analyse why do you think most victims do not report gender based violence?


Answer 1


There are many reasons for why most victims do not report gender based violence. One of them is that they are afraid of their offender finding out that they reported their crime and now the offender might come back to harm them, in a much worse way than before. Another reason is that the victim might be ashamed of publically calling attention to the fact that they became victimized for gender based violence. They may feel a sense of shame that comes with admitting to such acts that happened to them. Lastly, they may not come forward due to their painful experience. They might not want to relive through that horrible pain by bringing it up in public and for the police, etc.

Related Questions

What assumption does the female tourist make
about the children?
The children want gum.
The children are Hispanic.
The children are lonely.


The children are Hispanic
I’m unsure is there any other information for the question you can provide?

It is harder to get in shape than staying in shape


yes what type of questions


Hello my friend ............,:

The speaker of "Adieu, Adieu! My Native Shore" is:



My Native Shore" By George Gordon Byron (Lord Byron)


Thank You

Need some help I’ve read this ten times and still not getting it could someone please help me


Answer:  The author wants to say that we should not take our physical activity away from our study because it is very important to us and those who do physical activities are better at studies than those who do not take part(participate) in extracurricular activities.

Which best describes the writing style used in "Oread"?
*free verse
*rhyming couplets



lyrical best describes the writing style used in Oread.


D. Lyrical


Lyrical is the best answer for the question "Which best describes the writing style used in "Oread"?".

What does the conjugation of a word in a dictionary entry tell you about the word?

what the various word endings are

how it can be divided it into syllables

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what the various word endings are


The conjugation refers to the endings of a word based on the number, or person of the word it refers too.

what the various word endings are

Nights and Dragons—
From the memoir of author Abigail Prynne
I sit at my desk listening to thunder growl outside my window. Flashes of light burst through the darkness, and wind races past my window. The thrilling combination of sight and sound conjures up visions of dragons roaring proudly, breathing fire, and soaring across the midnight sky. Dragons first fascinated me when I was a little girl. They have followed me ever since. The magnificent creatures appeared in storybooks I read in the library, paintings I saw in museums, movies I watched in the theater, and the dreams I had in my sleep. By the time I was thirteen, one question consumed me. I wanted to know if dragons ever existed, so I set out on a quest for facts.
As I started my research, I discovered many skeptics. Scientists presented evidence to show why dragons could not—and did not—exist. They explained that it would be impossible for dragons to fly because they would be too big. They laughed at the idea of dragons breathing fire. They pointed out that no other animal has ever done this. They said that if dragons had lived, someone would have found remains somewhere in the world. No bones about it, there were plenty of logical explanations. It would have been easy for me to accept that the only place dragons ever existed was in the imaginations of those who believed.
I could have given up, but I thought about my grandmother. She always told me that "people who believe that science is the answer to everything are missing out on everything else." With her words in mind, I searched some more. There were many facts that hinted that dragons may not be fictional. I noticed that cultures across the world all described dragons in similar ways. This was odd because they had no way to communicate with each other. I found dragons mentioned in more than just stories. They appeared in old legal papers, in the travel logs of Marco Polo, and in the Bible. I saw that the Chinese calendar uses a different animal each year. Dragons are included along with eleven real animals. I began to believe it was a real possibility that all of these people were talking about a creature that actually existed.
With renewed hope that there was some truth to the legends, I looked for new research. I found that some experts disagreed with popular arguments against dragons. They suggested that a dragon could have four stomachs like a cow. If it created stomach gases like birds, it might create enough to lift itself off the ground. This would give it the ability to fly. If it forced out air when diving toward the earth, it might release gases which could ignite into flame. When the animal died, the stomachs would release strong acids that would dissolve its dead body over time. Biologists backed up these ideas with sketches and models based on known animals. Not everyone agreed with these ideas, but many of the things we accept about dinosaurs and other extinct species started the same way.
I doubt we will ever truly know whether dragons existed. There may always be two sides to the fiery debate. Some will say the stories come from active imaginations. Some will believe with all their hearts that the legendary creatures roamed our ancient world. I don't know for certain which side to believe, but the sound and fury of a night like this makes me smile. It rekindles my childhood dreams and keeps the exciting possibility alive.

In paragraph 5, the author discusses two sides to the dragon debate. Which statement best summarizes the ideas in the paragraph?

The author implicitly states that she believes that dragons once existed.
The author explicitly states that she believes that dragons once existed.
The author implicitly states that she believes that dragons did not exist.
The author explicitly states that she believes that dragons did not exist.



