Please help l! I can’t seem to get it


Answer 1
They are Cachapas from Spain

Related Questions

Mañana, mi familia y yo
(ir) al parque nacional Manuel Antonio.



Tomorrow my family and I (to go) to the Manuel Antonio National Park.


Mañana, mi familia y yo (vamos) al parque nacional Manuel Antonio

Fill in the blank:
Mi ____ es Pablo.


"Nombre" ó mi "hermano"




"Mi nombre es Pablo" translates to "My name is Pablo".

Which of the following sentences uses the present perfect correctly?
Nosotros hemos resuelto comer menos.
Nosotros han resolvido comer menos.
Nosotros hemos resolvido comer menos.
Nosotros han resuelto comer menos.



option 3


The answer to this question is c

Who is Latino?
A. Any individual of origin or decent from Mexico or any country in Central America, South America, or the Caribbean.
B. Any Spanish-speaking native living in the U.S.
C. Any individual who speaks Spanish.
D. Any individual who speaks Latin.



A. Any individual of origin or decent from Mexico or any country in Central America, South America, or the Caribbean.


A. Any individual of origin or decent from Mexico or any country in Central America, South America, or the Caribbean.

Who is Latino?

A. Any individual of origin or decent from Mexico or any country in Central America, South America, or the Caribbean.

B. Any Spanish-speaking native living in the U.S.

C. Any individual who speaks Spanish.

D. Any individual who speaks Latin.


Hi! iknow it cause I'm latino LOL

hey y’all uh can someone help me pls


1. A nosotros nos gusta comer tarde.

2. ¿Cuándo te gusta a ti comer?

3. ¿A él, ella, usted le importa lo que Juan nos trae?

4. Sí, a mi me gustan los regalos de Juan.

5. A ti te encanta bailar el tango.

6. A nosotros nos gustan los bailes más modernos.

7. A mi me fascinan los deportes de invierno.

8. A ella, él le gustan los deportes acuáticos.

9. A ella, él le extrañó ver a Manuel en la playa.

10. A nosotros nos gusta ver a Manuel allí.

11. ¿Por qué te parece buena a ti esta universidad?

12. A mi me gustan los profesores de esta universidad.

13. A ella, él le encantan los perfumes franceses.

14. A nosotros no nos gusta el agua de colonia.

15. A ti te disgusta la fragancia de las camelias.

16. A mi me gusta oler todas las flores del jardín.

17. ¿Es verdad que a ti no te gusta el profesor?

18. Al contrario, a mi me parece excelente.

19. A nosotros nos disgustan los perros feroces.

20. A mi no me gustan tampoco los perros tímidos.

21. A ti no te gustan los precios caros en Venezuela.

22. A mi me parecen peores los precios en Brasil.

23. No sabes cuánto me desagrada a mi el acordeón.

24. ¿A ti te disgusta ese instrumento?

25. A ellos les parece increíble el juego.

26. No me importa a mi la opinión de ellos.

27. A mi me encanta el juego de tenis.

28. A nosotros nos gusta más el baloncesto.

29. A ella, él le interesa mucho la historia europea.

30. ¿Cuál estudio te interesa más a ti?

Answer the following question



1. Se acuesta

2. Cepillarnos

3. Se duchan

4. Se lava

5. Se despiertan


Which of the following sentences uses the present perfect correctly?
Mi padre cubre la olla.
Mi padre ha cubrido la olla.
Mi padre ha cubierto la olla.
Mi padre has cubrido la olla.


C) Mi padre ha cubierto la olla
Have a nice day
The 3 one mi padre ha cubierto la olla

b) Por la variedad de climas y la diversidad de los suelos se han formado distintos ecosistemas. ¿Cuáles son?


Hazlo tú mismo JAJJA

what is measurement


the size or length of something

Measurement is the process of associating numbers with Quantities.

¿Cuál es la realidad social que atraviesa en este momento nuestro país? (perú) ok?


Cuál es la realidad social que atraviesa en este momento nuestro país Perú?

