PLEASE HELPPPPPP!! I need to find x!!!!


Answer 1


[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto \frac{7}{x} = \frac{15}{10} \\ \\ \sf\longmapsto 7 \times 10 = 15x \\ \\ \sf\longmapsto 15x = 70 \\ \\ \sf\longmapsto x = \frac{70}{15} \\ \\ \sf\longmapsto \boxed{ \sf x = 4.6cm}[/tex]

Answer 2


i can help you i know this answer

Related Questions

Fine FG , given that line HF is perpendicular bisector or EG



FG = 7

Step-by-step explanation:

We'll begin by calculating HF. This can be obtained by using the pythagoras theory as illustrated below:

EF = 7

EH = 3

HF =?

EF² = EH² + HF²

7² = 3² + HF²

49 = 9 + HF²

Collect like terms

49 – 9 = HF²

40 = HF²

Take the square root of both side

HF = √40

Finally, we shall determine FG. This can be obtained as follow:

GH = 3

HF = √40

FG =.?

FG² = GH² + HF²

FG² = 3² + (√40)²

FG² = 9 + 40

FG² = 49

Take the square root of both side

FG = √49

FG = 7

If p =(3x+1) and q = ( 3x-1),show that : pq+1 =x2



See explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

It should be 9x² not x²

p = (3x + 1) and q = (3x - 1)

pq + 1 = (3x + 1)(3x - 1) + 1

= (9x² - 3x + 3x - 1) + 1

= (9x² - 1) + 1

= 9x² - 1 + 1

= 9x²


pq + 1 = 9x²

The blue dot is at what value on the number line?




Step-by-step explanation:

Hope it helps you:D





Step-by-step explanation:

what is the solution to this equation?

A. x=16
B. x=5
C. x=20
D. x=4


B. x = 5

tip : if in a rush just plug in the number and see if its true

8x - 4 = 36

x = 5

i will brainliest
avoid spam

Express each of the following percentages as a fraction and simplify it.

(i) 25% (ii) 40% (iii) 16% (iv) 150%

(v) 120% (vi) 58% (vii) 32% (viii) 175%



[tex]\sf{25\%=\dfrac{25}{100}=\dfrac{1}{4} }[/tex]

[tex]\sf{ 40\%=\dfrac{40}{100}=\dfrac{2}{5} }[/tex]

[tex]\sf{16\%=\dfrac{16}{100}=\dfrac{4}{25} }[/tex]

[tex]\sf{150\%=\dfrac{150}{100}=\dfrac{3}{2} }[/tex]

[tex]\sf{120\%=\dfrac{120}{100}=\dfrac{6}{5} }[/tex]

[tex]\sf{58\%=\dfrac{58}{100}=\dfrac{29}{50} }[/tex]

[tex]\sf{32\%=\dfrac{32}{100}=\dfrac{8}{25} }[/tex]

[tex]\sf{175\%=\dfrac{175}{100}=\dfrac{7}{4} }[/tex]

[tex]\sf{ }[/tex]

[tex]\sf{ }[/tex]

[tex]\sf{ }[/tex]

[tex]\sf{ }[/tex]

[tex]\sf{ }[/tex]

[tex]\sf{ }[/tex]

[tex]\hookrightarrow\sf{ 25\% =\dfrac{25}{100}=\boxed{\bf \dfrac{1}{4} }} \\\hookrightarrow\sf{ 40\% =\dfrac{40}{100}=\boxed{\bf \dfrac{2}{5} }} \\\hookrightarrow \sf{16\%=\dfrac{16}{100}=\boxed{\bf\dfrac{4}{25}} } \\ \hookrightarrow\sf{150\%=\dfrac{150}{100}=\boxed{\bf\dfrac{3}{2} }} \\ \hookrightarrow\sf{120\%=\dfrac{120}{100}=\boxed{\bf\dfrac{6}{5} }} \\\hookrightarrow \sf{58\%=\dfrac{58}{100}=\boxed{\bf\dfrac{29}{50}} } \\\hookrightarrow \sf{32\%=\dfrac{32}{100}=\boxed{\bf\dfrac{8}{25} }} \\ \hookrightarrow\sf{175\%=\dfrac{175}{100}=\boxed{\bf\dfrac{7}{4}} } \\ [/tex]

how do i find upper and lower quartile
please help will give brainliest



Step-by-step explanation:

Arrange the data set in ascending order. then find the median.

