pie r formula is 22/7 when we divide 22/7 it will be 3.14 and 3.14 is an irrational number and irrational number can not be formula of any sum then how the pie formula is 22/7.explain it with reason.


Answer 1


22/7 is not pi

Step-by-step explanation:

22/7 is just a close approximation for pi, not pi itself.

If you put 22/7 into a calculator, you get:


While the number pi itself is:


You can notice that pi is actually different than 22/7, even though the two numbers start out the same and are close to each other. Frequently in geometry, you use 22/7 as pi because it's so close and makes calculation easier.

Hope this helps!

Related Questions

2. Peter wants to order tickets to a production of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol. Each ticket
costs $30 and there is a one time service fee of $12 for the transaction. What is an expression that
would find the total cost for any number of tickets that Peter orders? Use t for the variable to
represent the number of tickets he purchased.



There is overwhelming evidence that human activities, especially burning fossil fuels, are leading to increased levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which in turn amplify the natural greenhouse effect, causing the temperature of the Earth's atmosphere, ocean, and land surface to ...

solve -7x^2+x+9=-6x quadratic formula






[tex]quadratic\: formula[/tex]

[tex]x_{1,\:2}=\frac{-7\pm \sqrt{7^2-4\left(-7\right)\cdot \:9}}{2\left(-7\right)}[/tex]

[tex]\sqrt{-7^{2} -4(-7)\times9} =\sqrt{301}[/tex]

[tex]x_{1,\:2}=\frac{-7\pm \sqrt{301}}{2\left(-7\right)}[/tex]


[tex]=\frac{-7+\sqrt{301}}{-2\cdot \:7}[/tex]



[tex]=\frac{-7-\sqrt{301}}{-2\cdot \:7}[/tex]




If you don’t know the answer please don’t respond. I actually need help :)



I don't know the answer to this question

solve the equation 4+2|3x+4|=-4

“Absolute Value Equations and Inequalities”
the solutions are what?

please give an explanation if possible!



Value of given expression x is -4

Step-by-step explanation:

Given equation in question;

4 + 2|3x + 4| = -4


Value of given expression


4 + 2|3x + 4| = -4

Using BODMAS rule;

⇒ 4 + 2|3x + 4| = -4

⇒ 2|3x + 4| = - 4 - 4

⇒ 2|3x + 4| = - 8

⇒ |3x + 4| = - 8 / 2

⇒ |3x + 4| = - 4

⇒ 3x + 4 = - 8

⇒ 3x = -8 - 4

⇒ 3x = -12

⇒ x = -12 / 3

⇒ x = -4

Value of given expression x is -4


Complete the ordered pairs, using the given equation:
4x + 3y = 12 (0, ) (-1, ) ( ,10 )


the answer above is correct i got it rightt!!

Determine the total area and volume of a cylinder whose base radius is 2 meters and with a height of 8 meters.



area = 40 [tex]\pi[/tex] [tex]m^{2}[/tex]

vol = 32  [tex]\pi[/tex] [tex]m^{3}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

area :

cir = 2  [tex]\pi[/tex]i 2 = 4 [tex]\pi[/tex]

area =  [tex]\pi[/tex] 2^2 = 4  [tex]\pi[/tex]

2(4 [tex]\pi[/tex]) + 8(4 [tex]\pi[/tex])

8  [tex]\pi[/tex] + 324 [tex]\pi[/tex] = 40  [tex]\pi[/tex]

vol = 8 * 4 [tex]\pi[/tex] = 32  [tex]\pi[/tex]

can i get some help? i tried figuring it out myself already but i must have done something wrong. please help!


First, we'll set up two equations. One for the amount of each coin and another for the value of the coins.

N will represent nickels

D will represent dimes

N + D = 30

---The problem tells us that there are 30 total coins

0.05N + 0.10D = 2.95

---Nickels are worth 5 cents and dimes are worth 10 cents, and the total value of the coins is 2.95

Now that we have our equations, we need to solve for one of the variables in the first equation. I will solve for N.

N + D = 30

N = 30 - D

Then, we take that equation and substitute our new value for N into the second equation (value) and solve for D.

