \: to \: angiosperms \: and \: giant \: gymnosperms .[/tex]


[tex]\sf Bone \: is \: mostly \: made \: of \: \underline{mineral \: crystals} \: \\ \sf and \: the \: protein \: collagen. \: The \: mineral  \: crystals \: bone  \\ \sf\: provide \: strength \: and \: rigidity \: for \: the \: matrix \: upon \: \\ \sf \: and \: within \: which \: they \: are \: deposited.[/tex]

If 52.5 mL of lead(II) nitrate solution reacts completely with excess sodium iodide solution to yield 0.248 g of precipitate, what is the molarity of lead(II) ion in the original solution



The volume of given lead nitrate solution is:

52.5 mL.

The amount of lead iodide formed is ---0.248 g.

To get the molarity of lead (II) ion follow the below-shown procedure:

The number of moles of lead iodide formed is:

[tex]number of moles of lead iodide(n)=mass of lead iodide/its molecular mass\\n=0.248 g/461.01g/mol\\n=0.000537mol[/tex]

0.000537 mole of lead iodide contains --- 0.000537 moles of lead (II) ion.

Thus, the number of moles are there, volume is there, and to get the molarity of lead (II) ion use the formula:

[tex]Molarity=\frac{number of moles}{volume in L.} \\M=0.000537 mol / 0.0525 L.\\M=0.0102mol/L[/tex]

Molarity of lead iodide is --- 0.0102 M.

how many of the electrons in a molecule of ethane are not involved in bondind​


Ethane consists of 6C−H bonds and 1C−C bond. Total number of bonds is 7. Each bond is made up of two electrons



Which functional group is used in other functional groups?
A. Ester
B. Carbonyl
c. Hydroxyl
D. Amino




The answer is B. Carbonyl

Carbonyl is the functional group is used in other functional groups. Therefore, option (B) is correct.

What do you mean by carbonyl functional group?

A functional group with the formula C=O that is composed of a carbon atom double-bonded to an oxygen atom and is divalent at the C atom is known as a carbonyl group in organic chemistry.

A carbonyl gathering is a synthetically natural utilitarian gathering made out of a carbon iota twofold clung to an oxygen molecule - - > [C=O] The most straightforward carbonyl gatherings are aldehydes and ketones typically connected to another carbon compound.

A functional group with a carbon double bonded to an oxygen is called a carbonyl group. They have unsurprising properties, like extremity, instability, and reactivity.

Learn more about carbonyl functional group:


The homework question reads:
"A sample of gas in a cylinder of volume 3.42 L at 298 K
and 2.57 atm expands to 7.39 L by two different pathways.
Path A is an isothermal, reversible expansion. Path B has two
steps. In the fi rst step, the gas is cooled at constant volume to
1.19 atm. In the second step, the gas is heated and allowed to
expand against a constant external pressure of 1.19 atm until
the final volume is 7.39 L. Calculate the work for each path.




this guy on brainly already did it:



4.8K answers

37.1M people helped

Answer :  The work done for path A and path B is -685.3 J and -478.1 J  respectively.

Explanation :

To calculate the work done for path A :

First we have to calculate the moles of the gas.


= initial pressure of gas  = 2.57 atm

= initial volume of gas  = 3.42 L

n = moles of gas  = ?

R = gas constant = 0.0821 atm.L/mol.K

T = temperature of gas  = 298 K

Now put all the given values in the above formula, we get:

According to the question, this is the case of isothermal reversible expansion of gas.

As per first law of thermodynamic,


= internal energy

q = heat

w = work done

As we know that, the term internal energy is the depend on the temperature and the process is isothermal that means at constant temperature.

So, at constant temperature the internal energy is equal to zero.

The expression used for work done will be,


w = work done on the system = ?

n = number of moles of gas  = 0.359 mole

R = gas constant = 8.314 J/mole K

T = temperature of gas  = 298 K

= initial volume of gas  = 3.42 L

= final volume of gas  = 7.39 L

Now put all the given values in the above formula, we get :

Thus, the work done of path A is, -685.3 J

To calculate the work done for path B :

The formula used for isothermally irreversible expansion is :


w = work done

= external pressure = 1.19 atm

= initial volume of gas = 3.42 L

= final volume of gas = 7.39 L

Now put all the given values in the above formula, we get :

Thus, the work done of path B is, -478.1 J

42 Organic compound may have names ending in -ane, -ene, -ol or -oic acid. How many of these endings indicate the compounds contain double bonds in their molecules? * (1 Point)​


Answer: Organic compounds ending with the name (-ene) indicate that the compounds contain double bonds in their molecules.


