Outline in detail the first 15 chapters of the Book of Exodus.


Answer 1

The outline of first 15 chapters of the Book of Exodus shows several characters and plots that describes the whole story.

The king of Egypt ordered two Hebrew midwives named Shiphrah and Puah in order to kill all newborn Hebrew boys, but do not kill the girls. The mother of Moses frightens because she thought the midwives also killed her son so she put her son in the basket and put it in the water.

This basket went to the palace of Pharaoh where the wife of Pharaoh takes him and make him as her son. When the Moses grown up, he killed a Israeli so he run away and go to Midian and helps out some Midian women trying to give water their father Reuel's flock.

The women tell Reuel about the help Moses gave them, and Reuel gives Moses one of his daughters, Zipporah, as a thank you. After sometime, the God sent message to Moses that he is chosen as a prophet and he has to go to the Pharaoh to give him the message of God. So Moses went to the Pharaoh and give the message of God but he refused.

The Moses showed the Pharaoh many miracles but he did not accept the religion of Moses. Finally, the God says to Moses to migrate from this place to their ancestor's land with all their people. When the Pharaoh knows about it he followed them with his army.

On his way, River Nile is located so the Moses strike his stick on the water and ways are formed in the river. The people passes through the river safely but when Pharaoh's horses and horsemen went into the sea, the LORD brought the waters of the sea back over them and they all die in that water.


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I don't know but I am here to increase the coins

Need help again thank you for helping me





A successful former business partner of a politician would right more about them and that would be biased.  




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Hermann Einstein



Hermann Einstine


that is his father's name

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into European consumerism.
a) proto-industrialization
b) propulsion
c) laiderz-faire
d) reaper



C. laissez-faire which allowed things in the industry to progress naturally.

I need help with the answers please if anyone knows?



From top to bottom on the right:







Trust or dont.

Which empire took over the Safavid
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Shah Ismail

The Safavid Empire was strengthened by important Shi'a soldiers from the Ottoman army who had fled from persecution. When the Safavids came to power, Shah Ismail was proclaimed ruler at the age of 14 or 15, and by 1510 Ismail had conquered the whole of Iran.07-Sep-2009

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What are the options?

he excretions of living organisms are best categorized as which type of factor in an environment?





It's definitely not abiotic and nonliving because they are living and who would categorized 'excretions of living organism' "living".

Most likely due to the movement of plate tectonics. They are plates of earth under the ocean that move occasionally, over the years this is probably what happened.



The greater density of old lithosphere relative to the underlying asthenosphere allows it to sink into the deep mantle at subduction zones, providing most of the driving force for plate movement. The weakness of the asthenosphere allows the tectonic plates to move easily towards a subduction zone.


What type of economy is based on supplying the goods and services that people demand?



C. Market


The type of economy that is based on supplying goods and services that people demand is called a market, like free markets.

The answer is ,C.market

what is the impact germany had in their country?



Germany had suffered heavy losses during the war, both in lives and industrial power. 6.9 to 7.5 million Germans had been killed, roughly 8.26 to 8.86% of the population.


In summary, many many Germans were killed during the war.

According to the article, what “new element which had not been evident in the Palestinian terrorism of two or three decades earlier” emerged in the 1970s?

Islamic religious extremism
Unhappiness with the Israeli occupation of the West Bank
An alliance with al Qaeda
Increased support of socialist and nationalist ideals
Libyan-backed terrorists exploded a plane over Lockerbie, Scotland.
Al Qaeda attacked a market in Afghanistan.



A) Islamic religious extremism

Explanation: Just finished the assignment.

According to the article, Islamic religious extremism had not been evident in the Palestinian terrorism of two or three decades earlier,” emerged in the 1970s. Thus, option 'A' is the correct option.

What is Islamic religious extremism?

The terms "Islamic extremism," "Islamist extremism," or "radical Islam" are used to describe extreme attitudes and actions connected to the Islamic faith. These are contentious phrases with a range of definitions, from scholarly perspectives to the contention that all ideologies other than Islam have failed and are subpar compared to Islam.

