Please help with questions 1-4.


Answer 1

Observe the quantities, ie. see what happens if you increase one or decrease the other.

To simplify imagination, expose one quantity. I will expose y.


[tex]-\frac{y}{4}=2x\implies y=-8x[/tex]

So what is their variation or proportion? If I increase x then y is getting more and more negative. So is this direct or inverse or nothing? It is direct.


[tex]14x=\frac{14}{y}\implies y=x, y\neq0[/tex] again if I increase x then y will match, will also increase. This is again direct.


[tex]y=\frac{13}{x}, x\neq0[/tex] this time if I increase x, y will get smaller. When x is exactly 13, y will be 1 and when x is 10000, y will be 0.0013. This is inverse. One quantity gets really small when other quantity gets really big.


[tex]y=x-2[/tex] if I increase x then y will also increase even though by slightly less (-2) it will still increase. However since there is no multiplication this is not a direct variation nor is it inverse. It is nothing/no-variation.

Hope this helps :)

Related Questions

#21-24 need help with




Step-by-step explanation:

1×2^6 + 1×2^5 + 1×2^4 + 0×2^3 + 1×2^2 + 0×2^1 + 1×2^0




Which formula can be used to describe the sequence?
Of(x) = 1.2(2.5) - 1
Of(x) = 2.5(1.2) - 1
O f(x) = 1.2(2.5)*
Of(x) = 2.5(1.2)*



C could be used to show the formula

Sequence of numbers is collection of ordered numbers. The given sequence is described by formula:

What is  a geometric sequence and how to find its nth terms?

There are three parameters which differentiate between which geometric sequence we're talking about.

The first parameter is the initial value of the sequence.

The second parameter is the quantity by which we multiply previous term to get the next term.

The third parameter is the length of the sequence. It can be finite or infinite.

Suppose the initial term of a geometric sequence is     and the term by which we multiply the previous term to get the next term is  

Then the sequence would look like

(till the terms to which it is defined)

Thus, the nth term of such sequence would be

Tn = ad^n-2

For the given sequence, it can be seen that each term is  divided by 3 to get the next term. We can take it as we're doing multiplication by 1/3

Thus, the given sequence is geometric sequence and its characteristics are:

Thus, ith term is given as:

Ti = 27/3^i-2

We write sequence as:  {an}b_c

where n starts with value b and runs integer values and end up on n = c

For this case, we've n = 1 to 5, thus,

The given sequence is written as:

{27/3^n-1 }5_1


The given sequence is described by formula: {27/3^n-1 }5_1

Learn more about geometric sequence here:


complete question:

Which formula can be used to describe the sequence below?


find the missing length indicated​


9514 1404 393


  x = 1500

Step-by-step explanation:

The right triangles are all similar, so the ratio of hypotenuse to short leg is the same for all.

  x/900 = (1600+900)/x

  x^2 = 900(2500) . . . . . . cross multiply

  x = 30(50) . . . . . . . . . . . take the square root

  x = 1500

The following data show the number of candies in 15 different bags.
35, 48, 36, 48, 43, 37, 43, 39, 45, 46, 40, 35, 50, 38, 48



How should we proceed with this question

Write the equation of the line for the graph shown below, please



Given the proposed interrogate, as well as the graph provided, the correct answer is B. Y = 1/2 x + 4

Step-by-step explanation:

To evaluate such, a comprehension of linear Cartesian planes are obligated:

Slopes = rise/run

X- intercept: The peculiar point in which linear data is observed to intersect the x-axis.

Y- intercept: The peculiar point in which linear data is observed to intersect the y-axis.

Slope: 1/2 as for every individual space endeavored, a space of 2 to the right is required.

Y- intercept: (4,0)

Thus, the ameliorated answer to such interrogate is acknowledged as B. Y = 1/2 x + 4.

*I hope this helps.

For this question it’s asking for it in slope intercept form. So all you need to find is the slope and the y intercept.To find the y int look at where the line passes y. In this case it is y=4, then find slope by finding change in y/ change once which is 1/2, so you get y=1/2x+4

Tom and Carl start 200 miles apart, running towards each other. Tom runs 5 miles per hour faster than Carl. If they meet after 10 hours, how fast are they running?