0.05(30 - D) + 0.10D = 2.95

1.5 - 0.05D + 0.10D = 2.95

1.5 + 0.05D = 2.95

0.05D = 1.45

D = 29

Now that we know how many dimes there are, we can plug that value into our equation for N and solve for N.

N = 30 - D

N = 30 - 29

N = 1

Therefore, there are 29 dimes and 1 nickel.

Hope this helps!

The linear equation passing through the point (2,-5) has a slope of 2 is



y = 2x - 9

Step-by-step explanation:

The equation of a line in slope- intercept form is

y = mx + c ( m is the slope and c the y- intercept )

Here m = 2 , then

y = 2x + c ← is the partial equation

To find c substitute (2, - 5) into the partial equation

- 5 = 4 + c ⇒ c = - 5 - 4 = - 9

y = 2x - 9 ← equation of line

Which statement about the function
The graph of the function f(x) = 4(x + 3)(x - 1) is shown
O The function is positive for all real values of x where
x < -1.
The function is negative for all real values of x where
x <-3 and where x > 1.
O The function is positive for all real values of x where
x > 0.
O The function is negative for all real values of x where
X<-3 or x>-1.


I think the answer is B

The function is negative for all real values of x where x < -3 or x > -1 and the domain of the function is -∝ < x < ∝

What are domain and range?

The domain of a function is the set of values that we are allowed to plug into our function. This set is the x values in a function such as f(x). The range of a function is the set of values that the function assumes. This set is the values that the function shoots out after we plug an x value in.

The range is the set of outputs of a relation or function. In other words, it's the set of possible y values. Recall that ordered pairs are of the form (x,y) so the y coordinate is listed after the x. The output is listed after the input.

Given data ,

Let the function be represented as f ( x )

Now , the value of f ( x ) is

f ( x ) = - ( x + 3 ) ( x - 1 )   be equation (1)

Now , the values of x which makes the function negative are

when x < -3

f ( x ) = - ( -ve ) ( -ve ) = -ve

when x > 1

f ( x ) = - ( +ve ) ( +ve ) = -ve

So , the domain of the function is all real numbers and -∝ < x < ∝

Hence , the function is solved

To learn more about domain and range click :



The speed of the boat going with a current is 20 mph. When the boat goes against the current, the speed is 16 mph. Find the speed of the boat in still water and the speed of the current.



boat = 18

current = 2

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the speed of the current = y

Let the speed of the boat = x

x + y = 20

x - y  = 16         Add

2x = 36            Divide by 2

x = 18

The speed of the boat = 18

x + y = 20

18 + y = 20         Subtract 18

y = 20 - 18

y = 2

Please Help ASAP!!!! 60 points.



An inverse variation give a harder one next time

Step-by-step explanation:

Can someone help me with this math homework please!




Step-by-step explanation:

y coordinates must be at the numerator, while x coordinates at the denominator

Sandy lives 200 m from school. One
morning she leaves for school at a
slow pace. On the way she meets a
friend and stops to talk for 10
minutes. Sandy realizes that she
forgot her homework and runs back
home to pick it up. It takes five
minutes to get home. Immediately she
heads back to school at a fast pace.



Following are the solution to the given question:

Step-by-step explanation:

For question 1:

Calculating the speed between A and B:

[tex]Time\ (t)= 1 \ hours\\\\Distance\ (d)= 10 \ km\\\\V=\frac{d}{t}=\frac{10}{1}= 10 \ kmph[/tex]

For question 2:

Calculating the speed between B and C:

[tex]Time\ (t)= (2-1)=1 \ hours\\\\Distance\ (d)= (15-10)= 5\ km\\\\V=\frac{d}{t}=\frac{5}{1}= 5 \ kmph\\[/tex]  

For question 3:

In this the speed between A and B is the double to speed between B and C.

The perimeter of a rectangle is 108cm. The ration of its length to its width is 7:2 what is the area of the rectangle in cm2?



504 cm²

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the length and the width of the rectangle be L cm and W cm respectively.

