Que aportes harías para mejorar ciertas actividades económicas en tu territorio.


Answer 1
Tendría más actividades para que la comunidad se uniera como una

Related Questions

What did the Maya and the Aztec civilizations have in common?

need help



The Mayan and Aztec civilizations were both polytheistic in their religious beliefs, and both built pyramid-type structures to their gods. ... Also in their religious life, both Mayan and Aztec cultures believed in and practiced human sacrifice.


have a great day;)


Both the Aztecs and the Mayans were Mesoamerican civilizations with a lot in common. Both civilizations used 365-day calendars with identical day/month symbols and marks. During religious rites, they both worshiped a pantheon of gods, some of which included human sacrifice.


In the early 1900s, the Chicago Defender was
an African American newspaper.
a novel by Langston Hughes.
an African American song.
an African American novelist.



A)  an African American newspaper.


The Chicago Defender is a Chicago-based online African American newspaper. It was founded in 1905 by Robert S. Abbott and was once labeled the "most prominent" journal of its kind. Abbott's newspaper documented and resisted Jim Crow-era atrocities, pushing African Americans in the American South to travel north in what became known as the "Great Migration."

Learn more about "The Great Migration" at:


In the early 1900s the Chicago defender was an African American newspaper.

The Chicago defender

This newspaper was a black American paper at the time. The newspaper was used to carry news, entertainment and all other national stories.

The Paper was founded in the year 1905 by Robert S. Abbott.

Read more on the Chicago defender  here:


How did Jomo Kenyatta and Kwame Mkrumah differ? A. Nkrumah was overthrown in a coup while Kenyatta held power until his death. B. Kenyatta worked with colonial authorities while Nkrumah took up arms against them. C. Kenyatta suppressed his opponents while Nkrumah encouraged multiple political parties. D. Nkrumah supported radical Muslim organizations while Kenyatta promoted Christianity.





kwame was overthrown while jomo maintained power until he died. MAKE ME BRAINLIEST ;)

Can someone please help me with a Humanities topic for my presentation? It can be about religion, music, or art




You could do it about art history


Okay. Give a fantastic presentation on:

Memes are new Cartoons

From cartoons I refer to the cartoons that are featured in newspapers and magazines etc. They usually have association with some recent issue.

Your topic is gonna be new and different from everyone.

If you want to follow the crowd, then some topics can be:

Role of Romanticism in Nationalism

3. Compare and contrast the social and political changes of the two revolutions,
especially as they relate to economics. How were the Neolithic Revolution and
Industrial Revolution alike and different


By comparing and contrasting the social and political changes of the two revolutions, Neolithic Revolution and  Industrial Revolution as they relate to economics. We have the following:

1.  During the Neolithic revolution people moved from nomadic pastoring to villages, with agricultural practice. While during Industrial revolution people moved from manual agricultural practice to industrial and mechanized practice

2.  Both Neolithic Revolution and  Industrial Revolution experienced population growth

3.  Both Neolithic Revolution and

Industrial Revolution had increase in the food availability

4,  Politically: Neolithic Revolution adopted single ruler while the

Industrial Revolution adopted governments rule them.

 5.  During Neolithic revolution, rulers believed their power is directly from the gods, or were view as godlike: while during  Industrial revolution powers were made to belong to people through house, senate etc,

Learn more here: https://brainly.com/question/16876677

How does the united nations use technology to solve the problems resulting from the language barrier during meetings Of the general assembly? please help me answer this !!



nice question wowoqowowowowowowowoowowowowow

World history multiple choice. help quick.

Use the following statement from Thomas Jefferson's First Inaugural Address to answer the question below:

"A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government…"--Public Domain

Which of the following best agrees with Jefferson's statement on the role of government?

