Please Help!
A right is unenumerated if it is
A- listed in the Constitution.

B- interpreted by the Supreme Court.

C- assumed to be a fundamental right.

D- written as law by a state or federal agency.


Answer 1


C- assumed to be a fundamental right.


A fundamental right can be as a right that is recognized by the Supreme Court as being fair and legal. Thus, a fundamental right is enshrined in the constitution and it's highly protected from encroachment by anyone. Some examples of fundamental rights are social rights, economic rights, cultural rights, religious rights, freedom of expression, etc.

A constitution refers to a set of written laws and principles which is typically used to determine the power and authority of the government, as well as guarantee the fundamental rights of its citizens.

Simply stated, the Constitution is a formally written document that contains the set of laws that we live by in the United States of America. Thus, it guarantees certain rights to the federal government and the states such as right to taxation, regulate interstate commerce, declare war, borrow money, provide for the military forces, etc.

An unenumerated right can be defined as any right that's inferred from the structure, history, and language of the constitution rather than being expressly stated in a written (text-based) constitution.

Hence, a right is unenumerated if it is assumed to be a fundamental right and have been recognized by the U.S. Supreme Court.

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The Fourteen Points established the terms for Germany’s surrender.  


The Fourteen Points established the terms for Germany’s surrender, instead of what France was planning to make Germany suffer, which was to take all of its army and artillery away from it due to the damage it had caused France during World War I.

Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!


The Fourteen Points were based on terms of the surrender.


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Empowering the police to monitor citizens at all times

The first police shortly created after the overthrow of the Tsarist regime, would be an instrument to be used in a totalitarian command

The secret police of Stalin NKVD was a force that drew later under Stalin the totalitarian policy most scandalous for carrying out Stalin's Purges.

The secret police was mostly used for securing that Stalin would stay in power indefinitely,

The alleged national security and their aims were far beyond and contributed for cruel work camps, famines and social engineering.

They wanted to create conditions for a new socialist system to born.

Stalin also used the NKVD for eliminating close people to him when he became suspicious.

Periodically he will use systematically "cleaning lists" for setting a quota of people to be killed.

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Answer: True

Explanation: This is True because The McCarthy era lasted throughout the 1950s and didn't begin to wane until the 1960s. ... During the Cold War, the United States rarely encouraged and supported repressed colonial peoples throughout the world to strive for political freedom.

Plz mark brainlest

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Hope it's helpful....!!

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english please?


Match the following.
1.) The state of being fully developed emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually
2.) Requires the regular intake of food and water
3.) What Jesus came to do
4.) Given to you by God through your parents
5.) Ability to acquire food, clothing and shelter for yourself
a.) Physical life
b.) Maturity
c.) Physical survival
d.) Self-sufficiency
e.) Abundant life



Physical life (a) - given to you by God through your parents

Maturity (b) - the state of being fully developed emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually

Physical survival (c) - requires the regular intake of food and water

Self-sufficiency (d) - ability to acquire food, clothing, and shelter for yourself

Abundant life (e) - what Jesus came to do

Match the following.

Physical life (a) - given to you by God through your parentsMaturity (b) - the state of being fully developed emotionally, mentally, physically, and spirituallyPhysical survival (c) - requires the regular intake of food and waterSelf-sufficiency (d) - the ability to acquire food, clothing, and shelter for yourselfAbundant life (e) - what Jesus came to do

What is a dictionary entry?

A dictionary entry refers to the collection of information provided to understand the meaning of a word in a given context. This word of meaning will differ from context to context sometimes.

Water, food, shelter, and safety are examples of basic necessities that are necessary for physiological beings to survive. Both self-sustainability and self-sufficiency are states of existence in which an individual or an organization requires little to no assistance.

Learn more about Dictionary, here:


what shape should nato relationship with russia and other non NATO nations take in the future


NATO's future depends on the US. If Trump wins again, Nato in its current form may change, to exclude the US. Europes position on Russia is very clear. They do not get cozy with countries that invade and steal territory from others. The US does not mind Russia's behaiviour. It is merely different ethics involved.

Pls give me a brainliest if this helped thx


They should be friendly and collaborative.


NATO's future connections with Russia and other non-NATO countries should be amicable and productive. A future in which NATO members and non-NATO governments coexist but not peacefully is a world fraught with conflicts. Instead of NATO's job being to keep the peace, it would be to start and end conflicts – somewhat communist thinking. As well as citizens on opposing sides being consciously or unconsciously at odds with one another due to political disagreements. Certain Mexican citizens, for example, have animosity or prejudice toward American people because they are privileged (in their opinion).

summer school is over, and I'm feeling self-destructive. Take all of my points and have a good night. 2/3



thanks very much for points

Thank you very much :’)

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Nelson Mandela


1918 to 2013

According to Dr. Schiller, what were the real causes of the famine?



