pls help me with this. You need to graph the equation or smt


Answer 1
photo math will help stg
have a good day

Related Questions

A 12 ounce bag of rice costs $4.08. A 16-ounce bag of the same rice costs $5.76. Which bag is the better by
and by how much



16 once is the better one.

Answer: 12-ounce bag is better by $0.02 per ounce


When coming across questions that ask for a comparison between prices, we should make the final unit [price per object].

In finding [price per object], simply do [Total price / number of objects].


A 12-ounce bag of rice costs $4.08

Total price / number of objects = 4.08 / 12 = $0.34 per ounce

A 16-ounce bag of rice costs $5.76

Total price / number of objects = 5.76 / 16 = $0.36 per ounce

$0.36 - $0.34 = $0.02

$0.34 < $0.36, therefore, 12-ounce bag is better by $0.02 per ounce.

Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions

Find the value of a.
A. 58
B. 130
C. 86
D. 65



[tex]C. \ \ \ 86[/tex]°

Step-by-step explanation:

1. Approach

In order to solve this problem, one must first find a relationship between arc (a) and arc (c). This can be done using the congruent arcs cut congruent segments theorem. After doing so, one can then use the secants interior angle to find the precise measurement of arc (a).

2. Arc (a) and arc (c)

A secant is a line or line segment that intersects a circle in two places. The congruent segments cut congruent arcs theorem states that when two secants are congruent, meaning the part of the secant that is within the circle is congruent to another part of a secant that is within that same circle, the arcs surrounding the congruent secants are congruent. Applying this theorem to the given situation, one can state the following:

[tex]a = c[/tex]

3. Finding the degree measure of arc (a),

The secants interior angle theorem states that when two secants intersect inside of a circle, the measure of any of the angles formed is equal to half of the sum of the arcs surrounding the angles. One can apply this here by stating the following:









on the same graph draw line 2y-x=10 and y=3x​



Step-by-step explanation:

It is estimated that 75% of all young adults between the ages of 18-35 do not have a landline in their homes and only use a cell phone at home.
(a) On average, how many young adults do not own a landline in a random sample of 100?
(b) What is the standard deviation of probability of young adults who do not own a landline in a simple random sample of 100?
(c) What is the proportion of young adults who do not own a landline?
(d) What is the probability that no one in a simple random sample of 100 young adults owns a landline?
(e) What is the probability that everyone in a simple random sample of 100 young adults owns a landline?
(f) What is the distribution of the number of young adults in a sample of 100 who do not own a landline?
(g) What is the probability that exactly half the young adults in a simple random sample of 100 do not own a landline?



a) 75

b) 4.33

c) 0.75

d) [tex]3.2 \times 10^{-13}[/tex] probability that no one in a simple random sample of 100 young adults owns a landline

e) [tex]6.2 \times 10^{-61}[/tex] probability that everyone in a simple random sample of 100 young adults owns a landline.

f) Binomial, with [tex]n = 100, p = 0.75[/tex]

g) [tex]4.5 \times 10^{-8}[/tex] probability that exactly half the young adults in a simple random sample of 100 do not own a landline.

Step-by-step explanation:

For each young adult, there are only two possible outcomes. Either they do not own a landline, or they do. The probability of an young adult not having a landline is independent of any other adult, which means that the binomial probability distribution is used to solve this question.

Binomial probability distribution

The binomial probability is the probability of exactly x successes on n repeated trials, and X can only have two outcomes.

[tex]P(X = x) = C_{n,x}.p^{x}.(1-p)^{n-x}[/tex]

In which [tex]C_{n,x}[/tex] is the number of different combinations of x objects from a set of n elements, given by the following formula.

[tex]C_{n,x} = \frac{n!}{x!(n-x)!}[/tex]

And p is the probability of X happening.

The expected value of the binomial distribution is:

[tex]E(X) = np[/tex]

The standard deviation of the binomial distribution is:

[tex]\sqrt{V(X)} = \sqrt{np(1-p)}[/tex]

75% of all young adults between the ages of 18-35 do not have a landline in their homes and only use a cell phone at home.

This means that [tex]p = 0.75[/tex]

(a) On average, how many young adults do not own a landline in a random sample of 100?