12.5 mph and 7.5 mph

Step-by-step explanation:

Tom's speed = xCarl's speed = y

We have:

x = y + 5(x + y)*10 = 200

Substitute x and solve for y:

(y + y + 5)*10 = 2002y + 5 = 202y = 15y = 7.5

Find x:

x = 7.5 + 5 = 12.5

Tom's speed is 12.5 mph

Carl's speed is 7.5 mph

Toms speed be a and Carl's speed be b



From eq(2)


From eq(1)


Adding these recent two


Putting in eq(1)


the expectation students often have when doing the coin flip experiment is that thye will flip exactly 5 heads and 5 tails because there is 50% chance of flipping each. Is this a realistic expectation





A coin which has a head and a tail has 1/2 probability of each which is a 50% chance of getting either a head or a tail. This means that given two sides of a coin, probability looks at the number of favorable outcomes and total number of outcomes, a formula that reflects a pattern seen in past experiences. Probability isn't absolute but relative. When we say there is a 50% chance of getting a head in a coin flip, it is relative to past experiences but doesn't assure of particular future occurrences regarding the coin flip.

Help please, don’t understand this



b = -13/3

Step-by-step explanation:

Plug in the 13/3 into the t and then try to solve it. Like this:

(13/3 - 8/3)(13/3 + b) = 0 ---->  5/3(13/3+b) = 0 ----> from here you have to distribute  ---->  65/9 + b = 0 (here you have to subtract from both sides)

b = -65/9 (you could simplified) ---> b = -13/3

Identify two linear correlations and two curvilinear correlations not mentioned in either the text or the lecture. What is the relationship between the variables


Answer and explanation:

Linear correlation is relationship between two variables, negative or positive. When there is a negative linear correlation between two variables, one variable increases steadily while the other decreases in same proportion. In positive linear correlation, two variables increase or decrease in steadily on same proportion.

Curvilinear correlation is relationship between variables that occurs when two variables increase steadily at same rate but at some point one begins to decrease while the other increases.

Two examples of linear correlation are : increase in work hours and increase in pay cheque

increase in expenses and decrease in cash

Two examples of curvilinear correlation are:

increase in staff cheerfulness and customer satisfaction but to certain extent

increase in achievements and increase in anxiety but to certain point when achievements begin to decrease.

Can someone help me


Answer: Around 38.2°

Step-by-step explanation:

Set ∠A = x & a = 15Set ∠B = 27° & b = 11

Substitute them into the formula for the law of sines:

[tex]\frac{sinA}{a} =\frac{sinB}{b} \\\\\frac{sinx}{15}=\frac{sin27}{11} \\[/tex]



Solve for x:

[tex]sinx=\frac{15sin27}{11} \\\\x=sin^{-1} (\frac{15sin27}{11})\\\\=38.2488[/tex]

Which table has a constant of proportionality between y and x equal to 0.3?




Step-by-step explanation:

you can divide y/x

1.2/4= 0.3

2.4/8= 0.3

3.9/13= 0.3

Frank, Carl, and Vinny started a lawn-mowing business over the summer. This table shows how many lawns each worker mowed during the summer months.Display the data in matrix W with rows indicating workers. What is element w11?

Possible Answers:


Given a matrix [tex]A[/tex] an element inside a matrix is denoted by [tex]A_{ij}[/tex] where [tex]i[/tex] is a number of a row and [tex]j[/tex] is a number of a column in which the element is in.

Your matrix is called [tex]W[/tex] and it equals to,


So [tex]W_{11}[/tex] will denote the element in the first row and first column that is [tex]\boxed{W_{11}=28}[/tex].

Hope this helps :)

We’re is the blue dot on the number line?

The answer is

-4.9 hope this helps



thank u !! -4.9

The answer you are needing/looking for is -4.9 ;)

Figure ABCD is a parallelogram.

A. 3
B. 5
C. 17
D. 25


The answer that was given to you is correct just to verify !

please answer quickly!! and no links please!