 Este año de la pandemia conmocionó a todos; en particular a las familias de los fallecidos y a todos los infectados que todavía siguen haciendo frente a las secuelas del virus. En la esfera económica, no es necesario recordar los impactos que se produjeron, y de la imprescindible paralización de las actividades económicas. Hemos comentado anteriormente que es poco probable que se recuperen, en los próximos años, los niveles de empleo e ingresos que se tuvieron en 2019.

Para colmo de males, a la pandemia que mostró todas nuestras carencias y brechas estructurales y sanitarias, se sumó una grave crisis política que significó tres poderes ejecutivos diferentes en el mismo año. Efectivamente, en estas últimas semanas la tensión social ha disminuido parcialmente, aunque no al nivel de lo que debiera; sin embargo, todos los actores y elementos para otra crisis social y política siguen sobre la mesa.

Please help ASAP
Read the English sentences carefully and match each one with the impersonal expression that best fits the meaning or intention of the sentence.
Pollution affects humans and animals. A) Es bueno
Straightforward hunting regulations could prevent rhinos from being extinct. B) Es importante
You care for the common species. C) Es malo
You must feed the hens every morning so they are healthy. D) Es fácil


polutions affect = es malo
straightforward regulations = es importante
you care for common species = es bueno
you must feed the hens = es facil

The most appropriate impersonal expressions for each sentence correspond to:

C) Es malo: Pollution affects humans and animals.

B) Es importante: Straightforward hunting regulations could prevent rhinos from being extinct.

A) Es bueno: You care for the common species.

D) Es fácil: You must feed the hens every morning so they are healthy.

What are impersonal expressions?

They are defined as expressions that do not have a subject or a specific subject, it is usually possible to identify an impersonal expression due to the absence of the subject in a sentence.

Therefore, it is possible to relate each sentence above to a specific impersonal expression according to the context that best suits each one.

Find out more about impersonal expressions here:


Es necesario
____el piso (the floor).
O trapear
O doblar
O limpiar
O lavar



La repuesta correcta



Es necesario TRAPEAR el piso

Cocinar me gusta tanto _____ limpiar.
A. Como
B. Que
C. Del
D. De


A is the correct answer.

¿Qué entienden al usar la expresión “Él o Ella tienen estilo”?


If I had written your question in English, I could have helped you

BRAINLIEST Completa el espacio en blanco con la mejor respuesta con el Presente Subjuntivo Irregular (Present Subjunctive
El sacerdote les aconseja que ellos_____
amables con sus compañeros. (ser)


El sacerdote les aconseja que ellos SEAN amables con sus compañeros.
El sacerdote les aconseja que ellos sean amables con sus compañeros.

Translate this to english
(btw its snapish to english)

Eres precioso


You’re beautiful is the answer
“you're beautiful” bit of an odd thing and I kinda feel like you just want this to be said lol

Ordena las letras de los enunciados siguientes siguiendo la estructura de los cuentos.
m. Al conde le parce apropiado el consejo y lo pone en práctica con buenos resultados.
s. Patronio establece una semejanza entre el caso que plantea el conde y un cuento.
t. Patronio manifiesta y explica al conde el consejo que le ha pedido.
h. Patronio narra el cuento(ejemplo).
i. El conde Lucanor plantea un problema a Patronio, su servidor, y le pide que le aconseje.
j. Don Juan Manuel resume la enseñanza del cuento en dos versos pareados, a modo de moraleja.










Structure of the stories of Juan Manuel (El Conde Lucanor)

porque los prejuicios hace que discriminamos a las personas



Porque los estereotipos al ser algo que pasa comúnmente en algún tipo de raza, cultura o genero, al intentar cambiar eso y probar algo distinto, la gente no lo acepta del todo o simplemente no lo apoya



Cómo la palabra prejuicio lo dice, pre significa antes, se tiene ya un juicio formado antes de conocer los hechos. Pensamos algo acerca de una cosa o persona sin ninguna base o información educada.


1.-Elabora un ensayo que explique la significación del nosotros.
2.-¿Cuál es la diferencia entre las preguntas por nosotros los latinoamericanos y por el yo?



1. La palabra nosotros es usada basicamente para describir otras personas y yo. Por Ejemplo, "nosotros limpiamos la casa"

2. En españa se le puede llamar tambien vosotros es casi lo mismo pero con el vos y en latinoamerica seria con nos al principio.