Other Islamic sects that do not hold the same beliefs as these might also be referred to using this terminology. One political definition of Islamic extremism is that it is any type of Islam that is opposed to "democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of diverse religions and views." This definition is one that is used by the government of the United Kingdom.

Learn more about Islamic extremism here:



Which best describes how Babylonian and Sumerian societies were different?
A. Sumer had no religion.
B. Babylon had a well-organized military.
C. Babylon had no military.
D. Sumer had a larger government.


B - Sumer didn’t have a military

explain how conduction occur​


Conduction is the process by which heat energy is transmitted through collisions between neighboring atoms or molecules. ... These vibrating molecules collide with their neighboring molecules, making them also vibrate faster. As these molecules collide, thermal energy is transferred via conduction to the rest of the pan.

What caused the United States to declare war on the Axis powers of
Germany, Italy, and Japan?

A. The sinking of American supply in the Atlantic
B. The bombing of great Britain by German planes
C.The invasión of Poland by Germany & Russia
D.The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii



A. The sinking of American supply in the Atlantic


and also because at that time Japan was becoming more powerful.




Pearl Harbor was the biggest reason.

Which is a reason democracy failed following most Latin American revolutions?
a. Leaders had very little experience with self-government.
b. Latin America had no valuable natural resources.
c. Spain and Portugal regained control over most of their lost territory.
d. The people did not speak the same language.


a. Leaders had very little experience with self-government.

During World War II, who was the commander-in-chief of the Pacific fleet?
O Dwight D. Eisenhower
O Douglas MacArthur
Chester Nimitz
O George S. Patton



You will find that the correct answer is Chester Nimitz.

During World War II, the commander-in-chief of the Pacific fleet was C. Chester Nimitz.

Who was Chester Nimitz?

Chester W. Nimitz (1885-1966) served as the Fleet Admiral of the US Navy and Commander-in-Chief of the US Pacific Fleet during World War II.  He was appointed by President F.D. Roosevelt.

He took over the Pearl Harbor command based on this presidential commission after the Pearl Harbor attack and later served as the Chief of Naval Operations.

Thus, during World War II, the commander-in-chief of the Pacific fleet was not Dwight D. Eisenhower, Douglas MacArthur, or George S. Patton, but Chester Nimitz.

Learn more about Chester Nimitz at https://brainly.com/question/14302715

Based on the excerpt, what best summarizes the Reservation of Separate Amenities Act?

Owners and workers who separated customers by race were subject to fines or imprisonment.
Blacks and whites had to use public facilities specifically assigned by race.
Public places would no longer separate blacks and whites.
Whites were allowed to use public areas reserved for blacks, but not the other way around.



The correct option is B

Pls mark me brainliest




what was world war 1?



World War I, also called First World War or Great War, an international conflict that in 1914–18 embroiled most of the nations of Europe along with Russia, the United States, the Middle East, and other regions. The war pitted the Central Powers—mainly Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey—against the Allies—mainly France, Great Britain, Russia, Italy, Japan, and, from 1917, the United States. It ended with the defeat of the Central Powers. The war was virtually unprecedented in the slaughter, carnage, and destruction it caused.


Which of the following describes an advantage primary sources have over secondary sources for historians?

a. they can summarize a huge amount of data that a historian could not sort through alone.
b. they can help a historian focus on important themes rather than on a specific piece of evidence.
c. they can reveal how individuals experiencing historical events actually reacted.
d. they can compare and contrast conclusions other historians have made about a time period.


the answer is C because the answer is C your welcome

Britain acknowledged the
independence of the
United States.
Countries that participated
in the war agreed to repay
debts to one another.
The war opened up
discussion about
racial equality



Yes, this is true.


Write a paragraph about slavery


Slavery was created for rich people to have free manual labor for their farms. It was used distinctively more in the South, because of the cash crops. Slavery separated families, and forced black people to be sold and traded. Eventually, people created different things to help try to reduce and help others escape slavery. These people are called Abolitionists. People created books, including the most popular and impactful, called Uncle Tom’s Cabin. This book helped influence more white people to realize how terrible slavery was, and it also helped them to notice that they were real people as well. The Underground Railroad was created as well to help black people escape the evil institution of slavery. Eventually, the residing president, Abraham Lincoln, created the Emancipation Proclamation. This proclamation freed all slaves from slavery. Unfortunately, this didn’t help the Texans. The Texas slave owners kept them under the impression that slavery still existed. That’s why Juneteenth is a thing, which celebrates Texas’ independence from slavery.

whats the answer pls im timed :(



C is the correct answer.

