photo, giving brainliest


Answer 1


Ruby is sphere

Shriya's is incorrect

Abhishek's is correct

Step-by-step explanation:

Ruby's definition matches a sphere because it is 3D and Shriya's is wrong.

Related Questions

Find the value of each variable.


Z= 143
X= 90
Y= 90

Step-by-step explanation:

180 - 37 = x angles on a straight line

x = 40

180 - 40 = y angles on a straight line

y = 140

180 - 140 = z angles om a straight line

z = 40

Estimate the product of 32 and 19 ?




Step-by-step explanation:

32 x 19

= 32 x ( 10 + 9 )

= 320 + 288

= 608

The vertices of the polygon are A (3,5), B (6,5), C (6, 9), and D (3,9). Find the distance between the vertices B and C.




Step-by-step explanation:

B = (6,5)              C = (6,9)

√(x2 - x1)² + (y2 - y1)²

(6 - 6)² + (9 - 5)²

√(0)² + (4)²


= 4

Simplify 3x+2x




Step-by-step explanation:


Combine like terms






Step-by-step explanation:

3x + 2x

Step 1 :- Calculate like terms by adding their coefficient.

( 2 + 3 ) x

Step 2 :- Combine like terms.

( 5 ) x

Step 3 :- Multiply ; 5 times x.


HELP ASAP Simplify the following polynomial expression. The polynomial simplifies to an expression that is a ____ _______ with a degree of ___.



The polynomial simplifies to an expression that is a  

quadratic  trinomial  with a degree of  2 .

Step-by-step explanation:

trial and error


Have a great rest of your day :)

Step-by-step explanation:

keep the body and soul together .....what figure of speech is contained in the sentence



The expression "Keep body and soul together" is an idiom, a well-known phrase or collection of words that together mean something distinctly.

How does the formula for the sample mean differ from the formula for population mean? Multiple choice question. To calculate the sample mean, you divide by the sample number plus one. The formulas are functionally the same, but 'n' (the sample size) is used instead of 'N' (the population size). For sample mean, the sum of values is divided by the number of values minus one.



The formulas are functionally the same, but 'n' (the sample size) is used instead of 'N' (the population size).

Step-by-step explanation:

The sample mean is the average value for a set of observations which is derived from a population. While the population mean is the average value for the entire set of observation belonging to a particular study of interest.

The set of observation belonging to a population is denoted by 'N' ; while the sample size is denoted as 'n' :

The mean formula is written thus :

Population mean = Σx / N

Sample mean = Σx / n

Where, x = set of values.

Find the height in centimeters of a square pyramid with a volume of 72cm^ 3 and a base edge length equal to the height



The height of the pyramid is 6 cm.

Step-by-step explanation:

The volume of a square pyramid is given by:

[tex] V = \frac{1}{3}A_{b}h = 72 cm^{3} [/tex]


[tex]A_{b}[/tex]: is the area of the base

h: is the height

Since the base edge length is equal to the height, the area of the base is:

[tex]A_{b} = l^{2} = h^{2} [/tex]

Hence, the height is:

[tex] 72 cm^{3} = \frac{1}{3}A_{b}h = \frac{1}{3}h^{2}h [/tex]

[tex] h = (3*72 cm^{3})^{1/3} = 6 cm [/tex]

Therefore, the height of the pyramid is 6 cm.

I hope it helps you!          

2. Jessica is applying for a new job as a cosmetologist. Job A offers $40,000 starting salary with at $1000 raise
each year . Job B offers $35,000 starting salary with a 8% raise each year. If Jessica is looking to stay at this
position for over 10+ years, which job should she pick?



Job B

Step-by-step explanation:

If we calculate her salary after 10 years

For job A:

it would be 40,000+10,000=$50,000

For job B:

it would be $75,562.3749

Assume that abc = pqr. Which of the following congruence statements are correct? Check all that apply



A and E are correct congruence statements.



Step-by-step explanation:

find the measure of x . Answer me please




Step-by-step explanation:

The sum of measure of exterior angles is equal to 360

5x-20+2x+5+x+15+x = 360 add like terms

9x = 360 divide both sides by 9

x = 40

What happens when the weather gets colder?