Enter the word that correctly completes the sentence.

Ana is afraid of spiders.

Ana _____ miedo de las arañas.





I know Spanish fluently, therefore you can trust me!

Tiene miedo! Hope this helps! Safe learning :)

The trauma of war can have lasting consequences. Countries like the United States and ________ recognize this fact. This country recognizes the importance of offering services not only for soldiers, but also for their families. Unfortunately, there are some soldiers who suffer from PTSD after their experiences in the military. Argentina Germany Australia Ancient





The trauma of war can have lasting consequences. Countries like the United States and ____ Germany ____ recognize this fact. This country recognizes the importance of offering services not only for soldiers, but also for their families. Unfortunately, there are some soldiers who suffer from PTSD after their experiences in the military.

Señas en una oración. Por favor



Cuando corría en un día soleado, vi muchas señales por la carretera.

When I was running on a sunny day, I saw many signs by the road.

listen, read the question, and choose the option that best answers the question.
What volunteer opportunity does María Luisa do?
She serves food in a retirement home.
She raises money for the local retirement home.
She raises money for a homeless charity.
She serves food in a soup kitchen for the homeless.


Answer: Recauda dinero para unq organizacion benefica para persona sin hogar


recauda dinero para unq organizacion benefica para persona sin hogar

what spanish pronoun whould be used for the following
( Siliva, the secretary of your school's main office ) ​


The pronouns that we use in Spanish are feminine, which would be her or she /ella

Sliva, la secretaria de la oficina principal de su escuela

#1. What good luck charm from around the world struck you as the most interesting or different and why?
#2. If you had a choice, would you rather visit the Callejón del Beso or the Lover's bridge in Paris? Why? (Personal opinion right answer only) please help



rabbit foot


a quien les toca contestar la pregunta




¿A quién les toca contestar la pregunta?    (Incorrect)

¿A quienes les toca contestar la pregunta? (Correct)

¿A quien le toca contestar la pregunta? (Correct)

Look at the sentence that follows. When translated to Spanish, would it use the subjunctive?
It's certain that Marcos is coming to the party.
No or yes.


Yes the answer would use the subjunctive

When the given sentence in English is translated into Spanish, the statement that it will use the subjunctive form of the verb is: not true.

Present Tense in Spanish

The conjugation of the verb "venir" in present tense, taking into account the personal pronouns is:

Yo: vengoTú: vienesUsted: vieneÉl: vieneElla: vieneEllo: vieneNosotros / Nosotras: venimosUstedes: vienenEllos / Ellas: vienen

Since the sentence assures that Marcos will come, while the subjunctive form is used for hypothetical situations where it is not certain that the events will occur, the correct option is that it will not use the subjunctive form.

If you want to learn more about Subjunctive Form in Spanish, you can visit the following link:


Age of Yusuf is 24 years more than half the age of Ajay. 5 years before sum of their ages was 41. Find their present ages.​


Ajay's age = 18 years

Yusaf's age =  33 years

As shown in the question above, Yusuf is 24 years older than half Ajay's age. Therefore, we can represent Yusuf's age, mathematically, as follows: (1x / 2 + 24)

Since we don't have information about Ajay's age, we can represent her as x years.

In addition, the question shows us that, five years ago, the sum of their age was 41. In this way, we must represent the age of both of them in the following way:

Yusuf's Age: 1x / 2 + (24 - 5) ------> 1x / 2 + 19

Ajay's Age: x - 5

Now we can put these two expressions together by adding their age to five years ago. This will be done as follows:

(x - 5) + (1x/2 + 19) = 413x/2 + 14 = 41 (Numbers accompanied by letters were added to each other and numbers not accompanied by letters were added to each other.)3x/2 = 41 - 14 (numbers accompanied by letters that are in front of the sign "=" must be passed to the other side, with the sign changed.3x/2 = 27x = 27 × 2/3x = 18

As we saw above, the letter "X" represents Ajay's age, so Ajay is 18 years old.

Now we can substitute that result into the equation representing Yusuf's age. Thus, the "x" in the equation will be replaced by the number "18," as follows:

1x / 2 + 24 =

1 × 18/2 + 24 =

9 + 24 = 33 years.

