Please help! (i will give you the brainliest if you don't copy from the internet)

Which belief was central to both the First Great Awakening and the Second Great Awakening?
A. Churches should be run by religious scholars who lived isolated lives.
B. Religion should be an emotional and highly personal experience.
C. People's lives and personal choices need not reflect their devotion to God.
D. Religious tolerance was an unfortunate aspect of the country's founding.


Answer 1




I Think B is the Answer Cause it Seems alike

Related Questions

Which of these is negatively affected by rock music?



Society and People will most likely be affected by rock music

People who listen to rock music will act more reckless or careless


Soe things people may do:

- Vandalizing property

- Speeding

- Driving carelessly or after drinking alcohol

- May lower self-esteem

- Can affect peoples attitude toward others or things

- People also blame rock music for violence and hostility

Hope this Helps

Rock music will probably have an impact on society and the general public.

Rock music has a detrimental impact on people who listen to it because they will act more recklessly or carelessly.

What do you know about rock music?

Rock music is a broad category of popular music that began as "rock and roll" in the US in the late 1940s and early 1950s. It then evolved into a variety of diverse forms in the mid-1960s and beyond, especially in the US and UK. Its origins can be traced back to the rock and roll movement of the 1940s and 1950s, a movement that took inspiration from both country music and the African-American musical genres of blues and rhythm and blues.

Incorporating elements of jazz, classical music, and other musical genres, rock also borrowed heavily from a number of other genres like electric blues and folk. Rock music's instrumentation has traditionally concentrated on the electric guitar, typically playing with an electric bass guitar, drums, and other acoustic instruments.

Learn more about rock music, from :


How does the Nile river help people



The Nile supports agriculture and fishing. The Nile also has served as an important transportation route for thousands of years.


What was the highest paying job during the industrial revolution


Answer: Architect or being a building designer for the vast construction. thats your answer.


please help me right now
what is the summary for ending the slave trade in the slave trade


Answer:Two hundred years ago this month, the United States abolished the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Eric Foner, a historian at Columbia University, takes listeners inside the historical moment tied to one of America's darkest eras.

The struggle to end the transatlantic slave trade and slavery was achieved by African resistance and economic factors as well as through humanitarian campaigns. The most prominent abolitionists in Britain, notably Thomas Clarkson and William Wilberforce, were great publicists.


What was Washington’s final decision on the national bank



Washington sided with Hamilton's argument and signed the Bank Bill into law on February 25, 1791. The debate over the National Bank ultimately fractured the government into the first political parties, the Democratic-Republicans led by Jefferson and Madison and the Federalist led by Hamilton


which indian tribe taught the pilgrims how to cultivate the land and were invited to the thanksgiving meal?


Answer: The Wampanoag

Click to review the online content. Then answer the question(s) below, using complete sentences. Scroll down to view additional questions.
Online Content: Site 1

According to the article, what are the skills needed to become a historian. Briefly describe each. (Site 1)



1. Identify the need for the decision:Try to determine the background of the decision to be made

2. Gather information related:Research information and data related to the problem which will help in resolving the problem matter.

3. Identify alternatives present:Keep a list of possible alternatives for the decision. Having a Plan A up to Z works!

4. Weigh the gathered evidence available:Know and see what are the highs and lows of each decision.

5. Choose the correct decision among alternatives:Decide which resolution is the best, or have combinations  to produce a better outcome.

6. Take action:If everything is situated according to plan, Act.

7. Review your decision:Reevaluate your path if it needs minor modifications or a total re-haul.

Hope it helps:)


1. What was the original intent of the Roman Republic? Why did the Romans decide to have that form of government?
2. Why do you think eventually the Romans were not successful in their republic? Why is this important for all to know today? In other words, why do you think you were asked to do this specific project? Why are these ideas important?
3. Find examples in our world today where governments are meant to be a democracy or a republic and are not following those ideals. Who and why? (at least 2 examples here)
4. What is democracy and how is that different from a republic? (Please use your own words here – not just definitions.) Why is this difference important to know?
Part III:: Each question is worth 10 points and is a full paragraph that uses FADE.
Consider where democracy is going right now and when there have been problems in the past with democracies.


Answer:1. What was the original intent of the Roman Republic? Why did the Romans decide to have that form of government? The Roman Republic began in 509 B.C. when the Romans expelled the Etruscan kings and set up their own government. Having witnessed the problems of the monarchy on their own land, and aristocracy and democracy among the Greeks, they opted for a mixed form of government, with three branches.