Perimeter= 2(L +W)

2(L +W)= 108

L +W= 108 ÷2

L +W= 54

L= 54 -W -----(1)

[tex] \frac{L}{W} = \frac{7}{2} [/tex]

Cross multiply:

2L= 7W -----(2)

Substitute (1) into (2):

2(54 -W)= 7W


108 -2W= 7W

+2W on both sides:

9W= 108

Divide both sides by 9:

W= 108 ÷9

W= 12

Substitute W= 12 into (1):

L= 54 -12

L= 42

Area of rectangle

= length ×width

= LW

= 42(12)

= 504 cm²

Please read below. Thank you.



The equation of the circle is given by:



(a,b) is the center  of the circle

given that the center of our circle is (2,3) with the radius of 5, the equation will be:


expanding the above we get:


this can be simplified to be:




[tex]\sf\longrightarrow \boxed{\sf x^2+y^2-4x-6y-12=0}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Here we are given the radius of circle as 5cm and the centre of the circle is (2,3) . We need to find the equation of the circle. Here we can yse the Standard equation of circle to find the equation .

Standard equation of circle :-

[tex]\sf\implies \green{ (x - h )^2+(y-k)^2 = r^2 }[/tex]

where (h,k) is the centre and r is radius .

Substitute the respective values ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow ( x - 2 )^2 + ( y - 3)^2 = 5^2 [/tex]

Simplify the whole square ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow x^2 + 4 -4x + y^2+9-6y = 25[/tex]

Rearrange and add the constants ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow x^2 + y^2 -4x -6y +13 = 25 [/tex]

Subtract 25 on both sides ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow x^2 +y^2-4x-6y+13-25=0[/tex]

Simplify ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow \boxed{\blue{\sf x^2+y^2-4x-6y-12=0}}[/tex]

180 divided by 2.5 I need help and could you show me how to do it




Step-by-step explanation:


= 72

Transversal Problems with Equations (Level 1)
Jol 19, 2:01:51 PM
Given m|n, find the value of x.
Submit Answer
attempt tout of 2



-3 =x

Step-by-step explanation:

The angles are corresponding angles and corresponding angles are equal if the lines are parallel

2x+9 = 7x+24

Subtract 2x from each side

2x+9-2x = 7x+24-2x

9 = 5x+24

Subtract 24 from each side

9-24 = 5x

-15 = 5x

Divide by 5

-15/5 = 5x/5

-3 =x

The price of an item has been reduced by 35%. The original price was $15.​





so the price now is 9.75

Hope This Helps!!!

[tex]\boxed{\large{\bold{\blue{ANSWER~:) }}}}[/tex]

see this attachment

Let ƒ(x) = 5x2 – x + 1 and g(x) = –3x. Evaluate the composition (ƒ ∘ g)(1) .




Step-by-step explanation:

We are given the two functions:

[tex]f(x) = 5x^2-x+1 \text{ and } g(x) = -3x[/tex]

And we want to find:

[tex](f \circ g)(1)[/tex]

Recall that this is equivalent to:


Evaluate g(1):

[tex]g(1) = -3(1) = -3[/tex]



Evaluate f(-3):



[tex](f \circ g)(1) =49[/tex]

Our answer is D.



Step-by-step explanation:

ƒ(x) = 5x2 – x + 1 and g(x) = –3x

(ƒ ∘ g)(1)

First find g(1) = -3(1) = -3

Then find f(g(1) = f(-3)

f(-3) = 5(-3)^2 - (-3) +1 = 5(9) +3+1 = 45+4 = 49

If ABC=DEF and MNO=PQR, then ABC=PQR by the transitive property.

○A. True
○B. False



B. False

Step-by-step explanation:

There is not enough information to make that conclusion. The two statements are completely unrelated, so the transitive property cannot be used. None of the given statements say that ABC is congruent to MNO or PQR. That means that nothing can be assumed about DEF. To use the transitive property you would need proof that ABC=MNO or ABC=PQR. But neither of those statements are there so the answer is false.



Step-by-step explanation:

a pe c

In the supermarket 80% of the goods are food,20% of what is left are household chemicals and the rest of all the goods in the supermarket are household goods?