Adam Smith's opinions on laissez-faire economics
Mary Wollstonecraft's opinions on the education of women
Voltaire's opinions on the power of enlightened despots
Rousseau's opinions on the original state of humanity






Adam Smith's opinions on laissez-faire economics


The definition of laissez-faire:  an economic philosophy that holds that markets should operate freely, without government interference

Read this excerpt from a campaign speech:
My opponent in this race for the governor's office claims
that I am corrupt. He dares to suggest that I accepted
favors from business owners in exchange for putting them
in contact with state legislators who lowered business
taxes. This is an absurd claim. Moreover, I find it ironic that
he, of all people, wants to point fingers and talk about
corruption. Isn't it interesting that he accepts so many
campaign donations from the oil industry and is single-
handedly responsible for sponsoring state laws that ease
environmental regulations? Dear friends, remember on
Election Day who the real honest politician is in this race.
It's certainly not the man on the other side of the aisle
trying to distract us from his own bad character.
Which statement best describes the speaker's point of view?
A. The speaker wants to send his opponent to jail
B. The speaker wants to win an election
C. The speaker wants to appear honest by admitting to corruption.
D. The speaker wants to tighten environmental regulations.



B. The speaker wants to win an election


Considering the campaign speech, the statement best describes the speaker's point of view is that "The speaker wants to win an election."

This is because he only used the campaign speech to dispel the rumors about him from his opponent, and then went ahead to declare the atrocities of his opponent. He then concluded by telling the audience who they should vote for eventually, which should be him, and not his opponent whom he considered to have a bad character.

Hence the right answer to the question is option B.


B. The speaker wants to win the election


Which of these would most likely be studied by an anthropologist?

the relationship between apes and chimpanzees
the formation of the first languages that were developed
the cause of the Plague during the Middle Ages



The formation of the first languages that were developed.

A historian studying Egypt organizes the major events in the order in which
they occurred. What is this situation an example of?
A. Historical change
B. Historiography
C. Historical continuity
D. Chronological thinking



i think its C Historical continuity

Plss answer it plsss




The British divided the territories held in India into three provinces. What were they referred to as and name them?
Pls answer this..



They were referred to as "Presidency towns", and they were called Madras, Bombay, and Calcutta.


Between the early 1600s and mid-1700s, the East India Company set up factory towns, or trading posts, all over coastal India. Madras was established in 1639, Bombay was established in 1668, and Calcutta was established in 1690

Who would be most likely to contest USMCA?

A U.S. labor union leader
A Mexican factory worker
A Canadian working in the oil industry
A Mexican politician



A U.S. Labor Union Leader


The most likely individual out of these choices to contest NAFTA would most likely be a U.S. labor union leader. Labor unions typically greatly oppose free trade agreements because they fear that the agreements will end jobs for unionized workers and instead jobs will be sent overseas to countries where there is increased trade and production due to the agreement.


U.S. labor union leader


For North Working americans, farmers, producers, and companies, the USMCA is a win-win situation. The agreement promotes more balanced, reciprocal trade, which supports high-paying employment in the United States and helps the North American economic growth and expand.

The Plains Peoples were most likely to be:





The Plains Peoples were most likely to be farmers because of the flat geography and the presence of water for agriculture. There are many rivers and streams are present which provides water for the cultivation of crops. The soil of these plains are more fertile due to the presence of river nearby which is very suitable for growing food crops so that's why Plains Peoples were chose the profession of farming of crops as well as animals.

Describe What You See in the Placard
Which cause/s of New Imperialism does the Placard represent?
Explain Why You Chose the Cause/s?



What I see in the Placard.

A Caucasian man washing his hands with soap which is surrounded by pictures of what was considered to be parts of civilization in those days. There is also a picture of a white man giving a black man soap.

Cause of New Imperialism ⇒ Moral obligation to help "uncivilized" people.

There was a prevailing view in the 19th century that the white man had the moral obligation to help the parts of the world that has not reached their level of civilization to reach it.

This picture shows that view because it believes that much like using soap to wash away dirt, the white man should help the "uncivilized" nations and races to wash away their perceived backwardness and become more clean and civilized like the whites.

Please help!!! 30 points !!!

