pls help me asap !!!!


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

Answer 2

distance = √74

Step-by-step explanation:

d = √((x2 - x1)²+(y2 - y1)²)

Where the first point = (x1, y1) and the second point = (x2, y2)

First point: (2, -2)

Second point: (7, -9)

Step 1. Plug these points into the formula

d = √((7 - 2)² + (-9 - -2)²)

Step 2. Subtract

d=√(( 5 )² + ( -7 )²)

Step 3. Simplify the exponents

d=√(25) + (49)

Step 4. Add


Related Questions

If a ray bisects a right angle, then each newly formed angle measures 45 degrees.
A) Sometimes
B) Always
C) Never


B) Always!

This is because ‘bisect’ means to spilt exactly in half. If you split 90 degrees in half, you get 45 degrees.

Hope this helps!



Step-by-step explanation:

Bisects means to divide in half

90/2 = 45

So the angles are each 45 degrees

Function f is graphed. According to the graph, is f even, odd, or neither?




Step-by-step explanation:

f is neither even nor odd

Americans eat 7 billion hot dogs between Memorial Day and Labor Day. If all these hot dogs were laid end to end they
would circle the earth 21.5 times. If the circumference of the Earth is approximately 24,860 miles, and one mile is
5,280 feet, find the length (in inches) of each hot dog. (Round your answer to the nearest tenth)



The length of each hot dog is 0.5000 inches.

Step-by-step explanation:

Total number of hot dogs eaten = 7 000 000 000

Circumference of the earth = 24 860 miles

21.5 times the circumference of the Earth = 21.5 x 24 860 miles

                                                = 534490 miles


1 mile = 5280 feet

So that,

534490 miles = X

X = 5280 x 534490

   = 287707200 feet


1 feet = 12 inches


287707200 feet = Y

Y = 12 x 287707200

   = 3452486400 inches


the length of each hot dog = [tex]\frac{3452486400}{7000000000}[/tex]

                     = 0.4932

The length of each hot dog is 0.5000 inches.

Last night, the two dinner specials at Will's favourite restaurant were salmon fillet and steak. The restaurant served 15 salmon fillets and 5 steaks. What percentage of the specials served were salmon fillets?



75% of the specials served were salmon fillets

Step-by-step explanation:

We have that:

15 + 5 = 20 specials were served.

Of those, 5 were salmon fillets.

What percentage of the specials served were salmon fillets?

15*100%/20 = 75%

75% of the specials served were salmon fillets

Geometry - Triangle d) In the given figure, BE = EC and CE is the bisector of ZACB. Prove that ZBEC = ZACD. E B D С​



Let m∠BCE = x

Then m∠ACE = x as well since CE is bisecting ∠ACB.

m∠ACD + x + x = 180° ⇒ m∠ACD = 180° - 2x

Consider ΔBEC

Since BE = EC, the opposite angles are congruent:



m∠CBE = m∠BCE = x

Find the angle BEC:

m∠BEC = 180° - (x + x) = 180° - 2x

Comparing the above we see that:

m∠BEC = m∠ACDproved

Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaasse help 71 points!!!!!!!!!




Step-by-step explanation:

The perimeter is the sum of the outside

P = 8+4+5+10+( 4+10) +(8+5)

P = 54

Pls help. I really suck at math.

Determine whether the following polygons are similar.



They are not similar.

To easily check if they are similar, you only need to look at the degrees angles, since if the angles are the same, the lengths of the sides will always come out to be similar somehow.

Those triangles possess right angles as you can see the little square thingie in the corners.

Those are 90 degrees, and you can add the 30 degrees in the left shape to 90 to get 120.

There are 180 degrees in a triangle, so 180 - 120 = 60.

Therefore, the unknown angle is 60.

A 30 60 90 triangle is called a special right triangle since there are many useful ratios hidden inside.

The other triangle has a 55 degree angle which is not on the first, so they must not be similar.

Pls brainly dont delete this link, its useful.

This helps you understand the special triangles.

You don't suck at math, you suck at geometry imo, though only in this unit of geometry, probably good at others.

Step-by-step explanation:

Plzz help me with this question my class test is going on​


Step-by-step explanation:





6x - 4y - 3

Step-by-step explanation:

They are basically telling you to sum both equations. So,

(2x + 3y + 5) + (4x - 7y - 8)

= 2x + 4x + 3y - 7y + 5 - 8

= 6x - 4y - 3

Someone plz help me on this





x²= 169-81


X= 9.38


[tex]x = \sqrt{88} [/tex]

Geometry, please answer question ASAP



It's 5 which is A.