Step-by-step explanation:

here are the answers for your problems

I really need help with this one


Step-by-step explanation:

here is the answer to your question

How many centimeters in 3.7 kilometers


Answer:   [tex]\displyastyle \Large \boldsymbol{} \\\\ 3,7 km=3700000cm[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\displyastyle \Large \boldsymbol{1km=100m \ \ ; \ \ 1m=100cm} \\\\1km=1000\cdot 100=100000cm \\\\ 3,7 km=3700000cm[/tex]

Sin x =.3, what is cos x =



If what you're asking is what is the cosine of 3 is 0.999986292247

Step-by-step explanation:


Mr. Martin is giving a math test next period. The test, which is worth 100 points, has 29 problems. Each problem is
worth either 5 points or 2 points. Write a system of equations that can be used to find how many problems of each
point value are on the test.
Let x be the number of questions worth 5 points and let y be the number of questions worth 2 points.
O x + y = 29, 5x + 2y = 100
Ox+y = 100, 5x + 2y = 29
O 5x + y = 29, 2y + x = 100
O 2x + y = 100, 5y + x = 29



x + y = 29, 5x + 2y = 100

Step-by-step explanation:

First, create an equation based on how there are 29 problems on the test.

x + y represents all of the questions on the test, so it should be set equal to 29.

The first equation is x + y = 29.

Now, create an equation based on how the test is worth 100 points.

5x will represent the points from the questions worth 5 points, and 2y will represent the points from the questions worth 2 points.

These terms will be added together, and set equal to 100.

The second equation is 5x + 2y = 100.

So, the system of equations is x + y = 29, 5x + 2y = 100

It is known that a
a) add 4 to both sides of the inequality
b) multiply each side of the inequality by 8




the answer is B

Step-by-step explanation:

Multiplying or dividing both sides by a negative number reverses the inequality. This means < changes to >, and vice versa. For example, given that 5 < 8 we can multiply both sides by 6 to obtain 30 < 48 which is still true. −30 > −48, which is a true statement.

when solving inequalities with absolute values When solving an inequality: • you can add the same quantity to each side • you can subtract the same quantity from each side • you can multiply or divide each side by the same positive quantity If you multiply or divide each side by a negative quantity, the inequality symbol must be reversed.

The gradient of a straight line passes through points (6,0) and (0,q) is -3/2. Find the value of q​



Step-by-step explanation:

gradient is essentially the slope of a straight line.  

Use (y2-y1)/(x2-x1):

(q-0)/(0-6) = -3/2

q = 9

According to the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, which polynomial function has exactly 8 roots?



Option (1)

Step-by-step explanation:

Fundamental theorem of Algebra states degree of the polynomial defines the number of roots of the polynomial.

8 roots means degree of the polynomial = 8

Option (1)

f(x) = (3x² - 4x - 5)(2x⁶- 5)

When we multiply (3x²) and (2x⁶),

(3x²)(2x⁶) = 6x⁸

Therefore, degree of the polynomial = 8

And number of roots = 8

Option (2)

f(x) = (3x⁴ + 2x)⁴

By solving the expression,

Leading term of the polynomial = (3x⁴)⁴

                                                     = 81x¹⁶

Therefore, degree of the polynomial = 16

And number of roots = 16

Option (3)

f(x) = (4x² - 7)³

Leading term of the polynomial = (4x²)³

                                                    = 64x⁶

Degree of the polynomial = 6

Number of roots = 6

Option (4)

f(x) = (6x⁸ - 4x⁵ - 1)(3x² - 4)

By simplifying the expression,

Leading term of the polynomial = (6x⁸)(3x²)

                                                     = 18x¹⁰

Degree of the polynomial = 10

Therefore, number of roots = 10

can anyone solve it the picture is given below.
can you solve all this questions​


Now you can see if I have to go back and get the phone off the screen when you

in this statement underlined the conclusion twice, underlined the hypothesis once, determine the truth value of the statement, and write it inverse converse and contrapositive. two angly of a triangle are equal if it is an isosceles triangle.​



Step-by-step explanation:

A motorist travels 90 miles at a rate of 20 miles per hour. If he returns the same distance at a rate of 40 miles per hour, what is the average speed for the entire trip, in miles per hour? (Pls explain throughly with your answer)




Step-by-step explanation:

same distance is covered at different speed , avg speed= 2ab/a+b

= 2*20*40/60

= 80/3


[tex]\frac{80}{3}\text{ mph}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

We can use the formula [tex]d=rt[/tex] (distance  = rate * time) to solve this problem.