First, the deportation and transportation of food. and second, The extinction of the population


"There are two factors which are simultaneously causing the diminution in the population of the Northern Caucasus now so clearly apparent.  Firstly, the measures for the deportation and transplanting of masses of the population, carried out an [sic] a large scale since last autumn iii connection with the State grain collection, and the fight against “sabotage” by the kulaks, or “rich” peasants.  Secondly, there is the extinction of the population through famine, now in full swing."

According to Dr. Schiller, there are several reasons for the famine of 1932 and some of these are:

The Soviet government underestimated the grain produce and instead insists peasants hid it The Soviet government felt secure enough in power to ignore the needs of the peasants The Soviet government did not mind the Cossacks dying

The Soviet famine of 1932 killed millions of people in the Soviet countryside especially amongst peasants, Kulaks and Cossacks.

Dr. Schiller suggested that because the Soviets did not like the Cossacks and the Kulaks, they simply let them die.

The Soviet government also did not render assistance to farmers because they believed that the grain harvest had been plentiful but that farmers were hiding it and so they sent teams of Young Communists to find them.

The government was also so secure in power that they could do what they wanted with the peasants and not worry about rebellion.

In conclusion, there were several causes for the famine of 1932 and the government takes a lion share of the blame.

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Why the city of Jerusalem might become a centre of conflict



it is because all of the disobey god

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Rivers provided an easy route for trade.
The seclusion of a valley provided protection from enemies.
o Water created fertile soil and other agricultural advantages.
Monsoons inflicted less damage away from coastal areas.



C. Water created fertile soil and other agricultural advantages.


Farms need water which is a great reason to live near river valleys.

In your own opinion, which government functions would be best handled by state governments? Check any that
O making treaties with foreign countries
D running schools
O issuing driver's licenses
O fighting wars against foreign enemies
0 borrowing money



D running schools

O issuing driver's licenses


The rest of the options are something that the national government needs to handle.




Responsibilites of State Government

*Please mark brainliest, thanks!

(MC)Which statement best explains why President Lincoln was opposed to the Wade-Davis Bill?


The bill went against his more lenient plans for reuniting the nation.

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he played as an antagonist and an antisemitism

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GIS software produces visual representations of real-world data.


In his Cherokee Nation v. Georgia opinion, Chief Justice John Marshall stated that Group of answer choices Georgia had to respect Indian title to their lands. Indians were wards of the federal government. the Cherokee had to move to the Indian Territory. President Jackson had full authority over Indian affairs. Indians were U.S. citizens, with all attendant rights and responsibilities.



Georgia v. United States, 31 U.S. 515 (1832), United States v. Georgia, 31 U.S. 515 (1832), United States v. Georgia, The Cherokee Kingdom was declared sovereign by the Supreme Court. As according Judge John Marshall's ruling, Georgia has no legal authority to execute its laws within its borders.

Identify the countries that would have supported either the Soviet Union or the United States in the likely event of a war during the Cold War period. Britain, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Italy, France, Albania


Soviet : Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Albania

USA: Britain, Italy, France

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operation overlord was the codename for the Battle of Normandy, the allied operation that launched the successful invasion of German-occupied Western Europe during World War II.


The allied invasion of western Europe


Also known as the Normandy Invasion

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Answer: Abraham Lincoln is generally considered the greatest president for his leadership during the American Civil War and his eloquence in speeches such as the Gettysburg Address. James Buchanan, Lincoln's predecessor, is generally considered the worst president for his leadership in the build-up to the Civil War.


What is suffrage?
A. Freedom for slaves
B. The right to run for office
C. The right to vote
D. A political party


The right to vote Answer C
The right to vote

Hope this helps :))


Someone please help



A King George I !!!!!!!!!!


Pretty sure its A


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Ejemplos de tecnologías duras
Planta potabilizadora de agua.
Radio FM.

13. What is the MAIN reason John Smith went back to England?
A. He missed his wife and children too much.
B. He hoped to bring his wife and children back to the colony.
C. He was injured and had to return back to England to recover.
D. He was forced out by the settlers because they did not like him.


C. He was injured and had to return back to England to recover he had sustained an injury from a gunpowder explosion
c. he was injured and...

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yesss you are right keep it up

From 1968 to 1970 there was a War of Attrition between Egypt and Israel. The war ended with a ceasefire.

Help please:) ((( no links )))
(.) (.)



Antislavery Settlers.

The Committee of Public Safety a. tried to restore the monarchy.



Hey I need you to give the other answers so that I can help

Why did civilizations first arise along the Fertile Crescent?
A. Animals in this area were very fertile.
B. The region had natural stones and metals for making tools.
O c. The fertile soil led to crop production.
O D. Ancient people believed women were more fertile there.





If the United State President does not like a law, he can _____ it.

A) veto

B) amend

C) annex

D) change



Hope this helps :)))




a constitutional right to reject a decision or proposal made by a law-making body.

"the legislature would have a veto over appointments to key posts"

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