Step-by-step explanation:

7(8+a)=189 please help and give me step by step ​


Answer: a = 19

Step-by-step explanation:


7 (8 + a) = 189

Divide 7 on both sides

7 (8 + a) / 7 = 189 / 7

8 + a = 27

Subtract 8 on both sides

8 + a - 8 = 27 - 8

a = 19

Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions

Well, we can use the distributive property:
56 + 7a = 189
7a = 133
a = 19

rachel rides her bicycle due east at 9 miles per hour amos rides his bicycle due north at 12 miles per hour if they left from the same point at the same time how far apart will they be after 1 hour


The distance between Rachel and Amos after one hour is 15 miles.

What is an equation?

An equation is an expression that shows the relationship between two or more numbers and variables.

Distance travelled by Rachel after one hour = 9 mph * 1 h = 9 miles

Distance travelled by Amos after one hour = 12 mph * 1 h = 12 miles

Let x represent the distance between Rachel and Amos, hence:

x² = 9² + 12²

x = 15

The distance between Rachel and Amos after one hour is 15 miles.

Find out more on equation at:


Using the Pythagorean Theorem, they will be 15 miles apart after one hour.

What is the Pythagorean Theorem?

The Pythagorean Theorem relates the length of the legs [tex]l_1[/tex] and [tex]l_2[/tex] of a right triangle with the length of the hypotenuse h, according to the following equation:

[tex]h^2 = l_1^2 + l_2^2[/tex]

For this problem, considering their directions, their distance is the hypotenuse of a right triangle of legs 9 miles and 12 miles, hence:

[tex]d^2 = 9^2 + 12^2[/tex]

[tex]d = \sqrt{9^2 + 12^2}[/tex]

d = 15 miles

More can be learned about the Pythagorean Theorem at




Answer: a= 1

Step-by-step explanation:

a * b = b

Divide by “b” on both sides

a= b/b

“b/b” is equal to 1


Hope that helps

Lmk if you need a better explanation.

1 because anything times 1 will equal it self so b times 1 will equal 1 there the answer is one. Hope this helps!

What is the surface area of a sphere with a diameter of 14 cm?
1961 cm2
287 cm2
7841 cm2
981 cm2




Step-by-step explanation:


did you get 616? are you even looking at the 4 answers?????

a colleague needs to move a 500 pound object that's on a lever. the fulcrum is 6 inches from the object. If your colleague weighs 180 pounds how far will your colleague need to be from the fulcrum to move the object? Use the formula B = (P x A) ÷ W, and round your answer to two decimal places.



Step-by-step explanation:

The easier way to figure this is by using the concept of torque in physics. If the torque of the man is greater than that experienced by the box, the lever will tilt in the man's favor (in other words, he will move down and the box will be lifted). Torque is found by multiplying the perpendicular force by the length of the lever arm. Because we want the man's torque to be greater than the box's torque, the inequality is:

[tex]\tau_{man}>\tau_{box}[/tex] and

[tex]180r>500(.1524)[/tex] That decimal is 6 inches in terms of meters.

180r > 76.2 so

r > .42 meters or `16.67 inches. The man has to sit at a distance greater than 16.67 inches in order for the box to be lifted by the lever.

find a number which is when added to it's square the sum will be 72.​


Answer 8




please click thanks and mark brainliest if you like :)

can i get some help please




Step-by-step explanation:

We want to find the area of the circle shown.

We can calculate the area of a circle using the formula A = πr²

where r = radius

The circle shown has a given diameter of 6

We want the radius.

To convert diameter to radius simply divide the measure of the radius by 2

So radius = 6 / 2 = 3

Now to find the area we simply plug in the value of the radius into the area of a circle formula

Area of a circle: A = πr²

r = 3

( Note that the question says to use 3.14 for π )

So π = 3.14

* Substitute values *

A = (3.14)(3)²

3² = 9

(3.14)(9) = 28.26

A = 28.26

And we are done!