Now, choose one of the three scenarios from Part A of this task. Write a speech as if you were a member of the House of Representatives
or some other government official speaking to a town hall meeting in your district. In your speech, highlight this conflict and issue for your
constituents. Also list potential solutions to the issue and discuss the consequences if no solution is found. Finally, explain your own
opinion, in your role as a US representative, on how to resolve the situation. Be sure to support your viewpoint with evidence,



Dear and appreciated, from the chamber of representatives, members of the house. With honor and praise we have tried to resolve, little by little, the conflicts generated here in the district. As a representative of this state, I present myself here at City Hall to announce a new bill, which further strengthens the second amendment: we will strengthen the militia action here in the state of Michagan, where we have seen delinquency, robberies, the violence growing and becoming an unprecedented public safety problem, a calamity for the entire state. In addition, it maintains the right to carry a firearm, as long as the case is for the defense of property, property and self-defense. Every citizen who needs, in situations of robbery, to defend himself using a weapon, will not answer in justice for this, when it is proved that the use of the weapon was in self-defense. In order not to reach that extreme, it has also been proposed in the House of Representatives, a bill that reinforces militia action on all streets and corners of Detroit. These militias will be at the disposal of the population and the citizens, fighting crime and delinquency. We can find no other way to control this situation. We approve this law, for the sake of all in the community, before we witness more deaths and innocent blood shed.


i submitted it and got 100

Which answer was NOT a weakness of the Articles of Confederation

Congress could not negotiate treaties with foreign countries.
Each state had only one vote in the Congress.
All states had to agree to any changes to the Constitution.
Congress had no power over tariffs or custom duties.
Congress could not force states to pay taxes.



The second one


That one made the less sense

Yea it is the second one

Who created utopianism?

Karl Marx
Adam Smith
Robert Owen
Friedrich Engels



Robert Owen.


"Robert Owen was a Welsh textile manufacturer, philanthropist and social reformer, and a founder of utopian socialism and the cooperative movement. He is known among other things for efforts to improve his factory's working conditions, promoting experimental socialistic communities, and proposing a more collective approach to child rearing, including government control of education"

Answer: C robert owen

Explanation: edge 2022

list out the features of megalithic burial types.​



magalithic burial types had very distinct characteristics


Along with the skeleton of a death person,grave

goods such as iron materials,camelian beads and bronze objects were also placed.Those burials which do not have human bones were known as memorial bones as they contain only grave goods.

Choose five of the ancient Chinese contributions named in this lesson.
Find an image to go along with each contribution.
Display the contributions and images on the digital poster in order of least to greatest importance.
Write a one- to two-paragraph explanation that tells why each contribution was chosen and why each contribution was assigned a particular rank.



where is the image for the question

Please give brainliest if this helped!!

Shang Dynasty (1600-1050 BC)


Early Chinese Writing (pictographs and ideographs)

Bronze casting

Zhou Dynasty (1050-256 BC)



The Analytics



The Dao


Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220)

Cast iron


The iron plow

Civil service


Magnetic compass




Fishing reel




Hot-air balloon

Tang Dynasty (581-617)/Tang Dynasty (618-907)

Code of Law

Canal system


Block printing

Mechanical clocks

Smallpox vaccine


Song Dynasty (960-1276)

Grew rice and wheat


Movable type

Spinning wheel

Finer porcelain


Landscape paintings

which of the following results of the french and indian war was a cause of the american revolutionary war?


As a result of the French and Indian War the British incurred a large debt. ... In an attempt to regain lost money as a result of the war the British levied large taxes on the colonies, which in turn greatly angered the colonists which helped to foment rebellion and ultimately the Revolutionary War.

Question 16(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)

(03.05 MC)

How did the system of Triangular Trade exhibit the features of a market economy?

The goal was to provide resources for everyone.
The goal was to develop relationships.
The goal was to make a profit.
The goal was to supply people fairly.



The goal was to make a profit.

Compose a 8-10 sentence paragraph to summarize the events leading up to the birth
of our government.


July 4th 1776 the Declaration of Independence which was mostly written by Thomas Jefferson was adopted in 1781 the Continental Congress was disbanded and replaced by the confederation of Congress which had much more Authority than their predecessors and became the most powerful political entities When the continents arrived in what we call today the United States they built it and stablished colonies from those colonies the first 13 states were established most of these states pretty much ran themselves by their own governments however they were still had to answer England and her laws the system was used extensively and very quickly after it was made available to voters.