A.The air pressure will decrease slowly.
B. The air pressure will rise.
C.The air pressure will decrease quickly.
D. The air pressure will not change.


Step-by-step explanation:

B. The air pressure will rise.

hope this helps you

have a nice day



Step-by-step explanation:

Please if someone can help me



[tex] \frac{6}{7} [/tex]

I hope it helps!


Cuánto dinero me gasto en colocarle baldosas a una sala comedor que tiene 9.30 de largo por 4.20 metros de ancho


La pregunta está incompleta ya que no se da el costo de la colocación de baldosas por m².

Suponga que el costo de los mosaicos por m² = c



Explicación paso a paso:

El costo del embaldosado será:

El costo por m² * área total a embaldosar

Dado que :

La dimensión de la habitación a embaldosar es:

Longitud = 9,30 metros

Ancho = 4.20 metros

El área total de la habitación a embaldosar es = Largo * ancho

Área total de la habitación a embaldosar = 9,30 m * 4,20 m

Superficie total de la habitación a embaldosar = 39,06 m²

Si el costo del mosaico por m² = c

El costo de embaldosar la habitación será:

39,06 * c = 39,06c

50 Points:
What are the coordinates of the point that is
2/3 of the way from A to B?
Point A: -4,-1
Point B: 5,5

A. 1,2
B. 0,5/3
C. 2,3
D. -1,1




Step-by-step explanation:

For the point to be 2/3 of the way; it means it divides AB into the ratio 2 to 1

Now, we can use the internal section formula to get the coordinates of this point

(x,y) = (nx1 + mx2)/(m + n), (ny1 + my2)/(m + n)

where (m,n) = (2,1)

(x1,y1) = (-4,-1)

(x2,y2) = (5,5)

(x,y) = (1(-4) + 2(-1)/(1+2), (1(-1)+2(5)/(1+2)

(x,y) = (-4-2)/3, (-1 + 10)/3

(x,y) = (-2,3)

At the movie theatre, child admission is $5.20 and adult admission is $9.00. On Monday, 156 tickets were sold for a total sales of $1065.80. How many adult
tickets were sold that day?



67 adult  tickets were sold that day

Step-by-step explanation:

x= Number of adults that day, y=Number of children that day

ATQ, x+y=156 and 5.2*x+9*y=1065.8. Solving it, we will get x=89 and y=67

4. Name the first five terms of the arithmetic sequence. a1 = -35, d=4​



Step-by-step explanation:

We first have to write the equation for the sequence, then finding the first five terms will be easy. Follow the formatting:

[tex]a_n=a_1+d(n-1)[/tex] and we are given enough info to fill in:

[tex]a_n=-35+4(n-1)[/tex] and

[tex]a_n=-35+4n-4[/tex] and

[tex]a_n=-39+4n[/tex] or in linear format:

[tex]a_n=4n-39[/tex] where n is the position of the number in the sequence. We already know the first term is -35.

The second term:

[tex]a_2=4(2)-39[/tex] so

[tex]a_2=8-39[/tex] and


The third term:

[tex]a_3=4(3)-39[/tex] and

[tex]a_3=12-39[/tex] so

[tex]a_3=-27[/tex] and we could go on like this forever, but the nice thing about this is when we know the difference all we have to do is add it to each number to get to the next number.

That means that the fourth term will be -27 + 4 which is -23.

The fifth term then will be -23 + 4 which is -19. You can check yourself by filling in a 5 for n in the equation and solving:

[tex]a_5=4(5)-39[/tex] and

[tex]a_5=20-39[/tex] so


How do we find an equation of a linear function by giving two



the right side of the image is truncated,

but "A" seems to be the answer....

take (2,3) and (3,4)

#1) y2-y2/x2-x1 ... 4-3/3-2 = 1 ... slope = 1

#2 ) y = 1x + b

#3 plug in (2,3) ... 3 = 1(2) + b ... B=1

#4 Y= 1 x + 1

Step-by-step explanation:

Help anyone.!!!!!!!!