Yusuf's age is 33 years old.

We can prove this by subtracting 5 years from their age and adding them up to see if the result equals 41.

33-5 = 28

18-5 = 13

28 + 13 = 41

You can get more information in the following related questions:

Escoge las frase que corresponde al tiempo de cada oración.

Comí un plato argentino por primera vez.

en este momento
el mes que viene
el mes pasado




En este momento

En este momento
El mes pasado

You can’t always do what you want! Use the elements provided to write what the following people want to do, but can’t do, because they have to do something else. Be sure to start your sentences with a capital letter and end them with a period. Do not add any commas. Follow this pattern:
sujeto + (querer + infinitivo) + pero no + (poder) + porque + (tener que + infinitivo)
Modelo los chicos: pescar / ir de compras
Los chicos quieren pescar pero no pueden porque tienen que ir de compras.
1. Mario: ir a la playa / trabajar

enter answer
2. yo: ir al club para bailar / volver a casa

enter answer
3. tú: hacer senderismo / limpiar la casa

enter answer
4. Lucía y Ana: bucear / estudiar

enter answer
5. nosotros: jugar al baloncesto / asistir a clase

enter answer


Mario quiere ir a la playa pero no puede porque tiene que trabajar.Yo quiero ir al club bailar pero no puedo porque tengo que volver a casa Tu quieres hacer senderismo pero no puedes porque tienes que limpiar la casa.Lucía y Ana quieren bucear pero no pueden porque tienen que estudiar.Nosotros queremos jugar al baloncesto pero no podemos porque tenemos que asistir a clases.

La forma es: sujeto + (querer + infinitivo) + pero no + (poder) + porque + (tener que + infinitivo)