Sample of 100, so [tex]n = 100[/tex]

[tex]E(X) = np = 100(0.75) = 75[/tex]

(b) What is the standard deviation of probability of young adults who do not own a landline in a simple random sample of 100?

[tex]\sqrt{V(X)} = \sqrt{np(1-p)} = \sqrt{100(0.75)(0.25)} = 4.33[/tex]

(c) What is the proportion of young adults who do not own a landline?

The estimation, of 75% = 0.75.

(d) What is the probability that no one in a simple random sample of 100 young adults owns a landline?

This is P(X = 100), that is, all do not own. So

[tex]P(X = x) = C_{n,x}.p^{x}.(1-p)^{n-x}[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 100) = C_{100,100}.(0.75)^{100}.(0.25)^{0} = 3.2 \times 10^{-13}[/tex]

[tex]3.2 \times 10^{-13}[/tex] probability that no one in a simple random sample of 100 young adults owns a landline.

(e) What is the probability that everyone in a simple random sample of 100 young adults owns a landline?

This is P(X = 0), that is, all own. So

[tex]P(X = x) = C_{n,x}.p^{x}.(1-p)^{n-x}[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 0) = C_{100,0}.(0.75)^{0}.(0.25)^{100} = 6.2 \times 10^{-61}[/tex]

[tex]6.2 \times 10^{-61}[/tex] probability that everyone in a simple random sample of 100 young adults owns a landline.

(f) What is the distribution of the number of young adults in a sample of 100 who do not own a landline?

Binomial, with [tex]n = 100, p = 0.75[/tex]

(g) What is the probability that exactly half the young adults in a simple random sample of 100 do not own a landline?

This is P(X = 50). So

[tex]P(X = x) = C_{n,x}.p^{x}.(1-p)^{n-x}[/tex]

[tex]P(X = 50) = C_{100,50}.(0.75)^{50}.(0.25)^{50} = 4.5 \times 10^{-8}[/tex]

[tex]4.5 \times 10^{-8}[/tex] probability that exactly half the young adults in a simple random sample of 100 do not own a landline.

The sum of three numbers is 124
The first number is 10 more than the third.
The second number is 4 times the third. What are the numbers?



182/3,3 8/3, 152/3

Step-by-step explanation:


a trừ c=  10




Step-by-step explanation:



=> a+b+c=c+10+4c+c=124

=> c=19

=> a= 29, b=79

[tex] \frac{3x - 2}{7} - \frac{5x - 8}{4} = \frac{1}{14} [/tex]




Step-by-step explanation:


In order to factor an integer, we need to divide it by the ascending sequence of primes 2, 3, 5.

The number of times that each prime divides the original integer becomes its exponent in the final result.

In here,  Prime number 2 to the power of 2 equals 4.

[tex]\frac{3x-2}{7}-\frac{5x-8}{2^{2} }=\frac{1}{14}[/tex]

First, We need to add fractions-


[tex]\frac{A}{B} +\frac{C}{D} =\frac{\frac{LCD}{B}+\frac{LCD}{D}C }{LCD}[/tex]

LCD = [tex]7 \cdot 2^{2}[/tex]

[tex]\frac{4(3x-2)+7(-(5x-8))}{7*2^{2} } =\frac{1}{14}[/tex]



In an assembly-line production of industrial robots, gearbox assemblies can be installed in one minute each if holes have been properly drilled in the boxes and in ten minutes if the holes must be redrilled. Twenty-four gearboxes are in stock, 6 with improperly drilled holes. Five gearboxes must be selected from the 24 that are available for installation in the next five robots. (Round your answers to four decimal places.) (a) Find the probability that all 5 gearboxes will fit properly. (b) Find the mean, variance, and standard deviation of the time it takes to install these 5 gearboxes.



The right answer is:

(a) 0.1456

(b) 18.125, 69.1202, 8.3139

Step-by-step explanation:


N = 24

n = 5

r = 7

The improperly drilled gearboxes "X".


