please helpppppppppp

Identify the variables in this hypothesis.

If Sam increases his exposure to excessive noise by listening to music through his headphones, then his ability to hear will decrease. This is because when sounds are too loud, they can damage sensitive structures in the inner ear and cause hearing loss.

The independent variable is


The dependent variable is



Answer 1


The independent variable is excessive noice exposure

The dependent variable is hearing


sorry for you having to wait so long have a mildly amazing day like me lol

Answer 2


The independent variable is  : Excessive noise exporsure

The dependent variable is : hearing


I gotchu fam :D

Related Questions



Answer: Adenine hope this helps...

With increases in CO2 in the atmosphere, _______ are expected to experience the largest temperature increases, while __________ are expected to experience the least.

Answer choices
high latitude oceans; high latitude land surfaces
high latitude land surfaces; low latitude oceans
low latitude oceans; high latitude oceans
low latitude land surfaces; high latitude landsurface



The first option would be the best.


The oceans heat up first before the atmosphere does.

Using the field of view calculated in Exercise 1 for the high power lens, what is the approximate diameter of each of the cells in the Bacteria Coccus Form slide in Photo 10? Show your calculations.
400x Magnification
0.4 mm field view



i thinks





What are the features of Nuclear Receptor Screening Services?

Nuclear receptors (NRs) are a class of proteins responsible for thyroid hormones and sensing steroid and certain other molecules. There are 48 genes in the human genome that code for the NRs. As the largest family of eukaryotic transcription factors, NRs control numerous processes involved in development, cell cycle, and important metabolic pathways.



The nuclear receptor superfamily comprises a large group of transcription factors that play a key regulatory role in development and homeostasis of multicellular organisms. A special feature of nuclear receptors is their ability to bind to condensed chromatin templates, which makes them important initiators of gene transcription. Moreover, the ability of nuclear receptors to sequentially recruit a variety of transcription factors and coregulators to target promoters and to orchestrate the whole process of gene transcription confirms their biological significance and stimulates intensive research and a high level of scientific interest in this field. In this review, we summarise current knowledge regarding the structure and function of nuclear receptors as principal regulators of gene expression. Emphasis is given to the molecular mechanisms of nuclear receptor-mediated transcriptional activation and repression including recent progress made in this area.

Explain why fabrics made with elastic fibre with the trade name “lycra’ are extensively used in foundation garment industry today. You may use their special characteristics and properties.​



Fabric name


Fabric also known as

Spandex, elastane

Fabric composition

Polyether-polyurea copolymer

Fabric breathabilityn

High breathability

Moisture-wicking abilities


Heat retention abilities


Stretchability (give)

Extraordinarily high

Prone to pilling/bubbling


Country where fabric was first produced

United States

Biggest exporting/producing country today


Recommended washing temperatures

Warm or cold

Commonly used in

Underwear, socks, bras, sports bras, bike shorts, yoga pants, hiking apparel, motion capture suits

#hope this helps u some #

The Cell-mediated response is a chain reaction of antigens and Interleukins that results in:
A. The swelling of fluid and clotting elements to a damaged area.
B. The differentiation of helper T cells into cytotoxic T cells to destroy pathogens.
C. The production of macrophages to use phagocytosis on pathogens.
D. The differentiation of effector B cells into plasma cells to make antibodies.


The Cell-mediated response results in the production of macrophages to use phagocytosis on pathogens. The correct option is C.

Cell mediated immune response occurs when an invading antigen causes the release of cytokines (Interleukins), differentiation of T cells and production of macrophages.

Macrophages are produced through the differenciation of monocytes. They are further activated during an infection through the macrophage-activating cytokine (Interleukins).

Phagocytosis is the process used by immune cells such as macrophages  which involves ingesting and eliminating pathogenic microorganisms.

Cell-mediated response dosent result to differenciation of helper T cells into cytotoxic T cells rather it leads to the activation of cytotoxic T cells. Therefore B is wrong.

Cell-mediated response dosen't lead to the production of antibodies therefore option D is wrong.

Learn more here:

Different between sinking and floating ​


sinking is being below and floating is being above or on surface


⬇ See below ⬇


Sinking is where an object/human/animal goes under a type of surface, normally water. Floating, on the other hand, is where an object is at the surface of a liquid, normally water. (Hope this helps!)