1. Mario quiere ir a la playa pero no puede porque tiene que trabajar.
2. Yo quiero ir al club para bailar pero no puedo porque tengo que volver a casa.
3. Tu quieres hacer senderismo pero no puedes porque tienes que limpiar la casa.
4. Lucía y Ana quieren bucear pero no pueden porque tienen que estudiar.
5. Nosotros queremos jugar al baloncesto pero no podemos porque tenemos que asistir a clase.
Other Questions
What is the overall purpose of Article V ofthe Constitution?A. It sets up the relationships of states to one another and thefederal government.B. It outlines the amendment proposal process.C. It deals with the ratification of the constitution. In the picture below, which lines are lines of symmetry for the figure?A. noneB. 1, 2, and 3C. 1 and 3D. 2 and 4 Look at the text below . If theres is an error with subject-verb agreement, select the incorrect verb and type it correctly. Otherwise, submit the text without making any changes.1.Neither toxic pollutants nor loud engine noise are a problem 2.for food cart operators who use curbside charging stations instead 3.of gasoline-powered generatiors Read Article B.In the early days of arctic exploration, dogsled was often the only way to travel. The ice, snow, and extremely cold weather made using other animals, such as horses, impossible. Snowmobiles were not invented yet. Most explorers journeyed by ship until the ice made it impossible to continue. Then, they would switch to dogsled. The dogs, working together, were a well-oiled machine that could cover long distances in the cold.Sled dogs needed to have long, warm coats to survive the arctic temperatures. They had to be fast and able to run for long distances while pulling a heavy load. Most importantly, they had to work together as a team. This made northern dogs, such as Siberian huskies and Alaskan malamutes, the best choices for the sled teams. These dogs have long coats, with a double layer of fur to keep out the cold, and they have wide paws with webbed toes that act like snowshoes. They have been bred for more than 9,000 years to be working dogs in extreme winter weather. They are friendly, team-oriented, and purposeful dogs. In the days of the arctic explorers, the physical features and determined personalities of the sled dogs made long journeys in harsh conditions possible.To be in the best condition for pulling heavy loads, the dogs needed a diet that was high in fat. They ate whale and seal blubber and fatty meats during their long journeys, which kept them strong and gave them energy to keep going. The dogs' paws also needed special care to make sure that they did not become injured by sharp ice or extreme cold. Treating the paws with fat or wax helped the dogs to run safely and comfortably.Although the days of arctic explorers are long past, sled dogs continue to run through the snow and ice of the North. Dogsledding is now recognized as a sport, with many competitions taking place all over the world. One of the most well-known of these is the Iditarod, a race of almost 1,000 miles. It commemorates the Great Race of Mercy that took place in 1925 when dog sled teams were the only hope of a town that needed life-saving medicine. The race takes 811 days to complete and is run regardless of weather conditions. Teams of twelve or more dogs train with their handlers for years before competing. The race is long and one of the most challenging in the world. Dogs and their handlers must be in top physical condition to have any chance of winning.During the race, the dogs get multiple rest stops and are checked by veterinarians to make sure they avoid injuries. They eat high-fat, high-protein foods to give them the energy to continue, just like the dogs of the arctic explorers did. With the same determination that drove the dogs of the 1925 Great Race of Mercy, the dogs competing in the Iditarod run through even the worst blizzards and race to win.Which information would disprove the author's point that sled dogs need a long coat? Long coats keep the dog's abdomen and legs warm in extreme temperatures. Long coats get matted with ice and mud, making it difficult to keep clean. Long coats act as insulating blankets, making the dogs kennels a safe temperature. Long coats are easy to care for since the dogs shed their coats when it is warm. The mountains of the northern part of the Nation block the cold and wind that blows towards Nepal from the central asia 1 by 6 of a construction work is finished in the first year, 1 by 8 part in the second year and 1 by 12 in the third year how much work is finished in 3 year The lines shown below are parallel. If the green line has a slope of 5, what is athe slope of the red line? A student is conducting their science experiment on the effect of caffeine on dogs. He has 3 groups of test subjects. The 1st group of dogs receives plain water. The 2nd group of dogs receives 10 mg of caffeine each, and the 3rd group receives 50 mg of caffeine each. He will measure their activity levels by recording how long each dog runs without stopping, after giving them the pills. What is the dependent variable in this experiment? 150 students in hostel have food enough for 45 days. After 10 days , 25 students leave the hostel. How much larger will the food last? What problems has we faced because of the destruction in nature The base of a triangular prism has an area of 35 m2. This triangular prism has a height of 7 m. What is the volume of this triangular prism? What was the purpose of the Federalist Papers? Find the missing side of the triangle Triangles and anglesPls help Where does the blood go that is pumped from the right side of the heart? wht was passed in 1850 tht made it legal to arrest runaway slaves?A.Underground railroadB.Fugitive slave lawC.Great compromise add question tags to the following statements2. please come with me,...?3. he didn't call,...?4. elisha lives near you,...?5. let's go to the park,...?6. you had fun last night,...?7. they've already sent the invitations,...? Which major processes were needed for the origin of life on Earth? Money is something we all take for granted in our lives. Some of us may wish we had more of it but we all recognize it when we see it, whether in the form of coins, notes or cheques. It is difficult to imagine how people managed without money. In the earliest periods of human history, people used to exchange goods directly. They would exchange things they had plenty of for things that they were in need of. For example, they might offer food for tools. This method of exchange, which is known as barter, has many disadvantages. Certain goods may be difficult to carry, they may not last long, or may be impossible to divide into smaller units. It can also be difficult to know the worth of something compared with other goods.According to historians, the first money, in the sense we understand it today, consisted of gold coins produced about 2,500 years ago. Gold, being a very precious metal, was a suitable material. The introduction of gold coins was acceptable to everyone and they were still being used at the beginning of this century, although they have now been replaced by paper money and coins made of ordinary metals.1. In the old days, people exchanged..A. what they needed for what they had B. food for toolsC. what they had for what they needed D. goods for money2. barter is a system of exchange in which A. food is exchanged for tools B. no money is usedC. money is used to buy things D. goods are difficult to carry3. Direct exchange of goods is . because some gods may be too big to carry.A. advantageous B. precious C. impossible D. disadvantages4. According to historians, the first money was A. made of paper B. made of gold C. made of coins D. made of 2000 years ago5. Modern money is made of .A. gold B. paper or goldC. ordinary metals D. paper or ordinary metals ASAP !Determine the value of x.Question 1 options:A: x = 2B: x = 2.5C: x = 1D: x = 2.9