Organic compounds are those molecules that contains carbon atoms (as their main element), hydrogen and oxygen which are usually present. The presence of numerous organic compounds is due to the following properties of carbon:

--> the exceptional ability of carbon atoms to catenate, that is, to combine with one another to form straight chains, branched chains or ring compounds containing many carbon atoms.

--> The ease with which carbon combines with hydrogen, oxygen, Nitrogen and halogens

--> The ability of carbon atoms to form single, DOUBLE or triple bonds.

The organic compound that has the name ending with -ene are known as the alkenes. The members of the alkene series are formed from the alkanes by the removal of two hydrogen atoms and the introduction of a DOUBLE BOND in the carbon chain. They are named after the corresponding alkanes by changing the -ane ending to -ene.

Note: the systematic name of a compound is formed from the root hydrocarbon by adding a suffix and prefixes to denote the substitution of the hydrogen atoms.

The decomposition of ethyl amine, C2H5NH2, occurs according to the reaction: C2H5NH2(g)⟶C2H4(g)+NH3(g) At 85∘C, the rate constant for the reaction is 2.5 x 10-1 s-1. What is the half-life (in sec) of this reaction?



2.772 seconds


Given that;

t1/2 = 0.693/k


t1/2 = half life of the reaction

k= rate constant

Note that decomposition is a first order reaction since the rate of reaction depends on the concentration of one reactant

t1/2 = 0.693/2.5 x 10-1 s-1

t1/2= 2.772 seconds

It is found that, when a dilute gas expands quasistatically from 0.40 to 5.0 L, it does 210 J of work. Assuming that the gas temperature remains constant at 300 K, how many moles of gas are present





From the question we are told that:

Initial volume [tex]V_1=0.40L[/tex]

Final Volume[tex]V_2=5.0L[/tex]

Work [tex]W=210J[/tex]

Temperature [tex]T=300k[/tex]

Generally the equation for Ideal gas is mathematically given by





Apakah ciri-ciri ikan​



fishes are cold blooded

5.60g of glyceraldehydes was dissolved in 10ml of a solvent and placed in a 50mm cell if the rotation is 1.74 calculate the specific rotation?​



6.214 degrees-mL/gdm


The specific rotation α' = α/LC where α = observed rotation, L = length of tube and C = concentration of solution.

Given that α = 1.74, L = length of cell = 50 mm = 0.50 dm and C = m/V where m = mass of glyceraldehyde = 5.60 g and V = volume = 10 ml

So, C = m/V = 5.60 g/10 ml = 0.560 g/ml

Since α' = α/LC

substituting the values of the variables into the equation, we have

α' = α/LC

α' = 1.74/(0.50 dm × 0.560 g/ml)

α' = 1.74/(0.28 gdm/l)

α' = 0.006214 °mL/gdm

α' = 6.214 °mL/gdm

α' = 6.214 degrees-mL/gdm

Please explain how to do it as well!
Write a complete, balanced equation for the following reactions:

a) The combustion of C₆H₁₂O (teachers note: You figure out products).

b) Aqueous ferric iron (III) sulfate plus barium hydroxide (teachers note: You figure out the products).



a) C₆H₁₂O + 8.5 O₂ ⇒ 6 CO₂ + 6 H₂O

b) Fe₂(SO₄)₃ + 3 Ba(OH)₂ ⇒ 3 BaSO₄ + 2 Fe(OH)₃


a) A combustion is a reaction of a compound with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide and water. The corresponding equation is:

C₆H₁₂O + O₂ ⇒ CO₂ + H₂O

We will start balancing C atoms by multiplying CO₂ by 6 and H atoms by multiplying H₂O by 6.

C₆H₁₂O + O₂ ⇒ 6 CO₂ + 6 H₂O

Then, we get the balanced equation by multiplying O₂ by 8.5.

C₆H₁₂O + 8.5 O₂ ⇒ 6 CO₂ + 6 H₂O

b) This is a double displacement reaction of the general structure:

Salt 1 + Base 1 = Salt 2 + Base 2

The corresponding equation is:

Fe₂(SO₄)₃ + Ba(OH)₂ ⇒ BaSO₄ + Fe(OH)₃

First, we will balance Fe atoms by multiplying Fe(OH)₃ by 2 and S atoms by multiplying BaSO₄ by 3.

Fe₂(SO₄)₃ + Ba(OH)₂ ⇒ 3 BaSO₄ + 2 Fe(OH)₃

Then, we will get the balanced equation by multiplying Ba(OH)₂ by 3.