The author implicitly states that she believes that dragons once existed.


She was never super clear on her belief in the existence of dragons, so the second and fourth options are out.

At the end of the fifth paragraph, she states how the sound of dragons "rekindles" the possibility of their past existence. This would imply that she still thinks dragons once existed, eliminating the third option.

Read this excerpt from a passage.
"Her purchase got me thinking about the early days of online shopping, when people were anxious about ordering
merchandise from the Internet. What if the items never arrived? Was putting all my personal information online safe? Should I
really disclose my credit card information to some unknown entity? Is this online company legitimate? And last but not least,
who would buy something without seeing it first? But my grandmother's transaction made it clear: online shopping has
become as commonplace as brushing your teeth.
"As millions of consumers flock to online shopping, I wondered how and why people make the decision to shop online or
in person. To get a better understanding of how e-commerce has affected our buying decisions, I decided to gain some insight
from friends and family. The reviews were varied but insightful."
Which of the following subjects will be compared in the rest of the passage?
o delivery to a home and delivery to a store
O shopping online and shopping in person
O online shopping and brushing your teeth
O prices of items online and prices of items in stores





The main idea is to present the feelings the person had before amazon became what it is today. I had my own misgivings about ordering on line until I realized that I really had no choice. I live in a small community of about 800 people. There is a Walmart in the next town over (which has a population of 5000), but I'm not fond of what they did to small businesses.

So the choice was shop at a place I don't like or order through the mail. I didn't really make up my mind until about 2 years ago. Then it was fine.

The author of what you quoted had many of the same feelings. It's a gamble putting money where the system can be broken into and that is what this is all about --  fear of trying something you don't trust.

The answer is B, I think

What role does religion play in Asimovs life? How does he undergo a spiritual transformation in the story



In "God Sees the Truth, But Waits" by Leo Tolstoy, religion plays a significant role in Aksionov's life, and Aksionov undergoes a spiritual transformation in prison after being falsely arrested for the murder of another merchant. He realizes that only God can know the truth and turns to prayer for solace.

For online school need help fast please


Answer: thats a reading guide, there is no questions its just explaining what you gotta do lol


That’s just a reading guide explaining what you need to do lol

Hope this helps :))

What news does Harriet bring when she visits Elwood?



Elwood asked his grandmother when Negroes were going to start staying at the Richmond, and she said it's one thing to tell someone to do what's right and ...

Why do the Americans gives great value to indivdualism and time


fill form to go up
my day has been good
because they are smart it’s the answer i took the test

The soldiers suffer………injuries during the attack.


The soldiers suffer from injuries during the attack.

Help me please………………..





you have to learn that people say certain things because they are jealous or of anger


the answer is b.


media-literacy is being able to understand subliminal messages in the media

Help me please……………………..






plz fast help me don't scam



Paper = plate

piggy = bank

Coffee = bean

Traffic = lights

Orange = juice

Tea =set

green = pepper

Petrol = station

Olive = oli

Which is the function of a thesis statement? PLEASE HELP!


The first one
Clarifies the perspective


i think A


what is Orwell ridiculing in the passage?



i hope there is chocies for this answer but if there is it B he is making fun of leaders who tell  lies to their people


freeware software is are available for low cost t or f​





A software can be defined as a set of executable instructions (codes) or collection of data that is used typically to instruct a computer how to perform a specific task and to solve a particular problem.

Basically, softwares are categorized into two (2) main categories based on their shareability and availability, these are;

I. Shareware.

II. Open-source software.

III. Closed-source (subscription-based) software.

IV. Freeware.

A freeware software refers to a type of software application (program) that can be downloaded over the internet and used at no extra cost i.e without an end user having to pay an amount of money as fees.

This ultimately implies that, a freeware software isn't available for low cost because they're generally made by software developers to be completely free to all end users.

Which one of the following sentences is
correctly puntuated?
Select one:
a. The Women Ward is full.
b. The Women's Ward is full.
C. The Womens Ward is full.
d. The Womens' Ward is full.





the womens' ward is full


The woman's Ward is full

ILL MAKE U BRAINIEST…Which of the following is NOT a question you need to ask when identifying a photograph as a reliable source?
O A. Why was this photograph taken?
OB. Was the photograph captured on film or a digital camera?
C. Who is the photographer and how are they connected to the event?
D. Is there any way this photograph could have been staged?



A) Why was the picture taken?

Can you do this question?