2. Why do you think eventually the Romans were not successful in their republic? Why is this important for all to know today? In other words, why do you think you were asked to do this specific project? Why are these ideas important? Economic problems, government corruption, crime and private armies, and the rise of Julius Caesar as emperor all led to its eventual fall in 27 BCE. Rome's continued expansion resulted in money and revenue for the Republic.

3. Find examples in our world today where governments are meant to be a democracy or a republic and are not following those ideals. Who and why? (at least 2 examples here). The United States and Nigeria are examples of presidential democracies. The executive branch includes the president and his cabinet. Along with the judicial and legislative branch, the three branches of government work to keep checks and balances, but the president has final say.

4. What is democracy and how is that different from a republic? (Please use your own words here – not just definitions.) Why is this difference important to know? The major difference between a democracy and a republic is that a republic is a form of government whereas a democracy is an ideology that helps shape how a government is run. Put another way: a republic is the system of government that allows a country to be democratic!


sorry if this dont help

plz answer my question I am doing ixl​



What level, subject and what is your question?


A cheerful teen willing to help,

stay positive,

stay salty...

How does the excerpt contribute to the power of Banneker’s message to Jefferson?

Select the two correct answers.

Banneker quotes a biblical figure to establish his moral superiority over Jefferson and white Americans.

Banneker compliments Jefferson’s intelligence and awareness with the intention to engage him as an ally in the fight to abolish enslavement.

Banneker makes a religious reference to encourage Jefferson to empathize with enslaved persons.

Banneker suggests that by walking in the shoes of persons denied their basic rights, Jefferson and white Americans will feel compelled to end enslavement.



I just took the test hope this helps:)



Check out my pic attached. I hope this helps!


Why did “War Hawks” want the United States to go to war with Britain in 1812?
A) They wanted to encourage the Southern states to secede from the United States.
B) They believed it would stop the Indian raids along the American frontier.
C) They felt it would strengthen the nation's manufacturing and shipping industries.
D) They wanted the United States to become part of the British Empire.


The answer is A they wanted to encourage…

Look at yourself in the mirror. Did you notice that you have your mother's eyes or father's dimples? You might notice that you have your grandmother's nose or your grandfather's ears. Share what you have noticed by writing the characteristics that you got from your parents and grandparents.​


With me personally I have a lot of my mother features. I have my mothers nose, her dimple, even my hair. From my dad though my teeth came out like his. Going on, my mothers mom, I have her eyes. So I would say I’ve gain a lot through my family.

Pls help!! American Revolutionary War



Mark me as Brainliest



1. How did Cuban Americans help Cubans during the Spanish-American War?
2. How did the city of Tampa and Henry Plant contribute to America's success in preparing for the Spanish-American War?
3. Why were the Port of Tampa and the Tampa Bay Hotel great places to train and prepare for the Spanish-American War?


Answer:In 1898 Cuba was a geopolitical aberration. Lying only 90 miles from the Florida keys, astride the entrance to the Gulf of Mexico, it was separated from Spain by the vast expanse of the Atlantic Ocean. Yet Cuba remained one of Spain's two colonies in the New World. (The other was Puerto Rico.) It was governed from Madrid much as it had been governed since it was first occupied and settled by the Spaniards in 1511.

Not that Cubans were as compliant in 1898 as they had been during most of the colonial period, especially when the other Spanish Americans severed their ties with the mother country in the 1820s. At that time Cuba was evolving from a slowly growing colony into the world's leading sugar producer, a development that required the importation of steadily increasing numbers of African slaves. As a result, by 1840 there were in the island approximately 430,000 slaves, approximately 60 percent of the population was black or mulatto. Fearing a repetition of the upheaval that wiped out Haiti's white planter class in 1791, Cuban creoles (native born Cubans of European descent) refrained from imitating their mainland counterparts and risk all in a bloody and ruinous confrontation with the metropolis' military might.


they helped get rid of the spanish

In 2-3 paragraphs, explain the historical significance of the Brown v. Board of Education case in the larger context of minority rights. Consider the following in your response:

What is the significance of the “equal protection” clause of the Fourteenth Amendment? Why did both Plessy and Brown use that clause in their suits?
What impact did Plessy v. Ferguson have on minority rights? What was the significance of “separate but equal”?
What impact did Brown v. Board of Education have on minority rights?
How does the ruling in the Brown v. Board of Education case connect to the idea of the balance between majority and minority described in Thomas Jefferson’s First Inaugural Address?
What checks and balances protect the rights of the minority?