If the motorist is travelling 90 miles to and back on a trip, he has travelled [tex]90+90=180[/tex] miles total. This represents [tex]d[/tex] in our formula.

Now we need to find the total time.

On the first trip, it's given that the motorist travels at a rate of 20 mph. Therefore, the time this trip took to travel 90 miles is:

[tex]90=20t,\\t=\frac{90}{20}=\frac{9}{2}=4.5[/tex] hours

On the second trip back, he travels the same distance (90 miles) at a rate of 40 mph. Therefore, the time the trip took is:

[tex]90=40t,\\t=\frac{90}{40}=\frac{9}{4}=2.25[/tex] hours

Therefore, the total time is [tex]4.5+2.25=6.75[/tex] hours.

Now can calculate the average speed of the entire trip:

[tex]180=6.75r,\\r=\frac{180}{6.75}=\frac{180}{\frac{27}{4}}=180\cdot \frac{4}{27}=\boxed{\frac{80}{3}\text{ mph}}[/tex]

The expected value of X, E(X) must never be less than zero. True or False.



I think true

Step-by-step explanation:

like and mark brainlist

Select the correct answer.
The Richter scale measures the magnitude, M, of an earthquake as a function of its intensity, I, and the intensity of a reference earthquake,
M= log (I/I)
.Which equation calculates the magnitude of an earthquake with an intensity 10,000 times that of the reference earthquake?



[tex]M = \log(10000)[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:


[tex]M = \log(\frac{I}{I_o})[/tex]

[tex]I = 10000I_o[/tex] ---- intensity is 10000 times reference earthquake


The resulting equation

We have:

[tex]M = \log(\frac{I}{I_o})[/tex]

Substitute the right values

[tex]M = \log(\frac{10000I_o}{I_o})[/tex]

[tex]M = \log(10000)[/tex]

The equation that calculates the magnitude of an earthquake with an intensity 10,000 times that of the reference earthquake is A. M = ㏒10000

Since the magnitude of an earthquake on the Richter sscale is M = ㏒(I/I₀) where

I = intensity of eartquake and I₀ = reference earthquake intensity.

Since we require the magnitude when the intensity is 10,000 times the reference intensity, we have that I = 10000I₀.

Magnitude of earthquake

So, substituting these into the equation for M, we have

M = ㏒(I/I₀)

M = ㏒(10000I₀./I₀)

M = ㏒10000

So, the equation that calculates the magnitude of an earthquake with an intensity 10,000 times that of the reference earthquake is A. M = ㏒10000

Learn more about magnitude of an earthquake here:

3/4 divided by 1/2 please hurry !!



3/2 or 1.5

Step-by-step explanation:

(3/4) / (1/2) = (3/4) * (2/1)

                 = 6/4

                 = 3/2

It is given that,

→ 3/4 ÷ 1/2

We can divide the given values,

→ 3/4 ÷ 1/2

→ 3/4 × 2/1

→ 6/4

→ 3/2 (or) 1.5

Thus, 3/2 (or) 1.5 is the answer.

Hari earns Rs 4300 per month. He spends 80% from his income. How much does he save in a year? ​please give answer in step by step explaination​


Ravi earns per month=Rs4300Spends=80%

Saving percentage=100-80=20%

Saving amount:-

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 4300\times 20\%[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 4300\times \dfrac{20}{100}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 43\times 20[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 860[/tex]

saving per year=Saving per month×12

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 12\times 860[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto Rs10320[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

i think this will be help you

I need help with this​


Answer: 13.5 Okay! Here's the method count the legs of the right triangle

The formula we'll use will be

A^2 + B^2 = C^2

In this case we're counting by twos

The base is 11 so we times it by itself =110

The leg is 8.5 so we going to times itself to make 72.25 add those together so 110+ 72.25 = 182.25 then we \|-----


Then you have got ur answer of 13.5

Step-by-step explanation:

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