Fe₂(SO₄)₃ + 3 Ba(OH)₂ ⇒ 3 BaSO₄ + 2 Fe(OH)₃


a.[tex]\bold{C_{6}H_{12}O_{6}\rightarrow 6CO_{2}+6H_{2}O}[/tex]

△H=−72 kcal

The energy required for production of 1.6 g of glucose is [molecular mass of glucose is 180 gm]


[tex]\bold{Fe_{2}(SO_{4})_{3}+3Ba(OH)_{2}\rightarrow 3BaSO_{4}+2Fe(OH)_{3}}[/tex]

The iron(III) ions and chloride ions remain aqueous and are spectator ions in a reaction that produces solid barium sulfate.

Question 16 of 25
What is the energy of a photon emitted with a wavelength of 654 nm?
A. 1.01 * 10-27 J
B. 4.33 x 10-22
C. 1.30 x 10-22 j
D. 3.04 10-19 J



D. 3.04 × 10^-19 J


c = lambda * nunu = c/lambda

E = h* nu

E = h * c/lambda = 6.626x10^-34 J-sec * 3x10^8 m/sec / 6.54x10^-7 m

E = 3.04x10^-19 J

Elements that have the same number of electron rings are ?



are in the same orbital



are in the same orbit


A sample of pure tin metal is dissolved in nitric acid to produce 15.00 mL of solution containing Sn2+. When this tin solution is titrated, a total of 42.1 mL of 0.145 mol/L KMnO4 is required to reach the equivalence point. a. What is the concentration of the Sn2+ solution?b. Find the concentration of the Sn2+(aq) in mol/L: (give your answer to 3 decimal places)



1.00 M


Sn^2+ reacts with KMNO4 as follows;

5Sn^2+(aq) + 2MnO4^-(aq) + 16H^+(aq) ----> 5Sn^4+(aq) + 2Mn^+(aq) + 8H2O(l)

The number of moles of MnO4^- reacted = 42.1/1000 L × 0.145 mol/L

= 0.0061 moles

If 5 moles of Sn^2+ reacts with 2 moles of MnO4^-

x moles of Sn^2+ reacts with 0.0061 moles of MnO4^-

x= 5 × 0.0061/2

x= 0.015 moles

Since the volume of the Sn^2+ solution is 15.00mL or 0.015 L

number of moles = concentration × volume

Concentration = number of moles/volume

Concentration= 0.015 moles/0.015 L

Concentration = 1 M

For the following list of acids, rank the acids in strength from weakest acid to strongest acid.

c. CH3OH
d. F3COH





Let us recall that, for a carboxylic acid, the dissociation of the acid yields;


The ease of dissociation and release of the hydrogen ion depends on the nature of the group designated R.

When R is is a highly electronegative element, the -I inductive effect causes the hydrogen to become less tightly held by the C-Cl bond.

As the number of electron withdrawing substituents increaseses, the acid ionizes much more and becomes stronger.CH3OH < FCH2OH < F2CHOH < F3COH

Hence, the order of decreasing acid strength is;