The historical significance of the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education case repudiated the legal huddle posed by the 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson decision that legalized the "separate but equal" doctrine.

The case took to the cleaners the impossibility of offering "equal protection" according to the Fourteenth Amendment while maintaining "separate but equal" facilities for blacks and whites.

The Plessy v. Ferguson decision used the "equal protection" clause to entrench the Jim Crow laws.  On the other hand, the Brown v. Board of Education case used the "equal protection" clause to upturn the Jim Crow laws.  Thus, different interpretations of the same clause can birth different approaches to human relationships.

The Plessy v. Ferguson case killed all the efforts of racial harmony promoted by Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation. It showed the evil extent humans undertake to defend their whims and caprices. The Plessy decision killed minority rights by creating a misplaced "separate but equal" camouflage on human rights.

On the other hand, Brown v. Board of Education became the catalyst for minority rights movements, galvanizing people of color to redress centuries of racial discrimination.

The ruling in the Brown v. Board of Education case supports Thomas Jefferson's idea that while the majority should reasonably have their way, minorities must not lose their human rights on the altars of the majority. According to Thomas Jefferson, if the rights of minorities are denied or not protected, it becomes naked oppression.

The "checks and balances" that protect the rights of the minority are in the US Constitution, especially in the Amendments. Specifically, the Constitution underscored that all races are equal and possess inalienable rights.

Thus, to allow racial segregation through the creation of "separate but equal" facilities is injustice and a denial of liberty.

Learn more: and

the New Testament includes

a. four accounts of Jesus' life
b. only the writings of Paul
c. a dozen Gospels
d. wise proverbs ​



a. Four accounts of Jesus's life.


The four accounts are the 4 books, which include:

The Gospel of Matthew

The Gospel of Mark

The Gospel of Luke

The Gospel of John


What does the image suggest about the Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court ruling?

A. Jim Crow laws are not discriminatory.

B. Segregation spread to the northern states.

C. Segregation was not required in the South.

D. Separate accommodations are not acceptable.



1. A) black codes

2. D) separate accommodations are not acceptable

3. B) grandfather clause

The Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court ruling held that separate but equal accommodations based solely on race did not violate the Constitution of the United States.

This ruling allowed for the spread of Jim Crow laws through the southern states and eventually to some northern states, which instituted segregation in education, transportation, and other public services. The result of the ruling entrenched segregation and made it legally acceptable across much of the United States.

This image suggests that the ruling ensured the continuation and perpetuation of the substandard conditions of segregation, as African-American individuals were forced to use separate accommodations that were inherently unequal. Thus, the image shows that the Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme Court ruling did not promote equality, but instead allowed separate accommodations that were not acceptable.

To know more about Supreme Court, click here:


Why did the British government encourage not only English citizens to settle in the American Colonies but citizens of other nations as well?



Richard Hakluyt used this document to persuade Queen Elizabeth I to devote more money and energy into encouraging English colonization. In twenty-one chapters, summarized here, Hakluyt emphasized the many benefits that England would receive by creating colonies in the Americas.

Which sentence from Barrio Boy gives the word mother a negative connotationWhich sentence uses the denotation of the word heart?


Answer:Well I need a picture of the answer it could be to help you, please.


los artículos
de la Constitución de la República Bolivariana
de Venezuela y la Ley Orgánica de Educación que hacen mención de la Educación Física.




All of the following statements about the Atakapans are true except:
They lived exclusively in Texas.
They lived along the Gulf of Mexico.
They had their own unique language.
They fished, hunted, and gathered plants for food.


B. They lived along the Gulf of Mexico

Not doing 100 points this time because people didn't even put the correct answer! Say thanks to the people who just care about points and ruined your chance of getting 100 But will still give brainliest to best answer!
During the period 800 BCE to 1500 BCE, following the fall of the Roman Empire, Europe seemed to experience a dramatic decline in its cultural growth and development. Meanwhile, life in other parts of the world was no so “Medieval”—those cultures made tremendous advances in science, art, exploration, and scholarship.
What caused this difference between Europe and Africa, Asia, and the Middle East during the Middle Ages? Why do you think other parts of the world experienced “golden ages” during a time when most Europeans struggled through the Dark Ages?