70 % because , 80 - 20 is 70 %





Step-by-step explanation:


Write the ratio:
as a fraction in lowest terms.



The ratio 450 : 200 can be reduced to lowest terms by dividing both terms by the GCF = 50 :

450 : 200 = 9 : 4


450 : 200 = 9 : 4

basically 9/4

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the place value of 4 in 5846.




Step-by-step explanation:

It is the third number in this bigger one, going from the left you can see it's in the hundreds place.

The general form of the equation of a circle is x2 + y2 + 42x + 38y − 47 = 0. The equation of this circle in standard form is

The center of the circle is at the point
, and its radius is

The general form of the equation of a circle that has the same radius as the above circle is



Step-by-step explanation:

x² + y² + 42x + 38y - 47 = 0

Put the equation into standard (center-radius) form:

regroup terms

(x²+42x) + (y²+38y) = 47

complete the squares:

(x²+42x+21²) + (y²+38y+19²) = 47 + 21² + 19²

(x+21)² + (y+19)² = 849

center at (-21,-19)

radius = √849 units

The general form of the equation for a circle with radius √849 units is:

(x-h)² + (y-k)² = 849

where the (h,k) is the center.

(edge) The linear function that is represented by which table has the same slope as the graph?

On a coordinate plane, a line goes through points (0, negative 3) and (2, 1).
A 2-column table with 5 rows. Column 1 is labeled x with entries negative 25, negative 21, negative 17, negative 13, negative 9. Column 2 is labeled y with entries negative 9, negative 7, negative 5, negative 3, negative 1.
A 2-column table with 5 rows. Column 1 is labeled x with entries negative 25, negative 21, negative 17, negative 13, negative 9. Column 2 is labeled y with entries 9, 7, 5, 3, 1.
A 2-column table with 5 rows. Column 1 is labeled x with entries negative 9, negative 7, negative 5, negative 3, negative 1. Column 2 is labeled y with entries negative 25, negative 21, negative 17, negative 13, negative 9.
A 2-column table with 5 rows. Column 1 is labeled x with entries 1, 3, 5, 7, 9. Column 2 is labeled y with entries negative 9, negative 13, negative 17, negative 21, negative 25.


Answer: is 3

Step-by-step explanation:

Very easy man !!!

Please help ASAP!!!!! What is m




Step-by-step explanation:

Halla el conjunto solución del siguiente sistema de ecuaciones aplicando el método de reducción: 2x + 3y = 8 x – 5y = 6



x = 7.535 and y = 0.307

Step-by-step explanation:

Given that,

Two equations,

2x + 3y = 8 ...(1)

x – 5y = 6....(2)

Multiply equation (2) by -2.

-2x + 10y = -12....(3)

Now, adding equations (1) and (2),

2x + 3y -2x + 10y = 8-12

13y = 4

y = 0.307

Put the value of y in equation (2).

x – 5(0.307) = 6

x = 6 + 1.535

x = 7.535

So, the solutions of the given equation are x = 7.535 and y = 0.307.

A wholesaler sold an electric item to a retailer at 20 % profit. The retailer sold it at Rs.2052 to a customer at 5% loss.

i) How much did the retailer pay for it?

ii) How much did the wholesaler pay for it?

pls on full process
will mark as a brainlist



i) 2160

ii) 1800

Step-by-step explanation:

so, the retailer sold the item for 2052, if I understand the problem description correctly.

and with this sale price, he actually made a loss of 5%.

so, 2052 are actually only 95% of what he himself paid the wholesaler for it.

2052 = 95%

1% = 2052/95 = 21.60

100% (the whole price the retailer paid to the wholesaler) = 21.60 × 100 = 2160

so, now, these 2160 have the wholesaler a profit from his perspective of 20%.

that means this price includes the 20% profit margin.

2160 = 120%

1% = 2160 / 120 = 18

100% (the price the wholesaler originally paid) = 18 × 100 = 1800

(4x-1)²-(4x-3) x (16x²+3)



-64x^3 +64x^2-20x+10

Step-by-step explanation:

simplify, distribute

(btw, the little arrow sign means a exponent)

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