An ecologist counted the number of eggs in randomly selected nests in a population of birds. To test the hypothesis that the number of eggs per nest follows a Poisson distribution at the 5% level of significance, you will need to compare a calculated value with a critical value.
Eggs Number of nests Prob Expected
nest, xi per fi
0 15 0.2845 19.9
1 29 0.3576 25.0
2 19 0.2248 15.7
23 7 0.1331 9.3
SUM: 70 1.0000 70.0
What are the calculated and critical values for this test?
a. calculated = 45.6; critical = 5.991.
b. calculated = 3.10; critical = 5.991.
c. calculated = 5.89; critical = 5.991.
d. calculated = 3.10; critical = 7.815.



d. calculated = 3.10; critical = 7.815.


To test the hypothesis Given in the question above, we use the Chisquare goodness of fit :

The test statistic is defined as :

χ² = Σ(Observed - Expected)² / Expected

Observed = number of nests

χ² = ((15 - 19.9)^2 / 19.9) + ((29 - 25)^2 / 25) + ((19 - 15.7)^2 / 15.7) + ((7 - 9.3)^2 / 9.3)

χ² = 3.1089

The critical value :

df = n - 1 = 4 - 1 = 3

The critical value ;P(χ² at 0.05, df = 3 ) = 7.815

state 6 importance of respiration​



Respiration is important because it produces energy that is essential for the normal functioning of the body.Respiration provides cells with oxygen and expels toxic carbon dioxide.It provides pure oxygen to alive and for proper functions.It is very important to live alive.It supply and remove oxygen and carbon dioxide. It has a leading role in functioning in the human body.

I want answers please ​




2.a shutter controlled by a lever

3.Nosepiece,objective lenses,stage clips

6. 100X.....(this means that the image being viewed will appear to be 100 times its actual size

What is the structure of the middle ear?​



The middle ear is a narrow air-filled cavity in the temporal bone. It is spanned by a chain of three tiny bones—the malleus (hammer), incus (anvil), and stapes (stirrup), collectively called the auditory ossicles.


Hope this helps!;)

what is adaptation give any four characters of aquatic plants​



Animals have special features that help them to live in a particular place. Therefore this features is called adaptation.

1] Aquatic plants have leaves that float on the surface of water.

2] Thier leaves are rarely have stomata.

3] Thier leaves can perform all the work without xylem.

4] They are usually lack cuticle layer in order to avoid excessive dryness.


The most common adaptation is the presence of lightweight internal packing cells, aerenchyma, but floating leaves and finely dissected leaves are also common. Aquatic plants can only grow in water or in soil that is frequently saturated with water.

Four characters of aquatic plants are as given below:

1) most aquatic plants donot need culticles or have thin culticles as cuticles prevent loss of water.

2) aquatic plants keep their stomata always open for they do not need to retain water.

3) on each side of their leaves are a number of stomata.

4) aquatic plants have less rigid structure since water pressure supports them.


I hope this answer help you.

in some plants pink flowers are dominant over yellow flowers if Mario crosses two hybrids what happens


75% pink 25% yellow

Why did the White House experience water damage ?

It is made of granite which is strong.

2. It is made of sandstone which is very porous and is easily penetrated by rainwater

3. It is made of non-porous sedimentary rock


The White House building is made of sandstone which is very porous as a result water is easily penetrated inside it which causes damage and make the walls of building weak.

The White House is made of gray-colored sandstone that is brought from quarry in Aquia, Virginia. The north and south porticos of white house building are constructed with red Seneca sandstone brought from Maryland. These sandstones are porous in which rainwater is easily penetrated in it that cause damage to the white house building so it is concluded that the building is made of porous sandstone.

When neuroscientists employ the term "nucleus", they are usually referring to:_____.
​a. a cluster of glial cells in the dorsal-medial CNS.
​b. a neural unit composed of anatomically and functionally related neurons.
​c. a group of homologous ganglia located either in the cortex or in the cerebellum.
​d. cognitively synchronized clusters of apical dendrites anywhere in the PNS.



B. A neural unit composed of anatomically and functionally related neurons.

Is the scorpion vertebrate ? ​



scorpions are invertebrates but are insects


A animal that is an vertebrate has a spine, and backbone. Some of these animals can be humans, dogs, cats, etc. But most 6 legged creatures, 8 legged creatures do not have a backbone.

