Question 1-10: Insert a suitable word in each blank (the first letter is given to guide you)
1. Although the weather is not so good, the match will go a______.
2. Even if you are rich, you should save some money for a r______ day.
3. We're in good time; there's no n__________ to hurry
4. True gender e____________can be achieved when both men and women reach a balance between work and family
5. If they are not careful with their accounts, their business will go b_______.
6.It is t____believed that you are healthy when there is a balance between yin and yang
7. The first episode of the film is going to be a___ next Sunday
8. There are important things to do to develop a country. Most people agree that the first p___________is revolutionizing


Answer 1








Related Questions

List three examples of words that you would say demonstrate Douglass's formal word choice.


Hi. You did not submit the text to which this question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. However, I will try and help as best I can.

Generally speaking, we can state that the words that demonstrate the formal choice of words used by Douglass are the elaborate, cultured words that are only used in very formal and respectable environments.

Since you didn't enter the text, it's not possible for me to show you these words, but you can find them by reading the text and selecting fancy words that are not often used in an informal and relaxed environment.




Aeolus- A part I forgot

They stay with King Aeolus for 2 months and he gives Odysseus 2 bags of winds, the west which will blow them toward Ithaca and a bag of unfavourable windsThe men open the wrong bag and they are blown back to Aeolus who refuses to help them a second time


The remaining men and Odysseus land here which is home to Helios' blessed cattle. The men are desperate for food and Odysseus tells them not to eat the cattle but they kill and eat one (Odysseus doesn't)Zeus strikes the ship to appease Helios and only Odysseus survives

Ogygia (Calypso)-

Odysseus washes up on Ogygia, home of the nymph Calypso. She becomes infatuated with him and holds him prisoner on her island for 7 years until Hermes (sent by Zeus) tells her to let him build a raft and leave


After Poseidon once more sinks his boat, Odysseus washes up on Scheria and meets King Alcinous. He regales him with the story of his adventureWhen he is sleeping, he is put on a boat sailing for Ithaca (thanks Athena)


When he awakens, he doesn't know he is home until Athena tells him and helps to disguise him so the suitors (who have been plaguing Penelope for her hand since Odysseus left) won't recognize him.Penelope thinks the beggar is Odysseus so she arranges for an archery contest that only Odysseus can winHe wins in his disguise then shows himself and with the help of his son, Telemachus,  they kill all of the suitors.

in 300 words or less , identify one instance of irony and explain why it is ironic



Explanation: Verbal irony occurs when a speaker’s intention is the opposite of what he or she is saying. For example, a character stepping out into a hurricane and saying, “What nice weather we’re having!”

Situational irony occurs when the actual result of a situation is totally different from what you’d expect the result to be. Sitcoms often use situational irony. For example, a family spends a lot of time and money planning an elaborate surprise birthday party for their mother to show her how much they care. But it turns out, her birthday is next month, and none of them knew the correct date. She ends up fuming that no one cares enough to remember her birthday.

Dramatic irony occurs when the audience knows a key piece of information that a character in a play, movie or novel does not. This is the type of irony that makes us yell, “DON’T GO IN THERE!!” during a scary movie. Dramatic irony is huge in Shakespeare’s tragedies, most famously in Othello and Romeo and Juliet, both of which we’ll examine later.

Why Writers Use It: Irony inverts our expectations. It can create the unexpected twist at the end of a joke or a story that gets us laughing — or crying. Verbal irony tends to be funny; situational irony can be funny or tragic; and dramatic irony is often tragic.

Ironic statements (verbal irony) often convey a meaning exactly opposite from their literal meaning. In ironic situations (situational irony), actions often have an effect exactly opposite from what is intended.

One instance of irony is to refer to a football player that misses goals in every tournament as the greatest of all time.

What is Irony?

Irony actually means the figure of speech that is usually used to state the opposite of what something means. It is used in literature to create humor or to emphasize on something in a different way.