Data in ascending order:

2,  5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 11 , 15

Median = 7

Lower quartile:

Then  again find the median of the numbers from the first to the number before the median. This is the lower quartile.

2 , 5, 6

Median = 5  ----> this  is the lower quartile.

Upper quartile:

Then  again find the median of the numbers that comes after the median to the end of the data set. This is the upper quartile.

8 , 11 , 15

Median = 11 ------> is the upper quatile

Can someone please help, I'll give out 20 points !

Question - Where is the blue point on the number line?


I believe it would be negative three (-4) since the lines are thinner however; there is a chance they are skip counting by 2. In that case the answer would be negative six (-6).



Step-by-step explanation:

The number line is created by skip counting of 2.

So, -2 ,  then -4 and then -6.

So,  blue dotted point is (-6)

Expand the following:
a) 2(x+3)
b) 512x-4)
C) 4(2x + 1)
d) 6 x - 4y







Answer the questions



c) x= 15

d) x= 5

Step-by-step explanation:

c)4x + 5+ 7x +10=180

solve it like usually

for d) 3x + 15+12x=90


15 and 3

Step-by-step explanation:

the first figure total sum of angles is 180 since it is a straight line

the second figure is a right ane(90) so sum of angles is 90

Dan is on his way home in his car. He has driven 10 miles so far, which is one-half of the way home. What is the total length of his drive?



20 miles

Step-by-step explanation:

10miles × 2 = 20miles

Half of 20 equals 10,
20 miles is the total length of his drives in miles.

The formula for the circumference of a circle is C = 21
r, where r is the radius and C is the circumference. The
equation solved for r is raza
Find the radius of a circle that has a circumference of
r= 4
r= 8
r = 12
r= 16




Step-by-step explanation:

Lines 3x-2y+7=0 and 6x+ay-18=0 is perpendicular. What is the value of a?


Pls answer​



[tex]\boxed{\sf a = 9 }[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Two lines are given to us which are perpendicular to each other and we need to find out the value of a . The given equations are ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow 3x - 2y +7=0 [/tex]

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow 6x +ay -18 = 0 [/tex]

Step 1 : Convert the equations in slope intercept form of the line .

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow y = \dfrac{3x}{2} +\dfrac{ 7 }{2}[/tex]

and ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow y = -\dfrac{6x }{a}+\dfrac{18}{a} [/tex]

Step 2: Find the slope of the lines :-

Now we know that the product of slope of two perpendicular lines is -1. Therefore , from Slope Intercept Form of the line we can say that the slope of first line is ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow Slope_1 = \dfrac{3}{2} [/tex]

And the slope of the second line is ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow Slope_2 =\dfrac{-6}{a} [/tex]

Step 3: Multiply the slopes :-

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow \dfrac{3}{2}\times \dfrac{-6}{a}= -1 [/tex]

Multiply ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow \dfrac{-9}{a}= -1[/tex]

Multiply both sides by a ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow (-1)a = -9 [/tex]

Divide both sides by -1 ,

[tex]\sf\longrightarrow \boxed{\blue{\sf a = 9 }} [/tex]

Hence the value of a is 9 .

the functions f and g are defined as follows



f(- 3) = 27 and g(6) = - 15

Step-by-step explanation:

Substitute x = - 3 into f(x) and x = 6 into g(x) , that is

f(- 3) = - 2(- 3)² - 3(- 3) = - 2(9) + 9 = 18 + 9 = 27

g(6) = - 2(6) - 3 = - 12 - 3 = - 15

-15 would be your answer

I hope I helped, stay safe. Xx

63.89 X n = .6389 Solve for n *
A. 10
B. 100
C. .01
D. .1



c. .01

Step-by-step explanation:

.6389 divided by 63.89



Rob is saving to buy a new MP3 player. For every $14 he earns babysitting, he saves $6. On
Saturday, Rob earned $56 babysitting. How much money did he save?
If he earned $56, he saved sli



Rob has saved $24.

Step-by-step explanation:

The first thing I noticed was that Rob only saved some of the money he earned. That means only x% only gets saved. To find x, I simply divided 6 by 14 and got 0.42857142857. Then to find the amount he saved from earning $56, I multiplied that number with 56 and got 24.