Hope it helps you a follow would be appreciated:-)

Any other one I need to add???



yes that's right


they did think people should have contracts with government

Why were those trains allowed to roll unhindered into Poland? Why were the tracks leading to Birkenau never bombed? I have put these questions to American presidents and generals and to high-ranking Soviet officers. Since Moscow and Washington knew what the killers were doing in the death camps, why was nothing done at least to slow down their "production"? That not a single Allied military aircraft ever tried to destroy the rail lines converging on Auschwitz remains an outrageous enigma to me. Birkenau was "processing" ten thousand Jews a day. Stopping a single convoy for a single night—or even for just a few hours—would have prolonged so many lives.



B. people need to be proactive when they witness an injustice.


Just got it correct on Edge

:) please vote brainliest





Compare and contrast Social Darwinism to the Gilded Age’s Individualism



Explanation: Comparing What was the main idea of Social Darwinism, and how did it compare with the idea of individualism? ... A Social Darwinist believed a poor person's situation was the result of natural selection, while an individualist believed that with drive and talent the person could become anything he or she wanted.

B) ¿Qué consideras que hizo posible que la humanidad vaya desarrollando sus capacidades cerebrales y físicas? AYUDA PLIS :C



La evolución humana fue un proceso que se dio hace miles de años a través de especies ancestrales en la escala evolutiva del hombre, quienes aportaron diversos conocimientos y logros que ayudarán en la adaptación de la especie humana en el planeta tierra. El descubrimiento del fuego, el lenguaje y la construcción de objetos como lanzas, permitió al hombre adaptarse al clima, la fauna y la flora, posibilitando la alimentación, la caza y la socialización.

El crecimiento del cerebro humano a lo largo de los años y su adaptación al medio ambiente también fue muy superior al de otras especies de mamíferos, lo que contribuyó a un mayor aprendizaje y evolución.

What was the main effect of the Articles of Confederation? A. Foreign powers did not take the new country seriously B. The national government was weak C. Three branches of government were created D. The authority of the state governments was severely limited


The answer is c because it is the best answer out here

Alex rolls a fair dice 108 times.
How many times would Alex expect to roll a number greater
than 1?



if a dice is rolled 108 times then

total number of numbers = 108*6=648

numbers greater than 1 = 108*5=540

so the probalililty will be = 540/648

= 5/6 ans

i don't know if its correct or not sombody knows than tell me too

The amount of times Alex can expect to roll a number greater than 1 is

lets say the number is x

p(x=1)= 1/0

p(x>1)= 1-p(x=1)= 1-1/6 = 5/6

x= 108*p(x>1) { formula of expectation }

=108*5/6 = 90

What is probability?

Probability is the branch of mathematics concerning numerical descriptions of how likely an event is to occur, or how likely it is that a proposition is true.

Probability is the branch of mathematics concerning numerical descriptions of how likely an event is to occur, or how likely it is that a proposition is true.  The higher the probability of an event, the more likely it is that the event will occur.

When dealing with experiments that are random and well-defined in a purely theoretical setting (like tossing a coin), probabilities can be numerically described by the number of desired outcomes, divided by the total number of all outcomes.

What is Formula of expectation?

The expected value of a discrete random variable X, symbolized as E(X), is commonly referred to as the long-term average or mean, symbolized as μ. This means that over the long term of doing an experiment over and over, you would expect this average.

For example, let X = the number of heads you get when you toss three fair coins. If you repeat this experiment (toss three fair coins) a large number of times, the expected value of X is the number of heads you expect to get for each three tosses on average.

To learn more about probability here,



Which were present in ancient Sumer?



One of the Sumerians greatest advances was in the area of hydraulic engineering. Early in their history they created a system of ditches to control flooding, and were also the inventors of irrigation, harnessing the power of the Tigris and Euphrates for farming.

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