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Thorazine is available in a strength of 25 mg/mL. Express this strength as a percent. Sameera purchased 3 (1/2) kg of apples and 4 (3/4) kg of oranges. What is the total weight of fruits purchased by her ? At which root does the graph of f(x) = (x + 4)^6(x + 7)^5 cross the x-axis?O -7O -4O 4 7 In his video comments on exercise, Fr. Hauser alludes to what meditation from theSpiritual Exercises?Select one:O a.a. The Two StandardsO b. Contemplation to Attain Divine LoveC. Kingdom MeditationO d. First Principle and Foundation give one use of zinc The principle of -blank- grants citizenship to nearly all people born in the United States or in American territories. I dont understand what A is trying to ask please could someone help me? Thank you! Why is little being done about global warming PLEASE HELP WILL MARK BRAINLIEST How does the position of an object relate to the energy stored in a object? Which statement best compares the two functions?A) Neither function A nor function B has an x-intercept.B) Neither function A nor function B has a y-intercept.C) The domain and range of both functions contain onlypositive numbers.D) The domain and range of both functions contain onlypositive numbers and zero Elenita, witch woman, wipes the table with a rag because Ernie who is feeding the baby spilled Kool-Aid. She says: Take that crazy baby out of here and drink your Kool-Aid in the living room. Can't you see I'm busy? Ernie takes the baby into the living room where Bugs Bunny is on TV.Good lucky you didn't come yesterday, she says. The planets were all mixed up yesterday.Her TV is color and big and all her pretty furniture made out of red fur like the teddy bears they give away in carnivals. She has them covered with plastic. I think this is on account of the baby.Yes, it's a good thing, I say.But we stay in the kitchen because this is where she works. The top of the refrigerator busy with holy candles, some lit, some not, red and green and blue, a plaster saint and a dusty Palm Sunday cross, and a picture of the voodoo hand taped to the wall.Get the water, she says.I go to the sink and pick the only clean glass there, a beer mug that says the beer that made Milwaukee famous, and fill it up with hot water from the tap, then put the glass of water on the center of the table, the way she taught me.Look in it, do you see anything?But all I see are bubbles.You see anybody's face?Nope, just bubbles, I say.That's okay, and she makes the sign of the cross over the water three times and then begins to cut the cards.They're not like ordinary playing cards, these cards. They're strange, with blond men on horses and crazy baseball bats with thorns. Golden goblets, sad-looking women dressed in old-fashioned dresses, and roses that cry.There is a good Bugs Bunny cartoon on TV. I know, I saw it before and recognize the music and wish I could go sit on the plastic couch with Ernie and the baby, but now my fortune begins. My whole life on that kitchen table: past, present, future. Then she takes my hand and looks into my palm. Closes it. Closes her eyes too.Do you feel it, feel the cold?Yes, I lie, but only a little.Good, she says, los espritus are here. And begins.This card, the one with the dark man on a dark horse, this means jealousy, and this one, sorrow.Here a pillar of bees and this a mattress of luxury. You will go to a wedding soon and did you lose an anchor of arms, yes, an anchor of arms? It's clear that's what that means.What about a house, I say, because that's what I came for.Ah, yes, a home in the heart. I see a home in the heart.Is that it?That's what I see, she says, then gets up because the kids are fighting. Elenita gets up to hit and then hug them. She really does love them, only sometimes they are rude.She comes back and can tell I'm disappointed. She's a witch woman and knows many things. If you got a headache, rub a cold egg across your face. Need to forget an old romance? Take a chicken's foot, tie it with red string, spin it over your head three times, then burn it. Bad spirits keeping you awake?Sleep next to a holy candle for seven days, then on the eighth day, spit. And lots of other stuff. Only now she can tell I'm sad.Baby, I'll look again if you want me to. And she looks again into the cards, palm, water, and says uh-huh.A home in the heart, I was right.Only I don't get it.A new house, a house made of heart. I'll light a candle for you.All this for five dollars I give her.Thank you and goodbye and be careful of the evil eye. Come back again on a Thursday when the stars are stronger. And may the Virgin bless you. And shuts the door.How would you annotate this? Figurative LanguageThoughtsQuestions fifteen more than 3 times a number is 33. What is the equation and solve In the Hausser Food Products case, which type of organizational structure might have prevented the Florida sales team from withholding information from other sales teams? Good evening, I would need some help on this exercise. Paul takes advantage of the sales to buy pants for 29.50 which initially cost 5 more. He also buys a 17 T-shirt on which he is entitled to a 25% discount at the cash desk. What percentage of the total amount of his purchases did he save by purchasing these items during the sales? thank you In English auction, an item is auctioned. People increase bids in increments of $10, and the player giving the highest bid gets the item for that amount of money. Give reasons why the auctioneer would be considered a player of the game, or reasons why he or she would not. Does the game contain random moves Question 2 (1 point)Match each situation to a linear system below.A child has a piggy bank fullof $1 and $2 coins totalling$37.There are 25 more $1 coinsthan there are $2 coins.1. x + 2y = 37x - y = 25An exam that is worth 37marks contains 25questions.The questions are eitherworth 1 mark or 2 marks.2. x + 2y = 37x + y = 25183. x - 2y = 37x + y = 25The sum of two numbers is25.The first number is 37 morethan 2 times the secondnumber An isosceles trapezoid has a consecutive-sides of length: 10,6,10 and 14. Find the measure of each angle if the trapezoid. For -180 Read the excerpt from "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God."So that thus it is, that natural men are held in the hand of God, over the pit of hell; they have deserved the fiery pit, and are already sentenced to it; and God is dreadfully provoked, his anger is as great towards them as to those that are actually suffering the executions of the fierceness of his wrath in hell; and they have done nothing in the least to appease or abate that anger.In this excerpt, natural is used to describe people whoare not tempted by wealth or power.have not been touched by the spirit of on farms or in the wilderness outside of cities.practice conservation and avoid destroying the beauty of nature.