2/5 is the answer man ooooo



Step-by-step explanation:

So when you have a negative exponent, it means reciprocal.

[tex]5^{-2}[/tex] will now be [tex]\frac{1}{5^2}[/tex]

Now find the squared 5. 5 * 5 is 25.

So, your answer is 1/25

Hope this helps !!


Arnold makes a chart to summarize what happens when light interacts with matter and is reflected. Which idea does Arnold need to correct? In specular reflection, reflected rays move in the same direction. In scattering, light strikes particles in the atmosphere. In diffuse reflection, reflected rays move in different directions. In scattering, long wavelengths are scattered the most.



In diffuse reflection, reflected rays move in different directions.

Step-by-step explanation:

Reflection refers to the bouncing off of light from a surface. Reflection can be regular or diffuse.

Regular reflection occurs when light bounces off a well polished surface while diffuse reflection occurs when light bounces off a rough surface.

During diffuse reflection, light is reflected in different directions.


In scattering, long wavelengths are scattered the most.

Step-by-step explanation: took the test for Edg 21

Which segment is the hypotenuse?​




Step-by-step explanation:

The hypotenuse is opposite the right angle

The hypotenuse is US  or SU

We have to pick,

The segment which is hypotenuse,

Hypotenuse will be the opposite segment of the right angle.

Now it will be,

→ SU (or) US

Hence, SU is the hypotenuse.

sunayana borrowed a sum of Rs 25000 at 12 %p.a simple interest for 1 years 6 months and lent to bishwant at the same rate of compound interest compounded half-yearly for the same interval of time . How much profit did she make​


Answer: Rs 275.40

Step-by-step explanation:

Since Sunayana borrowed a sum of Rs 25000 at 12 %p.a simple interest for 1 years 6 months, the total amount that she's expected to pay will be calculated thus:

First, well calculate the interest. This will be:

= PRT/100

= (25000 × 12 × 1.5 / 100)

= 4500

Total amount to be paid back will be:

= Rs 25000 + Rs 4500

= Rs 29500

Since she lent the money to Bishwant, the total amount that Bishwant will pay will be:

A = P(1 + r)^t


A = Final Amount

P= Principal = 25000

r= Rate of interest =

t= Time = 3 cycles

Since it's compounded half yearly, then 1½ywars will be = 1½ × 2 = 3 cycles

The rate will be = 12%/2 = 6% yearly.

We'll then slot the values into the question and this will be:

A = P(1 + r)^t

A = 25000(1 + 0.06)³

A = 25000(1.06)³

A = 25000 × 1.191016

A = 29775.4

Therefore, Bishwant is expected to pay Rs 29775.4

Then the profit that Sunayana is expected to make will be:

= Rs 29775.4 - Rs 29500

= Rs 275.40





Step-by-step explanation:

that is the answer

I solved it using a calculator

please give me brainliest

the answer is 3/8 because im right





Step-by-step explanation:

follows geometric sequence. starting value is 1/3 and is multiplied by 1/3 every time

the Length , breadth and thickness of a brick are 18 cm 8 cm and 5 cm respectively find its area of the largest face and volume​


Step-by-step explanation:

vol: 18* 8* 5 cm³

720 cm³

hope this help

Rewrite the expression in the picture in the form z^n.


Step-by-step explanation:

here's the answer to your question


z^ 1/3

Step-by-step explanation:

sqrt( z / z^ 1/3)

We know a^b / a^c  =a^( b-c)

sqrt ( z^(1-1/3))

sqrt( z^ 2/3)

Rewriting sqrt as ^ 1/2

z^ (2/3) ^ 1/2

We know a^b^c = a^(b*c)

z^(2/3 * 1/2)


Question 2

Find HY if YL = 9 .



HY = 18

Step-by-step explanation:

The distance from the vertex to the centroid is twice the distance from the centroid to the midpoint , so

HY = 2 YL = 2 × 9 = 18

What are the final coordinates for the figure?