⇒ [tex]P(X) = \frac{\binom{7}{x} \binom {17}{5-x}}{\binom{24}{5}}[/tex]


P (all gearboxes fit properly) = [tex]P(x=0)[/tex]

                                               = [tex]\frac{\binom{7}{0} \binom{17}{5}}{\binom{24}{5}}[/tex]

                                               = [tex]0.1456[/tex]


According to the question,

[tex]X = 91+5[/tex]

Mean will be:

⇒ [tex]\mu = E(x)[/tex]




       [tex]=9.\frac{5.7}{24} +5[/tex]


Variance will be:

⇒ [tex]\sigma^2=Var(X)[/tex]






Standard deviation will be:

⇒ [tex]\sigma = \sqrt{69.1202}[/tex]


A telescope contains both a parabolic mirror and a hyperbolic mirror. They share focus ​, which is 46feet above the vertex of the parabola. The​ hyperbola's second focus is 6 ft above the​ parabola's vertex. The vertex of the hyperbolic mirror is 3 ft below . Find the equation of the hyperbola if the center is at the origin of a coordinate system and the foci are on the​ y-axis. Complete the equation.


the center is at the origin of a coordinate system and the foci are on the y-axis, then the foci are symmetric about the origin.

The hyperbola focus F1 is 46 feet above the vertex of the parabola and the hyperbola focus F2 is 6 ft above the parabola's vertex. Then the distance F1F2 is 46-6=40 ft.

In terms of hyperbola, F1F2=2c, c=20.

The vertex of the hyperba is 2 ft below focus F1, then in terms of hyperbola c-a=2 and a=c-2=18 ft.

Use formula c^2=a^2+b^2c






to find b:

\begin{gathered} (20)^2=(18)^2+b^2,\\ b^2=400-324=76 \end{gathered}












The branches of hyperbola go in y-direction, so the equation of hyperbola is

\dfrac{y^2}{b^2}- \dfrac{x^2}{a^2}=1









=1 .

Substitute a and b:

\dfrac{y^2}{76}- \dfrac{x^2}{324}=1







=1 .

Team A scored 30 points less than four times the number of points that Team B scored. Team C scored 61 points more than half of the number of points that Team B scored. If Team A and Team C shared in the victory, having earned the same number of points, how many more points did each team have than Team B?



team a and team c scored 74 points which is 48 points more than team b, scoring 26 points.

Step-by-step explanation:

The weekly amount of money spent on maintenance and repairs by a company was observed, over a long period of time, to be approximately normally distributed with mean $440 and standard deviation $20. How much should be budgeted for weekly repairs and maintenance so that the probability the budgeted amount will be exceeded in a given week is only 0.1



$465.6 should be budgeted.

Step-by-step explanation:

Normal Probability Distribution

Problems of normal distributions can be solved using the z-score formula.

In a set with mean [tex]\mu[/tex] and standard deviation [tex]\sigma[/tex], the z-score of a measure X is given by:

[tex]Z = \frac{X - \mu}{\sigma}[/tex]

The Z-score measures how many standard deviations the measure is from the mean. After finding the Z-score, we look at the z-score table and find the p-value associated with this z-score. This p-value is the probability that the value of the measure is smaller than X, that is, the percentile of X. Subtracting 1 by the p-value, we get the probability that the value of the measure is greater than X.

Normally distributed with mean $440 and standard deviation $20.

This means that [tex]\mu = 440, \sigma = 20[/tex]

How much should be budgeted for weekly repairs and maintenance so that the probability the budgeted amount will be exceeded in a given week is only 0.1?

The 100 - 10 = 90th percentile should be budgeted, which is X when Z has a p-value of 0.9, so X when Z = 1.28. Then

[tex]Z = \frac{X - \mu}{\sigma}[/tex]

[tex]1.28 = \frac{X - 440}{20}[/tex]

[tex]X - 440 = 1.28*20[/tex]

[tex]X = 465.6[/tex]

$465.6 should be budgeted.

Suppose that 22 inches of wire costs 66 cents.
At the same rate, how much (in cents) will 17 inches of wire cost?