1. who

2. who

3. That

4. who

5. That

6. who

7. that

8. who

9. who

10. that

11. which

12. who

13. that

1. The man wearing sunglasses THAT works in a restaurant.

2. My mother made a delicious ice cream, WHICH I ate all by myself.

3. Paul is reading a book THAT is very interesting.

4. Pizza is a popular food THAT was first made in Italy.

5. Albert Einstein was a scientist WHO did many important things.

6. This is the book WHICH wasn't available in the library.

7. This is the CD THAT I've played hundreds of times.

8. I've never net the man WHO helped me this morning.

9. I hate the music THAT is too loud.

10. Can you pass me the pen? THAT is next to the dictionary.


"who" when referring to people.

"That" when referring to objects, non humans.

Homogeneity means a given culture influences other culture. *



According to, the definition of cultural homogeneity is the number of shared facts across all possible agent pairs, divided by the total number of shared facts across all agents in a population.

Helppp please! Due tomorrow




1.   at - LV

  have - HV

  come - AV

2.   be - LV

    does not - HV

    show - AV

3.   is - LV

   that - HV

   shows - AV

4.   that - LV

    included- HV

    explains - AV

5.   on - LV

    looks - HV

    appears - AV


1.    quickly arrow to donned

2.   Skim arrow to gracefully

3.   Soon arrow to roaring

4.   gradually arrow to accelerated

5.   easily arrow to swung

plz fast for 10 points
don't scam plz plz​


















You are correct all of your answers are right

what is a paradox ? is silence a good or a bad thing ? give reason . plz answer​



a character who is both charming and rude might be referred to as a “paradox” even though in the strict logical sense, there's nothing self-contradictory about a single person combining disparate personality traits.

Due tomorrow, please help!! If you answer all, I’ll give you brainliest!



i hope this helps and pls mark as brainliest <3


1 = C

2 =

3 = C

4 = A

5 = C

6 = C

7 = A

8 = D

a) rhetorical

b) cognatic

c) inflective

d) orthographic

e) derived

f) philological

g) paradigmatic

h) phonological

i) dimunition

j) syntactic

Read the inference.

Elon Musk has been criticized sometimes for his ideas.

Now read the excerpt from "Elon Musk.”

1) At the time, Musk wanted to earn money to buy more video games. 2) Blastar was just his first business idea, though. 3) The young entrepreneur went on to start other businesses. 4) He followed his ideas, even if they seemed strange to other people.
Which sentence in the passage most supports the inference?

sentence 1
sentence 2
sentence 3
sentence 4



The sentence in the passage that most supports the inference is:

sentence 4.


According to sentence 4, Elon Musk's ideas would sometimes seem strange to others. This fact allows us to infer something: that he was sometimes criticized for his ideas. And why is that? People tend to criticize things they find odd or they simply do not understand. Therefore, sentence 4 is the option that best supports the inference.

Born in 1972, Elon Musk is a South-African engineer and businessman. He is currently most famous due to his company's success in launching rockets and working alongside NASA.


4) He followed his ideas, even if they seemed strange to other people.


4) He followed his ideas, even if they seemed strange to other people.

7 years earlier, there was a boy called Jason Grant. His parents decided to change his place of education cause of his poor persistent performance with low scores. In his new school, Helton Garver high school, he found a girl whom he thought was an angel sent from above. The girl was named Melissa Grey, the boy experienced what is referred to as "love at first sight". Time past on. One day, Melissa felt a severe stomach pain. On rushing to hospital, Melissa had "Irritable Bowel Syndrome (ISB)". Unfortunately, the situation got worse, Jason prayed and prayed, he did everything. One day, the doctor announced that Melissa has no anymore pain and infection, "This is a miracle I think", said the doctor. As Melissa was discharged, and Jason was the happiest man on Earth. On their way home, Melissa got a deep pain, and she kicked the bucket just in a blink of an eye. Jason collapsed cause it was unbelievable, Jason lost faith in his feeble prayers he had to God. If you were Jason, what would've u done???
[tex]{ \tt{ref : image01}}[/tex]


First, love the story! What's its name?

Second, if I was Jason I would still pray to god and never lose faith because God might send another "angel". Also, because life is short, you should move on with your normal life.

Hope this helps :)

Have a great day!