The diameter of a cylinder is 4 m. If the height is triple the radius, which is the closest to the
?volume of the cylinder
75.40 m3 o
251.33 m3 o
100.53 m3 o
613.19 m3 o



A. 75.40 m³

Step-by-step explanation:

Diameter of cylinder (d) = 4 m

Radius (r) = ½(d) = ½(4) = 2 m

Height (h) = 3 × r = 3 × 2 = 6 m

Volume of cylinder = πr²h

Substitute the values

Volume of cylinder = π*2²*6

Volume of cylinder = π*4*6

Volume = π*24

Volume = 75.40 m³

Find f(x)+g(x)




Step-by-step explanation:


= x²+6x-5+x²-3x-1


write an inequality and show on a number line all numbers greater (-3) but less than equal to3




You plot this on a number line by writing and open circle on -3 and drawing and arrow from that open circle all the way until 3 and them draw a closed circle on 3.

Step-by-step explanation:

Which polygon has an interior angle sum of 1080°?



its octagon. first and last one it has total 8 sides

The polygon with an interior angle sum of 1080° is an octagon

Need help ASAP plz



C) postulate

An axiom or a postulate is an accepted statement of fact.



Im pretty sure its definition

factorize: xy-3x - 5y + 15



Step-by-step explanation:




What is the image point of (5, 1) after a translation right 5 units and down 2 units?
Submit Answer




Step-by-step explanation:

A translation to the right is (x+5)

A translation down 2 is (y-2)

(5+5, 1-2)



(10, - 1 )

Step-by-step explanation:

A translation right 5 units means add 5 to the x- coordinate

A translation down 2 units means subtract 2 from the y- coordinate

(5, 1 ) → (5 + 5, 1 - 2 ) → (10, - 1 )


Salvador reads 12 books from the library each month for n months in a row. Write an expression to show how many books Salvador read in all. Then, find the number of books Salvador read if he read for 7 months.



The expression is 12n

He reads 84 books in 7 months



For 1 month, he has read 12*1 = 12 books

For 2 months, he has read 12*2 = 24 books

For 3 months, he has read 12*3 = 36 books

and so on

If we let n represent the number of months, then 12*n or 12n represents the number of books read after n months. The variable n is some placeholder for a positive whole number.

If we replaced n with say n = 7, then 12*n = 12*7 = 84 books are read in 7 months.

Salvador reads 12 books each months so for n months he reads 12n books. In 7 months, n=7, so he reads 12*7 which is 84 books

Need help ASAP please




Step-by-step explanation:

1. AB

2 BC

3. CD

4. DE  

5. AC  

6. B D




10. A E

3 angles
ratio 1:3:3
Find the angles



1st angle = 30

2nd angle = 60

3rd angle = 90

Step-by-step explanation:

let ,1st angle be x , 2nd angle be 2x and 3rd angle be 3xx+2x +3x =1806X =180x =180/6x =30

Given the function h(x) = x^2 + 10x + 32, determine the average rate of change
of the function over the interval 3 < x < 11.


Answer:  24



Plug in x = 3 to get

h(x) = x^2 + 10x + 32

h(3) = 3^2 + 10*3 + 32

h(3) = 71

Repeat for x = 11

h(x) = x^2 + 10x + 32

h(11) = 11^2 + 10*11 + 32

h(11) = 263

Now use the average rate of change formula

m = average rate of change

m = ( h(b) - h(a) )/(b - a)

m = ( h(11) - h(3) )/(11 - 3)

m = (263 - 71)/(11 - 3)

m = 192/8

m = 24

Given that v=√u*u- 2qs. Make q the subject of the equation. Find the value of q in the equation if v=8, u=12, and s=40​



Step-by-step explanation:

v=√u*u- 2qs

[tex]\sqrt{20}[/tex] x 20 - 2q40 = 8[tex]2\sqrt{5}[/tex] x 20 - 2q40 = 840[tex]\sqrt{5}[/tex] - 2q40 = 8- 2q40 = 8 - 40[tex]\sqrt{5}[/tex]-80q = 8 - 40[tex]\sqrt{5}[/tex] q = (8-40[tex]\sqrt{5}[/tex] ) / -80 = [tex]\frac{-1 + 5\sqrt{5} }{10}[/tex] = 1.018

Above given answer is correct.

The expression 2r^2+18x +40 has a greatest common factor of 2.
Once the GCF is factored out, what are the two binomial factors
left that complete the equation.
what are the 2 missing binomial factors?






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