51 cents for 17 inches of wire

Step-by-step explanation:

22 = 66

17 = x

22x = 66 * 17

22x = 1122

x = 51 cents


22 inches costs 66 cents

1 inch costs 3  cents (66 / 22 = 3  cents)

17 inches costs 51  cents (17 * 3 = 51 cents)

Given f(x) = 4x - 3 and g(x) = 9x + 2, solve for (f + g)(x).



[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto (f+g)(x)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto f(x)+g(x)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 4x-3+9x+2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 4x+9x-3+2[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto 13x-1[/tex]


13x - 1

Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) + g(x) = 4x - 3 + 9x + 2

f(x) + g(x) = 4x+9x + 2 - 3

f(x) + g(x) = 13x - 1

How many square inches of sheet metal are used to make the vent transition​ shown? (The ends are​ open.)



Area of the metal sheet required = 364 square inches

Step-by-step explanation:

Area of the metal sheet required = Surface area of the lateral sides of the vent transition

Since, lateral sides of the vent is in the shape of a trapezoid,

Therefore, surface area of the vent = 4(Surface area of one lateral side)

                                                           = [tex]4[\frac{1}{2}(b_1+b_2)h][/tex]

Here, [tex]b_1[/tex] and [tex]b_2[/tex] are two parallel sides and [tex]h[/tex] is the distance between these parallel sides.

Surface area of the vent = [tex]4[\frac{1}{2}(8+5)14][/tex]

                                         = 364 square inches

Therefore, area of the metal sheet required = 364 square inches

The domain for all variables in the expressions below is the set of real numbers. Determine whether each statement is true or false.(i)∀x ∃y(x+y≥0)


The domain of a set is the possible input values the set can take.

It is true that the domain of ∀x ∃y(x+y≥0) is the set of real numbers

Given that: ∀x ∃y(x+y≥0)

Considering x+y ≥ 0, it means that the values of x + y are at least 0.

Make y the subject in x+y ≥ 0

So, we have:

[tex]\mathbf{y \le -x}[/tex]

There is no restriction as to the possible values of x.

This means that x can take any real number.

Hence, it is true that the domain of ∀x ∃y(x+y≥0) is the set of real numbers.

Read more about domain at:

At which values of x does the function Fx) have a vertical asymptote? Check
all that apply.
F(x) =
2/3x(x - 1)(x + 5)
I A. -1
B. 2
C. 1
D. -5
E. 0
F. 3


9514 1404 393


  C, D, E

Step-by-step explanation:

Vertical asymptotes are found where the denominator is zero. The denominator will be zero when any of its factors is zero. Then the vertical asymptotes are ...

  x = 0   ⇒   x = 0 . . . . . . choice E

  x -1 = 0   ⇒   x = 1 . . . . . choice C

  x +5 = 0   ⇒   x = -5 . . . choice D

La'Vonn rolled a die 100 times. His results are below. What is the relative frequency for La'Vonn rolling a 3?


What type of die 6 side or 12 side



Step-by-step explanation:

what is 92 Times 37




Step-by-step explanation:

92 x 37 = 3404

If carpet costs $24.61 per square yard and is available in whole square yards only, find the cost of carpeting the three bedroom floors in the accompanying floor plan.



Step-by-step explanation:

The area of each bedroom is the product of its length and width.

  Bdrm 1 area = (14 ft)×(14 ft) = 196 ft²

  Bdrm 2 area = (11 ft)×(12 ft) = 132 ft²

  Bdrm 3 area = (12 ft)×(11 ft) = 132 ft²

Then the total area of carpet needed is ...

  196 ft² +132 ft² +132 ft² = 460 ft²

There are 9 ft² in each square yard, so the number of square yards needed is ...

  (460 ft²)/(9 ft²/yd²) = 51.11... yd²

Since we can only obtain whole square yards, 52 square yards are needed. The cost of that will be ...

  (52 yd²)×($24.61/yd²) = $1279.72

The cost of carpeting for the three bedrooms will be $1279.72.

To compare the teaching methodologies of two of its eighth-grade math teachers, a school decides to compare student test scores from the two classes throughout the year.

Which type of statistical study is the school conducting?

a) Matched-pair design study
b) Meta-analysis
c) Retrospective observational study
d) Prospective observational study



D) Prospective observational study

Step-by-step explanation:

A study which gathers data moving forward is called a prospective study.  Since the data is gathered on students without controlling the setting moving forward, it is a prospective observational design.

guys pls tell me this answer as soon as possible​


que es un cuadrilatero

please help solve for y!