The memory of world war 1 made Americans joining another war



The memory of World War 1 made Americans joining another war in Europe.

What aided economic growth in the United States in the 1950s?
A.The fight against Communism began.
B. Domestic buying increased.
C. The civil-rights movement started.
D. European countries began fighting.



B. Domestic buying increased.

Domestic buying increased which aided economic growth in the United States in the 1950s. So, the correct option is B.

What is an economic growth?

Economic growth is the rise or increase in the market price of the commodities and services generated by an economy within a given fiscal year, adjusted for inflation. Traditionally, statisticians have calculated growth as a percentage rate of the actual domestic product, or real GDP.

According to Investopedia, "economic growth is a rise inside the production of economic products and services, comparing from one time frame to another." Land, labour, capital, and entrepreneurship are the four components of production according to economists. This could be seen as the foundation of an economy. The combination of these criteria affects whether the outcome is successful or unsuccessful.

Therefore, the correct option is B.

Learn more about Economic growth, here:



What system of government is used in Britain?
A. Republic system
B. Federal system
C. Confederal system
D. Unitary system


D I don’t know for sure but I hope it’s d
Confederal system jsmsmsmsmsmsmsmsm

What political borders and physical features make up the boundaries of the United States?,Alaska?,Hawaii?



Alaska borders the Pacific Ocean to the south and southwest, the Bering Strait to the west, and the Arctic Ocean to the north, while Hawaii lies far to the southwest of the mainland in the Pacific Ocean.
Alaska borders the Pacific Ocean to the south and southwest, the Bering Strait to the west, and the Arctic Ocean to the north, while Hawaii lies far to the southwest of the mainland in the Pacific Ocean.
Terrain: Vast central plain, Interior Highlands and low mountains in Midwest, mounta...
Climate: Diverse: Ranges from Temperate in the North to Tropical in the far south. W...
Natural hazards: tsunamis; volcanoes; earthquake activity around Pacific Basin; hurr...
Borders: Canada: 8,864 km (5,508 mi); Mexico: 3,327 km (2,067 mi)

give an example of working capital​



Cash, inventory, accounts receivable and cash equivalents are some of the examples of the working capitals. ... These are the money a corporation has in its bank account as well as the assets it can convert to cash if needed. Some of the examples of the working capitals are inventory, cash etc


Please Mark me brainliest

Your community might have some social problems and evils. Make a list of them along with its cause and solutions. IT NOT HISTORY BUT IT INDIVIDUAL AND SOCIETY (I.S)



Some problems faced by society that affect the lives of individuals can be the lack of access to information, the lack of work and the lack of essential rights such as food and security.

When there are problems in a community related to social inequality, it is common for other problems to arise that marginalize individuals, such as increased drug use, increased crime, etc.

To change this situation in a community, the entire population must be made aware of the importance of choosing their political representatives, as it is necessary to create public policies that include investments in education, in support of entrepreneurs, in creating new jobs , etc.

The election of Lincoln caused southern states to:
a. secede from the Union
b. demand a recount of the vote.
c. organize a new political party
d. continually protest.