Oooo that is kinda hard. I’m not sure but just quizlet that one for now

The answer is:

The main difference is the presence of knowledge which made Africa, Asia, and the Middle East more developed and modern during the Middle Ages as compared to Europe because in Europe no importance was given to the knowledge by the people which leads to the development of other nations as compared to dark age of the Europe. Other parts of the world experienced “golden ages” during a time when most of the Europe struggled through the Dark Ages because of knowledge which enables other nations to made better their lives.

Have a great Day/Night

Write a paragaph in which you consider whether or not John Brown was "crazy. " Your paragraph should be 5-7 sentences.



Paragraph in explanation


Yes, John Brown was "crazy". For one, he thought he could take down slavery by himself and a army he would slowly grow. He would start a "invasion" of the south and free slaves and use those slaves for his army. He also thought violence was the key to ending slavery. He would stop at nothing to end slavery including breaking the law and arguably committed treason.

What landforms bordered Egypt on the east and west,and how did these contribute to the development of ancient Egyptian civilization



With its natural borders - the Sahara Desert to the west, the mountainous Eastern Desert and the Red Sea to the east, the Mediterranean Sea edging the marshy Delta to the north and the Cataracts to the south, ancient Egyptians were reasonably free from invaders.


Which event in the late 1680s helped further define the doctrine of classical republicanism?





Answer: An early theory of democracy that holds that the best kind of government is one that promotes the "common good" and the welfare of an entire society.

Explanation: please add more detail to this question like add the answers that can chosen :)

The major cause for the decline in the worldwide catch of fish since 1990 is:



Shrinking industrial landings

Joel did not mention the Day of the Lord.

True or False


Answer: False.......

Applying Economics to History
1. Using Context Clues Using information from the passage, write a
new sentence for each boldfaced word:


Answer:nswer to 1. Using Context Clues - Using information from the passage, write a new sentence for each boldfaced word: monopoly: If you had a monopoly on


Guys please help 50 Points





Which is the best description of Napoleon Bonaparte?

He was an extraordinary soldier but not a good commander in chief.
He believed in some Enlightenment ideals but not in social reform.
He believed a return to the monarchy was the only thing to save France.
He refused to sign a peace treaty with the European powers at war’s end.



B The best description of Napoleon Bonaparte is that he believed in some enlightenment ideas but not in social reforms.


B.  he believed in some enlightenment ideas but not in social reforms.


took the test on edge

Other Questions
The sum of three consecutive even numbers is 138. Find the numbers. 2. If a= 2, b= 3 and c= 3,evaluate: i) a+ 2b ii) a+b+c -6 a solution to x Watch the video and make a ninja star. Once you have made a ninja star, 5 Point Ninja Star. Explain the energy transfer in the ninja star once it has been assembled.PLEASE HELP You had the reactants necessary for cellular respiration, so why did nothing happen? 5/2=? ?/? ill give brainliest Which of the following indicates a cockroach problem 1. Sit down! A strange dog (run)__________to you. 2. My mom often (buy)________meat from the butcher's3. My brothers (not drink)_____coffee at the moment.4. Look! Those people (climb)______ the mountain so fast.5. That girl (cry)______loudly in the party now. Find the slope of a line that passes through the points (3,5and(,6- 10) Find the slope of a line that passes through the points (2,-4) and (2,10) Select the correct answer.Solve .A. B. C. D. Gene has a gasoline budget of $275 per month. He uses an average of $6 of gasoline each day he drives. Which of the following equations represents how much money is left in his gasoline budget after x days of driving? A. y = 275 - 6x B. y = 275 + 6x C. y = 6x - 275 D. y = 275x - 6 Expand and simplify (2x 2)(x + 4)- solve for me please this is trigonometry Select the correct answer.In the passage, what does opportunity mean?A. WeatherB. LaunchC. Chance Hey! I could use sm help Which of the following is part of the electrical conduction system of the heart and is known as the pacemaker of the heart?AV bundleSA nodeEKGAortic arch 8. Evaluate: f(x) = x2 + 1g(x) = 5 - xa. (f+g)(x) =b. (f-g)(x) = Can someone please help me I will mark u brilliant Muscles that move the wrist and hand originate on which bone(s)? can someone factorize 7x+xz+7z+z2 for me?