We can see that referring to a footballer that misses goals in every tournament as the greatest of all time is ironic because one who is greatest of all time should be known as a goal scorer in every tournament.

Learn more about irony on

The teacher complied ____ our request fill in the blanks



The teacher complied to our request

Please help me.
also here's this if you want to listen to it instead of reading:
One night in autumn a few men were gathered about a fire on a hill. They belonged to a small detachment of Confederate forces. Their gray uniforms were worn beyond the point of shabbiness. One of the men was heating something in a tin cup over the embers. Two were lying at full length a little distance away, while a fourth was trying to decipher a letter and had drawn close to the light. He had unfastened his collar and a good bit of his flannel shirt front.

"What's that you got around your neck, Ned?" asked one of the men.

Ned—or Edmond—mechanically fastened another button of his shirt and did not reply. He went on reading his letter.

"Is it your sweetheart's picture?"

"Taint no gal's picture," offered the man at the fire. "That's a charm. Hey, French! Ain't I right?" Edmond looked up absently from his letter.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Ain't that a charm you got round your neck?"

"It must be, Nick," returned Edmond with a smile. "I don't know how I could have gone through this year and a half without it."

The letter had made Edmond heartsick and homesick. He stretched himself on his back and looked straight up at the blinking stars. But he was not thinking of them nor of anything but a certain spring day when a girl was saying goodbye to him. He could see her as she unclasped from her neck the locket which she fastened about his own. It was an old fashioned golden locket bearing miniatures of her father and mother. It was her most precious earthly possession. Edmond could feel again the folds of the girl's soft white gown and see the droop of the angel-sleeves as she circled her fair arms about his neck. Her sweet face, tormented by the pain of parting, appeared before him as vividly as life. He turned over, burying his face in his arm and there he lay, still and motionless. . . .

Octavie wore a plain black dress, severe in its simplicity. A narrow belt held it at the waist and the sleeves were gathered into close fitting wristbands. She had discarded her hoopskirt and appeared not unlike a nun. Beneath the folds of her bodice nestled the old locket. She never displayed it now. It had returned to her sanctified in her eyes; made precious as material things sometimes are by being forever identified with a significant moment of one's existence. . . .

Octavie felt as if she had passed into a stage of existence which was like a dream, more poignant and real than life. There was the old gray house with its sloping eaves. Amid the blur of green, and dimly, she saw familiar faces and heard voices as if they came from far across the fields, and Edmond was holding her. It was as if the spirit of life and the awakening spring had given back the soul to her youth and bade her rejoice.



The locket necklace symbolizes Love. Evident from how she was feeling as he held her hand.

Social standing in the Puritan church was largely dependent on _____.

mass hysteria as a result of the accusations
whom people hung out with
church attendance and sticking to the rules of the church



whom people hanged out with


church attendance and sticking to the rules of the church








Please Mark me brainlist

wildfires relief operations?​



North Valley Community Foundation Wildfire Relief and Recovery Fund: This fund helps support nonprofits and agencies providing assistance to evacuees, animals and others impacted by the fires in Glenn and Tehama counties in Northern California. Learn more at 14, 2020

Read the excerpt from act 3, scene 2, of The Tragedy of Julius Caesar and the information in the paragraph below it.


ANTONY. Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears.
I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him.
The evil that men do lives after them;
The good is oft interrèd with their bones.
So let it be with Caesar.

Background information:

"The Evil That Men Do” is the title of a song by the English heavy metal band Iron Maiden. The lyrics of the chorus say that people’s evil deeds live on.

Iron Maiden’s reference to the line from Shakespeare’s play is an example of

cultural allusion.
literary allusion.
historical allusion.
religious allusion.



Historical Allusion


I just did it on edge.

What is a conflict in a story



In literature, a conflict is a literary device characterized by a struggle between two opposing forces. Conflict provides crucial tension in any story and is used to drive the narrative forward.

