Read the following excerpt from Shakespeare's "Sonnet 73" and answer the question. That time of year thou mayst in me behold When yellow leaves, or none, or few do hang Upon those boughs which shake against the cold, Bare ruined choirs, where late the sweet birds sang. What time of year is Shakespeare indirectly referring to? Spring Summer Fall Winter



Answer 1


leaves, or none, or few do hang Upon those boughs which shake against the cold, Bare ruined choirs, where late the sweet birds sang. What time of year is Shakespeare indirectly referring to

Answer 2

The answer is C) Fall

Related Questions

an elderly person has the right to be in safe and healthy_____?​





That's what makes sense with no context of multiple choice or not. Hope that helps!

its 2 am and i have turned illiterate. help me out-

Read the text about dreams. Then mark statements 1–6 true or false according to the text.

Can you remember a time when you woke up from a fantastic, scary or strange dream? Maybe you were scared and had to turn on the light or the dream was so good you wanted to stay in it longer. Probably, in either case, you forgot most of the details before breakfast. But are dreams just dreams or are they trying to tell you something?


For hundreds of years, people have thought gods or spirits communicate with us through our dreams. Even today, many people can remember a time when they saw an event, place or person in their dream and then, later, the dream came true in real life. But it’s probably just a coincidence when a dream event is followed by a real-life event that’s similar to it, especially if the subject of the dream is something that happens often in everyday life. Most people have four to six dreams every night after the age of ten. That’s as many as 2,000 dreams per year. So, by the time they reach 80 years old the average person might have had 140,000 dreams. Even if we forget 95–99 percent of our dreams, we will still remember a few thousand of them. And, of course, we probably choose to forget the thousands of times we dream about events, but they don’t happen.


Around the 18th and 19th centuries two main ideas about dreams became popular. One was the idea that the things we see in our dreams are things our conscious mind is hiding from us. However, the opposite idea said that while we’re asleep, the brain organises memories and events from the day. Dreams are just a random collection of these thoughts, but we try to make a story from them when we wake up.


But perhaps the truth about dreams lies somewhere in the middle of these two ideas. Dreams might be made from the thoughts we have during the day, but they appear in dreams with symbolic meaning. When we’re awake, we mostly think in words, like we’re having conversations with ourselves. But when we’re asleep, the part of our brain that controls language becomes less active, while the part that controls feelings becomes more active. So, maybe we experience our thoughts as feelings and symbols instead of words with clear meanings.

So, if you can understand the symbols in your dreams, you have a window into your subconscious. Common dreams like being able to fly or falling, or having no clothes on in a public place, probably mean something similar in most people. But to understand exactly what they mean to you, you have to connect them to the events and feelings of your daily life.


One way to help you do this is to keep a dream diary. As soon as you wake up, write down whatever you can remember about your dreams. Use pen and paper, not your phone or computer as the light might wake you up and you’ll forget faster. Be quick, as the memories will be gone in seconds. Some days you’ll write with your eyes not even fully open and the result will be almost impossible to read, or it might not even make sense.

Now you can connect your dreams to the events and feelings in your daily life. Think about the people and place where the dream happened as they might have a meaning too. How were you feeling in the dream? That dream about having no clothes on in public might mean you are anxious about something you have to do, or you’re not feeling confident in a certain situation or with certain people.


Some people think writing your dreams down can open your mind to lucid dreaming. In lucid dreams, you know you’re dreaming and you can change your own plot. Instead of just working out the meaning of your dreams, you’ll be creating them. That could be a lot of fun, but you might want to continue having some dreams that allow your subconscious to send you messages!

We don’t know for sure if dreams mean something or not.
a) true b) false
Dreams speak to us in words and pictures.
a) true b) false
You can’t learn much from dreams because they’re totally random.
a) true b) false
It doesn’t matter what method you use to keep your dream diary.
a) true b) false
Every detail of a dream might reveal something about how you’re feeling about your life.
a) true b) false
Lucid dreams tell us the most about our subconscious.
a) true b) false





(Some Evidence from the text that goes with the answers)


2. So, maybe we experience our thoughts as feelings and symbols instead of words with clear meanings.

3.That dream about having no clothes on in public might mean you are anxious about something you have to do, or you’re not feeling confident in a certain situation or with certain people.

4.Use pen and paper, not your phone or computer as the light might wake you up and you’ll forget faster.

5.That dream about having no clothes on in public might mean you are anxious about something you have to do, or you’re not feeling confident in a certain situation or with certain people.