A. Secede from the union.


the answer is A


hope this helps :D

Other Questions
You are the financial manager of the Crossrail 1 project in London. The Board overseeing the project, acting on behalf of the UK Government, has asked you to provide a financial analysis of the project for business planning purposes. With two years to go before the commencement of train operations, you have assembled the most recent estimates of the capital investment cost and net revenues, which were forecast 1 year ago. While the user benefits and ticket revenues are assumed to remain the same each year of the 60-year useful life, it is anticipated that maintenance costs will be higher in the final 30 years of the project. They are shown in Table.Item of cash flow Today Each year (for the first Each year (for years (bn) 30 years) (bn) 31 to 60) (bn)Capital investment -9.4 User benefits (Includes Time savings, Traffic congestion relief) 0.843 0.843Ticket revenues 0.3 0.3Operational costs and maintenance -0.422 -0.609For projects such as Crossrail 1, the UK Government typically estimates a 60-year useful life and uses a discount rate of 3.5%.a) What is the net present value (NPV) of the project? a. "15.04".b. "8.83".c. "7.36".d. "16.76".b) What is the payback period of the project? a. "13.04".b. "8.22".c. "17.60".d. "7.49". c) What is the internal rate of return (IRR) of the project? a. "7.57%".b. "7.35%".c. "5.44%".d. "6.52%".d) Based on your calculations is Crossrail 1 a viable project at the discount rate?a. "Yes".b. "No". You have been asked by the Board to present an analysis that incorporates more recent cash flow information about the Crossrail 1 project. Before the project becomes operational, the capital investment has been given a worse scenario estimate that is 35% above the forecast in table 1. The Board would like to see the analysis if the net cash inflows will also be 35% below expectation over the 60-year life whether under the existing hurdle rate of 3.5% it would remain viable.a) What is the net present value (NPV) of the project? a. "-2.16".b. "4.78".c. "3.20".d. "-1.80". b) What is the internal rate of return (IRR) of the project? a. "2.72%".b. "3.10%".c. "1.79%".d/ "0.67%". c) Based on your calculations is Crossrail 1 a viable project at the discount rate? a. "Yes".b. "No". Hellocan u help me plz asaplook the photoplz help i will give brainliest Cual es la raiz cudrada de 2 How does distance from sea affect on climate of Nepal ? write with examples. Find the value of x. A. 75B. 80C. 57D. 40 Fill in the gaps with the comparative or superlative form of the adjectives / adverbs in brackets.A: Excuse me, is there a (0) faster.. (fast) way to get to Clovelly? B: If you take that road, which is (1) . (narrow) than the others, its only 15 minutes walk. Thats the (2) . (quick) way. A: Ah, thanks. Weve been walking for 35 minutes and we thought we would get there (3) . . (soon). We cant even see Clovelly yet. B: Its hidden by the trees, theyre (4) . (tall) than the house. Youll like Clovelly. Its one of the (5) . (beautiful) villages in north Devon. A: Thats what weve heard. It has some of the (6) . (pretty) houses, hasnt it? B: Yes, and the (7) . (tasty) fish youve ever eaten! A: Thank you very much for your help. Bye. can someone pls help me The tin can with water in its bottom is heated to boil water and the steam is allowed to escape for some time. The open mouth is sealed with an air-tight cap and cooled under tap water. The tin can get crushed, why? What is the quotient of the synthetic division problem below, written inpolynomial form?5)2 1 -55O A. -2x+11O B. -2x+9O C. 2x+11O D. 2x+9 Mussatto Corporation produces snowboards. The following per unit cost information is available: direct materials $17, direct labor $6, variable manufacturing overhead $3, fixed manufacturing overhead $19, variable selling and administrative expenses $1, and fixed selling and administrative expenses $13. Using a 30% markup percentage on total per unit cost, compute the target selling price. (Round answer to 2 decimal places, e.g. 10.50.) The perimeter of a rectangle is 202 the length is 26 more than 4 times the width find the dimensions Explain the difference between sexuality and sexual activity. In the diagram, disk 1 has a moment of inertia of 3.4 kg m2 and is rotating in the counterclockwise direction with an angular velocity of 6.1 rad/s about a frictionless rod passing through its center. 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The success of the procedure depends on various biomechanical properties of the human nasal periosteum and fascia. An article reported that for a sample of 10 (newly deceased) adults, the mean failure strain (%) was 24.0, and the standard deviation was 3.2.Required:a. Assuming a normal distribution for failure strain, estimate true average strain in a way that converys information about precision and reliability.b. Predict the strain for a single adult in a way that conveys information about precision and reliability. How does the prediction compare to the estimate calculated in part (a)? What is the area of the obtuse triangle below?9.11O A. 49.5 sq. unitsOB. 99 sq. unitsC. 10 sq. unitsD. 20.5 sq. units Which of these correctly describes the statute of limitations as it applies to real estate? Unset starred question A wronged party can initiate a court action at any time after closing but before reselling the property. The buyer has the time between the inspection and closing to initiate a court action against the seller. Theres a time limit for a wronged party (buyer or seller) to initiate a court action. The seller has a limited time after closing to disclose any known defects with the property.