Step-by-step explanation:

Reflection over y axis rule

(x,y) --------> (-x,y)

Rule explained:

Simply change the sign of the x value and keep the y value as it it

Coordinates of A (-4,0)

Apply reflection over y axis rule

(-4,0) -----> (4,0)

Next we want to apply a translation with the rule ( x - 5 , y + 2 )

Explanation of rule:

Simply subtract 5 from the x value and add 2 to the y value

Current coordinates of A (4,0)

Apply translation rule

(4,0) -------> ( 4 - 5 , 0 + 2 ) --------> (-1 , 2 )

The y value of coordinate A would be 2 after all of the transformations

Find the value of x for which ABCD must be a parallelogram

a. 7
b. 2
c. 1
d. 4


Step-by-step explanation:





The answer is 4 because a parallelogram have 4 slanted sides in different sizes

A triangle and a parallelogram have the same base and the same area.
If the sides of the triangle are 26 cm, 28 cm and 30 cm and the
parallelogram stands on the base 28 cm. Find the height of the



12 centimeters

Step-by-step explanation:

The side lengths of the triangle are: 26, 28, and 30 centimeters

a = 26 cm, b = 28 cm, c = 30 cm

To find the area, we first must find the semi-perimeter with the following equation:

s = (a+b+c)/2

  = (28+26+30)/2

  = 42 centimeters

Now, to find the area, we can use Heron's formula:

A = [tex]\sqrt{s (s-a)(s-b)(s-c)}[/tex]




     336 squared centimeters

Since the area of the parallelogram is equal to the area of our triangle:

Area of Parallelogram = Area of Triangle

base ⋅ height = 336 squared centimeters

28 ⋅ height = 336 squared centimeters

height = 336/28

height = 12 centimeters

Other Questions
Among the many benefits of learning another language is expanding one's cultural horizons. OT OF what type of change can't be called development There is no democracy and human rights in America Which of the following would be examples of abiotic factors in a mountain river ecosystem? fish, algae, and sandsand, water, and fishsand, water, and mineralswater, fish, and algae Independent PracticeFind the first, fourth, and eighth terms of the 3n1a subscript n baseline equals 0.5 times 3 superscript n minus 1 baselineA.0.667; 4.5; 364.5B.3; 0.375; 0.0234375C.0.5; 13.5; 1093.5D.0.5; 121.5; 280.5 Help anyone can help me do the question,I will mark brainlest. whats The definition of lunatic Bowl is to fruit as dish is toA. plate.B. present.C. candy.D. paper. Mr. Wilkerson bought frozen treats for 34 children. Each child picked either a popsicle or an ice cream bar. Each popsicle cost $2 and each ice cream bar cost $5. If Mr. Wilkerson spent a total of $128, how many of each type of treat did he buy? find the animal in the sentence Magnus ate a whole bowl of popcorn while watching the movie Use the power series method to solve the given initial-value problem. (Format your final answer as an elementary function.) (x 1)y'' xy' + y = 0, y(0) = 7, y'(0) = 3 write a letter why you did not write your note in the class Write a letter to your brother who is in uproad Asking him to send a mobile phone I need help plz help rearrange the equation so the r is the independent variable The sum of twice a number and 13 is 75. [tex]f(x)=e^{3x} .sinx[/tex] . tnh [tex]d^{2} f(0)[/tex] Based on what we have learned, how can we ensure that we choose a sample of students that is representative of all 8:00 AM classes that take place on a given morning Are the sentences correct or incorrect1. Optical illusions are a recent idea.2. Akiyoshi Kitaoka designed his optical illusion for a car advertisment.3.There are several of Alexander McQueens optical illusions dresses.4. You can find optical illusions in the natural word.5. In Professor Wisemans experiment people had to draw a brick.6. In the experiment, the more creative people found it easier to see the duck and the rabbit. [tex] \frac{2}{3} \times \frac{2}{3} \times \frac{2}{3} = what[/tex]Answer I'll make and mark as brainlist.Answer Fast. Post on - 2 Aug 2021