Which of the following represents x = 1/3y written in general form?
3x - y = 0




Step-by-step explanation:

thats the answer

brainly please

Answer: 3x-y=0

Step-by-step explanation:

X = 1/3y

X × 3 = 1/3 y × 3

3x = y

3x - y = y- y

3x- y = 0

Can you use the SSS Postulate to prove QPS≈QRS?

by SAS only
by SSS only
both apply
neither apply



by SAS only

Step-by-step explanation:

based on the diagram we only have one side and one angle explicitly identified as equivalent.

but we have an implicit confirmation of the second side QS to the enclosed angle, because the triangles are presented that this side is the same for both triangles.

so, SAS applies (but no other, as we don't have any information on the 3rd side).

Graph the following equations by plotting 3 points and then connecting the points to form a line. Show your work to find the 3 points and then list the ordered pairs you used as part of your answer.



The way I would tackle these types of problems would be to make a table, then graph the points using the results I get.

Step-by-step explanation:

So explaining the table is kinda hard since I suck at explaining, so I've attached a file showing the table I've made for number 1.

First Step:

Make the table. Make it a 3x4 table. For the top row, put y, the equation (I put 'y=2x' as shown in number 1), then x. Then for the left column, go down by one box, then put: -1, 0, 1. Really, you can put any numbers, but to make it easy for yourself, just write the numbers I've listed. These will be your y-values you'll be substituting.

Second Step:

a.) Plugging in the numbers. For the middle column, I've put down y=2x in each box, as shown in my table. Then for each of those boxes, plug in the numbers to the left of them and substitute them for the y-value. For example, look at the second row. The left box has '-1', so I replaced the 'y' in the equation and got '(-1)=2x'.

b.) After substituting the y-values, solve for x. For this case, you'll need to divide both sides by 2. If it doesn't make much sense, think about a seesaw. If you have 5 pounds on both sides, the seesaw will stay balanced. Add an additional 5 pounds to one side, then the seesaw will start tipping towards the heavier sides. So in order to keep an equation balanced, you must do any action to both sides of the equation. After diving both sides by 2, you'll get the value for x.

Final Step:

After finding the x-values for each of the y-values, it's time to graph the equations. Remember, x is left to right and y is down to up. To graph them, let's use the second row for example. y=-1 and x=-0.5. So all you need to do is to start from the origin (0,0), then go half a unit to the left, as x is negative, then go a unit down, as y is negative, then make a point. The rest should be pretty straight forward.

After making all three points, just get a ruler or any straight edge, then align it along those three points, then just make a line, and boom! You've solved number 1! For the purpose of saving my time, I'm pretty sure you can solve the rest using what I've just told you. Good luck!

Can someone help me with this math homework please!



The sequence is:

-3, 5, -7, 9, -11,...

To find:

The correct statement about the given sequence.


We have,

-3, 5, -7, 9, -11,...

Here, "..." means there are more terms in the sequence. So, the sequence has more than 5 terms and option A is incorrect.

From the given sequence it is clear that the 4th term is 9. So, option B is correct.

Clearly, 5th terms is -11. So, [tex]f(5)=-11[/tex] and option C is incorrect.

The domain of a sequence is always the set of natural numbers. So, option D is correct.

In the given sequence the 4th term is 9. It means the point (4,9) lies on the graph of the sequence. So, option E is correct.

Therefore, the correct options are B, D, E.

Use elimination to solve the system 4x + 7y = –14 and 8x + 5y = 8 for x. Round to the nearest tenth.



X= 7/2

Step-by-step explanation:

Multiply first equation by -2 and second equation by 1


1(8x+5y= 8)

= -8x -14y =28


Add these equations to eliminate X:


-9y/-9 = 36/-9

y=- 4

Plug in Y to find X

4x + 7y = -14

4x+7(-4) = -14

4x-28+28= -14+28

4x= 14

X= 7/2

Answered by Gauthmath

Answer: x=3 and 1/2

Step-by-step explanation: Happy to Help (0.<)

What is the product? StartFraction 3 k Over k + 1 EndFraction times StartFraction k squared minus 1 Over 3 k cubed EndFraction StartFraction k + 1 Over k squared EndFraction StartFraction k minus 1 Over k squared EndFraction StartFraction negative 1 Over k EndFraction StartFraction 1 Over k EndFraction



StartFraction negative 1 Over k cubed EndFraction

Step-by-step explanation:

3k / (k + 1) × (k²- 1) / 3k³

= 3k(k² - 1) / (k + 1)(3k³)

= 3k³ - 3k / 3k⁴ + 3k³

= -3k / 3k⁴

= -1/k³

StartFraction k + 1 Over k squared EndFraction

(k + 1) / k²

StartFraction k minus 1 Over k squared EndFraction

(k - 1)/k²

StartFraction negative 1 Over k cubed EndFraction

= -1/k³

StartFraction 1 Over k EndFraction

= 1/k


B: k - 1 / k^2

Step-by-step explanation:

Make d the subject h=d/3+2



[tex]d = 3h - 6[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1:  Solve for d

I am assuming that you are asking for me to solve for the variable d.  Let me know if what I am doing is not what you want.

[tex]h = \frac{d}{3} + 2[/tex]

[tex]h - 2 = \frac{d}{3} + 2 - 2[/tex]

[tex](h - 2) * 3 = \frac{d}{3} * 3[/tex]

[tex]3h - 6 = d[/tex]

Answer:  [tex]d = 3h - 6[/tex]

A man earned $3000 the first year he worked. If he received a raise of $600 at the end of each year, what was his salary during the 15th year?

A) $8400
B) None of these
C) $11,400
D) $12,000




Step-by-step explanation:


We know that it expands by $600 a year and we are looking for the salary during the 15th year.  During the 15th year, it could be using the salary of the 14th year since it is during not after.  We then add that to the base salary of $3,000 so then we have $11,400.

Completing the Square
2. Solve the equation by completing the square. Show your work.
x2 – 30x = –125
Step 1: Add (b/2)^2 to both sides of the equation. (2 points)

Step 2: Factor the left side of the equation. Show your work. (2 points)
Hint: It is a perfect square trinomial.

Step 3: Take the square root of both sides of the equation from Step 2. (1 point)

Step 4: Simplify the radical and solve for x. Show your work. (1 point)



See below

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1

x^2 – 30x = –125

-30/2 = -15

(-15)^2 = 225

Step 2

x^2 -30x+225 = -125+225

(x-15)^2 = 100

Step 3

Take the square root of each side

sqrt((x-15)^2) = sqrt(100)

Step 4

x-15 = ±10

x-15 =10    x-15 = -10

x= 10+15    x = -10 +15

x = 25      x = 5

The cost price of an electric fan is Rs. 2800. If the shopkeeper marks its price 30℅ above the cost price and sells it at 10℅ discount, how much should a customer pay for it with 15℅ VAT?



The customer will pay along with VAT = Rs 3767.4

Step-by-step explanation:

Cost price of an electric fan = 2800

Pirce after 30% above the cost price = 2800 + (30% of 2800 = 3640

Selling price after 10% discount = 3640 - (10% of 3640) = 3276

Now 15% VAT = 3276 x 15%

15% VAT = 491.4

The customer will pay along with VAT = 3276 + 491.4  

The customer will pay along with VAT = Rs 3767.4

Rate of Change: Based on the equation determine the rate of change by looking at the coefficients.

Hint: Remember: y=mx+b (m=slope)

1. y=-x+ 3
2. y=3x-1
3. y= 8 + x2



1) -1

2) 3

3) 2

what is the value of i^n if the remained of n/4 is 2
A. i
B. -i
C. -1
D. 1




Step-by-step explanation:

combine like terms and simplify (−3 + 4x2 − 4x) + (−1 − 3x2− 4)



x² - 4x - 8

General Formulas and Concepts:

Algebra I


Step-by-step explanation:

Step 1: Define


(-3 + 4x² - 4x) + (-1 - 3x² - 4)

Step 2: Simplify

Combine like terms (x²):                                                                                   x² - 3 - 4x - 1 - 4Combine like terms:                                                                                         x² - 4x - 8




- 3 / 10

Step-by-step explanation:

- 9 / 10 - ( - 3 / 5 )

= - 9 / 10 + 3 / 5

= 3 / 5 - 9 / 10

= 6 / 10 - 9 / 10

= ( 6 - 9 ) / 10

= - 3 / 10

A) If {3,1,-1,-3} is the range of the function f(x) =2x+3/5, find its domain.
B) Which element in the range has pre-image 8 under the function of f:x->3x+1/5? ​




Step-by-step explanation:


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