To answer your question, no, scorpions are not vertebrates because they do not a spine and backbone.

what evidence shows that biological molecules on earth form naturally?



La siguiente entrada tiene como objetivo realizar una breve explicación sobre las moléculas biológicas  lipídos y carbohidratos, las cuales son muy diversas ya que están formadas por carbono, lo cual hace que puedan formar muchos tipos de enlaces. Esta capacidad permite que las moléculas orgánicas  adopten muchas formas complejas, como son las cadenas, las ramificaciones y los anillos.

Las moléculas biológicas son grandes polímeros que sintetizas para poder enlazarse con otras subunidades mucho mas pequeñas conocidos como monómeros. Las cadenas de subunidades estan unidas por enlaces covalentes los cuales se forman por deshidratación, estas cadenas pueden romperse por hidrólisis. La moléculas biologicas más importantes son los carbohidratos, lípidos, proteínas y ácidos nucleicos.

Which of the following is an example of evolution?
A. Plants colonizing inland areas after developing vascular systems that can hold and transport water.
B. An organism developing immunity to a disease after surviving it.
C. A Chameleon changing color when entering a different environment.
D. An organism dying because it is not adapted to its habitat.


Answer: B

Explanation: because it adapt to its environment to survive

The development of an organ system like a vascular system over a long period of time in plants is an example of evolution. Thus option A is correct.

What is evolution?

Evolution is a series of events that have taken place in several years to make the species more advanced for the environment due to the introduction of multiple mutations in the genetic sequence.

During evolution, plants have gained the genetic mutation that codes for the vascular system which provide support and transports water in plants. So option A is correct.

Learn more about evolution, here:


If a diglyceride is formed, how many water molecules are involved?


It depends upon the length of the fatty acids involved.







It depends upon the length of the fatty acids involved

How are growth and development dinstinct from each other



Growth is a physical change in ones body size that can be easily observed.

Development is the ability to do things complex, challenging, and difficult.

In this excerpt, a reader can conclude that Lizzie is playful based primarily on her



based on Lizzie's words

What can you learn about by studying DNA?



whether these DNA tests can tell us much about an individual newborn's destiny, they are already a useful research tool that is providing new insights into how genes and environments interact, new avenues for understanding how mental illnesses (and other illnesses) develop and new pathways to explore potential ...

hope this will help you

mark me brainliest



we can learn about DNA tests can tell us much about an individual newborn's destiny, they are already a useful research tool that is providing new insights into how genes and environments interact.

.1.2 The type of control shown in the diagram is known as



which diagram


I hope you understand

what is osmolarity of mammalian urine?​



The osmolarity of mammalian urine may vary over time. The osmolarity of mammalian urine varies little between species. Mammalian urine is always hyperosmotic to blood. The osmolarity of mammalian urine may vary over time.


I hope it will help you

What are the student’s observations and inferences before he starts his investigation?



Hypothesis. A Hypothesis is an estimation of what might happen and the student's observation before moving on to investigate.

Is cell division a continuous process?

Illustrate with an example



Cell division is the means of reproduction in unicellular organisms whereas it is the means of tissue growth and maintenance in multicellular organisms. ... In adults, cell divisions are involved in renewing old tissues rather than growth.,ya it is continuously processing




A number is a correct answer

Help meeee!!!!
Why is it necessary to check total aerobic microorganisms in microbiological quality control but not to test total anaerobic microorganisms?



While many microbes are harmless to humans, others can cause serious problems. They can spoil food, introduce toxins, cause disease and lead to a host of other problems. The importance of microbiological testing is to quickly identify these contaminants and treat them before they do irreversible damage.


Aerobic bacteria are bacteria that can grow and live when oxygen is present.

Importances of bacteria to humans​



Bacteria are very important to humans, both for good and for bad, due to their chemical effects and the role they play in spreading disease. In their beneficial effect, some bact

Some bacteria are used for the production of antibiotics which is useful to human

List some Characteristic of fruits.​



Quality factors for fruits include the following— maturity, firmness, the uniformity of size and shape, the absence of defects, skin and flesh color. Many of the same quality factors are described for vegetables, with the addition of texture-related attributes such as turgidity, toughness, and tenderness.

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