As both angles are supplementary

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto 3x+(2x+3y)=180°[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto 3x+2x+3y=180[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto 5x+3y=180[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto 3y=180-5x[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto y=\dfrac{180-5x}{3}[/tex]


[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto 3x=90[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto x=\dfrac{90}{3}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto x=30[/tex]


Putting value

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto y=\dfrac{180-5x}{3}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto y=\dfrac{180-5(30)}{3}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto y=\dfrac{180-150}{3}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto y=\dfrac{30}{3}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \Large\sf\longmapsto y=10[/tex]

a word problem on proportions using a unit rate
Lashonda made $273 for 13 hours of work.
At the same rate, how many hours would she have to work to make $231?


eleven hours -  11 hours

She would have to work 11 hours to make $231.

Step 1: 273/13 = 21
So, x equals 21

Step 2: 231/21 = 11

Put the following equation of a line into slope-intercept form, simplifying all
3x + 6y = -42



y = -1/2x -7

Step-by-step explanation:

3x + 6y = -42

Slope intercept form is

y = mx+b where m is the slope and b is the y intercept

Subtract 3x from each side

3x-3x+6y = -3x-42

6y = -3x-42

Divide each side by 6

6y/6 = -3x/6 - 42/6

y = -1/2x -7

Which improper fraction is equivalent to 17.8?







Step-by-step explanation:


= 17 4/5

= 17.8.

The correct improper fraction which is equivalent to 17.8 is,

⇒ 17.8 = 89 / 5

What is Rational number?

A number which can be written in the form of fraction p / q , where q is non zero, are called Rational numbers.

We have to given that;

The number is,

⇒ 17.8


We can simplify the number as;

⇒ 17.8

⇒ 178 /10

⇒ 89 / 5

Therefore, The correct improper fraction which is equivalent to 17.8 is,

⇒ 17.8 = 89 / 5

Learn more about the rational numbers visit:


How many unit cubes are on each layer of the cube?





Step-by-step explanation:

Remember: Each layer has 6 cubes. Step 3 Count the cubes. cubes Multiply the base and the height to check your answer. So, the volume of Jorge's rectangular prism is cubic centimeters. if wrong very sorry



Step-by-step explanation:

took the test

find the hcf of 100,24​




Step-by-step explanation:

24 = 2^3 x 3

100 = 2^2 x 5^2

HCF = 2^2 = 4

Meena's father's present age is six times Meena's age. Five years from now she will be one-third of her father's present age. What are their present ages?​



Meena's age is 5 and her fathers age is 30 years old.

Step-by-step explanation:

Let's assume Meena's age to be x years old.

Meena's dads present age is 6x.

5 years from now Meena's age will be (1/3)rd of her dads age

x+5= 1/3 * 6x



Meenas present age is 5 years and her dads age is 30 years

If triangle ABC has the following measurements, what is the measure of angle B? a=5 b=7 c=10


Answer: about 40.54°

Step by step explanation:

7^2 =  5^2 + 10^2  - 2(5)(10)cos(B)

cos(B)  = (7^2 - 5^2 - 10^2) / (-2(5)(10) )

B = cos-1 [ (7^2 - 5^2 - 10^2) / (-2(5)(10) ]  =  cos-1 (.76) = about 40.54°

When a sample has an even number of observations, the median is the

Group of answer choices

observation in the center of the data array

average of the two observations in the center of the data array

value of the most frequent observation



average of the two observations in the center of the data array

Step-by-step explanation:

When there is an odd number, we use the middle



The median is 5

When there is an even number


The middle is between the 3 and 5 so we average the middle number

(3+5)/2 = 4


the answer is => observation in the center of the data array

Step-by-step explanation:


Which is equivalent to 10’6



35/5 (if you mean 10.6)    

1000000 (if you mean 10 to the sixth power)      

0.000001 (if you mean 10/6)


There are 126 inches in 10'6

Step-by-step explanation:

take our feet and multiply the value by 12

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