6.Instead of just working out the meaning of your dreams, you’ll be creating them. That could be a lot of fun, but you might want to continue having some dreams that allow your subconscious to send you messages!

I work now. See you later


✍(◔◡◔)  Work get money and sleep

in " The Censors " how does juan feel about working as a censor




Juan wants to prevent a friend from getting in trouble. He becomes proud of his job as a censor. He had a truly patriotic task, both self-denying and uplifting.

We have to stop at a ________________ to get some more fuel. (lake / mountain / gas station / banyan tree






Gas station ,there is fuel=)

writting about organic food



Organic food has many beneficial nutrients. They have antioxidants; better than their conventionally-grown counterparts and people with allergies to foods, chemicals, People who got sick due to preservatives may find their symptoms lessen or go away when they eat only organic foods.

is legal english jargon


Is legal English jargon?

Answer :


Rewrite the sentences to help someone visualize the sequence of events.
I put my dog in the bathtub. I wet him down. I put shampoo on him. I lather his hair. I rinse his hair. I dry my dog.


I first put my dog in the bathtub and wet him. I then put shampoo on him and lathered his hair. I rinsed him and then I dried him with a towel.

What are the adverbs in the sentence
Because the weather was so cold, everyone rushed inside for some hot chocolate



I'm pretty sure one of them is rushed, but please correct me if I am wrong!


An adverb is a word or phrase that modifies or qualifies an adjective, verb, or other adverb or a word group.  It expresses a relation of place, time, circumstance, etc.  In this case, it would be expressing a relation of time.  Since you are "rushing" you are in a sense moving in time urgently.  

I don’t believe there are any adverbs in the sentence because an adverb is a combination of adjectives (a describing word) and verbs (an action or linking word) if rushed were to be the adverb it would say hurriedly or quickly or swiftly. Most adverbs end in ly but not all

Two hundred rupees seem/seems a fair price for 2 bricks of ice cream



Two hundred rupees SEEMS a fair price for 2 bricks of ice cream

Which word would be used in
describing the finish of a
kitchen knife?
A. abominable
B. appease
C. whet
D. abhorrent




sharpen the blade of (a tool or weapon).

"she took out her dagger and began to whet its blade in even, rhythmic strokes"

Which lines from Who Is Sonia Sotomayor? support the idea that it was difficult to become a judge? Select the two correct responses. A. "Years later, Sonia admitted that at first she was scared to sit in the courtroom. . She tried to handle all her cases in her office, which is called the judge's chambers."B. "She would have to be interviewed by a lot of people. She would have to answer questions in front of Congress. then Congress would have to vote."C. "It took nearly a week to fill out the application. She had to explain everything about her life—every person she knew, every case she'd worked on, every volunteer job she'd held."D. "It was an incredible honor and a dream come true. Best of all, she could stay in this job forever. Federal judges were appointed for life."


Answer: C and B

"It took nearly a week to fill out the application. She had to explain everything about her life—every person she knew, every case she'd worked on, every volunteer job        


"She would have to be interviewed by a lot of people. She would have to answer questions in front of Congress. then Congress would have to vote."

When making a business decision between several options,
what are you determining when you estimate the opportunity
- The benefits of pursuing a new opportunity
- The benefits of choosing the best option
- The benefits missed when choosing one option over



a - The benefits of pursuing a new opportunity.

Read the two conclusions to Cinderella.

Conclusion A: “This is not the true bride,” said he to the father; “have you no other daughters?”

Then Cinderella took her shoe off, and put on the golden slipper, and it fitted as if it had been made for her. And when he drew near the prince knew her, and said, “This is the right bride.”

Then he took Cinderella on his horse and rode away.

Conclusion B: The Prince was overjoyed to find her again; and they were married at once with much pomp amid great rejoicings.

As for the wicked sisters they were so jealous that they both turned green with envy. They grew uglier and uglier every day, until at last they grew so dreadfully ugly that nobody could bear to look at them any longer. But Cinderella became more and more beautiful, and lived happily with the Prince for ever afterwards.

Which conclusion to Cinderella is stronger? Why?

Conclusion A is stronger because the conflict between the characters is resolved.
Conclusion B is stronger because it describes the prince's feeling toward Cinderella.
Conclusion A is stronger because it contains an emotional moment in which Cinderella learns something.
Conclusion B is stronger because vivid details are used to show that the characters got what they deserved.



conclusion b is stronger because of th e vivid details that are used to show the the characters got what they deserved







The first question: The time would be in the morning. Because the text says that the curtians parted. Parted means moving away from another. And we know that a lot people open there curtains in the  morning.