Answer: either a character struggling with something or struggling with an outside force.


What is the purpose of a body paragraph


Answer: Nice colk

Explanation:Nice colk

Answer: to provide supporting details for the main idea of the essay

Explanation: hi

Question 8 of 20 Which story idea best fits the traditional definition of tragedy O A. An executive runs his business into the ground because of his arrogance. O B. A high school student starts having a bad day that just gets worse and worse O c. A couple is about to get married, but the groom leaves the bride at the altar. O D. An old woman is careful to wrap up all her affairs in life before her death PREVIOUS​



c. A couple about is about to get married, but the groom leaves the bride at the altar

The answer is C. A couple is about to get married but the groom leaves the bride at the alter

(ANNIE insists, and HELEN gets rid of ANNIE’S hand by jabbing it with the needle. ANNIE gasps and moves to grip HELEN’S wrist; but KATE intervenes with a proffered sweet, and HELEN drops the card, crams the sweet into her mouth, and scrambles up to search her mother’s hands for more.)

How do these stage directions add meaning to the play?

The stage directions explain the characters’ facial expressions.
The stage directions illustrate the appearance of the room.
The stage directions describe how characters react to Helen.
The stage directions reveal Annie’s manner of speaking.



answer is the stage directions describe how characters react to helen





A group is a collection of about 3 to 20 people who interact and attempt to influence
each other to accomplish a common purpose.





hope it helps!!!!!!!!


It is a group of people influencing something

HURRY PLEASE 10 PTS Members of the ______________
branch make the laws
in a presidential system.



legislative branch





What is the purpose of the SAT?


Answer: The purpose of the SAT is to measure a high school student's readiness for college, and provide colleges with one common data point that can be used to compare all applicants.


The population in Florida saw a very large increase from the 1950s and beyond. The space program in the 1950s provided thousands of jobs. It also improved the economy. It was called the space race as the USA and Russia were trying to see who could put a man on the moon first. What was one of the disadvantages of this quick increase in population and jobs?


Answer: Urban Sprawl


Urban sprawl is a term used to describe the rapid increase of an urban area in an unplanned manner. This usually happens when an urban area is forced to accommodate a population that the city planners did not account for.

Urban Sprawl is disadvantageous because it can lead to a host of problems such as the loss of wildlife habitats, air and water pollution, loss of agricultural land and increased traffic.

Florida had to endure all these as a result of the rapid increase in population that it underwent.

Please define the following terms:




Answer with explanation:

Logos, Pathos, and Ethos are structures and writing techniques of a speech that help support an argument.

Logos refers to the logical/statistical appeal of something.

Example: This method has been working for 30 years, so you're in good hands. Besides, we have a 96% pass rate!

Pathos refers to the emotional appeal of something.

Example: One in every 3 dogs in an animal shelter die to preventable diseases. Donate now to make a difference.

Ethos refers to credibility and logic of something.

Example: A doctor recommending a health product would appeal more than a random actor recommending a health product because the doctor has credibility and experience relevant to the product.

Why Christian have many denominations like Pentecost , Roman catholic etc...

Any Christians​ here?



Because there's so many people who profess Christianity


no lose amigo o amiga .......

Read the excerpt from Act V, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet.

Friar Laurence: Stay not to question, for the watch is coming;
Come, go, good Juliet.—[Noise again.] I dare no longer stay.

Juliet: Go, get thee hence, for I will not away. [Exit FRIAR LAURENCE.]
What’s here? a cup, clos’d in my true love’s hand?
Poison, I see, hath been his timeless end.
O churl! drunk all, and left no friendly drop
To help me after! I will kiss thy lips;
Haply, some poison yet doth hang on them,
To make me die with a restorative. [Kisses him.]
Thy lips are warm!

First Watch: [Within.] Lead, boy: which way?