How important is Forensic Chemistry in Criminal Investigation?​



Forensic chemistry is important because without it we wouldn't know the outcome of a crime. The forensic chemist's job is to examine evidence given to them from a crime scene, when it happened, and even who committed the crime at times. ... Which, is also frequently used since it provides the strongest evidence in court.


pls mark brainliest

Other Questions
If I pay $20 per month onPatreon do I have to pay$5 per week? Which country has contributed the most to the foreign-born population of the United States? 1) England 2) Mexico 3) India 4) China GIVING BRAINLY TO CORRECT ANSWER!! I need the answer ASAP 1. Add Area (Split the shape up to two or more knownshapes first)12.5 ft11.6 ft 19.2 ft16.7 ft A motel has a policy of booking as many as 150 guests in a building that holds 140. Past studies indicate that only 85% of booked guests show up for their room. Find the probability that if the motel books 150 guests, not enough seats will be available. 9(5x + 1) 3yFrom the expression above, provide an example of each of the following: sum, term, product, factor, quotient, and coefficient. If any are not present, write "not present." (ill give brainiest and if there is any troll answers I will report and take this down ) Infrared and ultraviolet waves have different frequencies.Both types of wave can have harmful effects on human beings.Describe the harmful effects of infrared and ultraviolet waves, relating them to the frequencies of the waves. If n equals 5 and b equals 4 what is n + b * 5 On January 1, 20X1 when the effective interest rate was 14%, a company issued bonds with a maturity value of $1,000,000. The stated rate of interest is 12%, the bonds pay interest semi-annually and sold for $893,640. The amount of bond discount amortized on July 1, 20X1 is approximately:__________. Mutations in which of the following cells would get passed on to the next generation?I. spermII. Skin cellIII. EggIV. NeuronA. II, III, and IVB. III onlyC.I and IIID. I, III, and IV Qu compraste? El fin de semana fuiste a una venta de jardn. Escribe un prrafo para contar lo que hiciste en la venta. Usa los verbos de la lista en pretrito1. Yo __________ (creer) que siempre haba guantes de beisbol para todos en las tiendas de deportes.2.Yo __________ (pagar) con la tarjeta de crdito de mi madre y le voy a dar el dinero maana. 3. Yo no __________ (comprar) nada porque mi hermana menor usa su mano izquierda para echar la pelota y no vi ningn guante para alguien como ella. 4. Yo no __________ (regatear) porque no se permite regatear en esa tienda.5. Luego un dependiente de la tienda me habl. Me dijo que haba ms en Internet. Yo __________ (encontrar) un guante de beisbol muy bonito para mi hermana menor en el sitio web de la tienda.6. Despus de ir de compras, yo __________ (llegar) a casa contento.7. Este fin de semana, yo __________ (buscar) un guante de beisbol para mi hermana menor.8. Cuando no haba nada para ella, yo __________ (empezar) a llorar. What is the length of the dotted line in the diagram below? Round to the nearest tenth. *Will mark brainliest* ANSWER ASAP TAKING TEST13. Which statement best explains the purpose of a thesis statement?1) A thesis statement should outline the sources you are using in your research report and tell how you plan to use them.2) A thesis statement discusses the steps you used to create your research question and to research and write your report.3) A thesis statement any problems you had while working on your research report and how you addressed them.4) A thesis statement should answer your research question and state the claim the research report will try to prove. Find all complex solutions of 2x^2+x+6=0. (If there is more than one solution, separate them with commas.) What error, if any, did Noah make? The graph of the function f(x) = (x + 2)(x - 4) is shown. Which describes all of the values for which the graph is negative and increasing? all real values of x where x < -2 all real values of x where -2 < x < 4all real values of x where 1 < x < 4all real values of x where x < 0 True/False PLEASE HELP1. The hostage crisis in Tehran was considered a significate factor in his political demise.2. President Carter is credited with the creation of the energy department.3. President Carter set out to achieve a career in politics upon gradating graduating from Naval Academy. In the number 9663 which places contain digits where one dogit is 10 times as great as the other? Ms. Sutton recorded the word counts and scores of the top ten essays in a timed writing contest. The table shows her data.A 3-row table with 10 columns. The first row is labeled essay rank with entries 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. The second row is labeled essay score with entries 9.7, 9.5, 9.5, 9.0, 8.9, 8.9, 8.5, 8.4, 8.2, 7.0. The third row is labeled word count with entries 324, 352, 337, 318, 299, 304, 290, 291, 278, 250.How does the word count of an essay relate to its score in the contest?Word count tends to decrease as the score decreases.Word count tends to increase as the score decreases.Word count tends to remain constant as the score decreases.Word count has no apparent relationship to the score of the essay.Unmark this question Mountain gorillas are an endangered species __ habitats are being badly destroyed. A. why B. whose C. which D. that