There is a bus stop _______ the supermarket. *
A. in
B. on
C. near
D. above



in if you have questions ask



do as shown in brackets
1. water (boil)................ if we heat it. (correct)
2. he (write).................a report when the telephone rang. (correct)
3. they were sitting in the garden. they saw a bird. (use: while)


Water is boiled if we heat it..He was writing a report when the telephone rang. They were sitting in the garden while they saw a bird.

Advantages and disadvantages of watching TV



Watching TV could divert them from activities that help brain development. Watching screens can be addictive, and parents can struggle to entice children to play in other ways. Watching screens for long periods of time can lead to difficulties falling asleep, disturbed sleep patterns and other health issues.



Pro: Free entertainment. ...

Pro: Social surrogacy. ...

Pro: Educational channels. ...

Pro: Family bonding. ...

Con: Television can make you lazy. ...

Con: Violence & illicit content. ...

Con: Consumerism. ...

Con: Health Hazards.


Does the attitude of the
ranch hands towards
Curley's Wife seem fair?
Why or why not?



The men on the ranch are conscious of Curley's insecurities and they know that his wife is a flirt. Her behavior towards the other men on the ranch creates tension. She is overly-friendly and she makes efforts to tempt them.


They had to hire a(n) _____ because Jane was not qualified to produce all the documents for the audit in June
A. Auditor
C. owner’s equity
D. accountant





plz help me. I don't know anymore.



The Rocky Mountains are a great place for skiing, hiking, and mountain biking.


Why do some people realize their personal legend (their dreams)while others do not ? 1paragraph plssss


Some do not thing about their dream as they may be having fun with family or friends while others might have had a passion since they were young and want to carry that into the future. Anyone can have a dream u just have to look for it.

Using the slide headings, put Wayne’s body slides in chronological order (:


1: The early years (starting, so it'll be first)

2: A love for learning (he had to learn before he could invent, so I am putting this one second)

3: The inventions that matter (he had to learn before he could invent, so I am putting this one third)

4: Gone but not forgotten (ending, so it'll be last)

Have a nice day!

     I hope this is what you are looking for, but if not - comment! I will edit and update my answer accordingly. (ノ^∇^)

- Heather

which term best describes the way the underlined words rhyme. help pls


Answer:it’s internal

Explanation: I took the test

The _____ are not my uncles *
A. man
B. mans
C. men
D. men's
The dogs are playing ____ the garden. *
A. in
B. at
C. on
D. to


Those men (C.) are not my uncles.

The dogs are playing in (A.) the garden.

What was meant by the closing of the western frontier






If you were hiding in a cupboard and someone whispered l,’How do you do! I am the ghost. Pray who are you?’ What would your reaction be? Write a paragraph.




My first reaction would be to scream and jump out of the cupboard. After that I would try to calm down and pick myself up from that. Ask who and what they are doing there and based on that I would base my next move. If he said I'm a soul who cant move on and told to pray so it can than pray. If it said it wants a friend than I would become its friend. When it can move on I would say my good byes and hope for its happiness.

uses numbers and letters to show how the important ideas in a text fit together O A. A graph B. A survey C. A Web site D. An outline​


A sorry if this doesn’t help




i would say A. because many soldiers have ptsd


also like if its wrong honestly who cares you only got one life why do we have to spend the first literally half of it wasting it on annoyin questions that wont help me in the future.

Which civilization in asia has the greatest contribution to humanity?​



So, given this, the comments of U.S. Republican Representative Steve King of Iowa regarding the civilizations of the world are a cause of great trepidation and sorrow. Referring to non-white people, King asked: “I’d ask you to go back through history and figure out, where are these contributions that have been made by these other categories of people that you’re talking about — where did any other subgroup of people contribute more to civilization?” He added his view that the greatest contributions to civilization came from “Western civilization itself…rooted in Western Europe, Eastern Europe and the Unites States of America and every place where the footprint of Christianity settled the world. That’s all of Western civilization.”


What’s discouraging about King’s statements are that they resemble an increasingly common viewpoint in the discourse among the right and nationalists in the Western world and among the rank and file of the Republican Party in the United States. It is a discourse that does not match up with the facts about the historical development of civilizations. According to Modern Western civilization, after all, is a relatively recent phenomenon that arose through the fusion of Roman and Christian ideas in Europe during the Medieval Era. Other civilizations preceded, influenced, and coexisted with the West.

Phew. This took a while! Hope it helps!

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