Juliet: Yea, noise? then I’ll be brief. O happy dagger! [Snatching ROMEO’S dagger.]

Which phrases from the passage are oxymorons? Select 2 options.

true love’s hand
happy dagger
good Juliet
lips are warm
timeless end



happy dagger  

timeless end


An Oxymoron is one of the figures of speech in which words of opposing meanings are placed beside each other. The words help in creating an effect in the meaning of the sentence. The words contradict in meaning and helps in presenting rhetorical effect in the sentences.  

In the given excerpt, 'happy dagger' and 'timeless end' are the examples of oxymoron. 'Happy' is a positive term and 'dagger' is a negative term. 'Timeless' denotes the unlimited span of time while 'end' denotes the end of the time.

who is Arthur and what are his or here qualifications​



His best known works are the script he wrote with American film director Stanley Kubrick for 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) and the novel of that film. Clarke was interested in science from childhood, but he lacked the means for higher education.


Hope this answer helps you :)

Have a great day

Mark brainliest

Help !!! I’ll give a brainliest !!!!

Read the following excerpt from a procedural document:
CreamLite has the same great, creamy taste as real ice
cream, but with half the fat, half the sugar, and none of the
Which term most accurately describes the organization of this excerpt?
A. Sequential
B. Problem-solution
C. Cause and effect
D. Compare and contrast


⟟ think c but sos if I’m wrong
D. Compare and Contrast

2. Read this passage from FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, about preparing for tornadoes. What do the details in this passage all have
Be alert to changing weather conditions. Look for approaching storms.
Look for the following danger signs:
Dark, often greenish sky
Large hail
A large, dark, low-lying cloud (particularly if rotating)
Loud roar, similar to a freight train.
If you see approaching storms or any of the danger signs, be prepared to take shelter immediately.

They convince the reader that tornados are dangerous

They describe the weather signs of an approaching tornado

They inform the reader what to do in case of a tornado
They persuade the reader to be ready for a tornado
Type here to search


Answer: They describe the weather signs of an approaching tornado


The details in this passage describe the weather signs of an approaching tornado.

Some of the weather signs of the approaching tornado given include approaching storms, dark, often greenish sky, large hail, large, dark, low-lying cloud, and a loud roar.

which feature is commonly found in odes


Answer: Deep praise of a specific subject.

Explanation: An Ode is a lyrical poem that that expresses emotion and deep feelings about a particular person or subject. It is usually in praise of a particular person. This type of poem is usually highly ceremonious and serious in its tone and subject matter and its tone is formal.

Look for words and phrases that show emotion. What moods do these words suggest ?



To Describe a Positive Emotion-appreciative blissful contented ecstatic elated glad happy joyful jubilant merry respectful sweet serene upbeat vivacious

To Describe a Negative Emotion-angry disenchanted distressed glum gloomy grumpy grouchy miserable mad moody nervous sad sadistic selfish sour.


according to the adjectives!

Which sentence best expresses the central idea of the passage? you can just put the color instead of the whole sentence if you want.



Green: Juno's principal goal is to understand the origin and evolution of Jupiter.

About a time when you learning something new. How did you learn it?






The interviewer wants to know if you can pick up new abilities quickly. Hiring managers want to know that you are willing to put up the work necessary to master new abilities, even if they appear to be challenging.


Please revise this sentence: "Only then did I realize how annoyed a cat must have got when it couldn't catch the mouse, and eventually how happy a cat can get when the mouse dies without it trying." (Context: A mouse dies from fright under a couch while a mom, her son, and their cat try to coax it to come out.)


yes, cats can catch a mouse.

I know a lame old man old man who is wheel chaired ridden.



it's transitive verb



What should be done?!?!?

Khi nào sửa dụng thì present simple



Thì hiện tại đơn (Simple present tense) dùng để diễn tả một sự thật hiển nhiên hay một hành động diễn ra lặp đi lặp lại theo thói quen, phong tục, khả năng.

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